Jamal Badawi – Jesus 45 – Trinity Atonement Blood Sacrifice 12 Crucifixion 4
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The radio show discusses multiple prophecies related to Jesus, including his return from Egypt, the birth of Jesus, the conflict between God and his enemies, and the return of the church. The speakers also discuss various interpretations of the Old eve, including the theory that Jesus was the king of Jews and the return of the church. The title suggests that these events apply to all the Israelites, including those who have been mocked and persecuted and those who have been targeted. The segment also references references references to people who have been mocked and persecuted for their actions and their profits.
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Welcome once again to sound focus,
today's programming shala who we are 45th and Jesus to beloved messenger of Allah and our Prophet on sin atone Umbro sacrifice. Today we hope to continue with the Old Testament prophecies about Jesus. My name is Miss Hardman nice. I'm your host here once again from St. Mary's University is Dr. Jim over the resurrection book.
Club please have a quick wrap up of last week's program up he starts to examine some of the prophecies in the Old Testament, which were interpreted as I called it out of context really and connected mistakenly with the events pertaining to the birth and crucifixion of Jesus peace be upon him.
We discussed how Matthew, for example made connection between the two pieces of silver paid to Judah to betray Jesus, and between Jeremiah and the correct reference actually should have been zecharia. And the comparison was not protected either.
Also the return of Jesus from Egypt, as Matthew claims in chapter two verse 15,
as been prophesized by the prophetic prophet Hosea chapter 11, verse one out of Egypt, I called my son but he said if you read the whole verse, it says, When Israel was a child, I loved him and out of Egypt I called my son so it was not really related to Prophet Jesus prescribed.
The Birth of Prophet Jesus in Bethlehem
has been claimed to relate to prophecy in Micah chapter five, verse two, and we indicate again, that this particular passage in Micah speaks about someone who is going to be king over Israel.
Finally, we touched briefly on the
very famous quotation, or prophecy referred to in the book of Isaiah chapter seven, verse 14, about a version will you give birth, and we indicated that the original Hebrew did not use the Hebrew word that hula, which means version, but it's used the term Allah Ma, which means Mead, and that Jesus was never called Emmanuel, and in historical context, that prophecy in Isaiah actually relate to the conflict between a has and his enemies, something that has taken place, perhaps 700 years before Jesus, peace be upon him. And these are not really the only examples that are not some evangelical literature. And some times the Gospels themselves that might somehow
be regarded as a sort of forced interpretation of some of the Old Testament prophecies, which does not there really, specifically on the advent of Prophet Jesus, peace and blessings. Now, you mentioned that some interpretations,
maybe first interpretation, maybe it might be helpful from standing if you would give specific examples. Okay. Let me For example, make a quick reference at this point,
to some of these issues that were discussed in previous programs, okay. For example, the frequent reference to the Psalms of David about the suffering of someone, you know, the the connection between that and the crucifixion of Jesus,
that we discussed already in previous program, we've shown that this in fact, if you take it as a prophecy, it's a prophecy about his deliverance before crucifixion, and that someone else will be crucified in his place that he discussed in some detail. But looking at three new examples, that might clarify the issue.
In the Gospel, according to Matthew chapter six, specially verses 16, through 18, speaks about the order given by heroin,
to kill all male children, and Bethlehem and vision, who were two years old, or younger.
And then he connects that, that's Matthew, and he said that this was in fulfillment of what the prophet Jeremiah said, about rich and weeping for her children.
Now, if you go back to Jeremiah, you find that Matthew apparently makes a reference to chapter 31, verse 15,
But if you go back to that chapter, you'll find that it has absolutely nothing to do with the orders of Herod.
in fact, the story goes that at the time of Nebuchadnezzar, many of the Israelites were Kim, and many others were taking captives to the table. And the context of chapter 31 really is the fact that many of those who were killed
were descendants of rich. And so it is, it is a description of how have sold really suffering or weeping or wailing for their affliction. And, in fact, if there is any element of prophecy in Jeremiah in that chapter, it is actually a prophecy about the return of the church, children of Rachel, from the land of the enemy, as clearly found in verse 17. A second example.
Matthew, also in chapters two to seven, especially verse 37.
refers to the crucifixion or alleged crucifixion of Jesus. And he says that it was written on top of the cross the inscription, this is the king of the Jews.
Now he connects that sometimes or other evangelical writers connects the term kingo Jews, with the question directed to Jesus peace be upon him by Pilate.
Are you the King of the Jews, or others, and somehow there is a connection made, that
this relates somehow to Old Testament prophecies about the king, who will come to Israel.
Things like the second psalm of David, verse six, or the book of Jeremiah also chapters 23, in verse five.
But you find that this is rather strange connection. Because when it was written on the cross, this is the king of the Jews, it was not to mean that Jesus actually was the king of this decided the king of Jews, it was made by way of mocking, or you know,
it's not really a serious thing. And if you go back to this
Old Testament prophecies that reportedly relate to this incident, you find that the context is quite different. Take, for example, Jeremiah, chapter 23,
verses five and six in particular, and it says, and he, that that person shall reign as King, and Dean wisely, and child execute justice and righteousness in the land. In his days, Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely. And this is the name by which he will be called court. The Lord is our righteousness.
quite different. Yes. And first of all, we don't have any record of Jesus ever being called in some form or other The Lord is our righteousness.
No one was Jesus at any time, a ruler over Israel as diverse species. He was not at all of its own, he never ruled over Israel.
No, is it true also that during Jesus time they satellites dwelt in security, they were colonized, they were ruled by a foreign power by the Roman rulers. So to connect of destiny prophecies that speak about king of Israel with mocking Jesus, personally at the time of crucifixion, and calling him king of Jews seems to be rather untenable type of connection. It doesn't seem to relate at all. This is actually quite revealing. Do you have any other examples of these first interpretations? When in Matthew, and by the way, Matthew, in particular, in the view of many biblical scholars, was one who was particularly obsessed with the question of Old Testament prophecies, as indicated in a
previous program, every time he keeps repeating almost 10 times. In his gospel, it says, This happened to Jesus and that is to fulfill what has been written in the coffin has been prophesied before.
Now, in chapter 27, of his gospel gospel, according to Matthew, especially verses 12 through 18.
He refers to some of the incidents during the alleged triumph of Jesus before crucifixion,
and in which Jesus did not give an answer or kept quiet.
And he says word This is in fulfillment of what the prophets prophesied in the past, referring For example, to the book of Isaiah, chapter 53 verse
And especially the one verse where it says, He opened his mouth, a person who was oppressed, afflicted yet he opened his mouth and said, Well, you know, Doc, this is a projection of what took place. What seems to have been overlooked in this kind of Parliament's is that in this very gospels, in in Matthew himself, as well as the three others, there are numerous incidents during the trial, where Jesus actually spoke, opened his mouth and said something and defended himself. There is evidence even that he took precautions.
Before he was arrested, he asked his disciples to keep guard and to watch. There is one condition even where he asked him to clutter swords even to send what they have. And he by swords,
it shows that he was praying earnestly.
Since we discussed some of these and some of which also might come later, I just give references here for those who wish to study it on their own. For example, in Luke chapter 22, verses 35 to 46. There is mentioned there of Jesus asking his disciples coupon to buy swords, and he's praying earnestly. It's not like the verse in Isaiah says that he was led like a lamb to slaughter it apart from that, in in Matthew chapter 27, verse 11, in Mark, chapter 14, verse 62, and chapter 16, verse two, when Jesus speaks, for example, that you will see the Son of Man coming in the cloud or in the glory, or in the right hand of power. In Luke, chapter 22, verses 67 through 71, Jesus spoke a lot
and opened his mouth and say, you know, if I tell you something, you don't believe me, if I asked you, you don't answer me. And john gospel according to john, Chapter 18, verses 20 through 23, and 34 through 37. There are lots of incidents in Matthew chapter 27, verse, verse 46, and the other gospels, the famous cry of Jesus on the cross, God, God, why have you forsaken me? There is no way that we can imagine Jesus peace be upon him, saying all of these things before the trial during the trial, during all this episodes, without opening his mouth, as Isaiah 57 says, this example, the examples covered in the last two questions show
that the writer of the Gospels,
and possibly many of the present day evangelists who follow their steps, seem to reports or make reference to Old Testament prophecies claiming that this, this has been realized in the coming of Jesus word. In fact, by going back to those prophecies, you find that their interpretation is totally out of context.
Now, are there any other prophecies from the Old Testament, which were quoted in the New Testament with these variations in wording? Yes, they have been some, but I'm not going just to netpac core variations that might not have any bearing on meaning significantly, but rather the variations which does have some implications in terms of the meanings that those words convey.
I'll give you one, one or two, or maybe three examples of most just to clarify the issue.
Take, for example, a very famous Old Testament statement that has been referred to quite frequently in the book of Micah, chapter five, verse two,
which mentioned about someone who is going to be born in Bethlehem. We'll discuss that before in the context of the birth of Jesus. But there is one part also of that verse that has been properly misquoted by many of the writers of the of the New Testament.
Because in the other parts, it's mentioned, about someone who, whose origin is from Eternity, Eternity. And some evangelist have pointed to that and say, Look, you know, there is already a prophecy and mica about God incarnate, because Jesus is for eternity in their view. But it is very interesting to notice how this monk mistranslated word has been corrected in the Revised Standard Version of the Bible
and Keynesians version of the Bible. The very same verse might suffice to say whose goings forth have
Being from of all, from everlasting, to everlasting,
that has been corrected in the Revised Standard Version of the Bible which came, of course to be more accurate translation from the original. And the kids whose origin is from of old from ancient days.
Now for a month period of time, it has been quoted as everlasting, and taking as a possible evidence of the deity of Jesus peace be upon me this is not the case because ancient days is not exactly the same as everlasting.
Unless of course we take everlasting in a metaphoric sense to refer to something very old, but not necessarily eternity, because eternity belongs to God and on not to Jesus, not to Hamad Abraham or Moses or any of his creatures, Eternity is for God's exclusively.
The second example, relates to an another Old Testament statement that appears in the book of Malachi, chapter three, verse one,
which has been quoted by all the writers of the three synoptic gospels,
with variations that makes a big difference in meaning from the original.
Let me first give the references in the New Testament so that those who wish to check it and compare on their own. They quoted that verse in Matthew chapter 11, verse 10, Mark chapter one, verse two, Luke, chapter seven, verse 27. Let's go to the original quotation in the Old Testament, first Molokai, three, one.
In Malacca, it simply says, Behold, that God says, Behold, I send my messenger to prepare the way before meaning.
The Lord says, I send my messenger to prepare the way before
all the three synoptic gospel writers have made two changes, two important changes. One of them is that all of them added the term before thy face, I sent my messenger before by face.
Okay, this was not in the original.
But the change, which is even more important is that they changed to prepare my way into valuate.
And the way evangelist has been interpreting this is that this is actually a reference to God sending john the baptist prophets and the Baptist to proceed the covenant of the Lord, in that case, Jesus.
See, the point is,
I think the difference here between my way, and your way is a lot of difference, a lot of difference, because one of them could be interpreted that Jesus is Lord. And john the baptist came to prepare the world for him. Whereas the text simply refers to God's speaking not Jesus, that He sent His messengers to prepare you the way the way before him. And every prophet in a way is preparing the way for the Lord. Preparing for the day of judgment that applies to Abraham applies to Moses, to Jesus to Mohammed to all of them. So the meaning would have quite a different
implication altogether. Some other writers, for example, connected.
you're filling the void for me with Isaiah, chapter 40, verse three. But if you go back again to that chapter, you find the best person about whom Isaiah speaks, will be a ruler, and that he will ruin with might, as we find in verse 10. That's in chapter 41. Obviously, Jesus again, never ruined. The third example and stuff like that.
Some people make reference to the Psalms of David, especially number 110, the first verse, and they say that this applies to Jesus as refined in Luke, for example, in chapter 20, verses 41 through 44.
The original citation, which is connected with Jesus, in the Psalms says, that God said, The Lord said to my Lord,
Sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool.
Okay, first of all, it is very interesting again to notice that if you check that very same verse in the Psalms, in the King James Version of the Bible, you find that the term law
All those times appears with capital L.
That is the Lord, capital M, said to my Lord, capital L, sit as my right hand.
In the purportedly more accurate translation in the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, only the first Lord uses the capital L, the second Lord, small L, which means Then the Lord, ie God, because when you say, The Lord is, you can't explain it otherwise, the Lord the one and only God said to my Lord, small L. And we all know from the biblical language itself, the clause means teacher means Master, but doesn't necessarily imply definitive. And
these are some of the difficulties with the way
this Old Testament prophecies have sometimes been used, even by the gospel writers out of context, really, are you aware of any Old Testament prophecies, which may apply to Jesus, but at the same time, it also apply maybe to other to other prophets? You means ones that might have more general physiology that it's not exclusive?
When Yes, there are good examples of this one famous one is the question of lineage of Jesus. And now I'm not dealing with the problems involved with the lineage of Jesus this can, you know, come later,
requires separate segments really. But I'm just referring to some of the evangelists who rush to a very hasty and in my humble understanding, very inaccurate conclusion by saying that all of these prophecies in the office misspeak about Jesus and Jesus alone example,
to say that he will be the son of a woman referring to Genesis, chapter three, verse 15. You find that in for example, in the book by Josh McDowell,
but who again, is not a son of a woman, prophets are not from Esther,
to Jesus and on second,
to say that he is going to come from the descendant of Abraham, references made to Genesis One, two and three, Genesis 2218. But again, the general general there are so many prophets, including Prophet Mohammed, who are from the dissenter, however, certainly, to say that he is going to come from the descent of Isaac, Genesis 2121, when all Israelites prophets are the descendants of Isaac, to be the descendant of Jacob and reference is made to Genesis chapter 35, the Book of Numbers chapter 24. But again, who said that this applies only to Jesus there are several prophets. Likewise, from the descendants of Judah, reference is made to Genesis 49, the book of Micah chapter
five. But again, there are several
prophets, not Jesus alone who come from the descendant of Judah.
Some added that he will be called Son of God.
And then go back to the Old Testament and find, for example, that in the second book of Samuel, chapter seven, verse 14, or the second book of Chronicle, Chapter 17, verse 13, that the person will be called Son of God, but we all know and you have discussed that in greater detail in some previous program, that the term Son of God has been used in a variety of meanings among the Israelites, it was used as a metaphorical designation of the whole Israelite people. It has been used more specifically to refer to a holy person, a good man, or a profit for that matter. So again, there's no question about it. So there is no relevance. Therefore, this kind of
discrimination is an evidence of saying no, it applies only to the
prophecy about becoming of Jesus alone.
A second example
is that throughout the Old Testament, we find many references to someone who was praying to God who is complaining that his enemies hated him, without reason that they mocked Him, they taunted him that he was a man of sorrow, he was beaten, insulted, in some cases, even killed, and that he bought all those sin and in equities, you know, against him by the by his persecutors. Especially this is made in reference to the to the Psalms of David,
especially Psalm 6569 109, and so on. They're on
the same line, but this of course, we have discussed
Before and we have seen that that very same person was praying earnestly. The psalms indicate that you will be saved and you will not be killed, and that someone else will be crucified. So that that we covered. But in addition to this, we find that
this kind of description, someone who has been rejected, hated without cost cutting the inequities and sins of others interceding before God, despite all of their hatred, and resistance of the truth that his teaching is actually applicable to all profits, and profits. This is not only as testified to in the Bible, but from the standpoint of Islam. Also, the Quran, in numerous places mentioned also about people who have been mocked and persecuted because of teaching the truth, just to give a few references for those who might wish to check it in the Quran. In chapter six, verse 1013 3421 4118 107 291, and all of these describes one example of these verses would be many
prophets before you, or Mohammed has been marked, you see, and so it's, it's a normal thing, for a function of a profit to be marked and to be carrying the inequities and injustice and oppression of his people. There is no basis to say that these processes apply to Jesus alone, but not to other prophets who
have gone through the same thing, and some were killed even. A third example
of this kind of approach is that we find in the Old Testament, many prophecies that has been applied again to Jesus and on even though this is geology apply to other prophets. For example, in the book of Isaiah, chapter 35, verses five and six, it speaks, for example, about the people who will be able to see when that person comes,
that's the blind will be able to see and the deaf will be able to hear. Now, if you take ability to hear and see in the allegorical sense, in terms of guidance, the person will be able to be guided through that person, when all Prophets came with light, to guide humanity, before Jesus and after Jesus, the same thing. If you take it literally, that that person will bring your blindness and deafness to those people, we find, again, that the Old Testament is full of instances where other prophets also performed exactly the same American life Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, including revising pupils from the death. Remember, we'll discuss that in some of the previous programs in
this series, but just to refresh the memory, and just give references, you find that in the First Book of Kings, chapter 17, verse 22, the second Book of Kings, chapter five, verse 14,
six verses 17 and 20, chapter four, verse 34, Chapter 13, verse 21, you find it in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 37, especially in the first 14 verses, these are all numerous examples of, of what has been taken specifically to refer to Jesus even though it applies possibly to Jesus and to other great prophets like
Dr. Jima already around instances, just following along the same same line of questioning, is this in the Old Testament where the our quotations are believed to refer to Jesus even though they speak of another person, specifically a single person? Yes, Yes, they are. For example, the petition I referred to earlier in the book of Hosea, Chapter 11, verse one, out of Egypt, I called my son, which Matthew in his second chapter believed to apply to Jesus. Obviously, it doesn't apply to Jesus, it specifically applies to,
to Israel.
In the Psalms of David, also in the second Psalm in verse seven, we find that the writer of the book of Acts, possibly Luke, in chapter 13, especially verses 32, and 33,
indicates that becoming of Jesus was in fulfillment of the promise that God has given to the fathers. And then he quotes Thou art my Son, today I have begun z, that if you go back to the sons of David, you find that this particular condition is directed towards visit, that it's actually linked to David. And finally, there are things of sorts prophecies that has been believed to apply to Jesus, peace be upon him, which applies
Neither Jesus nor to Israel, nor to David, but to the last longer with the Prophet, Prophet Mohammed.
Well, thank you very much but I think we have to cut it off here inshallah we'll continue with this next week.
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