Ismail Londt – Do not despair! Believers and their faith
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The speaker describes Allah as the creator of everything and everyone else. They also mention the plural of Allah and his description of himself as the most powerful person on earth. The speaker warns that anyone who claims to be a Muslim individual should not ignore the physical appearance of Allah and focus on his physical attributes, such as height and improvement in physical fitness.
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Allah subhanahu wa describes himself as the most exalted, the
Most High, supreme, superior to everything and everyone else, and
deservedly so, as he is the creator of everything and
everyone. What's unique is the following, the plural of the
description Allah is alone meaning,
and do not
despair and do not grieve. And you are all the most exalted, the Most
High, supreme beyond others, if you are believers, if you are
concerned about your belief, if you protect your iman, and you
work at increasing and improving at your level of iman, beyond our
physical forms of heightened stature, and no matter what huge
structures you may erect on this planet, that is of no consequence
if you do not look after your iman Allah, makers of those who are
true believers, and as a consequence, be beyond what
man may say
regarding us or do towards us
to our.