Ismail Londt – Bayyt Asl Tahqq Mujawwad

Ismail Londt
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses various structures and techniques for entering and dropping a bayati Asli. They give examples of structures for entry, entry and drop, and structure options for starting a bayati Asli. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of practice and understanding the structure of the entry.
AI: Transcript ©
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The Yati Asli. Asli, the original primary Aidi Foundation, the entry

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into bayati.

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I'm going to present a few structures, two common structures,

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ways of presenting bayati ausli. And then two not so common, but

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easily applicable, Inshallah, so the first common structure of

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bayati Asli is to enter and slowly descend. So example, after your

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isti AADA In your basmala Abu as

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The room or

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shorter piece, so you can hear it better, enter and descend clearly

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in clean steps.

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So it's a good entry, nothing too

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creative. Rather, you're entering

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respectfully and you're calming your nerves as you go along

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example was serve another

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example was summer. Was summer

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a nice, neat, respectful entry,

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the second structure, structure option in starting the Yati is

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where they push

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way. Lo little Mont of Fifi, a bit longer

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have your options there, so the first one is enter and then drop,

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wail, little

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Second is enter and push way low.

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Little Sama, either till

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see the

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you hear the difference? And entering pushing but a bit longer

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was summer.

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Woman should and that would be a common ending for that option. You

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could also do both. You could do either of them, or you could do

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both. You start with the the one that descends, and you do your

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next piece with the one that pushes. For example, way low,

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little amount of Fifi. Need respectful start, and then you

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still fool good. So you have two basic structures. And then, as far

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as options are concerned, as to what you do after you've entered,

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what you do after you've gone down your steps, or what you do after

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you've pushed, that comes.

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A time that comes practice, but at least know your two options, then

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you have two other options,

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where, say the third one. First is where you you enter a bit lower,

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you enter a bit more shy, you enter a bit more nervous. But as

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you're reading, you feel your voice by the end, you have a nice,

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neat push and checkman Shave was known for this manner. So you have

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your Bismillah, your Rahman, you Rahim, instead of wailu,

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you start wailu.

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is a

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this middle here, rahmanir, Rahim, your first option will you wailu,

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see the key. Where's this one? Bismillah, you? Rahmani, Rahim,

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lupa. Financie

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Nazi, while it's a

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bit more reserved, then near the end, you feeling your voice

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with the other Sura Bismillah, your Rahman, your Rahim. First

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option was summer,

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where's this one? Smell your Rahman, your Rahim, was summer

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either till Guruji or yo me

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or Shay. Start is very plain, very reserved. You're feeling the

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quality of your voice at the time of recitation, and at the end, you

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gain a bit more confidence. And like I say, the the endings are

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optional. There are other things you can do, but it's about your

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initial structure, how you enter and start the maqam. So that's

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your third way. The fourth way is done by Sheik Mustafa. Is Maril at

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times, it's a bit and Sheik Rahi Mustafa, ravash also does it

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beautifully at times. Is where you enter, also a bit nervous, unsure,

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but near the end as well, you you push up. So, for example, there's

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a bit more steps in the beginning.

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So she must rise. Man does it in Surah Maryam. So he says, Mila,

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you Rahman? You rohim? Yeah, yeah.

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did you know?

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So Bismillah, Rahmani,

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Rahim, wai

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Island, way. Loli moonton, Fifi, so this steps and up and down.

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Wailu moonton, fifina,

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him, ya Mataji, dunk, Luna,

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Rahmanir Rahim was summer.

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So listen

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that. Think about that. Some might say that this fourth way is a bit

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more confident because you're playing around more, and the play

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helps warm up the voice for the for the stages and levels to come.

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So think about that, and see it as structures identify with your ear

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practice, and then we'll meet inshaAllah as.

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