Ismail Kamdar – Sahih Muslim

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary ©
The Hades are considered the most authentic book of Hades, with the importance of their title as a reference to the time period before the birth of the first generation of Hades. The Hades' use of authentic narratives and the use of multiple narrators in the title of the book are highlighted, along with the importance of reliable narrators and proper names for narrators. The Hades' use of multiple narrators and the "has been written" method in the book are also discussed, as well as the importance of writing to show one's intentions and achieve success in life. The importance of writing to show one's comfort and finding one's comfort in finding one's comfort is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh as hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Nabeel Karim Allah, Allah He was happy in, begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala and asking Allah to send his peace and blessings upon the final prophet, Muhammad, even Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and all those who follow his way with righteousness until the end of time, like to welcome you all to this week's class on an introduction to Sahih Muslim. This is the second lecture in our series on the introduction to the classical Islamic texts. Last week, we looked at an introduction to Sahil Buhari, we looked at the biography of Al Bukhari, his methodology

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of writing and compiling why his book attained the status that he did. And some of the misconceptions related to this book as well as some controversies related to him and his thesis.

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This week, we are going to take a similar approach to Sahih Muslim, right, so so he Muslim is a bahaya. Like the twin hubs of authentic hadith scholarship, they are considered the two greatest works in the field of Hadees. And scholars differ over which one is greater. Even though in recent times, it's kind of become the default that Bukhari is number one and Muslim is number two. In early Islamic history, it wasn't that clear, and there was a lot of debate where some scholars regarded Sahih Muslim as the most authentic book of Hadees. There are others who consider al Bukhari as the most authentic book of Hadees. And both views have their merits, both views have their,

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their reasons. It's important to note that these books were written in the same time period, they're written around the same time, and that the author's knew each other in that. Mr. Muslim was a student of Mr. Hardy and they also shared a few teachers as well. And they shared some chains of narrators as well. So this isn't something that's written in a later era. This is the same generation of Heidi scholarship the fourth generation of scholarship it produced to

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her these compilations that became known as the greatest compilations of Hadith Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. So let's jump into it and take a look at the biography of Mr. Muslim, Mr. Muslim.

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His full name, I will say, as Akira Dean, Muslim, even a hijab and a supporter. So his name was Muslim. Right, unlike Imam Al Bukhari, whose name was Mohammed Al Bukhari was the name of the place from which he lived originated. Right. And so it was attributed to him. I will Buhari. So Mr. Muslim,

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similar attribution for him would be a nice reporting

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on Arabic on a submarine, because he was from nissa poor and his name was Muslim, which, although nowadays, it's not a common name. Historically, it actually was quite a common name

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in early Arab Islam, so actually quite a few people named Muslim. Although nowadays people don't really take this as a name, but that was the actual name. His name was Muslim is good. Now, as I was saying, his father's name was George, and he was from the city of Nisa, Paul. So Mr. Muslim lived at the same time as Mr. Bahari,

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scholars differ over when he was bought some of the books say 202 H, something 204 H, SMC 206. h, and is one thing you'll notice we're classical scholars or figures of the past is very often we are unsure of their birth date. Why? Because Historically, the date of birth of individuals was not recorded the way it is today. Nowadays, when we,

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when someone is born, right, we record it immediately, we have the date of birth, we have the ID book, we have the date of birth, in the first few numbers of the ID, we have a variety of different ways to have it put into a system by the government and each person or the day they were born. So it's very, you know, it's something that we take for granted that everybody knows the data that they were born. But then if you go back even a couple of generations, even to the time of our great grandparents, many of them did not know when they were born. Many of them did not know their birthdate, many of them didn't even know their age, because for the bulk of human history, people

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didn't really take note or care about these things. People didn't really care so much about what was the exact day and month and year that I was born, how you know exactly how old I am. People just loved I Bertie's weren't even celebrated. So it wasn't really an issue for them. And so therefore, you will find the Philippines

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pinions are many of these historical figures on when they were born. Because the parents didn't know. I mean, when a judge wife had a son, a baby named Muslim, he doesn't know his baby's gonna grow up to be a mom Muslim is just a baby to him. Right? He doesn't know what his son is going to be. He's not going to write down the date because historians may need it in the future. No one's thinking like that. So as a result, you will find that many of our historical figures, we do not know the year in which they were born. We only have an approximation. So we can say approximately between the year two, two and two, six, Ah, that was when Mr. Muslim was born. So he was about,

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say about 20 years younger than Mr. Bukhari, right. So he is about 20 years younger than Omar Bukhari. And so because of this 20 years age gap, humalog Makati becomes both his teacher and his contemporary at the same time, so he studied under the leading Hadees experts of his time, some of them the names were harmala even yahia sai even Mansoor Abdullah Al Carnaby. These were, some of the leading Heidi's called second generation

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is really no point going into their biographies because

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their biographies aren't really important to the average Muslim today, maybe someone is specializing in military job or in her mid specialization, then you study the biographies of these individuals, but for the average Muslim, the biographies of the authors of the main books is more important.

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The most important and famous teacher mom wisdom was Imam Al Bukhari. So

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when Imam Muslim

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you know when when we talk about him a Muslim, we are talking about a continuation of the legacy of Imam Al Bukhari. Imam Al Bukhari started a certain style of scholarship a certain style of recording and authenticating had a compiling them together. And this work was continued by history in Mr. Muslim and Mr. Muslim had a very strong and close relationship with Mr. McCartney to such an extent that we mentioned last week that towards the end of his life, when these rumors and slanders were spreading against the society, I turned against him, he'd been ostracized and turned out at that point in time when he would give a lecture or when he would teach her these very few people would

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show up because nobody wanted to be associated with him. But there was one person who always showed up and that was Mr. Muslim. right to the end, Mr. Muslim remain a loyal and dedicated student of Mr. Bahari. And so he was there. For all of these events. He was there by his teacher side loyal to him, ignoring the stigma of society, ignoring what people were saying. ignoring all the rumors, and just focusing on studying Hades under his great teacher, so very, very close relationship between Imam Al Bukhari and Muslim and so when Imam Al Bukhari passed away, Mr. Muslim decided to follow in his footsteps and compiled something similar to him, a book dedicated entirely to Sahih Hadith. So, the

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idea of ajami, Asahi, a compilation of authentic narrations, this idea, we can say was originated by Manuel Bukhari.

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Then his journey on wisdom, saw it as a good idea and decided to do the same thing because obviously, my mom was Muslims, the Hadees and he knew we're not the exact same ones that Mr. Bukhari knew. I mean, some of the way some of them were not

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because he didn't only study Imam Bukhari he said, he traveled and he met Allah from different lands, and he let other pieces and he knew that his teachers book, although the Hadees Asahi, it does not include every single Sahih Hadith generated so there is scope for more so he compilations so he decided to do his own so he combined ation, looking from all the pieces he learned from all of his teachers, the ones that were most attentive to put only those ones into a book. And so he began the task of compiling his Jammie OSA heat which we know as a Muslim.

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So now let's take a look at the compilation of Sahih Muslim.

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Imam Muslim was impressed by the work of Mr. Al Bukhari and decided to compile his own stuff he compiled out of 300,000 durations, he chose between 4000 to 9000 for his compilation. So again, we mentioned this last week,

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when we say narrations, we are not talking about individual buttons, we are talking about individual, Senate's is not right. We are not talking about the

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the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam 300,000 different things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, we mean 300,000 change of narrators are going back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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This is how Hadees was defined in their time, right by the standard, not by the mutton. So, if there was one statement of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, going back to five different Sahaba, it would be considered five different durations. So in southern people the year this number like 300,000 day like there's no way, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said 300,000 things and he was passed on. Well, firstly, it is possible. But secondly, is not 300,000 things he said it's probably more like 50,000 things that he said, right. But when you add in all the different chain of narrators, it becomes to this amount. So Mr. Muslim had gathered, you can say 300,000 chains of generators going

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back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. For this he chose, again, the number mentioned is between 4000 to 9000, white 4000 to 9000. If we count every single chain of narrators as a separate narration than the 9000 durations in Sahih Muslim, however, if we look at duplication, and on average, every Hadees, inside a Muslim is repeated once, one and a half times. So

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you can say that, on average, every Hadith in Sahih, Muslim is repeated two and a half times.

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This doesn't mean every single Hadees but it means on average, right? So there are some Hadees that appear four or five times and there are some Hadees that appear

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just once, but you're talking about averages, and averages out to about 404,000 different variations of what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said. So you will find is a Muslim,

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three or four different variations, all stating the same thing that the prophets have always said, but narrated by different Sahaba with slightly different wording.

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So this will be considered as four different variations on one scale, or one variation on the other scale. And that's why we have these two different numbers are the 4000 Heidi says, Why the noun 9000 hedison is a Muslim, he will say the 4000

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statements of the profits of all useless or muttons in the book of Sahih Muslim and the 9000 is not nightowl change of narrators going back to the prophets talks of inside a Muslim.

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What's interesting is that out of these 9000 narrations 3000 are exactly the same as a Muslim. And so these 3000 are known as the Mustafa Ali how Jesus agreed upon her thesis. So in the field of Heidi's I assume you're looking at authenticity, how authentic a hadith is the highest level of authenticity.

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You know, we normally talk about Sahib being the highest level, but higher than he is would have Akali mucho la means Imam Bukhari declared it Sahih Muslim they declared it so he so it is definitely something is not found in one of these two books. It's found in both books. Right. So this is like, the kind of narration that is extremely, extremely strong and

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know something that's on a higher level that both authors felt it necessary to include this narration in their books, even though Mr. Muslim knew it was already in Mr. McCarthy's book, but because the genome the latency, so strong, and information is so crucial, he felt the need it needs to be in his book as well.

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So we can say that one third of Sahih Muslim, is the same as zaharie. And the other two thirds are other generations that he heard from other teachers. And so really to study authentic happiness. You can't choose one of these two books you need to study both because they are Hades in Sahih. Al Bukhari not only Sahih Muslim and they are a decent Sahih, Muslim Nepali, psycho Hardy and by the way, there are many, many 1000s of studies that are found outside of these two, right? Again, so he Hades is not limited to Bukhari and Muslim. Rather, these are the two main books, but he has a he Hadees exists outside of these two books in the Muslim of their teacher, Mr. Mohammed, even humble

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in the books of a Buddha would have the meaning of even larger in many of these other books, you will find so he had pieces that are not found in their books. So this is not all of this. He had either just the ones which these authors.

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And this is an important point. He did not claim that his book contains all of the authentic pieces. This was a

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a problem that early Muslims had with Sahih Muslim

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that were a few years after he had passed away a few generations after that. A lot of people were skeptical of, of giving this book a status because they were worried

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that if we start calling this book Sahih Muslim, and we start telling people that this is the authentic book of Jesus, then people are going to think that these are all authentic IDs. This is all that exists when it comes to

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autentica desus. But

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in reality,

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Imam Muslim himself did not claim this. He did not claim that every single authentic hadith in his book, Raja from the 300,000 durations that reached him. These are the ones he considered authentic, right? And so you can't just study one of these two books or just these two books and think you know, all of the authentic ideas in reality, I don't think there is a single scholar on earth today, who knows every single authentic ideas, because they are

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10s of 1000s of authentic IDs in reality, 10s of 1000s of authentic IDs, and nobody knows all of them. So this is why we must limit it to just these books.

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The unique feature of Sahih Muslim,

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what's unique about Sahih Muslim is that he rarely offers any commentary on the Hadees. Right?

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There's two unique features. Firstly, he really comments on the Hadees. So he said, Mr. McCarthy, he would comment on the Hadees in his chapter headings, and his chapter headings would indicate

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what's what's the point of bringing the Hadees into his book, like what's the physical ruling or the aqeedah belief is trying to establish true that Hadees So, you will understand Mr. gocardless, Fiq and aqeedah opinions

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from the chapter headings. And that was considered his commentary on his compilation, Mr. Muslim did not have a commentary at all. His book is simply a compiler ation of thesis, without any explanation at all, except very, very rarely, when evaluate absolutely necessary.

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Today is very different compared to other Hades authors, because even if you read the books of attorney z or the multigrid, Malik, or even a che ban, Muhammad Yunus dashi Bonnie's books, you will find commentary before and after many of the pieces. But Mr. Muslim, he just leapt ahead, he says Gas and Electric for people to understand and derive the lessons from without mentioning his own commentary.

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The second unique feature of his book is that he repeats all of the narrations of a hadith in one chapter. So Imam Al Bukhari when he would mention a Hadees, he would repeated Heidi's throughout his book whenever it was relevant. So if a certain Hadees was relevant to Voodoo, sada and harsh, it will be repeated in the chapters of widu, salah and Hutch, Mr. Muslim, had a different approach. If he had five or six versions of a single Hadees, he would mention them all in one place, right. And he wouldn't repeat it again in a later chapter, even if it was relevant than later chapter. So again, a very different approach from your mama gohara and industry, Mama, because his book is

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better perfect. Because if you want to study the pfic of Imam Al Bukhari, he has under each chapter heading the Hadees related to that topic. But if I'm Muslim, sometimes he won't mention the Hadees under the topic, because you already mentioned it earlier. And now you have to go earlier in the book and look for the Hadees. To find it, even though

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notice it may be in a completely different chapter that you might not even be thinking about, because he's right, as relevant to that chapter first. So very unique way of writing and compiling his book.

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Some of the unique features of Sahih Muslim, and this is really, you know, some of the preeminent information you need to know before you study a book is to understand what makes it look special or unique. So so far, we said, the chain of narrators and the lack of the lack of commentary, the next thing is his

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methodology of recording Mr. Muslim recorded only narrations that were reported by two reliable dobbyn from two Sahaba. Who sucks subsequently traveled to two independent unbroken is not consisting of sound aerators. So he, he would avoid what we would call the horiba desus. Right, this, the Hadees would have to go back to two Sahaba from two W. Two to separate, unbroken chain of narrators

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in order for him to to concede as strong enough to be featured in his book, so what he really took care of was the Islamic concept of two witnesses. Right, that in Islam, we have this concept that to consider any information reliable, you need to reliable witnesses, so he took it as when it comes to Hades. We need to reliable witnesses at every level of the is not too reliable, Sahaba too reliable garbine and so forth and so forth until his time, that was what he would consider strong enough to fit into his book.

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The next unique feature of his book was the scientific arrangement of teams and chapters. The author

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For example, select a proper place for the narrative and next week puts all of its versions. So, just like Sahih al Bukhari Sahih Muslim is put in a set order according to topics. So you have the Tabata hierarchy, double Salah double see Amitabha sakaki double hijikata Veronica, he has the book of start out with all of the Hadees is related to Salah in it, the book of fasting with all of the Hadees related to fasting in it, and he put it in this way. But the difference is he wouldn't repeat it again later if it was needed for a different chapter as well. Instead, he will put every version of the Hadees in one spot. So if he is narrating a Hadees from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam

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about how you preach Salah. And that Hadees is passed down to him to tangible chain of narrators, all 10 chains of narrators with their buttons appear one after the other in that chapter. So you will find a lot of immediate repetition in Sahih Muslim but no long term repetition meaning if you see a Hadees in one place, you're not going to find it later. But it is very often in Sahih Muslim if you see a hadith in one place, the next Hadees is the same and the next IDC the same. Next, how do you see the same and the only thing that's different is the chain of narrators or maybe one or two words. Right. So this is another unique method of his combination.

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muslimin Hajaj informs us whose wordings amongst the right to use. Similarly he mentioned whether in a particular Heidi's the narrator's differed on the wording even over a single letter of zero centers significance, he also informed the regenerated had differed over specific quality surname relation, any other facts about the narrator in the chain? So

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Mr. Muslim, his comments were more on the issue of is not gay on the issue of mutton. Right. So he didn't really comment on what is the physical ruling that we extract from this Hadees? Or what is the aqeedah significance of this Hadees? Or what is the lesson we derived from this Hadees. He focused more on the details if there is a Heidi's coming through four or five, differentiate them the raters, he points out that this narrator use this word in that narrator use this wording, but we're going with that narrators wordings and this is why and this one uses extra letters, this one and mentioned that letter, or this person has a certain name, but in other generators he mentioned

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by surname instead. So he's really focused on the chain of the radius and showing how deep he went into preserving his chain of narrators and and reading only from authentic chains.

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The book is divided into 43 chapters according to fake and fake topics. So there are 43 parts of Sahih Muslim, some of them to do with Akira, some of them to do with fic. And each of these chapters contain the thesis related to that specific topic.

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So what is the status of Sahih Muslim?

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In the eyes of the average Muslim, and even of the classical Lama

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in early Islam, after he Muslim was written for the next 40 to 100 years, there was a lot of discussion on whether this book is actually authentic or not. There were some scholars who were skeptical of it.

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They felt like no human is able to compile only authentic pieces, we all make mistakes. So they were skeptical of calling this book so he

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some of them were afraid that if we start calling this a Sahih compilation, then the average Muslim will think that this is it. This is all of the authentic addresses anything outside of it must be rejected. and innovative. This fear is something I understand because I actually see this in some Muslims today. Particularly like amongst some of the other Hadees movement. And some of the more literal selfies that I've met. Some of them have this idea that it's not in Bukhari Muslim is not authentic. And this is exactly what the early orlimar feared, that that this this kind of mindset would develop amongst people that it has to be in Bukhari and Muslim otherwise, it's not authentic,

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and this is wrong. It's the wrong mindset. Neither Mr. Hardy or Mr. Muslim said, I have compiled every single saheeh IDs they simply took from generations Danial, and compiled all of those that they consider to be saheeh. Right? There are many, many other generations passed down to other chains of narrators to other teachers compiled into other books that are also Sahih. So this fear of the early scholars is understandable. Because today 1000 years later, we actually see it's still happening among some people, that they reject any ideas that's not found in this book, and that attitude is definitely wrong.

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This is why

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I hesitated, you know, to

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I hesitate to recommend for the average Muslim this other Huggies mindset when it comes to pick. Right? This is one of the reasons why I'm actually pro mazahub. I'm actually in favor of mock ups.

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I mentioned this earlier when we did the pseudo free course last year, that

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there are these different approaches towards the upside. So there is the approach that you want to assert in mazahub. You follow it to the day you die, and you don't question anything, you just follow it don't look at evidence if you just follow them up. And I believe that attitude is wrong. On the other side, we have the ladies mindset where they say that Muslims are bizarre. They didn't exist the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, everybody was just follow Quran and Hadees. And that sounds very idealistic. It sounds something that's a big sense on paper, but how do you do it?

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So my interactions with people of this movement is they had no idea what they're doing. No people would no background knowledge at all. It muscala Hagia Sophia Kamikaze to Sherry, Aqua vida, Katia, or any of the subjects just opening Sahil Bukhari, finding Heidi's in the end following the literal translation of those pieces. And feeling that this is how it is that this is not how Pakistan fit is a very complex and nuanced field. It's not something that you just pick a hadith and follow it. Right. This is why I believe in what I call the balanced middle part approach between malherbe rejection and must have fanaticism there is the middle part of those what is the middle part of

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protracted eating and that is the approach of

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following a mud hub, but not being fanatical about it, meaning the average Muslim should follow the month hub of the mouth, his area, right. But the llama themselves should strive to study comparative work, and to become good studies in some field or the other and to be able to, to deal with the problems of their time and not just focus on the blind following up the bathtubs. And so I believe it is the old Lamas duty to rise above the lead and to to engage with the text and extract new rulings. But the average Muslim duty is to follow those old ama

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and this is the position of shower user the hurry in which it was all baliga. And this is where I've gotten this idea from and this is the position I follow. So this is why I believe mud hubs are important. Because

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again, you know, now if you have these people that just go Sahih Bukhari, Sahih, Muslim, nothing else, you can point out to them or Heidi's in Abu Dhabi, they don't want to hear it. You can point out to them Ah, ma or PR or or they don't want to hear you talk about mikaze to Sharia, they don't want to hear it. Sahih Bukhari Sahih Muslim, this is I hear these to them. This is all I can follow. And the bigger problem here is they don't just follow the Hadith, but they take his nor hearing or a literalist approach to Hades, right? They take a literalist approach to Heidi's, and they end up interpreting it in the most bizarre of ways. So, my advice to everyone if you haven't studied the

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sciences of fic, if you haven't studied, all of us have yet don't jump into making your own field using Hades. Rather, study a must have studied or should studying a course in study that provide study all of that first. And then after 1015 years of study. Now you can start formulating your own opinion by competitively studying the different math hubs and looking into the thick unequivocal pickier, etc. It's not enough to just read Sahih Bukhari Sahih Muslim or even worse, just a translation of the Hebrew cardian saying Muslim and think that you are now capable of making your own pick ruling so when to put off there, but I feel that's necessary to mention.

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So the way three

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reasons why early scholars were skeptical of Sahih Muslim degeneration immediately after him.

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By the way, by scholars, he I don't mean all scholars, I mean, simply the

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certain Catholic legal scholars, so you have to remember that at that time.

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They were different scholars. So obviously, my Muslim students, they loved the book, and they make copies of it. And they taught it to their students, and they gave each other on it and they passed it on. And the people in other countries were coming to the same conclusion they were looking at Sahih Muslim, and looking at their own change of narratives and seeing that, okay, they heard the exact same narrations that the Muslim but two different chains of narratives and it's matching up, right. But there were some alama in that period, who is skeptical of calling this book so he for three reasons.

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Number one, were those who are skeptical of the idea that a book could even be saved because all humans make mistakes. Second, widows who are afraid that people will begin to think that this is all of the Hadees and nothing outside of it is better.

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He, the third is are those people who accused him of doing this for sure.

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And he said nobody before you claim to write say he had he says in court and put together a compensation plan humble didn't do this. Nobody his generation did it. So who are you to do it? Right. So this is the criticism he faced, very similar to the when we try to do something new in terms of fear kawakita. People say, Who are you to do it? Nobody before you dedicate doing this for sure.

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It's always wrong to judge the intentions of others. Nobody knows who is doing something for showing who's doing something for the sake of Allah. So this is an argument we should always always avoid. This is not an acceptable argument. Right? The first two I can understand people made mistakes I can understand. People might think this is all absurd. He had these I can understand, but to say that somebody's doing something for show. This is wrong. This is judging a person's intentions.

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But eventually, within 100 years after his death, people analyze the book, they look at the chain of narrators, they went to how authentic it is. They compared it to other generations to other chains of narrators. And they came to a consensus that this is an authentic book. This book is so high, right. And so it became known as the second most authentic book of Hades after sale Buhari in the minds of some and the most authentic book in the minds of others. In general, the people from the city of Amman Muslim and his own students considered it to be on a higher level than alcohol because obviously people are more attached to their own teachers works. Right. But the majority of Muslims

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put Bukhari first and Muslim second.

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There is one more unique feature I forgot to mention about his book. And I'll just go to that before we go to the final slide. And that unique feature was the

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the fact that Mr. Muslim did not put sub chapter headings, right, so what I mean by sub chapter headings, Mr. Muslim, he wrote his book and he divided into the chapter of Salah, the chapter of fasting, the chapter of Sokka. He did not divide, for example, the chapter of Salah into the chapter of fudger Salah, the chapter of Sonora guards the chapter of winter salado chapter 200, although he ordered it in this way.

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And there are some people who say he did but what seems to be more authentic is that the people who compile these book later on, they added in chapter headings to make it easier for the average reader to read the book and to know what each release is about. So when you read Sahih, Muslim, the sub chapter headings, like

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he does, you know, like, the chapter of whether we do is required after eating Campbell meat or something like that. That's that statement is not written by

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a Muslim and why am I Why is this important? This is important because in Sahih Bukhari those statements are written by Mr. Bukhari and they are written to give us his fake opinion. Right. So some people may misunderstand and think that the same applies to Sahih Muslim but he doesn't rather in most copies of Sahih Muslim today, the sub chapter headings that we have are actually written by Imam and nawawi. Right, who wrote the main commentary on say Muslims, the most famous shark or commentary on on set on Sahih Muslim was written by a Naui Rahim Allah from a Shafi perspective. And so he wrote the chapter headings according to the Shafi markup, so some people not knowing this may

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read these chapter headings and assumed just like Mr. McCarthy sub chapter headings gave his opinions, they may assume that Mr. Muslim sub chapter headings give his opinions, but in reality, those are not Mr. Muslim sub chapter headings hidden right those type of headings he just left it blank. Those are the headings written by Mr. Adobe, or other compilers have Heidi's most common are these sub chapter headings, focusing on the opinions of the Sharpie, Martha because there was the mouth of the mom, and our week followed,

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and in general the Hadees combinations of Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. In early Islam they were preserved primarily by the Shafi and humbling scholars, because the Maliki scholars had the mortar and the Hanafi scholars focus more on prs and less one Hadees at a time. So Bukhari and Muslim were more popular in the humbly and Sharpie circles at that time, although later on the game, mainstream acceptance amongst all the hubs, everyone teaches it, whether they are Hanafi, Maliki, etc. Everyone teaches these books, even when you don't, a lot of these books do not agree with the mockups. So we ended up with some basic lessons that we can extract from the life of Mr. Muslim and the compilation

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of this beautiful book.

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What's interesting about Mr. Muslims life to me is that he lived a relatively quiet and uneventful life compared to his teacher.

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I always find it very interesting. The how each scholars life story is so completely different. So in one book, Harry's life was full of controversy, and public debate, and

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dealing with scandals, having to move from one city to another. There's all this drama that he was tested with.

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Any Muslim guy they had seemed to live a very quiet, introverted life just writing books and teaching hobbies, and no one bothered him. Right? He's just sitting in his Masjid, spending his life compiling Heidi's writing his books, teaching his students

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and no one bothers him. And this is his test. And we may wonder, Is it fair? Is it fair that one person is tested with hardship or the other person is tested with a quiet life?

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And we say yes, it is fair because a lot tests each person based on what that person is capable of handling. So, in this world,

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you meet some people whose life is just one hardship after another

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in mind remains extremely strong. Because Allah knows that person can handle it. And then you meet someone else who's tested with peace, and freedom, and, and luxury and comfort and wealth. And that person remains grounded in the worship of Allah as well.

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That person's life is also a test because just as much as a difficulty, can take you away from Allah and can make a person despondent and make a person commit sins, comfort and ease and the good life could do the same as well. So both are tests. Some people are tested with hardship. Some people are tested with comfort. Most people are tested with ups and downs. Most people are tested with periods of comfort in their life and periods of hardship in their life. As a rule, we call it like a roller coaster of life. But some people their lives are entirely one or the other. Some people go through their entire life in comfort, and that's their test will be worship Allah will they be grateful?

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Will they use that in a way that is pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala and Mr. Muslim we see an example of this Mr. Muslim was a man who didn't have to face the you know, any of the kind of hardships that his teachers face because remember his teachers in Mambo Karima, who are the most humble, they went through really, really difficult tests in this life, it's kind of things that we don't want to ever have happened to us, right? Mr. Muslim Medan lives the kind of life that we that we are envious of it all I wish I could be that I wish I could just live a quiet, drama free life and focus on teaching and studying. And writing is actually my ideal life. Buddha tests because

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someone given everything of this world, which is abandoned teaching and abandon writing, and just enjoy the pleasures of this world. choosing not to do or instead choosing to use one's comfort in one's quiet life. Teach and spread the word of Allah is passing that kind of test. So we have to use we can take as a lesson from this, that comfort is also a test. And just because some people's lives were easy, the others doesn't mean I didn't test him. He said the test they faced in life was different from the other person.

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Number two, sometimes great work isn't recognized needs time, especially when it is ahead of its time. Right? So as with Sahil Bukhari it took like 100 years before Sahih Muslim really received that status that we give it today.

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in his lifetime, and just after that people were skeptical, or people will show is this really Sir, he did he really do what he set out to do. You know, can we really trust this book, he analyzed it, he went through change of narrators, they compared it to other chains of narrators. And finally, people realize that Wow, he really did compile is the E book of Hades. And by the way, I have to mention the

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footnotes here same as we did last week, I am of the view that no human effort is 100% perfect. So therefore, just as we can say less than 1% of Sahih al Bukhari includes some weak Hadith Sahih Muslim is the same, it is 99% authentic rounded up to 100%. But when we say it is the second most authentic book of Hades in the world, it doesn't mean that every single narration you need to do rather it is possible that you're in there you may find two or three pieces that are not authentic. That is perfectly possible because no human is free from Allah. But what he compiled here is truly amazing. Is it a compilation of some of the greatest and most important Hadees is related to Fiq and

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that are necessary for all Muslim scholars to study

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Phone in a single book, which is 99% authentic. And at his time this was something unknown people wanted. Why is he writing his What is his intention? It was ahead of his time. And even nowadays, sometimes people may do work that's ahead of their time. It's only appreciated after their death. At the end of the day, we work for Allah, we do not work for this world. We work for Allah Allah with Baraka and what we do. And maybe after we pass away, then only the final color manifests in the acceptance of our work.

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And so that takes me to the next lesson, whatever is sincere for Allah we have Baraka and gain acceptance in this oma.

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When people do things for the sake of Allah, Allah will bless that effort. And he will he will put into the hearts of his ummah love for that effort. Right Allah will put into the hearts of the believers, love for those who he loves, and love for the books written sincerely for his sake. And so they were many, many Hadees compilations written in that generation. But the ones that survived and the ones that gained the high status and the ones that are beloved to the Muslims, are the ones that were written with the most sincerity, including Sahih Muslim may have accepted from its waters. Finally,

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doing great work doesn't necessarily mean copying those before us. Sometimes we need to try new things. Now, Mr. Muslim, technically, in some ways, he did copy the methodology of Mr. mcquarry. But he was still a new methodology for the time. Mr. McCarney was literally the only other person to have done this before him. And by him taking a chance to do the same thing. He was doing something new for his time, he was establishing a new practice, which is that this is the kind of books that me and my teacher compiling, and the kind of books we'd like to see for the oma moving forward. So

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when we do Islamic work, it's not necessarily that we just repeat what came before. So this is a huge area of division. Amongst all of our today, there are those who feel like the Golden Age is over. Just repeat what came before just translate the works of all the Muslims. Don't do any of your own thinking, don't do any of your own analysis, don't do any of your writings, just copy and repeat. And then the others and I'm of this viewpoint that no, we are living in a new time with new problems, new issues, we need new solutions, new solutions. So we need to write new books, we need to compile new styles of compilers, analyze things from different perspectives, we have to work

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within the framework of the Sharia, to provide solutions to problems of our time. So I take

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a lesson from the life of Mr. Bahari and Mr. Muslim that just like they did

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the new work that was necessary for their time. I hope in my life to do the new work that's necessary for our times. I hope you found this beneficial May Allah accept from us next week inshallah, we will look at the introduction to a different type of book now they had this book a tipsy book. So we'll break away from these for a while and look it up see you. Next week. inshallah we look at an introduction to the depths of adultery, which is the oldest major work of topsy turvy churches. Have you look at some of the details about this book, because after the hydrogel after that one and you have the de la alameen wa Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

This lecture is part of the Islam Intensive online course available at In this lecture, Shaykh Ismail discusses some of the main features of Sahih Muslim, as well as the biography of Imam Muslim (RA).

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