Iqbal Gora – The Significance of the Day of Arafah Maryam Masjid
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We mentioned that the greatest part of the
these 10 days of Dhul Hajj is the
day of Arafah, al Hajj u Arafah. Hajj
itself is Arafah and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala,
he takes an oath by the 10 days
of Dhul Hijjah and he also takes twice
in the Quran. A second oath specifically
by the day of Arafah itself, 9th of
Dhul Hijjah. When Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,
that the even and the odd, some of
the scholars they say the odd is in
reference to the 9th day of the hijrah
which is Yomra'rafah.
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala also says, washahidimwashood.
A shahid is a person who is witnessing
and mashhood is what is witnessed.
By this Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala takes an
oath and the Mufasiloon they say that shahid
is in reference to Yom Jum'ah, and Mashhood
is in reference to Yom Arafah. The prophet
says, Aful Ayam, the best day is Yom
Arafah. The best of days is the day
of of Arafah, which will be on Tuesday,
this year.
More so to this as well, in reference
to the day of Arafah
and its particular
significance. It's mentioned in a hadith that there
is no day, there is no day without
exception, that more people's necks are saved from
the fire of Jahannam, than the day of
Arafah, and it's mentioned in Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala, he comes down.
Then he comes down, and then he boasts
to his angels
about those specific people that might be making
dua, and he boasts to them, and he
boasts to them about human beings and Muslims
that are worshipping, and He says,
What do these people want? Imagine Allah is
saying to his angels, and boasting to his
angels, and telling them, what do these people
want? Imagine a person that does not even
raise their hands on this great significant day,
what a last step would be? Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala is literally telling you that He
is telling His angels that, what do these
people want? Do you expect that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala is not going to give you?
Of course He will give you. And in
another narration it is actually mentioned, the hayruddua
dua wiyom ya'raotha. The best dua a person
can make without exception is the day, the
dua that is made on the day of
Arafah. So try to make yourself or give
yourself some time on Tuesday that you set
aside some time from your busy schedule, perhaps
before salatul Maghrib, to make du'a to Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to forgive your sins and
give you goodness in this life and in
the next. And in this particular narration,
Anadhis salaamu also says,
that the best thing that I have said
and those prophets before me as well, this
is in reference to what a person should
say on the day of 'arutah, is to
Try to say this as much as you
can on the day of Tuesday.
Another great blessing or virtue of the day
of 'arufah, as we know, it is a
day in which a person's past and future
sins can be forgiven. Sui lan Nabi salallahu
alaihi wa sallam ansoomyom
a'utha. The Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam was
asked about fasting the day of a'utha, and
he says, you get firoosun al ma'amdiya wa
baqiyyah. It expiates the sins, the minor sins
of the previous year and the coming year
again. We just passed the summer solstice, June
21st, the longest day of the year, especially
in Calgary, it is extremely long and it
might be hard for a person to fast
all 9 days of Dhruhajah.
As it is mentioned from the wives of
the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, they narrated
that the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam had
the practice of fasting all 9 of these
days, but at a very bare minimum. It
will be a single day. It might be
hard, it might be long, but don't miss
out on this opportunity to fast the day
of Arafah
as it will expiate a person's minor sins
of the year previous and of the year
coming as well.
As far as the other virtues of this
blessed day of Yom
it is also mentioned in one hadith
that one time a Jewish man came to
Rama Al Khattab radiAllahu an, and he said
that there is a particular ayah in the
Quran, that if it was revealed to us
as a Jewish people, we would have taken
that day as a day of Eid. And
this day is the ayah in the Quran
wherein Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala says,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is saying that on
this day We have completed and perfected your
religion and made pleasing to you Islam as
We have completed your religion, wa atmantu alaykum
nirmati, and perfected Our favor for you, wa
atlati tullakum islam adina, and make pleasing to
you Islam as a religion. Arun al Khattar
He says, I know the time and the
place that this ayah was revealed. It was
revealed on the day of Friday, on the
day of Yom 'Arufah, on the plains of
as well, and that is from the distinctions
given to this great day of Arafah, which
will be on Tuesday 9th of Dhul Hijjah.
The Prophet
also had his famous Khutbatulwada,
major address of the Prophet
at the end of his message given to
the entirety of mankind, as to which his
message actually was, that you will find in
his farewell
sermon, which is known as the Khutbatulwada'a.
I'll mention just one part of the sermon.
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he says
He says in this particular narration, on the
mount of Arafah,
he says that
the blood, the honor and the money of
a Muslim towards another Muslim is haram just
as this day and the hulma of this
day or and the hulma of this month,
and the hormah of this place as well.
So here we find something interesting,
that in the Arabic language a person might
hear the the grand mosque, it is called
Masjid Haram. Why is it called Masjid Haram?
A kid might ask that why is it
called Masjid Haram if it is the greatest
masjid? What's haram about it? And the way
that we understand it is that when a
person is in the state of a haram,
then there are certain things be that become
haram for them, like clipping of their nails,
like for example, covering of the head, those
things become haram for them. Likewise, when you
enter the prayer takbirah to ihram, the opening
speaking now becomes impermissible for you, as an
example. So when you enter those specific locations,
in which there is a sanctity, if you
are in front of the Kaaba, you would
be embarrassed if you are Muslim to commit
sin there. So there's certain sanctity there,
which again,
in the Arabic language is referenced or translated