Imtiaz Sooliman – Winter School 2024

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The speakers discuss the importance of belief in the spirituality of religion and the need for people to focus on it. They also talk about the negative impact of praying and not focusing on negative behavior. The cultural and political dynamics of Turkey are discussed, including the belief that spirituality is driving force behind society and the need for people to act with love and positivity. The speakers emphasize the importance of providing essential supplies and attending events in the Dominican Republic, as well as the challenges faced by businesses in the face of the pandemic. They also discuss the use of anger and suffering to bring people back to the people and the importance of giving people the option to take action and not giving money.
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Jews, Christians and Muslims performing services in the same
He understood the unity of religion.
Mother talks to me again, and it tells me you need to go to Turkey.
I said, why? He
said, the teacher that I saw is from Turkey.
I said, Mala, I know you not well.
It's 1986 I haven't seen Cape Town when I want to get to Turkey.
He said something very profound. He said, What God worlds happens?
There's a time and a place. It was five years later,
August, 91 my wife and I landed up in Turkey. It's a very long story,
but when we get there, there's something very important to
understand. You see, when he went to Saint John the Divine, it was a
very calm time.
But in August 91 it wasn't a calm time.
This was post Gulf War,
and Samuel Huntington spoke of the clash of civilizations the Gulf
War, the perception was Christians, Hindus and Jews on one
side and Muslims on the other side, east on one side, west on
one side, and coming from an apartheid past really didn't have.
So as we walked inside there, my
wife and I looked at each other and said, go in the wrong place.
Got confused.
Who was there? What minister in New York, my wife and Astro
Istanbul. What is so in St John the Divine I saw in the halveti,
jirai, Sufi, order of Istanbul in as we walked in, Jews, Christians,
Muslims, Hindus, people from all faith and non faith, Americans,
Russians, people from Norway, Denmark, Germany, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Southeast Asia
and parts of Africa all in Mr. Moli, please, post Gulf War,
nobody's fighting, nobody's shouting. What else is it's
I then start understanding the power of spirituality. You see,
you asked at the beginning, why did I give up practice? The
patients knew more than me. For the start, you know Indian
patients, they always know more than a doctor.
And then I said,
What is this?
It was a calling.
You don't go to a spiritual place. The spiritual place calls you.
And I understood the power of spirituality because I didn't know
who the spiritual teacher is. I didn't see a picture. I don't know
his face, I don't know his name, but a man was sitting there, and I
tell my wife, that's the man. There was hundreds of people
there. That was right, that's the man. Now, normally when you
travel, you need to understand this in context.
When you travel as a guest, especially as an international
guest, when you come to a place, your host will ask, like, Where
you from? How's your flight? Where are you staying? Did you eat
something? Do you want something? Are you okay? None of the above.
In any case, that didn't really bother me. How the flight was,
where I'm staying, what I'm doing, what was bothering is what I'm
seeing here. How come all religions and different countries
in the Muslim only place that was what's running me? Joining me. His
first question, what do you see? Not where you come from, which
plane you took, where you stayed, what to eat? No. His first
question, he addressed my soul, because my soul was in turmoil, to
suppose gulf. Want to understand, how can everybody be here?
It says, What do you see? I said, I'm confused. What are Christians,
Jews, Hindus doing the same Muslim place, Americans and Russians and
everybody else. We fought these guys all over the world. Why are
they? He
said, My son,
you see, right? He said, but you need to understand,
mankind is one single nation.
The God of all mankind is one. We just call him by different names,
any Imam,
Sufi, Sheik, Priest, Pandit or Rabbi
that promotes violence, terrorism, extremism, Discord, conflict,
confrontation or disorder, is not a man of God. Don't follow him.
Anyone that preaches love, kindness, compassion and mercy is
a man of God. Follow him. The.
Essence of religion is love and service. He said, Don't waste your
time sitting in the corner and praying. The time for prayer is
over. Pray is meaningless. There's no service attached to it. Taking
a rosary like we do in our religion. He said, What are you
wasting your time for? Or what use is that to anybody? Just not
saying, don't pray. We got the rule to pray five times a day. The
point he was making is that prayer without action and service is a
pointless exercise. And he said, People wait for you, like the
priest said at the dinner,
the mercy of God was in the reaction of the children to my
son, Shaya. What is the use of all of you praying, and people say,
the precedent come? Does it happen? They want to see you live
what you teach.
He said, in spiritual terms, we never look at the negative in
We always look for the positive in people. The word you use is called
seal. It's an Arabic word that you look at the soul of the person and
you look for the good. So if a person has no to do bad things,
don't emphasize the bad. Find one good thing that the person did. He
fed the cat, he gave water to the dog, he picked up something from
the street. Pick up something on that, and emphasize on that. And
the moment you do that, the law of the universe and spirituality is
that spiritual, spirituality will come up, goodness will come up,
and gladness will slowly decrease. That's the aim of religion, to
promote harmony, to bring goodness to change character without
destroying anybody. He says, you spoke about the politicians. You
see, we never going to find a perfect human being, among the
religious teachers, among the spiritual leaders, among the
people, you are never going to find a perfect person. Anybody
here that's perfect.
You see, a perfect I won't ask your wife.
You said people have bad habits. It doesn't make them bad people.
We need to understand that very clearly. We don't become
judgmental about people. So in my spiritual order, there are a lot
of different spiritual orders in Turkey, and everybody has a
different type of dress. So one of the spiritual orders came but long
wings, kind of outfits,
and the guy from the other order asked him, like, why are you
dressed like that?
He said, we take the faults of people and we hide it inside here.
He said, But yo, you got no sleeves at all. You got short
sleeves. Why you got short sleeves? He said, we don't see the
faults of people.
What causes havoc in society, backbiting, negative ideation,
talking better about people, press forward on the WhatsApp, forward,
forward, forward, and you enjoy sending, seeing disharmony and
discord and destroying people's lives. Now, teaching that is
unforgivable. It's very, very clear that your nebula society,
you hide the evil, you challenge it, but you don't advertise it. We
got a teaching you admonish your brother in private, but you admire
him in public. How many people do that?
So I fall in love with the teacher, and at that very moment
of time, he said, You don't judge people. You don't write off an
entire nation, an entire community, an entire group of
people because of the bad actions of a few people. That very minute,
apartheid left my mind, white left my mind. Educate church left my
mind. Christian left my mind. You know what? Educate, you said,
what's what I mean, Swat, Sakhar, Roy, sakhafar, and, you know, and
most of sakhafar, that was a teaching indicator.
And today, all that is gone.
So I come into South Africa,
and I go for pilgrimage. And what's up sending the pilgrimage,
that's what comes back. I want to go back to Turkey. Six, August, 92
the official dates,
10 o'clock after the zikr, the
spiritual teacher. I don't know
if any of you have experienced a Zika, but when you experience a
zikr, you feel God's presence, right there comes right now, some
you got experience to understand it. But in that presence of the
zikr and the God's presence the spiritual teacher, suddenly, no
warning, picks his head up, makes eye contact with me and looks
heavenward at the same time. The reason I'm telling all this is to
understand the power of spirituality. It's supposed to be
driving us, because we in the religious sector. So it makes eye
contact with me and he looks heavenward at the same time, in
FLUENT Turkish, and I don't speak a word of Turkish, and I don't
understand a word of Turkish, but that night, I understood every
single word that he said in Turkish, the power of
spirituality. He said, My son, I told you, it's not an
organization. You said, My son, I'm not asking you.
I am instructing you to form an organization. He even gave the
name. He said the name in Arabic will be walkful. Walk a feel
translated. Gift of the givers, you will serve all people of all
races, all religions, all colors, all classes, all cultures, of any
geographical location and of any political affiliation, but you
will serve them unconditionally. You will expect nothing in return,
not even a thank you. This is an instruction for you for the rest
of your life, I was 30 years old,
serve people with love, kindness, compassion and mercy, and remember
the dignity of man is foremost. If somebody is down, don't push them
down any further, hold them, elevate them. There's nothing more
valuable in life than dignity, and that's your own. We have to bring
dignity back to the people. If anything brings faith,
spirituality and hope and positivity, is to look after the
dignity of people, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, provide
water to the thirsty, and in everything that you do, be the
best at what you do those second grade stuff here, not because of
ego. Ego is destructive, but because we're dealing with human
life, human emotion, human suffering and human dignity.
My son, don't ever forget that whatever you do is done through
you and not by you.
There's no place for ego in the religious sector, we abuse our
position. We become God himself, and people turn to us and we
exploit that. It's at the moment you think that the gift is gone.
Every time I visited him, I mean to take it 28 times. Says only one
line, whatever you do is done through you and not by you. All
the things that you guys think that I do is not humanly possible,
and I give some examples, if we can get some time.
So I asked him, How come that? Did you speak Turkish? I understand
and other people speak Turkish, I don't understand.
He said, My son, when the hearts connect and the souls connect, the
words become understandable.
Asked him, What exactly am I supposed to do? I'm a doctor. What
three practices? I'm extremely busy. I work Monday to Sunday.
What am I supposed to do and when am I supposed to do this?
He told me one line,
you will know. I will know what,
what am I supposed to do
the moment I walked out of there the same night on the sixth of
August, 1992 it came to me respond to the civil war in Bosnia. The
same month, I took in 32 containers of aid into a war zone,
all alone. Three months later, in November, I took an eight
containers of winter items. And the following year, we designed
the world's first containerized mobile hospital, a product of
South African engineering, South African technology, a world first
taken from Africa into Europe. The company is Africa fundraiser and
engineering. You see the trailers on the road effort, white
Christian Africana,
instant application of what I learned in August 91
I called you, and they came to mouse,
and I said, I've got the business organization is just formed.
Let's design the world's first containerized mobile hospital
where then a sterilization unit Annex A unit in a state, a unit
for armscope. Many years ago, I said, we can build an entire
hospital. So
they said, Okay, let's take on the challenge. I said, but there's one
problem. I don't have to money to pay you,
because I'm not a business. They said, how much you can give me? I
said, a deposit of 300,000 men. I said, What happens if the money
doesn't come in? How do I pay you after that white African Christian
prejudice we are with each other. He said, If you don't pay me,
that's my gift to the people of Bosnia.
I eventually gave him 28 containers. Theater, X ray,
sterilization, ICU birth unit, physiotherapy unit, dental unit,
casualty, outpatient, orthopedics, labor, plus a generator, plus a
bus, plus an adjuvant and 10 containers of backup supplies to
run an entire hospital for an whole year if it is completely
blocked. What supplies.
Is Ivy, lions, fluids, everything. The teacher said, be the best. I
made sure we were going to be the best CNN film hospital on first
February 94 and they said the South African container rice
mobile hospital is equal to any of the best hospitals in Europe
in 2005 me and my family were invited by the Bosnian government
to tour Bosnia.
I told them in the beginning of the war that once the war was
over, you can break the containers and take out the equipment and put
it where it's most practical. So when I got there, the containers
were broken and the equipment was in the main hospital. The doctor I
put in charge that time was the doctor who studied charge 2005
and he said, remember, you told me that the theater can do everything
besides heart surgery. I said, that's yes, that's exactly what I
told you. He says, meet the lady. So the lady is there. He said,
This lady had shrapnel in heart, and we removed deed from heart in
the same theater that you guys sent. He said, meet these
children. There are four children here. All these four children were
born to this lady after the shepherds removed from her heart
in that theater and were born in this hospital. We associate South
Africa with faith, with belief, but giving health and giving life,
and we increase faith in God Almighty through service,
12, January. I just walked into my house from overseas. Prime media
calls to me and said, you know, an earthquake hit it. I said, No, I'm
shocked at the house. They put the TV on. I looked at this picture. I
said, whoo. In this, this this one screen, I can tell you now there's
25,000 people there already. Are you going to respond within one
hour? I said, yes, the search industry teams are ready. We are
going to respond. But
this is a very complicated mission.
So we get a team study the Anglican and the Methodist and
other church leaders, meet my team in Johannesburg.
I give Air France the business because the concert French Consul
General didn't charge us anything for the visas. As a courtesy, I
gave a business. I write to Air France. I said, Will you get my
teams to port operands in 80 they said, Yes, we will. I told him,
No, you won't. They said, Yes, we will. I said, No, you won't. So I
said, Give me a guarantee in writing, no airline ever gives you
a guarantee. They came in guarantee in writing, they will
get my team support a prince. I said, big mistake. Any case, they
give me the email. The teams go to the airport. They fly into France
from Paris. Next destination is Port au Prince. I knew that's not
going to happen,
so I phoned the Catholic Society of job. I don't know the guy. He
answered the phone. I said, I don't know you. You don't know me,
but I need the Pope.
For the next 10 seconds, I couldn't talk. What does the
Muslim guy want to do with the Pope? I said, Oh, are you
Christian guys not connected? We Muslims are connected all over the
world. So what do you want the pope for? I said, I want the
Catholic organization to meet my teams in the Dominican Republic,
take them across in the Port au Prince and look after them. Oh,
okay, course, three hours later, done Catholic Relief Services, CRS
and Caritas will meet your teams in Dominican Republic.
The teams land ahead of my team. Say, we got a big problem. I said,
No, there's no flights to Port au Prince, isn't it? He said, Yes.
How did you know? I said, common sense, the earthquake knocked out
the harbor the university in the presidential office, but left the
airport behind you. How's that possible? Airport is damaged. You
can't fly. I said, You guys are flying the next two hours flight
change. You guys are being met in the Dominican Republic. Number,
yes, it number. To get to Dominican Republic, what South
African team welcome Catholic Relief Services and Caritas,
accommodation, transport, water, visas, food, whatever you need.
You see if you spend less time fighting each other and spending
more time working with each other as mankind is one single nation,
can you see what we can achieve shortly. Attending across the
border plants. We the only team in the world. What the Mexican team
is also Catholic. Let's stay with the max, with the Caritas people.
They were Mexican. Other teams are restricted by the UN to work three
hours a day. We work eight to nine hours a day.
Day 8/20, January, 2010
in the collapse Catholic Church, my team members start getting
sounds in the rubble they ate, and few hours later they call me. They
pulled out alive. 64 year old and as easy, fractured hip, no food,
no water, no oxygen, completely uncovered, covered by Rubble, they
pulled her out alive eight days later from the collapse Catholic
Church. Her first words to my team is, I love God, almighty. Faith
and spirituality kept our lives and gave up positivity and hope.
And the second team words to my team is, I love you. What is the
essence of religion? If not.
Love and service. But could that have been achieved? You were
sitting in the house and reading a scripture and not sending out
teams to serve? You can't do that. You have to be practical.
But another element came out of this. You see, ethics is a big
problem in the medical field, in the NGO field, my teams went to
the church understanding. They watched the walls and they watched
the floors. And my teams are mixed, African, white, English,
Hindu, Muslim, black, all mixed up. They went to the church, and
after they watched the church, they said, bring the patients. The
kids came,
and my teams broke down. I tell them to practice emotional
distancing. They couldn't. They broke down because the kid's hand
was cut, but whoever amputated it didn't do it correctly. So now we
have to take the elbow off. Now these are kids where we take the
ankle off, take the knee off. Not one, hundreds of them, people came
from first world countries. They are the ones like they know
everything. They are the masters. They know nothing about ethics and
values. Sorry, I'm blunt, and they come because they're practicing on
somebody else's child. And this child is destroyed completely.
And after proceeding is done, go home, the child has to go away.
There's no house, there's no mother, there's no father, there's
no grandfather, there's no family, there's no food, there's no shirt,
there's no shoes, there's no clothing. Where do we go?
Not one hundreds.
We saw a first one tin operated as somebody and the person bled to
death. Our values are very strict. We
sent our teams in for
the credit of first world countries. They said that if you
want healing
and you want hope and you want life, then go to the Dream Team.
And the Dream Team is from South Africa. That's the recognition
they gave us, because they follow the principles of spirituality and
Ubuntu. No matter what they believe or don't believe,
spirituality is inside every human being. You don't have a belief
system for that kindness and goodness is ingrained in you. It
just has to come out, and our missions take you out. I have
generous with several of us, and they said we don't believe in God,
but when we travel with you, we find him. They tell me that on
every mission, we find him. When we travel with you,
that's the power of spirituality.
October 2005
we're going to Pakistan to an earthquake.
When we land there, the
Pakistani journal comes and says,
Please don't go to the mountains. I said,
which hospital you want to give me? It says, you understand? I
say, yes. The team said, Ah, what did you come from? He's saying,
not going don't go to that quick. I said, the man is telling you,
there's nothing left there. They're all dead. There's nothing
you can do there. It's finished.
They told me, I'll give the cantonment hospital of Rawalpindi.
But I said, those that are alive,
the doctors are gone, Gospels are gone. The equipment is gone, the
buildings are gone. Everybody is gone, but there are people alive
here. Then everywhere I need to go and fetch them. Can you lend me
your helicopters? He said, My Friend, look at our condition. 400
villages sent you to the ground. Earthquake wasn't in one city. It
struck us from Rawalpindi right to Mazara, but right to the Kashmir,
India border. An entire region is gone. Not one city, an entire
region is gone. How you could help your helicopters? We don't have
enough in disaster management. There's no such thing as
impossible. It can't be done.
So I look around. I say, who are Americans? You know, Muslims and
Americans, we have a big problem with each other. So any case, as
an American guy, big black guy, emphasis on race is deliberate. So
I go there. Say my brother, where you from? He's got American Bench.
Where you from? He said, I'm from America. I said, you're black.
You're not from America. I said, you from Africa? He said, Yes. He
said, I'm from Africa.
So I said, I'm from Africa too. Now one brother needs help from
another brother. So what Brother? How does a brother need? I said,
you know, I need to take my guys in the mountain. Do helicopters
here anyway? Brother karat, what our brothers for? Take three,
three helicopters in two minutes, two Blackhawks and another
holiday, a helicopter. He understood the language of the
heart. He understood the power of spirituality. He understood the
power he's not a priest. He's no religious man. He's just a soldier
standing there with uniform and say, Take three helicopters. If I
had asked our government to write to the American government, I'd
still be waiting for those damn helicopters.
It goes into the mountain and our team stabilize the people and.
Bring them down. In the meantime, the other team walks to cantonment
hospital of Rawalpindi, and as we walk through, I get the stench of
gangrene, the stench of debt. Children are lying with no
stretcher, no Ivy lions, no food, no doctors, no nurses, no
detergents, no Lenin. I call them military. I say, Hey, what is
this? Would you put your mother here? Is that what you mean? I
said, Come see
so the CEO comes running. He said, in general, General, General,
General. Gospel is being decommissioned. I said, Are you
guys mad?
Gospel all destroyed, the one that's standing on the clothes. Is
there something wrong with you guys? So he said, What can we do?
I said, otherwise we're walking around. I have to bring this as a
side story for you to understand your own value.
First of all, teams came there. Oh, who you, where you from. They
couldn't understand because black, white, Indian, Hindu, Muslim,
Christian, all mixed up, so they can't understand where we come
from. Is from South Africa. Oh, come from Africa. Want you to come
to fetch do
You guys are always looking for free. Things always cover the ball
in the hand, always can't do anything. Said Julie, it your
So the military guy asked me, What can we do? I said he has a
shopping list. You give me this, I'll show you what Africa can do
in less than 24 hours, a hospital that was shutting down, the South
African medical team converted it into a 400 bed emergency hospital
when nurses, doctors, ICU theater functional, and we did 75
operations a day, and all is coming from the amount of
helicopters were put inside here. And I told us, first of all,
country teams, I give you permission to work here.
It showed our skill, and the following year, the Pakistan
president gave us a Presidential Award. It's not important, but to
recognize what Africa can do, because I'm African and nothing
else, and we need to understand that
something beautiful happened. Two
things happened in that story.
We were going in the mountains,
and I normally carry, I got four cell phones with me. And as I was
coming to climb into the truck, my friend carried the cell phones and
my bag, and then he said he just got to speak to somebody there. So
as he walked the truck driver drove off. I got no cell phones,
wrong, but I didn't worry, because we were going in a convoy, so
they're going way in the convoy, or to altogether. And suddenly, I
don't know what got into this guy's head. He turned off anyway.
On his own, he left the convoy.
I don't have phones, I don't have GPS. I can't skip the language. I
don't know where the guy is, and he's just driving. I said, I'm
lost. My friends have gone somewhere else, my team. But as
he's driving, I suddenly see in this area, kids on the road,
adults on the road, houses destroyed, shoving cold weather
outside, no food or liquids. I said I didn't get lost. God took
me there, because these people are lost, not me in their own country.
So I tell the guy, I don't know how they have to tell him to stop.
So I just did this. He understood that very well. He just stopped.
So I said he understood that too. So we took the stuff off the
trucks and we gave the people, you see what the priest said,
the children's response to my son, Shia, is,
how God is. You know, the the mercy of God lies. I saw in the
eyes of those children, in the eyes of those mothers, in the eyes
of those fathers, that they felt the mercy of God Almighty, that
God did not forget them
as you offloaded the stuff, the driver didn't understand the other
command. He drove off without me.
Man, I'm left in the country that I can't speak the language. I
don't know that people. I don't know where I am. I don't have a
map, I don't have phones, nothing.
And I've said what, what you going to do here? If I walk up, maybe I
go to Afghanistan. I go right. Maybe I'm in India. I go left.
Well, then see, maybe the South is Pakistan, where there Do I go?
The mood comes out.
It throws a light on the road.
I follow the light of the moon. I said, is that the sample you're
telling me to follow? So I follow the moonlight
and I walk. I don't know where I went, and that moonlight brought
me exactly into the camp where I left from. The
military looked at me like something happened. I said, why
you guys looking at me like that? He said, Do you know where you
went? The area you went to is the area where all the gangsters and
the kidnappers are and where people get killed. I said, I made
a casual walk. I came here. Nothing happened on the way. They
thought I lost it.
Something beautiful, more beautiful happened
in December, 2005
an Africana, Lady Karina exchange, specialized nurse in spinal rehab,
photo therapist. You.
Calls me from Pretoria, University of Pretoria, and she says, Doctor
Suleman, I like to go to help the people of Pakistan. So I said,
Karina, when would you like to go
Christmas? I said, you can't be feeling well. What does the
Christian person want to do all Christian day in Amazon, country?
She says, I got no other time to go. I want to go on Christmas. So
she goes on Christmas, and she stands for three weeks there, and
she makes kids walk, and she makes adults walk. And the day she's
leaving, the military cries.
The families cry, the doctors cry, the patients cry, the nurses cry.
Here was a Christian Afrikaner lady from an apartheid country
that brought hope and healing to the people of Pakistan. And
she brought some child home to Pretoria to treat the child with a
special treatment.
In September, 2022
I spoke at a function in German, so optimist International. It's
all a woman group.
When I finish speak, and I deleted this exact story, the lady sitting
on the front table with me says, I'm phoning Karina now.
I said, Do you know Karina?
You said the child that you spoke about stayed in my house. What's
the chances of that being a coincidence in spirituality, there
is no coincidence the final story,
November 2022 my friend calls me from Cape Town and says, Would you
like to meet the new general manager of Turkish Airlines is
moved from San Francisco to Cape Town. So I said, Yes, in my
business, I would disaster specialist. I need to know
But I said, I will not talk to him now. I will talk to him when it's
meant to be
there's no note not writing down. Okay, meet the guy from Texas
alliance for February, nothing, no such thing.
First February. 2023
I mean the plane, King Shaka airport. As I get to the plane,
the thought comes to me, remember the guy called you November last
year. You better call him now. So I call him. I said, Nisar, the
sport is Turkish. Guy is here. He said, I call you back now. I'll be
back two months later. I'm in the plane, and it says we're meeting
at half past nine at saree restaurant at the waterfront.
That's that right. Get off the plane. Straight to the restaurant.
Meet the techie lands guy. My first words to him, Muhammad, in
the event an earthquake hits a country, can you move such a
rescue teams, medical teams, dog handlers, dogs, such a rescue
equipment, medical equipment, tents, blankets, food and medicine
and bottled water, instantly, life saving is in the first 72 hours.
Can you do it with no asset and no difficulty? Can it be done?
Yes, no problem.
Five days later, sixth, February, 4:10am, the morning,
an earthquake. It's his country. What's
the chances of that being a coincidence? 20 million people
In 24 hours, our search and rescue teams are on the plane. In 48
hours, the dogs are the plane the dog handles. We land in Turkey, in
Istanbul, my second home. As I said, I've been there 28 times.
Fifth of the givers was born there. And as he lands, you don't
ever tell the government of any country. I am too clever. You
know, I studied in Prince Ellen Bush University, and very skilled
people. You don't say things like that. You eat humble pie. You fit
into the system, my brother, what do you want? Where do you want us?
How can we have not be very clever. We know everything.
170 listen to this part very carefully. 172
countries responded to the earthquake. Some send more than
one team. So let's say an average of 300 search industry teams came.
Only 12 teams were selected to go to Hatay. I was in her Thai
November, the year before,
what I was flat to the ground. 99% gone. There's no attain anymore.
Only 12 teams were selected, two Chinese government teams, two
Turkish Government teams, Italian team, Jordanian team, Saudi team,
Omani team, Serbian team, Croatian team, Bosnian team. And gift of
the givers, with the only non governmental team, everyone else
who some governments. 12 teams land up in Tata,
day eight, again, 13, February 2023, exactly. Day eight. The dog
says, Go that one. Go to that building. So we go and we pull out
alive, a 90 year old grandmother, 12 floors pancake the ground, and
that lady is alive. And.
Eight days later,
we're the only team in the world that had five dogs, the Chinese,
the other said,
Can we like borrow a dog?
So I said,
I'm an Indian. I need to make money
after $3 an hour, two dogs, $75
any case,
the Bosnian team leader understood. Remember, this is
Turkey. This is a country from I got instruction to take the search
industry to or to send aid to Bosnia.
The Bosnian team leader and the South Africa teams are only two
teams to have two 300 teams. Only 12 teams land up in attack. South
African and Bosnian were two. The Bosnian team leader comes to my
team, such as a team member or the team leader on the shoulder, and
then start shopping. I see,
like, what happened to you? So he takes out the wallet. The wallet
is a picture. He pulls out the picture, and there's a baby and a
mother or a woman? He said, that baby, that's me, that mother. That
lady is my mother. So what's the point? He said, We know your guy's
name. I
said, What do you mean?
I was born in the hospital. That gift of the givers brought to
Bosnia in 1993
30 years later, 300 teams. Only 12 teams go to to Hatay, and in 12
teams, one of the guys that was born in Gospel is there. There is
no coincidence in spirituality. This is God's grace to you. Maybe
you got time for one last story,
when the teacher said, You will know what to do.
January 6, 2010
No. 2014
we get a call from al Qaeda in the desert of Yemen. They said, Are
you the guys looking for a South African couple? Let's take a
hostage. We said, Yes. We've been telling you that guys from from
May last year, but we don't know who's calling us. We know somebody
has taken the South African couple. So he said, Yes, we want
to discuss about the couple. Come tomorrow morning, my team member
in Yemen. You gotta speak the language. You gotta know them
seven. Come seven. January, 10am, into eight, and come alone. So it
goes alone into the house, they take him, and as he walks in, they
ask him, do you know we are
we are al Qaeda, and you know what we're capable of? What you want?
You got a man and a woman. Let's talk about a woman first. That's a
mother needs to go home to a children. That's fine. You can
ever put down $3 million you can ever so
they allow him to talk to me. I said, tell him no money, not
discussing money yet.
Then January,
days, he doesn't know
anything about hostage negotiations. Neither do I know
anything about hostage negotiations. He hasn't been
trained much. Negotiator, I haven't been trained also.
Negotiator, many intelligence services have trained him. Nobody
has trained me. He hasn't gotten an honors, a masters or a PhD near
in three days, we took out juilanti Koki, out alive, unhamp,
unconditional. No deaths, no agency in the world, no government
in the world has taken out hostage in three days, without even with
ransom, they've never done it with three days. We knew exactly what
to do and how to do it and how to get your land out, and we secured
the release of cocky as well. Also six December, 2014 what Americans
decided to go in with the with the Green Berets, and both Pierre and
the hostage, Luke summers died.
We helped get Stephen McGowan out, Johan, Gustafson, helfen, given
them. We helped the Vatican. We helped other countries advise on
how to take hostages out. We knew the system. Who taught us nobody.
The teacher said you would know for 32 years, I know exactly what
to do, how to do, when to do, what to touch, when not to touch. Thank
you very much. Applause.