Imtiaz Sooliman – Imtiaaz Sooliman is our #championSAfrica on todays show.
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Hi, welcome back.
Lots more to come. I can tell you, not just on this show, but
certainly all throughout the day, some really great programming on
Salah media that you absolutely have to listen out for, right? Um,
Doctor. MJ Solomon comes up next, but there's we've asked for
comments on a range of issues. We are getting comments. Let's get
let's get more on that. Rahima, what have you got? So our
listeners are definitely confirming the fact that South
Africa has one of the highest rates of cyber bullying in the
world. We've got two comments specifically that speaks to the
notion that adults are bullies and how children how
their parents behave at home and in the workplace. We also hearing
that it's no surprise that the children are bullying, because
that's what they see adults doing. So there's been a huge shift now,
also with regards to placing adults as responsible for
bullying. And we've got one more comment that I think is necessary
to mention. Somebody says, I'm a rever to Islam and wish to remain
anonymous, but I noticed a problem amongst us Muslims, a special name
referring to us, and realize that we will never be accepted by most
Muslims. It's sad and disappointed, as we are also a
lost creation. So yes, being a revert seems to come with its
difficulties and challenges in our community, something we need to be
aware about and try and solve. Okay, I think it's an important
point, let me, let me give you my quick thoughts, on, on, on,
Revert, right or convert. I just think
me better now. I just think,
if a person is a Muslim, is a Muslim, why do you have to even
tell people the next question, how low are they Muslims? If you
actually go back to the pre Islamic time, or that first
generation of Muslims, the Sahaba, in fact, all of them are my
interpreter, all reverts. Think about it. Just think about that.
So why is it that important? Okay, the champion people feature. It's
inspired by what I do at champion South Africa, where we say
champion people, bold champion nations, and therefore we
highlight people that we consider amongst the champion people. So
today is the turn of Doctor imtia Suleiman. He's the founder of gift
of the givers. Salam Alaikum. Welcome to the show
I should have salabed. You to come to your listeners, and then I'll
go back to everyone. Absolutely. We've spoken on so many different
platforms. You and I, and I always think of you as nothing less than,
uh, than a champion. So par for the course.
Well, no, it's what whatever happens is bylaws. Grace. You
know, as my teacher said, Whatever happens is through you and not by
you. So whatever you see is the reflection of something coming
through me. I've got something done by myself. You know, it's
interesting you say that because, I mean, this is just a nice,
chilled conversation we're having, but, but that part it comes
through you and not by you, is something I've heard from you say
so often, right? But help us internalize that. What does that
really mean? It comes through you and by and not by you.
It's to do an ego. It's to understand that you don't actually
achieve anything, that whatever you do, it's not something to make
you feel great and feel solid at it. It was the first teaching of
my Sufi teacher to me when I met him in August, 1992 the sixth of
August, 1992 to the Thursday night, and the first instruction
that he gave me to form an organization as part of the
teaching, he said the most important point to remember is
that whatever you do is done through you and not by you. So
there's no place to feel inflated, because if anything can destroy
good It's pride and ego. And you know, Islam has made so much
emphasis on pride, destroying good things and a whole institution
service everything could be destroyed by pride. So he made
that the primary focus, that whatever you do, and it's true,
I've loved it, the kind of things in greater commerce that I've
achieved is not really possible to be in so many places at the same
time drag decisively, to be so fast, to get so much of support,
to get things happen. You know, things fall into place. Yes,
there's challenges, but the way things happen so speedily, it just
incredible. And you know, because another part of the teaching that
he told me is, when he gave me an instruction, I asked him, now,
okay, if you give me this instruction, what does it mean?
I'm a doctor in private practice. I have three surgeries. Is the
Sunday I'm going to do in the weekends, after hours, public
holidays, long holidays, when? And he just told me, one night, you
will know, yeah, and believing, but 28 years, I do know, and it's
just something that comes to you. It's not something that you plan
or you think or you read about. It just happens now. Now we know. I
mean, you're the founder of gift of the givers, right? And we you
have a formidable team.
We're aware of that, but you're still very much the public face of
of gift of the givers, right? So, so help us with this right to To
what degree does the it doesn't happen by you, but through you.
How do you use that as part of the gift of the givers culture, so
that all your team of permanent staff and volunteers embrace that
fully so what do you tell them? How do you get them to buy into
Again, the type of people that you draw are people with that kind of
thinking. They come to you, across religion, across race, across
culture, and they buy those same principles, and they live those
principles. And of course, I have briefings with them all the time.
There's different categories. The one is the full time staff in the
different offices in the country. Then there's full time staff in
offices outside the country. And then there's the volunteers who
are primarily medical and search and rescue that respond to
disasters. The message is sent over and over again to all, to all
the teams in all the different categories, either through
communication like this, or meeting personally or being honest
officers on site throughout the world, or meeting teams in the
country and regularly and in of course, I've mentioned this in
every media interview and speaking to them, and we have sessions with
them all the time. And everybody understands that, that it's a team
effort, that we don't do anything, that we can't do anything without
the next person, whether the person who packs the box where
does, the person takes the call on the switchboard, whether somebody
who drives the truck. We are all part of an important process, and
that process is spiritually driven, that we only achieving
what we're achieving because of a great spiritual hand behind us.
And there's no place for someone to think is better or her better
than the next person, whether be it medical team, search and rescue
teams. You can be a professor, you can be a consultant. You can be
wherever you are, everybody from the person at the bottom who makes
the tea to the professor at the top, we all equal doing the same
kind of work. And the most important point is that we should
regard ourselves as privileged, as being given an opportunity to do
this, that we are selected to do this. That's not an easy thing.
How do you keep your your ego in check when there's so many
accolades from people like myself, and the President says something,
and somebody else says you should be the president, and someone
says, you know, give the money to give to the givers, not the
government. They will sort out things. It's recognition for
outstanding work by give to the givers. MTR, Solomon, vice versa,
right? How then do you keep the ego in check that it must be
incredibly difficult when you're getting so many accolades all the
It's simple.
Ashraf, when you have a total allegiance to a Sufi teacher when
he's taught you that, and you follow every instruction to the
point and everything that he has said, I've watched it over 28
years came true something that he told me in 92 came true much, much
later in years. So you know that whatever he stole you is something
very spiritual, significant, and for you to be successful is to
follow exactly what he's told you. And again, you are if you
intelligent enough to realize that the kinds of things achieved, if
you have to get on your own, without a teacher, without a
guide, or without a spiritual benefit, you will achieve it. It
just won't happen. It will probably a total disaster. And
that's why you have to keep reminding yourself that you are
nothing. You are nobody. You're only just achieving this because
of some great force behind you. The moment your force goes away,
you are useless. And, I mean, you are a medical doctor. You were a
medical doctor even before you met your spiritual teacher, in in in
Turkey, right? So, so you've already achieved a high degree of
excellence in your in your in the medical space before you met him,
but when you met him, and he advised you, and he changed your
life. And we know that, how did you have to change your day to day
routine in terms of you know, we often talk about structure of
life, and we spoke about it earlier on. How did you have to
make adjustments to ensure that you fit it in to this new mantra,
there is no planning. I shall in the problem with the issue with
this thing, because it's spiritual. He said, You will know
there is no planning. It just happens. If you ask me for a
blueprint for each of the givers of PDs, there's been none noble.
It things just fall in front of you and you follow what's given to
you by guidance and direction. You follow them. I practices. So it
started off small, you know. But actually not small. When I left
that, I asked him, What do you mean now? What do I have to do? He
said, you know. And as I walked out of the door, the first thing
they fell in behind was a civil war in Bosnia. Now, starting an
organization, you're not doing something simple like a soup
kitchen or a food parcel or a blanket distribution, you're
starting off in a war zone that requires all kinds of detail and
skill and knowledge, and information outweighed in that and
everything, I was guided along the line 85% to 90% of what I learned
in crypto givers came from the first project, intervention in
Bosnia. Then, of course, I had.
50 practices. So I was running the practices, and as is when up and
down, the family decided, You know what a children or wife decided?
She said, You're not here all the time. The patients are waiting for
surgery. They don't want to see your locum, Sam is going to die.
She just closed the practices. She said, I think it's better you
close the practices, because somebody's going to die here,
wondering. And whilst I was in Bosnia on the 30th of June, 1994
she just shut all three practices. That's not something we set and
plan and discuss. It happened in 30 seconds, literally, before you
said, I'm closing your practices, and I just said, Fine, finish.
It just happens that way, and it's the best decision we made. You
can't do two professional jobs at the same time Well, and that's a
way of knowing that you will know more to come from Doctor MJ
Sullivan, founder of gift of the givers. He's featured as one of
the champion people will continue up to about nine o'clock. Really
important issues in your comments, as always, are welcome. You can
WhatsApp Voice Note or text, 0617, double 603.
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this is the Usher of Goddess show,
and you are listening to salaam media.
And for me, what a privilege in the show to to speak to people
that inspire me. And MTR Suleiman certainly does that, founder of
gift of the givers, imcha, so I asked that question before the
break. I.
That you know this based on on many people, and I'm talking about
high profile people who said this gift of the givers crowd have done
something remarkable things, and they're not interested in your
spiritual inspiration. They're like they've done something for
South Africa. And I know in recent weeks they've said just even the
whole issue around covid issues and vaccines and and other relief
work, just bequeath the money to them to let them manage it. Right?
My question therefore, is, would you you already have a, you have
an alliance with government, you have to but, but would you see
yourself now being, you know, getting more involved in
government? I mean, actually, as an elected official, because
that's been spoken about by many people.
No. God says straight, no, yeah. Again, it goes to spiritual
teaching. The teacher said, clearly, you will never be in
government. You will never work for government, but you will work
with government. And that's what we're doing right now, and that's
what been doing for 28 years. We have a relationship with
ministers, MECs, premiers, mayors, some people like us, and some
people don't like us, you know, and some, some of us like us, and
some people, some people, someones don't like us, because we know we
we make things happen. And sometimes people feel that they're
being shown up. We're not here to show anybody up. This is not ego.
We're dealing with people who are in difficulty, who are struggling,
who are battling. And we have my staff are told one line only,
wherever you go, imagine your child or your wife is in that
difficulty, what would you do and how fast would you do it? Don't
afford me back. Don't ask me anything else. Just do what you
think you'll have to do if your wife or your child is in that
situation. They work with speak what excellence, and they make
things happen. When we do that, of course, government has
bureaucracy. They have the four, five or six people down the line
to get something signed. People aren't available and before they
can even reflect, we done and we gone. So that, of course, upsets a
lot of people, but at the same time, it wins over the hearts of
many inside government who says it should be done this way. And as
you find something may be upset, the next day, you got three
ministers with us at the same time on a program or a minister or an
embassy. I mean, last week, the premier Eastern Cape had this
entire MEC. It is entire Cabinet meeting us. You know, in a
program, by the way, in AMTA, it was just an accidental meeting,
but everybody wanted to meet us. And yet, previously, they thought
we were showing them up in covid 19, and when they realized you are
benefit to them and not opposition to them, it's just a total, total
being embraced totally by everybody, including the cause of
So, so mtrs for President, we can cancel out. Mtrs in government, we
can cancel out. You've touched on it to a degree, but. But here's
the thing you know, moving forward with your own life, right? How?
How do you export? How do you copy and paste the the give to the
givers template to other organizations in South Africa. You
know? I've, I also drive the, the champion South Africa project. You
know about it from day one, but many other people, how do we get
them to do whatever it is they're good at, to be even better, to be
world class in the way that gift to the gift is,
well, it's, it's, it's personal. You know, it's something that's
very personal. It comes from your own motivation of having a
spiritual teacher. It's something very spiritual. Everything is
guided every I think I'm an advantage compared to many people.
That's the fortunate part and as but the important thing is to hold
on to the teaching. The moment you deviate from that, from what has
been taught, everything can collapse. So what I've learned,
I've actually built a team. I mean, I started off with one
staff. I only had one stop. You know, I worked from my children's
home, my children's room in the house, and eventually took an
office on one staff. And today there's eight staff full time in
South Africa, and 500 worldwide. We have just seen the staff alone
running to the hospital in Syria, besides being Palestine in
Somalia, Yemen Malawi, Zimbabwe, and projects all in the country
and offered it in Turkey. So the staff compliment has grown, and
all the teachings we've put up different divisions. We've got
corporate manager we've got project managers, we've got people
who do it and logistics, but everybody gets the same teaching
and to the point, and even, of course, the search industry teams
and the medical teams. And of course, I'm not going to live
favor, so the point must be reached where all these teams can
function without me really being around. And it's happening.
Everybody knows the responsibility. I've even tested
it the last three missions. I never let them out of the country.
I send the teams themselves. And I said, you've traveled me before.
You know how to deal with the situation. If there's a problem,
you can deal with it yourself. And they've been very, very successful
in overcoming problems when they travel internationally and locally
too. Whatever difficulty they may be, whatever they face, you know,
in different communities or municipalities or areas, they
solve themselves. So the most important point for me is to teach
them the policy and to teach them that the teachings that has come
to be from the Sufi master, and if they follow that.
Everything else from a worldly point of view, or fall in line?
Okay, well, it's interesting. You brought it up because I was going
to ask you, like, when are you going to retire and call it today?
Like, I don't, I don't suggest you to hold I think you've got another
30 years to do just that anyway. But, but, yeah, do you then have a
succession plan? So one is the infrastructure plan, but, but the
other is a succession plan in terms of the the the figureheads,
because, I mean, you're an important you're you're a visible
member of the of the organization, and that gives you tremendous buy
into to public spaces like the media. So who's your who's your
crown prince? My son. My son has been trained by me. He's also a
disciple of the Sufi master. And in 2016
when I went across and I told because in every this is what we
call Adam, you know, respect of the Tariqah. And I told him, in
2016 you know, you've given me the permission to to do whatever I
have to do in organization, but as a courtesy, I need to ask you, you
know, to bring my son in. He looked at me and said, what took
him so long?
What took him so long? You should have been there a long time ago.
He said, because we have bigger responsibility coming. He didn't
clarify what the bigger responsibility is, but I know what
it is, and something I can't talk about right now, but I know what
it is, and it's already happening. And you know, he came in and, of
course, it will never be the same, even from the time. I'm not, of
course, in no way competing myself to the Prophet. But after the
Prophet left, things are different in any company, in any
organization, people, even in Sumit Erika itself, the spiritual
teachers, each one that comes has a different sort of mindset for
the one before. And somebody has, everybody has a different type of
preference. All important. So in the same way, when somebody comes
after you and the next one takes over, each ones will have a
different approach, a different mindset, as long as the work gets
done, as long it follows the principles of, you know, what you
it, everything comes through you and not done by you, and you
follow that, it will happen, but in a different way, I I'm not
expecting everything to be done the way I'm doing it. It's not
gonna happen. You know, it's not realistic. In any company, in any
religious organization, in any spiritual teaching, it happens by
as long as it happens and it will be guided again. That change times
change. Things change. We never did business on Zoom. We never did
internet meetings on Zoom. We never done companies on Zoom or
Microsoft. But we doing it today. We can't travel. You have to do
things without traveling. Things change. Circumstances change. So
at the right time, things will change, and different type of
mindsets will be required to do what's required. I'm not an IT guy
at all, you know, but the world is full of it, and my son is IT
specialist. So you know, this coming at the right time when it
is such a big thing in the and then he came to me said, No, man,
your sister's all wrong. You have to fix this that any other,
I tell you what, if you spoke to, if you spoke, if you listen to my
chat with Abdullah earlier about digitizing your systems, you your
you, even your son, will bind exactly what, what was said. So
absolutely. So I'm just, I'm really trying to imagine, what
would your spiritual Sufi master suggest that in chars you have
something you have even a bigger challenge. I know you don't want
to tell us, but I obviously I'm scratching my head, like, what can
be bigger than what you've already done? At gift of the
givers. Look, it's, it's, it's something internal. I think it's
uniting people. Because gift of the givers, from a physical point
of view in disasters. Look, we are highly specialized at that. We in
so many times. We've been the first in the world. We've been
decisive. We saved lives. We've saved hundreds of 1000s of lives.
And I say save lives. It's not against something that we do. It's
been we've been committed to help people. The saving of life is
Allah's responsibility. We've been put in the position, from a human
point of view, to do the saving. Because, of course, he clarifies
that by saying, You saved one life, saved all of mankind. When,
then you may ask the question, but I'm you, God Almighty, the one
that saves lives. Why are you telling mankind that you saved
lives, saved all of mankind? But he has put mankind there as an
instrument to do the same of the life physically. So our teams have
done that any type of disaster, earthquakes, floods, Typhoon,
Cyclone, you die, even the drought, covid 19, our teams have
excelled. And I think what has come up in the last especially
during covid 19, is to see the relationship between people of
different cultures and communities and religions responding so well
to us where people are starting to show respect to each other. I
mean, on Tuesday, we launched the Ramadan campaign. And one of the
people who came for the Ramadan Ramadan campaign was a pastor. A
pastor said that in any I mean, you know him for quite some time
now, and he said, in my community, when I feed 40% of the people are
Muslim. And He came to collect food because 40% of his people are
Muslim, he came as a Christian to us, and on the river side, we feed
everybody. We said, the 60% also gets from us. We get calls from
schools where Christian principles or Hindu principles call us. And
so we know it done, but there are a lot of problems from children
here with no food to eat. Can you do something about that?
This is what religion is all about. It's not about competition.
It's not about fighting each other. It's about working with
each other, because the God is the same, just calling my different
names and more Almighty Who teaches peace and universal values
of mercy and compassion, would love to see, in inverted commas,
his children working together, understand each other, supporting
each other. That's why, when religions fight and affliction,
those who are not on the religious fraternity say, Oh, you see, what
is this religion? It causes more conflict than this and disaster.
So it gives a reflection that God Almighty himself, you know, is a
negative personality. Yeah, that's because of our own behavior. So
the Yeah, I think your point about uniting people, I look forward to
what that really means, because I think that is, that is, yeah, hand
to heart. It's really important. What? So, what is it? 28 years
now, for gift of the givers, right? Yeah, 29 in
August, okay. Why was they? Help us understand from a brand point
of view, why was the name walkful? Walk a fiend, which means gift of
the givers. In the Arabic language, change to give to the
givers. And how many years into the organization did that happen?
It was
at that name affected Well, in an Arabic society, in a South African
society, at that time, 2030, years ago, when there was so much. It
studies now, but, you know what? But Islamophobia and terrorism and
just having a religious name created a sort of a barrier.
People think, How can I work with this religious Islamic name? You
know, at the moment, the strange enough, the guys love the name was
John Robbie from 702 he never said he
always just say rap for a thing. You know, you always just say that
all the time and and eventually we said, look for people who are
already abusing us to but make it easier to easy on the tongue, easy
to understand and in English, the name had more relevance to people
of English speaking communities. Yes, it won't make any sense to
people in Arab world. In Arabic, they will work much better there.
So it is only logical to use an English name in an English
society, and, you know, and for people to understand, and it just
has been a hit. There's just, it's just caught up with everybody. Now
I know MTR that you know often, when I ask people like, Who would
they like to meet or take out for lunch, I can tell you now you
you're very much up there amongst the top five South Africans that
people would love to meet up for lunch, right? But, but let me tell
you the round. I mean, you've had the privilege of meeting many,
many people around the world, but, but who would you like to take out
to lunch?
You've asked me that something similar problems. What you asked
me, you know, what, as a role model, and I don't have any
preference to take anybody out for lunch because, and I give you an
explanation to that. You see, people tell us, you have to draw
the influence of what I was saying. Now, people say, every
year is the university? Do you have a function? What's the event?
And I say there's no event. They say it's 25 years now, what's the
event? I say, there's no event. I don't want to know. Why is there
no event? And I say, Who am I going to invite? Rich people, big
donors, influential people, presidents, ministers,
politicians, whoever going to invite by the invitation, am I
saying that people who are in rural areas, who have no money,
who are poor, are not valuable?
Who knows where the value has come from. Is it some old lady who got
up four o'clock in the morning to pray for you, what the heart and
the soul? Or is it the guy that gave you 1 million Rand and he
heard is it's what 1 billion? Or is it somebody like in the
Mitchells playing mosque in 93 when I walked with the Imam at the
mosque, and somebody walked past and put his hand in the cash
pocket, in the jeans, and took out a folded out 10 grand. He put it
on the bus, Salah, and then he walked out, and Imam said, Do you
know is that man? I said, No, I don't know. He said, That man lost
his job two weeks ago. He probably gave you the last 10 grand in his
house, which is more important for him than for the cause that you
are supporting? And that's a tight of 10 Rand the man gave you and
walked out. Who's important? The guy gave me a million Rand. The
guy gave me 10 from his pocket. So who do I take out for lunch? The
Prophet saws from said that you want Allah to find them among the
poor people. To be honest, I should have I'm not saying there's
anything wrong with rich people, there's religious people, there's
righteous people, but you'll find me spending more my time in rural
areas, down in the rural areas for the people, and that's what I
enjoy doing. I don't like offices, I don't like expensive buildings,
and I don't like there's nothing wrong with them. Remember, the
police people. Don't misunderstand. There's absolutely
nothing wrong with having a smart building and smart cars, unless
it, I'll give you blessings. Use it, you know, make, make. Benefit
of it. No problem with that. But I just prefer being I feel people
isolated, and nobody gives them any time. And I can see the
reaction you get when you turn to people like that. Well, there you
are. So, so we expect no big celebration. We expect, I expect
not to be involved.
Related to your, your big celebration, because it's not
going to happen. I expect some, some greater impact, right? Let,
let's end then, then MTS, and hopefully we'll chat again some
other time, as we often do at different platforms. Let's, let's
end by, by asking you, you this, right? I mean, you've said many
things already, right? But, but, but, what's the one thing going
forward that that you can give people, you know, people are
grappling with their lives. They they're grappling with leadership,
they're grappling with what to do. They're grappling with with stress
and tension and and all sorts of things, a lack of direction. What?
What's the one nugget that you were besides what you really said,
that you can tell people to hold on to faith.
Everything is by faith. You know, you find people. You hear of
earthquakes and disasters where a disaster happened and one house
was saved and everybody else perished. So Allah promises you
that he will take care of you. So if you do the right thing,
whatever happens around you is irrelevant. You follow the right
thing the right way. Follow his rules. We all week. We all have
our weakness around shortcomings. Nobody is a saint, but as far as
possible, try to do the right things and have trust in him. Yes,
he guarantees there will be challenges. We have created man
into toil and struggle. Doctor says, we have created men into
toil and struggle. You will have tests as he tells and he asked you
to be patient, so that faith and trust in him, like, for example,
people we deal with, how many areas we went to, and people were
saying, God sent you, not me. The teams that got to them, they said
we were just praying when we going to eat, our children are hungry,
and as we looked up, we saw the gift of the gift of struck. It's
something we're not expecting. Allah accepts the prayers of every
human being, Muslim or non Muslim, because they all his creation. He
has created everyone. And we need to understand that very, very
clearly. We need to bring that mentality for Muslims only. The
Prophet didn't come for Muslims. He became a Muslims only, which
Muslim was a dedicated there that he came for? There was no Muslim
when he came. Everybody came to him. After that, he came as a
mercy unto all creation. And your best safeguard is service satka.
And satka doesn't have to be money. It can be a smile, a good
word comfort, seeking out people, assisting, word of encouragement,
and you keep doing those kind of good things. You yourself will
warn me, I run away from difficulties, but you'll be much
calmer and more at ease. Remember, I think the final line, it's most
important. The Prophet thought that whatever is going to strike
you is never going to miss you, and whatever is going to miss you
is never going to strike you. So what's going to happen is going to
happen, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. All
you can do is have trust and faith that things work out the best for
you in the end. Absolutely thank you for leaving us with those gems
and and I think you know, do faith? Faith, do the right thing
and and this important amplifier all that good that happens,
happens not by you, but through you. Doctor India, Suleiman is
always, always a privilege to connect with you and to use you as
a vehicle to inspire other people to try and and become their own
gifts, or gifts of the givers, if I can put it that way. So
appreciate your time. Thanks for signing up and being part of this
champion people. Feature most appreciated assalamu, Alaikum,
walikum, salaam, akatu. Thank you. Well, there you are. You can also,
by the way, follow the hashtag champion people, and then hashtag
a show is what we do every day. But also follow Salam media. And
also you can follow me and follow champion South Africa on on
different platforms, because that's the ethos. We say champion
people build champion nation. Just think about that for a moment.
Coming up next? It's Sheik Yasin al dusari with the regular Quranic
recitals the today, Jews three and just four. That comes up in a
moment. I will be back with the team on Monday, 8am and I'd love
it for all the right reasons that you're a part of it, as well as
salaam warah.