Imtiaz Sooliman – Gift of the givers Africas largest NPO

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A customer talks about a story where an African man called them " African guy" and gave them a large amount of money. The customer explains that they want to give a large amount of money to a woman who died from a car accident. The customer emphasizes that there is a compassionate God and that working towards helping people is important.
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Of an African guy in Mussel Bay.
He call our staff and you go all
know Ali Ali.
He call Ali and he said, one call,
I like to give you 8,000,000
That's my money when I wanna die.
It's advised state, I want to give you
I've got nobody, no cat, no dog, no
son, no wife. I want to give you
So Ali went there last week.
He said for 2 hours, then he offloaded.
He said, I need to tell you a
He said, when I was young,
I was gonna get married, and this beautiful
girl was 20 years old.
The wedding card was printed.
The hall was booked, the caterer was booked,
my suit was organized, the girl's bright outfit
was organized,
and that same week, there was a car
and she died.
He said, that day I lost faith in
god almighty.
And I've lost faith in god almighty all
these years.
But he said something changed.
He said, I saw your guys work. I'm
not advertising. I'm giving you a story, the
reality what happens.
I saw your guys work,
and I realize
there is a compassionate god.
I didn't understand that accident why.
But today, I understand there is a compassionate
god when I see the work you will
do, and you will don't do it for
Muslims only.
You will do it across the board for
plants, for animals, for creation, for black, for
white, for rich, for poor. There has to
be a compassionate God because you can't get
this from nowhere. It has to come from
You said, I went back to the bible.
I'm reading again
and I'm trying to find my faith in
god almighty.
Simple thing
of doing work and assisting people.
You touch the hearts of creation. This is
what Islam is all about. We don't create
fiction. We know our hearts. It's pure human.
Did we go and give a whole lecture?
The Quran says this and the Quran says
that, and you gotta pray 5 times a
mass and you will go for a we
didn't do anything.
We just did service unconditionally,
which is what the emphasis of Islam is.
Surah Myoun.
You you are not in need of your
prayer. I don't need your prayer.
If you don't do navalities,
throat, crack in your face.
I don't need your prayer.
If you cannot help fellow being, what is
the purpose of prayer?