Imtiaz Sooliman – ‘Cease fire the solution to ensure aid in Gaza’ Sooliman

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The United Nations sees little willingness from Israel to open additional crossings to bring aid to defective people. The Israeli cabinet is considering a new port to deliver aid to the strip, while the US and Joe Biden seem to be focusing on the conflict in Guinea and the legal system. Dr. MTS Cadani apologizes for the loss of contact with Dr. Cadman and the Israeli government, and the Israeli military is using the same strategy as the US and Joe Biden. The conflict is a deceptive one, aimed at protecting troops and supplies needed for warfare, and the security council's resolution is a crucial piece of the puzzle.
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The United Nations says there is little willingness from Israel to
open additional crossings to bring aid to Gaza. It comes as the US is
set to build a temporary port to deliver aid to the strip. The UN
has warned that at least half a million people there are on the
brink of famine at
the moment the Israeli cabinet
additional crossings. It's it's fairly factual, and we need more
of those. It's been very made very clear to me from the outset that
there is little willingness, there is concern, as it stated, over
domestic sensitivities, when crossings were to open, you've
seen, sometimes the demonstrations, but in the absence
of a deal concerning the hostages, we so far do not get the
impression there is a willingness to do more.
Well, let's bring in Dr India Suleman, who is the founder, as
you know, of gift of the givers. Dr Suleman, thanks very much for
joining us. I know you have to cut through a different meeting to be
with us on daytime updates this afternoon. We appreciate it. It's
strange now to hear the US and Joe Biden, in particular, very much
changing tack on on Israel and the conflict in Gaza and even
humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. Joe Biden in his State of
the Union address calling the situation in Gaza, gut wrenching
and now promising to send more aid.
Well, Michelle, you know what it's to me, it's ironical. Secondly,
it's deceptive. Thirdly, it's playing to the gallery.
Unfortunately, to utilize what America is so used to doing all it
needs that same government that's talking about getting aid into
Gaza. Is the same government that has retooled so many resolutions
on a ceasefire. The issue is not about getting 18. It can get into
many channels. The issue is about a ceasefire to allow they to get
in. Because even then it gets in, a million trucks can get inside
Gaza. The roads are not possible. There's no water to cook. There's
no electricity. The people are not safe. You can't move the food to
the different areas. So as much as I just take the food and dump it
in some corner Gaza, it's not going to make any difference. It
requires a comprehensive approach, and the only way that can be done
is to be springing
extended water turbulence is higher, and instead of calling for
a portable All right, we do
apologize. We seem to have lost our connection there to Dr MTS
Suleiman. We're going to try and get him back while we show you
these visuals of what's unfolded over the past many months in the
Gaza Strip, this offensive by the Israeli military, leading to the
deaths of over 30,000 people. The vast majority of those women and
children and countless more people have been injured as well, Dr
Suleman, we apologize. We seem to have lost you for just a moment
there, but you talk about this deceptive nature of what the US
president has now announced with the building of this port on the
Gaza Strip. And perhaps part of why you're saying that Dr Suleman
is because the very same country who is now pledging more support
is also the same country that's sending most of the weapons that
are being used by Israel in this so called military offensive.
Isn't it ironic to say, You know what? He has some food and they
will kill you after that. That's basically what it means, eat well,
sleep well, and then we'll bomb you tonight. For the same
material, will send weapons to the one side and then send foods to
the food to the other side. That's exactly what it means. How long
will it take to put that pot up and then they say they will put
that soldiers on the ground to appease their own public opinion.
The trucks have been going in for years into Gaza. They can put in
900 trucks a day into Gaza. All have to call. Call back is to tell
Israel, stop being a terrorist state. Stop being a rogue state.
Listen to the ICJ. Listen to the UN go back America. Be brave. Go
back to the UN Security Council and say, we declare a ceasefire.
Reverse all the things that you've done for the last 150 days in
opposition to those poor people in Palestine, we don't need your
ports, right? We've got enough people that's enough supplies to
send 14 to Gaza, open the roads and stop the fire in the firing
Absolutely. 20 children Dr silaman have died as a result of a famine
in Gaza. People are starving to death, quite literally, in Gaza,
and just it's much more than that. Figures are much higher than that.
And it's not only children. It's all people who are
immunocompromised, who have disease patterns, who cannot eat,
or, you know, who require medication and require food for
that medication. It's all people that's also done. It's not only
children, so.
And of course, remember, they've got diarrhea, they've got
respiratory diseases, it's and those compound situation in
absence of food. So the figures are much higher than we actually
know. Yeah, those are only the official numbers you talk about
vetoing UN Security Council resolutions caused by the UN for
aid to enter the Gaza Strip. Doctors of our borders spoke to us
just some weeks ago, and only for the second time in their history
has that organization called for a ceasefire in Gaza. The question
is, what is it going to take? Dr sulemaan?
The Americans have the power and influence to do that. They have
been supporting Israel, and they can clearly see we're not going to
say anymore. And of course, UK is contested too, and so is Germany,
and so is so many other countries. All those countries have to say,
Sorry, no more money, no more weapons, no more killing. Go to
the Security Council, go to the United Nations, a unanimous vote
to say we wanted ceasefire. And then spent two boots on the
ground. You invaded Iraq without getting permission from the entire
world, and you just did what you wanted to do. You do the security
the big powers. Do what they want, whenever they want. So do the same
thing now, for Israel being put your ally, put the boots on the
ground, send your soldiers in, protect the trucks the Congress go
and go in. You don't need to build a port. You don't need to bring in
supply. There's millions of people waiting to put supplies into into
here, into Gaza. All we need is that ceasefire, the clear road,
and you don't bomb people when they go and get flower. You don't
shoot our tents and snipers. You get out as islands withdraw
completely from Gaza and allow the truck to go in and United Nations
concerning troops like they've done in so many different wars.
What's different now and why can't it not be done now? Dr MTR
Suleiman is the founder of gift to the givers. Dr Suleman, thanks, as
always, for joining us this afternoon. The dichotomy of
building the sport to provide aid to Gaza while also maintaining a
weapons supply to Israel just boggles the mind. You.