Ihsaan Hendricks – 2021-08-27 – In the footsteps of Sayyiduna Umar (RA) The epic journey to Al-Quds
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The wives in history, of course,
the going of Sayyidina Omar to Al Quds
is called
many leading writers on the Palestinian issue like
doctor Abdul Fattah,
Al Owais
in his Kitab Palestine
we should remember that no army, no Muslim
army preceded.
Army, no Muslim army
preceded, the going of Sayedan So
if we talk of
the conquest of Al Quds,
then we have to start from.
wish to remind of all of us that,
we are experiencing
historical moments,
and I think the spirit,
should be captured
in your mind.
You should record it.
You should make notes of it.
If you are not careful about capturing
the experience,
then you may return home and,
somebody will ask you how was the journey.
And you put,
just conclude and say, well, it was a
travel from Cairo
to the Rafah through the desert.
But that will not be fair
to capturing the spirit
of what we are experiencing
already here today.
The same time, we are reminded that,
those of great men,
great leaders
prior to us,
great have already traveled,
this route
before we ever dreamt of it.
And can you imagine
what the Sinai Desert was a 100 years
And so when one reflects on
the journeys of Nabi Musa, alayhis salatu wasalam
with Bani Israel
through the Sinai Desert,
then you can well imagine
what it was then.
And here today, we are traveling with the
air conditioned buses,
escorted by the security police,
and everything is going,
quite smooth for us.
By the grace of
And so,
I thought that it will be good for
us if we continue with the
story of Sayedina Umar
The journey of Sayedina Umar has,
various dimensions
that is absolutely good for us to reflect
Very significantly,
the time period when Sayedidina
undertook this journey to Bayt al Maqdis
is approximately
years after the demise
of the prophet Muhammad
So in the 15th year of the hijrah,
who undertook the jinn.
History tells us that there was,
and the word Ilija
was the Roman name
that was used then by the Romans for
the city of Alkuz.
And by the way, Ilija in Roman means
Otholon, the house of Roman means,
the house of Alkuz.
And, therefore, the olemaic say that if you
study the history of Alkuz,
ancient times up to now,
then, of course, we will see that
has always been a celebrated fact,
and principle
in the city of Al Quds.
So the correspondence
the leadership
of Al Quds
to Amirul Mumineen, Sayyidina Umar
and requesting him
to actually come to Al Quds.
And the request was based on
what the people of Ilya,
the people of Al Quds,
began to witness of the bravery
and the firm stand of a great Sahabi,
was the Sahabi,
was in the territory.
And if we study our history carefully, we
will see
that people like
was that were all in this territory of.
And that one or the other time, they
could easily
navigate and move
to the center points where the Amir al
required them to be.
Said al Khalid al Walid,
of course, the decisive
battle of
Mook was the
very strategic,
military mind
of Sayidina
Khalid bin Walid.
Osama bin Zayed bin Haritha's father, as you
would recall,
was killed in the battle of Noota.
And you would know that Sayyidina
Jafar ibn Abi Talib
who then later became Jafar Abbayar
was also one of the great Sahaba that
killed and his body mutilated in the battle
of Muhtar
that is in the Jordanian territory.
was part of the group of Sahaba.
about. It's It's the ordinary,
qualifications that these Sahaba earned
that, they were men of trust,
men of great position and.
And therefore,
we cannot allow anybody to be abusive
to the.
I am just, picking because I want you
to know the personalities that were in the
For example,
if we study our history, we will see
decisive moments in Islamic history
were not in isolation
the conquest of Betel Maqdis.
For example, the expedition of Tabuk
was not an exercise in isolation. The expedition
of Tabuk has in actual fact every characteristic
that leads to the pathway of the conquest
Rabbi alaihi salami asked the Sahaba to contribute
for their wealth
the very
significant standpoint of
he gave all his wealth for this expedition,
Ibrahim Khaldun described and he said, Sayidina Omar
said that I have the full.
I have the full.
The same Allah that requires this wealth for
this expedition.
The same Allah will give me wealth again.
And it is said that said,
became a more wealthy man after that.
Sheikh Abu Hassan
says that
brought a pledges.
Oh, Allah, my intention is
to confront
the laws of the Roman Empire.
And, here again, we learn that as today,
of course, our brothers are faced with the,
Zionist occupation
that, at the moment and at the time
that the
requires wealth
to move against its enemy,
then the should not be stingy like in
the Palestinian case.
So Nabi al Islam was specific.
He said it requires wealth, require
money to confront this enemy.
And you know that later on, Allah
predicted in the Quran in Surat
And after their conquest,
The personalities that were in the area is
very significant. Now what does he tell us?
Coming from Madina to
but the networking of the Sahaba is running
all in the territory.
found himself in the southern part of
Palestine, the traveling through those areas.
And, of course, later on,
all these strategic areas
that is.
That is,
Satan al Jafar ibn Abdul Thali,
came from,
And, upon his return,
to Madinah to Manawara,
he conquests
took place.
And is that enclave
outside Madina
the you understand were based and became the
It is recorded that the Nabi Ali said
about the return of Sayedina Jafar ibn Abdul
Talib who later on became Jafar at the
Yars, his body was beaut mutilated in the,
battle of Kuta.
And the Rasulullah could describe how the battle
was taking place in
were placing the wings on his mutilated body,
and he said,
I see how he flies to his destination
in Jannah. So he became Jafar al Fayyar,
the brother of Sayyidina,
When he came back to Madinah to Manawara,
Rasulullah said,
I don't know what makes me more happy.
The conquest of favor
or the return of.
I am saying that I could straightaway jump
into going
to Al Quds,
but I want to draw your attention to
the network amongst great men. Great.
Say itan.
They is a in the Hadith.
The Ravi of the Hadith is
And cover
is a few 100 meters away from Al
Masjid Al of Simba. Was
the Sahabi
You and your generation will become imams.
talking about the
He became imam in and
his generation
of of of of of gender and progeny
Siege, standing at the gate
of the city of Al Quds for 40
and nobody could move in and out of
the city.
It was a strategic move to make sure
that the city of Al Quds,
its identity will be restored. By now, you
should know
that it was the Romans and the Christians
who became perturbed
by the practices of the Jews
who, for example, turned
the area of the
At that time, it was not known as
was built in the time of the
But during that time, it was known as
the head of the of the of the
of the rocky area.
And they turned it already into a into
a place of their rituals
the territory of Al Masjid Al Aqsa Al
And therefore, again, when we talk about the
definition of the size of Al Masjid Al
Aqsa Al Mubarak,
then Sheikh Islam
has given the best definition.
The entire wall around the compound,
that is.
I will come back to the because
the famous Sahabi said
was the Sahabi. After satin Omar visited the
church of the holy sepulcher,
he is the Sahabi that indicated to satin
where the area of the top of the
rock was.
Omar who accompanied him. Everybody says he was
a young man.
What was his age? What was his name?
I haven't come across. I don't know if
any of the masha'if
have come across the research
of the person who accompanied Sayid Al Omar
But very recently, I I I read
that when Sayid Al Omar traveled from Madinah
to Al Quds,
and you can imagine what it was then,
15th, his urea.
So along the way, said an Omar realized
that his clothing was now becoming very shabby,
you know, tattered, whatever it may be.
Very significant this part.
And he said that said an
Omar along the way actually went to a
tailor. He went to?
And according to, doctor Abdul Fattah Alawesi, he
that it was cut out of papyrus material,
but Sayidin Omer was not comfortable
with this, new troop.
In some instance, the prophet said it was
too grand,
and Sayidin Omer thought, no.
These people will have a different perception of
Amir al Muqmanin.
So what he actually did was he started
patching up the old jubba.
And so history says there's about
14 patches
once on the trip of Sayedid Omar, Abdul
The journey says that Sayedid Omar shared
a mode of transportation
with a young boy that accompanied you.
At times, said Omar would be, on the
horse's back,
and at times he would be on the
horse's back.
And so they changed it.
when said
in that time, it was little bit more
than a journey of 1 month.
When said in
reached Al Quds,
now during those days, of course, there were
no social networks, no internets, no WhatsApp, no,
no Internet,
no Google,
no Yahoo. No BlackBerry.
No Blackberries.
But the people of
Madinat Irput
when Saegna
entered Alput,
the chiefs
and the leaders
of the city of
Syria awaited the coming of Sayedid Omar
speculated about the idea that Sayedid Omar was
coming with an army
to Jerusalem.
There is no doubt about the fact, and
I make reference to a very learned,
scholar in Jordan,
doctor Saota Abu Mahfuth,
is a great authority
on the history of Palestine.
And doctor makes
a reference that
how instructed
this young boy
to ascend onto the mountain
hill and, to make Adan.
Now, why is it so important to mention
very important action that took place there because
told this boy,
We are not going to enter Al Quds
except for the greatness of our great
Allah Therefore, many,
writers and researchers and all I must say,
we can only imagine
to enter Al Quds again.
I have no,
for this one, but,
sometimes historians can put facts in a very
mind, and they say that the Matron,
the patriarch, as they call him, Sarophras,
did say that he felt the vibration of
the tabeel.
And the
that was made,
that small little mountain top is called.
It is said that Netanyahu, this Benjamin Netanyahu,
if you said that, that's Benjamin, there's nothing,
Sheikh Abdul Hamid would call him. K. I
understand. And nothing means?
You understand? Where's the message? The nothing. Nothing.
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
Where's the message? The nothing. Nothing. The nothing.
he, some time ago, started a very
insulting process at Jabal Al Mukapir where
the day that
small battalion of the Israeli army there,
with their guns.
And what they believe
is to mute
that sound of the takbir of Sayyidina Omer,
and then they shoot into the air.
The same,
Netanyahu ascended the steps.
Ascended the steps
And in fact, he says
that this is
an insult to Saladin because we are now
in charge of our goods.
the conquest of Baital Mahdis was very beautiful
In fact, I'm taking a shortcut
the Jordanian people,
that is here, our sheikh and our brother
is from Jordan,
could tell us the very interesting part
of journey to Al Quds was through Jordan.
reenacted the pathway
with doctor
that even in Jordan Day is a small
little place.
And, 2 years ago, I attended a function
Is the day that's
the real
And we see some serious,
by other ideologies to suppress the idea that
Sayid Al Omar
So we have to take, great care of
this, information.
Post day is,
the day that,
Khomeini decided it should be put slave. You
Our belief
day that.
You know, in Jordan, there's a small little
village called
And the night before he conquered
was in strategic.
came and he reenacted the pathway
Sayidina step by step, village by village, place
by place, until
came to a particular point in Jordan
where he released a 120,000
summer. Our history is very rich, brother.
And so,
it is important for us to research,
to read, and to reembrace
our history. There's many
that is required.
Many rectifications
that is required
in this because,
some people will capitalize on the ignorance of
others and just throw information.
We should be on our guard.
I am just highlighting, some of the significant
areas and want to tell you that.
Roman leaders
to the extent
that very peacefully the case.
But very significant,
he entered Al Quds,
by the side of the patriarch and the
whole leadership of the Romans.
And then he look at
Look at our Amir al Muqmini.
He's got so many pictures on his.
And look at the Roman leaders here. They
are in the grandeur of their paraphernalia.
would be a little bit smart.
So he went to
It will so a people that does not
the people of Madinah doesn't give any attention
to you.
You understand?
So Satan
responded to Satan Abu
and said, if anybody else had to say
what you said, I would have,
strangled you.
That's because Rasulullah
said, So, say, the Omar sharply reminded him
and said,
we, the Arabs,
we were the most discouraged people on the
face of earth.
If we seek,
grandeur and dignity and in
anything else,
Allah will
disgrace us.
So these were the kind words of
Omar. Next significant point was Sayden Omar didn't
immediately go into al Mishkil of Sal Mubarak.
Up till today, I don't actually know, or
Or one can interpret and say that the
of why Sayidina Omar immediately went to the
church of the holy sepulcher.
The church of the holy sepulcher in Arabic
is called
of course, contented
the Christian people
that, we are not coming to fight with
We are not coming to desecrate your holy
And when was,
offered the opportunity to make salah
in the church,
it was Hikma that prevailed
when he decided not to make salah in
the church and said,
he feared that,
no member of,
the ummah
should come after
and then claim,
the church to be a mosque,
Ummrah made salah in it.
So that was hikma of satan Ummrah.
The very significant part
was Sayidina Omar then went to
the Al Masjid Al Aqsa compound.
the agreement
that Sayid Nohmer drew up with the people
of, Ilya
is called Al Uddhatul Umarid.
It's a very interesting document to study.
I propose, even though it is, barely a
full page document,
but it contains very powerful principles,
deep vision, principles
that gave protection to the people of India
the Islamic rule under the Khalifa Amiral Mu'minin.
And upon the request of the Roman people,
in fact,
it was not saying in Omar's condition,
it was the people of India's condition
that already
they had such bad experience with the Jews
that they are saying
insert in the covenant or the agreement or
the contract or the whatever you call it
that the Jews
should not live with them, and it became
like that.
the churches
of the,
the synagogue of the, all of that was
mentioned in this
and that it will be protected.
So up to this particular point,
the various characteristics,
contains more details,
of course.
You can't just tell the story like in
and out.
There's there's extraordinary details
that we should reflect upon.
I think the great lesson,
to learn,
from the story of Omar's conquest
is that also went to Bethel Melqdis at
the time that it was under occupation.
strong leadership
is required
the. There is a saying that,
has been occupied by so many.
Whoever wanted to
the lessons,
that we can all learn
is that, yes,
was always
a top priority
the Sahaba of Rasulullah
It is very significant that we should refresh
our minds
with all the
personalities amongst the Sahaba
whom actually
went to Baytul Maqdis, who who left there,
made Israel
there, who narrated various Hadith.
All great names.
And, today, our children, they know all the
names of the film stars and the actors
and the actresses,
but barely five names
of the Sahaba.
And we should intensify this campaign
amongst our children
to know
the Hayat Sahaba.
you know, sometimes we find this nonsensical references
when some people say,
and I say,
They were great men. Allah mentioned them in
his book.
We profess to be men, but we are
not mentioned anywhere.
So you can't make this,
between the Sahaba and
us. Sahaba
are great models, and we will strive all
the time
to emulate
the great examples
of the