Ihsaan Hendricks – 2015-11-16 – On the extremists involved in the Syria’s civil war, Lebanon & Paris

Ihsaan Hendricks
AI: Summary ©
A representative from the Muslimroom discusses the claims made by the West on the cancellation of the upcoming attack in Paris. The representative expresses concern that the attack is a result of groups like the Iranian and Iranian-backed terrorist groups, and warns against anyone who claims to be part of these groups. The representative also addresses concerns about the upcoming refugee crisis and the potential loss of peaceful co union among various communities.
AI: Transcript ©
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Very disturbing the words of Islamic State threatening

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Washington DC and the USA, the same organization

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involved in the brutal war in Syria, the

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same group who lay claim to the vicious

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deaths in both the Lebanon and, of course,

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the ferocious brutality

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in France, all claim to be Muslim

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doing the work of Allah.

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So radical is their belief that they are

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prepared to murder their own other Muslims as

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well. Well, joining us now to shed a

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little bit of light on this and discuss

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this further via Skype is Mulana Ixan Hendrix.

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He's the president of a Muslim Judicial Council.

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Mulana, thank you very much for being with

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us, and welcome to Morning Live.

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Good morning, Adrienne. Good morning, South Africa, and

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thank you very much for the wonderful opportunity.

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An absolute pleasure.

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Mulana, how do you react to the claim,

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and and I suppose

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the issue that the people that are taking

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are Muslim?

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In my capacity as the president of the

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Muslim Judicial Council South Africa,

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we can then the attacks in Paris.

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And yes, from the offset, we want to

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that this group has absolutely

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no connection to Islam.

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Islam as a religion is completely

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innocent and free

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from the type of claims and the actions

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such as the brutality,

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the violence and the terrorism.

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Islam is based on the highest objectives

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of life

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and such as the preservation of life,

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the preservation of honor and therefore,

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such type of actions has absolutely no scope

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in the pure teachings of Islam.

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So from the offset, it's very important to

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say that Islam as a religion is completely

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innocent of these type of actions.

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Yeah. When when you hear these,

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these individuals, and I I suppose to to

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dub them as terrorists is is fair after

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what we've been seeing unveiled. When they say

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that they're going to do this in the

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name of Allah, what does that do to

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you? I mean, how does that make you

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It places me and every other leader in

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the Slim community in this responsibility

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that we need to explain

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not only to South Africa but to the

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international community

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as much as the paraphernalia

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appears to be Islamic,

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but the name Islamic

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cannot be juxtaposed

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with these type of actions.

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And therefore, it cannot be in the name

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of Allah, it cannot be in the name

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of Islam,

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it cannot be in the name of any

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religion, whether it be Islam,

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Christianity or

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such as

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the prime objective

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of the Sharia of Islam is the preservation

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of life.

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What we see from such type of groups

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is the destruction of life,

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the brutality,

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the very unacceptable manner in which and I

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need to place on record, Leanne

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and fellow South Africans,

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in many instances, you may have followed that

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the Muslims

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are in actual fact the first victims and

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amongst the victims

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of such a brutal attack by these groupings.

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What what is this doing for the reputation

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of of Muslims around the world? I mean,

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do you find that there's a lot more

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prejudice towards you because of of these incidences

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that are happening globally?

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We are already beginning to see that the

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Muslim community in France and in Europe, there

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is a 20,000,000

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Muslim population, of which 8% of the 20,000,000

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is based in France.

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We have already seen in the last 24

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hours that the Muslim community, particularly in France,

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is on the back foot.

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Defense French authorities are now talking of the

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possible removal and expulsion

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of many of the imams,

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whom they believe that the mosque and these

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are the centers for such type of rhetoric.

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And it is clear that many innocent people

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will also be harmed in the process.

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And therefore, yes, it is of a great

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concern for all of us.

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In terms of the refugee crisis, and that's

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one of the the the big issues that

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needs to be looked at as well. And

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I know that our president, Jacob Zuma, as

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well as US president, Barack Obama, is just

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urging the world not to see all Muslims

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and, of course, all refugees

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as people that are wanting to come into

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their countries to cause problems.

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You know, there is a major crisis. So

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many refugees fleeing,

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areas that are politically unstable, full of war.

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Again, do you think that this is going

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to to pose a huge problem to them?

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It is precisely why the refugee crisis and

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particularly of the Syrian people is where it

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is today.

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Because of such type of groupings, many of

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these people are fleeing

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from the type of brutality and the terrorism.

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All that they want to enjoy is a

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peaceful stay in their own country.

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We have heard president,

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Barack Obama portion,

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the American United States of

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America. And so yes, by all indications, it

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is clear,

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And so yes, by all indications,

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it is clear

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that many of the refugees

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will suffer the blow in light of these

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attacks that took place in Paris. Yeah. There's

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a there's a major concern from many,

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many people that

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this it seems to be an indoctrination

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of young people who are perhaps frustrated and

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easily convinced into taking action on behalf of

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to the point of killing them, blowing themselves

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up, and killing other people.

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You know, and many saying you don't necessarily

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see this in other religions and that it

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it it comes from Islam.

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Why? What what do you attribute this to?

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Well, from the offset, I would want to

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say that this is not peculiar to the

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Muslim community. And again, Islam as a religion

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is completely innocent.

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But indoctrination

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a process that is

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And of course, many of the young people,

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as you would recall, not too long ago

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in South Africa and particularly here in the

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Western Cape,

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we were exposed to the possible recruitment of

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young 15 year old

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boys and girls to the

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ranks sizes.

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It is precisely in light of this when

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the Muslim Judicial Council

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and many other Muslim leaders in South Africa

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took the bull by the horns to say,

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this is completely not the makeup of the

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Muslim community in South Africa.

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We will not allow our innocent young sons

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and daughters to be

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recruited, indoctrinated,

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and, of course,

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misuse and abuse when people misuse and abuse

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religious texts for their own, agendas.

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Yeah. Indeed.

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Mulana, just to to wrap it up. I

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mean, I do know that as much as

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people were,

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laying blame on Islam and Muslims in general,

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a lot of other people were taking a

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different course in saying that it's not religion

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that kills, it's man that kills. And,

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you know, that that that that's one of

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the things that many people are focusing in

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on. I mean, is this is this a

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belief that you hold and and and you

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would like to promote as well?

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Of course, religious

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religion does not kill. It is purely placed

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at the individual accents of human being.

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But one cannot deny that religion

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sometimes is used and abused

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for such type of agendas.

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We call for peaceful coexistence amongst the religious

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We call for the preservation of life for

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the greater respect of human values.

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And that, of course, we uphold these principles

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in order to ensure

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that there is peaceful coexistence amongst various communities.

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Molena, Ekso Henriks, we we thank you very

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much for your time. Here, of course, is

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the president of the Muslim Judicial Council

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talking to us via Skype. Thank you again.

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Alright. The time.

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