Ihab Saad – Day 18 Al Anaa and Al Hajj
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Assalamu, Alaikum, warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Welcome back to another discussion around the beautiful Ayat of Allah
subhanahu wa, and today, Inshallah, we're going to be
talking about some of the ayat from the 17th Jews, which is Surat
Al abiyah and surat al Hajj, primarily surat al abiyah. It's
named after the Prophets the messenger, Salah Nabi na Ali
salawali. Musa Al Salam is a Surah maqaiyah revealed to the
messenger. SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam iqramah. It has Ayah
talking about Allah subhanahu wa taala, about faith, stories about
the prophets and messengers before the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, again, as a way to support the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam and his companions during the time when they were oppressed
and harassed by the people of Mecca. So Allah subhanahu wa
again, reminds the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this
is you know. This is not unique for you, this is basically what
all the prophets and messengers had to go through before the surah
starts with a beautiful Ayah talking about the approach of the
Day of Judgment. The people of Christ used to ask the Prophet,
sallAllahu, sallam, where is that torture? Where is that punishment
that you're promising us if we do not believe in your Lord and the
messenger, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam told them, I will not know.
When is it gonna happen? When is the Day of Judgment? However, it
is very close, rasulallah says, in the meaning of the Hadith, wife to
anawasa, kaha tayin and hisall Allah combined between two
fingers, which means I have been sent, or I've been commissioned
with my message, and the day of judgment, we are that close to
each other. Of course, that was worth more than 1400 years ago,
but when we look at the age of humanity again, that might be a
very short time compared to life in the creation of Allah,
Subhanahu wa
Subhana wa Taala
begins this surah with aktera belinasi Abu WAM, feel of Latin
Muay duon May Adik Mira be him illness. Tama la Abu lariatan
culubom was a rudna la Dino is responding to
the questions and the mocking of the non believers by saying that
indeed, the Day of Judgment is so close, While people who do not
believe in it are so distracted from it, when people came to the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asking that question about
when is the Day of Judgment, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam responded in different ways.
In one way, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would respond the
one being asked does not know what? Does not know more than the
one who's asking the question.
In other instances, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would
respond to that question with the question itself. So he SallAllahu
Sallam would say, wame, when the person came asking him, ya
rasulallah, he met a Saar, when is the day of judgment? The Prophet
sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam responded, and what have you
prepared for it? So to any mortal human being like ourselves,
actually 90% of the case
our saya is the time when we die. So basically, why did I say 90 90%
not 100%
because there's still a chance of accrual of good deeds after one
ties, as Rasulullah mentioned in the meaning of the Hadith, if I
met Abu Adam in Qatar, amelumina, dunya, ilamin, talath, sada, Katin
jariya, our Ali, minuntafa will be a well, I didn't soli in Fayette,
Ola ocama. The mere translation of the meaning of the hadith is that
when the son or the daughter of Adam died, their deeds in this
earthly life are sealed, are terminated, are completed, except
for one of these three things, one or more of these three things,
sadaqatin jereya, a running charity, a continuing charity that
continues after the person has established it during his or her
life, and it continues accruing good deeds for that person after
he died. Our El Nino tafa will be good knowledge, beneficial
knowledge that this person left behind, that people can benefit
from. So again, that's going to add to his order. Has an ad after
they die. And the third one a wala din Salih in Fayette Rola, a son
or daughter close to Allah subhanahu wa would supplicate to
Allah subhana wa Taala to forgive their parents. So that is
something that keeps adding and.
Accruing in the scale of good deeds of the individual.
So Allah subhanahu wa tells us that do not wait for or do not
think that it's coming in 1000s of years or hundreds of 1000s of
years. Actually, it might be in the next minute, it might be in
the next hour, it might be in the next day. You never know.
What was the response of the non believers to these news about the
approach of the Day of Judgment, when May a team in declaim me,
Rabbi him, was that in illness.
So the guidance that comes from Allah, Subhanahu wa never they
received the guidance Whenever the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa
sallam received new revelation, and he SallAllahu, alayhi wa
sallam conveys it and recites it to those non believers. They just
make fun of it, and they do not pay attention to it. They do not
take it seriously. Well as to the Sahara and Tum Tum, so the non
believers could not believe that there's a communication between
Allah subhanahu wa and His Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, that this communication between the Creator cannot come
directly to a human being. So they keep, they kept talking to each
other again, denying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
calling him a liar. And Allah subhana wa Taala responds to that,
that again, he Subhanallah sends whomever he Subhanallah wills as a
In this surah, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala tells us that again, to the
humans, who else would be sent. But a human,
if it were an angel,
people would not understand its nature. They would not be able to
communicate with him. But Allah subhana wa Taala chooses human
beings to carry that message and deliver it to the humans.
Allah subhana wa taala, again, reminds people that to him,
subhana wa Taala belong everything in the heaven and the heavens and
the earth. Well, a woman fits a man. We will art woman in the who
lay us that birunati, when I see Roon, you said, behind a Layla,
when her Allah have to rule Allah, subhana wa Taala is the owner and
the controller and the creator and the sustainer of every every
creation, and all of the Creation owes a debt of gratitude to Allah
subhanahu wa, debt of obedience to Allah subhana wa taala. And Allah
subhana wa Taala says that all of the inhabitants of the heavens and
the earth, with the exception of humans or some of the humans and
some of the jinn, all of them declare their servitude to Allah
subhana wa Taala without having any arrogance, without feeling
that they are too good to prostrate to Allah subhana wa
Taala or To worship Allah subhana wa taala, and ALLAH SubhanA wa
Taala declares that LA use Allah Abu Salu he Subhana wa Taala
cannot be questioned, questioned about any anything that he does
Subhana wa taala, any will that he
implements. Subhana wa taala, he cannot be second guessed. He
cannot be questioned. Why did you do this? Why did you do that? And
again, we find people, again claiming to be believers from the
family of the scripture, and even from the Muslims, who, when
something they don't like happens to them, they start asking, oh,
Allah, why did you do that to me, Allah, Subhanahu wa should never
be asked. Why again, we accept everything and anything that comes
from Allah subhanahu wa. If in our perception it's good, we should
show gratitude to Allah subhanahu wa and thank him. And if in our
perception it's bad, we should endure patience and ask ALLAH
SubhanA wa Taala to help us endure it and to relieve it from us. Why
do I say in our perception? Because, again, we never know, in
many cases, what is really good for us and what is bad for us on
the Allah subhanahu wa, if you remember when we discussed Surat
Yusuf, ala Nabi na Ali salatul, Salam. In fact, everything that
might someone might think is good ends up being bad, and everything
that someone might think is bad ends up being good. So if someone
were to say that a child is so beloved by his parents, is that
good or bad? It seems to be good, but that was the reason why
Sayyidina Yusuf was hated by his brothers, and they threw him in
the dungeon. Being thrown in the dungeon. Is it good or bad? Most
people would say bad, but that's the reason why Sayyida Yusuf was
sold to the Aziz, the minister of Egypt, and he was raised in a very
comfortable way in the in the palace of Al Aziz of Egypt,
In that palace. Is it good or bad? People might say Good. Well,
that's how Sayyidina Yusuf, Alayna bin Ali sarato Salaam was tested
and he was falsely accused and thrown in jail. Is jail good or
bad? Well, it is bad indefinitely, but however, in some cases, it
might be good, because again, in this case, Sayyidina Yusuf was
able to interpret the dreams of the two men, which ultimately
brought him to be the treasurer of Egypt and occupy that high
position. So again, in our limited perception, whatever we might
think is good might end up being bad, and whatever might might we
might think is bad, it ends up being good. It it all depends on
our response to it. As Rasulullah Sallam mentions in the meaning of
the Hadith that we mentioned several times before Ajab and the
AMRI mukmin In Amra, hulla, ullahuayr in Asaba, two Sara, Sara
Shakur, vakana, Allah way in Asaba, Ra sabar, Falaya, kunu,
Derik Ali, Ahadi ilalim, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says,
I'm amazed by the affairs of the believer. Everything that happens
to him or her is good. If they are affected by a prosperity from
Allah subhanahu wa, they show gratitude, and they thank Allah
subhanahu wa, and that's good for them. If they are affected by a
calamity, they endure patience and they ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala
for help. And that's also good for them, and that's only fit for a
believer who can see the wisdom of Allah subhanahu wa and the mercy
of Allah subhanho wa Taala in everything that happens to them
in the Sura Allah subhanahu wa
gives some of the ayat about the creation of the heavens and the
earth around us. Awana mira la Dina kafaru and niwati watarat
covid, which I'll name email medical Shay in high flamin
has, haven't the non believers seen that and and they have not
seen it, but Allah subhanaw taala is asking a question to inform us
about this fact. Haven't the non believers seen that the heavens
and the earth where one peace and Allah subhanahu wa split it apart
so to create the heavens and the earth, and Allah subhanahu wa made
everything that's living out of water. So water is indispensable
for any living creature. SubhanAllah. And Allah subhanahu
wa continues with the signs of His creation. Waj al Nafi, or di Rosa
and Tami dabihi wa, JAL Nafi, Hafi, jaid subun and we have
established these heavy mountains to anchor that earth so that it
doesn't shake and collapse with them. And we have created roads or
tracks or trails so that people can walk into them and can pursue
their sustenance through them.
Wa Jana sama Asmaa, you understand Asmaa redoon And we have made this
heaven, this elevated heaven, this raised heaven, like a ceiling that
is protected and protecting them,
and they are not paying attention to these signs.
Wah, wah, Khala ka Leila and he Subhanallah Tala is the one who
created the night and the day and the sun and the moon. Every one of
these is orbiting in its own orbit that Allah subhanahu wa has
prescribed for them without going
and one inch away from that orbit, if it if a star or a a planet goes
out of its orbit, that would be a destruction to the whole system.
Allah subhanahu wa reminds everyone of the fact, since, as we
mentioned at the beginning, the day of judgment for anyone is his
or her own death. Allah subhanahu wa taala mentions that this is an
eventuality for every living creature. Kullu nafin de echt,
will mount when a blue Combi Shabi wa al hayri fitna wa Elena turun
that every soul is gonna have to taste death, the earthly death,
and ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala will test us with hardship and with
prosperity, and eventually we will return to Allah subhanahu
wa in The Surah talking about the justice of Allah subhanahu
been that.
Allah, subhana wa Taala establishes the just, accurate
fear scales for the Day of Judgment. Wanada al mawat
follow. So no soul is gonna be discriminated against, no soul is
gonna be oppressed, no soul is gonna face any injustice, every
soul will be treated with the absolute justice of Allah subhanho
wa taala. However, we, knowing that we, we strive for not only
the justice of Allah subhanho wa taala, but the Mercy of Allah
subhanho wa taala. Because if it were only for the justice of Allah
subhanho wa taala, as we mentioned before, our deeds are not going to
be enough for us to be granted paradise. It's only the Mercy of
Allah subhanahu wa that is gonna
interfere or intercede to allow us to go to paradise. So ALLAH
SubhanA wa Taala says one of our fellow Muna, to show the extent of
the accuracy and the justice of these scales, when can Amit call a
habit, even if it were, if the deed, whether good or bad, where
the weight of an atom's weight or a seeds, a mustard seeds, weight,
which is something very tiny and very fine that if you put on a
regular scale, it wouldn't register anything. But in the
scale of ALLAH SubhanA wa taala, it would be registered waka
fabina. Has he been and enough for us to be accountant for everything
that the humans do. So if we observe that greatness of Allah
subhanahu wa and the justice of Allah subhanahu wa, we would not
feel that anything is trivial, whether it's a sin, no sin is
trivial. Whether it's a good deed, no good deed is trivial.
Rasulullah mentions in the meaning of the Hadith, what Taku, laha,
wala, Obi, Shakti, Tamra, that protect yourself from the Wrath of
Allah subhanahu wa, even through half of a date that you give in
charity, that half of a date can be a shield from the fire with the
Mercy of Allah subhanahu wa.
And then Allah subhanahu wa gives us another chapter of the story of
a few of his great prophets and messengers, Allah IMU salat wa
salam, starting with Sayyidina, Ibrahim Alain Abu salat wa salam.
And his story is quite repeated in the Quran, how he, from a young
age, defied his family, defied his people, when he saw them
worshiping idols, apart from Allah, subhana wa taala, and you
couldn't find any sense in that his fitrah, his basic instinct,
showed him that it's impossible these people are carving these
stones and then worshiping them, attributing powers To these stones
that they carve, it doesn't make any sense. So he started his
journey looking for or searching for Allah subhanahu wa, and he
shattered all of the idols that were in the temple. And when
people came from their celebration and found their idols completely
broken, they said, Who could have done such a heinous act? And then
they remembered, there was also always that young man who used to
criticize our idols, bring him so that we can know exactly who did
that. And when they asked Sayyidina Ibrahim, did you do that
to our deities? He said, Well, ask them. Maybe they can tell you. And
then they recognize that these idols do not respond, they cannot
speak, they cannot fend for themselves. And then their
arrogance and their ignorance, their insistence on the defiance
to Allah, Subhanahu wa they decided, we want to extinguish
that voice of logic, that voice of reason, that voice of faith. So
they said, Talu Haruka, Harriet akum,
they said, burn him in the fire and support and give victory. Get
revenge for your Lords if you're gonna do that. And when they threw
Sayyidina, Ibrahim, Alain, abina, ali saratom in that fire, Allah
subhanahu wa commanded the fire to change its properties. Waqul,
nayyana, rukuni, burden was Ibrahim o fire be cool, be gentle
and be a peaceful place for Ibrahim, ala Nabi na Ali salatu,
and then Allah subhanahu wa tells us about When Sayyidina Ibrahim
got frustrated with his people, even after seeing that miracle
from Allah subhanahu wa, he decided to leave that village,
that oppressive village. So he left with his nephew, Sayyidina
lut alabina, Alihi, salatu, Salaam
and Allah subhanahu wa blessed. Sayyidina Ibrahim.
With his son, Ishaq, and then after Ishaq, Yaqoob, the son of
Sayyidina, Ishaq, Alain nabina, Alain nabiina Ali him, salatu,
Salam Allah, subhana wa Taala tells us about the story, very
briefly, the story of Sayyidina wood, the story of Sayyidina Nuh,
the stories of Sayyidina Dawood and Sayyidina Sulaiman, and a
chapter of that story, a brief chapter of the story, comes here
in the Surah about an event that happened When Sayyidina Dawood,
Alain abuna Ali, Suratul Salam was the king and Sayyidina Sulaiman
was still a young man, a young boy, probably, and two people came
complaining to Sayyidina Dawood, the king and The judge, Allah Nabi
na Ali Suratul Salam, one had fields of crops and plantation
that were ready for cultivation, and the other one had some cattle
and some animals, and the animals transgressed or trespassed over
that field of crops, and they ate these crops before being
collected. So the two came, or the man who owned that land with these
crops came complaining to Sayyidina Dawood. He wanted to get
a fair treatment, a fair compensation for his loss.
Sayyedna Dawood, Alain avinay, so Ali sarato Salam initially said,
well, the person with the cattle is the one who damaged the fields.
So he owes the owner of the fields. He should surrender his
cattle to the owner of the fields. Sayyidina, Sulaiman, Alain Nabi na
Ali sarato Salaam was sitting and listening and looking at the
justice of that judgment and the wisdom of that judgment, and he
found that there is something that's not balanced. If the man,
first of all, the man who has the cattle, he did not force his
cattle to to go and eat the crops of the other man. They did that
through he was distracted. So it was a mistake. It was an accident.
He should not be completely punished like that, because
depriving him from this cattle, which is source of his of income
is two wrongs don't make a right. So what should be done? So
Sayyidina Sulaiman asked his father, Father, would you allow me
to give another judgment? And Sayyidina Dawood said, Go ahead,
son, speak. Sayyidina Sulaiman said, Well, I my judgment, which
would be the fair judgment, is to swap property for the man who has
the land to get, to get the cattle of that man for one year he can
benefit from its milk, from its wool, from its meat,
and at the same time, the man Whose cattle ate the crops of the
first one, he should cultivate that land to correct his mistake,
and he should benefit from the crops that come out of this land
for that year. So no one would be without a property. No one would
be without a source of income. Sayyidina Dawood, Alain Nabi na
Ali salatu salam listened to the wisdom of this young boy of his
Sayyidina, Sulaiman ala na Ali salatu wa salam and Allah
subhanahu wa describes that event as fafham Naha Sulayman. We
inspired Sulayman. We gave him the proper judgment in this convoluted
issue. So he ended up judging with justice, with fairness, with
equitability, to both parties and Allah subhanahu wa describes both
father and son, Wakulla and Tayna, hokman, wailma, and to both we
give we gave Huq, whether it is rule, as both of them were kings
and hekma, which is also wisdom, because both of them were wise.
Were in man, both of them received the knowledge and the revelation
from Allah subhanahu wa.
And then Allah subhana wa Taala is telling us about another one of
his prophets. And Allah subhanahu wa teaches us very beautiful dua
in these ayat, Sayyidina, ayyubi, salatu wa salam, who was wealthy,
he had a family, he had wealth, and then Allah subhanahu wa tested
him in his health and in his wealth and in his family,
everything went away, and people stayed away from him because they
did not want to get
the disease that he had and so on and so forth. So he asked Allah
subhana wa taala, after several years, and some people say it was
even 70 years, he asked Allah subhana wa Taala and Nima Sani Abu
watar Ham Rahim in he was not complaining about what has
affected him, but he is reporting to Allah subhanahu wa, you are the
Most Merciful. I have been afflicted by these afflictions,
the disease, the loss of family, the loss of money, and so on. And
Allah subhanahu wa.
Listened to his beautiful supplication and responded to his
supplication, and ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala restored everything that he
had before, and even more, an equivalent to what he had before.
Festa jab Na, Lahu Faka, shafna may be him in door. Wa at a low
wamit, lahum, mahum, rahmat, Amin, Indiana, Wadi Q Ali Abu din. This
is a mercy from Allah subhana wa taala, and the reminder that if
anyone is in the situation of Sayyidina, ayubala, Nabi na Ali,
sarato salam, now we have the solution to report to Allah
subhanahu wa Sani, aburu, wahan, Taal, ham Rahim, and then
Sayyidina Ismail and Sayyidina Idris and Sayyidina del Giphy to
Salam are mentioned briefly in the Surah how ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala
got them into his mercy because they were obedient servants of
Allah SubhanaHu wa Sayyidina
Yunus. We talked before about Sayyidina, Yunus of numetah, ala
Nabi na Adi sarato Salaam, the one who was living in nainawa in Iraq,
in the village of fishermen. And then he invited them to Allah
subhana wa taala, and they rejected him. And he said, let me
go to another village and preach to them, because these people are
not going to accept Allah subhana wa taala. He left without the
authorization from ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. And Allah subhanahu wa
tells us part of his story here whether nuni, if the hava muldin
For one, Allah nak DERA Alaihi van Ade, Allah ILAHA, Illa and the
Subhanak in Nikon to me, not believe me, then noon, which is
Sayyidina. You knows ala Nabi na Ali salatu, Salam and nun, by the
way, is another word for the big fish or the whale. So then nun,
the one with the fish. This is attached to that fish that
swallowed him, as we know, if they have a mug, he left his village
angry with them. He did not want to talk to them anymore because
they rejected the faith that he came with for Allah. Naqdi ralahi,
he thought that we're not gonna confine his motion, his movement.
He thought that we're not gonna limit him from going to another
place, naqdi, ralahi, in this case, nakdir, the word yak there
is comes in different meanings. But here, in this case, it comes
with the meaning of containing or confining or limiting his
movement. He thought that he he had the authorization from ALLAH
SubhanA wa Taala to move while he did not so he thought, did not
feel, or think that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is gonna stop him from
going to that other place. And we know what happened to him when he
boarded the ship and there was that storm, and the people on the
ship said there's some someone who did a bad deed on the ship. Let's
write the names of different people on the ship on pieces of
paper, and then draw one and see who would that be. They drew the
first time, it was sayyidinas. They said, No way. This is a very
kind and gentle person. They did it the second time Sayyidina
Yunus. So they said, Let's try the third time again. His name came
up, so it's got to be him. They threw him in the sea, and he was
swallowed by that big fish. And in the darkness of the sea, in the
darkness of the night, in the darkness of the depth of that sea
and inside the belly of that whale, he regretted what he did.
So he supplicated to Allah subhanahu, WA that most beautiful
La Ilaha, Illa and the subhank ini, kutumi na, balimin O Allah,
there's no Lord, but you, subhanah, glory be to you in
nikuntu. Me not Bali mean, I have caused an injustice to myself by
not waiting until I get the order from Allah subhanahu wa on what to
do, and ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala responded first Ajab na Lahu, when
a Jaina, homin alham Waka derikeh, nunjen mukminin, when Rasulullah
Sallam recited these ayah to his companions, one of them asked the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, since Sayyidina Yunus,
when he said this to I Allah, Subhanahu wa saved him from that
distress. Is that uniquely for Sayyidina Yunus? Is that only for
Sayyidina Yunus and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said, No
anyone who would be in deep distress. And they asked Allah
subhana wa taala, with that beautiful dua, Allah subhanahu wa
accept their supplication and would remove that distress from
them. So this is good news for us. If any one of us is in a deep
sadness or in the deep problem or distress, here is the solution. La
ilaha, Illa and the subhank ini, kuntumi, no body mean, and then
Sayyidina, Zakariya and abina Ali, salatu, salaam we talked about.
Than the stars. Well, jibel was shajaru at the web and the
mountains and the trees and the beasts and the animals. Wakatiru,
min and Ness. Now, all of these different species, they were
mentioned in their entirety,
all the stars, all the trees, all the birds, all the animals, all
the mountains worship Allah subhanahu wa. And then when it
came to the Accountable species, the humans and the jinn, Waka,
Theo minan Ness, a lot of people, people here, by the way, includes
ins and jinn, by the way. So the the jinn are also different
populations, different tribes, like the humans, are different
populations and tribes. So the word and Ness mentions both Al,
Ins, well, jinn,
wakatherum, min and Ness, many of these Ness, the ins and the jinn
are worshiping Allah, subhana wa taala, however, wakatiran, Hala
there, and a lot of them, in fact, the majority of them, will be
deserving the punishment from Allah subhanahu wa for the
rejection of Allah subhanahu wa and rebellion against Allah
subhanahu wa. Sallam Ali assalam mentioned something that's really
horrifying, on the Day of Judgment, where Allah subhana wa
Taala tells the angels a NAR a jahandam, extract from all of
these, of all of this creation that's standing in that flat
place, extract the people who are destined for the hellfire, the
people Who will go to the hellfire. And Rasulullah Sallam
says there are two narrations for that hadith, one that says that
out of every 100, they will extract 99
and in another narration, out of every 1000, they will extract 999
therefore the true believers in Allah subhanahu wa that go to
paradise without
punishment from Allah subhanahu wa ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala to make
us among them, their percentage is either 1%
or one per 1000. So that's how the majority of the creation of the
not of the creation, but of the humans and the jinn will be
disobedient to Allah subhanahu wa, deserving to be punished in the
Allah subhanahu wa gives a an example of that again, of two
individuals at the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa
sallam, one a believer and one a non believer. Had any has many
fear of being these are two people who disputed about Allah, subhana,
wa taala, one being a believer and one being a non believer.
Fela, Dina, kafaroti, Abu Minar, the non believers are gonna have
tailor made
garments and clothes for the Day of Judgment. Out of fire. They fit
them perfectly.
You saw Bobin Fauci mulhaim. They're gonna have a shower, but
that shower is gonna be molten
metals, molten lead or molten copper or molten matters. Imagine
the heat that can melt
a metal. How would that be, and what would be the feeling of that
molten metal? May Allah subhanahu wa protect us from that
Yos Haruhi mafia, bonihi moljulud, when that shower falls on their
bodies, they
they dissolve
both of their internal organs and their skin.
Wala humma, Kalam, Yao min, Hadid, and they have confines or shackles
out of iron. Kulema or Raju minha or adufi. Each time they try to
liberate themselves or escape from these shackles, they are returned
into them. Waduqa and Allah subhana wa Taala tells them taste
the punishment of burning in the hellfire.
So that's about the one who rejected Allah subhanahu wa. What
about the believer in Allah? Mean they have been well, even
via Harrier, look at the contrast. The believers Allah subhanahu wa
will take them to Paradise, to gardens where with rivers running
through them and underneath them,
and they're gonna also wear custom made, tailor made, not tailor
made, custom made clothes and bracelets out of gold and pearls.
About some of the details of the rituals of Hajj that these rituals
have to be respected, have to be followed, as Allah subhanahu wa
has commanded, without playing any games with Allah subhanho wa
taala, without trying to cut corners or to try to find
shortcuts. There are no shortcuts when it comes to the rituals with
Allah subhanahu wa and Allah subhanho wa Taala says that
respecting and glorifying these rituals is a sign of piety. Delic
wama you abdin Shahid rallahi For in Naham in taqwa, Al quloop,
including the slaughtering of the Hadi at the house of Allah
subhanahu wa, and feeding the poor and the needy at that place and
elsewhere. Alhamdulillah, now, with the blessing from Allah
subhanahu wa, there are these refrigerators, and there is the
opportunity of not only feeding the people who are at the Hajj,
but exporting that meat to the poor and the needy worldwide. This
is a blessing from Allah subhanahu
wa Subhana wa Taala tells us that, again, it's not the meat that
Allah subhanahu wa cares for, but the actual, the act of obedience
to Allah subhanahu wa the meat and the blood of these animals, of
these sacrifices is not gonna reach Allah subhanahu wa, but what
reaches Allah subhanahu wa tak wa minkum, what reaches ALLAH SubhanA
wa Taala is the piety. Why did we slaughter these animals for the
sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala as a sacrifice, for the sake of Allah
subhana wa taala, responding to a commandment from Allah subhanho wa
taala. In the Surah, there's an ayah that was revealed. So most of
the surah was revealed. In al Madin al manawara, there is an
ayah that has the Haqq of Quran Madani, although it was revealed
on the way between makarama and Al Madinah Munawwara and this area is
the first authorization for the believers to fight back the non
believers would in Ali ladina, you call it a luna be an Abu wa ILAHA
Alaska, the believers who have been oppressed and now authorized
Allah subhanahu wa declared that they have been oppressed, and
Allah subhanahu wa is giving them the permission to fight back.
Wain, Allah, Kadir and ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is all capable to
give them justice and to give them victory. Who are these? A la Dina,
ukin, illa, Rabun, Allah, those who have been expelled from their
land for no reason, except for saying Rabban Allah, for saying
that our Lord is Allah. Subhanahu wa salaweto wama said, you do
this. Karui Asmaa, ekatera, wala Yang Suran Yang surah in Allah,
Aziz that were it not for that, pushing and pushing back between
truth and falsehood, the truth, pushing back the falsehood,
repelling that falsehood. Were it not for that, all the houses of
worship would have been destroyed and demolished, and there would be
no mention of the Name of Allah
subhanahu wa pledges wala Yan, Suraj, allahuman, Yang sur Allah
subhanahu wa support and give victory to ever is striving to
give victory for the faith of believing in Allah subhanahu wa's
is Allah subhanho wa Taala is all powerful. Allah subhanho wa Taala
is almighty. Subhana wa taala, who are these? Who what is the
behavior of those who are fighting falsehood? Eladina, Munkar, Wali,
Atiba, tukumar, these are not tyrants. These are not arrogant
people. These are not people who are bloodthirsty, who want to just
fight for the sake of fighting. These are people who do that for
the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala, push back any falsehood or
rebellion against Allah subhanho wa taala. And when they are given
power, what do they do? They do not say, look at us. We are
strong, we are powerful, we are victorious. But they are humble.
They lower their heads to Allah, subhana wa taala, Al ladina, Imma
can now flood whenever we give them power on this earth, what do
they do? A solid they establish the prayer waka and they give
their zakat, their charity. Wabil marufi, wana Hawa and in Munger,
and they enjoying good, and therefore they forbid evil, which
is basically the only reason for life to continue on the face of
this earth, because Allah subhanahu wa Taylor says, as we're
going to talk later, in Surat at there yet wamaktul Jinnah are in.
Say Illi abudun, the sole reason for the creation of the jinn and
the inns the humans and the jinn is to worship Allah subhanahu wa.
So if
the Earth does not worship Allah subhanahu wa, it has exhausted the
reason for its existence and life has to end a
Allah subhanahu wa tells us that in the process of this pushing and
pushing between the truth of falsehood and falsehood, there's
going to be martyrs. There are going to be people who would fall
to who would lose their lives in defense of the deen of Allah
subhanahu wa of life that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala has endorsed for
mankind. So Allah subhanahu wa says, wala din Haja rufi, sabi di
lahitu, makoti Ro Abu Asmaa, hula ho risk on Hasanah Wain,
that those who migrate for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala,
those who have been remembered, these again ayat, are revealed to
the believers migrating from Mecca to Medina for the sake of Allah
subhanho wa taala, to give support to Rasulullah Sallam in Al
madinahwara, and to establish the state of Islam in Al Madin al
nunawa, Allah subhanahu wa, says, Those who migrate for the sake of
Allah subhanahu wa, and then they are they die, or they are killed
in the confrontation With none, with disbelief, or they die of
natural causes, Allah subhanahu wa This is a very beautiful Ayah lair
Isana. Allah subhana wa Taala will sustain them with the best of
sustenance. How can someone who's dead be sustained? Someone might
think, if they die, we think of sustenance as money or food or
shelter or earthly goods, but Allah subhana wa Taala is telling
us about the sublime meaning of risk, which is the eternal risk in
the Mercy of Allah subhanahu wa Subhana wa Taala will let them
enter a place that They will be pleased with and satisfied with,
and that's the Paradise from Allah. Subhanahu wa Subhana wa
Taala is the best Sustainer. SubhanAllah.
Again, it's very hard to stop at every area from these beautiful
sower because it would take a lot of time. But Allah, Subhanahu wa
the end of the surah gives an example, which is a miracle by
itself. Yeah, you had nesu Dori by method on, fasten your Oleh, O
creation o ins and Jin and NES in this case, as we mentioned, Al
insulin, yeah, you had NASA run. Here's an example. Here's the
simile, here's a parable. Listen to it in the ladina terunim in
doing lahila yacht, ODU, baby,
those what you are worshiping, apart from Allah, subhana, wa
taala, will not be able to create a fly,
a fly,
even if they collaborate all of them together, they bring all of
their knowledge, all of their technology, everything, they won't
be able to create a fly, this tiny fly that you just push with you
with the emotion of your hand.
Not only that, this tiny fly, if it takes something away from them.
They're not going to be able to get it back from it way, yes, to
be buchay. And lastly, domin.
It. It's SubhanAllah. It's a miracle Allah subhanahu that is
giving an example of something so tiny and so neglected, a fly.
Wow, for toilet wall mod loop, that the person who's seeking to
get something back from the fly is so helpless, and that fly itself
is also so helpless. Me Allah haka Kadri in Allah's is they do not
appreciate Allah subhanahu wa as he should be appreciated and
estimated Subhanallah in Allah's. The second time we see this
conclusion of the ayah Allah subhanahu wa is all powerful,
almighty SubhanAllah.
And then at the end of the Surah, Allah subhanahu wa tells us what
we should do as believers. Yeah, you. Haladina, amanu erkau was
judu wa, Abu dhakam wa, faul hayal, Allah come to flee, who all
you believe now, the address is not to aness of the creation, but
to the believers, the chosen ones, the ones who have chosen ALLAH
SubhanA wa Taala and Allah subhanahu wa taala has chosen
them. Yeah, you are ladina, a man or cow. Bow to Allah subhana wa
Was judu and prostrate to Allah subhanho wa taala wa Abu dhakam
and worship Allah subhanho wa Taala at all times, Wafa, Al UL
Hala, kut of the Hun and the translation of this obedience to
Allah subhanho wa taala, or worship to Allah subhana wa taala,
the external reflection is doing good that not only benefits you,
but benefits other believers and other
creation as well, not only the believers. It benefits everyone.
What you had struggled in the path of Allah, subhana wa Taala in the
proper way.
Who watched the welcome he Subhana wa Taala chose you. Women,
jalalay, confiden, even harajit, minha, not
put any burden upon you, but Allah subhanho wa Taala is inviting you
to support that faith, the faith of Sayyidina Ibrahim, who
initially called you Muslimeen, called you the ones who surrender
and submit to the will of Allah subhanahu wa in that struggle, the
Akuna Rasulullah Shahid and alayhi kumuta kunusu had Alan Ness being
Muslims and the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam will
be a witness on us, and We will be witnesses over mankind on the Day
of Judgment, each prophet would come with his followers, sometimes
a large group, sometimes a small group, sometimes a couple of men,
sometimes no one whatsoever. And Allah, subhana wa taala, would ask
each prophet and messenger, did you deliver your message. And they
would say, Oh Allah, we did deliver the message. And then
Allah subhanahu wa ask their people to whom they were sent, the
one that rejected them. Did that Prophet deliver the message? And
they would say, No, Oh Allah, He did not deliver the message. So
each prophet would look for a witness, and they would say, I
have a witness. And the Allah subhanahu wa asked them, and who
is that witness? And they would say, Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam. And that's why Allah subhanahu wa tells the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in the ayah, fakai faida Ji, namin
kuli omati, Shahid wa Ji, Nabi ka ala ishaida, remember that day
when we're gonna come, we're gonna bring a witness from every nation
to testify for them or against them, and then we will bring you
as the supreme witness, to witness on all of these prophets and
messengers and about and over their nations and your nation
also, which followed you. It means that they believed in you and they
believed in all the prophets before you. So they would testify
that Sayyidina Ibrahim delivered the message, Sayyidina Musa
delivered the message. Sayyid Nalu delivered the message, Sayyidina
Ayyub, Sayyidina Ishmael, Sayyidina Ishaq, all the prophets.
Alayna bin Ari Musala wa salam delivered the message, and they
would confirm that. So we are gonna be witnesses as well.
So to be trustworthy witnesses, to be worthy of being witnesses, what
we should do for a key Muslim? Where to zaka? What was a mobile
welcome any Amelia. So in order to be worthy of that testimony, to
testify over other nations, what should you do? Establish the
prayer and pay your Zakat and hold tight to the robe of Allah
subhanho wa Taala and the commandments of Allah subhanho wa
taala. Allah subhanho wa Taala is your Lord, and He is the best
Lord, and He is the Best Supporter, and one who gives
victory subhanah wa Taal.
Since we talked in two consecutive ayat Now or two ayat about zakat,
I'm reminding myself and my brothers and sisters about the
importance of Zakat, and as the deeds are multiplied in the month
of Ramadan, at the end of Ramadan, we have two kinds of zakat
basically, we have zakatul Man, which can be paid annually. It has
to be paid annually, and many people select to pay it in
Ramadan, since the deeds are multiplied in the month of
Ramadan, and that's perfectly fine. And then there's a kettle
fit zakat al fat, which is an obligation on every Muslim, rich
or poor, male or female, young or old. So I'm reminding myself and
my brothers and sisters to prepare for that to pay the dues to Allah
subhanahu wa. This is the right of Allah subhanahu wa. This is not
something that's voluntary. This is not an option. This is one of
the pillars of Islam. So I'm reminding myself and my brothers
and sisters, prepare for paying your zakat. If you pay your zakat
al Mel, the Zakat of your wealth in the month of Rama.
Don then. Now we can see that the month of Ramadan is passing very
quickly. Make sure that you pay it before the end of the month and
zakat al fat, it has to be paid before Salat al aid, if you wait
after Salat al aid, it is not zakat al fat anymore. It's just a
regular charity. But according to some of the narrations of the
Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that fasting is
going to be suspended and not completely raised to Allah
subhanahu wa until a person pays Zakat alfit. We ask Allah subhana
wa Taala to help us establish the prayer and pay our Zakat and to
worship Allah subhanahu wa in the proper way that we should worship
Him. Inshallah, tomorrow, we're gonna continue with our journey
with the Quran. We're gonna discuss surat al Mun and Surat
Ann, maybe the beginning of Surat al for Khan, if time allows. So
until tomorrow Inshallah, Asmaa Allah.