Ighsaan Taliep – Deen TV Eid Special Broadcast
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The International Church of God emphasizes the importance of transformation, sharing experiences, and achieving spiritual expression during the holy month. The holy month is a time for reflection and refinement of behavior, and the importance of creating a model of peaceful living among Muslims living in different parts of the world. The speakers stress the challenges faced by Muslims in South Africa, including conflict, de renovation, and defective culture, and emphasize the importance of celebrating the holy month and preserving the lucky experience of Muslims in their country.
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Bismillahir, Rahman Al Rahim, in the name of God, Most Gracious,
Most Merciful. Alhamdulillah, Rabbi Alameen, all thanks and
mercies and praises be unto God Almighty. Salatu, Assalamualaikum.
Musaline, salawat and salams Love and Blessings upon our foremost
leader, our beloved Nabih Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi wa
sallam, upon his noble companions and family and friends and all
those who follow His divinely inspired Tariqah and Sunnah path
until the final hour, our dear and honored and respected viewers of
Dean TV, I greet you all Assalamu alaikum. Muhammad Allah He
wabaraketu, the peace and blessings of God Almighty on you
On behalf of the International Peace college South Africa, the
staff and student population, it gives me great pleasure and
privilege to extend unto you all a celebrated message of ADL fitter,
Reid, Mubarak, Kullu, Anton bechair, and that you will have a
joyous occasion of celebration on this momentous culmination of the
culminate or the conclusion of the holy month of Ramadan.
Our purposes for observing the fast during the holy month of
Ramadan are clearly articulated and clearly enunciated. It is our
prayer that we have all devoted ourselves and dedicated ourselves
to those purposes in order that we we may emerge out of this month
increased our spiritual capacities, having increased our
reserves of faith, and having a closer sense of association with
the Almighty Creator, Allah, Most High says In the Holy Quran,
walitullah Idah wali to Kabul Allah had akum wala Allah Kum TASH
And such it is that after the culmination of the holy month of
and you have completed that appointed term of the fast of this
month, and thereafter that you celebrate the majesty and the
glory of your Creator, God Almighty. And through the
engagement of the chanting of the takbir, the traditional takbir, in
the evening of the first of the month of shoghwa and the morning
of the first of the month of Shoah, and thereafter, God
Almighty says Allah Kum TASH, in order that you may attain unto
thankfulness and gratitude for your Creator. And so the entire
exercise and the entire experience of the holy month of Ramadan, of
trying with the rigor and with the amount of sacrifice and striving
and strenuous deprivation from food and drink in order to achieve
and attain unto those levels of self discipline and self
restraint. Allah, Most High in a sense, wants to bring to our
attention that all of that is to transform our being, is to
transform our own selves, to be thankful creatures, to be
thankful, servants of God, Most High
and so gratitude and appreciation abounds in the psyche, abounds in
the mind and the remembrance of the Muslim on this auspicious day
for having had the opportunity of reconnecting with his Creator
during the holy month of Ramadan, for having had the opportunity to
reconnect with the Holy Quran. Indeed, the month of Ramadan is
the month of the Quran, and to reconnect also with that sense of
establishing common humanity, establishing and firming in our
minds, our sense of common humanity with every human being
and with fellow religionists, fellow Muslims. For indeed the
holy month of Ramadan is also a month of concern, a month of
charity, a month of kindness, month of generosity. And these are
all the observances that become not only the practices which the
Prophet, peace be upon him, had emphasized during especially the
holy month of Ramadan, but they're also the very values, the
purposes, whereof we observe the fast in the holy month of Ramadan.
And so we emerge with those spiritual capacities. We also
emerge with a heightened sense, again, of awareness and
consciousness. And we pray that that and those are the objectives
that we have.
Achieved during this holy month of Ramadan. And so our observances of
the Siam, our observances also of the kriyam, the standing in front
of God Almighty as part and parcel of the
forms of rituals and the forms of worship during the holy month of
Ramadan, that they become far more
linked. They become far more emanating from the heart, and that
the heart becomes far more engaged and committed during those periods
of those periods of observance.
And so our beloved, our beloved viewers, we also bring back the
essence of purpose on this auspicious day by listening to the
words of the Prophet. Peace be upon him when he said in NAMA, la
Lay salary, Liman Le BIS Jadid in Namal edu, Liman echulwarid that
the day of Eid is not so much for those who don new clothes and for
those who engage in material expedition. On the contrary, the
day of Reid is rather for those who engage in remembrance and
awareness of the day of accountability and the day of
reckoning, the day where in which we have to hold ourselves to
account in front of our Lord, God Almighty, Allah, subhana wa taala.
And so in this sense, again, our spiritual rejuvenation guides us
that even in celebration, it's not a material oriented celebration.
It is expression of happiness. It's expression of joy, but for
great gratitude and for appreciation for having been been
guided by Allah subhanahu wa during the holy month of Ramadan,
to reconnect with him, to reconnect with ourselves, to
reconnect with our societies, and to reconnect with our ultimate
source of guidance, the Holy Quran.
And so as we proceed on this particular day, it is our prayer
that God Almighty allow us that such benefits and such lessons
that we have gained during the holy month of Ramadan to really,
in a sense, prevail over our own selves, to prevail over our sense
of personal interest or personal
personal desire and personal lust
that that carries us through the entire year that lies ahead of us.
And so God Almighty says in the Holy Quran or a lahau, Hawa AFA
and Tata Kono, alehi wakila. Do you see O Muhammad, such that take
their desires and their lusts as the God that they worship and they
become slavishly in pursuit of their desires and their lust? Do
you think that such people can have any control over themselves,
or that anyone can have control over them. Do you even think says
Allah further, Abu asmaaqahuna, Oh, ya Akhi Luon? Do you even
think that the majority of them are able to listen to what you
have to say, or that they can even reason or understand what it is
that you are saying. And then God Almighty says In whom, Illa
kalanam Nay, they are but like cattle grazing, Balham Abu sabila,
in fact, they are lower in status than those very animals
and so prevailing over ourselves and then defining and refining our
own selves are of those higher purposes of the holy month of
Ramadan, which we sincerely pray that God Almighty, Allah,
Subhanahu wa Taala will allow us to take us through the remainder
of the here, and we pray that our children, we pray that our
communities will be safe and that our communities will engage in
those exercises of renewal and rejuvenation
whilst we are celebrating the day of Eid,
it is impossible for us to
spend this day without shedding a thought and sharing a thought and
reflection on some of the experiences and the conditions
that Muslims in different.
Parts of the world are undergoing at this moment in time, and more
particularly in the Muslim world,
Muslims are experiencing very difficult and trying times.
Muslims are living in conditions of conflict. They are living in
conditions of war. They are living in conditions of deprivation.
They're also living under circumstances of unjust rule and
politics. And so during this time, I think as Muslims, first and
foremost, living in South Africa, it becomes important for us to ask
the question, what is it that we ought to do from a leadership
position, from a position of community religious leaders,
community leaders, academic leaders, even business leaders,
what do We do in order to share and hold up the very good and
favorable circumstances that we are enjoying in our beloved
country here in South Africa. What ought we to do in order to share
this model of peaceful coexistence and peaceful and tolerant,
tolerant lives among one another, as well as alongside our fellow
citizens. How do we hold that up as a model so that Muslims living
in different parts of the world may even be able to take lesson
especially from ourselves?
I think it is important for us that we reflect on some of the
causes, why we find that the words that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala
recall in the Holy Quran for us in ways in which Muslims or humankind
in general will find trials and tribulations. What are some of the
causes behind that? And I think more pertinently, I wish to draw
attention to a particular verse where Allah says,
him, oh, yell, be second Shia or the Comm. But ba sabald,
and so Allah subhana wa Taala calls upon the Prophet, peace be
upon him to reflect and see how amongst humankind,
given their circumstances in history and given how they conduct
their affairs, that God is able to send upon them tribulation and
trial, and God is able to send upon them
wrath in the form of natural calamity from above them or From
below them. Or he says, Oh, yelby, second Shia is also able to clothe
you into circumstances of sectarian conflict
or Sabbath, and he can make you taste the wrath of one another.
This, unfortunately, I think, is a very pertinent point that we need
to reflect on as society, why it is that we find the mutual
conflict in the Muslim world unfolding in the way that it has
and it is common cause that of the major contributing factors in this
regard, is in fact, the sectarian conflict, the intolerance and the
sense of
excommunication of one another that have really been contributing
factors towards the condition and the situation that Muslims find
themselves in. And so we do find that those who have imperial
ambitions in the region, they exploit those very social
circumstances that the Muslims bring to bear within their
societies. Like to reflect on the words of an author and journalist
when he says, in particularly Graham Fuller,
he says that, had it not been that there was a religion like Islam,
had it not been that there was a prophet like Muhammad in the world
he says that the political relations between the West and the
Middle East would have
precisely or more or less been the same as we find them.
In the world extent today because of the imperial ambitions of those
who wish to secure
natural resources.
We know the examples of the gas wars that have erupted and that
continue to erupt, and all of those political reasons why they
are invasions in the Muslim world, we have seen how in 2003
the invasion of Iraq on false pretenses have been accompanied by
a specific design of divide and rule, where Muslims of Iraq, who
have lived amongst one another in peace for centuries, have been
stoked against one another. Conflict on the lines of sectarian
divides have been stoked deliberately in order to bring
about anarchy and violence amongst the communities, it is up to us to
identify the danger of sectarian conduct in our community, because
there are Those who have the ambition and the desire to exploit
those differences in the communities. And this is
historical fact at this moment in time. And so therefore it behooves
us as Muslims in our society, Muslims lay people, Muslim
leadership, that we come together and reflect on how we ensure that
we not only hold up as models, our own positive experiences for
others living in different parts of the world, but that we continue
to critically introspect, to ask ourselves the question also, how
do we ensure that we preserve that very privileged and positive
experience of Muslims here in our beautiful country that have been
going on for 350
years? How do we safeguard that? How do we enhance that? How do we
leverage that in order to ensure that we make a greater social
impact in our societies. How do we leverage that, in order to ensure
that the contribution that Muslims are able to make to this beautiful
nation is even amplified and becomes more entrenched and
consolidated? It It reminds me of the time when the Prophet, peace
be upon him, during the very first emigration, the very first Hijra
that Muslims ever undertook was to Abyssinia, and the prophet sent
the persecuted Muslims and the young, nascent community that
suffered at the hands of those who wish to crush the emergence of the
young Muslim community at the time, and he sent them on the
first emigration to Abyssinia.
Abyssinia, at the time, was ruled by the neges, the king of
Abyssinia, who was a Christian person, was known as the negas and
the Prophet peace be upon him then said that go to Abyssinia, for
indeed, Abyssinia is being ruled by a king in whose presence none
shall be oppressed, none shall be dealt with unjustly.
And so our emergence out of our struggle as South Africans have
known such leaders who were the proponents and the champions of
justice, in whose presence and under whose rule none will and
have been
oppressed and dealt with unjustly. And these are values that we as
South Africans have enshrined in our legal composition as a nation,
in our Constitution, and these are Islamic values, and these are
universal values that we as human beings hold dear. And so we pray
that God Almighty allows us the foresight, allows us the wisdom
and the vision to be able to take our spiritual refinement, our
spiritual restraint and our spiritual development, which we
have been exposed to during the holy month of Ramadan, and bring
that to bear on how we take ourselves forward for the
remaining months of this year, in a mindset and in a sense of
spiritual awareness and heightened spiritual capacity, heighted
spiritual consciousness as we.
Said at the beginning, which is the very purpose of celebration on
the day of Eid, when the Prophet, peace be upon him, says that lay
salid Liman lebih Sal Jade, that indeed is not only for those who
have a material outlook of preoccupation with new clothes,
but rather aid is, indeed and in fact, for those have a spiritual
orientation, an awareness and a consciousness of their service to
their Creator, service to humanity and service to your society. Once
again, I extend unto all of you a warm and a joyous aid, and may God
Almighty take us all into the next year with a sense of achievement
and accomplishment for his cause, at his pleasure. WA da Rana, Anil
alhamdulillahi, Rabbil Alameen, Salama Alaikum, warahmatullahi,
wabarakatuh, and the peace and blessings of God Almighty on you,
all you.