Ighsaan Taliep – Cape Accord

Ighsaan Taliep
AI: Summary ©
The negative impact of Shia's laws on Muslim communities worldwide is discussed, including the negative impact of laws that apply to everything, including religion, religion, and human beings. The natural laws of Islam apply to everything, including religion, religion, and human beings, and the importance of acceptance of the differences and the arbitration process to ensure the law is in line with the law. The importance of protecting the country is emphasized, but the right to express views is not the right to do so. The cape accord is about protecting the country, but the right to express views is not the right to do so.
AI: Transcript ©
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Scholars, our father figures, our mentors, our beloved fathers and

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mothers, brothers and sisters and our innocent children. Assalamu.

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Alaikum. Warahmatullahi, Assalamu alaikum.

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Ji satari would have been better to balance this group here by

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having sister Fatima come and speak after Ambassador Ibrahim

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Raso and I would have advised that we've been good ballads. Shukan

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Ibrahim for making it very difficult to say anything.

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The development that have been taking place in our community,

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different developments that have been happening in our community

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have been causes of great concern. But these issues are issues that

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have been coming on for time.

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And these are not issues that are peculiar, unfortunately and

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regrettably to our community here in the cape, they are happening,

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seem happening, seeming, seemingly in the Muslim communities across

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the world,

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it would appear that

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we certainly, as

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Ambassador Abraham, said, We certainly do not take lesson from

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It seems that we would rather follow the adage that says that

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history must repeat itself.

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History repeating itself is in fact,

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a system and a design of Allah.

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And Allah subhana wa Taala speaks in the Holy Quran about history

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abundantly and Allah. Subhana wa Taala references that he has

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certain laws that govern human existence on this earth,

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and that those laws are, in fact, referred to in the Holy Quran as

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sunnat Allah fill out. And

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Allah emphasizes, and he says,

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Walen tajid Ali, sunnathi, tahwillah, Walen tajid Ali, sunnat

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Elahi, tabdila, you shall not find divergence from those laws and

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deviation in those laws of Allah, subhanaw wa taala, substitution of

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those laws of Allah, subhanaw wa taala, not in the most minute of

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Allah's laws will always apply irrespective whether they're on

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communities of faith, or they in communities of non faith

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communities. It does not matter.

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And so whatever we bring forth with our hands,

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we will reap the consequences thereof, the HAR al facade in NAS

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that mischief and

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transgression shall spread through the earth and through the oceans

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on the basis of what human beings have brought forth with their own

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So these laws of Allah,

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this the natural laws of Allah, amen.

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And obviously they are in and around. We live them, and we

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sometimes don't even realize that we live them.

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Of these laws are that Allah, subhana wa Taala had created human

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and the law that applies to them is

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that Allah subhana wa Taala had decided against Allah Tala had

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decided against uniformity

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in this creation,

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uniformity is not how Allah created human beings. Walosha or

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Bucha la Jas

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had been the will of Allah. He would create human beings as one

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but his law is wala, yaza, Nuna, Mukta, lefe, they shall indeed

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continue to have differences. Differ with one another, have

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different views. Look at things differently, see the world

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differently. Wa La yaza, Luna mukht Ali, they shall do that

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forever. La yaza, it won't cease.

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Differences. Is natural,

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that we would differ and have Sunnis and shiris is natural.

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This is Allah subhana wa taala, that you believe and that we

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believe as we are in this Masjid. The majority of us are Sunni.

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And that we have our beliefs is not just natural. It is also our

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because Allah also speaks about the freedom of conscience, the

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freedom of thought, the freedom of belief. And all of that becomes

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part of Allah, taala, sunnah on this earth. And so when we speak

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about the differences that we have with the Shia, you can speak about

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There is no, no problem with that.

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The problem is, how do you speak about it? The problem is, how do

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you differ with one another?

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And so our brother sitting on the corner on that side, brother,

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molena Aftab, heyder, I've had opportunity to quote from himself,

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saying, We do not have a problem. If you critique, if you have, if

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you put forth your position of differences between the Sunnah and

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the Shia, that's not a problem. That's your right.

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But do not create mischief. Do not create and spread hatred. Do not

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incite the emotions of people and fan people's emotions to the point

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where people go into a stupa and into a frenzy of how they view the

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other person.

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I think the cape accord for us is about understanding that in our

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beautiful country in which we live, we also understand that we

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have the right to express our views, but we do not have the

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right to express those views whilst we incite hatred against

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if anybody, I think I've said it at this platform, if anybody spews

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hatred from this pulpit or from any pulpit, that person cannot be

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inspired by a Rahman.

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On the contrary, that person will be inspired by shaytaan, our

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beloved Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam had spoken about

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the emergence of the khawarij.

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He had foretold that they shall come among you, people whom, when

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you look at the way, how they perform salah, you will look at

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your own Salah in disdain and say, Allah, I should really brush up on

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my salah. When you look at how they fast, you will think about

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your own fast in real, insignificant terms. If you look

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at how they recite the Quran,

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you will think that you really need to be ashamed of how you

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butcher the Quran.

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But then Abu Salah Salem says

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that they would have left

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the fold of Islam like an arrow leaves its bow towards its target.

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So notwithstanding the way in which the appearances are then,

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abhisalaam had indicated that these people would have already

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left the fold of Islam. Now, these, in our history, were known

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as the khawarij. These were people that, for the most minute things,

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would declare others Kafir.

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These were the very people who then ultimately were responsible

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for the assassination of Sayyidina Ali Radi Allahu Taala

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and so Sayyidina Ali, famously, when the dispute between say NA

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Ali and Sayyidina muayya came to that point where the arbitration

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was Put forth,

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they then raised the slogan and said Al hakimill

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that the settlement of disputes shall not be done via arbitration,

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but it must be done in accordance with the law of Allah, because law

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and judgment belongs only to Allah

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with a sense of self righteousness, with a sense of

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a sense of arrogance, and also a sense of clear extremist ideas of

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their own understanding of the deen of Islam.

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Sin Ali's famous retort to that was colon Haq,

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you're all Do we have a

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that is a true word that is being spoken, but the intent behind it

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is battle.

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And so when we then find that we are being

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Excited towards hatred, towards hating the other, towards other

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rising and to looking at others in ways other than ways of dignity

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and respect, as had been mentioned before, then we need to become

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extremely, extremely cautious and ask questions.

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The reason why we believe the cape accord is important,

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again to the Sunnah of Allah is the entire Sharia.

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Every hukum in the Sharia is confirmed

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exclusively to secure the outcome of that hokum,

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the hokum wants to secure an outcome, or it wants in a positive

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way, or it wants to avert a potential scenario in a negative

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So therefore, we believe,

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we believe that sectarian speech, sectarian hatred, sectarian

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discourse of inciting and encouraging others to look

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differently at others with hatred, etc. Sectarianism is haram in

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Islam. Allah. Subhana Watani, in the Holy Quran, explains why that

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is the case, and that is that you shall, you shall self destruct.

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You shall self destruct. Many places in the Holy Quran, maybe

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just to quote the hadith of Ibn Masood in the collection of Imam

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Al Bukhari and Abu Sala Salem says, Let the telephone

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for in naman Khan ako Bala Kum,

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a telephone

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Don't fall into factionalism. Don't fall into disputes of rancor

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and hatred and factionalism among yourselves, because those who have

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gone before you fell into such disputes and they perished and

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self destructed.

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May Allah accept this endeavor and initiative to be one which,

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inshallah reaches the hearts of human beings and reaches in the

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depths of our hearts to bring out our humanity and so that our faith

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can be expressed on the platform of our humanity. Inshallah,

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shukran Abu.

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