Ieasha Prime – The Miracle and The Mantle Islam and the Black American

Ieasha Prime
AI: Summary ©
The story of Islam and the African American is a unique one, as it is the story of the Surah and the verse in the Quran that spells out the planer's secret. The story also includes a brief advertisement for NASA's mission to " Grave the Book of Book of Earth" and a song by Islam's founder, Islam's founder, Alaihi, that describes the culture of Islam as a "willful war" and a "willful war" that will bring together people to achieve their dreams.
AI: Transcript ©
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The story of Islam and the African American is a unique one. It's the

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story that spells out the verse in the Quran that you plan, and Allah

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plans, but Allah is the best of planners. It is the story that

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tells the secret of the Surah, either ja anashorola, he will fat

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What I Eat In NASA yet colonna feeding lahi awaja for some be hum

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di Rob because stealth fear in who Canada to weather you.

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In the Name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful. When will

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the help of Allah come? Surely, the help of ALLAH is near. Don't

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you see people enter into the religion in groves that initially,

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when Mansa Abu Bakr stepped onto the shores of America, he thought

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that he was only seeking an expedition, an adventure, without

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a doubt, he brought on those ships not only his culture, but he

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brought the religion of Allah and the prayers And the chants of the

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Avan that would be called out by those who traveled with him would

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be like the call of Ibrahim, alaihi salam. It would be like the

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call of Bilal, inviting those souls to answer to that call and

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to say, La Bay, allahummall beiq, even when slave ships arrived on

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the shores of North America. I'm sure those who were navigating

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those ships had a different thought, had a different

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intention, and yet, when they planned, Allah is still the best

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of planners, they thought they were bringing near cargo, those

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who would work for them, but in reality, what they brought was

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those who would work for Allah, those who would spread the deen

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far and wide, those who would chat the verses of the Quran, those who

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would write it on any page that they can find for their legacy to

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be discovered. They are the ones that would press their heads and

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subdued on the soils of America and continue to spread this. Deen,

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when Allah Taala mentions in Suratul fat in nafata mubina, that

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most of us think that this opening was only about the opening of

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Mecca, but once Allah opened the doors for the Prophet alayhi

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salatu wa salam, he opened the doors for all those who would also

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be the followers of Muhammad. Not only during the time of the

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Prophet alayhi salatu wa salam, did they only enter into the

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Meccan gates, but Islam entered into their hearts the same way

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that not only did Africans enter into America, but Islam entered

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into their heart, and then they ushered in Islam as a Religion and

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as a culture to be reckoned with a

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