Ibrahim Nuhu – Tafseer Ibn Kathir #43 Surah Al-Baqarah

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The speakers discuss the importance of protecting the community and sharia in Islam. The use of shwa and shadi for personal reasons is emphasized, as well as cultural practices and preferences. The sharia is being implemented and sharia is being implemented. The sharia is being used for personal reasons, such as clothing and sh Watson. The sharia is being implemented and shwa and shadi are being used for personal reasons.
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As-salātu wa-s-salāmu ʿalá l-maʿūthi
r-raḥmati l-lilʿālamīn, nabiyyinā wa-ḥabībinā Muḥammadin
ṣallá Llāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam ʿalá ʿālihi wa
-saḥbihi wa-sallim ʿamā bād.
اليوم السابع من شهر التاسع من شهر رجب
1446 الموافق للتاسع من شهر جنوري
نواصل درسنا في هذا الكتاب المبارك كتاب الله
عز وجل.
أسأل الله سبحانه وتعالى أن يبارك فينا وفي
ما نتعلمه وأن يغفر لنا الزلات ويغفر للمؤلف
ابن كثير ويرفع درجته في العليين.
So we continue from where we stopped last
dars which is the saying of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
Until the end of the ayah.
So we talk about this attitude and the
behavior of the children of Israel when Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala is giving them free
They don't need to make any effort except
to be thankful and eat it.
They don't need to make any preparation.
The food is coming from the sky from
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala from the heavens.
And also the drinks also free of charge.
They don't need to make any effort.
But as the attitude and the usual behavior
of these entities, they don't want to appreciate
They want to go back to the life
of difficulty and tough life.
So they ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to give them other alternatives.
They cannot be patient using these two things.
They told Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
We cannot be patient to take only these
And subhanallah, what is their replacement?
One of the most deficient food in us.
They're looking for basal.
They're looking for garlic.
They're looking for this.
They're looking for that.
So they ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to take away the good ones and replace
it with that which they want to do
by themselves.
They have to put efforts.
They have to go and grow it.
So Allah said, And Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala cast on them humiliation and kind of
Wherever they go, they will not be respected.
Rabbul Alameen mentioned to us.
That's why he said in surah Al-Imran,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, Wherever they
go, they have to have this agreement.
Otherwise, life will not be easy for them.
And since then, when Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala told them this, after all of those
series of disobedience, they never relax.
And they will not.
Because Rabbul Alameen said, after the story of
the Ashab al-Sabt which will come later,
he says, وَقَطَّعْنَاهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ أُمَمًا And We
cut them into pieces around the earth.
They don't have a simple and single place
that they can revert to.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, He says,
وَإِذْ تَأَدَّنَا رَبُّكَ لَيَبْعَثَنَّ عَلَيْهِمْ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ
مَنْ يَسُومُهُمْ سُؤَلَ عَذَابٍ Allah promised to keep
sending to them somebody who will taste the
worst type of punishment as long as they
And then he says, Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala is the harshest when it comes to
the punishment and taking revenge against the criminals.
And also, Scholars said regardless of their behavior
and attitude, which is usually bad, but still
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala opens the door
of al-fay'ah for them.
Meaning if they are to come back to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and repent, they
will be accepted.
That's why he says, That's Rabbul Alameen.
Doesn't close the door for a person to
have no excuse when he meets Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
All of the excuses have to be burned
Then a person will be taken into the
custody based on who he was in this
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, So
Allah cast on them, and poverty.
You know, because you might say, yeah, they're
the richest people nowadays, but don't forget, the
real richness is not about how much you
It's about how much content is your heart.
It's all about contentment of the heart.
If the heart is not in a state
of contentment, that person is not rich anymore.
As the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told
Abu Dharr, he said, He says, Richness is
to have more money.
In some narration he says, The Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam has said, Richness is based
on the richness of the heart, and poverty
is based on the poverty of the heart.
So what is rich in you?
The heart.
What you have is not that important in
relation to what your heart has.
If the heart is not content, trust me,
you will never be able to benefit and
enjoy that wealth.
So you need to have this contentment of
the heart for you to be able to
benefit from the risk that Allah s.w
.t. is granting you.
So poverty, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam has said, is the poverty of the
You get it?
So don't you ever be deceived by how
much Allah s.w.t. has given them.
All of these are useless in comparison to
that which they are losing, so they are
still poor.
And they went back with ghadab from Allah
s.w.t. Allah s.w.t. says,
ذلك بأنهم كانوا يكفرون بآية الله ويقتلون النبيين
بغير الحق All of these have been cast
upon them because of the kufr they used
to do after knowing the truth.
ويقتلون النبيين بغير الحق And they used to
kill the Prophets of Allah s.w.t.
That's why they are described as قاتلة الأنبياء
The murderers of the Prophets of Allah s
.w.t. And we have heard last week
what Rasulullah s.a.w. has said.
He said the worst amongst the creation of
Allah s.w.t. is the person that
قاتله نبي أو قتل نبيا A person who
was killed by a Prophet or he killed
a Prophet.
You see these guys, they qualify this.
They qualify this evil behavior.
They killed many of the Prophets of Allah
s.w.t. And to my knowledge, no
Prophet of Allah s.w.t. had an
easy life with the Jews throughout their stay.
Musa is the best amongst the Prophets of
the Children of Israel.
But he never had an easy life.
Never had an easy life with them.
Always put him in a state of pressure.
Rasulullah s.a.w. mentioned a time when
they used to accuse him that he has
some problem with his body.
That's the reason why he doesn't take shower
in the place where everyone is taking shower.
So when they go to take shower in
a river, Musa s.a.w. used to
go away from them because it is inappropriate
for you to take off your clothes in
the presence of others.
So he used to go away from them.
So they started accusing him that he has
some problems.
Allah s.w.t. wanted to show them
that Musa doesn't have problem at all whatsoever.
But he is the best in terms of
creation and the best in terms of manner.
So the creation of Musa is the best,
better than what they are thinking about.
That's why when he came to take the
shower as usual, he put his clothes on
a rock in a place which is away
from them.
So the rock ran with his clothes.
So Musa chased the rock with his stick.
Nasa'il Bukhari, the Prophet s.a.w.
said, Musa was hitting the rock, was telling
people, Thawbi hajar, thawbi hajar, thawbi hajar.
The rock is going away with my clothes.
So he was hitting the rock.
He doesn't think that this is jinn or
anyone that doesn't care.
So he was beating the rock and asking
the rock to stop.
So the rock kept on going around Bani
So Bani Israel saw him in the best
form of creation.
So they said, oh, they never thought that
Musa is like this.
And they understand that they were just accusing
him without having any justification.
So Allah s.w.t. said to us
in Surah Al-Ahzab, لَا تَكُونُوا كَالَّذِينَ آذَوْا
مُوسَىٰ فَبَرَّأُوا اللَّهُ مِمَّا قَالُوا Allah advises and
warn us from being like those who harmed
Musa s.a.w. And the Prophet s
.a.w. mentioned this story as a support
to that which Allah s.w.t. mentioned
in Surah Al-Ahzab.
So Allah s.w.t. says, ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ
كَانُوا يَكْفُرُونَ بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ وَيَقْتُلُونَ النَّبِيِّينَ بِغَيْنِ
الْحَقِّ ذَلِكَ بِمَا عَصَوْا وَكَانُوا يَعْتَدُونَ That was
the first reason why Allah s.w.t.
punished them.
The second reason is the saying of Allah
s.w.t. ذَلِكَ بِمَا عَصَوْا And that
happened to them because of their isyan, ارتكاب
المعاصي, going against the laws of Allah s
.w.t. ذَلِكَ بِمَا عَصَوْا وَكَانُوا يَعْتَدُونَ And
they always go beyond that which Allah s
.w.t. demarcated for them.
They go beyond the limitations.
They go against the hudud of Allah s
.w.t. What Allah s.w.t. tells
them to take, they go beyond that.
These are the Jews.
Not staying away from that which Allah s
.w.t. doesn't want.
And what Allah s.w.t. gives them,
they go beyond that.
Even though He limited it, but they go
beyond that which Allah s.w.t. mentioned.
That it is permissible upon them to take
So this is a summary of what we
did last dars.
The next ayah for today, Allah s.w
.t. says إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَالَّذِينَ هَادُوا وَالنَّصَارَ
وَالصَّابِئِينَ مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَعَامِلَ صَالِحًا
فَلَهُمْ أَجْرُوا مِعِنْدَ رَبِّهِمْ وَلَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا
هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ Allah s.w.t. said إِنَّ
الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا Those who believe in Allah s
.w.t. وَالَّذِينَ هَادُوا And those who said
هُدْنَا إِلَيْكَ According to some, Allah s.w
.t. called the Jews Jews because they said
هُدْنَا إِلَيْكَ Some of them said they were
called يَهُود because of the name of the
oldest child of يَعْقُوبَ a.s. يَهُودًا والله
أعلم This is the title given to the
Jews the children of Israel So, وَالَّذِينَ هَادُوا
And these are the Jews وَالنَّصَارَى And the
Christians The Christians, these are the followers of
عِيسَى a.s. Those who claim to be
following عِيسَى a.s. You get it?
There is no religion called Judaism And there
is no religion called Christianity Right?
The only religion that Allah s.w.t.
sent is Islam Adam was a Muslim And
all the rest of the prophets of Allah
s.w.t. were Muslims So, وَالَّذِينَ هَادُوا
وَالنَّصَارَى نَصَارَى Those people who claim to be
following عِيسَى a.s. وَالصَّابِئِينَ And the صَابِئُون
And the صَابِئُون Who are the صَابِئُون?
According to the choice of Ibn Kathir He
says وَأَظْهَرُ الْأَقْوَالُ وَاللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ قَوْلُ مُجَاهِدُ وَمَن
تَبِعَهُ The statement of Mujahid is the best
statement concerning the meaning of الصَّابِئُون Because some
of them said these are the people who
have no religion Some of them said these
are the people who are worshipping angels Some
of them said there are people who are
following Zaboor Some of them said this, some
of them said that.
Many many many interpretations by the scholars.
But Ibn Kathir says the best and the
closest opinion is the statement of Mujahid ibn
Jabr al-Mufassir He says وَأَظْهَرُ الْأَقْوَالُ قَوْلُ
مُجَاهِدٍ وَمَتَابِعِيهُ وَوَهَبْ ابْنُ مُنَبِّه He says أَنَّهُمْ
قَوْمٌ لَيْسُ عَلَى دِينِ الْيَهُودِ وَلَا النَّصَارَةُ وَلَا
الْمَجُوسُ وَلَا الْمُشْرِكِينُ These are the people that
don't accept the Deen of Yahud and they
don't accept the Deen of Nasara and they
don't accept the Deen of the Majus and
they don't accept the Deen of the Mushrikeen
You get it?
They don't accept any of these religions وَإِنَّمَاهُمْ
قَوْمٌ بَاقُونَ عَلَى فِطْرَةِهِمْ They just remain according
to their Fitrah What is their Fitrah?
The natural disposition that Allah SWT created them
upon So they don't do anything like those
ones that we have mentioned وَعَلَى دِينٌ مُقَرَّرِ
لَهُمْ يَتَّبِعُونَهُ وَيَأَتَنِقُونَهُ So they have some things
that they believe to be the Deen They
believe to be the Deen.
They rejected all of those but they have
something they believe to be the correct Deen
وَلِهَذَا كَانَ الْمُشْرِكُونَ يَتَبَرَّؤُونَ يَنْبِذُونَ يَنْبِذُونَ
مَنْ أَسْلَمَ بِالصَّابِعِ That's why the Mushrikeen they
used to give the laqab of As-Sabi
'i to somebody who accepted Islam You remember?
They used to call the Prophet SAW As
-Sabi'i That's why in the Hadith of
Al-Mar'ah when the Prophet SAW sent
them to go and get water They found
that old woman You remember that?
He said, they asked her to give them
the water She refused.
She said because the distance between me and
the water is too far.
I have to go several kilometers for me
to get it Please don't take it for
me They said no problem but we would
love if you wouldn't mind to come to
our Rasul So she said the one that
is called As-Sabi'i He said yeah,
the one that you meant.
So they told her the one that you
meant When she said As-Sabi'i, she
said far into Rasulullah SAW You get it?
So whoever accepted Islam they used to call
him Sabi'i Who is Sabi'i?
Sabi'i means somebody who neglected the religion
of his parents and his people Doesn't want
to accept them This is the meaning of
As-Sabi'i So is it a negative
word or positive?
It could be both It could be negative,
it could be positive It depends on why
the person is using it When they use
it, are they using it in the correct
No They are using it according to them
in a negative way Right?
When they talk about parents, if they are
referring to parents, everyone, even those who are
deep down behind Then they were wrong because
Rasulullah SAW, his lineage is rooted back to
Ibrahim AS Then he is following the correct
religion But they meant the close parents who
are worshipping idols Rasulullah SAW did not accept
them So it's negative The Muslims understood this
to be something being given to them as
an accusation That's why when Khalid Ibn Al
-Walid No need to apologize, I'm used to
that When Khalid Ibn Al-Walid went to
fight a people He told them first Accept
Islam, then we don't need to fight you
He said Accept Islam, then we don't need
to fight you He told him Saba'na
Saba'na means Saba'na Saba'na from
the word Sabe'i We are Sabe'i
So they told him When they said this,
they meant what?
We are Muslim So it's better for them
to say Accept Islam, then we don't need
to fight you They told him Saba'na
Saba'na, Khalid Ibn Al-Walid thought these
guys are making fun of the Muslims But
then they meant Islam, because to them, whoever
changed the whole religion and accepted what Khalid
is inviting them to He is Sabe'i
So they agree with the religion of Khalid
But they did not say it in the
correct way They said Saba'na Khalid Ibn
Al-Walid, being somebody who is coming from
Mecca, he has that experience The Meccans used
to describe Rasulallah in the way of disrespect
to call him Sabe'i So when they
told him Saba'na Khalid said, you are
even making fun of us You will see
So he took his sword He placed it
on them Killing them, killing them They told
him, what do you want us to do?
We said Saba'na Khalid Ibn Al-Walid
says, you are even making fun of us
Keep on getting them Subhanallah, the news reached
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam The Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam was very upset They mentioned that
he even said Ya Allah, I am not
in this mess that Khalid did He says
Ya Rasulallah, I am not in this So
because that was based on mistake, it wasn't
intentionally done, it was based on Ijtihad That's
why Rasulallah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam never asked him
to resign from leading the Muslim armies But
Umar Umar was having some issues with this
When Abu Bakr came he realized that one
of the best commanders that the Muslims have
is Khalid Ibn Al-Walid So he also
let him to keep handling that responsibility in
his leadership throughout history Khalid Ibn Al-Walid
was there But when Umar came that doesn't
last longer He asked him to resign And
Subhanallah You can see what Sheikh Hussain bin
Tamim was saying He said a leader is
supposed to be very smart A leader should
be very smart Do you get it?
If he is harsh his deputy should be
very soft and lenient If the leader is
very soft and gentle and kind the deputy
should be very harsh very strict This is
how we maintain the balance Otherwise, trust me,
the affairs of the believers are going to
be messy We need these two people to
come together You get it?
We need these two people to come together
If they are both harsh the community will
suffer a lot If they are both lenient
the community will go astray Because everything is
halal We need to have both of them
The examples given by Ibn Tamim in his
book Al-Siyasi Sharia'iya He said like
Rasulallah s.a.w. with Khalid Abu Bakr
How do you categorize Abu Bakr?
Harsh or lenient?
Everyone knows that Abu Bakr is lenient That's
why Aisha refused to ask him to lead
the prayer when the Prophet s.a.w.
asked her to command Abu Bakr to be
the Imam in the prayer She refused.
Why did she refuse?
No, no, no, no That's a shallow justification
she mentioned just to make Rasulallah s.a
.w. believe accept her proposal.
When the Prophet s.a.w. told her,
ask Abu Bakr to lead the prayer, she
said, Ya Rasulallah it's better to ask Allah
He said, ask Abu Bakr She said, Ya
Rasulallah, it's better for Umar to do because
my father is very soft If he starts
praying and he knows that you are sick
that's why he is praying, leading the believers
he will cry a lot Rasulallah s.a
.w. said, ask Abu Bakr to pray but
then somebody asked her this is a very
important and a big position that everyone should
be looking for it to be the replacement
of Rasulallah s.a.w. in leading the
Ummah It's a very big and heavy responsibility
Why wouldn't you want it for your father?
Then she explained, why did she reject?
Subhanallah, look at the smartness She said, he
said, no because Rasulallah s.a.w. is
the current leader.
My father is going to be the replacement
of an expert Very expert, extraordinary expert.
That's who Rasulallah s.a.w. Abu Bakr
doesn't have expertise like Rasulallah s.a.w.
Number one.
Number two, Abu Bakr doesn't have Wahy So
she said he is just going to keep
acting as an ordinary man which his mistakes
are going to be a lot if you
compare him with the one who was there
before She said, people are going to talk
about my father.
I don't want to see people talking against
my father That's why she said, Rasulallah s
.a.w. She sent it to the house
of Umar Subhanallah, very smart decision The Prophet
s.a.w. was not happy with this.
There was a time when he heard Umar
reciting the Quran He was very angry So
Abu Bakr is considered by the Muslims to
be soft Very emotional person and soft That's
why he is the most fitting leader for
the Ummah right after Rasulallah s.a.w.
You know why?
Because at that time the Ummah was in
a state of chaos Somebody who is very
calm Harshness doesn't benefit here Because you are
going to deal with a lot of afqar
When you have an internal problem you are
going to be dealing with ideologies Different fikr
Harshness doesn't work here That's why one of
the most dangerous game being played by some
of the people in the authority in any
country is to fight fikr with force Fikr
is supposed to be fought by fikr Bring
scholars, bring mufakirun Bring smart people to come
and sit with that person.
They will be able to convince him.
Because if you use force you are sending
a message to the weak people in the
community that this person might be right because
you know in most of the places people
don't have trust in the people on top
That level of lack of trust is there.
So when they see a person being held
accountable by force some people might be following
him So we are just like increasing the
flame That's why the best is to fight
it with fikr Rasulullah Ali bin Abi Talib
Khawarij, their aqeedah is based on what?
Fikr It was very harsh type of fikr
Ali bin Abi Talib never fought them at
first He used to send them who?
Abdullah Ibn Abbas He said please go and
debate with them and check and see what
exactly is the problem What problem do they
have with us And he went and he
told them what exactly is the issue that
you have with Amirul Momineen They mentioned silly
things One of them is Do you remember?
Do you want to know?
They are very silly But this is their
justification or some of them They said because
when Ali bin Abi Talib was fighting fighting
Abu Sufyan, right?
The Jayshu of Ali and the Jayshu of
Abu Sufyan And the battle happened At the
end of the day they agreed to come
and do the reconciliation between Ali bin Abi
Talib and Muawiyah Who is going to be
the judge?
The moderator between the two?
Somebody Some of them said Abu Musa Ash
'ari Whoever that companion was But somebody to
come to stand between Ali and Muawiyah and
make a decision And then let's see what
will happen Khawarij said no La hukma illa
lillah Only Allah can judge Why you skip
the Quran and the Sunnah and you come
to ask somebody to be the judge?
He said this is wrong We rejected him
because of this Because he make human beings
to be the intermediaries between him and his
opponent Look at this thinking That's number one.
Abdullah bin Abbas said Okay, number one Ali
bin Abi Talib told him When you reach
them Please don't use Quran in your debate
Because Quran have so many interpretations You say
this, Waqas will say no no that is
another interpretation Mazen will say no no that
is another one It's very difficult for us
to come to a conclusion But he said
Use the Sunnah because Sunnah is very straight
forward That's why the enemies of Allah swt
hate the Sunnah more than the way they
hate the Quran.
They hate both But they hate Sunnah more
because Sunnah is very straight forward It always
blocks the means that they can come into
our community and put their disease in their
plots So Abdullah bin Abbas knows exactly who
he is dealing with.
So he told them Reason number two Ready
to get number two?
Reason number two They said when he fought
Ali bin Abi Talib in the battle of
Jammal He assumed the victory When he fought
Muawiyah in the battle of Jammal, he was
victorious He managed to chase away the Jaish
of Sham And according to the principles of
war after you finish you are supposed to
take Ghanima and you take war prisoners How
come he finished that battle without taking war
prisoners slaves slaves Number three Ready for number
This one is the funniest one If you
don't find the first two interesting get ready
with this They said We just watched him
writing that agreement but then surprisingly when they
were writing the agreement they said Who is
Amir al-Mu'mineen?
Ali bin Abi Talib They wrote Amir al
-Mu'mineen and Ali said no need to write
Amir al-Mu'mineen, just say Ali bin Abi
Talib The Khawarij said If he is not
Amir al-Mu'mineen that means he is Amir
al-Kafirin They said if he refused to
be Amir, they wrote Amir al-Mu'mineen You
know you are very humble Sheikh Mazin, Doctor
Mazin They said no just Mazin What is
your name?
Mazin You find it a bit awkward and
weird when somebody asks you, who are you?
Tell him Mufti Fulan What is your name?
Ibrahim Any other title?
Ibrahim Ali bin Abi Talib was asked What
should we put?
He said put Ali bin Abi Talib Don't
put Amir al-Mu'mineen So they told him
He is Amir al-Kafirin Not just a
Kafir, but Amir al-Kafirin Subhanallah, look at
Sufaha wal-Ahlam, exactly in the way the
Prophet of Allah swt described them And you
know what is the biggest problem these guys
Trust me my dear brothers and sisters They
understand knowledge by themselves without resorting to the
scholars That's the biggest problem they have, and
nowadays we have a lot of stupidities being
brought to our communities because of the student
of the Facebook and Google Yeah, because they
just go randomly and take fatwa anyhow and
come and become kumbula against us in our
communities That's why it's necessary to study before
you talk, that's number one Number two, it
is necessary to study under a murabbi Not
just a scholar It's not about knowledge being
given, it's about tarbiyah Because wallah, if you
don't go and study under somebody who has
tarbiyah you end up harming the community rather
than benefiting them Rasulallah s.a.w. gave
them two things Tarbiyah and knowledge Not just
the knowledge Actually tarbiyah is based on how
to incorporate those values that you learn from
the scholars into action and pass them to
the community, behave well They are very harsh
people but they understood the shariah according to
their own way That's why Abdullahi bin Umar
said They go to the Quran and the
sunnah They found evidences that Allah revealed them
on the kuffar فَنَزَّلُهَا عَلَىٰ ٱلْمُسْلِمِينَ That's why
kuffar enjoyed the time of the khawarij and
muslimin were killed by them They always kill,
they don't fight others They fight the muslimin
So Abdullahi bin Abbas told them Okay, number
one He said, which one is more valuable?
If you're performing hajj and you kill an
animal Okay, small animal No matter how much
small it is Let's say a pigeon You
know the pigeon, right?
You kill a pigeon Allah says you have
to pay compensation for that You must, as
long as you are a muhrik And how
to decide the compensation?
Allah says You have to bring two scholars
Smart people from amongst the scholars, two of
them, not one Two scholars to sit down
and make a decision on what you should
be paying What kind of animal from the
domestic animal that you should be paying for
the pigeon you killed How many scholars?
Two And by the way, when somebody kill
a pigeon what does he pay?
Allah says Allah says something that looks like
it from the domestic animal Chicken doesn't look
like it And he says from the behemoth
of the animal So you have behemoth of
the animal only Four Goat, sheep Bakara When
you kill a pigeon What do you pay?
What do you pay?
Should I make it easy for you?
The similarity doesn't necessarily mean in the nature
For instance, if you kill ostrich What do
you pay?
Yeah, but now we bring bulugum around to
this class also What does it look like?
Ostrich, even in some part of it Camel
The long neck That's why the decision of
the companions was camel How about the pigeon?
Now I give you the clue You know
they decide Let me give you the animal
they decided They said goat No Did you
ever listen to the sound of the pigeon?
Which goat?
Adam, I think he only saw goat in
the zoo Or in the television only They
said goat No, it's not about the eyes
I don't think the eyes are the same
It's behavior The same way they're drinking water
Look at the pigeon when the pigeon put
its mouth in the water The way they
drink The same way the goat is drinking
water So the decision of the companion was
to give a goat when somebody killed a
pigeon The scholar said whatever decision was made
by the companions, we can just take that
one We don't need to bring scholars But
if there is an animal which is killed
by a hajj, a pilgrim which the companions
did not decide then we have to bring
two scholars to come and give us the
decision which animal looks like this one So
he told them this and then Abdullah ibn
Abbas said Which one is more valuable?
The blood of an animal or the blood
of a Muslim?
It's of course the blood of a Muslim
He said if Allah asks us to bring
two scholars to judge when there is a
blood of an animal that is destroyed Don't
you think it's more appropriate to bring two
scholars to judge when there is a blood
of a human being that was shed?
They said yeah, how can we miss this
They understood The question number one is being
answered Question number two, what was that?
If you don't remind me I will not
tell you what he said What was the
issue number two?
Not taking slaves Abdullah ibn Abbas told them
He said no problem, let me agree with
you that Ali ibn Abi Talib was wrong
for not taking the slaves But imagine you
are part of the army of Ali ibn
Abi Talib, right?
He said yes Imagine Ali ibn Abi Talib
took the slaves and among those slaves was?
Ummul Mumineen Aisha Is there anyone of you
that would be happy to see his slave
being Aisha?
They said no, how can we think of
this This question also is settled The last
one He told them in the treaty of
Hudaybiyyah You know when they are writing the
treaty What was written first?
هذا ما صالح عليه محمد رسول الله سهيلة
ابن عامر He said this is what Rasulullah
صلى الله عليه وسلم agreed upon between him
and Suhail And then what did Suhail said?
Suhail said We don't agree He said if
we agree that he is Rasulullah why would
we come and fight him in this place
He said we don't agree So you should
remove Rasulullah Just write his name Muhammad Ibn
Abdullah I mean if they write Muhammad Ibn
Abdullah does that change the reality?
No So the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
told them Remove Rasulullah I can't remove Rasulullah
and I are going to remove this He
said where is the place?
They show him, he cancelled it by himself
So he told them Abdullah Ibn Abbas which
one is greater Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم
removing Rasulullah or Ali Ibn Abi Talib is
removing Amir al-Mumineen And then they understand
Subhanallah they are wrong and they mentioned almost
two to three thousand among them agreed to
come back with him to the Muslim community
That's why fikr Wallah as I told you
is very dangerous to fight fikr with force
You are increasing the fire Unless if the
fikr uses force then using force is necessary
That's why Ali Ibn Abi Talib he never
fought the Khawarij until the time they started
using force When they killed who?
The son of Khabab Ibn Arad Abdullah, they
killed him and his wife Then Ali Ibn
Abi Talib said khalas, no more joke, no
more latency That was the time he fought
them and Alhamdulillah he managed to defeat them
because now we don't have any excuse.
We go with them slowly, slowly.
So he managed to bring so many of
The balance of them refused to submit and
they decided to fight the Muslims This is
when Ali Ibn Abi Talib forced them.
So the best way to fight what he
called fikr is to use fikr.
So they told back to the story I'm
talking about the Sheikh of Sambintania.
He says it is always better when you
have a leader that is harsh the deputy
should be lenient.
So you can see Abu Bakr was lenient
and I was talking about him being the
best at that time to lead the Muslim
community because we need somebody who is more
calm and Abu Bakr is better than Umar,
way better than Umar in this regard So
that's why Alhamdulillah, Allah did not let anyone
let us at that time except Abu Bakr
and go and see the situation and the
condition of the Muslim communities almost you can
say Islam remained in Medina only in every
other place Islam is shaking after the demise
of the Prophet of Allah Abu Bakr managed
because at that time what can you do
outside you cannot fight an enemy outside if
you have internal issue with you so we
need somebody who will not use harshness, Abu
Bakr is the best one at that time
within the period of two years he managed
to bring back the Muslim community into their
consciousness Islam has been preserved the status came
back in way worse in terms of the
Prophet of Allah his job is completed in
two years time he finished, bring back the
Muslim to their consciousness then Allah take him
back because now the unity is there, now
is the time to focus on the top
criminals on earth who is more beneficial here?
Umar Allah gave it to Umar immediately without
even having letting the believers to discuss in
the way it happens with the case of
Abu Bakr Abu Bakr because he knew what
happened before he just said Umar is the
leader so Umar let the Muslims and he
managed to bring those top criminals on earth,
the Persians and the Romans to their knees
Subhanallah, Uthman bin Abfan was just completing the
balance of what was left by Umar justice
was everywhere, they even mentioned that people used
to come to Medina just to see who
Umar, who is this Umar?
Subhanallah, everyone was enjoying justice, Muslim and the
non-Muslim so in the time of Abu
Bakr Khalid bin Walid was one of the
commanders the leaders of the battles Abu Bakr
accepted him, kept him in the way Rasulallah
kept him in the time of Umar also
it started like that but the later on
it wasn't easy for Umar to accept he
asked Khalid bin Walid to resign he gave
him some conditions, Khalid bin Walid refused he
says either you resign or you do this
he said no because those ones are doing
things for the sake of Allah he preferred
to resign so Shaykh Hussain bin Taymiyyah said
you can see because Khalid bin Walid is
very harsh very very strong in the battle
so that's why he doesn't work with Umar
bin Al Khattab because he is harsh and
Khalid also is harsh they cannot come along
who was the person that Umar put forward?
Abu Ubaid Abu Ubaid bin Jamal no in
general that's Abu Ubaid Amir Ibn Jarrah Abu
Ubaid Amir Ibn Jarrah so he was the
commander because he was soft I mean warrior
very strong in fighting knows the skills maybe
the capacity of Khalid bin Walid but Umar
agreed to go with him because he is
soft and gentle and he enjoys working with
him that's why they even mentioned during the
Ta'un Amwas when the epidemic happened in
Sham and Umar knows that that's a mushkilah
he has a lot of companions there and
the biggest one was Abu Ubaid Ibn Jarrah
subhanallah he wanted to play some what you
call tricks to bring him back to Medina
so that he would not be killed by
the Ta'un so he sent a letter
to him he was in Sham he sent
a letter to him he said I really
need you in Medina as quickly as possible
and now the Khalifa is calling him right
he is going to go to Medina officially
Sharia says if Ta'un happens epidemic happens
no in no out Umar knows this but
he wants to bypass that because he really
doesn't want to lead the Muslim Ummah without
these type of people and he knows that
this Ta'un Wallahu Alam what happened in
this Ta'un almost 25,000 if I'm
not mistaken died during this plague so Umar
told him please I need you in Medina
come to me as quickly as possible Abu
Ubaid understood the trick so he played the
same game also with him he said no
problem no worries but don't forget I'm responsible
of a Jaish an army he said you
know that I cannot leave them here if
you want us we can come out all
of us to you in Medina he knows
that Umar would never agree with that so
when the letter reached Umar he said he
just realized that most likely we lost Abu
Ubaid Ibn Jarrah and that's what happened he
is one of those people who passed away
during this Ta'un so Ibn Taymiyyah was
right when he was making this deduction he
said Abu Ubaid Amir Ibn Jarrah worked with
Umar because Umar is harsh and Abu Ubaid
is lenient Abu Bakr was lenient Khalid was
harsh they worked together as for Rasulallah because
he has both the side of harshness and
leniency that's why he was able to work
with both of them you see the difference
is right that's Nabiullah combined for the Prophet
in everything that's why when the son of
one of the scholars died without mentioning his
name his son died what did he do?
he left he left left left in the
presence of others what do you call that?
they translated as Rida because of Allah somebody
was praising him that he has too much
Rida because of Allah and when your son
died usually we we cry so a family
member of this person died and he left
so somebody was praising him but Subhanallah when
Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah come and see this he
said Subhanallah who is better then?
he said the heart of this person was
so congested so small so narrow the chest
was so tiny of this scholar was so
tiny that's why he couldn't tolerate and he
couldn't accommodate two types of worship Ibadatul Rida
and Ibadatul Rahma the two types Rida bil
Qadha illa and also the Rahma he couldn't
accommodate both that's why he favoured one of
them because he couldn't accommodate the other one
as for Rasulullah his chest is so wide
he can accommodate both of them that's why
when his son Ibrahim died Ibrahim was the
son of what is what was her name?
Marya al Qibthiya was he a wife?
no anyway I submit she wasn't a wife
so the Prophet she was a slave of
the Prophet so he has a child from
her Marya al Qibthiya called Ibrahim, Ibrahim died
when he was very young Subhanallah look at
this beautiful and excellent statement that came from
Rasulullah he says Inna wallahi he shed tears
first, he cried the companion asked him Rasulullah
you also cry?
he said yes this is the mercy that
Allah put in the heart of his his
creation the one who doesn't show mercy to
others will not be shown mercy by Allah
Subhanallah and then he said he was talking
to Ibrahim after he died he said Inna
wallahi bifaraqika ya Ibrahim lamahzunoon he says ya
Ibrahim wallah we are very sad to see
and to hear about your demise to see
us leaving you to see you leaving us
you see that's mercy right he said we
are so sad to see you going but
then he said what walanaqulu illa ma yurdir
rabb azawajal however we will not say anything
except that which is pleasing to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala that's why a person should
be very careful smartness is to do what
Rasulullah s.a.w. did when you bring
yours in anything you bring your own version
this is not smartness what message are you
sending that your version is better than his
version right and yours is doubtful if it
is even accepted right when you go against
the Prophet s.a.w. what message are
you sending when you modify what the Prophet
s.a.w. tells you what message are
you sending al khairu kulluhu fittiba ima thabata
an nabisa Allah s.a.w. so these
are the sabi'un according to the choice
of Ibn Kathir he says that's why the
mushrikeen used to call whoever accepted Islam as
sabi'un whoever accepted Islam they called him
as sabi'un so who are the sabi
'un the people who are not yahood are
not nasara are not mujuz are not mushrikeen
but they remain upon their fitrah they have
some principles that they hold upon which they
believe to be the correct principle to approach
Allah s.a.w. with but they rejected
all of those religions so Ibn Kathir said
this is the best approach qawla mujahid wa
wahab ibn munathbih exactly Allah s.a.w.
says inna allatheena aamanu wallatheena hadu walnasara walsabi
'een man aamanabillah whoever believe in Allah s
.a.w. wal yawmil aakhir and the hereafter
what is yawmil aakhir?
the hereafter, when is that?
allahu alam nobody knows is it good for
us to know?
why not?
we'll be panicking I don't think people will
have this but if you allow me to
take from what you have said and modify
it for you and then you take the
credit, no problem and I will do the
modification for you they said it's good for
us not to know the time we will
die and the time the day of judgment
will happen if you want to know this
when is it the season when the iman
of the Muslimin is at its peak?
in which month?
Ramadan after Ramadan who are we?
even Ramadan, not every time the first day
of Ramadan come to the masjid, full mashallah
the second day, a bit hungry the third
day a bit lesser until you come for
the fourth day, most likely these are the
people that will remain, one line, two lines
yesterday was mashallah, everywhere everyone is there, to
celebrate the arrival of Ramadan and then, later
on, we neglect it and then we come
back when?
27th last 10 days no, 27th ok, last
10 days, but go to Mecca, you will
understand what I'm talking about go to Mecca
day number one, number two, even the last
10 days, yes the people are there those
who want to do itikaf but trust me,
the day number 27 go and see the
masjid masjid is like hajj everyone is there
what happened to them after the 27th?
go back to their own territories the scholars
said, this is what could possibly happen to
us if we know when are we dying
we will be negligent until the time we
come closer when do you revise for the
yeah, because you know the time you will
be tested, trust me if the university says
the lecturers should come randomly and test everyone
is going to be up to date in
revision but because we know, it will come
inshallah in the next four months I just
go to the class, get busy with my
facebook you know, other books don't even pay
attention to the lecture because I have the
slides right?
at night before the exam, I will just
come and revise and fail or pass sometimes
so that's the wisdom the scholars said, wallahu
alam it's always better for us not to
know when are we dying so that we
will always be prepared especially with the death
because it can come at any time at
least the day of judgment Allah swt made
some signs they have to happen first before
we see it but death it just comes
like that Allah swt Allah swt granted us
al khatima to live this life in a
very peaceful and good exit in iman in
Allah swt somebody came to Rasulallah and asked
him when is the last day the Prophet
kept quiet he kept on asking after he
finished his khutba he said who was the
one who was asking about the last day
he said he said I am the one
the Prophet said he diverged the question to
that which is more important for him it's
not about the day of judgment what will
happen, he should be asking about how to
prepare for the day of judgment that's why
he asked him what have you prepared because
if you are asking when is it, that
means you are ready for it he said
what have you prepared for it he said
Rasulallah basically honestly speaking, I do not do
that much he said Rasulallah I don't do
that much but I have one thing which
I value so much that I love Allah
and I love Rasulallah the Prophet said a
person will be with those whom he loves
a person will be with those whom he
loves you know the companions were banned from
asking questions to Rasulallah unless if there is
a clear indication that they can just go
ahead Allah want them to be silent because
they might ask about things which they used
to be halal but now Allah will make
them haram Anas ibn Malik said we used
to love to see a Bedouin because the
Bedouins didn't have this restriction so we used
to love to see a smart Bedouin because
not all of them are smart he said
we used to see the smart person to
come to Rasulallah and ask him good questions
so that we can benefit because we cannot
ask but we used to love seeing a
smart Bedouin who will come and ask and
one of them is this one he said
when the Prophet answered his question what have
you prepared for it and he said I'm
sorry, when the Prophet asked that question and
he answered the question and the Prophet said
you will be with those whom you love
Anas ibn Malik said we are very happy
with this answer he said because I love
Allah and I love Rasulallah and I love
Abu Bakr and I hope inshallah on the
day of judgement I will be with them
in the hereafter so always get busy with
that which benefit this is the most important
lesson we get from this event getting busy
with that which benefit don't get busy with
that which is not benefiting your life your
questions should be very good straight forward beneficial
questions to you, something that can add value
to your life so they believe and they
put their faith into action they have their
reward with Allah so they shouldn't be afraid
of anything al khawf min al mustaqbal the
fear of what could possibly happen in the
future walahum yahzanun al huzn is sadness when
they are living this life they shouldn't be
sad because Allah will be the replacement to
take care of their families and their wealth
subhanallah look at this excellent news in the
future which is the hereafter Allah will tell
them no khawf, don't worry you are going
to the best and in the present life
and also whatever you are going to be
leaving behind Allah will be the replacement Allah
grant us iman that will earn us this
privilege from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
the good among His creation so let's stop
here inshallah in the next dars we continue
from the next ayah barakallahu fikum subhanakallahu wa
bihamd astaghfirullah wa atubu ilayk salamualikoum wa rahmatullahi
wa barakatuh Adam do we have any gift?
salamualikoum sheikh when Khalid ibn al walid killed
those villagers because their last words were saying
sabahna can we consider them shuhada they are
muslimin so they were killed by a mistake
and inshallah they will not be here anyone
who is serious among them when he says
sabahna they really accepted islam that's it inshallah
that's more than enough for them to go
to jinnah who said there was no deer
now we give you an assignment to go
and get us this who said there was
no deer no problem they know how to
make it who said there wasn't i give
you the research to come and enlighten us
next class happy?
question from one of the brothers my question
is in an islamic state that implements the
sharia what is the punishment or consequence for
a woman not wearing proper hijab in public
how did the prophet muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam
deal with this when he came into power
in medina wrong example in the time of
rasulallah salallahu alayhi wasalam it wasn't like this
first the hijab was not obligatory and those
ones were very dedicated people very dedicated people
those who don't have a proper hijab they
go and took their blanket to cover themselves
whenever they are going out very dedicated people
so the example was wrong there is no
similarity between his time and our time very
dedicated time rasulallah salallahu alayhi wasallam mentioned that
in the future this promiscuity and not covering
oneself is going to happen when he said
he said there will be two types of
people that i don't see them yet he
talks about the injustices either from the leaders
themselves or from the shorta the cooperators in
the security they will be oppressing others unjustly
i mean unjustly so he said that's the
first group and the second group he said
he said he said there will be some
sisters who will come although they put some
clothes they call it hijab but they are
naked because what is hijab what is hijab
wear something that is loose wide enough to
cover the aura not transparent you get it
not showing the size of the body and
also not transparent something that is enough to
cover this is hijab so if she wears
something that is see through what is inside
is being seen, it's just kind of decoration
it's like she wears something but she is
not wearing anything i mean she is not
wearing hijab hijab or those who are open
in some part of them you get the
idea because the minimum according to those scholars
who see it is everything has to be
covered except the face and the hand this
is a debate between those two scholars i'm
not here to say which one is which
but that's the debate between the two scholars
but even those who and half of you
cannot say this is majority, this is not
majority if you look at the research being
done by Ismail Al-Muqaddam both of them
huge group of people, you can say half
of the scholars so nowadays the focus is
even with that minimum people to maintain it
you rarely find somebody who accept that opinion
and maintain it properly some part of the
hand is uncovered, some part of the head
is uncovered, some part of the shin is
uncovered and any part of this is going
to lead a woman to be in that
hadith because that hadith is really scary so
what i'm trying to say is even if
you agree with that opinion that says face
and the hand should be covered but maintain
it properly apply it correctly right, apply it
correctly but people are not except Marahim Allah
let's complete the hadith Rasulallah s.a.w.
said وَنِسَاءٌ كَاسِيَةٌ عَارِيَةٌ مَعِلَةٌ مُمِيلَةٌ رُؤُوزُهُنَّ كَاسِمَةِ
الْبُخْتِ الْمَعِلَةِ مَعِلَةٌ مُمِيلَةٌ they are bent some
scholars said it's not about the behavior some
of them said it's about the behavior they
are very bad in their behaviors and they
also influence others they are bad in their
behavior and they influence others and that's why
if you are in a community you are
given the da'wah you must include sisters
in your da'wah I'm saying this because
some brothers they said no no no I
told you the story of one of the
universities long ago that I used to have
classes like this when they set up an
Islamic society in that university, it's a non
-Muslim university they have lessons with them between
Maghrib and Isha so they set up an
Islamic society, I told them who are in
the Islamic society?
they said only brothers, I said why?
why sisters are not involved?
I remember the statement of one of them,
I'm just narrating him he said they talk
too much, we don't want to Ola, he
told me they talk too much I told
him you see my proposal is they should
be part of the committee they should do
the da'wah also the way you are
doing because if you restrict your da'wah
to the brothers they will not have anyone
to guide them they will be misguided and
tomorrow they will be taking you guys one
after the other and subhanallah, it doesn't take
longer time for one of them to ask
me a question not one of them they
were asking me this question how do we
deal with the imam?
the imam was hanging one of them took
the imam Hafiz li kitabillah and he couldn't
be patient, he was even going around the
university with that girl I told him this
is what exactly I was talking about it's
very dangerous it's very dangerous you have your
own terms and your conditions but the da
'wah should be comprehensive Rasulallah s.a.w.
never make da'wah to to the brothers
alone he will go and give lecture to
everyone and then he will move he and
Bilal and go to the side where the
sisters are in the sufuf ul akhira he
will go to them and then preach to
them they even told him one day Rasulallah
it looks like the brothers took almost every
part of your life they are with you
every time and we don't have any time
with you Rasulallah they are complaining is it
genuine complain?
yes it is that's why Rasulallah s.a
.w. listen so he gave them a day
where he used to meet them and teach
them their religion otherwise every day you will
be complaining oh the sisters are doing this
and that but who is that person that
extended the da'wah to that place so
don't you ever think that you are doing
good no, da'wah should be comprehensive, everyone
should get it of course you maintain the
adab from both sides which the Prophet s
.a.w. kept the barrier has to be
in the way Allah s.w.t kept
it but the da'wah has to be
must be comprehensive so some scholars said they
were misguided and they misguide others, some of
them said no this is referring to the
way they are they are walking and they
walk like that and they also managed to
make some people also to follow them in
their misguidance do we say, I'm just asking
a question do we say he is referring
to those who are wearing the high heel
shoes no I'm asking a question because when
they wear their shoes I'm told that it
is not easy for the one who is
wearing those things to walk straight that's why
they also say it's unhealthy actually health wise
is also not healthy but can we say
that anyway I just leave it for you
to do the research, insha'Allah I will
come to you, let me just finish the
hadith and then come back insha'Allah the
head is similar to the hump of a
camel the bent hump of a camel you
see the hump of a camel right so
sometimes it's too big it bends like this
that's why the scholar said this is an
attitude of some of the sisters in the
past, which also exists nowadays, where the hair
will be gathered in one place, especially when
it comes to the top part, she put
it all together in one place so when
you see it, it's like she has two
heads, one on top of the other one
that's why the best is not to have
it at all let the hair go down,
either braid it completely or let it go
down, to avoid any, if she put it
on top for sure, according to the scholar
she is included in that hadith now the
issue is when she compiled everything, she put
it from behind is she included or she's
not included, I will advise a person to
avoid also especially when it is coming towards
the upper part of the head and then
he says they will not go to paradise
and they will never smell paradise although the
smell, the fragrance of paradise could be smelled
from the distance of so and so kilometers
you can smell paradise, but these ones they
will not smell paradise so I guess it's
a very good message to every sister and
this is for them, Allah SWT says Wallahi
hijab is protection and it's honor and dignity
you and Allah is a big respect even
the enemies also have some respect to the
person who is maintaining a hijab so it's
my advice for all of the sisters to
adhere to this message of Allah SWT, make
sure that hijab is being preserved, well preserved
look into the life of the companions of
the Prophet SAW the wives of Rasulullah SAW
just imitate those ones because what Allah SWT
has chosen for them is always the best
right, you might come to me I tell
you this one this one doesn't agree that
one also not agree this one agree, but
what Allah SWT chose for the wives of
Muhammad SAW is always the best Allah grant
us good, yes Yusuf the woman
from Banu Israel used to wear high heels
and they would deliberately make a sound to
make men look at them so the ulama
said that this hadith shows that it's haram
to wear heels that make noise when you
walk even if you don't go for that
one actually, Allah SWT says this one suffice,
even without that one, this one suffice because
it's not easy to wear the high heels
without seeing so
it's not easy to wear those shoes, I
believe, without having the sound and Allah SWT
says they shouldn't do, and subhanallah look at
the way he put it, he says so
that somebody will know because why is she
making those sounds so that somebody will know
that which they are hiding of their zina
not even to see them, but to know
about their zina, Allah SWT says that is
wrong Allah grant us good ability to see
the time where our children and our sisters
will be observing the full hijab of the
sharia I said it's the only way for
them to be protected and placed in the
safe environment yes from brother Muhammad
I heard from a friend that Ibrahim was
Lut's uncle is there any source for this
they mention this in many places but this
is not from the hadith of the Prophet
to my knowledge, it's just narrations that we
took from the children of Israel we just
go with that, Rasulallah said we shouldn't reject
and we shouldn't say it is true we
remain neutral, because you might reject something that
is correct and you might accept something that
is incorrect but we can narrate it and
say to people that it is mentioned in
their book that Ibrahim is the uncle of
Lut as his nephew no,
unless if there is a trouser that is
only for men I don't know but I
guess for both if there is a trouser
that is supposed to be only for brothers,
then she cannot wear this one even if
she is at home alone because imitating the
opposite gender is haram, a woman cannot imitate
a man even if she is alone even
if the husband says he wants to see
her in his clothes loser anyway, even if
she says she can't do it, because this
is not his right this is the right
of Rabbul Alamin the same goes to him
wearing her clothes worst loser actually even if
she is going to get angry, it doesn't
matter, he can't do it because this is
the right of Allah SWT but what is
meant for both like most of the vest
and some other clothes which both can wear
like the trousers, I guess most of them
I think is okay for both in the
country where it is accepted for both there
are countries, trust me if a woman is
going to wear trousers and go out without
covering them completely she will be accused of
being a desolate even kids also will be
looking at her as a strange person so
in this type of environment she is not
supposed to do because she will be imitating
the brothers and she will be seen by
wearing the trousers so she shouldn't do even
though we might say since it is not
meant for them in the sense, something that
you might see to see a brother-brother
you get it, but out of the family
she is not allowed to do Allah grant
us good I'm a little bit confused about
this because isn't the purpose of a woman
wearing trousers for modesty in the first place
so sorry if this is not appropriate if
a woman is not wearing trousers then won't
she have to wear a very very thick
jiba or something like that otherwise it can
blow or even if you sit down it's
fine, what I wanted you to understand is
doing things you know to please Allah must
be done correctly in the way he wants
we might think that making it in this
way is more modest but if Sharia doesn't
see it as modesty a person shouldn't do
it we restrict ourselves to that which is
permissible you get it that's why we say
wearing the trousers is ok fine for her
to wear them especially when they are loose,
wide enough to cover the aura nothing wrong
with that but if in the community where
she is wearing them, she is going to
be seen as a brother when she does
that, it's haram for her to imitate brothers
you get it if she wears the clothes
of her husband, the wide one the Mauritanian
clothes so big like that is she covering
her aura maybe better than all the clothes
she is wearing but is she doing something
right Islamically, no she is not because she
wears something that Allah doesn't want to see
it on her so what I want to
say is Adam pleasing Rabbul Alamin has to
be done correctly not based on what we
want based on what he wants right, so
if wearing the trousers is ok nobody sees
her as a brother in the place where
she is and it is loose and she
walks with them, isn't like Allah there shouldn't
be any issue with that but if she
is to be in a community where people
understand this to be man clothes only then
she is not allowed to use them like
the thing we have in this masjid I
don't think we have them the sarong who
wears it?
the man right, yeah go to some part
of the, I know a place if you
do this and you go out I don't
think anyone will let you go inside their
masjid, they will have doubt on you because
to them you look like a woman, because
only woman wears that one, the brothers they
wear the trousers, the sisters they wear that
one and the skirt so can a person
go to that country and do it, no
he shouldn't although here it's ok, fine nobody
find it strange and it is for brothers
and that's ok, halal, halal and he is
not doing something strange that's why nobody look
at him nobody pay attention because he is
not bringing something strange, but trust me he
goes to that place and do it alhamdulillah
if he survive they get it, so we
must make sure that things might be permissible
in a place, but when you take them
to another place to hukmum, will change that's
why in fiqh they said, fatwa changes sometimes,
fatwa we are not talking about text of
the sharia fatwa that is based on circumstance
it change when the circumstance change the fatwa
that is based on a place location, when
the location change the fatwa also change, the
fatwa that is based on the nature of
a person, when that person change the fatwa
changes, that's why sometimes could be very dangerous
for you to go to general website that
talks about question and answers and just pick
up something that you think fit your situation
you might end up losing your religion if
you have a scholar that you can contact
is wrong for you to go to those
website, go to that scholar and explain to
him precisely your case, because the hukum might
be different from that person is that clear
inshallah Allah grant us good that was the
last question right you have two more questions
when do they generate no problem ask today
from sister how to improve the way one
sits and walks so no need to wear
trousers what is that question sheikh because to
me it makes sense that a woman should
wear trousers so she is saying how can
I sit and walk differently so I will
not have to so you can just wear
the juba who is going to demonstrate very
loose wide right it's allowed actually what language
am I speaking maybe I'm talking in different
way I misinterpreted the question I think what
I said, I said wearing trousers is halal
I said unless if a person is in
the place where the culture and the custom
because clothes because clothes is mainly based on
the cultural practice of the people as long
as the culture is not going against Islam
Islam leave them with their cultural practices that's
why there is no specific dress that is
called Islamic dress in terms of colour and
in terms of the nature of the way
it is designed Allah says that's why when
people come from Pakistan, India what kind of
clothes they have when people come from Malaysia
from Asia some people come from Africa different
types of also mentality wearing the clothes some
people come from the Arab countries they also
have different way of dressing all of them
are halal as long as they cover what
is known to be in Islam all of
them are halal that's why in Islam is
you know the clothes that you wear in
which everyone recognizes you with we're looking for
Adam and we don't know Adam they told
us just go to the university the only
person who is wearing glasses is Adam we
have to advise Adam to devise another way
otherwise that glasses will be I mean I'm
not saying your glasses are haram I haven't
finished yet and then they will go and
misquote me and tell I see even in
the examinations some people are using my statement
as an example in the wrong way I
never said that I saw one of the
students was saying and he even told us
this and that when did I ever say
that so ribasa shuhura is a clothes that
you wear which you are the only one
who is doing it you are recognized in
the community by doing it that's why the
custom here is to wear the baju malayu
if you go to the kampung never been
to those kampung, kampung so much but I
assume that people are wearing baju malayu you
as somebody who visited the place is it
ok for you to go with your own
traditional clothes, no it's not you have to
buy one like the people there and wear
like the people there Islam doesn't want to
have these differences and it's also not good
for you but alhamdulillah in KL everyone is
wearing everything so that's why you can come
with anything and it's ok for you as
long as it doesn't go against the religion
of Allah but if let's say in KL
every local person is wearing baju malayu you
also when you visit the KL you have
to wear the same thing otherwise you will
be considered as somebody who is wearing libas
shuhra libas shuhra not necessarily means he is
wearing something that is very expensive it can
be a cloth that is very poor in
quality but libas shuhra because people recognize you
with this one technically only you are the
one who is doing the same thing do
you understand what libas shuhra means alhamdulillah so
no misquotation so you can continue to wear
your glasses yes Yusuf you also think I
am going to ban the glasses no medical
glasses right if a person has justification for
medical reasons if a person needs to wear
glasses and he is the only one alhamdulillah
this situation I think never happened I am
just giving random examples but if let's say
there is a situation where somebody needs to
do something which he is the only one
who is doing if he comes to the
community and does it do people understand yes
they excuse him because they know why is
he doing that I don't know your I
don't know ok next time I will teach
you get the exercise book I will teach
you how to both of them are dhikr
dhikr is general dua also is dhikr but
dhikr is more general it includes subhanallah, subhanallah,
alhamdulillah and all of those ones and dua
usually is referring to you asking Allah swt
for your needs but dhikr is more general
than dua both dua and dhikr are called
dhikr you get it, the father and the
son you get it, who is the father?
dhikr dua is is part of dhikr also
this is the last one alhamdulillah subhanakallahumma wa
bihamdika ash-shahadu an la ilaha illa ant
astaghfirullah wa atubu ilayka assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi
wa barakatuh