Ibrahim Nuhu – Signs of the Hour #36

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The history of Islam is discussed, including the implementation of the Message of Showing and Abba, the use of waall, and the negative impact on people's health and behavior. protecting one's property and reputation is emphasized, as well as struggles with leaders with responsibility and protecting their identities and communities. The importance of avoiding evil and tragedy is emphasized, as well as the need for everyone to be aware of their surroundings and personal situations. The speaker emphasizes the need for people to be humble and fearless in their own lives, while expressing jealousy in marriage and remaining fearless in their lives.
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In the name of Allah, the most gracious,
the most merciful.
Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family
and companions, sends his greetings on the 27th
of Rajab, 1446, which corresponds to the 27th
of January, 2425.
We continue our lesson in this blessed book,
the Ten Commandments of the Hour.
I ask Allah to bless us and what
we learn, and to forgive us our sins,
and to forgive the author, and to raise
his rank among the learned.
Muhammad, please talk to the brothers there.
So today, inshallah, I guess, right.
So today, by the will of Allah, we,
I think we just begun with a new
title, right?
So, in this chapter, the muallif talks about
those people who are supporting the oppressors.
Al-awan, al-shurta, these are special forces
that are designed to be taking care of
the authority and the leaders.
And they misuse the authority given to them
by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So if you remember in that narration of
Imam Ahmad and Nabi Umama radiyallahu anhu, that
the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him,
said, This
hadith, I guess we talk about it, where
the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam has said,
before the Day of Judgment, during the last
day, there will be a group of people
who will emerge, and they will be holding
siyat, whips.
These are the people who wake up in
the wrath of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
and they will reach the evening part of
the day in the anger of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
وفي رواية للطبراني في الكبير قال سيكون في
آخر الزمان شرطة يغضون في غضب الله ويروحون
في سخط الله فإياك أن تكون من بطانته
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him,
has said, before the Day of Judgment, these
people will emerge, and they will be visited
by the wrath and the anger of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
قال وإياك أن تكون من بطانته Sisters, if
you can move to the right side, it
will be better.
So, he says فإياك أن تكون من بطانته
He said, I want you to be one
of their supporters.
So they will exist, and they will emerge
oppressing others.
The Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him,
has said try your best not to be
part of them.
قال وقد جاء الوعيد بالنار لهذا الصنف من
الناس الذين يتسلطون على المسلمين ويعذبونهم بغير حق
SubhanAllah, across the history of human beings these
people kept on emerging, different types of leadership
and authority, who are not using their authority
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him,
has said مَنْ وَلِيَ مِنْ أَمَّةِ شَيْئًا فَشَقَّ
عَلَيْهِمْ فَشْقُقْ عَلَيْهِمْ He says, Ya Allah, whoever
happens to lead any of the affairs of
my Ummah and he makes life tough on
the Ummah Ya Allah, I ask you to
make life difficult and tough upon him.
So this is in this dunya, Allah swt
will never let them relax.
Don't you ever think that a zalim, the
one who is oppressing others, is living in
Wallah, never.
Internally he is punished by Allah swt but
unfortunately he might not be able to sense
it and this is worse than the first
one actually.
To be punished by Allah but he doesn't
realise that Allah swt is punishing him.
Ibn Jawzi said the worst type of people
are the people that Allah swt makes them
Wallah, it's a big ni'mah from Rabbul Alameen
for a person to have this common sense.
That when you go away from Rabbul Alameen,
you sense that you are going away from
Rabbul Alameen.
Some of us, Allah removed this one.
So what happens to them?
They will keep going deeper and deeper and
Something that maybe most of us don't know.
You see the sin that we are committing?
Usually usually is the result of a sin
that you committed before.
Usually is the result of the sin that
you committed before.
For the good ones, if Allah swt blessed
them with the tawbah and nasuh, they repent
Allah will block the door.
Then they will not keep going.
That will be the first one and the
last one inshallah unless if shaytan deceives them,
they come back again.
But for the wrong doers who are desensitised,
they will keep moving inside.
Allah says Any musiba or calamity that happens
to you you should know that this is
simply because of what your hand earned.
What you did.
And Allah swt said you should know that
Allah is forgiving the vast majority of our
You Allah.
Because if Allah is to hold us responsible
of every single thing we are doing in
this dunya Like Allah swt says in two
places in the Quran There will be no
Nobody on earth.
If Allah is going to hold us accountable
of every single thing we do which is
wrong there will be nobody.
Nothing will exist on earth.
Long ago Allah swt sweeps everyone.
That's why he says Allah swt is forgiving
the vast majority of what we are doing.
So it's ni'mah from Allah for a person
to have this sense the feeling that yes
he is going away from Rabbul Alameen to
come back.
If Allah removed that this is actually one
of the worst punishments even Al-Jawzi was
And he says the worst, you know these
are the worst but the one that is
worse than these guys is the one who
is happy with the punishment.
The one who is happy with the punishment.
And his example is the murabi somebody who
is taking riba and happy with the riba.
Subhanallah exactly our time he buy a house,
buy a car buy whatever, engage in a
business he knows that this investment is based
on riba but he is so happy with
the kind of riba that comes to him
I don't call it profit or interest.
Benefits no it's not.
With the kind of musibah that is coming
to him he is happy with that.
So Allah swt So whatever sin a person
is committing it is a result of the
previous sin that this person is doing because
Allah says and the worst type of musibah
is the sin the maasi.
He says It is simply because of what
Yohan did and Allah forgive the vast majority
of your mistakes.
So these guys who are misusing their power
and their authority you know to oppress the
Ummah of Muhammad s.a.w I put
it in this way so that you will
sense how big is the musibah putting the
Ummah of Muhammad s.a.w into trouble.
These guys the Prophet s.a.w threatened
them that they will be going to *
when they meet Allah s.w.t In
this dunya they will never relax they will
never be at ease.
Allah s.w.t will remove the peace
and tranquility from their life.
When they meet Allah s.w.t the
worst will happen.
Even Josie has a very nice statement which
I always quote it for you.
He says I think it is ok He
says You know Al-Baghl right?
The mules What they do in the past
because they don't have cars like us so
they have the mules, they have horses.
This is what they used to be proud
As I told you in the hadith of
the Prophet s.a.w He says You
want to see pride, you know arrogance Look
at those people who are horse riders So
what they do sometimes to catch the attention
of the community, they go to the horse
and the mule, they put under the hooves
some metal.
So when they when they walk, you will
see the sound That's why even Josie takes
the same thing Why are they doing this?
They want to catch the attention of others
And you have those heavy full horse that
are well fed Sometimes you see that sound
that they are producing which shows arrogance and
you know somebody who is in that So
he says even if the horses produces those
sounds for them in a state of pride
and arrogance and showing off to the community
that they are on top of everyone He
said the humility and the humiliation of the
Maasiyah will never leave their faces You can
read from the faces of those people that
this person is internally being punished by Rabbul
Alameen He said The humiliation of the Maasiyah
will never leave their faces He says Allah
SWT refused except to disrespect and to humiliate
a person who goes against against him He
said And Allah SWT plays humiliation and disrespect
in the life of somebody who goes against
my command This person cannot be respected wherever
he goes So in this dunya no good
life In the akhira, * And we know
what * means Allah SWT says It's a
place that a person will see death from
every angle and dimension coming to him but
he will not die And you know what
that means It's a place which is so
evil in a way it eats itself Can
you imagine a place that is so evil
So it eats itself Usually evil things, they
attack others But this one itself is not
free from attack There are two groups of
people that Allah SWT will send to *
I do not see them Rasulullah SAW said,
I do not see them A group of
people who are holding siyat whips like the
tails of the cows and they use it
to beat people unjustly This hadith is one
of the miracles of the Prophet SAW He
said exactly what the Prophet SAW told us
happened These are the people, the security forces
that are supporting the big bosses and they
oppress people by using the authority in the
wrong way So it happens in the past
You go to the history of Al-Hajjaj
and Yusuf Before then, you see how many
people went to jail How many people were
punished How many people lost their life at
the hands of those criminals Big criminals, you
talk in the way they don't like Your
days are numbered So up to the time
of ours After our time That's why handling
the responsibility Becoming a leader of anything is
not a good option If a person has
a choice to stay away from it Wallahi,
you should always stay away from it Don't
even see it in your dream if that
is possible Because if you lead 100 people
And in your house, how many people you
For those who are married, how many people?
5, 6, 7 Sometimes it's not easy to
control the house and to put it in
order These 7 people, your wife and your
children Altogether 7 They will all come back
to Allah SWT and fight you on the
Day of Judgment Today, they are your ahibba
We love you dad, we love you husband
All of these words you hear them But
on the Day of Judgment, they are going
to be your khusama They will be your
rivals That's why you must make sure that
in the house The shariah of Allah SWT
is being preserved Rasulullah SAW said He will
be asked about his wife He will be
asked about his children He will be asked
about anyone who is under his custody The
wife will be asked about the children and
the house in general Rasulullah SAW said Both
of them are ra'i Allah is going
to question each and every one of them
And we talk about this many times That
the choice of word ra'i Subhanallah is
very excellent Because ra'i, usually ra'il
ghanam Is a person who is supposed to
be extraordinary vigilant For him to make sure
that The sheep and the goat are being
preserved Because they are very negligent animals Especially
the sheep Very negligent animals You leave them
for a while They will get lost And
you have to have a lot of patience
for you to be able to take care
of them As our Rasulullah SAW said The
worst type of leaders are the hutama Hutama
is qalil sabr Somebody who is impatient Imagine
one sheep did a mistake, smack it, it
died Another one also kill Before the evening,
maybe none of them remains And the Prophet
SAW is using this analogy To address those
people who are leading us Impatiently So what
I'm trying to say is That you in
your house Allah will ask you about your
family Imagine if you are the leader Of
a place where we have 100,000 people
Or a place where we have 1 million
And even some places they told us They
reach 1 point something billion Right Hamad?
1 point something billion Imagine all of these
people who are under your custody They will
be coming back to Allah SWT For their
rights And Allah will ask you about them
How did you lead?
That's why Umar SAW, because he sensed this
responsibility He was saying when he fixed the
road Which is used by the animal He
said I don't want Allah SWT to ask
me about This road that is not in
a good condition If one of the animals
stumble Animal How about the human beings?
This is how much they care about animals
And you don't ask about the human beings
Because this is beyond our imagination Imagine living
in this contemporary time of ours Where many,
many, many on top there They don't care
We have heard those people who said they
don't care Let him go And they can
remove anyone to reach those positions In the
past they ran away from it And when
the thing comes to them They show strong
strength They tried their best to make sure
that nothing exists Except that which Rabbul Alamin
wants Because they don't want the leadership When
they reach a situation where they believe They
might not be able to handle the responsibility
correctly What do you think they did?
They asked for death Umar SAW said Ya
Allah, my bones are weak I don't think
I can lead the Umar You see what
he did, right?
Abu Bakr cleansed the community for him Umar
started from where Abu Bakr stopped He managed
to bring those criminals On earth to their
knees The Persians and the Romans And the
crusaders in Baitul Maqdis That's a simple man
But it's very harsh against the enemies of
Rabbul Alamin Managed to bring them to their
consciousness Justice was everywhere But Subhanallah he wasn't
looking for leadership He says Ya Allah, my
bones are very weak I believe I cannot
handle the responsibility of the people He says
Ya Allah, I want to be granted I
want you to grant me shahada In Medina
In Medina to Rasulullah SAW A few days
later Allah accepted his dua This bad criminal
came Firuz Abu Lu'a And stabbed him
In a place where Umar couldn't survive And
stabbed also around 13 people together with Umar
6 or 7 among them also died So
when one of the Muslims realized That this
guy is really crazy Just killing people randomly
He jumped on him and put on him
his blanket And tightened him with the blanket
So when Firuz realized that he was going
to be killed He brought out his knife
and slaughtered himself Killing the best person on
earth in those days And also together with
some other Muslims And also committing suicide *
on top of * Which he has been
praised by some people So Umar asked for
this and Allah SWT gave him You know
when he was stabbed He asked somebody to
go and check and see who killed him
He said So they already know who this
person is When he heard that he said
He said I'm so happy, so glad To
see that my death is not caused by
a Muslim Because that Muslim is going to
be in trouble, he doesn't want this He
said The one that protects the Muslims from
being the one who killed him So happy
He was granted that which he asked for
shahada In Madinah Rasulallah Umar ibn Abdulaziz, his
grandson also Who did almost the same thing
as Umar ibn Khattab The grandson also took
the same path of his grandfather Filtered the
world in two years After long periods of
corruption And instability in the Muslim world in
two years And as I always mention I
wish our ears will be open and listen
I will keep mentioning this Until the time
it becomes aqeedah in our heart Because we
are living in a time where people believe
that The sharia of Allah SWT doesn't work
This is our people I'm not talking about
non-Muslims They have their deen, we have
our own deen But I'm talking about all
Muslims Who think that sharia of Allah SWT
doesn't work And that's why we suffer Because
every single person is coming with his own
version of leadership And Allah SWT leave us
with our own And you know what does
that mean The support is going to be
removed by Allah SWT from us And we
have to do it manually That's why we
are in trouble We just have to think
wisely That's why we are in trouble He
says I'm going to use nothing other than
that which was used by my predecessors Even
the scholars at that time they told him
You might not be able to do that
He said why not They said because you
have to be realistic In the past you
have Ali, Uthman And Abu Bakr And Umar
You have those ones They were surrounded by
Rijal Those people who are sharing the same
objective with them That's why they managed to
succeed very peacefully As for your case you
have nobody with you He has Rabbul Alamin
with him And he has around from the
human beings three people Which tells you that
we don't need a lot We just need
people who have heart Who are thinking of
nothing except how to Put the community in
peace Bring good and success to the community
One person can do the job One person
can do the job He did it within
the period of two years He told them
no I want to try Just gather and
collect for me The Sunnah of those predecessors
I'm going to use it in my own
leadership They compiled everything, they gave it to
him He was doing this together with his
son And personal advisor and another person I
guess his free slave They are the only
supporters he has And he managed to do
it very effectively and correctly Justice was established
Injustice was almost totally removed completely The Shariah
of Allah is the one that is leading
in the community People are happy, non-Muslims
are creeping to Islam Everyone is accepting Islam
Before they don't, they don't accept Because when
they accept Islam Their former leadership is still
collecting Jizya from them And oppressing them also
because they are new Muslims Omar bin Abdulaziz
came He told them No oppression If a
person accepts Islam, no Jizya After a few
days or a few months Those people who
are not good They came to him and
they said Ministry of Finance doesn't have money
Omar said why?
They said because you stopped us from taking
the Jizya From somebody who accepts Islam Omar
said what's wrong with that?
Because Allah never sent us as Zakat or
Jizya collectors He said Allah sent us as
hudat People who are supposed to guide others
to Islam He said we are not sent
by Allah to collect Jizya And subhanallah Go
and read his biography And see the simple
concept he used Which Allah swt commanded us
to use He managed to reach the time
where the government Doesn't know what to do
with money Just be patient and apply it
correctly I believe even today If we are
going to do it, we will see the
same result The one who gave him that
result If we do the same thing as
they did But are we willing to go
for this?
No They don't want to give up They
came to the Non-Muslims who accept Islam
Whoever accepts Islam If you accept Islam you
have to circumcise yourself This is so scary
They don't want to accept Islam because of
this So Omar when he heard about that
he said no Do not tell anyone like
this Because Allah did not send you to
invite people for this He sent you to
guide them to Islam How many people are
supporting him?
Around 2 or 3 people only The son
died, the personal advisor also died That other
man also died Omar bin Abdulaziz said to
Rabb al-Ahramin He said, Ya Allah, you
supported me with these 3 They helped me
a lot Subhanallah they are more harsher than
him sometimes I remember his son, when the
father said This is unfair, this is injustice,
we have to return this property to the
owner But we will do it I think
tomorrow or after the prayer The son was
very annoyed, he told him Dad, did you
have any promise by the angel of death
That he will let you reach that time?
He said no, he said do it now,
go and get back the thing to them
Imagine, these are the kind of people he
is dealing with And this is his son
In our time these are part of the
game also Subhanallah But in that time they
watch over what he does To make sure
that they put him in the right way
So he said, Ya Allah I cannot handle
the responsibility of the Ummah After having you
taking these ones I can't do it He
also asked for going back to Allah In
a few days Those criminals were not happy
with what he is doing From the leaders
That Umar kept them aside They paid money,
I think 1000 dinar To one of his
slaves To go and poison him He is
the one who is providing food for him
And to put poison in the food Subhanallah,
Umar said the first time he ate that
food He knows that there is something wrong
in this food So he got sick because
of that And these are the people whose
hearts are pure People used to say that
maybe there is magic on him He said
there is no magic, I know what happened
He chased his people away He asked somebody
to go and call the slave So he
came, he told him, why did you do
Why did you do that?
The man said, 1000 dinar They gave me
1000 dinar And also they promised to free
me from slavery Umar bin Abdulaziz told him
Can you go and bring the 1000 dinar?
He went and he brought them He said,
please take them to Baitul Mal al-Muslimin
He went and he put the Baitul Mal
al-Muslimin And he says, please just go,
you are free But get away from here,
just leave the place Because if Umar died,
he could possibly be killed So Umar told
him, just leave the place Subhanallah, that is
how he died The purpose of mentioning this
is to tell you that Righteous people, they
try their best to run away from their
responsibility However, when it comes to them And
they have no choice, if they take it
and they realize they cannot handle it They
don't continue They ask Allah to take off
their life or to just resign So that
is why Don't you ever agree to be
a leader As the Prophet said To Abu
Dharr, he said He said, I love you
for the sake of Allah He said, do
not agree To be the caretaker of the
wealth of the orphan And also, don't you
ever agree To be the leader for two
people The leader of one point something billion
May Allah grant us A good and ability
to our leaders to do the right thing
For Allah, they need our Dua It is
a very big responsibility What they can see,
we can see They need our Dua You
don't need to go and curse If Allah
accepts your Dua and He curses you How
much evil do you think the community will
receive It is better to give advice to
them And it is part of the advice
to them to make Dua for them For
Allah to help them to succeed in the
leadership So that they can take us to
that success Muhammad said, if I can have
one chance to make Dua for myself He
said, I will do it for my leader
Because trust me, only Allah knows If the
leader is good Only Allah knows how much
good is going to be Provided in our
communities May Allah grant us good Muhammad said
to Abu Hurairah If you live a long
time You will see people Who live in
the wrath of Allah And die in the
curse of Allah The Messenger of Allah said
If Allah grants you the ability to live
longer You are going to see the people
who are Waking up in the morning And
they will be in the wrath and the
anger of Allah And also in the evening
They will be cursed by Rabbul Alameen This
is their life in this dunya Curse and
the wrath of Rabbul Alameen And they will
be holding something That looks like the tails
of a cow Hitting people with it The
Messenger of Allah said You will be led
by leaders They are worse than the Majus
You know Majus right?
The fire worshippers The Messenger of Allah said
they are worse than the Majus So all
together as I said This sign of the
Day of Judgment happens In the past Imam
Nawawi said they saw it And Imam Nawawi
died How long?
A very long time And he is the
one who is saying They already saw this
sign in their time How about our time?
So the sign number 14 Zina being rampant
Sexual relationship in an illegal way Fornication or
adultery One
of these signs of the Day of Judgment
is That zina is going to be everywhere
And it's going to be a lot The
Prophet mentioned this To be one of the
signs of the Day of Judgment The
Prophet was mentioned in a series of Asharat
As-Sa'ah He mentioned one of them
is Zina to be everywhere The
Prophet said the seven years Will come to
the people We will reach these years This
is a very long hadith and scary at
the same time The Prophet said This hadith
will come In total later on So the
Prophet in this hadith he says And promiscuity
will be Openly practiced and rampant in the
community He said The worst Part
of this is To have people making zina
halal And doing without legalizing it Is enough
to be evil One of the most destructive
sins is zina It destroys the society from
the roots Cut it off It takes away
the security That's why I look at the
way Rabbul Alamin put it in Surah Al
-Isra He says Don't you ever come near
zina Because zina is khahisha And they say
The most evil path for somebody to take
Scholars said this necessitates also Zina being a
sin that opens the doors To other calamities
in the community Remember that hadith I don't
know whether I was saying it to you
Or in my other Tafsir Dars Rasulallah said
Rasulallah said Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentioned a group of things
That if you do this, this will happen
to you You do this, this will happen
to you And then I leave the blank
for you to fill To see whether it
happens Or it did not happen He said
If not because of the animals And the
innocent among the children Who are below the
age of maturity If not because of those
ones Allah SWT will not agree To send
a drop of rain to us Do people
stop paying zakat now?
Now in many places zakat is mustahab You
don't want to pay, you leave it And
he says And the people will never use
Other than that which Allah SWT Other than
that which Allah SWT Revealed to us With
other than what Allah SWT Revealed to us
Except that you find bloodshed among them Is
rampant All the time Next one the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said He
said Promiscuity will never be openly practiced By
a people except that Allah SWT Visits them
with a plague and calamities And diseases which
their fore parents Never heard of them Some
of these diseases that they mentioned In our
time I don't believe that the predecessors They
know about them Whether they are engineered in
the lab Or they naturally come to us
This is how Allah SWT is punishing us
Because sometimes Allah SWT punishes us by us
So don't say this is people, this is
this and that No, punishment can come from
any angle Allah might let us punish ourselves
If Allah withdraw his support from us
For us, trust me We will be killing
ourselves by ourselves So the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam The promiscuity, is it openly practiced?
Let's see what the sheikh mentioned The Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said This hadith you will
be caught in The hadith bit by bit
Because every part of it Represents a sign
from the signs of the Day of Judgment
He said before the last day there will
be a people Who will be legalizing these
four things Number one, Al-Hira Al-Hira
is a private part The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam is referring to Zina, they will make
it halal Those people who are saying that
the hadith doesn't say haram If the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said Some people will make
something halal, what does that mean?
It is haram But you have these people
who want to twist the Nusus To put
them in their own interest They will come
and feed the ears of the layman in
society The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said they
will be making This halal, that means it
is haram They will make Al-Hira Which
is Zina, halal The wearing of the silk
The pure one The one that is taken
from the purity of Qaza And drinking of
wine And musical instruments Musical instruments Listening or
using How about those in the phones?
The same?
Musical instruments Muslims should fear Allah There is
something also I wanted to remind us I
forgot when we were having the Tarbiyah session
on Salah Somebody's phone was And we are
praying Nothing left Except people to dance I
was planning to talk about this matter But
then Shaitan caused me to forget Scholars said
If a person has this First he has
to fear Allah and remove it and put
something that is not sinful Number two When
it rings, even if it is not music
But you have a ringtone that rings And
you are praying It is permissible for you
to put your hand in the pocket And
bring your phone and switch it off Not
just permissible, it is a must Because whoever
gets distracted You get the sin of that
person getting distracted You have to bring it
out from your pocket and switch it off
That's why the best Which we don't do
The best is to leave your phone at
home Any students?
Maybe you share the room with others You
are afraid of it being stolen Bring it
to the Masjid But switch it off The
best is to put it off Some people
say you might forget So what if you
forget Your phone is on Now you remember
it is off I am sorry, it is
off Now you remember it is off So
Switch it on People, you miss some Some
of the calls, right?
Who is the most important one?
Parents, right?
Just tell them, I went to pray and
then I put it in a silent mode
Or I switch it off So they will
not get distracted By the ringtone The father,
if he is good, he will say Alhamdulillah,
Mashallah Thank you very much He will be
happy with you Even if he is Talih,
doesn't respect Salat that much But at least
he understands that Yes, you are in something,
that's why you do not pick up his
phone Allah does the best I do not
choose silent mode Because silent mode keeps your
brain busy Just off it Get out of
the dunya, out of the phone And then
pray to Allah So in the Hadith When
the Prophet said What is Ma'azif?
These are the misconstruments in general It includes
all of them With no exception Except Duf
when there is a wedding For the sisters
Only Not for the brothers For the sisters
Allah SWT make this halal for them Two
things that are haram for us But for
them Allah SWT make it halal Gold is
unrestricted But the Duf is only when there
is a wedding You don't also store it
and go and listen to it afterwards No
That is only at that time Because the
purpose is to announce To make the marriage
into public So that people know that this
person married When people see him, they will
not accuse him So these are the four
things that the Prophet SWT mentioned He will
talk about each and every one of them
As a sign of the Day of Judgment
He said In
the last part of the time Before the
Day of Judgment The one who will remain
is The bad ones They are the bad
ones Subhanallah To
have something a lot Whatever is described as
That means it is so much But here
the Prophet SWT Having sexual relationship a lot
And not in a good way That's why
he says Just like the way the donkeys
are Doing their things The
one who will remain is The worst amongst
the people They will be Having this sexual
relationship Just like the way the donkeys are
doing These are the ones that the hour
The Qiyamah is going to happen on them
Meaning Allah SWT will take the life of
the good ones The one that will remain
are those guys Subhanallah May Allah SWT not
Show us this time Although in some part
of the places We don't know Whether we
can use this or not I live with
a person who visited one of the universes
In one of the countries He says he
never passed a place A place that has
a lot of grasses Except that he sees
people committing sin Allah SWT came to us
and told us He understands that Rabbul Alamin
is Haleem When he visited this university When
he visited that university he says Rabbul Alamin
is Haleem Haleem means the one who is
very patient With the people He said I
am quoting him Because if Allah is not
Haleem Every single day there might be an
earthquake in this university He is talking about
that university And that one is very moderate
I heard about another one which is worse
A student told me in front of him
he saw people committing sin In front of
one of the hostels So the scholar said
these signs of the Day of Judgment It
is not necessary for them to happen all
together at once in one place You might
see in one place it happening So it
is resembling the sign of the Day of
Judgment Not necessarily that they have to happen
in every place So that is why we
are living in the time of these signs
A person should understand that We are about
to reach Rabbul Alamin We don't need to
panic All that you need to do is
to make sure you know what is your
job Get busy with what Allah SWT asks
you to do He will protect you Listen
to this Abu Hurairah said This
is a really really bad situation Rasulullah SAW
said He is one who holds his soul
He said He will
them it might be better If you guys
move away from the road So as
I said This has been happening in some
parts of the world I have a lot
of stories of this But I guess you
might be having more than what I have
As I said Stay precaution Stay away from
anything that can lead you To being part
of the signs of the Day of Judgment
Keep that barrier that Allah SWT put between
The opposite gender That's good for both of
them If you remove it, corruption and tragedy
is going to happen All of these things
that you see Fancy things that people are
saying They lead to nothing Except evil to
our communities Al-Qurtubi said in his book
Al-Mufhim In the Hadith of Anas al
-Sabiq He said In this Hadith we find
one of the signs of the prophethood of
the Prophet SAW Because the Prophet SAW talked
about things Which will happen in the Day
of Judgment This is Al-Qurtubi
In the past He says in this Hadith
The one that we just read He said
he talked about things which will happen And
it happened in our time That's Qurtubi right?
How many years now?
He died?
800 years?
Many years But he said That's why the
muallif says He said if this is what
happened In the time of Imam Al-Qurtubi
For sure in our time it is happening
more and more Because Jahl is the one
that is leading us Ignorance And also the
fasad is everywhere As I said The most
important thing is to understand this reality And
to be a good Muslim Stay away from
any shubha Don't say to yourself I am
a righteous person Fitna cannot affect me That's
a joke No matter how much righteous you
are No matter how much knowledge you have
No matter how much you think you are
Don't you ever tolerate to be Tested and
confronted by the fitna That comes from the
opposite gender And I am talking to both
And the one that should be more careful
is The woman, not the man Because they
are the one who are on the weak
side And getting into trouble more They have
to take a lot of precautions And nothing
left for them except If they don't want
him What is the sunnah of Allah in
this life of ours?
Allah will leave us with our aqa The
consequence will not be good Many cried and
nobody was there to help Many cried and
nobody was there to help So Allah says
Let them dress properly And wear the right
clothes Because this is the only way for
them to be preserved And nobody will harm
them That's the only protection they have And
for the brothers, Allah swt commanded you to
Lower your gaze Do everything possible to make
sure that you don't open that door Which
if it is open Closing it is going
to be very difficult It's going to be
very difficult Those who still remember our dars
I think Imam Ibn Qaym fed our brain
with these reminders I think Imam Ibn Qaym
fed our brain with these reminders The people
who preceded us Those people who did not
listen Some of them died And their last
word is these images Ibn Qaym quoted these
people Some of them died Rather than la
ilaha illallah they are mentioned in the name
of their khatiba Rather than la ilaha illallah
This one you might say is normal Because
he is mentioned in the name of a
girl He is a man mentioned in the
name of a girl There are some who
died mentioned in the name of boys We
passed that one And subhanallah Ibn Qaym did
not live in our time Where this has
been legalized You will be strange if you
don't accept to be abnormal In the past
you remember in the Qawmulut Their name is
Qawmulut Not LGBTBT something Their name is Qawmulut
When they did that The first people who
introduced this evil thing on earth You can
see the punishment Allah punished them A punishment
which we never heard of a person who
has been punished like this Never Never Allah
turned them upside down The way they turned
the system upside down Allah also turned them
upside down And sent to them rain of
fire And blinded their eyes First before even
the punishment comes He said Their
page was closed Their page was closed Nobody
remains amongst them So in this Ummah of
Muhammad PBUH You have all types of corruption
You know why we don't receive this punishment
like them Because Rasulullah PBUH asked Allah not
to destroy his Ummah In the way he
destroyed the previous nations And Allah said to
Rasulullah PBUH I agree with that That's why
we survive Otherwise if you look at the
past Almost everything that was done by a
nation Which they got swept by Rabbul Alamin
In the Ummah of Muhammad PBUH you have
somebody who is doing it Allah preserve us
And grant us the ability to do that
which is right And to provide good to
the community A Muslim is supposed to be
beneficial wherever he goes A Muslim is supposed
to be beneficial wherever he goes Try to
be the best somebody who leaves Good remembrance
on earth You get it?
Good legacy, good remembrance on earth Wherever you
go if you are to leave the place
Let yourself be the person that people regret
missing you People cry, they are going to
miss you This is how Allah wants you
to be Somebody who brings benefit to the
community In the way the community feels that
they are going to lose a lot Seeing
you dying or leaving the church They will
be willing to do everything possible to keep
you in that place That's how a Muslim
should be Are we like that?
No We are expert in cursing, we are
expert in black biting We are expert in
talking about the sins of others But no
dawah has been given to people Don't worry
about the comment of the criminals Because the
moment you start giving dawah There is somebody
who doesn't like this Because they want to
see the corruption remaining Because without that fasad
they will never be able to get their
own interest Allah grant us good and tawfiq
So this is the best place to stop
In the next dars we will be talking
about intishaul riba Barakallahu feekum Assalamualaikum Yes Adam
No question Very strange class today Maybe everything
is clear Was
that a thing that Omar So that time
Omar He said to his people that Did
he pray sawt al fajr And then they
said no Is this correct saying?
Who pray sawt al fajr?
He just started He just said Allahu akbar
and the man came You get it?
I don't know where this is coming from
Because he just started the prayer And then
he asked somebody to Continue with the prayer
He wasn't worried about if he didn't pray
fajr He was worried He didn't pray sawt
al fajr I don't know I tried to
merge between both Because he just said Allahu
akbar He said the moment he
just said Allahu akbar And then he heard
They heard him saying subhanallah He did it
And then he told Abdulrahman Ibn Awf To
tell him come and lead the people In
the prayer You get it?
He knows he did not finish the prayer
So he will do it later But share
with me that one If you can find
the place where you see it I never
heard of it There are two questions from
a sister In some cultures there is an
opinion That a sister should tie her hair
Before entering the washroom Is this true?
They wanted a clarification for this specific action
No It's a question like this Repeat the
question In some cultures there is an opinion
That a sister should tie her hair Before
entering the washroom Last one is covering Another
innovation She doesn't need What she needs when
going to the bathroom Is to say That's
it Also, can a sister write the condition
Of her marriage contract That her husband cannot
take a second wife I thought I'm done
with this These are leftovers As far as
freedom is concerned It is up to her
To write it Usually end to a strategy
I will advise Rather than writing this condition
Just look for somebody else Because what usually
happens is He will say yes Because all
that he sees is that woman He wants
to marry He will say yes And then
later on After the life becomes normal He
needs somebody else He wants to marry And
then the battle will take place Court cases
and all these things And it depends on
the judge Which opinion he takes Because majority
of the scholars said Any condition that goes
against What Allah SWT makes halal That condition
is useless If the judge is following this
opinion He's going to side with who?
The husband That means the wife cannot seek
for divorce If she wants it she has
to do it Officially if she asks for
the divorce And the husband might be convinced
To grant her the divorce She has to
pay him something The marriage cannot be dissolved
If she is blessed with a judge Who
will say that condition is her condition And
the person has to fulfill that condition And
then the case will be decided for her
The person will be forced to divorce She
doesn't need to make any divorce You get
it And then afterwards she has to go
and start with a new life If she's
in those communities Which most of the people
don't like to marry A woman who used
to be with somebody Sometimes she might stay
forever Until death without getting somebody to come
to her Because we're living in the past
In the past it's very easy when a
woman lost her husband Either through the divorce
or he died It's very easy for her
to get another person to marry her But
in our time people are very picky, very
selective More on unnecessary things And age matters
a lot You have people who don't want
to marry A person who is older than
them Or younger than them All of these
useless and stupidities We heard them which is
against the choice of Muhammad Rasulallah also married
Khadija Marriage could be rejected nowadays Because the
girl is a bit older than the boy
Or the same age Or the boy is
really really older than her Not too much
because if it is too much Then this
one also is disliked Ibn Abdul Qawiyy says
If you're a sheikh Sheikh doesn't mean scholar
An old man, very old man Who lost
the desire He said don't marry a young
person Because he cannot satisfy her desire And
at the end of the day he will
put her into trouble Rasulallah also married Khadija
How old was she?
27 And how old was he?
25 Sorry, sheikh I thought we said Khadija
was 27 Upon the time of marriage?
Maybe other narrations Some other narrations But most
of the narrations say she was at the
age of 40 Let's go with this And
even 27 also she is older than him
Against the norm The norm, who is older?
The man Does it work?
That was one of the most successful marriages
If not the most successful marriages on earth
Wallah, I'm telling you You need a smart
person next to you You don't need a
dumb person that you will be giving tarbiyah
to them In the way you will be
giving tarbiyah to your kids Because some people
might be thinking that No, this person is
going to be smarter than My son or
my daughter Rasulallah was he married to a
smart person?
Yes, all of them are smart Very smart
That's why they were able to add value
to what the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was
doing The focus is not on the age
of the person The focus should be on
What you call the aql, the person Is
he nazij or not?
I believe most of us are not going
to be convinced We rather go and look
for Some other shallow things which will fizzle
So my advice to this Anyone who is
asking this question Be very straightforward in marriage
Very decisive, what exactly do you want in
marriage That's it, what exactly do you want
in marriage And don't demand too much Because
demanding so much, having so many conditions So
many requests, sometimes let a person To choose
the wrong person What sharia asks you to
focus on Are two things, righteousness and good
manners Number three is to look at that
person Whether you will be comfortable to stay
with them or not That's it, nothing else
If you're too picky, cannot move from this
place to another place His family, they have
to do this His job has to do
this and that He has to have this
type of cars, he has to have this
amount of money By Allah, at the end
of the day, these type of people, they
will be great You don't need a person
to be The partner of your daughter like
this What you need is somebody who fears
Allah As Sayyid Abu Masayyib said, he said
Don't you ever give your daughter to anyone
except to somebody who fears Allah Because he
is the only one When he loves her,
he will respect and honour her When he
doesn't like her, he will not harm The
maximum he will do Is to divorce, will
not harm The people are not thinking about
this, they're thinking about something else And we
know what is going on in our societies
Up to date, and it is happening simply
because We don't want to follow the sunnah
of the Prophet In our marriages, so what
you need is Righteousness and good manners And
the third thing is to look at that
person Whether you'll be comfortable with them or
not And I'm talking to both, male and
female Any other unnecessary condition This is my
personal advice and this is what I'm saying
I know people will not take, but it's
okay, I will say it Any unnecessary condition
that is other than this Stay away from
it, you don't know what is good for
you In your life You don't know what
is good for you in your life Just
ask Allah SWT to choose for you the
best Those people who are married and stay
in their own country Because in some places
the condition is You cannot take my daughter
to another place They have to live in
this place, as if this place is Jannah
Wallah, as if the place is Jannah And
go to the community and see how people
are suffering From that community But then the
family insists, no they have to live in
this place I want this type of place,
I don't want this type of places Don't
go for this Because you don't know what
is better, what is good for you in
your life And in some places, don't marry
Is there any problem that is happening Between
the husband and the wife when she doesn't
have a co-wife Do we have marriages
with problems and there is no co-wife
A lot, if not the vast majority of
the problems That's why look for what is
good from Allah SWT I know jealousy is
there, I know all of these things Is
part of the woman and we shouldn't try
to remove it It's not good actually for
a woman to stay away from jealousy It's
wrong for you to demand your wife not
to be jealous You know what does that
mean You will be corrupt, you will be
a loser And your wife will support you
in that That jealousy is needed, what is
wrong in it Is to use it in
the wrong way, but it's needed, it's necessary
Allah is necessary If your wife is not
jealous, trust me, you will not be protected
in most instances You will be doing things
which are Unnecessary and against the Sharia Indecency
And your wife will be supporting you in
that What I'm trying to say is, ask
Allah to choose for you the best Whatever
this best is Just ask Allah SWT to
grant you the best and make you happy
Living with a husband or a wife Is
not going to bring to you happiness There
is something else which is bringing happiness Having
a husband or a wife is not a
source of happiness Believe it or not, it's
not a source of happiness Most of our
marriages I don't think I'm wrong in this
statement Most of the marriages are suffering But
before the marriage, how was it?
People are thinking that, mashallah, he's going to
Jannah This guy is married, but he knows
how much fire Is he suffering in that
marriage And how much she is suffering in
that marriage That's why we should put our
trust in Allah SWT And ask him to
choose for us the best May Allah grant
us good Adam, did I answer that question?
Alhamdulillah I hope it will not chase me
again Why
do you say that this hadith is weak?
Just to tell them Those people who are
saying that this hadith is weak To reach
their goals We just tell them, please go
to school They should go and study Musalawat
This is the best advice you will give
them Go and study Musalawat hadith Imam Bukhari
when he narrated this hadith He says, wa
qala Hisham bin Ammar And Hisham bin Ammar
is confirmed to be the sheikh of Imam
Bukhari What's wrong with saying, qala Hisham bin
Ammar He says, hadathana fulan Hadathana fulan, hadathana
fulan And today he says, qala What is
the difference?
He said, my sheikh told me, he didn't
say his sheikh But this is his sheikh,
everyone knows And Imam Bukhari is not known
to be among the mudallaseen He doesn't do
the least He doesn't deceive in the narration
of the hadith So when he says, qala
Hisham bin Ammar Although it looks like muallak,
but he mentioned it with the sanad And
from his sheikh That means this is fi
hukm al-musnad That's number one That's the
reason why Ibn Hazm is one of the
leaders in doing this The scholar said, bida
'atuhu fi ilm al-hadith musja His skills
in the science of hadith Is very deficient
That's why sometimes you see him Rejecting a
hadith in Sahih Bukhari which is accepted by
almost everyone So saying that this hadith is
muallak Number one is Lack of knowledge of
Imam Bukhari himself And also little in the
science of hadith, that's number one And number
two also Even if it is muallak They
mention that muallakat in Sahih Bukhari The one
that he mentioned They found them to be
authentic The one that remains amongst the muallakat
Muallak is the hadith that Imam Bukhari mentioned
without the sanad What will remain is the
one that he did not He mentioned them
Like when he says It is been said
But when he affirms, the scholar said They
tried to trace the asanid of these narrations
They found them to be all authentic So
now what remains with us is the one
that he mentioned without sanad And also in
a very weak way of narration In a
very weak statement He says These are the
ones that you can find Some of them
are authentic He mentioned with sanad That means
the hadith is musnad That's number one And
even if you are to actually agree with
them for the sake of argument The hadith
has been found to be From another, from
the book of the sunan Authentic narration also
So nothing left except that person just wanted
to follow his desire That's why I said
at the end of the day We just
need to ask those people to be humble
And to fear Allah SWT and to go
to school Many need to go back to
school and study Then they will understand that
yes, this is a very weak approach They
are having in establishing that which is rejected
by the scholars JazakAllah khayran Any last words?
To hear from the masjid nearby Especially in
the haram And one finds it hard to
not end up following along Is it okay
to delay salah until after the jama'ah
What was the question again?
So you can hear the imam praying And
she's praying on her own And because she
finds herself subconsciously following him She's distracted by
the recitation Just like what we found sometimes
also in our masjid That people are praying
and somebody is giving something You get it
If she is not She can't pay attention
that much It's better for her to pray
the prayer until they finish They finish and
then she comes and prays You get it?
When somebody is praying next to you Rasulullah
s.a.w. said I'm making up the
balance of the isha prayer And I'm reciting
louder But there is somebody next to me
who also is making up what he missed
Islamically I'm not supposed to recite louder I
have to make it silent And if this
is the case then what do you think
about somebody who will come and read Louder
when people are still praying They might say
they have good intentions But it's always better
to understand the objective of the prayer And
to do it in the way Rasulullah s
.a.w. prescribed Allah grant us good