Ibrahim Nuhu – Signs of the Hour #31

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The speakers discuss the upcoming " handyman" event, which is a fire in Basra, Syria, and the success of the Saudi- Infinite movement and protecting against attacks. They also talk about cultural differences between Arabic and English language, the importance of peace, and the Day of Judgment, where leaders discuss cultural differences between Arabic and English language, the importance of peace, and the importance of following laws and laws of their country. They also mention the history of the Khilafah movement and its potential, but provide a brief summary of the current situation.
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Today is the 14th of the month of
Jumada Al-Akhirah, 1446, which corresponds to the
16th of the month of December, 2024.
We will continue our lesson in this blessed
book, Shirat Al-Sa'ah.
I ask Allah to bless us and what
we learn, and to forgive us our sins,
and to forgive the author, and to raise
his station among the pious.
So, I guess today we're supposed to talk
about Dhuhur Nari Al-Hijas, a fire that
will appear in the area of Al-Hijas.
An-Nabi Huraybatha, may Allah be pleased with
him, said that the Messenger of Allah, peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him, said, The Qiyamah will
not happen until the time you see a
fire coming and emerging from the land of
Al-Hijas, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Medina, Mecca, those
So, you will see the fire coming from
that place.
And this fire will be so much in
the way you can see the reflection of
the fire on the neck of the camels
in Basra.
Basra is a place in Syria.
So, he said, He
says, in the middle of the 7th century
of the Hijra of the Prophet, peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him, this fire
already happened.
In the year 654, after the Hijra of
the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him, this fire already happened.
He says, it was a very huge fire.
Many scholars who lived at the time when
it appears, they talk about it.
Don't forget Shaykh is trying to bring those
Asharat of the Sa'ah that he believes
You start with the one that happens and
then we go slowly, slowly, slowly until the
one that might be happening together with the
big ones.
Imam al-Nawawi, may Allah have mercy on
him, said, Imam al-Nawawi said, in our
time, in his time, there was a fire
that emerged in Medina.
The same year, 654, after the Hijra of
the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him.
It was a very huge fire behind the
Harra is a land in Medina.
It's a bit dark.
It has small rocks that are sharp on
That's the reason why the enemies from Mecca,
I think my Zoom died.
So many hotspots, which one should we choose?
You can use iPhone 15.
That's the first one that came actually.
We divorced in Dubai today.
So al-Nawawi said, he said that this
fire emerged from the eastern part of Medina,
the Harra al-Sharqiyya.
We have Harra al-Gharbiyya, Harra al-Sharqiyya.
So from the eastern part of Medina, it
Behind the Harra.
Harra is behind it.
The knowledge about this fire was mutawatir.
Mutawatir means everywhere.
To everyone who lives in Sham, and places
which are around that area.
And also, I got the news from some
of those people who witnessed that fire.
So al-Nawawi was not there, but he
said some of those who witnessed that moment
told me about that fire.
So it's an event which happens in their
time, which everyone witnessed.
That's why, if you remember last time, when
the question was asked about how do we
know when Mahdi comes, this is Mahdi.
You don't need to worry about this.
Because these signs of the Day of Judgment
are a bit bigger.
When they happen, you don't need to worry.
The news will come to you.
There is no way for them to be
There is no way for them to be
When Dajjal comes, you don't need to check
and see how can you get the true
information about his existence.
No, it will come to you, wherever you
The same goes to Mahdi, Juju Majuj, Isa,
all of them.
The sign will not happen and be hidden
in one place.
Ibn Kathir says that many of the villagers
who were in those areas saw the necks
of camels in the light of that fire
which appeared from the land of Hijaz.
They were able to see the necks of
the camels.
They were able to see the camels in
the light which is generated from this fire.
Exactly like the hadith says, حَتَّى تَخْرُجَ نَارٌ
تُضِيءُ أَعْنَقَ الْإِبْلِ So he says that many
of the people who are in the village,
because they have the camels, they can see
the necks of the camels from the light
that comes from the fire.
وَذَكَرَ الْقُرْطُبِيُّ وَأَفَاذَ فِي وَصْفِهَا فِي كِتَابِهِ التَّذْكَرَ
Al-Qurtubi has Tadhkira, تَذْكِرَ بِحَوَى الْمَوْتَةَ If
I'm not mistaken, that's the name of the
So he also talked about this fire, that
it happens.
And he talked a lot about it.
فَذَكَرَ أَنَّهَا رُوِيَتْ مِن مَكَّةَ مِنْ جِبَالِ بَصْرَةٍ
SubhanAllah, he says people were able to witness
it from Mecca.
وَمِنْ جِبَالِ بَصْرَةٍ They saw it when they
were in Mecca.
It emerged in Medina, but they saw it
in Mecca.
You can see how big it is.
What is the distance between Mecca and Medina?
Around 450 km.
And in Sham, to see it in Basra,
that's too far.
So they were able to see it in
That's why he says وَمِنْ جِبَالِ بَصْرَةٍ And
also from the mountains of Basra, they witnessed
that fire.
وَنَقَلَ بْنُ حَجَرٍ وَالَّذِي ذَهَارَ لِأَنَّ النَّارَ الْمَذْكُورَةُ
هِيَ اللَّتِي ذَهَارَتْ فِي بَوَاحِ الْمَدِينَةِ كَمَا فَهِمَهُ
أَلْقُطْبِ وَغَيْرُهُ So Ibn Khadir says, I also
have the same understanding that this fire that
the Prophet ﷺ is talking about is the
same one that happens in some part of
Just like what Al-Qurtubi mentioned.
وَهَذِي النَّارُ لَيْزَتْ هِيَ النَّارُ الَّتِي تَخْرُجُ فِي
آخِرِ الزَّمَانِ But this is not the fire
that the Prophet ﷺ said will emerge in
the last days of this world of ours,
You remember Ashraf Al-Sa'ah, the Kubra?
How many are there?
Ten, right?
Number one, Al-Mahdi, followed by Al-Dajjal.
Al-Mahdi, Al-Mahdi, Al-Mahdi, Al-Mahdi.
I want to remove his surprise, but until
now, the moment I said Mahdi, his surprise
is increasing.
Which one is first?
Which one?
Maybe that's knowledge which we don't have.
I'd love to also get some benefits from
my teachers.
Then what are these ten?
You're going to get nine.
Dukhan is controversial.
And there's even some believe that Dukhan already
took place long ago.
You're going to get nine.
I can help you, actually.
I can help you.
You're going to get nine.
Either you put Dukhan or you put Al
I put Mahdi.
That's why they call him Mudda'un.
Mudda, Mim, Dal, Dajjal.
That's the best way to define it.
Al-Mahdi is the first big sign of
the day of Judgement.
Al-Mahdi will happen, and then Dajjal will
Do you get it?
Mahdi, and then Dajjal, and then Isa, and
then Yajuj, and then Sun from the west,
and then animal, the beast, and then the
three earthquakes, and then the fire.
And then, according to Hammad's book, Dukhan, then
But you're right.
Some scholars count Dukhan.
But Dukhan is a controversial matter.
Did it even happen or not in Surah
Some scholars believe that it happened in the
time of the Prophet, during the hunger strike,
the famine.
People start seeing Dukhan, but realistically there is
no Dukhan, but because they're traumatized by their
We will come to that.
Don't worry.
Just don't graduate before we finish.
So this is not the one that will
come from Yemen, right?
Get it?
So this one, we'll talk about this, but
this fire is a new fire, one of
the minor signs of the Day of Judgment
that happened before the major ones.
So according to this mention of those scholars,
the fire already happened, right?
This fire already happened.
Next one, Qital al-Turk, fighting the Turks.
Qital al-Turk, the Turks.
Imam Muslim narrated that.
The Prophet said, The Qiyamah will never happen
until the time the believers fight the Turks.
Get it?
These Turks, what are their origins?
You don't find something from Rasulallah, that could
be a reliable point, but some scholars said
they are from the Nasr al-Yafif ibn
Nuh al-Islam.
Some of them said, no, they are from
Bani Qantur.
This is the name of a Jariyah that
used to be owned by Ibrahim al-Islam.
Very strange names.
Some said, Also a controversial issue, whether he
is a prophet or he wasn't.
Inshallah, when you study, that one you will
Some said they are from the Nasr al
-Dun ibn Sam, ibn Nuh.
Grandson of Nuh al-Islam.
Don't go and talk to Turkestan.
This is just what Maajim said.
This is where they are located.
They are scattered in parts of Sin, Shamal
Should I continue?
I don't want the president to cancel my
I'm just reading the book.
Whenever we see something wrong, we blame Hammad.
He says, until the time the Muslims are
going to fight the Turks, He said, their
faces will be like a shield.
Full friction when the metal meets.
The arrow might get stuck inside.
I never experienced it, but I'm just giving
my own thought on it.
Covered by those skin.
They will be wearing sha'ar.
The shoes made by skin, also with the
They will be wearing those clothes that are
made from Suf, Wabar.
And also the shoes will be like that.
Sulaiman as-Saleh has given us a description,
so that when the time comes, you will
not be confused.
You already know what this is.
Clear, inshallah.
Rasulullah s.a.w. said, Qiyamah will not
happen until the time you fight a people.
They're wearing sha'ar.
The shoes will be made from sha'ar.
Sha'ar means the hair, right?
The Suf.
Actually, the sha'ar is usually used to
address the hair of the sheep.
The goat.
The sheep one is Suf.
The camel one is Wabar.
The cow and the goat is the sha
That's how they differentiate between them.
That's Arabic language.
Very rich language.
But unfortunately, the Arabs nowadays, they don't like
Arabic language.
Is it true?
I'm telling you, many, many, many, many.
And there's great efforts now in studying the
Arabic language by the Arabs.
Even those people who are not supposed to
go for it.
Subhanallah, it's a very, very, very scary situation
See people in the universities where they don't
use, I think, single English language, but also
everyone is rushing from the students and the
That's the beginning of degeneration and corruption and
evil to approach us.
In the past, I remember Ibn Uthaymeen was
fighting this idea.
Subhanallah, Allah did not let him live to
see this moment of the Ummah in our
So he was saying in one of his
lectures, he says, He
says it's so strange to see that some
people, they write the name of their shops
in English.
They found it so strange.
What is happening to the Ummah?
He says, Stranger than this, he said, Some
of them, when they want to go out
of their house, they tell their kids, He
was saying, what kind of language is this?
Subhanallah, but now we live to see the
time that you speak to an Arab man
in Arabic language, they want to reply you
in English.
They don't want to speak the language.
This is the peak of denial.
There's no language on earth that is similar
to Arabic language.
It's a very rich language.
You can see from the choice and the
Also, Allah swt selected it to reveal the
last and the final message in it.
To address all of the humanity, everyone.
So that's why the only language that you'll
be proud of speaking, Wallah, it should be
this one.
Arabic language for Islam.
And you want to understand Islam correctly, you
must master the Arabic language.
May Allah swt grant us the ability also
to maintain this pride, to be proud of
having the Arabic language among us.
In the past, the scholar said, the student
of knowledge, it is makrooh.
I'm sending this message also to us.
It says makrooh, when the student meets each
other, and they can speak Arabic to speak
any other language other than Arabic language.
Get it?
Message already reached, right?
I know you will not believe, but that's
how it is.
And it's also good for us, for those
who are learning the Arabic language, it's good
to practice all the time.
It's good, good, good.
May Allah grant us good and tawfiq and
let the ummah come back to consciousness.
So I was just telling you the differences
between things.
In Arabic language, you see a lot of
Simple difference might make a big difference.
A simple difference in a meaning, in the
construction of the word, might make a big
And they said the difference is just like
Sometimes like the heavens and the earth.
You see the gap, right?
And they have one word also that represents
Al-malak wa al-malik.
What is malak?
What is malik?
One of them is human being on earth,
and the other one is in the heavens.
So this is how it is.
Malak, malik.
Make one mistake, you will mess up everything.
The Prophet s.a.w. gave more detail
about them.
He says these people, they will be sigar
Until the time you fight also the Turk.
The Turks.
He says sigar al-ayun, having small eyes.
Humr al-wujuh, red faces.
Dhulf al-unuf, small nose.
Some scholars said that the true part of
the nose is flattened.
And this one is a bit long.
But here he said sigar, dhulf al-unuf,
qisr al-unuf.
The anfa is small.
Their face is just like those flattened shields
that a person uses, which are covered by
the skin.
This is also the same thing.
Irad al-wujuh means wide faces.
Their face is big wide.
And he says the Muslims, they fought the
The battle between them and the Muslims happens
in the time of Muawiyah.
The beginning of the Khilafah of Banu Umayyah.
It started with Muawiyah, right?
Because the rest, although they are from that
lineage, but they had a Khulafah Rashidin.
That title is the best title given to
So in the beginning of the Khilafah of
Banu Umayyah, during the time of Muawiyah, the
Muslims fought them.
Actually the believers are trying to avoid this.
Even those who fought, as you are going
to see, they do not know who they
Maybe they will not fight them.
Because they don't want this Sharat to come
In the Hadith, which some authenticated, and some
don't see it that much, Rasulallah said, Stay
away from fighting Habasha as long as they
don't fight you.
And stay away from, and leave the Turks.
Don't fight them as long as they don't
fight you.
As long as they left you, you also
leave them.
That's why Abu Ya'la, he narrated from
Muawiyah ibn Khudaij, He said, I was with
Muawiyah ibn Khudaij when he received a letter
from one of his agents informing him that
he had been defeated by the Turks.
But what can you say to refute or
to answer those scholars who think Omar bin
Abdul Aziz?
Khilafah will last for 30 years?
No, he never said that.
When did he say Khilafah will last for
30 years?
Okay, I got some answers there online.
They also lost something important from the first
He doesn't say Khilafah will last for 20
So what did he say?
Should I fix?
He says, Khilafah that is based on the
Nabuwwah is the one that is based on
This is the one that will last for
30 years.
Not Khilafah in general.
But Khilafah that is based on the Nabuwwah
will last for 30 years.
And al-Hassan ibn Ali is the one
that completed the last part of it, around
six months.
Because if you go to the Khilafah of
Rashidun and see how long they did, ten
years, two years, with some few months here
and there, then you will not complete the
30 years.
Al-Hassan ibn Ali completed them.
So we learn from this that he is
the fifth Khalifah.
And then number six is?
Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan.
And then Omar bin Abdul Aziz.
It has to be like that.
There is no actually room of comparison between
Omar bin Abdul Aziz and Muawiyah.
No room of comparison.
The gap between them is too big.
One of them is the value of what
he did, Mudd Sha'ir of Muawiyah is
better than a mountain of gold that was
spent by Omar bin Abdul Aziz.
And one of the Salaf as-Saleh said,
One piece of dust that went into the
nose of Muawiyah together with the Prophet ﷺ
is far greater than all of the righteous
deeds of Omar bin Abdul Aziz.
Nobody is like the companions of the Prophet
ﷺ in the Ummah.
And nobody will be like them in terms
of virtue, knowledge, and being correct.
So Muawiyah was a very, very, very righteous
companion of the Prophet ﷺ.
Actually, one of the scholars said, If you
are to see Muawiyah, you might start to
think, Is he the Mahdi that Allah ﷻ
promised his Ummah to send to?
So all of these fake narrations about him,
just keep them aside and send them to
the basket of the Shia.
Because they are the ones that hate Muawiyah,
so they have a lot of stories about
him, against him, actually.
May Allah grant us good.
So this Muawiyah bin Khudaij, he met Khalifah
Muawiyah ﷺ.
So he was there with him and then
Amil of Muawiyah, one of the governors of
Muawiyah in one of the cities, came to
And then he was just coming to give
him the good news that they, at last,
fought the Turks.
And they defeated them.
And they also got a lot of ghanima.
So he was telling him that we killed
so many and also we got so many
from them.
So Muawiyah got mad, he got angry when
he told him the Turks.
So immediately he asked somebody to write a
letter to him.
He wrote a letter immediately to him.
He says, I heard what you said and
I understand perfectly what you're talking about.
What you killed and what you got from
He said, this will be the last time
you do this.
He said, after receiving my book, do not
do anything with those people until the time
I commanded you, I myself.
So, why did Amil of Muawiyah come?
Muawiyah ibn Khudaij was there, so he was
This is supposed to be a victory.
Why is he sad?
So then he asked him, he said, why?
Why are you saying this?
He said, I heard the Prophet saying, فَأَكْرَهُ
قِتَالَهُمْ لِذَٰلِكَ He says, I heard the Prophet
said, the Turks are going to defeat the
Arabs and they will take them back to
those areas.
These are two types of plants, both plants.
He didn't take them backwards so much.
They will defeat them so much to that
So Muawiyah said, I hate to see us
fighting them.
We don't want to provoke them because we
don't want this time to come early.
قَالَ وَأَنْ عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بِنْ بُرَيْدَ أَنَا بِهِ
رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ كُنْتُ جَالِسًا عِنْدَ النَّبِيِّ
صَلَّىٰهُ عَلِيْهِ السَّلَّمَ فَسَمِعْنَا أَنْ نَبِيَّ صَلَّىٰهُ عَلِيْهِ
السَّلَّمَ يَقُولُ إِنَّ أُمَّتِي يَسُوْقُهَا قَوْمٌ عِرَاضُ الْأَوْجِهِ
Who are having flat faces صغار الأعين very
small eyes very tiny eyes كأن وجههم الحجف
and their faces will be like the like
the turse, the shield that's the thing that
you use to protect yourself from the enemies
حَتَّى يُلْحِقُهُم بِجَزِلِةِ الْعَرْبِ They will take them
back to جزيرة العرب قَالَ أَمَّا السَّابِقَةُ الْأُولَى
أَمَّا السَّابِقَةُ الْأُولَى فَيَنْجُوا مَنْ هَرَبَ مِنْهُمْ وَأَمَّا
الثَّانِيَةَ فَيَهْلِكُ بَعْضٌ وَيَنْجُوا بَعْضٌ وَأَمَّا الثَّالِسَةَ
فَيَسْطَلِمُونَ كُلُّهُمْ مَنْ بَقِيَ مِنْهُمْ قَالُوا يَا نَبِيَ
اللَّهِ مَنْهُمْ قَالَ التُّرْكُ He said the first
group He says فَيَنْجُوا مَنْ هَرَبَ مِنْهُمْ Those
who ran away Some managed to run away
in the first group or the first fight
قَالَوا أَمَّا الثَّانِيَةَ As for the second one
فَيَهْلِكُوا بَعْضٌ وَيَنْجُوا بَعْضٌ Some of them will
pass and some of them will be killed
فَأَمَّا الثَّالِسَةَ As for the third attempt فَيَسْطَلِمُونَ
Meaning They will be cut off Whoever was
there fighting will be cut off That's how
much those Turks were fighting قَالَ مَنْ بَقِي
مِنْهُمْ قَالُوا يَا نَبِيَ اللَّهِ مَنْهُمْ So they
said Who are these?
قَالَهُمْ التُّرْكُ قَالَ أَمَا وَلَّذِي نَفْسِي بِيَدِهِ
قَالَ لَيَرْبِطُنَّ لَيَرْبِطُنَّ خُيُولَهُمْ إِلَى سَوَارِ مَسَاجِرِ
الْمُسْلِمِينَ He said, Wallahi, they will reach the
situation whereby they tie their horses to the
pillars of the Masajir of the Muslims قَالَ
وَكَانَتْ وَكَانَ بُرَيْدَ لَا يِفَارِقُهُ بَعِرَانِ You know,
the Prophet SAW said some people managed to
run away and escape, right?
So, he's the one who heard the hadith
قَالَ وَكَانَ بُرَيْدَ وَكَانَ بُرَيْدَ لَا يِفَارِقُهُ بَعِرَانِ
أَوْ ثَلَثُ From the time he heard that
the Prophet SAW said the first group will
manage to run away second one, the second
attempt, they will kill some and some of
them will run away and the third one,
they will get them all So, Buraydah from
that time he always have two or three
camels with him وَمَتَعَ لِلسَّفَرِ and also he
has his food and everything ready on his
camel وَالْأَصْقِيَةَ and the water ready on the
camel بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ لِلْهُرُوبِ he's always ready to
run in case he hear about them to
be among the first group that will manage
to escape مِمَّا سَمِعَ مِنَ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّىٰ عَلَىٰ
سَمَعَ مِنَ الْبَلَاءِ فِي أَمْرِ التُّرْكِ or that
which he heard about the fitna that will
affect the believers from the side of the
Turks So that was a test, Allah SWT
tested the believers قَالَ وَكَانَ مَشْوُورًا فِي زَمَنِ
السَّحَابَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ حَدِيثُ أُتْرُكُتْتُرُكَ مَا تَرَكُوكُمْ
and it's very famous also in the time
of the companions of the Prophet صلى الله
عليه وسلم the hadith that says أُتْرُكُتْتُرُكَ مَا
تَرَكُوكُمْ and the other part of the hadith
says ذَرُوا الْحَوَشَ مَا وَذَرُوكُمْ أَتْرُكُتْتُرُكَ مَا تَرَكُوكُمْ
and so as I said, it's a controversial
matter amongst the scholars of the hadith whether
the hadith is authentic or not قَالَ ابْنُ
حَجَبُ وَكَانَ مَا بَيْنَهُمْ مَا بَيْنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ مَسْدُولًا
إِلَىٰ أَنْ فُتِحَ ذَلِكَ شَيْءًا بَعَلَ شَيْءٍ so
they used to have nothing between them and
the Muslims until the time it started to
be opened slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly وَكَثُرَ السَّبِيُّ
مِنْهُمْ so the Muslims started fighting and they
enslaved also so many وَتَنَافَسَ الْمُلُوكُ فِيهِمْ لِمَا
يَتَّصِفُونَ بِهِ مِنَ الشِّدَّةِ وَالْبَأْسِ and you see
the of the kings in them because everyone
wants to get them because of what they
what they have of shiddah they're very strong,
they're very tough and harsh so everyone wants
to get them so this is also a
problem because when you start bringing others who
are not sharing the same aqeedah with you
trust me, one day you will lose I
know a country, subhanallah, they bring closer those
who are not having the same religion as
them they took over, up to date the
leadership in that country is by the Muslim
laws and that was a good intention they're
good, this, this and that and then they
gave subhanallah, and they're suffering up to date
you know because Islam is the only religion
of justice which if it is taking the
lead everyone enjoys, Muslim or not Muslim Islam
is not a religion that is so harsh
against the other religions, no, everyone enjoys, go
and read the history and see that in
the past the Muslim, they enjoy more privileges
than living in the kuffar land you know,
it is only in our place where they
enjoy freedom, they do business they have nothing
to pay except the jizya which is one
dinar in a year but they can buy,
they can sell, they can do trade, they
can become so rich and nobody is fighting
them nobody is bothering them, you know they
enjoy life, which in their places because of
too much taxes, almost there is no incentive
everything is taken, so they don't enjoy living
in their own territories no peace, in our
place there is peace and no injustice also
being committed against them that's why Islam has
to take lead in every place because we
recognize rights who is Islam fighting?
those who are fighting Islam, don't agree to
live with Islam in peace that's what we
have, ahl al-dhimma right Rasulallah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said من قتل معاهدا من غير
جرم لم يراح رائحة الجنة من قتل معاهدا
من غير جرم لم يراح رائحة الجنة if
somebody who signed an agreement to live with
the believers in peace, you will not smell
paradise is there a Muslim but if somebody
killed him?
without justification, this justification is leaders just Islamic
justification and this is supposed to be done
by the leaders, not us we don't take
law on our hand so bringing them to
our place giving them all the privileges in
the way it will tarnish the image of
Islam can also jeopardize the right of the
Muslim in that place so that's why in
the time of Umar who killed Umar?
Abu Lu'at al-Majusi, kafir not only
kafir, I think this one is beyond kafir
very bad kafir so he was the one
who killed Umar and you know what Umar
he said to Abbas we are going to
take them out of Medina, he said so
he told him this and he says, since
when I have been telling you, do not
let them come into our place, Umar used
to oppose this they used to get them
as slaves so many slaves come into Medina
they used to have them, so Umar used
to oppose this, he doesn't want to have
them in Medina but then he says they
now merge with the believers inside so now
they became a very strong community in Medina
and we can see the consequences we lost
a great khalifa in our community, Umar at
their hands so the same is applicable until
the day of judgement Islam should take the
lead because Islam is a religion of justice
nobody should be oppressed under the leadership of
Islam but usually in other places when others
are taking place we don't enjoy this type
of privileges Allah grant us good so he
says until
the time the vast majority of the soldiers
of Al-Mu'tasim the khalifa of Al-Mu'tasim,
most of the soldiers they are from Turks
and that's a really big problem they have
the power in their hands so what do
you think, you are just a Malik on
the chair, you know the protectors, the defenders,
they share different values what do you think
will happen?
so they took over the government they killed
his son they kept on killing his children
one after the other you know that it
is a mess Alhamdulillah in the time of
Harun Rashid and some other similar things started
to get better but it was a mess
somebody was leading behind that's why stability is
more during the time of the Umayyad they
have corruption, they have, but both also have
corruption but that one is more stable than
the second one until
the time of Al-Daylam also they came
and they also mixed with the kingdom, they
became part of the kingdom and then Assamaniyya
came from the Turks so they took over
the countries of the Ajam, other than the
Arabs so
all of these Al-Suljuk and the rest
that I have just mentioned, they kept on
taking over until the time their Mamlukah reached
Iraq and Sham and Rome and the balance
of their followers were in Sham and they
are the followers of Jankis Khan and their
followers you know Jankis Khan they
rebelled against Al-Suljuk remember we said Al
-Suljuk from the Turks themselves they took over
some part of our own territories and these
ones came also and fought them they destroyed
the cities until the time the biggest arrived
the Mongols after 600
years after the migration of the Prophet then
Jankis Khan came Subhanallah, dunya was inflamed because
of those ones those ones they are like
wuhush even some of our scholars used to
think that these are the Yajuj or Majuj
so they came and they destroyed almost every
part of the Muslim territories except a few
at that time even Baghdad was gone, was
taken down that was the capital city of
the Muslims they took it to the ground
if I'm not mistaken they are talking about
not less than 2 million people were gone
that's why some think that these guys are
Yajuj or Majuj the ones that will come
before the Day of Judgement and they burned
our books they said Nahru Dijda, the Euphrates
and the rivers in Iraq either blood the
blood of the Muslims they killed or the
ink of the books they burned so many
books and they took so many and they
put them inside the river that's why we
lost a lot of books a lot of
books so this event that took place is
a good actually a part of the history
for us to read so that we can
keep the hope because trust me the Ummah
is going through so many in Yemen, Syria,
Iraq many places almost no place that is
stable the most sensitive places of ours are
in Cairo Subhanallah if you go back to
the history and read about these guys it
will say that most likely until now we
did not repeat, we did not see the
reputation of that one so that's the benefit
of reading the history so that the hope
could be kept otherwise people will lose hope,
you will be demotivated thinking that you are
too close to the Day of Judgement then
nobody will be productive anymore, but when you
remember that in the past actually the Ummah
witnessed moments which are worse than these ones
then believe in the light of Allah you
will keep your hope you understand that Inshallah
this is going to be gone in the
way the previous ones also were gone so
I'm just saying this so that we will
not lose hope one of our Mashaikh he
always tell the students the Ummah we still
have good in the Ummah I really love
this word from him still good in the
Ummah still good in the Ummah Sheikh Nasser
he always call upon this to give people
motivation and also to let them understand that
we still have space to be productive and
to have excuse to our own Muslim brothers
and sisters he always oppose these demon protests
which cause us to lose so many so
many places although it's a very sensitive matter
that people are very emotional they don't want
to discuss the fact about them but these
are realities you tell them that yeah Muslim
leaders they are not infallible they are wrong,
they are right, like anybody else support them
be with them, make dua for them make
dua for them for them to be good
rather than doing whatever you are doing which
might cause the Muslim to lose their own
territories which is not following his advice, you
can see the kind of condition we are
in nowadays may Allah take it off and
bring the Ummah back to their consciousness so
inshallah this mention of the Jankis Khan and
his people on the Tatar, we read it
in the next class may Allah grant us
good and Tawfiq, let's keep more time for
questions if any Hassan
All three Sheikh Salam Let
me fix you in something which you already
Do you accept it?
Even your name I forgot And this is
not only for you It's for all of
us There was a video that I watched
by What do you call them?
Those people who are making fun of things
to make people laugh Comedian You enjoy You
will laugh Whether you like it or you
don't like it, you will laugh But Subhanallah
when I came across a hadith of the
Prophet from that time, I never watch it
anymore Never let also my kids to watch
it anymore Talks about different way of saying
Salam How people are saying Salam He was
right, copying others the way they say Salam
You get it?
Even some people when they go to other
people's house, they say Koum All the other
things, just Koum It cannot be all of
us Everyone could be It's possible to be
everyone Leave the one who is saying just
We have heard this one It's not even
narration So different version of saying Salam And
you have also sometimes when you pronounce it
I know it's with good intention, it's also
a culture and a custom, right?
But I think we should familiar ourselves with
saying the Salam really correctly You know why?
Because Salam, Rasulallah said He said Salam is
one of the names of Allah that he
put on earth because he wants you to
spread it to say it So if I
mess it up So if I mess it
up then that objective and the purpose of
bringing the word to us is gone So
when you say Salam no say Koum anymore.
Say Koum is not Salam Sakoum is not
Salam This is not Salam Although we understand
that the man is saying Salam but the
real way to say it is As-salamu
alaykum or Salamun alaykum Both are okay Inshallah
As a student of knowledge try to train
ourselves always when we pronounce these things, Islamic
things we pronounce them in the correct way
So everyone Inshallah I will be knocking on
our heads from time to time This is
what I was taught also by our scholars
that you have to teach two things Tarbiyah
and knowledge Inshallah So As-salamu alaykum Sheikh
just one question Two questions First one you
said that This one I'm not the one
who is correcting Ahmad is correcting He said
we said We said So many mistakes in
this class The Qiyamah Qiyamah will come when
the leader will be led by a person
with small eyes and his face is like
a sheath a hammer shield So actually I
don't understand How do you know if this
person is like that kind of face And
the second question is The Turks that the
people will fight with the Turks Are these
people from Turkey?
I give you the mic The mic was
with him but he put it like this
Forgive me Sheikh for my question First of
all Please try to come to the next
class Inshallah the details about this is going
to be mentioned in the next class We
hope this event already took place Finished Happy?
And those people who fought us who fought
us so much They are going to hear
inshallah in the future or you read by
yourself if the book doesn't mention it Subhanallah
they fought, they killed they did everything but
later on they converted to Islam They are
the one who formed the Ottoman Empire It
was the last Khilafah that the Muslims had
which is collective Khilafah that let the Muslims
You get it Which up to date the
western they don't want something like this to
happen Because in those days nobody can fight
Muslims Wherever you go the greatest nation are
the Muslim nations Forget about inside their beliefs
and things like that but as Muslim they
managed to reach this strength and power You
get it So Allah SWT has his own
way of doing things A person might be
evil at the first time and then come
and help Islam also later You get it?
So that fitna of those people technically, I
mean most likely already gone You get it?
So you don't need to make connection with
these ones Otherwise when we widen the thing
also some other people also might be included
So that's why these type of things you
don't make application unless if you see it
clearly taking place in a people Even Yajuj
or Majuj some people they already identify who
they are I will not mention I'm saying
some people Yajuj or Majuj they are these
guys I don't mention them You get it?
Because I don't want them to say that
Ibrahim called Yajuj or Majuj You get it?
So we don't go for this Inshallah So
come to the next class to see the
conclusion made by the sheikh then Inshallah you
know how to deal with the matter.
Actually you don't need to do anything because
Inshallah it already happened What you need to
do is just to make dua for your
own leaders Seriously for them to succeed in
their leadership We need that dua from all
of us Imam Ahmed said if he has
one chance to make dua for himself which
he knows it will be accepted he said
he would do it for the leader not
for himself Because wallahi if a leader is
a righteous leader only Allah knows how much
khair will exist in the community They have
a lot of ways to bring it which
we don't As an individual I cannot do.
What he can do I can't What I
spend 20, 50, 60, 100 years doing they
can do it in less than a year
in a more effective way than what I
would do So we need to make dua
Don't look at what they are doing if
you think they are not doing the correct
thing but just look at the importance of
being righteous.
Ask Allah to put barakah in their leadership
and guide them to do the right thing
Inshallah Next question Shafa asks What
do we mean by Baghdad as the capital
city and not Mecca?
What was the significance?
Since Mecca never be actually to my knowledge
a capital city of the Muslims But if
you are talking about Ummul Qura the nature
of the place this one is something else.
But a place where the Khalifa is there.
This is what we meant by a capital
It used to be Medina all the time
and Ali bin Abi Talib took over and
he moved it to Kufa.
That was a place where he has his
own supporters and the armies are there So
he moved it to that place You get
And then it moved to Sham Come back
to Baghdad again Like that So this is
what we meant by the capital city of
the Muslim territories In the past we have
the Nizam of the Khilafah This is also
good to be mentioned We have the Nizam
of the Khilafah whereby in the past we
have one city Let's say the time of
Baghdad Baghdad is the capital city of the
Muslims So no Khalifa.
We have governors who have been Mecca Medina,
Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan India, wherever you have governor
on earth In every city we have a
governor Somebody who is leading that community reporting
to the Khalifa We are one body So
at that time this is when the Muslim
Ummah was very strong But now Allah SWT
did not let this system to continue.
We have dual Every country have their own
Leader, leader Another governor reporting to somebody So
the system has changed In a way, every
Muslim should understand that the system has changed.
I'm saying this because we have some young
people with their mentalities who think that no,
there has to be the Khilafah has to
come back.
They don't want to obey their leaders.
This is very dangerous actually To my knowledge
I can't remember anyone from the previous scholars
who is having this thinking A leader is
a person that is leading you immediately If
that Khilafah comes in the future then we
go with that.
But now we deal with what we are
You are in a country the leader of
that country is your leader And this is
also good for us to know because he
comes from Mars So he thinks that his
leader is still the leader in the Mars
So he doesn't obey.
He breaks the rules in the place where
he is.
That's haram That's wrong When you leave your
territory you come to another Muslim city.
Your leader is that Muslim leader in that
city You follow his instruction.
You have already left your own territory.
You have to abide by the law of
that place That's how it is in Islam
So you are living in the time of
the Khilafah and that's another time.
We don't have it now We use the
So we cooperate with the people who are
leading us to support them to make a
success in their leadership That's it So I'm
saying this because you hear from there here
and there those people who are calling the
phone the Khilafah and they are talking in
this way.
But that's very dangerous and very wrong also.
Yes, Khilafah has to be established but how?
Everyone has to work for this How to
work for the Khilafah?
I don't need to go to a place
trying to do Khilafah.
Rasulallah did not do that He follows the
process Migrate from Mecca because he cannot stay
in that land of Kufu to Medina where
Medina accepted him because that was a place
where the Muslims are there.
Almost half of the community was Muslim when
Rasulallah went That's why Muslims took over right
after he went because almost every house there
is a Muslim in that house.
That's how they make it They do not
live in the Muslim country and then now
they isolate themselves to another place to establish
Khilafah They don't How do you do it?
Just fix yourself Your friend should fix himself
Everyone should fix himself Then Rabbul Alamin will
bring our leaders according to our nature That's
how it is Your leaders are none other
than a reflection of your nature We always
point at our leader Oh this leader did
this and that but unfortunately look at me
who is pointing Look at him who is
pointing Look at his life and see what
is he doing Cheating, deceiving, oppressing and everything
and now he is telling us that the
leader is this and that How is it
possible for the leader to be perfect and
fixed if we are also sometimes acting worse
than the shayateen You go to our community
and see the way people are behaving, the
amount of injustices by us against us and
then we want the leader to be like
this Hayhat, one of the leaders of Bani
Umayyah he gathered the community and then he
told them Do you want us to be
like Abu Bakr and Umar to you?
They said yes He said you also should
be like those with Abu Bakr and Umar
with us Somebody told Abu Talib the son
of Abu Talib He told him How come
the time of Abu Bakr everything is fine
The time of Umar also everything is fine
The time of Uthman also things are fine
but when your time comes it's always chaos
He said what happened?
He said because Ali bin Abi Talib is
replying He said because in the time of
Abu Bakr Abu Bakr was surrounded by people
like me And in my time I'm surrounded
by people like you That's why things are
not willing to go in the right way
May Allah grant us good Next question Sheikh,
I heard that There will be There will
be Is this a sign of It's a
sign of the division One of the signs
One of the things that we're going to
be discussing is this one Sheikh, I have
a question Let's say I follow the opinion
that the Caliph does not have to be
from the Quraish So could the Let's say
the president of a certain nation Just a
random nation And he and the government declares
We're not doing democracy anymore This is now
Sharia We're ruling by the Sharia and I
am the Caliph Is this claim legitimate?
No, it's not Rasulallah said when the Muslims
are united under one Khalifa, leader Whoever comes
to claim leadership We should fight that second
person Whoever he is Because Even tomorrow Actually
not only now It's like that Whoever happens
to be our leader We just have to
go with Whoever happens to be Our leader,
we just have to follow And obey And
that's it And nobody should claim any leadership
Rasulallah, he knew That in the future There's
going to be people who are corrupt Leaders,
not good ones Companions of the Prophet They
could have just announced themselves To be the
Khalifa, they did not It was only Abdullah
ibn Zubayr who did And in Mecca, to
my knowledge The companions were with him They
warned him so much, do not go against
Your Khalifa, do not Al-Husayn, the grandson
of the Prophet When he goes against the
Khalifa They also warned him so much Do
not, do not Abdullah ibn Khabab Abdullah ibn
al-Ghazali He also, when he went against
The leader, Yazid The companions in Medina, they
warned him They told him, do not Abdullah
ibn Omar told his children Whoever listens to
him This is the disconnection and separation Between
me and him It's like I disown him,
he's not a family member of mine They
don't understand Who was Yazid and how corrupt
he is But they never agree with somebody
To go against him So that's why patience
is Wajib upon us, to be patient And
cooperate with our leaders, make dua for them
And ask Allah swt to bring peace To
hold upon their hands to that Which is
good for us and the Ummah My experience
in the history That led me to believe
That it has never bring good to our
communities It ends by bloodshed And corruption and
sometimes we submit our nation to Other than
the Muslims So patience is wajib You get
it Adam?
I'm asking about the leader himself Because the
leader himself, he doesn't give bayah Because he's
the leader, he's the guide So he says,
now I am the caliph And he rules
his country by sharia No need to mention,
why does he need to mention this?
I mean, if somebody Is somebody to seek
for my advice As a leader He doesn't
need to go for this You are the
leader You are on top Lead people with
that which you think is Correct, according to
your faith You don't need to say this
is sharia This is this and that And
then provoke others to come and fight and
talk And all of these things from the
inside, from outside I see lack of wisdom
What we are doing sometimes Why do we
need to say what we are doing is
sharia or this and that Just apply what
you believe is Correct, in the non-Muslim
countries Do we have capital punishment in some
of them?
Yes they do But they don't call it
Christianity Just do You are Muslim, just do
What you believe to be Deterring people from
committing crime These are the laws that you
impose Don't say sharia, don't say this and
that Why do I need to mention this
and that Forget it I am not going
to follow this, this and that No, just
follow the correct one Everyone is following, even
the people who claim they are following Certain
type of system, they are just lying If
you go back to the definition of the
system And you compare what they are doing
And the meaning of the system They are
not following Why do I need to explain
to everyone what I am going to do
Seriously Adam, I believe Some of us are
not doing the correct thing You don't need
to tell everyone what you are doing, just
do Everyone is doing what they believe to
be right Why do I need to explain
to you what I am doing Do you
get it?
You dress in the way you dress but
you feel shy of dressing in that way
Somebody comes out naked And everyone accepts it
Why do I need to explain to people
The reason why I am behaving And the
way I behave Why can't he come and
Explain to us Why is he doing what
he was doing Muslims They have to be
very smart We claim we are following the
Dunya of freedom But the freedom is only
restricted They enjoy freedom but we shouldn't enjoy
freedom And the problem is us actually Not
them Because we think we need to go
And tell them what we are doing And
ask for verification and approval They don't ask
us for Verification and approval of what they
are doing And everyone has to accept them
In the way they are And when we
do what we believe to be correct We
have to go and explain to the people
Because we want to go and explain to
them So I don't think it's A wise
decision for anyone to come And announce And
we see also in the history The moment
he is that Then the plot from inside
and outside At the end of the day
he will never succeed Being removed and then
the country go back to the worst Why
do we need to go for this?
Just lead people according to What you believe
to be correct And then that's it But
I want to know if there are any
conditions that prevent it Let's say he controls
every city Between Maghreb and Iran And he
is Three Muslims He is the Fatih of
Israel He is the guy He is the
first Why can't he say I am the
To say what?
He is the Caliph of what?
He says I am the Mujaddid I brought
the Caliph back Why does he need to
Wait Adam Tell me Which Mujaddid in the
past that come and tell people I am
the Mujaddid?
Nobody Why is he going to start this
Why do you think he should be the
first person to start?
I just want to know whether it's Halal
or not Why is he going to start?
Actually strategically it's not good for him It's
not good for him Adam you have to
wake up All of those people who stand
up and say Just give them a few
days Gone Because you are surrounded by enemies
In all of their kinds They are just
waiting for you to Expose your identity Why
does he need to come and say I
am the Mujaddid of the Asr And all
of these things What is the difference between
him and those people Who claim to be
Because he is He is No I am
saying If a Muslim How does he know?
Generally speaking How does he know?
Let's say if I see his activities And
I ask Adam What do you think about
what he does?
Wallahi trust me You might tell me this
is not part of the Shariah of Muhammad
But he says he is the Mujaddid And
his people Agree that he is the Mujaddid
Which Tajdidi is he Talking about?
We have people who claim they are the
Mujaddid But the real Mujaddid doesn't talk They
do the Tajdid In the correct way of
Muhammad A leader should be smart Then We
shouldn't Just say that this is who I
am You have some blessing from Allah When
he announced that you got it How many
people will come and fight you for it?
Everyone Keep it first Preserve it first and
then see how to share with others Slowly
slowly A leader should be very smart I
don't think by doing what you are proposing
Adam would be able to make A single
step So can we say with Reasonable Certainty
that the Caliph will remain The position will
remain empty And unestablished until the Mahdi We
don't need to do that Actually all that
which we need now Is to get busy
With fixing ourselves Wallahi I see these things
Although I know Adam might not agree But
I see this thing Sometimes as waste of
time Wallahi I see these talks As waste
of time Trust me, waste of time I'm
pretty sure Adam if he goes out Before
he gets out of UAE And go out,
he sees how many Things which are not
Good and are correct Which Khilafah on this
Rabbul Alameen was very Always serious actually Allah
SWT says Khilafah cannot come back Unless if
we Fulfill these two conditions Iman and Amal
al-Saleh Righteous, dedicated people to Islam Then
we bring back the Khilafah to us Are
we like this?
And then we claim to have the Khilafah
It will be based on something that is
hush I believe what a Muslim is supposed
to be Busy with nowadays is fixing ourselves
Give dawah to people Educate people, let people
come back To their religion Adam many many
many People in our communities they are not
aware of Simple things in Iman They don't
know Which Khilafah are we talking about?
So we have to fix That's why Shaykh
Nasir always say Tasfiyah and Tarbiyah The Ummah
is in need of Tarbiyah We need to
understand Our Deen correctly It has been taken
by the thieves We need to come back
to the Deen, understand it correctly Worship Allah
SWT correctly Trust me Adam The Khilafah will
come back by itself Allah says Allah says
He will not change until we change We
are not willing to change and we want
Him to change It doesn't go like that
Allah doesn't need us So no Muhabba Either
we change or He let us Go with
the situation the way it is And this
is exactly how it is That's why they
love this kind of talk Khalifa, Khalifa You
will find some people will come With their
enthusiasm Come and do things in the wrong
way You have some people who kill Us
Us, us, us and they think they are
Bringing Khilafah We have heard in some part
of the earth Some people they burn people
in the Masajid And they go to the
village Those Masakin who are not involved in
the government In any way And they burn
the people there They burn their farms, they
burn their Masajid And they claim that they
are Doing the Khilafah things No we have
to wake up We have to wake up
and understand The enemy I mean the plot
of the enemy Against us Method of getting
the Khilafah is very clear Which is everyone
to do that Which the companions of the
Prophet SAW did They are very dedicated in
their religion Very straight forward Standing upright Allah
SWT gave them the Khilafah The way he
promised We don't want to do what they
did and we want the Khilafah to come
Which Khilafah May Allah fix us Adam And
also guide All of us and grant our
leaders Ability to lead the Ummah To success
in the way Allah SWT wants This is
my Dua and this is my invitation To
everyone Make Dua to your leaders Wherever they
are May Allah SWT fix them and guide
them And let them do the right thing
You know Because if they do the right
thing we will enjoy Everyone will enjoy One
more Very hot question I thought I am
done Just one more From Shafa The Prophet
SAW This is the last question SAW The
Prophet SAW Said There will surely be groups
of my nation Who will come on the
day of rising With good deeds like white
mountains of Tahama But Allah mighty and majestic
Will make it all come to dust Thauban
RA Asked O Messenger of Allah Describe to
us and make them obvious Lest we be
unwitting of them Lest we unwittingly be of
them They will be your brothers And they
will be just like you They will pray
at night just like you do However they
are people who while you are in private
Who while they are in private Do all
sorts of haram things That Allah has forbade
Ibn Majah The question The explanation It is
better It is a very important Hadith It
is better actually not to rush To keep
it for the next class If you can
just make it the first question For the
next class Then I will explain it I
don't know It has a very short Life
span Tafsir Ibn Kathir Subhanak Allahumma Alhamdulillah Assalamu