Ibrahim Nuhu – Signs of the Hour #23
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In the name of God, the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful.
Peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, and
upon his family and companions.
Today is the 11th of February,
1446, which corresponds to the 14th of
October, 2024.
So, today inshallah we continue from where we
stopped last dars, and during the last dars,
we talk about Maqtalu Uthman Ibn Affan, the
assassination of Uthman Ibn Affan, and we reach
a place where the muallif says, وَبِمَقْتَلِ عُثْمَانَ
رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ إِنْ قَسَمَ الْمُسْلِمُونَ وَوَقَى الْقِتَالُ
بَيْنَ السَّحَابَ And he says, because of the
assassination of Uthman, the Muslim community was divided,
Muslims were divided into different types of approaches
and understanding, وَوَقَى الْقِتَالُ بَيْنَ السَّحَابَ And also
the battle between the Sahaba, fighting between Ashab
an-Nabi s.a.w. took place.
So the cause of that was the assassination
of Uthman, al-Khalifah al-Rashid.
وَانْتَشَرَةِ الْفِتَنُ وَالْأَهْوَأُ And also the fitan were
widely spread in the Muslim communities.
وَالْهَوَأُ These are different types of sects and
groups following their desires and their own ideologies
against the manhaj of the Ahl as-Sunnah
وَكَثُرَ الْإِخْتِلَافَاتِ And we have a lot of
differences amongst the Muslim Ummah after the assassination
of Uthman.
وَتَشَعَبَتِ الْآرَاءِ وَدَارَتِ الْمَعَارِكِ الطَّاحِنَةِ فِي أَحْدِ
السَّحَابَ And you have differences of approaches and
opinions amongst the scholars and the companions of
the Prophet ﷺ.
تَشَعُبُ الْآرَاءِ meaning there is nothing bringing them
in common.
Everyone is going against and far away from
his brother in terms of the way he
وَدَارَتِ الْمَعَارِكُ الطَّاحِنَةِ فِي أَحْدِ السَّحَابَةِ رضي الله
عنه And there was a lot of fighting
among the companions of the Prophet ﷺ وَكَانَ
النَّبِي ﷺ يَعْلَمُ مَا سَيَقَوْا مِنَ الْفِتَنِ فِي
زَمَانِهِ And the Prophet ﷺ knew what would
happen to the fitan in his time.
And he says وَدَارَتِ الْمَعَارِكُ And you have
a lot of ma'arik, battles that are
so fierce amongst the companions of the Prophet
ﷺ وَكَانَ النَّبِي ﷺ يَعْلَمُ مَا سَيَقَوْا مِنَ
الْفِتَنِ فِي زَمَانِهِ And the Prophet ﷺ already
knew that fitna is going to happen in
the time of the companions of the Prophet
ﷺ فَإِنَّهُ أَشْرَفَ عَلَىٰ أُطُمٍ مِنْ آطَامِ الْمَدِينَةِ
فَقَالَ هَلْ تَرَوْنَ مَا أَرَى؟
قَالُوا لَأَقَالَ إِنِّي أَرَى الْفِتَنَ تَقَوْا خِلَالَ بُيُوتِكُمْ
كَوَقِي الْقَطَرِ He said, do you see what
I see?
They said, no Ya Rasulullah And then the
Prophet ﷺ, I mean, he went on top
of Utum, is a hill in Medina, one
of the small rock and mountain in Medina,
the Prophet ﷺ went on top of it
And so he told them, هَلْ تَرَوْنَ مَا
He told the companions of the Prophet ﷺ,
do you see what I see?
Now when he went on top of a
hill, he told them, do you see what
I see?
قَالُوا لَأَقَالَ إِنِّي أَرَى الْفِتَنَ تَقَوْا خِلَالَ بُيُوتِكُمْ
He said, no, we don't see anything Ya
Rasulullah, we see normal view قَالَ إِنِّي لَأَرَى
الْفِتَنَ تَقَوْا خِلَالَ بُيُوتِكُمْ He said, I can
see fitna, fitna, lot of fitna, you know,
taking place around your houses سبحان الله كَوَقَئِ
الْمَطَرِ Just like the way the rain is,
you know, rain is a lot, you know,
he said, I just see fitna falling down
next to your houses قَالَ النَّوَوِيُ رَحْمَهُ اللَّهِ
وَالتَّشْبِيهُ بِمَوَقِئِ الْقَطَرِ فِي الْكَثْرَةُ وَالْأُمُومِ قَالَ
النَّوَوِيُ رَحْمَهُ اللهِ وَالتَّشْبِيهُ بِمَوَقِئِ الْقَطَرِ فِي الْكَثْرَةُ
وَالأُمُومِ He says just like the way the
rain is falling down in places, these fitna
will come and fall into your locations So
he said the Prophet ﷺ wanted the companions
to understand that these fitna are a lot,
very, very many They are a lot and
تَعُمُّ النَّاس And they are very comprehensive in
a way, nobody will be able to escape
them لَا تَخْتَصُ بِهَا الطَّعِفَةَ And it is
not going to affect only one group of
people, it will affect everyone in the community
قَالَ وَهَذِهِ إِشَارَةٌ إِلَى الْحَرُوبِ الْجَارِيَةِ بَيْنَهُ And
this is an indication, Imam Nawawi says, an
indication by the Prophet ﷺ That in the
future, there is going to be fighting and
battles between the companions كَوَقَعَةِ الْجَمَلِ Just like
the battle of Jamal, there is one that
we will be talking about now وَالصِّفِّينِ And
the battle of Siffin وَالْحَرَّةِ And the battle
of Harrah, where Medina was legalized for three
days وَمَكْتَلُ عُثْمَانِ And the assassination of Uthman
وَالْحُسَيْنِ And the Hussain, the grandson of the
Prophet ﷺ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمَا وَغَيْرِ ذَلِكَ And
many other fitn وَفِيهَا مُعْجِزَةٌ ظَاهِرَ عَلَيْهُ صَلَّىٰلِيُسَلَّمِ
And there is a miracle manifest upon him
ﷺ Imam Nawawi says this is one of
the ayat and miracles given to the Prophet
ﷺ Because he prophesized that this is going
to happen and did we see those things
taking place among us?
Yes, they happen exactly in the way Rasulullah
ﷺ mentioned So number one mentioned by the
Muallif after the assassination of Uthman is the
Battle of Jamal And Jamal here is referring
to the camel used by Aisha at that
time That's why they call it Barakatul Jamal,
the Battle of Jamal Because Aisha came riding
a camel to come to the place not
to participate in the battle But she was
there to reconcile Being the wife of Muhammad
ﷺ if she talks to the people most
probably they will listen and go back home
without fighting each other That was the thing
that brought her to the place but it
was the wrong decision she made That's why
Rasulullah ﷺ was not happy because he told
them that one of you is going to
be making a mistake To go out of
her house to a place where the dogs
are going to bark on her You get
So it was the wrong decision she made
because these are soldiers And in the past
before the arrival of Islam, you know the
status of women among the Arab nation?
Is it up or down?
Very down Nobody would ever imagine a sister
can talk to a normal person and he
just listens and obeys What do you think
of an army?
And a woman can come and tell them
don't until they listen Although these are companions
of the Prophet ﷺ they have different approach
But don't forget among those people who came
to fight, many many many who are from
the assassins of Uthman They want the battle
to happen So they will do everything possible
So Rasulullah ﷺ wasn't happy with that moment
which we will see inshallah in the near
future About that unhappiness by the Prophet ﷺ
So Aisha went and the battle took place
One of the sad moments in the life
of the Ummah of Muhammad ﷺ was this
It is one of these fitan that happens
after the assassination of Uthman Was that battle
between the companions of the Prophet ﷺ You
get it?
Which is known as Ma'arakatul Jamal, the
battle of Jamal Which is very famous, which
took place between Ali ibn Abi Talib on
one side And Ali ibn Abi Talib on
the other side And those companions who were
following him like Ammar ibn Yasir and many
others who went to the battle with him
And Aisha, Talha and Zubair on the other
side Ali ibn Abi Talib on one side
and Aisha, Zubair and Talha on the other
side And subhanallah when you see it like
this you will think that yes these people
come in with angry mood to fight each
other No, inshallah you will see the correct
approach concerning this matter None of them was
there to fight anyone None of them went
to fight So
when Uthman was killed, people went to Ali
ibn Abi Talib And he was in Medina
at that time So Uthman now is gone,
back to Allah swt, Shaheed So people went
to Ali ibn Abi Talib Because the Ummah
cannot stay without Khalifa Very dangerous to stay
without leadership That's why Imam Ahmad or one
of the Salaf as-Saleh used to say
that To have 1000 years with an evil
leader is better than having a day without
leadership in the community People who are exaggerating
and extremists Especially the young ones who are
dominated by enthusiasm They might not see this
But those places that lost their leadership, if
you go and ask them they can tell
you yes, this statement is really true Having
a leadership that is corrupt is better than
having no leadership Life is going to be
in the state of chaos Unless you have
a policeman that the criminals are afraid of
Unless you enjoy peace somehow But when the
authority is gone, no leadership in the place,
you will be threatened by anything Those people
who experienced this, they talk about life in
those environments And you find them, they might
be among those people who are always criticizing
the leader, talking, talking, talking And they want
him to be gone, and they contributed to
see him being taken away And then what
After he is gone, everyone is going to
pay the price That's why the Prophet s
.a.w. warned us against this He said
you will see things which you don't like
He said sabr sabr, life in this time
of ours is enough for us as an
evidence Not to contribute and participate in anything
that will bring chaos to whatever community you
are living in You will cry with your
own eyes, and nobody can help you All
the places that did not heed to the
message of Rasul s.a.w. on this
matter, they regret They regret, the balance of
the peace that they used to enjoy is
gone Whoever has aqal amongst them is wishing
those days to come back That's the result
of not listening to the Prophet s.a
.w. on this matter So the companions took
it very seriously You see, the Prophet s
.a.w. died When did they have the
Khalifa to lead the affairs of the believers?
What time?
How many days did they wait for them
to appoint the Khalifa after the demise of
Rasul s.a.w.? Not a single day
Actually before even they buried him, they knew
how it was supposed to be Without leadership,
and subhanallah, he just passed away, right?
And what happens among the Muslims?
Chaos, fighting, right?
Ansar and Muhajirin, who will be the leader?
That's why Abu Bakr and Umar did not
hesitate to leave the Prophet s.a.w.
with Ali ibn Abi Talib to continue to
prepare him for the burial And they moved,
because they are meant to continue the mission
If they let this friction happen amongst the
Muslim Ummah, it will be very difficult for
them to resolve this matter And that's why
they told Ali ibn Abi Talib, you continue
They moved immediately And Alhamdulillah, Allah s.w
.t. could put it down Muslims were united
once again And you can see when the
Prophet s.a.w. left, people sensed that
there is no leadership The vast majority of
the villages around Medina apostate They apostated, they
left Islam Some of them did not leave
Islam completely, you know, but they say Actually,
we give zakat to Rasul s.a.w.
as a tribute No, we don't have anyone
to give We will not give the zakat
So either somebody who left Islam or somebody
who is not paying zakat, they are not
taking this account in his religion Islam remains
only in Medina and some other few places
When the Prophet s.a.w. was there,
it wasn't like this That's why Abu Bakr
s.a.w., they called him the saviour
of Islam Why was that?
Because subhanAllah, by the grace of Allah s
.w.t, he managed to bring the Muslim
communities back to their consciousness and their unity
You know, in two years He filtered all
of these things, he brought Muslims back to
their proper position and then Allah took him
back For Umar to continue Because this is
a time when we are facing the arrogance
The arrogance among those tyrant nations The Persians
and the Romans Abu Bakr might not be
the right person to face those ones We
need somebody who is really tough And subhanAllah,
Umar managed to bring them to their knees
They understand what justice is all about They
bow, they come down Islam was able to
reach those areas and beyond during the time
of Umar ibn Khattab So I just want
us to understand because we are still living
in this time where some of us are
not willing to understand this I believe, this
is my personal belief That enemies are pushing
the younger ones and some people who are
not thinking deeply You get it?
To provoke chaos in the community so that
our country will be destabilized You have to
understand this correctly I don't want to go
into much detail but this is what it
is In some of these places we have
heard in the news or people who witnessed
the event that took place There are people
who are paying money to people to contribute
to this And then now what happened?
Khalas, nobody is happy Country is being destabilized,
they have to run away from the country
and live somewhere else Being chased here and
there So the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ
is very clear He said what?
Sabar, sabar, sabar, sabar, sabar Companions of the
Prophet ﷺ are always on this And those
who did not go for this, we can
see the consequences The grandson of the Prophet
ﷺ, we lost him because of this also
The companions, the rest of the companions, the
bigger companions, the old companions They reminded him,
they begged him so much, please, please do
not But Qadr, Qadr He went against, those
deceivers in Kufa deceived him and we lost
him Subhanallah, very dedicated person, looks like Rasulullah
ﷺ We lost him Abdullahi bin Zubayr in
Mecca, took over Mecca al-Hajjaj, he won
the leadership The companions were there in Mecca
also talked to him, please, please, please They
begged him so much, obey your leader, sabar,
sabar Also, doesn't want to listen, he believes
in what he is doing to be correct
He has his own justification, that was the
ijtihad he made Subhanallah, they came with their
army, killed him, killed his army, crucified him
for three days After the moment Abdullahi bin
Umar came, he saw him being crucified This
is a companion of Rasulullah ﷺ Those criminals
did not hesitate to do this to him
And he looked at him, he cried, he
says, subhanallah He said, he was talking to
him, he was dead, dead He was talking
to him, he said, this is exactly what
I was warning you I have been telling
you, sabar, sabar He blamed him so much,
and then he said, however at the same
time I have known you to be an
excellent person, a very dedicated person to the
Sharia of Allah Somebody who is really serious
in his religion, he praised him But he
blamed first about the consequences, and then he
says, I have known you to be this
and that Only after that, those criminals agreed
to get him down, to bury him in
the maqbara of the Jew, according to the
history Subhanallah There we go, if I sit
down here to narrate for you the history
of these type of events that took place
Which the companions of the Prophet ﷺ were
saying to those people who were involved Including
the Ma'ruf Qutub al-Harra also, we
are going to see that inshallah The companions
told them, sabar, sabar, sabar And Al-Hajjaj
ibn Yusuf, what else he did not do
Go and read his history and see who
was Hajjaj ibn Yusuf But whenever they complained
against him to Anas ibn Malik You know
Hajjaj ibn Anas ibn Malik was not saved
He cursed Anas ibn Malik, you know that?
Subhanallah Anas ibn Malik sent a message to
the Khalifa Telling him about what Hajjaj told
him The Khalifa was very annoyed Was very
annoyed And he sent a message to Al
-Hajjaj He told him, this crime cannot be
tolerated If Anas is one of the Jews
Happened to be a disciple of Musa alayhis
salam You have definitely seen the way they
will respect him And they value his existence
And we have the balance of these righteous
people Who are next to Rasulallah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam And you are not respecting them,
you disrespect them He said, wallahi, either you
respect him And you become worse than his
shoe Otherwise, he told him, he said, wallahi,
my arrow will never miss you That means
your days are numbered He knows that yes,
the Khalifa will do that He went to
Anas and apologized And he seek his forgiveness
to protect his life But subhanallah, these people,
they are not taking revenge For themselves, they
are always for the Ummah You know, you
can see all the misbehavior Disrespect that he
received from Al-Hajjaj But when the people
ask him Life with Hajjaj is very tough
What to do?
Never told them, take sword and weapons and
go and fight him Never He always tell
them, and the hadith is there in Sayyid
Bukhari He always tell them, sabr Because I
heard Because There will be no time Except
that the one that will come afterwards Will
be worse than the one that you are
living in And he told them, he said,
I heard that from your Prophet Go and
check the history, read the history properly Inshallah,
you will not need me to come and
talk like this Your behavior Rasulallah knows exactly
what will happen When he talks about this
corrupt and bad leadership That will happen in
the future Allah told him about them Allah
told him exactly what will happen Rasulallah, when
he talks about them, the companions, they are
fighters You know, they are not coward Companions
are not coward Before Islam, they are fighters
You know the Arabs, you know that kind
of life When they accept Islam, Islam regulates
that To put it in the just way
Not to oppress anyone That's the difference But
they are still warriors They cannot tolerate these
useless things So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam Talk about this, that is going
to happen in the future Your rights is
going to be taken People, they will favor
others over you They will take your rights
and give it to others And they will
do this, this and that Companions said, ya
Rasulallah What's wrong with pulling out our weapons
And just go and get them He said,
no He said, as long as they let
you pray As long as they let you
pray He said, sabr Sabr That's why he
laid down those two One condition, which the
other condition Is tracked by the scholars He
said He says, it is not allowed A
person to go And protest And go against
the leader Unless Kufran Bawah What is Kufr
al-Bawah Very clear Kufr And he added,
he says You have evidence Meaning You can
stand before Allah And say, ya Allah, yes
this is Kufr All of the arguments And
the debates you have with our brothers When
you ask them Oh this person that you
say is kafir How do you know So
and so and so said he is kafir
How do you know Nobody will be willing
to go to Allah swt And say, yes
I witness That this person is a kafir
So please, please Let's just be very careful
And understand the sunnah of the Prophet Allah
swt correctly Allah is not about being enthusiastic
No, it's about you doing the right thing
You know You do the right thing Don't
get the Muslim community into trouble Because of
doing the wrong thing Don't stop the dawah
activities Because of your wrong doings Don't bring
the eyes of others And many criminals Also
to have a chance To go and stop
the khair That is taking place in the
ummah Because of your wrong approach That person
will face the consequences When he meets Allah
swt But what he does, if it is
correct Then that's what Allah commanded him to
do The consequences Allah will take care of
them So I'm just referring to People being
extra enthusiastic You know Having the enthusiasm Beyond
the limitation Understand the sunnah of the Prophet
Allah swt correctly The relationship between us and
our leaders Is advisory relationship In the right
way Go and read The life of the
companions of the Prophet And see their approach
They are the closest people to Allah swt
than us And their manhaj is the most
perfect manhaj And the only correct manhaj Ours
has a lot of deficiencies As Allah swt
said He says He said if you want
to follow sunnah You should follow the sunnah
of the dead ones And he is referring
to Companions of the Prophet Because those ones
you already know their life You already know
their manhaj You already know their hayat You
know who they are You are not afraid
of any change He says Because the living
ones We are not sure whether they will
Submit to the fitna or not How many
times you see a person Who used to
be okay But now fitna comes He is
submitted And those who used to be very
righteous And very strict in their religion They
become very lenient And also submitted And become
corrupt Subhanallah Legalizing the haram And you know
those ones They are more dangerous actually Than
the one who wasn't in before You got
what I'm saying Somebody who is righteous And
then he went out They are more dangerous
actually To the community than the rest You
know why I'm saying this Because these ones
They will legalize the truth Trying to provide
evidence for it I'm sorry they will legalize
the evil They know it's wrong But they
try to provide justification for it And they
will fight the righteous people More than the
way the corrupt people Are fighting the righteous
people Go and check and see All of
those people who used to be Among the
students of knowledge And then they became deviated
They are worse They are very harsh against
the truth So be very careful And understand
what shaytan is planning And at the same
time Also we have those What we want
is moderation And moderation means Following Rasulallah s
.a.w. It's as simple as this This
word is being misunderstood When we say wasatiyya
People think that They have to be wasat
Central, in the middle You accept haram And
you accept halal That's wasatiyya nowadays When people
say wasatiyya They are referring to The creation
of the third opinion You are with kufr
And you are with islam You are with
haram And you are with halal You are
with riba And you are with charity That's
what wasatiyya means Nowadays And I appreciate the
statement Of one of them When he says
If wasatiyya is providing A third opinion Then
Abu Talib Should be in In jannah If
wasatiyya has been in the middle To provide
a third opinion Then Abu Talib should be
in jannah Because Abu Talib Accept kufr And
accept Rasulallah s.a.w. Not to accept
islam But he side with Rasulallah s.a
.w. Yeah, that's why he agreed To go
for three years of punishment And he told
the Prophet s.a.w. Don't worry I
am here for you And they will never
reach you as long as I live And
he kept his word He said the day
you see these guys Touching you And he
was a kafir But he told Rasulallah s
.a.w. The day you see them reaching
you You should confirm that I am already
in the grave He said He said if
you see them touching you That means I
am in the grave Did that happen?
Yes, he did He kept his word But
he died in kufr He was in the
middle That siding with islam Doesn't benefit him
to take him out of * It benefits
him to reduce the size of the punishment
But it doesn't remove him out of it
completely So please, my dear brothers and sisters
I really want us to understand What is
the manhaj of Rasulallah s.a.w. And
follow it correctly Allah is not about talking
Everyone talks This one is tablighi This one
is this and that This one is sunni,
this one is salafi But who is actually
doing what Rasulallah s.a.w. does By
Allah we are very little Regardless of the
title we give ourselves That's why I see
some of our scholars Will tell you stay
away from all of this Just identify what
Rasulallah s.a.w. is doing According to
the sunnah According to the understanding Of the
companions of the Prophet s.a.w. Stick
to it This is the falah Don't do
things by yourself The way you understand them
And don't be deceived by whoever comes to
you And talk to you in his own
Or lady's voice And just follow It doesn't
go like that By Allah you will be
responsible Allah will never hold you responsible of
a title But he will hold you responsible
Of following Rasulallah s.a.w. Precisely in
everything he did So when we say wasatiyya
What is wasatiyya Everyone has to be wasat
What is wasat Following the sunnah The scholar
said And that was alhamdulillah The interpretation of
Rasulallah s.a.w. Of this ayah Against
one of those so called Super super mufassireen
Yeah there is somebody They call him super
mufassir Whenever he does tafsir You have issues
with that tafsir But somebody says he is
super mufassir And Adam just listen And then
Sometimes when I listen to this person I
feel like I wish I have a chance
To go and bring him down The super
mufassir So one day he was interpreting this
ayah Also he messed the ayah Up Subhanallah
At least a person would be mustahi You
have a shay of Allah s.w.t
Rasulallah s.a.w. Has to have a
say on something And you come and have
your own statement I mean In all of
your Journey to study You never come across
this hadith I guess almost all the big
mufassireen When they talk about this ayah They
mention this hadith To interpret the ayah To
give you a better understanding of the ayah
And you come just because You want the
crowd next to you And then you mess
up everything To put it in a nice
way To get the attention of people From
the sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w.
I have doubt actually In these type of
people From day one When I see the
way they are interpreting the Quran Wallahi I
have doubt That at the end of the
day They are going to Relax Adam Relax
Adam You will come to know Who exactly
am I referring to In my majlis no
names But you will make a deduction Insha
'Allah From day one When I heard about
this I see the approach of this person
You know sometimes You meet a person you
feel satisfied And there are some people Just
like that You don't know why you cannot
relax When you see them Wallahi this one
is one of them From day one My
heart doesn't want to accept But I don't
have anything clear Like What exactly is going
on So up to the time And when
I see the manhaj In the way these
people Are translating the Quran I said most
likely This person if he is not careful
He is going to end up bringing Amazing
evil things When it comes to doing the
tafseer Especially Throwing away the sunnah of Muhammad
s.a.w. And focusing on his own
Innovation And subhanallah It doesn't stay for long
Until the time A brother from Tanzania Was
asking me about a cliff Of tafseer Where
this person was rejecting The sunnah of the
Prophet s.a.w. In his own way
And the tawheed of Allah s.w.t
In his own way So if you don't
follow the manhaj Of the Salaf as-Saleh
In whatever you are doing Trust me My
dear brothers and sisters Just be careful This
deen is a very serious matter The most
serious and sensitive thing You have is this
religion I really advise you to preserve it
And be serious on it Know the person
that you take Your knowledge from If you
have doubt Stay away Alhamdulillah Allah s.w
.t Has a lot of people who can
educate If you have doubt in this Just
stay away from him And you don't have
any fear About you losing your religion So
back to our track We are talking about
the importance And the necessity of having the
leadership So the Prophet s.a.w. died
They immediately appointed Abu Bakr To lead Umar
before he died He appointed somebody to lead
Six people He said choose one of them
immediately And they did And then Uthman was
chosen He was assassinated He was the only
one And that's why the Muslims Immediately after
his demise They went to Ali bin Abi
Talib He told him you are the best
person We know in this place Give us
your hand They said put your hand Please
we want to give you the bayah Ali
bin Abi Talib said no I want this
to come based on The decision of the
community Not my decision alone I want people
to decide Very smart way of thinking Because
there might be somebody Who is not willing
To give him The oath of allegiance So
he said let people choose Whoever they want
Somebody told him no The reason why we
want you to Be the leader now It
is simply because If people go back to
their own people They left Medina Go back
to their own villages Then they are going
to tell them Uthman was killed The people
will ask Is there any Khalifa No Khalifa
And everyone will just go and do it
Things in his own way They said we
are afraid of Differences and also Corruption to
take place in the Ummah There are many
people Who are just waiting to know That
there is no Khalifa And then Khalas I
enjoy a statement Of one of our scholars
Without mentioning the name of The places where
he is located But it is a very
good statement Concerning this matter Which subhanallah He
receives a lot of curses From people because
of this He says He says He says
What is istibdad?
Dictatorship Dictatorship is better than Fawda Fawda means
chaos Wallah is better than chaos You know
you go to your house You walk You
drive your car You come sometimes at night
You know back home You are not afraid
of anything Maybe except the boars That come
from the forest And snakes next to your
house Wallah in some places Where the authority
is gone You cannot do this People have
to carry their own guns To protect their
family And their houses Your house has been
taken Brother was saying that He doesn't know
the condition Of his house in his country
When is he going to get it back?
Allahu alam Allahu alam So he says And
that's true And this is extracted from the
statement Of the Salaf as-Saleh So he
was given an example He says there is
a place You know Before the government is
gone He said there is a place Which
subhanallah Used to be one of the most
peaceful places Used to be one of the
most peaceful places In that country And then
he says In one week or two weeks
Yeah in one week He said twice People
will come in their car A woman is
just walking You know as usual The place
is very peaceful A group of people will
come in the car They will stop the
car next to her By force they put
her in the car And run away He
said even in their dream So that happens
When there is no government Yeah because that
policeman Even if you don't agree with what
he is doing If he is not good
he takes bribe But his presence Is enough
to scare the enemies Yeah His presence is
enough to scare the enemies Knowing that he
does exist in a place Is enough to
scare the enemies But now we don't We
don't have them So please let's understand this
matter So they said If we don't have
a khalifa A fitna is going to take
place amongst the Muslims So they insisted That
he has to take the bayah So he
accepted at the end of the day They
gave him the bayah And Talha and Zubair
Gave him the bayah Let's highlight this Talha
and Zubair They gave him the bayah Why
did they give him the bayah?
Because they believe He is the most qualified
person to give the bayah Those companions they
don't joke If they don't agree they tell
you we don't agree Companions are not like
us Do muhabbat Smile and then keep quiet
when something is wrong Companions no They will
tell They will use their own wisdom But
they will tell you So Talha and Zubair
they gave him the bayah They went to
Umrah They went to Mecca to perform Umrah
After that So they met Aisha she was
in Mecca So they discussed the matter of
The assassination of Uthman Because Uthman is somehow
related to them So they discussed the matter
of assassination of Uthman And the conclusion amongst
them is that They have to move to
the place where Ali bin Abi Talib is
located Where was he?
Basra At that time because Most of the
people who Contributed to the bayah they were
there So he needs support To be able
to lead the Muslims peacefully He was in
need of leaving Medina Medina is more beloved
to him than any other place But that
was necessary For him to move So I
will take action in my own way Because
these people Who came to Medina to kill
Uthman bin Affan How many are they?
Three thousand Three thousand people Imagine if the
Muslim community is going to fight them How
many bloodshed is going to take place in
A lot A lot of people are going
to lose their life And those people they
don't care Why do I say they don't
Whoever comes to kill Uthman bin Affan Do
you think he will care to kill The
sisters and the kids And the weak people
in the community He will not bother to
do that So Ali bin Abi Talib has
Really really really a point Big point here
He doesn't want us to just go and
fight Because it's going to be really chaos
So he told them Let these people first
request And then I will take action gradually
Slowly slowly we take action against them Yeah
we just point at one of them Okay
you That is a case against you that
you killed Uthman bin Affan And we will
open our own thorough investigation In the way
he will not escape Okay we get rid
of this one Another one we get rid
of him Another one we get rid of
him By doing this we will get rid
of all of those leaders who brought them
The rest when they go back Inshallah we
will be able to fix the issue But
we need these leaders But how to get
We need to be very very professional And
using wisdom in that regard But Aisha and
Talha and Zubair They don't see what Ali
bin Abi Talib is seeing He said So
they have differences amongst them because of this
So now you see Talha went right And
Talha and Zubair went to Ali bin Abi
Talib right Is there any possibility for these
ones to reconcile And come and agree upon
Is there any possibility?
Yes there is Big possibility actually Those people
who assassinated Uthman They know what is going
on They are monitoring the situation Because who
brought them actually in the first place?
Abdullah ibn Sabah He wasn't a Muslim actually
He is monitoring the situation closely He will
never let this to happen So that's why
those people who are part of the assassination
They were afraid of Uthman Ali bin Abi
Talib making an agreement And a conclusion between
him and Talha And if this happens that
means that these are numbered Because when the
Quwah of Ali bin Abi Talib Together with
the Quwah of Sham Comes together They cannot
do anything Because they have no place in
Sham that much They might have some place
more in Iraq than Sham And if the
people of Iraq also are with Ali bin
Abi Talib Ali bin Abi Talib his decision
is Now cooperate and go and get them
all together But they know that these are
numbered They said they are the outsiders Ali
bin Abi Talib So they will start a
war between the two groups So that was
the reason why They break out the war
between the two people You get it?
Because they understand that if Ali agreed Uthman
agreed then they will be in trouble They
said let us just create a fighting between
the two Let them get busy with themselves
So this is when the battle of Jamal
took place In
the Hadith of Abu Rafi The Prophet s
.a.w. told Ali bin Abi Talib He
says there is going to be something between
you and Aisha He said, I?
He says me?
Ali bin Abi Talib told the Prophet s
.a.w. I am going to have a
problem with Aisha He took it too far
This is Aisha Wife of Rasulullah s.a
.w I am going to have an issue
with Aisha Rasulullah s.a.w said yes
He said yes, you are going to have
an issue with Aisha He said He said
if this is the case then that means
I am the worst amongst them I am
the worst person amongst the Umar of Muhammad
s.a.w at that time Having an
issue with the wife of Rasulullah s.a
.w Then that means I am really the
worst He said no The Prophet s.a
.w said no Don?t think in that
way, it?s not like that You are
not, at all He said But if that
is the case The Prophet s.a.w
told him, he said no But if that
happened That you are going to have an
issue with Aisha If that fitna happened He
said He said just make sure that you
take her back to her own peaceful place
Place of security Subhanallah You see they came
to the place And Aisha, Talha and Zubair
They managed to convince Aisha to come Not
to fight We will see what they told
her And that?s what history confirmed to
us, the true history Not the fake one
Not the fake one If you take from
the fake one, you will see a lot
of stories Which are all fake, designed by
the Shia To let you understand that the
side of Muawiyah is always evil And always
bad And also designed by the Nawasib Nawasib,
they are the opposite of the Shia The
Shia, they hate any companion of the Prophet
s.a.w Except Ali ibn Abi Talib,
Kadhi ibn Wazura and Hussain They claim they
love them and this is also a lie
They don?t like anyone They don?t
like anyone And the Nawasib, they hate Ali
ibn Abi Talib and the family members of
Rasulullah s.a.w You get it?
These ones are there and these ones are
there That?s why Manhaj of Ahl as
-Sunnah is a privilege Being from the Ahl
as-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah, Wallah is never
Who do you hate from among the companions?
None, whatsoever We love them, all of them
With no exception Anyone who happens to be
a companion of the Prophet s.a.w
Actually, we worship Allah s.w.t. through
loving them The one that Allah s.w
.t. is pleased with, we are pleased with
that person We don?t have any issue
with him Actually, when we scrutinize and criticize
the chain of narration of a hadith When
we reach a companion, we stop Case closed
Whoever that companion might be, we don?t
care Because Allah says More than enough Allah
s.w.t. says they are all okay
And we are okay with this Yeah?
We are okay with this and we are
happy with this And we put them on
top And these are the role model in
the Ummah of Muhammad s.a.w As
the Shia says Those are my forefathers, so
bring me one like him If a group
of emigrants come to the mosques I swear
by Allah After the Prophet s.a.w.,
you see After the Prophet s.a.w.,
amongst the human beings Nobody, nobody ever did
a favor on us more than the companions
of the Prophet s.a.w. Many of
them lost their life So that we can
have Islam with us I swear by Allah
Many of them lost their life Although we
don?t call it a loss They went
back to Allah s.w.t. for a
better life But they also want to live
They preferred that one And why did they
prefer that one?
They know that they are going to live
this life Probably if they participate in those
battles Because they want Islam to reach us
peacefully And we got it Because of them
we are able to have these classes I
swear by Allah We are told that one
of them reached a place and he said
That?s the extent of my ability Beyond
this place, there are people living in that
We will keep moving They left their families
They left their loved ones Many of them
will never be able to come back and
see their family members And they don?t
care about that That?s why There is
no way for a nation to succeed As
long as they touch the companions of the
Prophet s.a.w. This is the red
line in our life Red line Touching the
companions of the Prophet s.a.w. is
a red line And these are the real
Awliya of Allah s.w.t And Allah
s.w.t says One of our scholars
of Hadith I can?t recall his name
He?s a great scholar in Medina From
India Very great scholar among the Muhaddithin In
creating Hadith I was there when he was
narrating A story of one of those criminals
who were cursing Abu Huraira He says I
managed to visit his place And subhanAllah it
happens that that was the time he was
about to die He said narrate this Hadith
from me, not from second hand He said
the eyewitness And you know these people, what
kind of color they have He said he
turned to very dark You can see the
darkness on his face And throughout his final
breath he was saying Ah Abu Huraira That
?s how he completed his life Ah Abu
Huraira Ah Abu Huraira Until the time Allah
s.w.t got rid of him His
Khatul Ahmar Touching the companions of the Prophet
s.a.w. And when a person curses
a companion Who is he cursing?
Rasulullah Rasulullah Not only Rasul Allah s.w
.t He curses He curses Rasulullah s.a
.w. He curses the companions Because who chose
the companions to be the companions of Rasulullah
So when he curses them He is sending
a message to who?
That he doesn t know how to choose
The good people for his best amongst the
creation Because Allah chose them to be around
Rasulullah s.a.w. If somebody curses them
He is sending a message to Allah s
.w.t That his choice is wrong That
?s a curse against Rabbul Alameen And if
he is cursing them He is also cursing
Rasulullah s.a.w. Because he is saying
that Rasulullah s.a.w. doesn?t know
how to choose And in our life Is
there anyone who can convince you that he
is okay If all of his friends are
corrupt Nobody will agree with him All of
his friends are corrupt Maybe he is the
lightest one That he did not expose his
evilness in the way they are doing But
he does also what they are doing All
of his friends are corrupt and bad ones
How can he convince people that he is
okay When you want to know about a
person Don?t ask about him Ask about
his companions first Because usually people follow their
companions When you check about a person Check
about the people who are around him first
Before you start checking about him To have
a better clue On where are you supposed
to be starting And you curse the deen
Because the deen Is supposed to be transferred
to us Through a trustworthy people When I
say that the deen is transferred to us
By the evil and wrongdoers And kuffar also
they call them What does that mean The
evil to the deen You get it That
?s why a nation will never succeed When
they start touching the companions of the prophet
So it?s a ne'mah from Allah for
us to be amongst the Ahlus Sunnah So
Ali bin Abi Talha and Zubair Talked to
Aisha and they agreed To move to Basra
to talk to Ali bin Abi Talib To
pass those people And Ali bin Abi Talib
did not agree And those people they are
afraid of You know reconciliation They did everything
possible to make sure That the battle took
place And that?s how the battle of
Jamal happened Subhanallah In some of the mentions
of Ibn Kathir We lost 30,000 Muslims
Not 3,000 Not 300, 30,000 Muslims
Subhanallah Assalamualaikum So Ali bin Abi Talib was
in fighting for the sake of fighting And
Aisha was not there to fight actually And
Talha and Zubair were not there to fight
All of them went For the sake of
reconciliation and sulh Although the army followed them
Because they are going to also meet an
army You get it But the intention of
those leaders is to see How to sit
together And take everyone back Because if they
don?t go to the place They will
still go The army will still meet And
it?s going to be a tragedy At
least 3 of them are there Plus Ali
bin Abi Talib To see how to fight
And put all the effort to make sure
That the Muslims do not fight each other
So the qital between them happened And Aisha
was almost going to be killed Precisely in
the way Rasulallah s.a.w. said He
said She managed to escape After being almost
Almost what?
Being killed Because the fighters reached the camp
of Aisha So the Muslims come back Everyone
who is having What do you call?
Ru'ah in Islam Who was there not
to fight Not for the sake of fighting
itself They kept on rushing to the camp
of Aisha To make sure that she is
protected Because this is going to be A
big tragedy in the Ummah The wife of
Rasulallah s.a.w. Is being killed at
that place They managed to protect her From
those criminals Who are aiming to meet her
So only after When the legs of that
camp were taken And Aisha fell down And
they managed to chase away everyone Ali bin
Abi Talib He himself accompanied Aisha To the
place of security Like what Rasulallah s.a
.w. told him They have pure hearts He
did not say she brought the army to
me No Deen is number one in their
heart That's why he took her back To
the place of security and peace It
is one of the evidences That we can
use To support the fact that Aisha And
Talha and Zubayr They never went to that
place to fight Is that narration of Al
-Hakim From the Tariq of Qais bin Abi
Hazim When Aisha reached Some of the homes
of Bani Amir When Aisha reached When Aisha
reached On the way to the To Basra
The place where the battle happened So on
the way She passed through The houses of
Bani Amir Dogs started barking So he said
Which water is this?
She asked people who were with her She
said which water is this?
They said this is Ma'ul Hawab It
is a place near Al-Basra It is
a very old place A place near Al
-Basra So she told them which place is
They told her this is Hawab She said
I am really going to go back I
cannot continue Nobody knows why was she saying
this She said I am going to go
back You have to go He
said please don't go back Come If people
see you Allah is going to reconcile between
them Because of you being in existence in
that place Subhanallah You can see what he
told her He said please continue Because we
have big hope They will listen to what
you are saying She said no I am
going to go back They asked her why
She said He said what do you think
will happen to one of you When the
dogs of Hawab are barking on her He
came to the house one day And he
was very annoyed And then he told them
Who is that amongst you This is another
narration Abdullah ibn Abbas said He told his
wife The
Prophet came to the house And he was
very annoyed And he told the wives He
said who is that person amongst you That
will go out of her house And she
will be going out of the house On
the camel that is Adbab Adbab means it
has a lot of hair on the forehead
With a lot of hair So it has
a lot of hair on the forehead All
of these things that the Prophet also mentioned
Happened precisely So when she hears that She
said I am going to go back The
Prophet said She will go out of the
house Until the time the dogs of Hawab
Will bark on her And so many people
will be killed On her right side And
also the left side She will manage to
escape After being almost Into that level of
being Almost being killed By those criminals So
Aisha told them I am going to go
back But then they told her No you
have to continue Why do we need you
to continue Because we want the Muslims to
reflect And not to fight each other So
this is against What was said by the
enemies Of Allah SWT That Aisha went to
fight Aisha never went to fight in that
place She is aware of what The Prophet
said She did not go But she was
just convinced And Subhanallah Aisha whenever she Read
the saying of Allah SWT And stay home
He is talking to whom The wives of
the Prophet SAW Directly and indirectly To the
rest of the wives of the believers That
staying home When they don't need to go
out Is better for them Is better for
the community And better for everyone If they
need to go out is ok They are
like anybody else But then the liberalists Will
never let you understand The correct approach of
the ayah They will tell you that this
is Restricting the woman's freedom Yes They were
right That we are restricting that freedom Because
it is being Misused by the liberalists And
those bad ones The most One of the
most precious Element in our community And I
am saying this not to make Some people
happy, no This is how it is There
is a status and a position Of women
in our community We believe in that This
is what we learned from The time of
the Prophet SAW If they accept it What
Allah SWT brought them And put them in
And the position that Allah SWT Brought them
And they never get lost Until the time
they Refuse to take the advice of Allah
SWT and the Prophet SAW And you know
Allah SWT says Allah SWT doesn't oppress anyone
Go read the history And then come back
to Islam And see what Islam does And
how much blessing Allah SWT put And grant
the sisters in Islam No woman ever enjoy
what Our sisters are enjoying So when they
started saying We don't want Allah SWT usually
let a person Face the consequences of life
Alone Criminals are a lot And everyone stretching
his hand Wants to get from them But
Allah SWT put them in That highly protected
position Where even the enemies of Allah SWT
they have The prestige when they meet them
So that when she agrees To take the
religion seriously Allah SWT Follow the Sunnah of
the Prophet SAW Read the life of the
wife of Muhammad SAW and follow that one
Wallahi she will succeed And the real real
queen will exist Because in our community Women
are queens If they want to be As
I always mentioned that They're the only one
who can say I don't want to work
I don't want to do anything And I
just want to stay in one place And
somebody has to go And tell them what
they need To live Somebody has to do
it You as a man you can't do
that You will be blamed Islamically for you
to do that And if nobody is supporting
her The community will be blamed That's why
I always mention And I'm serious on this
Any community on earth Where a woman has
to work You know we're not talking about
Halal or haram It's halal for everyone to
work We're all equal in this regard But
I'm just talking about How Allah SWT Or
the Sharia want us to live Any place
where she has to go And look for
earning For her to live Definitely that community
Is not functioning properly Any Muslim community Where
she has to go out And look for
earning Wallahi that community Is not doing the
right thing But we're living in a time
Where they have to sell their honour And
dignity They have to suffer in the way
The brothers are suffering Where Islam did not
choose for them this In any place where
They're accepting this And all of these things
You see the rate of divorce is At
the increase And then what happens?
Corruption There will be no property To our
younger generation And life will be Not
correctly There's no criticism against anyone Whatever Allah
SWT says Is actually for our own benefit
Allah doesn't need it, we need it We
just need to trust and follow Whenever she
leaves this place Allah SWT is advising The
wife of Rasulallah To maintain their houses And
when they happen to go out Because it's
halal For a woman to go out It's
up to her And the agreement between her
and Her husband that she's living with Allah
says Whenever they need to go out When
they go out Staying home is better But
if you happen to go out Because of
education That's why going to the masjid For
a sister Is it better or praying at
Everyone will tell you this However if there
are Dars in the masjid Things that are
beneficial to her It's better for her to
pray in the masjid And attain the dars
And then go back with something That will
increase her iman And whatever is going to
take her out of the house She goes
like anybody else But Allah SWT says Don't
do the tabaruj What is tabaruj?
Not wearing the hijab correctly Not putting the
hijab The ruqam is to put the hijab
And not to wear the perfume that smells
Because naturally if you wear the perfume When
you pass through the people They will look
Everyone has to look And that's against the
saying of Allah SWT So that's why
Rasulallah SWT said Whoever does it And goes
and passes through the people She's committing zina
until she comes back home And Alhamdulillah Nowadays
we don't have excuses right?
Because if you complain that yes If you
don't put those roll-ons and deodorants A
person might smell But nowadays we have Those
that don't smell They give you what you
need And they don't smell They have a
nice smell But it's just restricted in its
own place You pass people they don't hear
They don't smell anything So subhanallah we don't
have excuses But shaytan will never let us
succeed in this So my sister going to
the masjid He told her My dear sister
where do you think you're going?
She said to the masjid He said go
back home Go and remove the perfume you
put Because I heard the Prophet SAW saying
this and that And he narrated the hadith
to her So these are all any principles
That helps a person to be well protected
in this Ummah of ours Wallahi This is
my message to my sisters Hijab, complete hijab
Wallahi is honour And the only protection you
have after Islam That's the hijab Those people
who are honest They will tell you their
life before the hijab And how much protection
they get after the hijab We have heard
a lot We have witnessed situations Whereby sisters
get I mean they got themselves into trouble
Because of the way they dress Nobody to
be blamed Except them But Allah imposed it
on them For their own protection In Surah
Al-Ahzab he says Let them wear the
hijab correctly It is the best way for
them to be protected And not to receive
harm from the community This ayah is still
applicable Until the day of judgement So I
really advise my sisters To stick to the
religion of Allah Maintain your hijab Don't accept
any discussion On this matter Up to date
we are still discussing Whether it is okay
or not okay Wallahi the enemies are just
laughing at us I think it is the
time for every sister To understand the battle
against her Identify what Rasulullah ﷺ Advises her
to do Just stick to that Don't tolerate
any discussion on this matter Already been done
And people are just going to put doubt
in you And once you start having doubt
All of the people that I know Or
to be more accurate Most of the people
that I know Who used to have the
full adherence To the hijab in Islam And
they accepted doubt to come They left it
No more That's what Shaytan wants And you
have those simple ones They have little knowledge
But they are still holding upon That which
they believe is The advice of Rabbul Alameen
for them Allah grant us good and Tawfiq
So Aisha radiallahu anha Whenever she read this
ayah She cried She used to say I
wish I did not go out And when
she met Abdullah ibn Umar She used to
tell Abdullah ibn Umar Yeah Abdullah ibn Umar
Why didn't you This Abdullah ibn Umar is
a young companion But subhanallah All the companions
respect him They respect everyone But they have
special respect to this one So she told
him Why didn't you remind me You know
that you are the only one That if
you talk to me I will listen I
wish you talk to me Because if you
talk to me I would never go out
of my house He said Yeah Umar I
am very sorry I was actually going to
approach you And tell you not to go
But then I saw Talha and Zubair Having
a discussion with you And those ones are
way better than me And they are older
than me Talha and Zubair Most likely they
are number 2 or 3 or 4 Because
right after Abu Bakr accepted Islam He invited
them immediately And they joined That means they
are very early in their religion Very dedicated
You can see even Allah gave them paradise
And they are still alive They are among
the ten best companions of the Prophet So
he said I saw them with you Then
I felt shy of approaching you Because I
did not know the discussion I know that
it is something That is related to this
matter So I did not want to go
And cause any friction Between you and them
Concerning whatever you have agreed upon He said
I wish you reach me Because if you
talk to me I would not go Even
though they talk to me But if you
are to tell me not to go I
would not do it So anyway I guess
This is a very good lesson for us
All of us to understand their position Because
many of our brothers and sisters Have been
deceived In the past there was a debate
Whether top and big leadership Whether women can
be Khalifa or not Big debate And nowadays
the liberalists Will have this Question Being a
leader Is it something enjoyable I mean wisely
Think about the responsibility Is it something that
is enjoyable In the past actually They used
to run away from it If you read
the sunnah of the Prophet About being a
leader Trust me you will not look for
it You have to be forced by the
Khalifa to accept Wallahi if you know the
responsibility You will never agree to go But
then when I see Some of our sisters
Fighting and talking against Islam I was like
For what for this Actually wallahi This is
supposed to be He exempted you from it
Wallahi They are supposed to say Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah
Ya Rabbul Alameen Shukr to you Ya Allah
That I am not involved in this Somebody
is involved And I am not required to
lead If you have this It should be
as a privilege Something that you will see
As a blessing from Allah But the enemies
of the sisters Will never let us relax
In the past they were happy That this
is how the system is Because a leader
doesn't rest Some of them subhanallah They have
a lot of heart issues Stress every time
It doesn't fit A sister To always be
in a state of stress I wish they
listen Wallahi it doesn't fit To always be
pressured To always be in a state of
stress We need her to remain calm So
that she can handle A situation That is
actually much bigger Than that one Much bigger
than that one Because if that responsibility Is
not being done properly And if the sister
is always In a state of pressure and
stress She will not be able to do
Her job correctly And it's going to affect
The life of the community entirely And that
will be worse Than what we receive From
the corrupt leaders When the society is corrupt
And that's more dangerous Than any individual That
is having corruption on top So please let's
understand This as simple things Life here on
earth Is not permanent We're all living here
temporarily Make sure you go back To Allah
subhanallah peacefully And you do your job correctly
And be happy with that Which Allah subhanallah
granted you And he puts you in a
better place And that's how I learned And
came across The life of a woman in
Islam The real one Not the one we
have in our communities Not the real one
Because some of the life We have in
some communities Is extraordinary evil Against the sisters
But this is not Islam It's cultural practices
Up to this we have In many places
I know you know places Where women are
forced To choose who she wants to be
As a husband She will be married to
a person Like a slave You know the
way you buy people You might say I'm
exaggerating I'm not That's how some people Sell
their daughters Although they don't go and say
Okay how much you buy How much you
do But what is the difference Between how
much you buy And
what is the difference Between the slave that
you force him To go and stay with
somebody I can't believe Why is it How
is it possible for me To put my
daughter Under somebody that she doesn't want Even
if this person is khalifa If your daughter
says She doesn't like him If you force
her to go That's injustice in Islam Omar
radiallahu anhu Was rejected by who I'm sorry
Daughter of Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu Daughter of
Abu Bakr rejected him And they told her
Wake up this is Omar radiallahu anhu I
mean this is khalifa of the Muslims You
know they don't expect A woman on earth
to say no to Omar People are happy
to come And just see him who he
is You know But she said I don't
want Why she said no he is so
harsh I don't want Omar was not harsh
To the Muslim communities Only against the criminals
But that The norm In the heart of
the people That Omar is really really harsh
She is not going to tolerate That kind
of life that she expects To have with
Omar radiallahu anhu Omar his wife shout at
him If he He has to Why not
Why not He went to the house of
Omar And then he knock on the door
But then he heard the wife also Talking
raising of her voice And Omar was listening
One punch maybe she will reach The graveyard
already you know But he was listening Yeah
He has to He has to You are
going to reach that situation Inshallah if I'm
still alive You agree to marry Adam is
going to say Yeah So Omar was listening
And the man told him He left the
house He said I came to complain about
my wife And then I heard yours also
Is raising of her voice So if you
cannot stop the one in your house How
can you stop mine He said what do
you expect me to do What's wrong with
that Actually Leave Omar aside Rasulallah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam His wife also sometimes talk When
Hafsa said When his wife talk She raise
of his voice He said you raise of
your voice against me She said who are
you Why not The wives of Rasulallah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam Are also talking like this
sometimes So now Omar Omar now he doesn't
want to discuss with her About his case
with her He said wait a minute Now
he forgot that he is fighting How she
is fighting him He said wait a minute
You also do this Rasulallah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam She said yes Because Rasulallah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam Was living with them as a
husband Yeah that's why they have a chance
To tell him yes no And that's the
best life You are a scholar You are
a Mufti You are the king That's you
But not your wife And not your children
at home They should have that absolute freedom
If there is something wrong They should tell
you If you don't open the door to
that Who will be harmed at the end
of the day You Because they will see
wrong things And they will never remind you
So that's a very good You know objection
Adam that he brought Which led me also
to knock on the head Of our brothers
The sister's death is coming later But now
I start with the brothers first Many of
us are not doing the right thing In
life Please readdress the way you think In
life And those of you who are not
yet to come Please prepare for that You
know many many many many of us Are
very harsh Extraordinary harsh The wives they have
no place And they have no position in
their life And then tomorrow They want to
move forward And you know what I meant
by that Life is messy here And then
he wants to move forward But is he
going to do with the other one Also
he brings Also the same scenario Rasulullah s
.a.w. was not like that Good people
are not like that You know And if
she's responsible what she did You cannot do
it Trust me what she did She's doing
you can't do it You know You cannot
do it Even if you do it It
is going to be temporary And the success
she is making You cannot make that success
Yeah That's that's reality This is what was
said by Khawla Bintu She said Khawla Bintu
She said Ya Rasulullah I have children If
I leave my children to the husband They
will die out of hunger Because he has
no time for them Wallahi I have seen
this I personally I see this I believe
Every one of us that is responsible To
provide for the family Is also like that
I've been into the situation You know The
time the family had to be in the
hospital Just like that And then I became
the mother And the father at the same
time Trust me Even how to put the
nappy On the youngest one I don't know
The kids were telling me what to do
I'm laughing when I twist it I put
it in the wrong way They told their
mother when she came back That dad doesn't
know how to do this And trust me
Before I even read the Hadith of Khawla
I was actually getting Into that which she
was afraid of The first time they ate
Because I live my life like this Many
times I eat the first meal After Maghrib
The party became like that I forgot that
I'm living with those Masakeen You get it?
They reminded me after Asr One of them
said Dad why can't you do something Like
what our mother used to do So embarrassing
I woke up in the morning I didn't
know what to do The house is scattered
You know it used to be neat But
now everything is In whatever place you can
mention I didn't know what to start with
And where to begin I started saying Definitely
these people are doing A good job and
we don't see it And I'm telling you
Every single person is like that As long
as this woman is responsible She is like
that She needs what?
Support I'm not saying this to make somebody
happy But this is our religion This is
the life of Muhammad You are Allah Less
emotional support You don't want to get involved
physically But at least emotional support I will
describe her husband She said She
said my husband When he gets into the
house He becomes like Fahad Fahad, you know
Fahad right?
No, a lion Lion is Asad Are you
sure it's that one?
It's not a cheetah?
Fahad I think is a cheetah They said
the fastest animal Right, okay then that means
It's my ignorance No, no, no No, no,
no It is not necessary Actually the vast
majority of those animals Also they don't exist
But they know them And they know their
nature They rarely come to those places But
the one she was saying She said this
animal sleeps a lot So she just want
people to understand That when he comes back
home He was very lenient to everyone His
wife doesn't need to worry When he is
at home His children don't need to worry
Most of us when we come back home
It's a disaster To the house Everyone has
to stop Whatever they are doing they have
to Because we control everything in the house
Whatever they touch we have to comment on
that Life is terrible with us That's why
most of our kids Don't want to stay
with us And guess why Why they don't
want to stay with us Because they don't
know What file are we going to open
Because whenever they stay with us We are
going to, why did you do this Why
didn't you do this So she said my
husband is like this However when he goes
out of the house Acid, he is like
a lion She doesn't want anyone to understand
That the husband is weak She said at
home he is very lenient Soft, tolerant But
when she goes out He is acid Very
serious person But not with the family And
I'm saying this also Not to say that
you have to be Lenient in the wrong
way No, discipline has to take place in
the family But discipline in the way of
Rasulallah Exactly Inshallah May Allah Almighty grant us
Good and Tawfiq So I was talking about
that one And I said it's really inappropriate
For somebody to force His daughter to accept
I mean to sit with somebody That she
doesn't want to stay with I believe it's
haram Although there are some scholars Who said
it's okay for a father To force her
to stay I believe it's haram, it's wrong
For him to do that He should consult
her He should accept from her what she
wants If she doesn't like, let him go
Umar radiallahu anhu When he asked for the
hand of The daughter of Abu Bakr And
she said I don't like him They told
her How can you reject Umar al-Khalifa
She said I don't want him And subhanallah
Did they force her?
No Aisha radiallahu anhu Sent somebody to Umar
To go and tell him that She said
she's not interested in it Did Umar get
offended and say She doesn't like kids clothes
He doesn't say Come on You guys are
the guardian You should force her to accept
this good And privilege I'm actually doing a
favor to her Umar never said this Subhanallah
Allah swt has chosen for him Something better
He proposed to Umar The daughter of Ali
ibn Abi Talib So he's more closer to
The family members of Rasulallah That one accepted
him I don't have so much To address
the first part How is it possible in
our time We sell our daughters In the
name of culture Recently I heard About the
one that The parents, the mother May Allah
guide her And fix her thinking She is
saying to the daughter We have invested in
you We have spent a lot It's like
a business These are their words And we
will never agree With you to be the
one Who will choose the husband you want
to stay We choose for you And you
have to agree And you have to accept
it And what do we generate from this
Disobedience and having marriage Amongst our kids With
other people Adam this thing is dead Can
I use my phone here No need You
can bring it Temporarily You can
give me your side Temporarily So What
was I saying So I was saying How
can a mother Tell the daughter That we
have invested in you And you will never
be the one That will choose your partner
By yourself So that's against The sunnah of
the Prophet Also injustice For us to do
this So to conclude this issue May Allah
grant us An ability to Think wisely and
to understand The sunnah of Rasulallah On this
matter And also a message To all of
our sisters To understand The one who loves
you You Allah Nobody loves you more than
Yeah Whether we like it or we don't
like it Nobody loves us more than And
I really advise you to pay attention And
to take it a very serious matter Very
serious matter That whenever Allah swt tells you
to do something Just do it Precisely according
to the way Allah swt wants it And
don't worry And stick to your hijab Improve
your iman Go to any class that you
will Have an increase in the iman And
when it comes to looking for a partner
Look for somebody who qualifies Good manners And
taqwa of Allah swt And somebody who is
responsible Not somebody who just looks pretty But
no responsibility You will suffer in the future
You will not enjoy that The handsomeness and
the way he looks You need somebody who
is willing To preserve your religion So pay
attention to all of these Subhanallah Filthy and
shallow things of this dunya Aim for Allah
swt's pleasure And also understand that life here
is temporary Temporary And a day will come
inshallah We will all move to Allah swt
You will appreciate your patience Allah swt grant
us good and tawfiq And be with us
wherever we are Subhanallah Astaghfirullah Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi
wabarakatuh Yes
That's how you plan to scare me You
have class after maghrib Ok So just tell
me we have class after maghrib today Cut
the questions short Not that we have 60
questions Anyway let me start with you some
questions Inshallah I will try to answer every
question In not more than 20 minutes You
accept that?
I said 20 minutes for every question If
you say that If you say that Are
there any other command from Rasulallah That means
something else Because you mentioned that he As
a husband he would command his wife to
do something And they would say no But
then Rasulallah His commands are wahi I mean
not wahi but it becomes religion And he
says So how can we reconcile No it's
still there That qailah is still there applicable
But the companions of Rasulallah They do understand
and differentiate Between the command that necessitates acceptance
And they do understand advice While Rasulallah They
know that this is a conversation Between the
husband and the wife And it's a matter
of They choosing or they rejecting And Rasulallah
gave them that But he never commanded them
command From Allah swt And they refuse to
our knowledge Do they do like anybody else
But when it comes to his life Between
him and them as a husband They live
with him as a husband And wives You
get it And that's the best way to
make it In the house you forget your
position Come back to your wife As her
husband You cannot say I'm the king I'm
the leader I'm the prime minister That's outside
the house Inside the house is another dimension
Actually we call her ministry of Internal or
home affairs right This is her own territory
You don't come and dictate How you want
the house to be Of course the general
overview of the house And the discipline yes
comes from your side But every single thing
here Put this here, put this here, come
on What kind of life is this So
Rasulallah s.a.w. was living with them
As a husband Barakallah Jazakallah khair sheikh Ameen
First question is my brother Abdullah Assalamu alaikum
wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu sheikh I have a
question about rain Sometimes people say rain comes
Because it's raining season Without attributing it to
Allah Like example in December It's usually rainy
season in Malaysia Is this form of shirk
Inshallah I don't think they meant that one
Inshallah I don't think they meant That December
is the one who is making the rain
If they intended that That rain is coming
because of December That's shirk But I don't
think people intended that It's better to just
Attribute it to Allah s.w.t all
the time But I don't think people When
they say that December is the rain season
This is just normal It's very normal But
when he believes that December is the cause
of the rain Then that's shirk He has
to repent to Allah s.w.t And
the cause of rain is Rabbul Alameen That's
why you have sometimes The time where the
rain used to come But it doesn't come
Because the one who is in control Is
Rabbul Alameen Whatever explanation you are going to
have Is just explanation But the real explanation
is that Allah doesn't want it to come
at that time Yes Next question is by
sister Maud Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh There
is a question by sister She was divorced
recently And her family brother Who used to
support Who is supposed to provide for her
Isn't providing The brother inherited business from her
father Should she fight for her rights To
be provided by the brother Since the business
is owned by the father Or can she
resort to work?
What can she ask for her rights In
the inheritance Right, if I do understand the
question correctly This is the father's business And
the father is dead, right She should ask
for the right to inherit She is part
of that business Either they distribute the business
Or they share the profit with her According
to the way Allah s.w.t prescribed
They have to Next question is by Assalamualaikum
wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Someone told me that
The narration regarding Who did not carry out
Any form of hands for theft During famine
Is fabricated and false Can you please rectify
My understanding if I am wrong To my
knowledge it is not fabricated But these are
just few cases That we generalize And we
don't need to reject something That is already
established by the history For us to establish
the truth They are trying to say that
Umar did not apply the Sharia And this
is wrong and fake And lying against Umar
For his life But those people who are
saying this They are very ignorant They don't
know what the Sharia is all about Sharia
has a lot of alternatives In cases and
situations where The seriousness cannot be afforded When
you cannot pray standing What do you do?
You sit down and pray When you cannot
sit you lie down When you travel you
cannot fast You break your fast and fast
another time When you are sick you can't
fast You fast another time And there is
no available food except pig Can you eat
Yes, you have to eat to live You
get it?
So in the time of Umar There was
a time when there is a famine And
drought and people are starving So some people
stole something to live And to survive and
Umar Did not cut off the hand of
those people Because they were doing it out
of necessity Right?
If they do it out of necessity Who
legalized taking somebody else's property To live?
It is permitted by Allah To take that
thing So when Umar did not cut off
their hand What is he applying?
Sharia There was no time when Umar never
applied the Sharia He was applying the Sharia
Because Sharia says in the case of necessity
A person is allowed to do this And
Umar allows that Because Sharia allows it So
we have to understand things correctly Even if
the story is not authentic We have a
reply Whether it is authentic or not These
are history narrations And we need to understand
them correctly Question from the audience The person
who drinks khamr He will be here 40
times If he drinks it a lot To
survive or medical Question from the audience The
person who drinks wine Umar increased it to
80 That is the reason why some scholars
said Actually this is not had It is
not had Because hudud Hudud A khalifa cannot
modify them When Umar brings the companions And
sits with them And discuss the matter with
them And they all agree to make it
80 All of them including Ali bin Abi
Talib They all agree to make it 80
We learn from this that this is not
had And that is why Ali bin Abi
Talib said Rasulullah s.a.w. beat a
person 40 times Abu Bakr also 40 And
Uthman also 40 And the first two years
of the life of Umar also 40 And
then Umar sees that people are very negligent
He kept on increasing the drinking of the
wine He said let's increase the punishment All
the companions agreed That means it is not
had The good idea is ta'zeer But
ta'zeer is based on the discretion of
the khalifa And also we don't generalize and
call it ta'zeer ta'zeer But this
is restricted ta'zeer As a leader nowadays
We only have two options You take 40
or you take 80 But that was the
thing that was taken By the companions of
the Prophet s.a.w. We don't go
below, we don't go above Either 80 or
40 You have to restrict yourself to those
ones Because that was the choice of the
companions Of Rasulullah s.a.w. Again Can
we have one or two more?
Ok The next question is by Fatima As
-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu In case
of riba Normally the wife doesn't carry the
sin Of her husband Buying a house or
car with ribawi loan But in case of
the wife Asking or encouraging her husband To
buy the ribawi loan Is she sinful?
Yes Definitely she is committing the sin Of
advising him to do that And she will
get a portion of that sin also And
that shows how bad And evil supporter she
is to that husband That confirms what Allah
s.w.t. says Which is always true
Some of your spouses are enemies of you
Any wife or husband That will push the
wife to commit sin Advise them to go
ahead With something that they know this is
sin Wallahi this is not a good partner
for them If they are not willing to
change It's better for them to stay away
from them And look for somebody else Your
partner should be somebody Who monitor your activities
and fix you And advise you in the
right way So husband is pushing the wife
He is not being a good husband Wife
is pushing the husband to commit sin She
is not being a good wife May Allah
grant us good Sheikh there is a second
part for this question The insurance will pay
the debt Of the person who took loan
After they passed away Perhaps inshallah Does this
mean the person Doesn't have debt when they
passed away?
Doesn't have what?
When they passed away Is there no debt
on him?
Debt remains on his shoulder Until the time
it is settled If the debt is being
paid Then case closed If the debt is
being paid And that person is released So
you have the Problem of debt insurance That
is not based on sharia That problem remains
But this debt is being settled You get
In his name And that person doesn't believe
He has right over him Inshallah the case
is closed But then between him and Allah
Is what is between him and Allah Concerning
that insurance Whether it is ok or not
Last question Question by brother Shajjad Peace be
upon you Those who we did not address
their question Please support inshallah on Thursday Why
Why not Riyadh Salihin?
Riyadh Salihin has only time For one or
two questions So we shouldn't promise them And
then we tell them sabara again But Thursday
inshallah We will be able to answer All
the questions inshallah Last question is by brother
Shajjad If Hamad comes early And the question
is Is it ok to use charity as
an incentive To make someone do something For
example I inform a group of people If
you fill up this form In return for
every form filled up We will give an
amount to charity What charity is that?
Charity when somebody Wants to make it It
should be only the motive is Pleasing Allah
swt Don't have anything in between You give
charity, you give charity Don't attach it to
any of your dunya interests Otherwise you will
lose When you want to please Allah swt
Please him But don't tell him ok I
give you this If you fill the form
you have charity No you are just paying
him The price of filling the form Whether
we call it The wages or we don't
call it But this is how it is
The scholar said In sharia The recognitions Concerning
transactions Is all based on the maqsad And
also the meaning Not based on phrases If
I come to him I said Adam This
is for you Free of charge But you
have to pay 1000 ringgit This is gift
for you You have to pay me 1000
ringgit And then Adam refused to pay I
go to you as a judge I ask
you that You have to take my money
from Adam Adam said but he says gift
And the judge asked me I said yes
I said gift However I said also He
has to pay 1000 ringgit If you are
the judge Who do you side with You
don't side with me My mic is here
Who do you side with Islamically Adam or
Ibrahim Adam right That's why you have to
go to the Fakihah class That's why they
said No Adam never intended I never intended
Oh you are siding with Adam right That
he shouldn't pay right But I never intended
gift Never How do we know So that
gift is conditional Right They call it in
Fiqh The rich people receive the gift From
the poorest person in the community You think
that gift is really a gift He is
suffering struggling to live And he takes some
part of his produce In the farm And
go and give it to the rich person
You think that's Even the rich person also
knows That this is not That's why they
compensate They give back the money If they
go to the court If the rich person
refused to pay The judge will force him
to return The item back to him Because
that was not gift That's why this culture
That we have in many places When a
person is willing to marry a sister They
give what Gifts right And then tomorrow the
father says I will not give you Because
the girl doesn't want him Does he have
the right to take back his gift He
does He said he does He can take
every single cent That he has given her
Every single cent If you ask me Is
it good for him to do I say
no It's not good for him to do
But by right Does he have the right
to take it back Yes Because none of
those cents Were given to her for the
sake of These are all for the sake
of marriage He was given it for him
to get The family have to pay him
everything Is it good It's not good But
by right it's okay for him to do
that That's why Sisters should be very careful
When he wanted to give gift She should
tell him Wait first Let's finalize the marriage
I know I'm going to receive a lot
of gift from your side It's better for
her Rather than taking, taking, taking And then
in the future The marriage doesn't work out
He gives Well, I know a situation Even
the family they are asking for Every single
thing Even the welcoming reception they have Given
to, I mean that cup of water And
the tea They calculate he has to pay
When the marriage doesn't work Because it wasn't
for Allah Yeah, we have to be very
smart And think wisely Sometimes, oh, Mashallah, he's
very kind He even gives gift In some
places, if you don't give gift All the
time So differentiate, Hamad Between the gift that
is a gift For the sake of Allah
And the gift that is done for the
sake of something If you don't get that
thing And you already indicated that this gift
Is for the sake of this thing You
do have a right to take back your
gift It's not gift But it's gift by
name That's why the Qaeda says Islam looks
at the maqsad and the meaning Not the
phrases Yeah, when I go to him I
said Wait for that Before he takes it
What is that?
Business transaction But I call it gift Yeah,
it doesn't matter Is that clear?
Subhanakallah That could be used also To support
this Because according to the custom They already
know that These are meant for this Subhanakallah
Just a last continuation for the question Does
this mean that the business Who uses this
method Should stop doing it?
The business?
Yeah, who uses this method Like they'll give
charity They should stop doing it I'm really
afraid of them losing their money You know
I'm really afraid of them losing their money
They're losing their charity They're losing their money
Want to give charity for the sake of
Allah Subhanakallah, give charity When you have your
business A person should stay away from religion
Completely When I say from religion Don't go
and say Ibrahim says There is a total
separation Between religion and business No, I meant
don't use religion To get your dunya business
There are many people who are using religion
To get their dunya I remember one of
the righteous predecessors He went to buy something
in the shop Another person saw him He
said this is sheikh so and so Please
be kind with him Be gentle Show some
mercy, give him some discount That sheikh was
listening When he picked up what he needed
He went to the counter And the person
gave him discount He said I'm advised I
do not recognize you But I'm told that
you are sheikh And this is discount for
you He said no, I will never take
it I will pay the full amount Because
I buy with my money Not with my
religion He said I buy with my money
Not with my religion So if you have
a businessman Who is using charity And some
other things To gain the attention of people
That's absolutely wrong Just go to them, ask
them to do it If you want to
give them charity Go to them without any
request Dunya request from their side Subhanakallahumma bihamdika
shara la ilaha ila anta Astaghfirullah wa atubu
ilayka Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh