Ibrahim Nuhu – Hadith 833 – Pt. 6 Riyad Al-Saliheen

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The importance of preserving one's religion and avoiding suffering is emphasized in order to achieve their goals. The struggles of various people with mental health, addiction, and mental health are discussed. The importance of protecting one's religion and maintaining a strong balance between them is emphasized, as well as the importance of worshiping one's religion and maintaining a strong balance between them. The importance of protecting one's religion and maintaining a strong balance between them is also emphasized. The shia's meaning is discussed, as it is a negative expression that is not a hasad, but rather a negative feeling. The importance of having a strong opinion and being a good person to receive something is also emphasized.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful.
Our Prophet and Beloved Muhammad, peace and blessings
be upon him and his family and companions.
Today is the 28th of
1446, which corresponds to the 28th of January
We continue our lesson in this blessed book,
Riyadh al-Saleheen.
I ask Allah SWT to bless us and
what we learn, and to forgive us our
sins and forgive the author and raise his
rank in his family.
So we continue from where we stopped the
last dars.
And I believe we are at the last
part of this hadith of the Prophet SAW.
Where Abdullah bin Umar said, The Messenger of
Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, rarely
holds a gathering to invite people to these
O Allah, part us from the fear of
what will happen to us because of your
And from your obedience to what you convey
to us through your paradise.
And from the certainty of what you make
easy for us the calamities of this world.
O Allah, make us enjoy our hearing, our
sight, our strength, what you have given us.
And make him the inheritor of us.
And make our voice against those who have
wronged us.
And help us against those who are our
The Prophet SAW said, And make our voice
against those who have wronged us.
And help us against those who are our
And do not make our calamity in our
And do not make the world a greater
burden for us.
And do not increase our knowledge.
And do not make the world a greater
burden for us.
And do not increase our knowledge.
And do not increase our knowledge.
So I believe that in the last Dars,
we reached a place where the Prophet SAW
said, O Allah, do not make our misfortune
be in our religion.
And we mentioned that the worst type of
test is to be tested in your religion.
any other test you can handle that because
the maximum you can receive is to to
lose your life which is not a loss
because whoever lost his life for the sake
of Rabbul Alameen this is not a loss
because you because you will be going back
to the best but the real Musiba and
the real calamity is when a person lost
his religion Abu Muhammad said
religion is the capital you have in this
dunya and to lose the religion this is
the worst type of loss one of the
Salaf as-Saleh said he
says the capital you have in this dunya
the most important thing you have in this
dunya is your religion and as such since
it is the most valuable thing you shouldn't
entrust others to take care of your religion
it is your number one and primary responsibility
to make sure that your religion is being
preserved that's why he says he doesn't keep
it at home to come back and pick
it up wherever you go it has to
go with you Abu Muhammad says if
you're invited to go against Rabbul Alameen to
change your religion by committing innovation or doing
anything which is not part of that which
is brought to you by Rasulullah salallahu alayhi
wasalam he said you should run away to
save and protect your religion even if that
will cause you to reach the last part
of the world it's worth it and this
is exactly what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam
said in the hadith of Hudhaifa ibn Yaman
when he says Ya Rasulullah if there is
no appropriate and proper people that I can
join and be with them you know as
a means of protection for my Aqidah and
my Deen what to do Ya Rasulullah?
he says stay away from all of them
even if that will cause you to go
and leave everyone go and live in the
forest and eat from the grasses it's better
for you to die as a Muslim Allah
the greatest Musiba that can affect a person
is to die in Kufr is to be
tested in his religion that's why Allah SWT
says Allah says
fear Allah SWT remain steadfast protect your religion
your Aqidah don't compromise any part of your
religion because of Dunya you will be living
this Dunya the Dunya also will be living
you but you're going to go back to
Rabbul Alameen and he will question you about
how did you preserve your religion that's why
Allah SWT says the Taqwa of Allah SWT
means to practice his religion that's the only
meaning for Taqwa what is Taqwa?
to put between you and whatever you are
afraid of something to protect you from its
evil you don't want to go to *
and therefore you have to put something between
you and * what is that barrier?
religion of Allah SWT what is the religion
of Allah SWT?
to stick to the book of Allah SWT
and the Sunnah of Muhammad SAW according to
the understanding of our predecessors the best three
generations mentioned by the Prophet SAW so when
you want to follow somebody look for
those people who already passed away he's referring
to the companions of the Prophet SAW because
he is also a companion of Rasulullah SAW
he always tells his students Atiq means Al
-Qadeem he's referring to the Sunnah of Muhammad
SAW and the Sunnah of the companions of
the Prophet SAW so whenever Allah SWT asks
you to fear him what he meant by
that is to practice his Sharia because that's
the only way for you to protect yourself
from from the punishment of Rabbul Alameen this
is a very good reminder for all of
us to understand that the most valuable thing
you have and the most sensitive thing in
this dunya of ours is religion and make
sure that you preserve your religion compromise anything,
no problem but religion, no don't compromise any
part of it because Allah SWT will not
let you relax in this dunya and in
the akhirah when you go back to Allah
SWT you will receive the worst in this
dunya you are not enjoying although you might
have money you might have fame and authority
and all of these things but Allah will
remove the real happiness the true happiness from
your heart so you don't enjoy that dunya
that's Rabbul Alameen he knows what he does
and he knows how to do things and
he is the only one who knows Allah
will give you remove the most important part
of it and then you will be, subhanallah
struggling and suffering from that which Allah SWT
gave you I remember a story mentioned by
one of our scholars about a brother from
one of the countries without mentioning the name
of the country he was very rich and
his family advised him to pray because he
stopped praying because of the richness he was
so rich so he neglected the prayers so
his family advised him to pray and in
their advice they remind him remember Allah is
the one who blessed you with this richness
don't become kafir with the ni'mah of Allah
SWT subhanallah and guess what he says you
might believe that those guys already finished in
the past who are threatening Rabbul Alameen we
still have the balance of these mentalities nowadays
trust me we still have the balance of
these mentalities they said this money you got
it from Rabbul Alameen subhanallah he said exactly
what Qarun was telling Musa he said actually
he did worse than Qarun because we are
not told that Qarun challenges Rabbul Alameen to
take off the wealth he said this is
my own skills Allah is not the one
who gave me he said but this guy
said he challenged if Allah is the one
who brought it he said he challenged him
to take it off subhanallah he said Allah
SWT gave him respite for six months he
is enjoying life giving him chance to think
wisely six months is more than enough for
a person to do what he is doing
is wrong he doesn't want to reflect did
Allah send angels?
we are not told about this ok it
is in our time there is no way
for us to know but what we know
is Allah SWT caused him to get into
trouble with the urine system urinary system Allah
touched something from that one the man got
into trouble he has been going to the
hospitals one after the other and according to
the narration given to us by that scholar
until the time his money finished the doctors
are not yet to diagnose what exactly this
guy is suffering from subhanallah he says he
challenged him that's why if you remember last
I don't know whether in this class or
in other classes I love that dua and
the way the scholars put that statement of
Rasulullah SAW Rasulullah SAW is asking Allah to
protect him from one of the sifat using
one of the sifat from the other sifat
but when it comes to the last one
he says ya Allah protect me from your
anger by your your pleasure from your punishment
ya Allah I am using your peace and
mercy to be protected from your punishment you
know because those ones they have the opposite
right but when it comes to the last
one subhanallah very interesting he says because Allah
doesn't have nid nid means somebody who is
the opposite of ya Allah because when you
talk about nid that means somebody who you
can say he has some capacity some ability
you know could be contradicted by that thing
not Rabbul Alameen he doesn't have nid that's
why when Prophet SAW is looking for the
protection of Allah SWT he says ya Allah
I am asking you to protect me from
you by you he says because Allah SWT
and this guy comes and says that he
is challenging Rabbul Alameen so Allah SWT the
money finished they are yet to know what
exactly this man is suffering from and then
Allah SWT touched the * part after those
few months he got into trouble from the
other side in a few days his page
was closed completely subhanallah and then guess what
the family comes back they found huge amount
of loan that he took from the bank
that money was all hush subhanallah that's Rabbul
Alameen so Allah SWT that's the reason why
Allah SWT says wa yuhadhirukumullahu nafsa Allah SWT
is warning you that to be very careful
when you deal with him he is the
most merciful by Allah you will never see
a mercy like the mercy of Rabbul Alameen
you Allah never never see a mercy like
the mercy of Rabbul Alameen that's why Rasulullah
SAW said if a kafir knows what Allah
SWT has of mercy you will not find
a single kafir who is thinking of going
to * they all think they are going
to Jannah and this mercy is not illusion
it's not imaginary thing no it's reality you
Allah is reality you know this person the
Prophet SAW told us about him you know
this type of hadith we need to read
them so that you will know who you
are dealing with and try to understand Rabbul
Alameen through the statement of Ibrahim AS this
man was in a bush who goes to
the grave graveyard and bring out the people
who died and take the coffin you can
see how much dry is the heart of
this guy because we go to the graveyard
to reflect to remember Allah SWT this guy
goes to the graveyard to open the grave
and bring out that person and take the
coffin and go and sell it and get
money so he has some other issues when
he was about to die he told his
family members he told them if I die
you guys should burn me should burn me
and take the ashes blend them put some
in the sea and some in the hurricane
wait until you see a strong wind comes
and then half of that those ashes should
go to that to the wind what was
the purpose of this?
he said because if Allah SWT gets me
I will definitely be in trouble subhanAllah Ibn
Taymiyyah said this man actually before he died
he committed one of the worst type of
sins what was that?
and also thinking that there is a situation
when Allah cannot get him that was his
last statement to his family members he said
do this for me when I die because
if I die if Allah gets me I
am going to be in trouble subhanAllah he
died they did whatever he asked them to
do after they finished throw him away how
much Allah SWT need to bring him back?
nothing Allah just told the sea bring out
what is in you and the wind bring
out what is in you finish case closed
the man was generated back again Rabbul Alameen
asked him my slave why did you ask
your people to do this?
subhanAllah Allah wants to show mercy upon him
and also as a message for us not
to lose hope in Allah SWT Allah asked
him why did you do that?
he said ya Allah because of my strong
fear of him and guess what?
that was the end of it Allah SWT
told the angels to close his page and
take him to paradise that's why a Muslim
shouldn't lose hope in Allah SWT it's the
most merciful ar-Rahman ar-Rahim but at
the same time Sharia want us to maintain
the balance between the khawf war-raja Allah
says nobody punishes like Rabbul Alameen
you Allah his mercy is beyond your imagination
and his punishment also nobody can punish like
Rabbul Alameen that's the reason why the pillars
of Ibadah are three al-khawf war-raja
everyone has to make sure that he maintains
these pillars in his act of worship strong
love for Rabbul Alameen and also at the
same time fear of Allah SWT and also
at the same time having the hope in
the mercy of Rabbul Alameen if you don't
have these balance, trust me you're going to
end up doing exactly like what those people
did in the past there are some people
who don't come and mix with others they
go to the forest isolating themselves from others
they don't come out which is against the
manhaj of the Prophet so Allah SWT mix
with others he guide, he teach, he educate
and he said the best actually is somebody
who comes out and mix with others and
guide them and benefit them and you have
some people who depend so much on the
mercy of Rabbul Alameen they engage in the
ma'asi you talk to them they tell
you this is the person should maintain the
balance between the two al-khawf war-raja
you are in between these two things carrying
an intensive amount of love to Allah SWT
so back to the statement of the Prophet
peace be upon him he said ya Allah
don't test us in our religion the scholar
said the most important and the first responsibility
of the leader is to make sure that
the religion of the community is being preserved
that's how important and how sensitive is the
matter and in fact the purpose of our
existence here in this dunya is to worship
Allah SWT that's why whatever contradict this objective
a Muslim is supposed to keep it aside
you want to succeed in this dunya get
a pleasant life and Allah to stand for
you against any evil make sure that the
most important thing you are given priority in
your life is your religion in all of
your decisions your religion comes first is the
one that is moving you towards choosing whatever
you are choosing he says ya Allah don't
make the vast majority of our thought and
thinking be the dunya whatever we want to
learn in this dunya ya Allah don't make
it you know the aim is and the
purpose is only the dunya Allah SWT says
many of us are like that you have
people with high ranking they reach the peak
of positions and subhanallah titles in the dunya
but when it comes to the deen, zero
this is exactly what Rabbul Alamin warn us
in surah Al-Ru he describes some people
he says when it comes to dunya they
are expert but when it comes to their
religion and the reason why they exist on
earth, they are zero what is that dunya
is going to do with you you have
whatever you have in few days I call
it few days you retire finish, that career
is gone or you die what is it
going to do with you remember my famous
example about a student they told us about
her they said she died you know after
receiving mashallah good grades in the university or
school or whatever subhanallah said ace very beautiful
certificate very excellent but then she passed away
the family just kept it as a souvenir
just to watch the question is she left
what is this thing going to benefit I'm
not saying it's useless, no it's not but
I'm just addressing those matters where a person
is favoring the dunya over the akhira, you
focus on the dunya you neglect your akhira
you don't know what Allah wants you to
do Allah will give you the dunya you
are going to leave it here or the
dunya will leave you as Ibn Hazm said
dunya is always attached with two things which
are both evil to human being either it
will leave you or you will leave it
yeah so she finished and now what remains
with her trust me is the righteous deed
that she did in the university if she
was that person we know the condition of
our universities wherever you go this discipline is
going down and down and guess what these
are four years of your age Allah, four
years of your age and then tomorrow you
get stranded you cry out how come I
don't get a good job how come I
don't get a good job you know you
left that good job when you were in
the university you know that's why the most
important thing to be discussed is what should
be your status when you are studying not
after you graduate during the study what should
be your status your relationship with Rabbul A
'lamin before you graduate this is more important
than after you graduate because this will determine
what kind of person you will be in
the future because Rasulullah s.a.w said
Allah said this hadith he says fear
Allah, now Allah will be always waiting for
you in front of you ahead of you
you fear Allah s.w.t now Allah
is always waiting for you to come before
you ask him so I mess up my
life in the university I don't fear Allah
s.w.t they don't fear Allah, we
don't fear Allah s.w.t we do
things in our own way but then when
you graduate you want Allah to get involved
in your affairs, how does it work we
have to think wisely but I have to
fix it right from this moment when I'm
studying you want Allah s.w.t to
be involved in your affairs in the future
to help you, to aid you so that
you will not get stranded Rasulullah s.a
.w. said be with Rabbul Alameen now and
subhanallah the good thing about being with Allah
s.w.t when you are studying you
will get the support from him grant you
ability and courage and you get the side
of Rabbul Alameen and after that you will
get also what you're looking for if you
have good intention you're going to be hard
working Allah s.w.t being with Allah
s.w.t at the end of the
day you get good result and Allah s
.w.t will grant you good job in
the future and support you in that job
but if you are not with Rabbul Alameen
you lost his side and you might not
get that dunya that you're looking for that's
why these type of people Wallahi don't you
ever be a person like this there was
a hadith which some scholars don't see the
authenticity but there are some scholars who see
the sound narration unless you can take it
from the ayat even if the chain is
wrong but the ayat emphasize on this that
hadith says Allah s.w.t doesn't like
the person who is jeefatun bin nahar I'm
sorry jeefatun bin layl himarun bin nahar a
person who knows everything about his dunya and
he is very ignorant about the akhira you
know how that hadith describe him the hadith
says this person you see him in his
life as a dead body at night and
a donkey in the daytime throughout his life
serving others looking for the dunya, no good
intention in this, dunya, dunya, dunya, dunya when
night comes he just drop down dead, no
deen in his life so he says he
says ya Allah please do not give ability
to somebody who is not going to have
mercy upon us to be on top of
us from any angle, leaders authority enemy of
Allah s.w.t and the believers, anyone
Rasulallah s.a.w is always asking Allah
s.w.t not to give ability I
mean to somebody who doesn't have mercy against
us so this is a very important du
'a that took a long journey for us
and I really advise us to read it
and also to say it in the way
the Prophet s.a.w always say it
may Allah grant us tawfiq this
hadith already passed some part of it, Rasulallah
s.a.w said there will be no
people who will be sitting in a place
and then they will move from that place
without remembering Allah s.w.t in the
place except that Allah s.w.t let
them sort of like some people who people
who ate donkey dealing or living with a
donkey and it is going to be a
regret for them on the day of judgement
when they meet Allah s.w.t so
what is the dhikr that a person should
be saying subhanakallahumma wabihamdik ashhadu an la ilaha
illa ant astaghfiruqa astaghfiruqa atubu ilayhi wa sallam
it's really important also in the majalis before
somebody moves from the majalis qala wa anabihurayrat
r.a an in nabi salallahu alayhi wa
sallam qal ma jalasa qawmun majlisan lam yadkur
Allah s.w.t fihi walam yisallu ala
nabiyyin fihi illa kana alayhim tirah fa in
shaa azabahum man shaa ghafara lahum in this
hadith the Prophet s.a.w. said people
will not sit in a place you know
for a moment without remembering Allah s.w
.t in that majlis except and also they
don't say the salat ala nabi salallahu alayhi
wa sallam except that is going to be
khasara for them when they meet Allah s
.w.t it's going to be deficiency, tirah
means naqs, deficiency and they will be held
responsible also when they meet Allah s.w
.t that's why he says in shaa azabahum
wa in shaa ghafara lahum if Allah s
.w.t will forgive them, if not Allah
will punish them according to whatever sin they
committed in that majlis Rasulullah s.a.w.
said whoever sits in a place without remembering
Allah s.w.t in that place, it's
going to be deficiency for him on the
day of judgment and khasara and regret and
whoever sleeps or lies down in a place,
whoever sleeps or lies down in a place
without remembering Allah s.w.t it's important
for a person when he goes to sleep
to remember Allah s.w.t so that
you will be protected, first of all you
sleep ala fitrah bi-idhnillahi ta'ala if
you are to die bi-idhnillahi ta'ala
you will die ala fitrah as the Prophet
s.a.w. said so it's a win
-win situation you get the reward and also
if you are to die during that sleep
you will be dying ala fitrah and also
you will be protected from the shaytan these
nightmares that people are saying, trust me, trust
me one of the major causes of the
bad dreams and nightmares is that you sleep
in normal sleep, you go and drop yourself
down on the bed and Muslims shouldn't be
like that make hudu go and read ayatul
kursi when you are on the bed if
you are not too lazy put your hands
like this, blow in it three times and
read rub whatever you can do, can rub
off your body and then do it again
three times bi-idhnil wahidil ahad, you know
you read ayatul kursi, you do this, if
you are not lazy that much, you read
the last two ayat of surah al-baqarah
trust me my dear brothers and sisters in
the vast majority of your situations you have
an empty sleep very fresh, no nightmare in
your life just do, put your trust in
Allah swt and just do the best way
in sleeping you see you are concluding your
life with righteousness yes, spirit and ni'mah given
to us by Allah swt when you wake
up from that sleep what do you do?
dhikr also alhamdulillahi allathee ahyana ba'dama amatana wa
ilahi an mashu subhanallah if you do this
the shaytan's knot on your head will be
removed by Rabbul Alamin if you woke up
and make some sound, they remain with you
waliyazu billah and that can translate why you
become depressed, when you wake up in the
morning you become depressed, very sensitive with your
family Allah swt grant us good and ability
to stick to the sunnah of Muhammad s
.a.w so if a person sleeps in
a place without remembering Allah swt it will
be a regret for him when he meet
Allah swt so this is the end of
this hadith and for this volume, volume number
2 of Riyadh Salihin, we have only one
topic left which is a very interesting and
prestigious topic Bab Ar-Ru'ya we talk
about dreams, we are just talking about nightmares
right, so insha'Allah next week bi-idhnillahi
ta'ala we will talk about Ar-Ru
'ya wa ma yata'allakuh wa ma yata
'allakuh biha insha'Allah barakallahu fikum, may Allah
swt grant us good and tawfiq and be
with all of us wherever we are innahu
bi kulli jameelin kafil, subhanakallahumma wa bihamdikum, ashadu
wa la ilaha illa anta astaghfiru qawtubi ilayh
assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa
if you remember we define al-hasad as
to hate seeing Allah swt blessing somebody, that's
hasad and this is the most comprehensive meaning
for hasad not just wanting to see the
ni'mah being taken away from him even to
not want to see him get the ni'mah
at the first place is hasad so the
Prophet s.a.w. said the only hasad
that Allah swt accept is one of the
two hasad and this one actually in Arabic
we call it al-ghibta al-ghibta not
really hasad but just look like it but
it's not the hasad that sharia hate which
is so which is to want or to
ask Allah swt to bless you with that
which he gave somebody he said there is
no hasad except in two things so what
kind of hasad Rasulullah s.a.w. is
talking about he's talking about what is known
in Arabic as al-ghibta al-ghibta al
-ghibito al-ghibito filan what does that mean,
to see the blessings of Allah swt upon
somebody and to ask Allah swt to give
you the same to wish to have something
similar from Allah swt so that you will
use it in the way Allah swt loves
he says based on rajul a person who
is rich in the community and he's using
this richness to support the deen of Allah
swt so you say I wish I will
also be given something like that so that
I can use it in the right way
and the second situation is when the person
is is being given the knowledge especially the
Quran and you know about him so you
wish that Allah swt grant you the same
thing so that you can do the qiyamul
layl in the way that person also is
doing the same thing these are the two
moments or two situations where hasad is tolerated
but as I said it's not really hasad
in that meaning that we defined hasad with
earlier wanting to be given opportunity by Allah
swt so that you will do the right
thing to please Allah swt this one is
good you know as we said last week
hasad doesn't make sense at all hasad does
not make sense at all what makes sense
is to understand that the one who gave
him this is Allah why can't you go
to him and ask Allah swt to give
you why just go to him he got
it from Rabbul Alameen why can't you just
go to Allah swt and get it from
Allah but you know human nature we always
want to be the only one who get
something we don't want somebody to share us
yeah that's why I said it doesn't make
sense we are all slaves of Allah swt
and he is the provider in the way
this person got it whether he asked for
it or Allah swt just gave it to
him you also just do the right thing
Allah swt will give you the same thing
inshallah may Allah grant us good that is
the second question which is about somebody who
missed an Islamic class right because of the
revision of the Quran right inshallah khair also
somebody busy with revising his Quran so he
was enjoying that moment he forgot that time
already passes let me just put it in
this way I know Hammad might have some
comment but let me just say I'll be
positive that this person is enjoying his recitation
right so he even forgot that an Islamic
class is about to begin you know so
he lost that class we will just tell
him try to get somebody to remind you
you know or get some alarm clock to
remind you about that one so that you
will not miss that khair also the salafus
salih they used to have this attitude enjoying
the recitation of the book of Allah swt
and the way it even caused them to
forget what exactly is happening with them you
know you remember that companion who was shot
by the arrow right he removed the arrow
and threw it away and he continued with
his prayer they shot him again he threw
it away he continued with his prayer you
know and he told his friend I was
reading Quran so why didn't you just run
away he said no I was reading Quran
I was praying and the recitation was so
enjoyable in some narration he told him that
I just quickly finish not because I want
to finish but because I'm afraid I might
be killed by them and they will come
and kill you also I don't want you
to be killed subhanallah so these are the
people in the past they mentioned that somebody
was praying in the masjid the part of
the masjid one wall in the masjid fell
the market nearby the people there they run
away because of the sound and he is
still there in the masjid can you imagine
how much his consciousness is already gone from
the dunya and focus in his in his
prayer we have a lot of examples like
this in the salaf as-salih we are
supposed to come closer if we cannot be
like them at least come closer to them
may Allah grant us good and ability to
enjoy our ibadat and to focus and have
khushu in whatever we do to please rabbal
alameen subhanaka allahumma wa bihamdik ashhadu an la
ilaha illa anta astaghfiru wa atubu ilayk