Ibrahim Nuhu – Hadith 833 – Pt. 5 Riyad Al-Saliheen

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The transcript discusses the history and meaning behind the concept of Islam, including the importance of not losing hope and not restricting oneself in life. It also touches on the history of the concept of hadd and punishment, as well as the use of hadd in the letter of Islam. The speakers emphasize the importance of writing the name of Allah S.a.w and being careful with the writing of the name of Allah S.a.w.
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As-salātu wa-s-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-raḥmatu
li-llāhi wa-barakātuh, wa-s-salātu wa
-s-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-raḥmatu li-llāhi wa
-barakātuh, wa-s-salātu wa-s-salāmu ʿalaykum
wa-raḥmatu li-llāhi wa-barakātuh, wa-s
-salātu wa-s-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-raḥmatu li
-llāhi wa-barakātuh, wa-s-salātu wa-s
-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-raḥmatu li-llāhi wa-barakātuh,
wa-s-salātu wa-s-salāmu ʿalaykum wa
-raḥmatu li-llāhi wa-barakā wa
-raḥmatu li-llāhi wa-barakātuh, wa-s-salātu
wa-s-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-raḥmatu li-llāhi
wa-barakātuh, wa-s-salātu wa-s-salāmu
ʿalaykum wa-raḥmatu li-llāhi wa-barakātuh, wa
-s-salātu wa-s-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-raḥmatu
li-llāhi wa-barakātuh, wa-s-salātu wa
-s-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-raḥmatu li-llāhi wa
-barakātuh, wa-s-salātu wa-s-salāmu ʿalaykum
wa-raḥmatu li-llāhi wa-barakātuh, wa
-salātu wa-s
ʿalaykum wa-raḥmatu li-llāhi wa-barakātuh.
The most and the greatest, the biggest thing
that you worry about, the dunya.
And last week I talked about the saying
of Allah SWT, If a person is looking
for the dunya, Allah SWT says, we give
him, in this dunya, what we want, to
whomsoever we want.
Allah SWT says, not to everyone, and also
not what he wants, but what Allah SWT
Then, these type of people, because they are
busy with dunya, they will be very negligent
when it comes to the akhira.
Allah SWT says, Jahannam will be their final
They will be in that state of disgrace.
As for the person who is looking for
the akhira, his goal is to achieve and
attain the akhira.
And he works for it, not just looking
for the akhira, or talking, dreaming that I
want akhira, I want akhira, but he works
for it.
And using the right channel, you see, meaning
he does that which he is commanded to
They approach Allah SWT to get the akhira,
not in his own way, but in the
way Allah SWT wants.
You know, you have to do it according
to what Allah SWT wants.
Allah SWT says, And he does that based
on iman.
These are the people that Allah SWT appreciates
their effort.
So, akhira, a person should just say that
I want to get, I want to get.
You have to work for it, by doing
those activities that Allah SWT loves to see
you doing.
He said, These are the ones that Allah
SWT appreciates their effort in getting the akhira.
Allah says, Allah says, we give
both this group and this group.
From the blessings of Allah SWT.
Allah is not going to deprive any one
of them from it.
They will get, but the difference between the
two is big.
Because these guys, they are with Rabbul Alameen,
and Allah will bless them in that which
He gave them, even if it is little.
Allah will put barakah in it.
Allah will put barakah in their life and
their rizq.
So they will be able to utilize it,
and to manage it much more better than
the other category, although they have much more
in terms of quantity.
Allah says, Allah
says, Allah says, have your own analysis, ponder
and reflect, and think deeper, to see how
much Allah SWT is making difference between the
two groups.
Allah makes this one better than the other
Allah says, In terms of dunya, if we
are not equal, Allah SWT says, Allah
says, Allah says, we don't maintain an equal
balance in terms of richness.
This is a big name from Rabbul Alameen.
Allah SWT says, Allah
SWT says, If He is to just open
the rizq, just go just like that.
Everyone is just randomly taking.
People are going to go beyond the limit.
Many will become kuffar, many will become robbers,
They will be so arrogant.
The one that Allah SWT granted extension in
rizq, they are shakoor.
Allah says, That's why sometimes the test that
comes from prosperity is bigger than the test
that comes from the hardship.
Passing the test in the times of prosperity
is not easy.
A person might pass a test during the
times of hardship in a way and unfortunately
he fails when it comes to the prosperity.
To observe shakoor to Allah SWT.
To keep remembering that He is a slave
of Rabbul Alameen.
To be humble.
How many among those people who are so
rich but at the same time they humble
That's why Rasulullah SAW said, That
little amount of money which is enough for
you to cater for your need.
You need hospital, you have money to go
for that.
You need food, you have money to go
for that.
You need education, you have money.
People in the community will not call you
rich but you have what you need to
address your need.
You have that little amount of money.
Rasulullah SAW said, This is better as long
as you are thankful to Allah and it
helps you to maintain your attitude and your
behavior with Rabbul Alameen.
Rasulullah SAW said, You've been given by Allah
SWT a huge amount of money but it
distracts you from the right path.
Being rich, a person has to be very
It's good to be rich.
But you have to be very careful because
many got deviated after becoming rich.
That's why the Prophet SAW said, Listen to
this hadith, beautiful narration.
He said, Because the greatest success is to
be a Muslim.
Greater than that, to upgrade your Islam to
Strong Eman.
To make yourself Muhsin in your Eman.
Worshipping Allah as if you see Him.
If you don't see Allah SWT, He sees
Rasulullah SAW said, What
is Kafaf?
That's money which is not that big but
enough to help him addressing his need.
And especially when Allah SWT grants him contentment.
Because this is the essence of richness.
To be content.
Because there are many who have a lot
of money but the contentment is being taken
away from them.
That's why they always feel in need of
more, more, more.
If calamity is to hit them a little
bit, they will be willing to take off
their life.
Whereas as a Muslim, you always focus on
that contentment.
Whatever Allah SWT gave him, you try to
utilize it and be content.
Not to stretch his eyes and look at
that which other people have.
So Rasulullah SAW said, If Allah grants you
Islam and Allah SWT grants you enough money
to address your need and Allah grants you
contentment, this is the most successful person in
this dunya of ours.
Except Islam, you have Kafaf and So Allah
says, Look how we have preferred each other
over each other and for the hereafter there
are greater degrees.
I have quoted that beautiful ayah in Surah
Az-Zukhruf where Allah SWT says, He says,
Allah SWT sent down the rizq Allah major,
what to give this person, what to give
this person.
Each one of us has been given what
is enough to keep him intact.
Some people, trust me, if Allah SWT is
to increase them in rizq, they might go
So Allah SWT out of His infinite mercy
and love of good for His creation, He
will give them that little amount.
They always want more but they don't know
if they get more, what will happen to
They are supposed to live a very natural
life, keep moving, keep on looking for the
blessings of Allah SWT but they should know,
Allah SWT knows exactly what He does.
He is not just giving randomly.
Please, if somebody can tell those people who
are shouting, please, reduce their voice.
Thank you.
So Allah SWT says, Allah SWT major, He
is not just randomly giving anyhow.
Every single thing has a meqdar, has a
Allah SWT give each and every one of
us what is more than enough for you
to remain intact and to be able to
preserve your iman.
Ease in Allah's hands.
You Allah, this is ni'mah from Rabbul Alamin.
This is ni'mah from Rabbul Alamin that deserve
our appreciation and thankful to Rabbul Alamin.
So He says, In the dunya, Allah SWT
didn't make us equal.
This one is better, this one is lesser,
this one has, this one doesn't have.
Allah SWT says, However, He says akhira is
far greater than the dunya.
That's why competition should be based on akhira
You Allah, the smart person is the person
who is not competing with others when it
comes to the dunya.
The smart person is the person who compete
with others when it comes to the akhira.
Why would you be sad if somebody has
more dunya than you?
Why would you be sad?
You should be sad if somebody is more
righteous than you.
Blaming yourself, why can't I be like him?
Why can't I be like him?
Rasulullah SAW said, There is no hasad that
is accepted except in two things.
What is hasad?
I know, jealousy.
How do you define hasad?
If somebody tells you, Hammad, I don't know,
What would you tell him to define hasad?
That's good.
I want to have what Mazen has.
But that's not my problem.
Allah took it away from him.
Not me, but he wants.
Some scholars said, Wishing
to see the ni'ma of Allah SWT being
taken away from somebody.
That's hasad.
We have another definition that is much better
than this.
It says, Even if you don't wish to
see it being gone, but you hate to
see this person getting the ni'ma of Allah
That's greater than the first one.
Whether he wishes to see Allah SWT taking
it from him, or he doesn't, it's called
And this is one of the worst type
of diseases to kill.
You Allah.
Useless disease actually.
Useless way of thinking.
Because Mazen got something, Allah SWT grants you
a lot of things that are excellent to
your life.
If I come and I get annoyed, where
am I annoyed?
Who gave him the thing?
Rabbul Alamin.
That's why somebody says, Hasad is a kind
of accusation and criticism against Rabbul Alamin.
Because indirectly you are saying that Allah SWT
did not know where to put his blessings.
You get it?
Allah is the one who gave him.
If somebody comes and observes hasad, what is
he saying?
Allah SWT doesn't know where to put his
Your own thinking is better that this person
doesn't deserve.
Allah gave him and you are saying he
doesn't deserve.
That's why it's very dangerous to be hasud.
You Allah.
And it doesn't make sense.
He is a creation of Allah.
He got it from Rabbul Alamin.
You are also a creation of Allah.
Why can't you just ask for it?
And the way he asked for it and
he got it then.
And what is this?
But this is human nature.
You Allah.
Sometimes I just want to be the only
one who is having this title.
So I make it very tough for people
who are under me to be able to
get promoted up.
Those make life difficult.
This is what?
You Allah.
This is hasad.
In my community, I want to be the
only one who has this title.
I don't want somebody to join.
This is hasad.
So what is hasad?
To wish seeing something that Allah SWT gave
a person being taken away from him.
Or we go with the best definition.
Karaha to ni'matillah adil ghayb.
Hating the ni'mah of Allah SWT upon somebody.
Imam Al-Shafi'i said, and do remember
It confirms what I'm saying.
That this is one of the most dangerous
You know, one of the problems of shaytan
is this one.
Caused him to leave that place.
Imam Al-Shafi'i says, Listen to this.
He said, You
know mudara, right?
I go to Rifat.
I smile.
You know, I know inshallah we will never
have problem in Rifat.
But I know there is an issue there.
But I don't want to keep on having
problem with him.
I sit with him.
I invite him.
We sit down, we talk.
I try to close the page with him.
I tell him everything is fine.
I know I'm going to put some precautions
to make sure that I don't get into
But I want to stop the thing, you
To buy his love.
Imam Al-Shafi'i says, I do mudara
with everyone.
To close the gap between me and him.
And it works with everyone.
It works with everyone.
Except one.
He said, He said, the one who is
being hasid against me.
He said, this one.
I try my best to convince him that
I'm not his enemy.
I try to convince him that everything is
But he said, I fail.
In whatever approach I have, I fail.
But then Imam Al-Shafi'i thinks a
little bit.
And then he said, Oh, actually I have
been wasting my time.
He said, actually I have been wasting my
He said, Listen to this.
He said, He said, He said, Imam
Al-Shafi'i said, But how is it
even possible for you to be able to
convince somebody who is doing hasid against you
because of the ni'mah that Allah gave you?
While at the same time, there is nothing
that can convince him to accept you except
to see that ni'mah being taken away from
As long as the ni'mah is there, the
hasid will remain.
This is hasid, my dear brothers and sisters.
It's a very, very useless way of thinking.
That's why it's tabshif when your Muslim brother
gets something good.
Be amongst the people who go and congratulate
And do everything possible to help him to
preserve that ni'mah that Allah has granted him.
You like something like that?
Just raise up your hand.
Rabbul Alameen, his door is always open.
Why would I ask what he asks?
Well, I would never ask.
If Mazen looks for Kanjil, that is one
car call.
If he asks for Kanjil, I will not
go to his Kanjil and say, Rabbul Alameen,
give me Kanjil.
I will ask for aeroplane.
Seriously, I will not go for the little
I will never look at somebody and say,
Allah give me like this one.
Why would I?
Why would I ask Allah to give me
like him?
I will ask Allah to give me better
than what he gave me.
Subhanallah, they mentioned a story.
Allahu Alam, this is a story.
They attributed this story to Ibn Hajar Al
They said he went to drink from the
water of Zamzam.
And then when he drank from the Zamzam,
he made dua.
His dua, he wants to be a knowledgeable
scholar like somebody.
That was his mistake.
As one of our scholars said, if you
go to Allah, go with an open hand.
Don't restrict yourself.
Don't restrict yourself.
Ya Allah, give me this one, in that
place, in this day.
That's why sometimes I go to Rifaat when
he does something good.
I tell him, Jazakallahu, Al Fakhair.
And Rifaat will be happy.
MashaAllah, Ibrahim is not stingy.
He is asking for one thousand khair for
But at the same time, if you look
at it properly, this is being stingy.
I am restricting the khair.
That's why the best is Jazakallahu khairan.
May Allah grant you whatsoever is called good.
I ask Allah SWT to grant you that
Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasana.
You don't say alfa hasana.
You say hasana.
Meaning whatever is called hasana, you want Allah
SWT to give you that.
Wafil aqilati hasana.
You want Allah SWT to give you hasana
in the akhirah.
So they said, wallahu alam.
But the story.
But they said, Ibn Hajar said, Ya Allah.
I want to be like Imam al-Zahabi.
He was drinking the water with the intention
of Allah SWT to grant him knowledge, like
the knowledge of Zahabi.
You might say, why Zahabi?
You should go and read his books.
Then you will understand.
Why Ibn Hajar wants to be like someone
like Imam al-Zahabi?
Allah says, ayat min ayatillah.
Go and look for his books.
Look at that book and understand how much
Allah SWT blessed that person of knowledge.
He's one of the students of Shaykh al
-Islam Ibn Tayyib.
If the student is like this, what do
you think about the Shaykh himself?
We ask Allah SWT to make us in
his footsteps.
So he said he wants to be like
But then according to the story of wallahu
alam, he said he used to regret because
he feels that whatever Imam al-Zahabi has,
he also has.
But he couldn't find something which he knows,
which he couldn't find it mentioned by Imam
So he realized that he restricted himself.
So he said I wish when I was
asking, I asked Allah to give me knowledge
better than Imam al-Zahabi.
Not just him.
Whether the story is authentic or it's not
authentic, but the point is don't go to
Rabb al-Alamin with restriction.
Allah has everything.
Wallahi ma'indana yanfal wa ma'indallahi baq.
You know what Rabb al-Alamin has said?
Let me share with you this good news
that you already know.
I'll refresh your mind on it.
Rabb al-Alamin said, if the first human
being, the last human being, you know the
jinns and the human beings, the first to
the last, you know, we gather in one
place and each and every one of us,
and subhanallah, this is just to taqreeb al
-ma'ana, Allah to bring closer to us,
you know, to understand what he meant.
Otherwise, aksimu billah, angels and human beings, animals,
fish, birds, insects, everything, if they are together
in one place, you know, sit down and
ask Allah swt everything.
Allah will give each and every one of
us much better than what we ask for.
And if you go back to the bounties
of Allah swt, we don't scratch the surface
Rabb al-Alamin said, it's just like when
you go to the sea, you take a
needle, you put it inside the sea and
bring it out.
You see that little amount of water, this
is what we take, all of us, the
creation of Rabb al-Alamin.
The balance of the sea is the balance
of the blessings of Allah swt.
The sea, did it reduce the, I mean
the needle, did it manage to reduce the
sea in anything?
You will never see a movement or a
That's Rabb al-Alamin.
So you are dealing with this one and
then you restrict yourself.
You worry as a Muslim that you don't
know where to go and you have no
Wallahi, this is wrong thinking about Allah swt.
Su'udhannu billah.
A Muslim thinking that you don't have hope,
wallahi, su'udhannu billah.
He's having bad expectation about Rabb al-Alamin.
Yaqub, he told his children, Lati asumir rauhillah.
Innahu laya asumir rauhillah illa alqawmul kafirun.
He said, don't you ever be in a
state of despair of the mercy of Allah
swt because nobody does that except a kafir.
A Muslim is not known to be in
this behavior.
You Allah, whatever ever happens to you, just
have a hope.
He lost his son.
For how long?
For ages.
Until the time Yusuf as became big.
Did he find him?
You Allah.
As yaqeen.
And this is not for Yaqub alone.
Whatever you lost, whatever worries you in this
life, just remember that Rabb al-Alamin is
I can't do it.
He cannot do it.
We cannot do it.
But Rabb al-Alamin, this is nothing in
his side.
To us, it's impossible.
To Rabb al-Alamin, it is nothing.
It's not an issue.
So as a Muslim, you shouldn't lose hope.
Every time, have hope in Allah swt.
Just go to Rabb al-Alamin.
Just make sure that what you're doing is
not wrong in Islam.
Make sure what you're doing is not going
against the sunnah of Allah swt and human
Yeah, that's it.
Somebody comes and say he wants to be
the last prophet.
This one needs to go to psychiatric.
We need to send him to psychiatric.
To check whether he's okay or not.
Because this is against the sunnah of Rabb
Because Allah says, Muhammad s.a.w. is
the final and the last messenger.
Nobody will come after him.
But other than that, things which are within
what we know Allah swt will do with
us, not going against the sunnah of Rabb
al-Alamin and human beings, don't restrict yourself.
Always go to Rabb al-Alamin with your
hand that is very open.
And ask Allah swt for everything you need.
One of the righteous predecessors says, if I
need salt, garam.
He said, I ask Allah in the sujood.
Somebody might say, why do you go to
sujood and ask for this?
But subhanallah, this might be better than the
one who is not asking Rabb al-Alamin
except in bigger matters.
Because if I ask for tiny, tiny things,
what am I saying?
Indirectly, I am saying to Rabb al-Alamin,
without you, I cannot succeed.
Without your support, I cannot get anything no
matter how much small it is.
And is it true?
Yes, wallahi it is true.
Without the support from Rabb al-Alamin, you
cannot get anything.
Whatever you get, this is fadl from Rabb
That's why you should always be thankful to
Allah swt.
If Allah doesn't want, you will not get
I found it interesting, the statement of one
of our scholars.
He said, whatever condition you have, you find
yourself, just say alhamdulillah.
Because if not because of the fadl of
Allah swt, you will be worse.
Wallahi, this is absolutely true.
It's mahzul fadl min Allah azawajal, we get
whatever we get.
So don't restrict yourself, always go back to
Allah swt whenever you need Rabb al-Alamin.
So Allah says, So the akhira is much
You compete with others when it comes to
the akhira matters, you don't compete with others
when it comes to the dunya.
Worry when somebody is better than you in
the dunya.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, And
I believe the time will not permit us
to complete it.
So I will complete this, the interpretation of
the hadith inshallah after that.
The adhan by the will of Allah azawajal.
May Allah bless you.
Okay, I was going to
complete the interpretation of that hadith, and then
there are three questions I guess, right?
No problem.
Let's delay the interpretation to the next question.
The first question asks about the qadh, the
false accusation.
When somebody tells another person, you committed zina,
either a man or a woman, if the
complain to the authority, and that person who
accused them of committing zina doesn't provide four
witnesses, and the accused person doesn't agree to
confess, then the accuser will be lashed 80
Has to be beaten 80 lashes.
So they're asking, is it had or not
Yes, it's one of the haduth, because it
cannot be changed.
And the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam use it also as the benchmark
when they are talking about the hadd, or
the punishment for the wine, drinking wine.
So in the time of Omar, when people
kept on increasing what they call this behavior
of drinking wine, Omar gathered the companions and
discussed the matter with them.
So they agreed to take it to the
hadd of the qadh.
So when they take it to the qadh,
we learn from this that qadh is hadd.
The punishment is one of the haduth, inshallah.
And the second question is the inshallah guy.
This is a person who doesn't want to
write the name of Allah swt completely and
just write A.
But the A means, the A to him
is Rabbul Alamin.
Our Rabbuna is not A, his name is
And it's wrong for a person to shorten
the name of Allah swt.
I know what he intended, I know what
he's intending.
You know his intention is good, you know,
to be very brief.
And I'm pretty sure this person in his
letter, he doesn't shorten everything.
Important things in the letter, he writes them
very clearly so that they could be understood.
When it comes to the Rabbul Alamin and
his name, he makes it short.
That's disrespect.
The same goes to Rasulallah s.a.w.
Write S.a.w. Don't write Saad.
Don't write Pubuh.
It's S.a.w. The scholar said there's
a lack of adab with the Prophet s
.a.w. There's a lack of adab with
the Prophet s.a.w. You get it?
So you write Inshallah, don't write I.
Just write Inshallah.
What does it take you to write Inshallah?
What is I-E?
What is that?
Write Inshallah.
Train yourself to write this.
And the reader when he comes, he also
say I-E.
That's why they say when it comes to
S.a.w. Write S.a.w. Or
just leave the place like that, blank.
Don't write anything.
The reader when he comes, he reads S
.a.w. by himself.
Allah grant us good.
Saying Salaam to people.
Who do they say Salaam to?
Is it only the same gender or everyone?
The Fuqaha, if you read their books, they
said S.a.w. with S.a.w.
is wrong for them to say Salaam to
each other.
Because their Salaam usually is not for the
sake of Salaam.
It's an introductory Salaam.
That's why the Fuqaha, they said S.a
.w. when they meet, they can just pass.
S.a.w. and S.a.w. they
say Salaam to each other.
S.a.w. with S.a.w. they
say Salaam to each other.
But not S.a.w., you know, meeting
a S.a.w. And Rasulallah S.a
.w. said, This Tabassum, is it Tabassum, the
charity Tabassum or something else?
So all of these are said by our
Fuqaha to protect the heart and also to
block the means that S.a.w. can
use to provoke the desire of people.
As for teachers, lecturers, with their students, they
can say Salaam to anyone.
The student also says Salaam to anyone.
Old man with the younger people, they said
it's okay when he says Salaam to the
people and pass.
But Shabab and Shabbat, this is where the
scholars said they have to be very careful.
But what if they say Salaam to you,
would you reply?
Yes, you reply.
Allah SWT says whenever you are greeted, you
reply the Salaam.
Whether the Salaam comes from Shabba or from
Shab, you reply the Salaam.
But just know how to reply the Salaam.
The reply in the way they will understand
invitation and also opening the door for them
to continue the journey with you.
May Allah grant us good and Tawfiq and
be with us wherever we are.