Ibrahim Nuhu – Hadith 824-827 – Pt. 1 Riyad Al-Saliheen

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The Prophet s.a.w. emphasizes the importance of not reciting the hadith and not giving too much space in certain positions to avoid confusion. The Prophet s.a.w. encourages people to apply the hadith and hold their authority, but also allow them to move from their current position. The importance of praying in the first line and being ahead of the twelfth line is also emphasized. The importance of being aware of the natural rhythm of the human body and listening to the khateeb to avoid being rushed to finish classes. The importance of being patient and being careful with their phone is also emphasized.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful.
Peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of
Allah, the Most Merciful of all the worlds.
Our Prophet and Beloved Muhammad, peace and blessings
be upon him and his family and companions.
Today is the ninth day of the first
month of Jumadah.
The ninth day of the last month of
Jumadah, 1446, which corresponds to the tenth of
December, 2024.
We continue our study in this blessed book,
Riyadh al-Saliheen.
I ask Allah Almighty to bless us with
what we have learned, and to forgive us
our transgressions, and to forgive those who transgress,
and to elevate their station among the righteous.
So, by the will of Allah, we continue
from where we stopped last dars.
And I believe in the last class we
talked last week about the hadith of al
He said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
passed through me while I was sitting, putting
my left hand behind me, depending on it.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he
told me, Sharif said, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam told me that I am sitting
the sitting of the Jew, al-Maghdoob alayhim.
So we mentioned last week that sitting, putting
both hands behind, is fine.
Right hand also is fine, but putting left
hand depending on it is not fine.
This is the one that the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said, al-Maghdoob alayhim.
So that's the end of this chapter, and
we learned from it that all types of
sitting are permissible, except the few that the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, like this
And when it comes to the Ihtiba, where
you put your leg down and you put
your hand to close your knees, that one
also is fine.
Look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
did it.
And also sitting down, lying on the Qafa,
on your back, and putting your leg on
top of one on top of the other
one, also is fine.
As long as a person is not wearing
something that is not enough to cover his
If your Aura is not being shown, then
it's fine.
So today inshallah we'll move on to the
next topic.
This is a new chapter that I'll talk
about, Adab of the Majlis.
Majlis is a place where people sit and
talk amongst themselves.
Well, a jalis is a partner, somebody who
sits with you to talk to you.
An Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with
him, said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, لا يقيمن أحدكم رجلاً من مجلسه ثم
يجلس فيه.
ولكن توسعوا وتفسروا.
وكان ابن عمر إذا قام له رجلاً من
مجلسه، لم يجلس فيه.
Abdullah ibn Umar said, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam has said, a person should not,
one of you should not ask somebody to
move from his position, for him to sit
in that position.
So you come to the place, you ask
somebody to move from his position so that
you can sit in that position.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said,
no, you shouldn't do that.
ولكن توسعوا وتفسروا.
He said, but make space, expand the place.
Rather than him moving for somebody to sit
down, move, make space for the new arriving
person to come and sit.
Do you get it?
So that's the Shariah of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, that nobody should be asked
to move from his position.
You shouldn't move somebody from their position for
you to sit in that position.
Do you get it?
As long as the position is for everyone.
But if the place is specifically owned by
somebody, that person has a right to that
And the same goes when you come to
a program and they have some places where
they keep them for certain people.
You shouldn't go and recite this hadith to
So we're talking about the public areas where
you can say first come first serve.
If you're the first person to sit in
the place then, you do have a right
to be in that place.
And nobody should ask you to stand up
so that they can sit in that place.
Do you get it?
He says, Abdullah ibn Umar, the narrator of
the hadith, if somebody stands up from his
position for him to sit in that position,
he will refuse to sit in that place.
He said, When somebody gave him their space,
he would tell them no.
Either you sit or I will look for
another place.
I will not sit in this place.
Because he's the one who narrated the hadith
from Rasulullah s.a.w. So he should
be the first person to apply that hadith.
Get it?
How about if an important person comes?
Very, very big person.
Is it okay for us to move from
our place to give him place?
The king comes to the place, prime minister,
big people in the country who are known
to be serving the community.
The scholars said when they reach the place,
it's good for somebody to give them space
to sit.
But they themselves, whoever this person is, Rasulullah
s.a.w. advised them not to let
somebody stand for them.
Because Rasulullah s.a.w. is the highest
And he also, he doesn't like people to
do this for him.
And he told us not to do that.
But out of respecting our authority, the leaders,
when they reach the place, the scholars said
it's good for somebody to move from his
place to give them space.
That would be good encouragement and good respect
for them to engage in doing that which
is beneficial to the community.
Bring them also closer to the heart of
the people of Ibnullah az-Zawajir.
Abu Huraira s.a.w. said, Abu
Huraira s.a.w. said, If one of
you stands from a place, For instance, Mazin
is sitting here.
Something took him out of the masjid.
By the time he comes back, Umar sits
in the place.
Mazin does have a right to tell him,
no Umar, I came to this place before
And Islamically, Umar has to move from the
place to give him a chance.
If something took him out of the masjid
and brought him back, he has a right
to sit in the place.
You get it?
Not those who are taking place in the
Alhamdulillah here, you might not find it that
Except a little.
If you want to see this, go to
Or Masjid al-Nabi s.a.w. People
might come after fajr and book the place
in the first line.
And where is he?
He left back home to sleep.
And then come later on, if somebody sits
in that place, he fights.
That's wrong, that's haram actually.
That place is based on first come first
If you know that this person is not
going to come back, he left to his
house, you have a right to remove his
sajjadah and sit in the place.
Why would he do that?
But if he puts the thing and he
is in the masjid, doing his dhikr, reading
Quran, or sleeping in that position, but then
later on he needs to go to the
bathroom, he went to the bathroom.
When he comes back, if somebody takes the
place after he goes, he can fight for
his right.
He doesn't have a right to fight for
that place.
Is that clear inshallah?
So Rasulallah s.a.w. said, إِذَا قَامَ
أَحَدُكُم مِّن مَّجْلِسِهَا ثُمَّ رَجَعَ إِلَيْهِ And then
he comes back to that majlis, فَهُوَ حَقُّ
بِهِ He deserved that place more than anybody
قَالَ وَعَنْ جَابِرِ بِنِ سَمُرَةٍ رضي الله عنه
قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
كُنَّا إِذَا أَتَيْنَا النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم
جَلَسَ أَحَدُنَا حَيْثُ يَنْتَهِي Subhanallah Jabir bin Samura
said, whenever we come to the Prophet s
.a.w. one of us will sit حَيْثُ
يَنْتَهِي He will not try to cross and
push people.
He will sit wherever the last person is
This is the adab.
Unless if they keep space, the best is
to tell them to move rather than crossing
on top of their necks.
If they don't want to move, tell them
please give me space to pass.
So, the Prophet s.a.w. was sitting
in a masjid one day.
Three people came.
One of them found a space.
He sat on the space.
Another one, sit حَيْثُ يَنْتَهِي المجلس Sit behind
the last person.
Next to the last person.
The other one got annoyed.
He couldn't find a space.
He just left the masjid.
So, he left the masjid.
The Prophet s.a.w. said afterward, Can
I tell you something about those three people
who came?
He said, أَمَّا أَحَدُهُمَا فَأَوَىٰ إِلَى اللَّهِ فَأَوَاهُ
اللَّهِ As for the first one, he comes
to Allah s.w.t. Because this is
Majlis al-Dhikr.
Allah s.w.t. brought him closer.
That's the first one.
As for the second one, فَاسْتَحْيَى مِنَ اللَّهِ
فَاسْتَحْيَى اللَّهُ مِنْهِ He was shy of Allah
s.w.t. Allah s.w.t. was
also shy of him.
This is the one that sits at the
end of the majlis.
As for the third one, فَآرَضَ عَنِ اللَّهِ
فَآرَضَ عَنِ اللَّهِ He turns away from Allah
s.w.t. Because this is Majlis al
Rasulullah s.a.w. is reminding him about
Allah s.w.t. And he left.
And there is still space behind.
Just sit.
He just left.
فَآرَضَ اللَّهُ عَنِ اللَّهِ Allah s.w.t.
turns away from him also.
That's why in the majlis al-Dhikr, it's
better if a person comes closer to the
It's always better.
But as the Prophet s.a.w. said,
وَفِي كُلِّنْ خَيْرٌ There is good in all.
The point is you are somewhere around the
masjid listening.
There is khayr in everyone.
The best is to be next and closer
to the Imam.
Even on Friday, the best is to be
You're going to see a hadith on this
The best is to be closer to the
But as I said, there is good in
all who are listening to the khutbah, dars,
you know, dhikrah somebody is giving.
The point is you got the voice is
reaching you and you are benefiting from that.
And having the fact that you are in
the place where the masjid al-Dhikr is
taking place, if those people are doing the
right thing, we're expected, expecting that place to
be covered by, by who?
The mercy of Allah s.w.t. And
when Allah s.w.t. forgives those people
who are listening to the dars, if the
angels say, Ya Allah, there is somebody who
is not even paying attention to.
He's not even paying attention to the dars.
Allah tells the angels, هُمُ الْقَوْمُ لَا يَشْقَى
بِهِمْ جَلِيصُهُ These are the people and therefore,
whoever sits next to them will not be
a loser.
Meaning, if the mercy from Allah s.w
.t. comes, it will include him also.
If the mercy of Allah s.w.t.
arrives, he will also be included.
So, the Prophet s.a.w. said, I'm
sorry, when we come to the Prophet s
.a.w. at the masjid al-Dhikr, we
sit That's the sunnah of the Prophet s
.a.w. On Friday also, this is very
applicable because it's wrong what some people are
He comes on Friday but he's walking on
people, crossing them, crossing them.
These type of people, when you see them,
pull him down, sit down.
That's fine.
If he's not going to fight you, but
if you think that he's going to fight
back, just leave him.
Just indicate with your hand, please sit down.
Sit down.
If you refuse, just leave him.
But it's wrong when the khatib is giving
khutbah, somebody is distracting people.
It's wrong.
That's why we have to be very careful.
If you know that you're going to take
a very long time for you to reach
the proper place, it's better to sit behind.
That's why the people who are coming to
the masjid, they shouldn't be losers.
It's a very big loss when you see
a person coming to the masjid very early,
but then he sits behind.
That's a big loss.
Coming to the masjid early on Friday has
a great virtue.
You get it?
On top of all, is to pray in
the first line of the suhoor and to
be next to the imam.
So this man comes, at the time he
can be next to the imam, but unfortunately,
he sits behind.
That's the reason why you find space in
the first line.
Alhamdulillah, awareness is growing, you know.
Twenty years ago, in this masjid, my friends
would come, we used to say that even
if you come in the last minute, you
can still get easily the first line, because
people don't like to come to the first
But alhamdulillah, nowadays the situation has changed.
If you're late, in most instances a bit,
then khalas, you're lost.
This is good news.
Before it wasn't like that.
Even if you're coming, when the imam is
giving khutbah, as long as he doesn't start,
you can still get the first line.
And this is a very big loss for
the people who are coming early to the
Because, coming closer to the imam has a
great virtue.
And even al-Qayyim was saying, most likely
the sitting arrangement on the Day of Judgment
when we meet Allah SWT will be based
on how close you are to the imam.
How close you are to the imam.
That's why even some scholars said, which I
have some itchiness concerning this matter, some scholars
said, if let's say, you see our masjid,
MashaAllah, big masjid, right?
Now, you come to the masjid, right?
This is where the khatib is.
The place where the khatib is sitting is
The first line is full.
But the first line is still not full
But that part where the khatib is in
front is full.
However, the second line, there's nobody there.
Some scholars said, because of the virtue of
being next to the imam, it's better for
you to be in the second line, not
the first line.
You get it?
If you are next to the Prophet, you
say, and he comes closer to the imam,
they said it's better to be next to
the imam than being in the last part
of the first line.
I'm not having any preference here.
Because having the first line also has a
very big virtue mentioned by the Prophet.
You get it?
And coming closer to the imam has a
very big virtue mentioned by the Prophet.
So rather than fighting yourself, fighting nobody, but
fighting yourself, which one, which one, which one?
What is the best way to make it?
Come early.
First line and next to the imam.
That's the best.
Rather than going into the, which one is
Just come early.
And stay next to the imam.
May Allah SWT grant this ability, especially the
student of knowledge.
It's very itchy to know that the laziest
people, the laziest people when it comes to
these virtues are the student of knowledge.
You see the awam, awam al-nas, laymen
in society, subhanAllah, they are more energetic in
praying the sunan, going to, I mean following
the, those things that the Prophet SAW said,
you see them always rushing.
But the student of knowledge, as if Allah
SWT already told us, jannah, we don't care
that much.
You Allah, the negligence usually takes place in
the life of the student of knowledge.
And in some places, I will not tell
you the place, if you are to pray
sunan a lot, they call you certain names.
You Allah, if you first, or they say
you're rushing to the masjid, you know, to
catch the first line, you will be given
a title.
Auzubillah, auzubillah.
I was quoting for you, quoting for you
last time, they criticized one of the scholars,
Imam al-Zahra, he was defending him, he
said, these guys, they are criticizing him, and
you know, what the criticism was based on?
They said he prays too much sunan, for
I'm like, shaitan, shaitan, you know, I don't
know how these guys think it, you know.
Imam al-Zahra, he was refuting them, he
said, subhanallah, wa hal min al-almi illa
l-amal bihi?
Is there any value for knowledge if you
don't put it into action?
He learned, he acted upon it, and people
say, why?
You Allah, we witness it.
People who are, you know, neglecting some of
the great scholars because of this.
Not because of anything else, just because of
No aqidah matters, no fiqh matters, no anything,
no because of this.
Because they talk too much about qiyamah, they
talk too much about manners and virtues, and
they pray sunan a lot.
Subhanallah, how can you accuse somebody for following
Rasulallah s.a.w.? But this is my
message to all of our students, you know,
you should be quicker than the layman in
society when it comes to the sunan.
You Allah, you should be quicker than them.
Why am I saying this?
Because you know the virtue more than the
way they know.
But unfortunately, we always see the opposite.
So Jabir al-Samurah says, kunna idha atayna
Rasulallah s.a.w. When we meet the
Prophet s.a.w., jalas ahaduna hayfi yantahi
wa nabi Abdillah Salman al-Farisi qala qala
Rasulallah s.a.w. la yaghtasilu rajulun yawmal
juma wa yatatahharu mas tata'a min tuhri
wa yaddahinu min duhri awa yamasu min tibi
baytihi thumma yakhuju falai farriq bainathnaini thumma yisalli
maa kutiba lahum thumma yunsitu idha takallama al
-imam illa ghufira lahumu maa baynahu bainaljumati al
-ukhra Allah Akbar.
It's a very great hadith.
And I wish this hadith is being said
by the khateeb on Friday.
You Allah.
We need to know this.
Especially in this university of ours.
We need to know this.
That Juma is the most valuable day.
And when you come to the masjid there
are adab and virtues to be observed.
But it looks like Alhamdulillah we come to
the masjid Now Isha prayer comes, Maghrib comes.
How many lines we have?
How many Saf?
Two, three Saf.
On Friday how many are coming?
Even those who are not coming to Juma,
they come on Friday.
That's good.
But when you come to the masjid there
are virtues for the masjid on Friday.
Number one is to listen to the khateeb.
Number one is to listen to the khateeb.
Because why Allah is bringing everyone to the
Because this might be the only opportunity.
Wallah, this might be the only opportunity most
of us has.
Now we are having this class, right?
How many classes do we have in this
Couple of classes.
I don't think there is a class when
you see half of the masjid is full.
None whatsoever.
Except if the class is compulsory.
Somebody has to come, then people come, you
But the voluntary classes where are the people?
Jalan Jalan.
Went to somewhere else.
Not in the classes.
I'm not talking about our classes but any
class that is taking place in the masjid.
How many people you see in there?
Where are the rest?
You get it.
So I just want you to understand that
Friday is an opportunity that Allah SWT gave
us because everyone is coming to the masjid.
So that imam can have a chance to
address people about current matters, things that will
increase their iman.
That's why minbar is supposed to be for
Minbar is supposed to be for this.
The imam should really be very careful, understand
the nature of the manadir and that people
usually they have no time to come.
Even if they have time to come, they
don't have courage to come to the masjid
until Friday.
So what does that mean?
This is a great opportunity Allah SWT has
given the imam to address the need of
the people, give them something that can help
them to remain intact in their iman until
the next week when they come back to
Because many of us, trust me, we don't
go to classes.
Friday khutbah is the only time we have.
But then unfortunately, you come to the masjid
and you come with what?
With your device.
And how long does the imam take?
30 minutes?
Even let's say the worst imam taking one
And when I say worst imam, I don't
mean worse.
Don't go and say, Ibrahim, call the imam
No, I'm talking about the worst in terms
of making the khutbah long.
How long is he going to take?
One hour.
Yeah, that's wrong to take one hour of
Rasulullah SAW says it's better to shorten the
The scholars say it depends on the situation.
Sometimes the khutbah might be long.
Yeah, we shouldn't misunderstand the nusul, because sometimes
we think, no, it has to be only
one minute, two minutes, three minutes.
No, that's wrong.
In the normal circumstances, it should be short.
20, 25 minutes is okay, because if you
make it too short, then the khatib will
not be able to send the message.
We keep on cutting, cutting, cutting, cutting the
Only the student of knowledge can be able
to extract what he's trying to say.
Unless if he's going to make the khutbah
of one of them right after, in alhamdulillah,
and then I say, you get it?
But that's not khutbah.
Khutbah of Rasulullah SAW goes beyond this a
Is that clear?
So how long is the imam going to
You cannot be patient to switch off your
phone if you come to the masjid.
Wallahi, it's a very shameful behavior that you
come to the masjid, and this is maybe
the only opportunity you have in a week.
Come to listen, but you cannot switch off
your phone.
And sometimes some people come with their newspapers.
Wallahi, I see a variety of types of
This one is chatting with his friend, this
one is busy with his whatsapp, this one,
These media become taghut, because anything that can
distract you from Allah is taghut.
We have to be smart.
We have to really think for ourselves.
This is an opportunity given to you by
Rabbul Alamin to build your akhira.
To make something for your own future so
that you will appreciate what you sent forward
It's my humble message to anyone who is
living in this community of ours.
Please, let's revive the sunnah of the companions
of the Prophet SAW.
Come to the masjid early and listen to
the khatib.
We still have a khatib, before he is
talking, he talks about the phones first.
I really enjoy that one.
Because it's true.
Otherwise, the Prophet SAW said, if you tell
somebody on Friday, we exceeded the time, right?
8.20. If you tell somebody, uskut.
Wal imam yaqtub, you tell him, keep quiet.
You tell him that one, keep quiet.
You know, you're doing what?
Amr bin Maruf, right?
You also, you lost the value of your
prayer and the khutbah.
Subhanallah, that's how sensitive is the matter.
Somebody is talking, you tell them, brother, keep
You also, you lost.
The Prophet SAW said, if you tell your
companion, uskut.
Wal imam yaqtub, he said, the virtue of
your Juma is gone.
The virtue of your Juma is gone.
So what do you do if the man
is still talking?
As they always do.
You do like this.
If he doesn't see you properly, go to
his face.
They have to fear Allah, keep quiet.
Somebody says, but sometimes the khutbah is in
another language, I don't understand.
The Prophet SAW said, if they're making khutbah
in another language, you should talk.
And also, if the khutbah is in another
language, you don't understand, the one next to
you, he doesn't understand.
When you talk, you're distracting him.
When you watch something, you're playing with your
phone, trust me, you're distracting anyone who's sitting
next to you.
The Prophet SAW said, you should listen to
the khatib, that's it, that's your job.
Come to the masjid, whether you understand, you
don't understand, it doesn't matter.
It's good to make the khutbah in the
way you understand, but in case you don't
understand, you can spread it among
the Muslims in our communities.
When you come to the masjid, off your
Come and listen to the khatib.
Get something that can bring you closer to
Allah SWT.
So, Abiy Abdullah, Salman al-Farisi said, Rasulullah
SAW said, when a person takes shower on
Friday, la yaktasilu rajabun yawm al-jumaa.
A person will never make ghusl on Friday.
Wajatahharu masata'a min tahurun.
Clean himself, and man ghassilu waqtasilu.
Some scholars said, this is the reference here
in this hadith, and the Prophet SAW is
referring to those people who married.
He has relationship with his family, take ghusl.
So these are the two ghusl that the
Prophet SAW is referring to according to some.
That shows the importance of what you have
to say to others.
And you stay behind.
So I guess this hadith needs a bit
more commentary.
And I guess the mu'adhin will be
making adhan right now.
So let's stop here insha'Allah.
Next week, we start from the beginning.
Allah grant us good and tawfiq and be
with us wherever we are.
Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika ashadu an la ilaha
illa anta astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaih Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi