Ibrahim Nuhu – Hadith 1380 Part 3 Bulugh Al-Maraam

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The conversation covers various topics related to Islam, including its use against enemies, the economy, and protecting privacy and property. It emphasizes the need for people to take care of relatives and avoid false accusations, as well as avoiding shaytan and avoiding double-standing. The segment also touches on cultural practices and the importance of not over expressing one's opinion. The negative impacts of religion and the need for people to accept their beliefs, as well as avoiding certain couples and avoiding certain situations, including corruption and shameless activities related to the internet.
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In fact, I received a message from someone,
somebody from somewhere.
S-U-S, I think.
What program do they have?
I don't know.
I don't know.
Yeah, so somebody was sending me an invitation,
but I'm scared of accepting because it looks,
from the message, it's like not only one
person to speak.
So, this scholar, he tried to, you know,
count and list down the Kabair that the
Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ or the Ayat
mention these Zunub to be Kabair.
And, up to 25 Kabira.
The first one is Al-Shirk Billah, and
I guess we talk about that, right?
And the second one is Al-Qatil.
You know, Al-Qatil, murder.
We talk about that also, right?
The third one is Al-Zina.
We talk about that also.
The worst type of Zina is to commit
Zina with the wife of the neighbor.
The next one, running away from the battlefield.
It's one of the Kabair of Zunub.
So, every Zunub he mentioned here, he would
try to mention a Zunub that he believes
the Rasulullah ﷺ call it Kabira, mean Kabair.
Call it Kabira mean Al-Kabair.
So, he mentioned Al-Zahfi, running away from?
From the battlefield.
Wa liya'udhu billah.
He says anyone who turns away from the
enemies and run away, except
that person who is following the strategy, the
war strategy that he believes that he has
to do that for him to plan an
ambush for the enemies.
Allah SWT says this person, if he is
not one of these two, he is going
back with the wrath and anger from Allah
SWT and he is going to * actually.
That's why if a person passes the place
where the battle is taking place, he is
not supposed to run away.
I mean, the Muslims are fighting the enemies
and you are just crossing.
And then you see them fighting.
Islamically, you are not supposed to run.
You are supposed to go and join them.
Although you are not among those the leader
assign you to go, but if you pass
the Muslims fighting, then you have to join.
You cannot run away.
The one who is already at the battlefield,
even if he goes to that place voluntarily,
he has to continue.
You cannot run away.
Because running away means you agree with the
religion of Allah SWT to be defeated.
Wa liya'udhu billah.
That's why it is kabira min kabairul zunur,
because you are submitting Islam to the hand
of the enemies of Allah SWT.
So in the past, because the iman is
very high, the strength in the iman is
very strong, Allah SWT make it 10 against
If you are confronted by 10 enemies, you
cannot run away.
You have to remain in the place.
Allah SWT says, Every single person versus 10.
He cannot run away.
He has to stand and fight them.
So you can see how tough is the...
And they did an excellent job.
Those people, subhanAllah, They did.
If you remember the case of Julaibib, He
was confronted by 7.
He managed to take them down.
Although he was also slain by them, but
at the end of the day, he did
the job correctly.
So Allah SWT says, Allah SWT gave the
Muslims a discount.
Why was that?
Because of the da'af that exists in
the iman.
It wasn't like before.
Not da'af in the iman, but weakness
because of the kathra.
You get it?
Those companions of the Prophet SAW, So because
of the weakness that happens due to the
kathra, because if you are alone, sometimes the
iman and the strength and the ability is
very high.
The high determination is very strong.
But when you start getting supporters, then you
become lenient, soft.
Not like before.
So Allah SWT, because of this weakness, Allah
says, If
you have 100 da'af patient, So you
see from 10, Allah reduces it to 2
And this is how it is until the
Day of Judgment.
If a person is confronting 2, he cannot
run away.
If they reach 3, he can run away.
Because running away is equal to going to
So the exception is, if the amount of
the enemies is up to 3 and above,
then you can run away.
Preferable not to run away, but if a
person runs away, he is excused.
You get it?
He is excused.
Other than that, Rabbul Alamin says, So al
-firaru means, running away from the battlefield.
And consuming riba.
SubhanAllah, this sin, as Shaykh al-Islam bin
Taymiyyah said, there is no sin, that Allah
SWT is very harsh in the Qur'an
against it, than the riba.
It says in Surah al-Baqarah, and by
the way, these are the last verses that
were given to Rasulallah SAW.
Imagine this.
These are the last verses that were given
to Rasulallah SAW.
Together with, Allah SWT says, They
will not be resurrected from their grave, except
like somebody who is possessed by shaytan.
So jinn possession is true.
It can happen.
I'm saying this because there are some who
don't believe in this.
It can happen.
And the cure is to go back to
Rabbul Alamin, the creator of everyone.
So imagine these people, they will be resurrected
from their grave, like somebody who is possessed
by the jinn.
Have you ever seen somebody who is possessed
by the jinn?
Why don't you just leave it like that?
Where is the stand?
So that was just a form of cheating?
So, have you ever seen somebody who is
possessed by jinn?
What planet are you living on?
Very terrible, you know.
If you see some of these ones who
are really, really affected by the shaytan.
Imagine a person who will come back to
Rabbul Alamin on the Day of Judgment like
Falling down.
Hitting everything.
In the same way, you saw even worse
than that.
What is their problem?
And this is because they said, not even
using the riba, no, they claim that there
is no difference between sale and riba.
They're both the same.
Allah says, Allah made
sale contract halal and riba haram.
Meaning, there is no similarity between the two.
They are totally different.
Allah says, If you receive nasiha from Rabbul
Alamin, somebody advise you, somebody tell this person
about the danger of riba, and he stops
taking the riba.
And he stops saying that riba is halal.
Allah SWT says, Whatever happens, khalas, we'll be
forgiven by Allah.
And his affair is with Rabbul Alamin because
after this, we don't know who he is
going to be.
Then Allah will judge him according to his
behavior and attitude.
He says, As for the one who did
not listen, who doesn't want to listen.
Saying that riba is similar and he takes
the riba and he legalized it.
Allah says, These are the ones that will
be taken to * and they will remain
in * forever and ever and ever.
There will be no time for them to
go out of it.
There are two types of people who are
taking riba.
The one who makes it halal and the
one who takes it knowing that he is
committing sin.
He believes it's haram, but out of negligence,
laziness, weakness in iman, he takes riba.
The first one is kafir.
If he says riba is halal to me,
this is kafir.
If he just uses riba without legalizing it,
this is one of the people who are
committing kabair, kabira min kabair az-zulm.
That's how we should understand the ayah, bi
-idhni al-wahid al-ahad.
And then Allah's Messenger says, yam haqqallahu al
-riba wa yubidh al-sadaqat.
You see the first punishment, right?
That's number one.
And number two, al-khulud fi al-naar.
Number three, Allah's Messenger says, yam haqqallahu al
-riba wa yubidh al-sadaqat, al-mahq, min
al-baraka, which means to uproot, to remove
something from the root, to cause it not
to exist.
What does that mean?
Whatever you know in this life, which is
called baraka, that exists in wealth, Allah removes
it if that wealth is gained through riba.
This one is enough to convince anyone who
is dealing with riba to stay away from
So, Allah's Messenger says, you remove any baraka,
what are you looking for in wealth?
Baraka from Rabbul Alameen.
So there will be no baraka in wealth
which is gained through riba.
yam haqqallahu al-riba wa yubidh al-sadaqat
wallahu la yuhibbu kulla kafarin athibun.
Allah's Messenger says, grow the charity because riba,
the contrary to charity, to riba is charity.
Because riba is the total, you know, opposite
of charity.
The one who gives charity, Allah grows his
The one who takes from others through the
means of riba, Allah's Messenger calls him to
kullu malin nabata'an suhtin famaluhu ila qillah
He says, any wealth that is, you know,
coming from suht, haram, at the end of
the day, Allah's Messenger will cause that person
to lose that wealth.
yam haqqallahu al-riba wa yubidh al-sadaqat
wallahu la yuhibbu kulla kafarin athibun.
What is the next ayah?
inna allatheena aamanu wa aamiril salihati Allah's Messenger
says, ya ayyuha allatheena aamanu ittaqullahu wa dharru
ma baqimin al-riba in kuntu fa illam
tafa'aluhu faa'zanu biharbi minallahu wasulihi This
is what I'm looking for actually.
Allah says, if you are not to stop,
you know, taking the riba, he said, you
should be ready to fight rabbul alameen, war
between you and Allah.
I just want us to understand why the
economic system is in trouble nowadays.
Because this is an economy that is based
on fighting rabbul alameen.
How can it succeed?
It has to crash.
You have to go into the recession from
time to time.
There is no way.
That's why they know that this economic recession
is going to take place.
It's going to happen.
And they know that this system has to
They even plan for that.
If you don't know that, you should know.
They even plan.
Sometimes, they even tell you that it was
supposed to crash at this moment, but it
takes longer time.
Innallaha yumhil wala yuhmil.
The only thing that fits us is that
which is designed by Allah SWT for us.
You know, the Islamic economic system, if it
is well-preserved, well-defined in the way
Allah SWT wants.
That's the only solution that humanity has.
Any other than this will be shallow principles,
theories that we take from.
Sometimes, some of these people, if you go
and check their biography, they are zift, as
they said.
They are against the manners.
They are really evil in their communities.
But then these people, we take them as
the pioneers that will give us advice on
how to develop our economic system.
Do you get it?
We neglect what Allah SWT told us.
We come and stick to something which is
designed by, sometimes, criminals, if you go through
their behaviors.
So Rasulullah SAW said, la'anallahu aakilar riba
wa muwkilahu wa kaatibahu wa shahideh wa qalahum
filwizri awlifni sawa.
Allah SWT cures the one who takes riba.
The one who gives riba.
The one who witnesses riba.
And the one who writes the transaction that
contains riba.
All of them are cursed.
If you don't know what is curse, a
curse means to be taken away from the
mercy of Rabbul Alameen.
And don't forget, Rasulullah SAW said, nobody will
go to Jannah except by the mercy of
Allah SWT.
If this guy doesn't have the mercy from
Rabbul Alameen, you can imagine his situation in
the eyes of Allah SWT.
That's the result of fighting Allah SWT.
Which the result is that only one side
is winning.
There is no possibility for the other side
to win.
And the Prophet SAW said, they are all
equal in terms of sin.
You get it?
That's why working in an institution that deals
with riba is not an option at all.
A person has to understand that he is
going to be cursed by Rabbul Alameen starting
from the time he cooperated with those ones.
Because you are going to be documenting transactions,
witnessing, taking or giving riba.
So those curses from Rabbul Alameen, they will
be applicable on that person.
The only person that might be out is
the one who cleans the place.
Even that one might be out from the
curse, but there is another text from Allah
SWT that says, وَتَعَوَنُوا عَلَى الْبِذِينِ وَالتَّقْوَى وَلَا
تَعَوَنُوا عَلَى الْإِثْمُ وَالْعُدْوَانِ Do not cooperate in
doing things that are considered as sins and
transgressing the limits.
You get it?
Rasulullah SAW said, I'm just trying to collect
as much as I can so that people
understand how much dangerous it is for a
person to engage in riba.
Allah is Sabr Sabr.
Just be patient.
It's better for you to walk on your
Then taking a loan which contains riba.
To buy a car, to buy a house,
or to buy anything.
You cannot stand fire.
In this dunya, you might be living a
comfortable life, but don't forget, Rabbul Alameen will
remove the comfort from your heart and will
put you into mashakil.
Because you will be at war with Rabbul
Many people, Allah SWT has shown mercy upon
They encounter a very great loss and khasarah.
And they reflect, Alhamdulillah, some of them.
They understand immediately right after the thing happens,
they know that, yeah, this is because of
what I have done.
The riba money I took, this is the
reason why I am being punished in this
You need more?
Rasulullah SAW said, he says, Dirham or riban,
ya kuluhur rajul, ashaddu indallah min sitatin wa
thalafin zina.
One dirham or riba that a person takes
is worse in the eyes of Allah SWT
in terms of sin than zina being committed
36 times.
36 zina that somebody is doing.
One dirham.
And somebody now tells you that there is
a limit.
As long as a third of your wealth
is not riba, then the rest is okay.
Rasulullah SAW said, one dirham is worse in
the eyes of Allah SWT than this.
Last one.
We have more from the sunnah of the
Prophet SAW, but let's give this last one.
There is a hadith which is authenticated by
scholars which says, a riba, a riba has
around 60 to 70 something levels.
It says, wa adnaha, the lowest one in
terms of sin is similar to somebody committing
zina with his mother.
All of these nusus from the sharia is
just to take you away from being in
a state where you are fighting Rabbul Alameen.
You Allah.
You cannot stand fighting Rabbul Alameen.
You Allah.
Nobody can stand this.
That's why sabr and patience is good.
Whenever you try to join a business if
there is riba in it, do not join.
The scholars said, even if you know you
are not going to pay the riba amount,
as long as the conditions contains riba, it's
haram for you to sign that agreement.
So this for sure, taking riba, and to
my knowledge, there was no sharia where riba
has been tolerated at all.
Allah says, فَبِذُلْمٍ مِنَ الَّذِينَ هَادُوا حَرَّمْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ
طَيِّبَةٍ أُحِلَّتْ لَهُمْ حَرَّمْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ طَيِّبَةٍ أُحِلَّتْ لَهُمْ
وَبِصَدِّهِمْ عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ كَثِيرًا And then, وَأَكْلِهِمْ
الرِّبَىٰ وَقَدْنُهُ عَنْهُ Allah Almighty says, we punish
them in that way.
وَأَكْلِهِمْ الرِّبَىٰ وَقَدْنُهُ عَنْهُ Allah told them not
to take riba.
But they modify a bit.
They say riba is only haram between a
Jew and a Jew.
But between a Jew and the rest, riba
is not haram.
They can take riba.
أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ So, وَأَكْلِهِمْ الرِّبَىٰ This one, for
sure, is one of the kaba'il, الذنوب.
وَأَكْلُ مَالِ الْيَتِيبِ And taken from the wealth
of the yeteeb.
Allah SWT says, إِنَّ الَّذِينَ مَنْ هُوَ الْيَتِيبِ
مَنْ هُوَ الْيَتِيبِ Somebody who?
Somebody who lost his father.
Somebody who?
Don't change your mind.
Just add some ingredient, then I can accept.
Maybe don't know their parents, does not speak
to their parents.
So, anyone who is, when was the last
time you spoke to your parents, is it?
So, the father is there, but he doesn't
know who he is.
I know.
That's the meaning of yeteeb.
Somebody who lost his father before the age
Same thing.
The difference between yours and hers, I think
it's between the the heavens and the earth.
The brothers are always right.
So, that's correct.
Somebody who lost his father before the age
of maturity.
If he reaches the age of maturity, then
he's not yeteem anymore.
So, these people, they are one of the
most vulnerable people in the society.
People who are somehow weak.
The one that are vulnerable too, the oppression
in the community.
Two of them.
Who are they?
Yeteeb and Nisa, the woman.
That's why the Prophet ﷺ really threatened the
one who is harming the yeteeb and the
He asked Allah ﷻ to put this person
in a state of haraj.
He asked Rabbul Alamin to put this person
in a state of haraj.
That's why I always say to the sisters,
nobody loves you more than Rabbul Alamin.
No place where you can have security except
in Islam.
That's the only protection they have.
Because if you go to almost every community,
you find that those balance of the jahiliyyah
time is still there in almost every community
wherever you go.
So, what else left?
The one who saved them from that calamity.
He's the only one who can save them
from the calamity also today.
Look at who is getting into trouble nowadays
Of course.
Even if a person is blind or deaf,
he knows that the sisters are getting into
Maybe 100 times more than the brothers.
Every day.
So, who is being harmed?
They've been harmed more.
But unfortunately, people don't want to understand.
They don't want to understand.
So, this is a very good message for
all of us and to our sisters to
understand that the only safe zone they have
in this dunya is Islam.
If they go out of it, they will
be snatched by any criminal.
So, the team also the same thing.
Doesn't have a father to defend him.
You can expect oppression, taken from their wealth.
It happens.
That's why Allah SWT, He distributed the inheritance
by Himself.
Did not let somebody do it.
Even the Prophet SAW, the amount of the
Nusus about the inheritance we got from Rasulullah
SAW, they are very little.
Very little.
Almost everything is there in the Quran.
How many ayats talk about inheritance in the
Add a little bit.
Four ayats.
If you want, you can say five.
I remove one of them because it's a
reputation of what the other one said.
And we have three of them all in
Surah An-Nisa.
Surah An-Nisa.
You seek Allah for your children.
And then, وَلَكُمْ نِسُوا مَا تَرَكَ أَزْوَاجُكُمْ إِلَّمَّ
كُلَّهُمْ نَوَلَدْ And then, يَسْتَفْتُونَكَ قُلْ لَهُمْ تَكُنْ
فِي الْكَرَاءَ The last ayah in Surah An
And also you have أُولِي الأَرْحَامِ بَعْضُمْ أَوْلَى
بِبَعْضٍ في كِتَابِ اللَّهِ One in Surah Al
-Ahzab and one in Surah Al-Anfal.
Everything you need in inheritance, subhanAllah, is in
these ayahs.
This is Quran.
Everything you need in inheritance is in these
And subhanAllah, if you see the way Allah
SWT completed these ayahs, you know that yes,
this is a very serious matter with Rabbul
Because trust me, how many families have been
disintegrated because of inheritance?
How many people lost their life?
How many Yatama has been, subhanAllah, oppressed and
their wealth has been taken by some of
the family members?
A lot.
So Rabbul Alameen, after he finished the first
ayah, he said, أَبَأُكُمْ وَأَبْنَأُكُمْ لَا تَدُرُونَ أَيُّهُمْ
أَقْرُبُ لَكُمْ نَفَعًا Yeah, because I might say,
oh my son is more beneficial to me,
my daughter is more beneficial to me, my
parent is more beneficial to me, my siblings.
Allah SWT says, لَا تَدُرُونَ أَيُّهُمْ أَقْرُبُ لَكُمْ
نَفَعًا You don't know which one is more
beneficial to you.
Which means, since we don't know, we should
let that one who knows to do the
And that's Rabbul Alameen only.
Yeah, because sometimes you might think that this
is the one, but it is not.
Allah SWT knows that he is not.
فَرِضَةً مِّنَ اللَّهِ Allah says, this is how
it should be distributed and you have to
keep it in the way Allah SWT kept
No modification, no siyasa, no politics, it has
to be kept in the way it is.
In the second ayah, Allah SWT says, تِلْكَ
حُدُودُ اللَّهِ Right after that, He mentioned an
ayah that says تِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ And He
threatened the one who is transgressing these boundaries
of Allah SWT that He will be sending
him to *.
You can see the first ayah, the way
it was concluded.
And the second ayah, you see the way
Allah SWT concluded.
He said, either you do it like this
or go to *.
In the last ayah, Allah SWT says, يُبَيِّنُ
اللَّهُ لَكُمْ أَن تَظِلُّوا These are explanations and
details given to you by Allah SWT so
that you will not be misguided.
So we learn from this that not distributing
the estate in the way Allah SWT wants
is misguidance.
And misguidance has no place in our religion.
You get it?
When you are linked to the judges and
you see what is going on in the
communities, Wallahi, you will understand that, yes.
This is a very dangerous and very sensitive,
you know, what do you call it, very
sensitive, you know, place.
And a lot of people claim, you know,
sometimes you might think these are just jokes.
Realistically, it was there.
One of the lawyers was sharing with me
a case that somebody brought up in the
He is looking for his inheritance.
He said he heard that his great-great
-grandfather, you know, 200 years ago, 200 years
ago, that the inheritance was not distributed correctly
and he did not get his portion.
So what should we do now?
Why is he making this claim?
He wants to take some of the houses
that belong to some people.
So he has money.
He will go and convince the court, you
know, to retrieve back the inheritance that happened
200 years ago.
As-salamu alaykum.
That's the reason why Rasulallah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said, if you are appointed and assigned
to be a judge, it's like slaughtering you
without using a knife.
The same goes to the lawyers.
Very good job.
Very good job, but very sensitive job.
You know.
Except a few.
Except a few.
We need this job because you have some
people who cannot go and explain in the
court, you know, what really happens to get
back their rights.
We need somebody who can talk on their
But unfortunately, it's all based on how much
you pay.
A criminal will come, and then he will
come to the court and pay money to
everyone he can pay, and then he will
win the case.
Do you get it?
He'll win the case.
Rich people hit somebody with a bicycle.
An ordinary poor person who has a bicycle
The poor guy take him to the court.
The rich person came, so he spent money.
So the case now, when the judge is
calling for the case, he says, where is
the bicycle guy who hit the car of
that person?
So now, he has to come and defend
I have a lawyer that, so I hear
all of these useless things that every day,
whenever he comes, he will share with me
all of these stupidities that have taken place
in the courts.
As-salamu alaykum.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, إِنَّ
الَّذِينَ يَأْكُلُونَ أَمْوَالَ الْيَتَامَا وَذُلْمًا إِنَّمَا يَأْكُلُونَ فِي
بُطُونِهِمْ نَعْرًا وَسَيَسْلُونَ سَيِّرًا Taking any part of
the wealth of the yateem unjustly is equal
to eating fire.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala promised those
people to take them to *.
If they don't, make tawbah and return it
They will get into trouble when they meet
Rabbul Alameen.
Because those ones, they have nobody to support
and take care of them.
And therefore, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is
standing for them.
You know, they always have somebody.
And the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
اتَّقِ دَعْوَةَ الْمَضْرُومِ فَإِنَّهُ لَيْسَ بَيْنَهَا وَبَيْنَ اللَّهِ
وَقَضْفُ الْمُحْسَنَاتِ قَالَ وَأَكْرُ مَا لِلْيَتِيمِ So this
one also is from the Kaba'ir.
Mentioned by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
in those Al-Kaba'ir 7 that he
وَقَضْفُ الْمُحْسَنَاتِ And falsely accusing مُحْسَنَاتِ You see,
the emphasis was not on the مُحْسَنَةِ Who
is the مُحْسَنَةِ?
No, it's not that one.
We have different types of Ihsan.
But who is the مُحْسَنَةِ?
Thank you very much.
Somebody who had a sexual relationship with the
spouse in a legal marriage.
Do remember this definition, right?
Because we do have some who are saying
Somebody who is currently married.
Islamically, it doesn't matter whether he's still staying
with his wife.
He doesn't have a wife anymore.
She doesn't have a husband anymore.
She has a husband anymore.
It doesn't matter.
The point is, they have a sexual relationship
in a legal marriage, then they are مُحْسَنِين.
If they commit Zina, they are supposed to
be stoned to death.
But here, Allah SWT says قَضْفُ الْمُحْسَنَاتِ الْإِحْسَانُ
هِيَ الْعَفِيفَاتِ A sister that is عَفِيفَةِ عَفِيفَةِ
عَفِيفَةِ means decent woman.
If a person claims that she committed Zina,
you know, since they are very vulnerable to
be oppressed by others, and their right is
not going to be taken, most likely, especially
in the Jahiliyyah time, Rabbul Alameen stands for
You get it?
قَضْفُ الْمُحْسَنَاتِ الْمُؤْمِنَاتِ A person to falsely accuse
this person.
If he accuses her, we ask him to
provide four witnesses.
If he fails, we beat him 80 lashes.
Very good system.
Very good system.
You beat him 80 lashes.
So that tomorrow he will know how to
respect our sisters and the Muslims in general.
So قَضْفُ الْمُحْسَنَاتِ الْمُؤْمِنَاتِ Allah SWT says those
people who are doing the Qadh and they
don't have witnesses, He says What is the
وَالَّذِينَ يَرْمُونَ الْمُحْسَنَاتِ الْغَافِلَاتِ وَالَّذِينَ يَرْمُونَ
الْمُحْسَنَاتِ ثُمَّ لَمْ يَأْتُوا بِأَرْبَعَةِ الشُّهَدَةِ And they
refused, they failed to bring four witnesses.
They falsely accused those sisters that are decent
and they failed to provide witnesses.
Allah SWT says So we beat them 80
And also we don't accept their testimony, their
shahada anymore.
Allah says And then we call them They
will be given the title of الفسق Going
against the obedience of Allah SWT A person
will be described as a decedent person.
You get it?
So these are the ones who are falsely
accusing the sisters.
And Allah SWT says He says لَعْنُوا فِي
الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ Allah SWT cursed them in the
dunya and the akhira وَلَهُمْ أَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ يَوْمَ
تَشْهَدُ عَلَيْهِمْ أَلْسِنَتُهُمْ وَأَيْدِهِمْ وَأَرُجُلِهِمْ بِمَا كَانُوا
بِمَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ يَوْمَ إِذٍ يُوَفِّيهِمُ اللَّهُ دِينَهُمُ
الْحَقَّ وَيَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الْحَقُّ الْمُبِينُ سبحان
الله He says on the Day of Judgment
They are cursed, these people, they are cursed
in this dunya and the akhira also and
they should remember that there is a great
punishment which is awaiting them when they meet
Allah SWT So قَضْفُوا الْمُحْسَنَاتُ also is one
of the kabairu dhunub mentioned by the Prophet
SAW in that hadith وَالسِّحْرُ What is sihr?
Magic Magic Can magic happen?
Yes Magic can happen You get it?
Magic can happen And we had them before
and up to date also and these are
one of the worst entities on this planet
of ours That's why Rasulullah SAW said من
أتى عَرَّافًا أو كَاهِنًا فلا تُقْبَلْ لهُ الصَّلَاةُ
أَرْبَعِينًا يَوْمًا أَوْ لَيْلًا أَوْ كَمَا قَدْ نَبِسِ
اللهُ A person who visit عَرَّافًا a fortune
teller or a magician his prayer will not
be accepted for 40 days But at the
same time he has to pray The prayer
won't be accepted but at the same time
he has to pray And in another place
the Prophet SAW said whoever approached whoever
comes to عَرَّافًا فَصَدَّقَهُ and the man says
something and that person says it's true This
one Rasulullah SAW said قَدْ كَفَرَ بِمَا أُنزِلْ
عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ It is believed in that which
Allah SWT gave Muhammad SAW Let me use
Umar's one I think that's one It's
one right?
Who is given permission?
What kind of system is this?
Yeah it's the same one I was using
Yeah no problem That's that I
thought I was using that one Next
time we tell them they have to come
to the class Okay Adam thank you very
much So Rasulullah SAW said if a person
visit a fortune teller or a sahir magician
and that guy said something and the one
who visited him testify and agree with what
he says, he says he become kafir with
that which Allah SWT revealed to Muhammad SAW
Then what will be the situation of the
sahir himself?
What will be the situation?
That's why if you read about the sahara
and the sahib, trust me I don't think
there is somebody who will convince you that
these guys are Muslim There is no way
for those shayateen to help unless if a
person leaves his imam No way, no way
Some of the things they do, subhanallah I
mean the person has to be really one
of the worst enemies of Rabbul Alameen for
him to do that So they don't help,
that's why Allah SWT says فَلَا تَكْفُرُ Those
two angels that were sent They will tell
the person who wants to learn the magic
لا تَكْفُرُ Then just believe in Allah SWT
You get it So it's kufr This is
Allah SWT So the Prophet SAW said whoever
visit them his prayer will not be accepted
for 40 days How about somebody who bought
a magazine or watch a TV show which
is real magic Can we apply the same
Yes we should, have to There is a
show maybe, let's say there is a show
which they broadcast magic and he goes for
that What is the difference between him and
somebody who visit the place of the magician
and watch The same goes to the person
who bought a magazine or any newspaper that
talks about magic magic and his intention to
buy that magazine is just to see what
the magician does He is also a visitor
to Araf We have to be very careful
It's not necessary that physical visit is the
one that will put a person into trouble
even if a person buy or watch what
they are doing If it is real magic,
not the tricks If it is the tricks,
which everyone can do but you just don't
know how to do it Do you get
This one is wrong for a person to
support them because they are imitating something that
Allah hates But can you tell that person
that he lost his prayer for 40 days
No, because he did not watch magic That
thing was not magic Is that clear?
This is what I guess what I talk
As long as it is not real magic
A person should stay away from them because
it is muhaqqat of the sihr Imitating something
that Allah swt hates Muslims shouldn't do this
You know Do you get it?
Allah swt grant us tawfiq So a person
has to detach himself from them Nowadays when
this is being mentioned people get scared people
get panic Subhanallah, the way Allah swt put
it in the Quran it shows that these
people are very useless All that you have
to do is to depend on Rabbul Alameen
Just depend on Allah swt Allah swt says
What they did is just a plot of
a magician And there is no way for
a magician to succeed You get it?
Just do the adhkar Don't be negligent Whenever
you go out of your house do the
dhikr Do we have something to say when
we are going out?
Yes You need one hour to finish it,
No, few seconds Go out and while you
are going out you should say what?
Bismillah Go and see what the Prophet s
.a.w. said about how much you will
be protected by the angels until you come
back home You pray fajr Once in jamaat,
you will be under the protection of Rabbul
Alameen You do the adhkar of sabah wal
masaa Even also you do the same thing
Nothing can harm you You say 100 times
You get 100 rewards 100 sins to be
taken away from your account The reward of
free in like 10 slaves will be given
to you and also during that day nobody
will be doing something that is better than
yours During that day you will be protected
by Allah s.w.t from the shaytan
Shaytan cannot affect you until evening When you
do the same thing you get the same
protection as the Prophet s.a.w. said
and also on the day of judgement, the
Prophet s.a.w. said nobody will come
back to Allah with something similar to what
you did except somebody who is better than
what you did When you go back home
Bismillah Say assalamu alaikum Rasulullah s.a.w.
said shaytan will tell his people that we
have no place to stay here You eat
your food, you say bismillah they will not
eat with you If you refuse to do
any of these they will say we have
a place to sleep and we have food
also to eat You go to sleep, you
sleep ala wudu' shaytan doesn't come closer to
what you want them You go to sleep,
you recite ayatul kursi, even shaytan himself also
said if you recite ayatul kursi, I cannot
come closer to you Subhanallah You want to
use the bathroom You say what?
Allahumma innaAAudhu bikamil khubthi wal khabaith or khubuthi
wal khabaith Which one?
Which one is better?
Both of them are okay Both are okay
Which one is better?
Al khubthi or khubuthi?
Somebody says dhamma khubuthi or khabaith Do you
agree with them?
Say no al sukoon afdal When you say
al khubuthi wal khabaith When you say al
khubuthi wal khabaith you are asking Allah to
protect you from male jinn and the female
shayateen male shayateen and the female shayateen But
when you say min al khubuthi wal khabaith
al khubth is evil in all of its
forms wal khabaith male and female amongst the
shayateen That's why they say it's more accurate
for you to use the sukoon Right?
al khubuthi wal khabaith Bismillah The protection and
the cover between you and the eyes of
the shayateen and the jinn is when you
go to the hammam you say Bismillah and
you make that du'a They will not
see you So you have full privacy in
your bathroom Otherwise there is no technology like
what we have A person has to take
precaution They are more sophisticated than us We
have We always make joke We have YouTube
They have Jintube to broadcast amazing things they
see So you want to have full privacy
You say Bismillah when you are going to
the bathroom Even shayateen bismillah azawajal they will
not be able to see you You know
the Prophet said These places, they are full
of shayateen They like to stay in those
kind of dirty places That's why he says
when you go to the bathroom make the
du'a Subhanallah our deen is full of
protection for us But unfortunately, how many people
are paying attention to this?
Only a few among us So live a
normal life Wallah, live a normal life What
is written will happen What is not written
will never come And put your trust on
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala And wallah, aqsimu
billah aqsimu lakum billah If all of the
magicians that exist on earth All of them
that exist If they are together in one
place to harm you Wallah, aqsimu billah If
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala doesn't let it
happen Wallahi, we cannot do anything Laysu bishay
As Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says Nothing
can harm you at all Be with Allah
Nothing can harm you So that's why Always
do istighfar Negligence is not good Yeah, negligence
is not good From the brother side and
the sister side You know, negligence is not
good Who is more affected?
By the magic brothers or sisters?
Sisters And if we were to be honest
Who is more negligent in society?
That side Both are negligent But that side
Especially when it comes to the hijab Those
people who did ruqya I know people who
did ruqya Some of the jinns when they
talk to them You know when they start
reading the Quran Sometimes the jinns talk You
know that this guy is not the one
who is talking And when they talk They
tell How did they get into That person
You have cases where they will tell you
That place which is not covered by The
hijab properly Because we are all open Protection
that you have Is your taqwa Allah says
You see Adam when he ate From the
tree, he and his wife Hawa, when they
ate from the tree What happened to them?
They became naked, the clothes was gone Rabbul
Alameen Subhanallah, he wanted us to learn a
lesson That the protection of your awrah Is
your taqwa That's the real covering That's why
he said We are going to give you
a libas And I don't mean In this
dunya We will give you also a libas
of taqwa Allah says This is better For
you Than the first type of libas That
Allah SWT gave us, the physical one So
it's My personal message to myself And my
brothers and sisters That let's just observe Our
good manners With Rabbul Alameen And trust me,
don't worry Don't worry at all, even Allah
You will not be harmed by those entities
They are living in their own dimension And
you are living in your own dimension Allah
says He sees you he and his His
people In a way you don't see them
That's good for the system to be in
this way They see us We don't see
them So when you are in trouble What
is the best way to resolve That matter
with them You are always in trouble You
have two enemies Ibn Kathir said Enemy from
the human beings And enemy from the jinn
The enemy from the human beings You can
go to him I know things happened in
the past I know there are a lot
of Misunderstandings between me and you I am
here not to discuss what happened in the
past I am just here to tell you
Please let's close this page and open a
new file Maazin is going to say You
were the one who did this Maazin, I
already know I don't want to open this
We are just going to open the door
for the shaitan To separate between us Please
accept my apology for everything that happens You
know, I am your brother Let's move together
I know how to talk, I know how
to convince him Because I can meet him
He is my fellow brother from amongst the
human beings I can meet him and talk
to him Shaitan How do you meet him
and talk to him Is there any way
for you to meet the shaitan And discuss
the matter with him?
No And even if you are going to
meet him To talk to him, what does
he want from you To see your iman
being taken away from you That's the only
thing that convinces him To see you losing
your iman That's why I love the way
They put it How Allah SWT Talks to
us when he talks about this matter He
says if you have a problem with the
human beings He says Always reply with the
best When you are dealing with human beings
However If you have a problem with the
shaitan Ask Allah to protect you Because you
don't see him You get it So it
is like this In the way you are
in trouble because you don't see him And
he sees you Let him also get into
trouble with the one who sees him And
he doesn't see him That's how it should
be done You are in trouble because you
don't see him But he sees you Let
him get into trouble with He sees him
and he doesn't see Allah SWT And subhanAllah
Your side is stronger Because even if he
sees Allah What can he do?
Nothing This is Rabbul Alameen, nobody can fight
him That's why your side is stronger Allah
says SubhanAllah
Allah SWT says they are plotting We are
doing also ours And they don't know what
we are planning for them Allah says look
and see In the history To see the
end of their plot Allah says we destroy
them Nobody remains amongst them So back to
sihr So please do take this note from
me Just live a normal life Just try
to be a good Muslim Nothing can happen
to you in this life Until you go
back to Allah And also Going against the
honour of The Muslim I guess we should
stop here for questions InshaAllah So in the
next class we will continue from this I
decided inshaAllah To go slowly, calmly To address
these important matters Because the purpose of The
class is to see that which is right
To do it and to see that which
is wrong To stay away from it Not
to quickly finish the book BarakAllahu feekum Assalamualaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh You
have to tell Very good evil Opinion Nice
to hear but very evil In terms of
nature He is saying that he heard Somebody
who said The one who committed zina Now
he committed zina but he never married before
So he committed zina Is he Muslim?
No, according to our sharia But he said
he heard an opinion I don't want to
ask him from which country But he said
he heard an opinion That says the one
who committed zina Now, if he is not
married From now onward he becomes Mohsen So
when he Do the next, the first one
he did We are going to beat him
100 lashes And send him to jail for
one year Right?
The next time if he commits zina The
first zina made him Mohsen, so the next
one Necessitate a rajm We stone him till
death Which religion By the way That's why
we said The meaning of ihsan is A
person who has What you call a sexual
relationship In a legal marriage In a legal
marriage You are living in this You will
hear a lot of Things Next Did I
Okay What is Odd The
one that doesn't have a partner Do you
get it?
That's why If you remember last time We
said he doesn't have He doesn't have the
opposite You cannot say that the opposite of
Allah is this Allah doesn't have an opposite
So he is with him He is alone
in everything he does There is no way
For you to find somebody who looks like
Somebody who can do like Like Nobody Can
do that and nobody is like him In
all of his actions In all of his
In all of his actions Whatever he did
Whatever Allah has Which he tells us Through
the Quran and the sunnah of the Prophet
Prophet Allah is alone in those You know
So that's The meaning of Allah Because he
is the only one who is like this
Doesn't have And doesn't have Do you get
the idea We have somebody who has the
capacity And ability that can challenge you No
It doesn't have This is Yeah, that's
why That's why Is one of the most
beloved Sunnah prayers you are doing You get
it When you eat, you break your fast
The scholars always say Three, you make it
all The Prophet said When you wash His
daughter Zainab He says You wash her Three
times Or five times Or seven times Or
more as long as you need to do
that Why didn't he say Three, four Five,
six He skipped four He said three or
five Or seven You get it Also three
and five for the sisters Three for the
brothers Yeah You break your fast also Three,
seven You get it Next Next I
know Because they don't know We are talking
about The one You get it The one
who intentionally go to that place Not the
one who By accident Just passing through a
place And people are playing magic, real magic
And you see them And then you pass
We will never say your prayers are affected
at all But if you go to the
place Just to watch Then your prayers will
be affected But if you go to the
place to fight Not to fight, I mean
to I like this word Because some went
to fight The jinn Sheikh Tahir mentioned A
story if I remember it And he Accurately
he said He met those guys who were
flying in there Yeah They went up Because
the magic is in our eyes So we
don't see the one who is carrying him
That is jinn carrying So we just see
him working in the air All that you
need is to read In that place The
jinn didn't know Muhammad They would run away
and leave him So he said I read
I forgot which surah he read The guy
fell down I stopped reading They picked him
up He fell down So if a person
goes to Go to the place and argue
with those people To try to Explain to
the community that these are magicians This one
is okay Praiseworthy action Ibn Taymiyyah did He
told the guys And they refused to do
Because they know the consequences Next No
it's not They have a lot of cultural
practices Sister is at home She is at
home That's it Can read Quran without covering
the hair In some cultures It's wrong for
a sister to uncover The hair when she
is at home Because they believe shaitan will
come inside No No shaitan no anything If
shaitan comes that means she is doing something
Not because she is doing what Allah swt
made halal upon her Otherwise imagine a life
That a sister has to cover herself Even
at home Imagine the difficulty she is going
to be facing in her life That is
only outside When she is at home Ibn
Taymiyyah says in the past They used to
cover from the chest Up to the knees
Because these are the most critical areas Even
next to the Muharram They should be I
mean a bit decent You get it Not
say that these are all Muharram No That
is a part of the body that nobody
is allowed to see That part The Prophet
said Except for your wife So that thing
which Normally in the house A sister is
a bit negligent It's ok She is not
committing sin Otherwise the life will be really
terrible for the sister If Allah says it
Alhamdulillah They will follow But if Sharia did
not say Why would we oppose it upon
them Because of the culture of the people
You get it So all of these cultural
practices Should be thrown away She has to
cover her head when she goes to the
bathroom Why Why If the jinn comes and
Follow her in the bathroom It was there
with her long ago It wasn't because of
the bathroom So she doesn't need to cover
her head Because of the bathroom She doesn't
need to cover her head because of reading
the Quran Or making any dhikr As long
as she is in the house Some also
said When she makes wudhu she has to
wear the hijab first To go and make
wudhu These are the balance Of the Jahiliyyah
time They used to suffer before And we
want to also put it in Islam The
most Updated version I have Is that Sisters
are very Weak in everything A sister cannot
Give a person shahadah This one is very
new She convinced another person To accept Islam
That person says she cannot tell him Or
her Islam is I don't know They don't
say that but according to them Maybe Islam
is batil If you accept Islam or she
accepts Islam They are not talking about women
No a sister cannot Give shahadah to somebody
I don't know which religion Is this So
these are things that I call The balance
of the Jahiliyyah That still remain Up to
this time of ours and some people Want
to Islamize it Or Islamize it And make
it inside our religion Religion of Allah Is
much more simple Therefore if you impose something
upon another person You have to provide evidence
for that If there is no evidence Then
the person should enjoy the freedom That Allah
SWT gave them I love this life Halal
should remain halal Then go and tell somebody
that they should stop doing halal Because of
what you see What justification do you have
Rabbul Alamin says it is halal Is that
clear Rabbul Alamin says it is halal So
what justification do we have to Deprive people
from enjoying and Exercising their right Is that
clear And Adam
has none Sorry Adam Because you are the
one who is reading the questions So I
decided to start with you Mazin please Mazin
crossed the bridge Alhamdulillah The
photo is already given It's not a question
So now the debate is Being open Mazin
what do you think Marrying
more than one wife Islamically is it halal
Rasulullah SAW did he do that The companions
of the Prophet SAW Did he do that
Is it something that is That has a
virtue in Islam Why is it Why is
it having virtue Because Allah SWT Said it
right Is it a must that everyone has
to do it Is it a must that
the system Must agree To accept it That's
how the system works What Allah SWT Makes
halal it has to remain halal Saying it's
not halal Like what some people said is
kufr I was reading What do you call
The law in one of the countries I
will not mention the name Muslim countries Actually
Unfortunately One of the Muslim countries Unfortunately
Muslim countries They mentioned that polygyny Is strictly
prohibited This is kufr Going against religion Going
against Rabbul Alameen Somebody who wrote this Has
to say the shahada once again There is
a difference between You don't want to do
something That is halal And between saying that
halal is haram Because Rabbul Alameen Is the
one who made it like that If I
come and say It's haram that's kufr Going
against Allah SWT So that's why I just
want us to leave it in the way
Allah SWT left it He says in surah
And they say And according to the history
Of human beings Marriages People have been married
A lot of sisters at once The Arabs
used to have 10, 20 wives Like that
That's in Jahiliyyah, that's part of the nature
of human beings Wherever they do exist Without
having Islam coming to tell them What to
do, it was like that before In the
Jahiliyyah you go to the villages Where there
is no Islam that much It's just how
the people are The point is You cannot
force somebody to accept what you believe in
To be part of the shariah Of Allah
SWT But to do it, it's not compulsory
for a sister to do But to say
it's haram This is going against Rabbul Alameen
Does it have benefit?
Yes it does Yes it does Does it
hurt some people?
Yes it does, that's a reality And that's
why sometimes When you look at the shariah
Looking at the bigger maslaha Allah SWT will
legalize something Although there are some few who
are getting harmed The individual maslaha Could be
You know, what do you call Kept aside
because of the bigger Maslaha of the community
I don't want to go into this Because
I think this is one of the Topics
that shouldn't be The president Waste his time
and talk about it By the way, I'm
not referring to To you, but I'm just
Talking in general Because look at the situation
that we are facing nowadays Right?
Go to some places and see The ratio
between the The man and the woman In
some places they mention That's long ago I
heard one of them Saying that if every
male Every male Remember he's putting also their
kids inside Every male is to marry one
There will be 8 million Who have nobody
to go with them What do you want
them to do?
To go and commit zina?
If they say they want to To be
the second wife, third wife Fourth wife, somebody
will Why do you agree with this?
As a Muslim, wallahi I believe It's a
waste of time and wrong thing For us
to dwell on it Polygyny, Allah swt Made
it halal and it will remain halal Until
the day of judgement Allah does not make
it wajib Upon the sister to agree with
it And it remains like this until the
last day Whoever wants to Practice it, Allah
swt opens the door For him.
Whoever doesn't want to practice It's up to
him How do you come and understand that?
We can play this Game also, Allah swt
says He started with Two Or three or
four He says if you are not able
to be If you think you cannot be
just then He says marry only one But
we don't need to go for this Just
leave it that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam married How many wives did he marry?
The most authentic view is He married 11
wives If you exclude the one that he
divorced There is one who came Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam Divorced her right after the
marriage And you have 11, apart from Marya
al-Qibthiyah who was in the wife That's
11 wives Right?
And he died Leaving how many?
Nine He died leaving Around nine wives Because
Khadijah died during His life and Zaynab bint
Khuzamah Also died during his life So nine
Wives left And As our scholars said It's
hardly to find a companion of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who had only one
wife These are the best Generations in the
eyes of Rabbul Alameen This is who they
are And I believe Nobody talks about this
System that Allah swt prescribes in the Quran
Except somebody who is the enemy of The
woman Trust me, is the enemy of the
woman The idea is not to Look for
that which benefit them, is to harm them
At the end of the day So it's
not about supporting brothers or supporting This and
that, no it's not You shouldn't close your
eyes and look at it in this way
Rabbul Alameen Says it's okay, it means it's
okay Somebody who wants it will go for
it Somebody who doesn't like it, stay away
from it And doesn't like it Doesn't mean
you hate it, because if you hate what
Allah Swt make haram You will be sinful,
you will be committing sin You will be
a sinner When you hate that which Allah
swt makes haram You will be committing sin
Did I address That question?
I thought I'm done It's just up to
a person I don't want to go, I
said in my answers That I can play
also that game To make it like this
Allah swt says marry and then he started
with Two, that means Mazin Committed sin Ibrahim
committed sin Omar, did you graduate?
So whoever Married one wife is a sinner
If we say this is a command From
Rabbul Alameen, whoever married one wife Is a
sinner Because Allah says two And he is
marrying only one But who says this among
the scholars?
Nobody Is that Clear?
Nobody says this among the scholars Allah swt
Legalized marriage up to four That's it But
he mentioned it in this way That you
are okay Because the nature of the people
is to go with More than one wife
That's even before Islam comes to them, they
were like that Rasulallah swt married And he
met that one Who came and accepted Islam
from him And he has ten wives The
Prophet said Take four And leave the rest
And that's it So he has to go
and choose four And the rest to tell
them I wish you all the best So
people used to be like this When Islam
comes, since this is the desire Of the
people, you get it Rather than telling them
only one They might find it very difficult
in the community And so those kinds of
issues Social issues that are supposed to be
dealt with We might not be able to
deal with them We have to accept corruption
Although we say we don't care Many people
will say no we don't care This is
their problem, they don't have somebody to marry
them This is their problem Polygyny shouldn't be
legalized No we should care Because we come
and talk about zina that is being committed
in society We come and talk about corruption
We come and talk about all of these
matters Where Allah swt has given us The
solution to that So Allah swt says Two,
three Or four Meaning up to four This
is going with the nature of the people
So Allah says If you know you cannot
be just Then marry only one Do you
get it?
Anything else?
Or I quote for you The statement of
Abdullah bin Abbas If I quote that one
I will quote the other one also If
you agree That's your responsibility Agree?
I will ask for the last time Agree?
No no don't be scared I will quote
the one that you like And then I
will end with the one That I don't
know how do you understand I promise So
that you will learn a lesson Abdullah bin
Abbas said In this Ummah of Muhammad s
.a.w This is authentic narration from Abdullah
bin Abbas This is Sahabi Sahabi Nabi s
.a.w He says in this Ummah the
best Is the one who has more wives
Okay Ready for the next one?
And now Alhamdulillah last one has saved you
Umar r.a He met one of the
brothers He said but don't forget Umar Don't
say Ibrahim call us this Umar r.a
Met one of the brothers He says to
him He said Nothing
is stopping you from marriage Except Should I
Ajz means You are incapable of staying with
a wife So weak You know what I
am talking about Or that person is Fasiq
Umar r.a was telling somebody The only
thing that is stopping you from marriage is
Fujur So those who are not married Umar
r.a said And the life of Masood
said So please don't forget this Don't forget
this Because once you pass the age of
marriage And the possibilities are there And you
are not married Then we put the big
question mark on you We just see you
and say Alhamdulillah But at the same time
Umar r.a said And the life of
Masood said Subhanallah Wallahi I don't want to
say shame on those people who can marry
but they don't marry I don't want to
say this But I think somehow They deserve
something like that And the life of Masood
said He said If there is nothing left
for the dunya to finish Except ten days
He said if I have money And ability
to marry I will make sure I marry
before I die He said only ten days
left He said I don't want to go
back to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala As
a single Some people they come to this
dunya Alone and they are going back alone
Is that clear inshallah So trust me if
there is any time Where marriage is necessary
It's our time I think the questioner was
wrong When she brought this question at this
moment Because now we are dealing with our
brothers and sisters To at least go and
marry We are not talking about number two
Or number three That one is PhD level
We want them now to graduate And to
leave this Slavery It's a slavery Adam Trust
me It's a slavery of the Uzooba And
I call anyone who doesn't have a wife
Or a girl without a husband Miskeen or
miskeena If there is anyone That he should
show mercy to These guys That's why sometimes
you see them Sorry to say this But
that's why sometimes You see that the level
of their focus Is very little If you
want more I can say From me maybe
you might have some doubt Ibn Qayyim says
delaying marriage can cause Jinoon And trust me
He was right Jinoon means insanity You know
He has his own explanation that he gave
So I'm just trying to push you up
so that Inshallah Next class Everyone is gone
Allah grant you good Adam did I do
a good job In answering that question?
Does it?
No it's a sihr No it's sihr Because
Hamad was asking This is the last question
Hamad was saying that sihr In the time
of Musa Was it really sihr or tricks?
It was sihr Sihr is real sihr This
is a type of sihr They call it
shaabatha They do the sihr in your eyes
In the way you see things In a
different way This illusion This camera I see
a camera But if they do the sihr
you will not see the camera Realistically it
is still the camera But you don't see
it You see a snake It's not a
trick but they do magic in your eyes
In the way this one will turn into
a snake They have it nowadays You see
those people who claim to be religious They
claim that they have karama A person will
bring a knife and stab himself It comes
out here Sometimes they put it in the
ears Sometimes they put it in the mouth
It comes out here These are all fake
things But you will see it going inside
These are all fake things Or sometimes Shaytan
will come and merge with them When they
stab They are stabbing the shaytan It doesn't
harm him So sometimes This one is very
dangerous Because when he comes to that person
If somebody recites Quran The shaytan will run
away So when this person gets stabbed I
heard a story about somebody who was doing
it And a young man came and read
Atakusi or some part of the Quran And
the shaytan left And the guy already got
the knife inside He got himself Three months
in the hospital He was the one who
was telling the story by himself He tried
his best with the shaytan They couldn't do
anything And subhanallah Just like one of the
old magicians said He repented and he was
giving a lecture Talking about what happened He
said sometimes we send shaytan to go and
look for a person And he said Sometimes
they will come to us and tell us
We couldn't find this person We can hear
his voice but we can't see Exactly like
the way The Prophet s.a.w. said
Zikr protects you from shaytan So he also
said He sent a big top jinn They
said we couldn't find him And we couldn't
do anything to him So that was the
thing that led him to To repent at
the end of the day You get it?
So that was the most dangerous one to
them When the shaytan come and merge with
them When the shaytan get into trouble they
will leave them And they will get into
trouble by themselves May Allah s.w.t.
grant us Good and Tawfiq Arabic Arabic Arabic
Arabic Arabic