Ibrahim Nuhu – Bulugul Maram 10-08-2024
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we continue from where we stopped, if I'm
not, wrong.
Today, we will be dealing with
the we started,
last time we talked about the Hadith of,
Al Hassan.
Hadith of, Shabdat
the prophet
has written his son upon everything.
Meaning, a Muslim has to apply his son
when doing everything in his life,
in his relationship with Allah,
in his relationship with others, and his relationship
with with, himself.
means kindness.
A person
to be
kind. And,
in in in terms of the Islamic definition
The prophet said, his son is to worship
Allah as if you see him.
Because if you don't see Allah, Subhanahu wa
ta'ala, Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala, sees you, meaning
to be sincere,
to be kind when dealing with Allah,
which comes back to you in benefit. It
benefits you first and foremost more than anybody
So this is the,
technical meaning according to the way the prophet
put it, and this is the definition we
As for the general meaning of ISAN, which
is the literal, meaning, this is to be
in every moment.
And we mentioned that kindness is needed what
in whatever you are doing. That's
why said,
When you kill somebody, you should be kind.
You should be gentle. You should use the
best and the easy way to execute to
that person.
So that's why we say when it when
it comes to establishment of Hadoud and Khazars,
a person should make sure that he's using
the easiest way. Unless if the sharia
has something to say when it comes to
the last,
week, We mentioned that the best opinion is
the opinion that says,
we do
according to what was done
Al Majni Ali.
Majni Al Majni Ali, the murdered person, was
killed. We used the same way also to
execute the one who committed the murder
him intentionally.
When you slaughter
then you should be,
to that animal also.
And we mentioned that kindness when slaughtering an
animal means use also the easiest way to
execute them.
And, the best is to use that which
Sharia prescribed upon us using the knife.
That's why the prophet
And one of you should make sure that
he makes his knife
so that you will give an easy exit
to that
animal. You will not torture an animal before,
the slaughtering.
So this is the summary of what we
did last, week.
The next hadith, the prophet
The prophet
the the slaughter.
K? The card of
the slaughtering
of, Jenny, the fetus in the womb of
the mother.
Is a slaughtering of the mother. What does
that mean? It means you have a cow,
for instance, or you have a sheep, which
is a female sheep,
which is pregnant.
But then it happens that you need to
slaughter that sheep, so you slaughter the sheep.
But that is a fetus you know.
fetus, is already created. You know? Just waiting
for the time to, come out, but then
you slaughter the their mother.
is it,
mandatory upon you to just quickly open this
stomach and bring the baby so that you
can slaughter the baby also?
Not everyone can do this actually, but the
promise made it easy for us, and this
is one of the mercies and the leniencies
of the Sharia.
the the slaughtering of the mother suffices the
slaughtering of the of the fetus in the
womb. So you don't need to slaughter the
fetus in the womb because when you open
the the the stomach by then the the
fetus is going to to die. Already dead.
So what you should do in this regard,
you can just cut and eat if you
if you can do that. And, some people
can eat, but it's it's not case.
So you don't need to slaughter it. So
when you have the fetus in the womb
of the mother when you slaughter the mother,
then you don't need to slaughter the the
fetus the fetus in the womb.
that slaughtering of the mother is enough
to to address the slaughtering of of the
in in the womb.
guess we get,
this, very clearly.
The prophet
said in this hadith of the life in
a believer,
you know, has that name of Islam a
Muslim Muslim. He said a Muslim. His name
is more than enough for him.
That's mean he says he's a Muslim. He's
admitted to Allah
He does not need I mean, it is
him to say Bismillah.
But this is
applicable when it comes to the when it
comes to the, the forgetfulness.
A person slaughtered an animal.
He forgot to mention the name of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Then the natural,
you know, existence of the the
the the the I mean, the natural,
existence of it, the name he has, Muslim,
is more than enough to suffice that, saying
of Ismailahi,
before slaughtering the animal. You get it that
if you forget. So,
a Muslim comes to slaughter an animal.
Unfortunately, he forgot to save his,
then we can still eat the animal. The
said in this hadith,
if he forgets
to mention the name of Allah
during that slaughtering,
the prophet
When he cooked the meat, he's gonna eat
it. The prophet
said, maybe he should mention the name of
and and eat.
I guess we we talk about this, matter
long ago, and we discussed, the controversy of,
the scholars concerned in saying Bismillah.
we established
the best opinion that it is
upon a Muslim to mention Bismillah when slaughtering
an an animal. It is possible upon a
Muslim to mention Bismillah when slaughtering
an an animal. You get it? However, if
you forget,
this is when
we will apply,
this. We will not say that the animal
should be thrown away. No. We will apply
those concessions of the Sharia.
You know, especially looking at the fact that
this hadith,
this hadith and other hadith of the same
nature, they are weak. When you look at
the chain of narrations,
they're almost all weak with the exception of
some of them.
that stopped at the companion of the prophet
So the hadith says, if a person forget
to mention Bismillah
and he is a Muslim, then it is
forgiven. Then he should make sure that when
eating the meat, he says,
But, according to the best opinion, it is
upon a person to say.
If he intentionally,
you know, stays away from,
then that that
animal cannot be cannot be eaten.
So this is, another weak narration that says,
you know, the first one, the one that
This is. It's authentic that
said this. If a person forgets, then he
can just eat the meat and say this.
And that is
another narration which, could be used to strengthen
but this narration also is is weak.
It says,
The slaughter of a Muslim is halal,
whether he mentions the name of Allah
when slaughtered in it, or he did not
mention the name of Allah
Whether he mentions the name of Allah
or he did not mention the name of
You get it? But this narration also is
weak. Because if this is authentic
and could be attributed to the prophet
then it is a clear cut evidence that
shows that this saying is
not upon,
a person. Saying this is not upon a
person. However,
is not the case. This narration is is
weak, so we don't pay attention to to
it. So this is the end of,
You remember we're talking about that topic, that,
and this is the end of it. So
the next
will be dealing with a new chapter, which
is about.
Means though here with slaughtering.
So, inshallah, this one I will be dealing
with with it,
next week.
I'm very sorry for, to everyone,
it came late, today because of some necessity,
and I'm going to meet him also in
a moment. So I'm very sorry for the
delay and also the short class, but it's
good, to stop here Inshallah.
Then, next week, we'll begin with the new
So, Adam, if we have any question, please,
do come up with it. If not, then
we wait a bit, for people to ask
for what they have.
Yes, Sheikh. I have a question.
Okay. Why are we skipping the section on
hunting with guns?
Did we?
Yes. I
I remember you stated some iftillaf amongst the
scholars regarding hunting with guns because it's it
kills with fire or whether it's halal, and
you said that you wanted to skip it?
I Oh,
okay. Now you no. No. No. I just,
skipped the that that one. Just the commentary.
We did the hadith that talks about that,
but we just skipped the commentary. Yeah. No
problem. Inshallah.
We might come back to it. If you
love that, then be the light,
Let us just finish.
Or next class, I will, see if I
can get global here, then we can go
through the commentary.
Thank you for the reminder. Yeah.
From Yusuf
Dafa Ali, not, Ty Lee.
We observed that some scholars
said. Okay. We observed that some scholars used
weak ahadith as evidence knowing they are weak.
What is the reason for this?
Because there are some who believe that a
weak narration could be useful.
And the actual actions which are not obligatory.
They believe that
We can use.
We can use weak narration.
And there are some also who depend on
the Hadith,
you know, that is weak according to us.
But to them, it's authentic.
Either they couldn't see what we see,
or they are amongst those negligent scholars, very
lenient when it comes to criticism of the
it's not. Yeah. There are some scholars who
are known to be like that. So they
will they will tell you this is authentic
to him. But if you go back
to the other great scholars of narration, they
will tell you, no. It is not. It
cannot be authentic because of this and that.
You get the idea. So this and it's
possible excuses you also we can give to
the scholars when they use a weak narration.
Otherwise, according to the best opinion, of the
scholars, the weak narration cannot be used in
establishing a camp at all.
Actually, according to the best opinion, it cannot
be used at all. Even in a club,
we just look for the authentic narration, which
we do have enough authentic narration to address
any colloqu we want to,
to observe.
From Mohammed.
Is it risky to interpret Hadith by ourselves
without waiting for the scholars' opinion, or is
it advisable to rely on their expertise?
The expertise of who?
The expertise
of the scholars?
Yeah. This is always better
to hear from the caller the commentary
rather than going and doing it by yourself.
It's always better.
You know? But as I said earlier, there
are some simple hadith which a person can
very easily, and, it's okay. A person can
read and generate,
something. If he knows the Arabic language yeah.
Those who don't know the Arabic language, I
always suggest for them to ask because sometimes
some of these
are not good in terms of translation.
You don't translate,
the word correctly.
You know?
From sister Morny.
When someone when someone frequently misses reading, Bismillah,
can we use the verse to say that
prophet Adam, so alaihi wasalam, was not determined?
So can we conclude that the person is
not determined or not concerned much about to
If somebody misses Bismillah,
when do you know what? I think I
understand the message as if someone is frequently
forgetting to say Bismillah, is this a sign
of weak?
That's I'm not but negligence.
That's that's a sign of negligence.
This shouldn't happen with the with the matured
Muslim, whenever you have something, the first that
should come to your mind is Noble Alameen,
and what is from Allah,
and he should appreciate.
do that. If a lot always, but
as as a matured person, we should've. So
that's the sign of heedlessness,
you know,
sign of heedlessness. So whenever a person forgets
and if he's always forget,
that means a person should, try to reflect
him and try to gain focus, whatever he
does. So just remember whenever you, you put
your hand on something which is a blessing
from Allah,
Say before eating. Say before drinking. You know?
When When he forgets, he says that wisdom
provides some advice.
Muhammad asks, what is the difference between
Can they be used interchangeably?
The best is to say sallallahu alaihi
wa alaihi
That's the best.
Unless if you're gonna say.
But the most complete one is that one.
And the one that is more,
more complete, you know, than
the 2 is, to make
does this stand for all of the prophets?
the scholars if you say it to all
the prophets, no problem. Yeah. But as scholars
usually when they talk about Adam, it's alayhis
salaam. That's mother-in-law. Ibrahim alaihis
That's how they differentiate, but both are okay.
You can say Ibrahim
that's all,
Okay. If there is no
any other question,
and be with you wherever you are. And