Ibrahim Nuhu – A Nation Turned Upside Down The Destruction Of The People Of Lut

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The negative impact of criminal behavior on people's lives is discussed, including the use of drugs and alcohol, and the importance of learning the name of Islam. The history and importance of Islam is also discussed, including the split between Catholicism and Catholicism, demotivators, and the success and failure of Islam. The speaker advises parents to be cautious, avoid false assumptions, and hold onto their religion while protecting their property and reputation. They also emphasize the importance of protecting family structures and avoiding harms, while also reminding parents to practice the sun SEL and not hesitate to give and do the best job they can.
AI: Summary ©
وَإِنَّكَ لِتَعْلَمْ مَا نُرِيدُ They told him we
don't have any any interest in your in
your daughters, and you know what we want
subhanAllah Imagine this tough, you know tough Situation.
You have a guest and these criminals are
coming to your house to attack your guest
So Lut alayhis-salam told them please go
and marry it's better for you They said
مَا لَنَا فِي بَنَاتِكَ مِنْ حَمْدٍ We don't
have any interest.
We don't have any right in your daughters.
We don't need them وَإِنَّكَ لَتَعْلَمْ مَا نُرِيدُ
You already know what brought us here and
we would never leave this place without getting
what we want That's why Lut alayhis-salam
said لَوْ أَنَّ لِي بِكُمْ قُوَّةً أَوْ آوِي
إِلَىٰ رُكْرٍ شَدِيدٌ He said I wish I
have a power to fight you back or
I can depend on a pillar and this
pillar is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Rabbul
Alameen or any support that can help me
to defeat you to chase you out of
this place Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam said
May Allah have mercy upon our Brother Lut
alayhis-salam فَقَدْ كَانَ يَؤْوِي إِلَىٰ رُكْرٍ شَدِيدٍ
He was the one who was dependent on
the strongest pillar actually and what is that
رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ مَا
لَنَا فِي بَنَاتِكَ السلام
عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Your brothers and sisters
people of Lut alayhis-salam or a nation
was blessed with strength and prosperity Yet they
engulfed in corruption and immorality Defying the natural
order and turning away from Allah's orders guidance
question was unprecedented in human history They committed
acts of immorality, which was never seen before
Violating the moral boundary said by Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala their unique transgression brought upon
them a unique punishment Reminding humanity of the
consequences of abandoning Allah's guidance Join us this
Friday for a final event of our series
the fallen nation at engineering main auditorium with
our beloved Sheikh Ibrahim Nuhur see you there
inshallah السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته والسلام
عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ونعوذ بالله من شرور
أنفسنا ومن سيئات العالم من يهدي الله فلا
ملك له ومن يطلق فلا هادئ له وأشهد
أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك
له وأشهد أن محمد عبده ورسوله السلام عليكم
ورحمة الله وبركاته جماعة Welcome back to the
final event of our series the fallen nation
Now before we get into the topic itself
I have a few reminders for all the
attendees including myself The main purpose of hosting
this event is to educate not to entertain
So make sure you pay complete attention once
the speaker is on the stage Secondly make
sure that you guys are taking notes Because
it helps us to remember And it also
helps us to remember And once you remember
something It is very easy for us to
remember it in our lives So make sure
that you guys are taking notes Thirdly I
would like to I would like to inform
you guys that we have this Q mark
on the Right here So for those of
you who have any Queries, any doubts or
any questions You have Just scan this QR
code and send it to the shaykh And
we will try our best to Convey the
question to the shaykh and get you answers
Insha'Allah Thirdly I would like to Tell
you guys that as soon as the session
Ends we will be having a Qaboos session
And it's like A visit and people who
are going to Witness the visit will be
distributed prizes For a second and a third
insha'Allah Now let's Get into the topic
itself The people of Lut Were punished by
Allah For committing sins that no nation before
them Had ever committed They openly engaged in
morality and ignored the warnings Of their prophet
As a result Allah sent upon them A
severe destruction Overthrowing their cities and sending stones
from them Sending stones from the sky As
a punishment In these contemporary times we are
living in a world Where Fahisha is being
normalized And many societies have decided To return
to the same sins Which the people of
Lut Committed That's why it is necessary for
us as Muslims To go back to the
Quran and Sunnah And remind ourselves What were
the consequences of such evil actions To address
such a complex issue We have with us
a personality Which needs no introduction Our beloved
shaykh Ibrahim Now without wasting any more time
I would like to call on shaykh Ibrahim
for the staging In
the name of Allah the most merciful Peace
and blessings be upon the Most merciful of
the worlds Our beloved Prophet Muhammad Peace and
blessings be upon him and his family And
his companions Today Which is the third of
Rajab 1446 years After the migration of Rasulullah
From Mecca to Medina Which is equivalent to
January 3rd 2025 I will be Speaking
to Your good self About this Noble and
important topic Which is the history Of one
of our prophets Prophet Lut Peace be upon
him May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Grant
us ability to say that Which is right
And be with us in this Journey And
to protect us from saying Or doing anything
that is wrong And may Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala Help us to benefit from whatever
We are going to be hearing Which is
none other than the extracts From the Quran
And the sunnah of the Prophet Peace be
upon him Because this is the best place
That you can get The most accurate Version
of history Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Says
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Mentioned the story
of Yusuf Peace be upon him In detail
And he says There are great lessons that
you can extract from The story of the
predecessors Especially the prophets of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala And his messengers And this is
not a story That is faking by somebody
This is a story that is said By
The one who knows everything The creator of
everyone The creator of the history And those
who are part of the events That happens
in the history No Single thing that took
place In the history was hidden From Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala So whatever he says
Is the truth Whatever he mentioned Is the
only correct 100% information That you can
find wherever you go Whatever you are going
to be taking Out of the Quran and
the sunnah of the Prophets of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala Especially when discussing The matter
of the prophets And the messengers of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala You have a lot
of Narrations From the Jews and the Christians
Which the prophets of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala said No issue, we can narrate We
can take lessons As he says Hadith He
said You can report, you can take lessons
You can listen to their Narrations Because they
have a lot of strange things in them
Scholars said Because they are the nation that
lived For a very long period of time
Since the time of Yaqub The grandson of
Ibrahim The Jews and the Christians Were there
Christians existed In the last part of You
know the history before the arrival Of the
prophets of Allah Those were the followers of
Isa alayhi salam There was no deen called
Nasraniyya The deen was only Islam but the
people who are following Isa alayhi salam Were
called Nasar So from the time of Yaqub
alayhi salam Up to our time and they
will remain Until the day of judgement And
subhanallah you all know through the history How
much they pushed So much in the way
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the creator Punished
them Different types of punishments Different types of
punishments You know Some of them were turned
into Pigs and monkeys and some of them
Other creatures which we don't even know What
they are I remember Rasul alayhi salam When
they presented To him the bob This wild
lizard Which some People eat it In the
Arabian peninsula So the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam
Was given this bob The cooked one So
the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam Refused to eat
from it They said Ya Rasulallah Is it
because it is haram He said no I
couldn't find it in the land where I
grew up I couldn't find it in the
land where I grew up I found it
uneasy for me to Eat it I can't
eat it In some narrations the prophet salallahu
alayhi wasalam When they asked him Why can't
you eat from it He said there used
to be a nation From Bani Israel Or
the umam as-sabiqa That Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala converted And changed them into another
Creature Into something else But the prophet salallahu
alayhi wasalam The umam mentioned this What exactly
he is trying to indicate That by looking
at this lizard He's not sure Maybe he's
the balance of those Those guys that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala destroyed That's why he
refused to eat But then the scholars said
This statement By the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam
Was said Before Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
informed him That the sunnah of Allah Concerning
those people Who are destroyed By changing them
from human beings To another creation They can
only survive For three days In sahih muslim
the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam Mentioned that The
people who are converted to qirada Monkeys or
pigs They can only survive For three days,
after then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will
take them off لا يتنسلون أبدا Out of
three days Because the purpose of keeping them
is to Make them as a lesson For
others who might be thinking of Doing the
same evil doing Which led them to be
punished By Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in
this way So this is Bani Israel They
have so many things Go and read surah
al-baqarah You will understand who are the
Bani Israel And it's good For you also
to read And to take the correct Interpretation
of that surah from the Expert of the
tafseer, real scholars Real scholars Not the fake
one in the name of Mufassereen that we
have a lot of them Being circulated around
us in The media Take from the real
scholars Those people who know what Quran is
all about They're not playing around They focus
so much on that which is given to
us By our great scholars Trust me my
dear Brothers, sisters You will learn a lot
And you will not be disappointed You will
not be disappointed You will not be caught
on surprise When you see what is done
By these guys who are the balance Of
those previous nations The Jews and them alike
You will see exactly What was done before
It is the thing that is repeated nowadays
They don't change their behaviour It's just the
location and the time has changed But the
mentality is the same So Quran guides you
towards How to deal with these type of
entities And what you are supposed to be
doing You know, to make sure that you
Preserve your religion And protect You know, your
side from any Evil that can possibly come
from This direction Rasulullah said to Zayd ibn
Haritha When he was living with the Jews
Zayd ibn Thabit I'm sorry not Haritha Zayd
ibn Thabit He said, Ya Zayd, He said,
please go and learn the language of the
Jews Why?
He said He said, because I cannot trust
them Living around us I cannot trust to
have them around us And I don't know
their language I need to know what they
are discussing What they are saying, because I
don't trust them Our book is with them
and they are around us He said, no
Because they are the ones who corrupt the
religion of the Nasara before.
Go and read the history, you will see
all of these.
So basically what I'm trying to say is
that the best way to get the most
accurate information about history of the past...
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
relax, relax, relax, we will come to question
and answer and then you will be the
first, inshallah, I will ask, don't worry.
Don't worry, just write it down, write it
down, inshallah, when I reach the question and
answer session, don't worry, I will make you
the first target, inshallah.
So the best place to get the correct
information and the most accurate information about the
history is the Quran and the Sunnah of
the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, we can
take from them, wa la haraj, he said
Don't deny what they are saying and don't
accept what they are saying because you might
deny something that is true and you might
reject something that is true and you might
accept something that is incorrect.
So this is based on the matters which
we don't have clear evidence from our book,
whether in support or in rejection of those
things that we got from the Jews and
the Christians.
Talking about Lut alayhi salam, his story cannot
be completed without discussing some part of the
story of Ibrahim alayhi salam and Lut alayhi
salam, Allah swt talk about him but if
you combine all the information mentioned by the
Quran about him, it's very few, little.
And that's actually their attitude and the Sunnah
of the Quran.
Very straightforward to the point, especially when it
comes to the history.
We talk about history, we add a lot
of ingredients and all of these things, sometimes
it takes the attention of the audience from
the most important lesson that is supposed to
be generated from the story.
The Quran is not like this.
That's why in the Quran, you can find
the story of a prophet, the whole thing
is being placed by Allah swt in 2
-3 lines.
Very straightforward.
Because there is a lesson that Allah swt
wants you to learn from it.
So Allah will draw your attention on that
one because He wants it to be stuck
in your brain so that you will be
able to put it into action because if
you are too much pumped and fed by
the information, you might get lost.
That's why the most important place to find
history, by Allah is the Quran and the
Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w. Give
you the most important one, the most beneficial
one and put it in a very nice
and excellent way which is full of balagha
and fasaha.
That's why sometimes some of the Arabs, when
the Sullah s.a.w. recites some part
of the Quran which talks about the history,
there was narration that some of them make
sujood and they were not Muslim at that
Out of the accuracy, subhanAllah, and the beauty
of the words and the text used by
the Prophet s.a.w. So as I
said, the story of Lut s.a.w.
in the Quran is very little.
In the Sunnah of the Prophet s.a
.w. is very little.
For sure if you go to the books
of the Jews and the Christians, you find
a lot of things.
Things which you can't believe in them, they
go beyond and against the common sense.
So we stick to that which Allah s
.w.t. tells us because this is what
benefits me.
So talking about Lut s.a.w. as
I said, you need to talk about Ibrahim
s.a.w. a little bit, especially that
part where Lut s.a.w. was involved.
Ibrahim s.a.w. was the second person,
he used to be the first one among
the creation of Allah s.w.t. to
be the best.
When I say the second, I'm talking about
the ranking.
The first is Adam s.a.w., everyone
knows, but in terms of ranking, Ibrahim s
.a.w. used to be the best, nobody
ever come closer to Ibrahim.
And this man, subhanAllah, you can see the
dedication he has to the deen of Allah
s.w.t. and how much he put
of the effort to make sure that tawheed
of Allah s.w.t. has been preserved
on the earth, which led Ibrahim to be
blessed by Allah s.w.t. with those
blessings which Allah s.w.t. mentioned them
in the last part of Surah An-Nahl.
When he says, إِنَّ إِبْرَاهِيمَا كَانَ أُمَّةً قَانِسًا
لِلَّهِ حَنِيفًا وَلَمْ يَكُن مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ شَاكِرًا لِيَنْ
عُمِهِ اجْتَبَاهُ وَهَدَاهُ إِلَى صِرَاطٍ مُسْتَخِيمٍ SubhanAllah, Allah
tested Ibrahim s.a.w. بِكَلِمَاتٍ فَأْتَمَّهُنَ He
passed all the tests.
He was the first person to be commanded
by Allah s.w.t. to circumcise himself,
and he did.
He lived without having a child for ages.
You know, Allah s.w.t. granted him
the child.
And Ibrahim s.a.w. was commanded by
Allah s.w.t. to slaughter the child.
At first, to take him to a place
where there is no life.
And he totally submitted to Rabbul Alameen.
Totally submitted to Rabbul Alameen.
And he lived in a place where it
is very easy for a person to compromise
his religion and listen to what people are
inviting him for because of the pressure.
But SubhanAllah, Ibrahim s.a.w. was able
to resist.
In a way, he was telling his wife
Sarah s.a.w. that you should know,
this is when they passed through that city.
So he told her that you should know
that we have to be very careful because
there is nobody on earth who is a
Muslim apart from me and you.
SubhanAllah, imagine him living in a place, there
is nobody on the earth who is a
Muslim apart from, he said, me and you.
So we have to be very careful.
We have to be cautious.
And we have to know exactly what is
going on around us.
And SubhanAllah, in that city, the Prophet s
.a.w. mentioned that there is a king,
Jabbar, a tyrant king, who was so evil.
One of his evil behaviour is that he
has people who are going around to check
and see whether they can find a sister
that is having a good look.
Whenever they find a sister with a good
look, they will have to force her to
bring her to him.
This time around, Ibrahim s.a.w. comes
into the place and his wife was extraordinarily
When they saw her, they rushed to the
They told him, Ibrahim, get
into the city with a woman that is
the most beautiful woman that you can ever
So the king, as usual, he asked them
to bring Ibrahim first, to call him, he
wants to see him.
Ibrahim went to the king, and the king
asked him, what is the connection and the
relationship between you and that woman?
He said, she is my sister.
What do you call this?
Tawriya, right?
He said, she is my sister.
He did not say wife, because there is
going to be an issue, because taking the
wife of a person means a war.
A person might prefer, if he is a
really true husband, might prefer to lose this
life rather than seeing his wife getting into
I hope this is the same behavior that
exists in our time.
In the past, this is how it is.
A person will tell the criminals who will
come to his house to take everything.
When they come to touch his wife, he
tells them, this can only happen after I
leave this dunya.
So that's how it was supposed to be
So Ibrahim told him, this is my sister.
But he meant his sister in Islam.
That's what we call Tawriya.
Tawriya is to use a word that has
two meanings.
You're talking about the closest one.
I'm sorry, the farthest one.
But the one that you're speaking to will
understand the closest meaning, but you don't intend
that one.
Like when somebody asked the Prophet ﷺ during
the Battle of Badr, who are you?
The Prophet ﷺ said, He said, we are
from water.
This man thought that the Prophet ﷺ was
talking about a specific water in Iraq.
So he left the Prophet ﷺ saying, which
water is he referring to?
Is it the water of Iraq or the
water of the Sundan?
But what was the intention of Rasul ﷺ?
That every human being originally comes from?
From water.
But the man did not understand this.
And this is what the Prophet ﷺ referred
to when he says, it's possible, it's okay
for a Muslim to lie during a war.
Tawriya is halal.
Tawriya, the scholars mentioned that it is impermissible
for a person to do it, unless if
he's oppressed by others.
Like in the case of Ibrahim.
Like when you're in the battlefield, you can
go for the Tawriya.
Like when your wife doesn't want to agree
with anything.
And life is going to be messy in
the house.
You realize that either you do the Tawriya,
or maybe you end up in divorce somehow.
Is it halal for you to say those
words of Tawriya?
Which, realistically, they are not.
They are not true.
Would you get sin if you do that?
The Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ has said
Because of the importance of the preservation of
the family life.
Which Shaytan is happy to see the family
being integrated.
In some narrations of the Hadith of the
Prophet ﷺ, he's even happier with this than
seeing somebody killing his father, or committing Zina.
So Ibrahim told him this, that this is
my sister.
Rasulullah ﷺ, before he narrated this Hadith to
us, he said, He says Ibrahim never lied
in his life except three times.
In his life, he never lied except three
And SubhanAllah, as the Prophet ﷺ said, Both
of them are for the sake of Allah
When he says I'm sick, to avoid joining
his community, to go and do that ritual
which is based on worshipping Abad and Allah.
He said I'm sick.
The second one is when he went back
and let them go to the place, he
did not join them, and then went back
to the idols and destroyed all of them
except the big one.
And he took the axe and put it
on the shoulder of that big one.
When they came and they asked him, because
they were looking for the one who did
it, so some of them who heard Ibrahim
talking about them earlier, because some of the
Mufassirin said when Ibrahim left them, so people
are still passing, they heard him saying that
I'm going to get these idols.
But for sure some of them who heard
Ibrahim talking about these idols in a negative
way, they said, We heard a young man
talking about these idols and his name is
So they asked somebody to go and bring
When they brought him, they asked him, Were
you the one who did this?
He said, this one is the one who
However, you might not agree with me.
Ask them.
The masakin, they got destroyed.
They know who exactly did.
Ask them.
You know, sometimes when somebody hate it, it
wakes up.
Otherwise, how do you expect a person who
made something by himself and go and bow
for it?
It's against the common sense.
But sometimes a little bit of awakening can
wake a person up.
And then what is left after seeing this
light is just to follow it.
But sometimes the influence of the shaitan is
very hard.
You know, it's very strong.
And this is exactly what happened.
Because when Ibrahim said this, they put their
head down.
It's like they're telling themselves, wait a minute,
the man is right.
Because he says, If they are able to
talk, I think they can tell you what
exactly happened.
And then they put their head down.
They don't know what to tell him.
But then, subhanAllah, shaitan put his influence on
And still, they did not accept what Ibrahim
was saying.
So they told their people they have to
burn Ibrahim alayhis salam.
And they already know that story.
So that's number two.
When Ibrahim says, Number three is when that
king told him.
And subhanAllah, Ibrahim left the king.
And this is when he go back to
his wife and told her that we are
the only Muslims here.
No Muslim in this place apart from us.
So we have to really be careful.
And this man asked me about you.
And I told him, you're my sister.
So when you go there, please do not
tell him something different from what I said.
And subhanAllah, she left.
The king sent somebody to take her.
She left.
She left to the king.
When she reached that place, what was the
first thing she did?
When she reached that place, what was the
first thing she did?
She prayed to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Ibrahim, when the wife left him, what was
he busy with?
Praying to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
SubhanAllah, this has a very great lesson, my
dear brothers and sisters.
I'm pretty sure all of us have a
lot of needs in this dunya.
And we have worries.
I don't think there is anybody in this
place who doesn't have a worry in his
Trust me, my dear brothers and sisters.
The best method to resolve your issues and
your matters and your worries is to do
what those predecessors were doing.
Whenever they got into trouble, the first thing
they think about is to approach the creator
of everything.
Because he has the solution, you know.
Iyallah, whatever you see being critical in this
dunya, Rabbul Alamin has a solution.
We might try our best, we couldn't get
How many times people will tell you, there
is no way.
And subhanAllah, it will happen in a very
easy way.
There is no way.
And it will happen in a very easy
way because Rabbul Alamin always has his own
I remember taking somebody to the hospital.
And the doctors, after the third surgery, I
asked him, what else?
He said, nothing.
Nothing, he said, nothing.
See, there is nothing we can do.
And subhanAllah, you see that issue, which they
said they don't have a way, it was
resolved in a small hospital in a village.
And the first hospital is one of the
most sophisticated hospitals that has all the equipment.
But subhanAllah, Rabbul Alamin has his own way.
All that you have to do as a
believer, my dear brothers and sisters, is to
trust Rabbul Alamin.
Wallahi, don't you ever lose hope.
Don't lose hope.
That's why Rabbul Alamin says, Nobody loses hope
in the mercy of Allah subhanAllah, except somebody
who doesn't believe in Rabbul Alamin.
This king took the wife of Ibrahim and
she left.
What was the first thing she did?
She prayed.
Ibrahim was there also, praying, asking Allah subhanAllah
to protect his wife.
She made dua, she made dua and asked
Allah subhanAllah using the tawassul by her righteousness.
And this righteousness is, subhanAllah, something that is
simple, which is part of the responsibility of
the sisters.
I love what one of our scholars mentioned
when he talks about this matter.
He said she uses her hijab, subhanAllah.
Go read the story and then you will
see what he saw.
She uses her hijab in the tawassul and
the preservation of her honor and dignity.
She said, Ya Allah, you know I protect
Never expose myself to anyone other than my
Ya Allah, protect me from this person.
And you know what happened?
When he stretched his hand to touch her,
he fainted or the hand got stiff.
Couldn't move it.
So when he fainted, she saw him, she
thought this man is going to die.
She said, Ya Allah, if this man die,
people will say I'm the one who killed
Ya Allah, don't let him die.
Allah brought him back.
But subhanAllah, strong connection because she's so beautiful.
And that's the reason why Sharia says keep
the barrier between the two genders.
The reason why we are in trouble nowadays
is because we say that barrier should be
Because we cannot have a proper cooperation and
understanding without removing that barrier.
And look at what we are in.
Zina is increasing from time to time.
Allah protect our community.
We have heard in the story of the
past, a true story.
A monk who is always worshipping Allah in
the forest.
He agreed to take care of a sister
alone in the forest.
Both of them because they managed to convince
him, her brothers, her siblings.
And they were not plotting against him.
They just want a place to protect their
And they couldn't find any place except his
Because they cannot leave her with anybody else
in the city.
They know what will happen.
So they brought, he was supposed to reject.
He was supposed to reject.
Or at least if he wants to build
a house in the city there.
Or to remove this attitude of being a
monk, just marry her.
Tell them, okay, let me just marry.
But he accepted.
And subhanAllah, shaitan dragged him slowly, slowly.
Until the time he committed zina with her
and she bore a child.
He killed both of them.
And according to that story, which is a
true story.
He lost his deen, you know, lost his
deen at the end of the day.
Because the last thing he did before he
was killed, he bowed for shaitan.
Look at how, because of this fitna.
That's why Rasulullah said, we have to be
very careful.
Because the first fitna that happened to many
Israelis is from this direction.
Respect should be maintained.
But that barrier, if it is removed, trust
me, tragedy is going to take place.
That's why Imam Ahmad said, I don't care.
Give me whatever money you want to give.
But don't ask me to be the one
who will take care of the opposition that
there is nobody except me and her.
No matter how much unruly she is, he
said, I can't.
So back to that place, the man was
not able to resist what he sees.
He forgot even the trouble he put himself
He went back again.
She made dua, the same dua.
Allah swt accepted the dua.
The man went into the tragedy again.
And then he started again.
Three times what was happening.
Then he lost hope.
He said to the people who were there,
take her back to Ibrahim.
You guys brought to me shaitan.
She's not a human being.
SubhanAllah, she approached Rabbul Alamin through her prayer.
Did she get solution from that problem?
Ibrahim did the same thing.
Juraij, who was placed by Bani Israel in
the state of tragedy, they are almost going
to kill him.
He went back to Allah swt through the
I just want you to appreciate the ni'mah
of Allah swt of this prayer.
My dear brothers and sisters, After the shahadatain,
there is no righteous deed that is better
than the prayer.
No righteous deed.
And the closest moment you are to Rabbul
Alamin is when you're praying.
Look at the subhanAllah blessings of Allah swt
for this ummah.
Five times in a day Allah swt grant
us, you know, permission to come and meet
To lay down our needs.
Why do you suffer?
Because your trust on Rabbul Alamin is very
You go to some people, they disrespect you,
they reject you.
You come to Allah swt, he's telling you
come, come, come at any time.
At any time.
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, The closest
moment you are to Allah swt is when
you are in the sujood.
He says, Say as for the sujood, he
said do everything possible to make sure that
you intensify the amount of your dua because
definitely Allah swt will accept your dua.
This man gave Ibrahim alayhis salam hajab.
Ibrahim came back and you know the story
Ibrahim hajab.
It was given to Ibrahim by his wife
I'm sorry, he gave hajab to Sarah and
she gave her to Ibrahim as a gift.
In the sense that you don't have child
with me, maybe Allah swt will grant you
a child.
And alhamdulillah, what she was expecting to see
But then she has been with Ibrahim according
to some stories for 80 years.
Not having a child, this woman just came
and she has a child.
So you can see the pressure on her
and this is not an easy person.
This is not an easy person.
He's a very great person.
Her worries matters a lot.
And subhanAllah, this is how a mu'min is
in the eyes of Rabbul Alameen.
I wish I have time to share with
you some of these beautiful hadiths of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about how much
the affair of a Muslim and a mu'min
matters in the Rabbul Alameen.
So she gets upset and the jealousy was
very high.
Allah swt commanded Ibrahim to take Ismail and
the mother to the place where there is
no life.
And this is also another test.
And Ibrahim said and he did.
And he put her in that place.
And subhanAllah, you see Ibrahim take it seriously
and he put her in that place.
Hajar was asking him, where are you going?
How come you're leaving us in this place
where there is no life?
He gave them a little bit amount of
food, a little bit amount of drink.
There's a tamar and some drinks there, the
water to drink.
And then he left.
So she followed him because she cannot see
any house next to the place where he
kept them.
The Kaaba also was not there except the
place where the Kaaba was there.
That place was there.
Even the foundations were not there.
According to the best opinion, the foundation of
the Kaaba were not there at that time.
The foundation was not there.
That's why the best opinion says the one
who built the Kaaba was, who was that?
Ibrahim alayhis salaam.
You have around eight opinions if I'm not
Some of them said Adam, some of them
said Malaika first, some of them said Adam,
some of them says sheikh Ibn Adam, some
of them said Amalika, some of them said
Ibrahim, some of them said Juru, many opinions.
But the best opinion supported by our great
Ufas Sirin, is the one that says it
was built by Ibrahim alayhis salaam.
How do we get this?
Because Rasulallah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the
hadith of Abu Dharr, Abu Dharr asked Rasulallah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which masjid was the
first masjid to be built?
Rasulallah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Masjid al
The Masjid al-Haram, that's the Kaaba, the
existence of the Kaaba.
And then he says, and then which masjid?
He said Bait al-Maqdis, Masjid al-Aqsa,
I'm sorry, he said Masjid al-Aqsa.
And he asked him, what is the distance
between the Masjid al-Aqsa and the Kaaba?
He says 40 years.
So only if you take this opinion, which
we believe is correct, then you can get
this hadith in the way it is.
Because he says between the building of the
Kaaba and the building of Bait al-Maqdis,
it's only 40 years.
That's why it is wrong to believe that
Suleiman was the one who built the Bait
Because between Suleiman and Ibrahim is around 900
to 1,000 years.
And the hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari says
40 years.
And between Suleiman and Ibrahim is around 1
,000 years.
That's why the correct opinion is the one
that says the one who built the Bait
al-Maqdis was Yaqub alayhi s-salam.
Because Yaqub is the grandson of Ibrahim alayhi
And between Ibrahim and Yaqub is about 40
Exactly what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
So Allah SWT says Ibrahim raised the foundation.
Many people, many scholars think that raising up
the foundation means he's the one who, you
know, start putting the bricks after the foundation
were already there.
Somebody laid down the foundation were there, but
Ibrahim come and start putting the bricks.
You know, after when you build the house,
they make the foundation first and put the
cement and everything and then wait for two,
three weeks and then come and put the
block work.
So some scholars believe in this, but this
is not true.
Ibrahim raising up the foundation means he's the
one who first established the foundation.
So he left Hajar in that place.
So she followed him.
She kept on asking, Ibrahim doesn't want to
At last she said, is Allah the one
who commanded you to do this?
Now she asked a question that he can
Because if he's going to talk to her,
subhanAllah, he's afraid of saying anything that will
be wrong.
Because this is a command from Allah SWT.
And Ibrahim is not going to show any
dislikeness to the command of Allah SWT.
He loves to see his family next to
But Allah says, take them to another place.
Please follow me to this because I want
to establish a very strong and important information
that I think we need it nowadays.
He kept the family and you can see
the kind of tarbiyah, which aqeedah, tell me
which person, the husband, you know, can tell
them these type of things and she's going
to listen like this.
It put her in the desert and it
is wrong to make it like that.
I'm just using the analogy to bring the
picture closer.
Ibrahim put her in that place.
She doesn't mind.
When Ibrahim told her this is from Rabbul
Alameen, she said, no problem.
I believe Allah will not neglect us.
Ibrahim left, made that long dua for them
and then she went back.
The water finished, the food finished, the baby
She went the way, you know, going here
and there.
She couldn't find any support until the time
Jibreel came to her.
And then when she heard the voice, she
said, please, you let me hear your voice.
Please help me if you have support.
I'm really in a desperate need here.
So when she looked behind, she saw Jibreel
alayhis salam.
Jibreel asked her this question.
He said, who are you?
She said, I am the mother of the
son of Ibrahim alayhis salam.
She uses Ibrahim because she knows that this
might not be a human being looking for
And even if he's a human being, for
sure, he might know Ibrahim alayhis salam.
She might get some support because of Ibrahim.
She said, I'm the mother of the son
of Ibrahim alayhis salam.
So he asked her, where is he?
She said, he left.
And he left you under the custody of
She said, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, subhanAllah.
Jibreel alayhis salam told her, Ibrahim definitely left
you with somebody who is more than enough
for you.
With the one that is more than enough
for you.
That's the beginning of Makkah, which is the
center in those two.
Ibrahim established the place.
I wish there is a time to narrate
the story until the end of the time
when Ibrahim died.
Ibrahim established the place based on Tawheed.
Well, like that mantiqa that you see, which
is considered somehow the richest place, most likely
on earth.
That area, you know.
Ibrahim established the place on Aqeedah and Tawheed.
That's why it lasted up to date.
And look at the way Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala preserved Makkah.
The tyrant rulers and kings, they always come
and skip it.
They don't fight it because of what Ibrahim
put in that place.
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, nothing can
preserve your family that is better than the
The most important gift and responsibility of the
father and the mother in the family is
Ibrahim pumped his family with Aqeedah, fed Ismail
with Aqeedah.
The mother of Ismail, Sarah, the mother of
Yaqub and his Ishaq, the grand, I mean
the mother of Ishaq and Yaqub, the grandchild.
Ibrahim pumped them with Tawheed.
That's why that area managed to survive.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, So
I guess this is a very good gift
for us extracted from this story of Ibrahim
alayhis salaam.
So Ibrahim lived in the place, I've almost
done ma'azim, lived in the place where
nobody accepted him except Sarah and Lut alayhis
Allah says, Why are those people who are
always worrying that nobody is listening, you come
and give a lecture, only a few come.
You have a class, only a few people
You set up a foundation or da'wah
or whatever but people are not accepting.
Allah, don't worry.
Allah did not ask you to convince people.
He asked you to convey the message in
the best way.
Hidayat al-tawfiq is the job of Rabbul
Ibrahim asked nobody.
The most excellent da'wah in those days
was Ibrahim alayhis salaam.
He used the best of method.
Bring things closer, very convincing method.
And all of them know that Ibrahim is
speaking the truth and they're lying.
You get it?
Use his wisdom, never collide with them in
the wrong way but told them what they're
supposed to be doing, took them back to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Rabbul Alameen.
But nobody is willing to listen.
Who accepted him?
His wife and who?
And his wife and Lut alayhis salaam.
Allah says So Ibrahim migrated from Iraq to
Sham together with Lut alayhis salaam and his
Together with Lut alayhis salaam and his wife.
They mentioned that Lut alayhis salaam, although this
is also part of the Israeliyat, that Lut
alayhis salaam was a nephew of Ibrahim.
The son of his brother.
Allahu alam.
But they said he's very close relative to
Ibrahim alayhis salaam.
So he migrated together with Ibrahim.
What do we call this in Arabic?
That's why hijrah doesn't finish yet.
According to the Aqidah of Ahl al-Sunnah
wal-Jama'ah, Al-Hijrah mazia ilayhum al
The hukm of the hijrah is continuous until
the last day.
Who is supposed to migrate?
Any Muslim that knows that he cannot practice
his religion in a location where he is
living in, he has to leave that place
to another place where he can worship Allah
swt properly.
Please do understand this correctly.
Because why are we created?
We're created to serve Allah swt, Rabbul Alameen.
The scholars said whatever contradict this main purpose
of your creation, you have to keep it
aside because Allah did not bring you for
Then what happened to those people who favor
their business and they compromise their religion to
maintain their job, their position and so many
things to keep the dunya intact.
That means they are totally neglecting the real
purpose of their creation.
And we have a lot of them and
history is just repeating itself.
So hijrah is wajib upon a person that
to see that his iman is going down
and he cannot preserve his religion in a
place he has to migrate.
Migration to where?
To a place where he can worship Allah
And this place has to be Muslim territory,
Muslim place.
Unless if no Muslim land accepts him, then
he goes to non-Muslim land that he
believes he can do what Allah swt asks
him to do correctly.
But as long as there is a space
in the Muslim community, he has to be
with the Muslim.
There is no khair whatsoever in being in
those lands.
Trust me my dear brothers, there's many people
left and the least we got from those
people who reached that place is to lose
their tarbiyah.
Many many of them became atheists, left the
religion, doesn't know what to do anymore.
That's why being in the Muslim territory is
You know this adhan?
If you just look at the adhan itself,
it's more than enough.
So migration is a normal act that a
Muslim should be conducting whenever he realizes that
practicing his religion in the place where he
is located is not easy.
He has to migrate to another place.
So Lut left with Ibrahim alayhis salam, almost
He left with Ibrahim alayhis salam and Allah
swt gave him the prophecy and made him
a messenger and sent him to the city
of Sadoob.
This is when his history began.
This is the city of Sadoob.
They said right now it's located in, I
mean it's gone, the whole city, originally it
is located in Sham.
The occupied place that is taken by the
criminal from us, this Sadoob is around that
It's not according to most of the history
and the talk about the thing.
It's located in the dead sea.
Because some of them even believe that there
was no sea in that place, but the
result of that punishment that generated the water
in that nature which almost nothing can survive
in that place peacefully.
So he was sent to this place.
This place is very strange, very strange.
According to the history of the past, they
are the strangest people maybe the history ever
heard of.
Because naturally Allah swt created us having the
affiliation towards the opposite gender, not the same
Only in our time, you know, this thing
is being revived, you know, you have different
type of things that people are accepting for
And this also comes from that if you
leave the religion, wallahi, there is no space
for you.
You're going to live a life that is
worse than the life of the animals.
You know, they told us in this dunya
of ours, there are places where, you see
now I'm just, okay, I think he actually
used it as an example, but if I'm
in a classroom, you know, a person can
just tell me, Sir, I'm now a kid.
And as somebody at the age of 23,
24, he will tell me I'm now, you
have to address me and treat me as
a baby at the age of two years.
And he will be screaming, shouting, that's like
the way the baby are crying.
And I have to respect this.
If I am to do something else and
treat him as a big person, I will
get into trouble.
You know, in some places they're talking about
making you and calling you a criminal if
you call your child he or she, because
he might not like that in the future.
Trust me, my dear brothers and sisters, this
is going to destroy the family structure from
the root.
And once you destroy this, there will be
no community, no life in the place.
Those people in Sedoum, they are the first
one according to the history who introduced this
evil behavior.
Shaitan played with their brain.
The man married man.
Sisters stick to the sisters.
These are the first one.
And this is when the journey of Lord
Ali salam began.
He was sent to these people.
And I have one message that I will
leave with all of us here.
You know, there are so many people who
will tell you, you have to leave.
You have to leave wherever you are located.
You have to go to another place and
stay there.
Because there are people who are committing maasi
The first question I ask, what is your
You see, Lord Ali salam was sent to
these guys.
The worst type of people on earth.
Ibrahim was sent to those guys, worshiping the
stars and things, you know.
Musa alaihi salam was sent to that useless,
arrogant, drunk person, you know, Firaun.
If you look at all of the prophets
and the messengers of Allah s.w.t,
they are sent to those criminals, top criminals
on earth.
You as a believer, you're living in a
The question that you should be asking yourself
before you migrate to another place, what kind
of role are you playing in that place
to guide people in that locality to the
You know, method of the deep.
Are you doing that?
Trust me, my dear brothers and sisters, having
experience in that, most of us, we prefer
in most instances to sit down and talk
about the evil behavior of a people, but
without inviting them to Islam.
Do you know that this is going to
be counted against you on the day of
What were you doing in that place when
you meet Allah s.w.t?
You have to answer this question here first.
If Allah is to ask you, what kind
of contribution you give to make sure that
those people are guided, what would you say?
So Lord Ali s.w.t was sent
to the people of Sadu and he has
been inviting them, trying to, you know, get
them to accept the truth.
However, nobody listened to him.
According to some of the history we've got,
except his two daughters.
Only his two daughters.
The whole city is against.
Including their mother also is against.
Against him.
You can see the pressure, but never give
Never left that place because he was on
a mission Allah s.w.t sent him
to that place.
The pressure was so much as we're going
to see, inshallah, in the near future.
So inshallah, I will continue reading Laita'ala
in the next session.
I know I made Mazin very angry, taking
10 minutes from his time, and I will
not replace him.
Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika ash-shara la ilaha
illa ant, astagfirullah wa atubu ilayka, As-salamu
alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Good morning brothers and sisters.
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merchandise and also discover ways to get involved.
Please check it out as it is our
go-to source for Reviver's updates.
Up next we have our new jerseys which
we have recently dropped.
It has a fabulous design and every single
penny you spend to buy this jersey will
be spent for the sake of da'wah.
So you have an amazing jersey and additionally
it's also, you're spending your money for the
sake of da'wah basically.
Ok, Akhwawakwat, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he
said, Itha maata al-insanu anqata amaluhu illa
min salat.
When a human being dies, all of his
actions, all of his deeds are cut off
except three.
And one of these three is Sadaqa Tanjariya.
Dear brothers and sisters, Amnada needs your support
for two vital projects, expanding healthcare facilities in
Nigeria and establishing an Islamic center in Botswana.
They require $1400 for the hospital and $1200
supporters for the Islamic center.
Each contributing 100 ringgits monthly for three months.
It's a very small amount and your Sadaqa
Tanjariya will bring continuous reward and make a
lasting impact.
So it is a very good opportunity for
those of us who want to make Sadaqa
You can just scan the QR, you can
just scan these two QRs and go ahead
Donation forms are available.
Every contribution towards these noble causes will grant
you ajl on Yawm al-Qiyamah inshallah.
Up next is something I wanted to say
for quite some time.
So brothers and sisters, Alhamdulillah, all of us
we gathered here today with the intention to
gain knowledge, with the intention to improve ourselves.
May Allah accept it from us.
But there is something which is way more
effective than this.
And that is classes which are regular.
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Whoever
amongst you walks a path with intention or
in order to seek knowledge, Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala will make his path towards Jannah
easier for him.
And us as students, especially from IAUM, we
have golden opportunity right in front of us.
Weekly classes by Shaykh Ibrahim Nuh.
On Mondays we have a book about the
signs of the Day of Judgment.
This book compiles all of the minor or
if not all, most of the minor and
major signs of the Day of Judgment.
It is a topic which is very very
interesting and also very relevant to all of
our lives.
So I highly recommend all of you to
join this class.
It is in Ummah Sajjadrah, i.e. Economics
Musalla, after Salatul Asr.
Up next we have Riyadus Saliheen, a book
written by Imam Al-Nawawi.
And this book focuses on etiquettes and Adab.
There is a saying, There is no deen
for an individual who does not have good
Akhlaq, who does not have Adab.
So it is necessary for us as Muslims
to learn the Adab, learn the etiquettes, which
is something very important, which is an essential
part of our deen.
And there is no better person to learn
from, except from Rasulullah ﷺ.
So Riyadus Saliheen is a book which compiles
all of these Ahadith about the topic.
I recommend all of you to attend.
On Tuesdays after Salatul Maghrib in IAEA main
Next we have Tafseerul Qur'an of Surah
Reading Qur'an is something which is very,
very beneficial.
However, something which is even more essential for
us as Muslims is to understand what Qur
'an is saying.
In order for us to become better Muslims,
we need to understand the Ahkam, we need
to understand the situations in which this Qur
'an was revealed.
And all of these topics are covered under
the Tafseer.
I highly recommend all of you to attend
this Tafseer class, because in my perspective, amongst
all of these classes, this is the most
beneficial one.
There is no book more beneficial than Kitabullah.
So I highly recommend you to attend this.
It's again after Salatul Asr in IKON's Musalla
on Thursdays.
Lastly, we have Bulughul Maram.
For those of you who are interested in
Fiqh and the evidences of Fiqh, this is
a book which is written by Hafiz Ibn
Hajar Al-Sqalani.
And this book compiles the ahadith about the
evidences in Fiqh.
So for those of you who want to
improve their understanding of the rulings, improve their
understanding of the Islamic rulings, and also they
want to understand how do we come to
the rulings which we follow, then this is
a class you need to attend.
Next, we have classes by our beloved Shaykh
Ustad Sharif Al-Arabi.
In order for us to worship Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala properly, it is very, very
important for us to know Allah's names and
How are we able, how are we going
to be, how will we worship Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala properly if we do not
know Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala?
So I highly recommend this class.
It is based on Asmah wa Istifat of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
The name of the class is, Who is
Knowing Allah and His Attributes, on Sunday, online,
9.15pm. Next, we have Ink of Faith,
a platform for readers and writers, where you
can access authentically curated Islamic articles and notes.
If you are interested in writing Islamic content
as well, then get in touch with us.
And there is a QR, you can scan
this QR, and you can get in touch
with brothers working in Ink of Faith.
I highly recommend for, especially for those who
are into light reading, and those of you
who do not want to read like big
books, and you just go to Ink of
Faith and read concise small articles.
Inshallah, it will be very beneficial for you.
Next, we have Reviver's Linktree.
So brothers and sisters, I already mentioned our
Another thing which you could use to stay
connected with our activities is this Linktree.
It has links to all of our social
You can follow us there.
And we are very active, Alhamdulillah.
And we post videos, live streams, and also
small videos for those who want to benefit,
and for those who want to gain knowledge.
Inshallah, it will be beneficial for us.
Next, we have International Open University by Dr.
Bilal Phillips.
This is a very good opportunity for those
of us who couldn't go regularly to the
madaris or to any Islamic university to seek
It is something, it is a very big
However, for those of us who were not
fortunate enough, there is International Open University by
Dr. Bilal Phillips.
It has amazing opportunities, and it is an
So basically, there are courses which you can
sign up to, and there are online classes.
And they teach exact same thing which you
would learn in a madrasa.
So it is an amazing opportunity for all
of you who are not able to attend
any madaris in real life.
You can just attend these classes online, inshallah.
Next, we will be having our kahoot session.
And the number will be up in a
few minutes, inshallah.
We will be waiting for some time, so
that you guys can log in, and then
we will begin the kahoot shortly.
Can I see the kahoot?
Can I see from this?
Can I see from this?
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Yes, I know.
No, no, no funny.
Okay, guys, scan this and join ASAP, because
we will be starting shortly, inshallah.
Y-N, I love Bawti.
Yeah, me too.
Hoody, Harula, Sheikh Somalia, Hamad, best MC,
Om, Watermelons, Amr.
And you guys, stop with the funny names.
We are discussing a serious topic here, you
Let's just maintain the adab we were talking
Last 30 seconds, then we will be starting
the kahoot.
So enter the code or scan the QRS
Sorry, Hamad, sorry for what?
Bawti Broski, Bawti Broski, Lutfi, is it you?
Waqas, I hope he wins.
Abu Sakina.
Okay, guys, I'm starting the countdown now.
We'll be closing at 10, 9, 8, 7,
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Khalas, close it.
A nation turned upside down, the destruction of
the people of Lut, alayhis salam.
That's just the title, I thought it's a
The most authentic account of history is found
in the Qur'an, Sunnah, and Isra'iliyat.
Let's have four words.
The Qur'an and the Sunnah of the
Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
The orientalist historiography.
Someone clicks WhatsApp forwards, and you have something
wrong with you.
Alhamdulillah, no one.
Awa is on top, Sheikh Somalia second.
Big Muqtasid, I hope you win, bro.
How long can a person who was converted
into an animal live?
Three nights, two days, five days, three days.
Should I say the colors as well, if
people cannot see?
Should I?
Say the shapes.
Oh, shapes, okay.
Shapes or colors?
I already read the option.
SubhanAllah, so many people got it wrong.
Big Muqtasid is on top, as usual.
Why did Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not
eat the top lizard?
Triangle, it was haram.
Blue, he felt uncomfortable to eat it.
Yellow, it was cooked by Aisha, radhiyallahu ta
It wasn't cooked by Aisha, radhiyallahu ta'ala.
And green, it was from sadaqa.
Alhamdulillah, most of the people got it correct.
Sorry, Hamad is on third.
How many years apart is Kaaba and Masjid
The red says 1400 years, blue 40 years,
yellow 1000 years, green 45 years.
Big Muqtasid remains on top, Mansa on second,
and sorry, Hamad on third.
What is the ruling on tawriya, deliberate ambiguity?
Permissible in writing, not speaking, permissible if necessary,
haram, obligatory.
Yusuf told me, don't say funny, he was
messaging me since three days, man.
Sorry, Hamad is on second, Big Muqtasid is
on top, and Abu Nuh is on third.
True or false, tawriya is to use a
word with two meanings while intending the closest
Let's see who can get this one correct.
23 people got it correct.
Most of the people got it.
Sorry, Hamad is on top, Abu Nuh is
on second, and Farah Sigma is on third.
Rasoolullah ﷺ instructed Zaid bin Thabit to learn
the language of the Romans.
Red, the Nasara blue, the Jews yellow, the
Semites green.
The Jews, Alhamdulillah, most of them got it
Lut ﷺ is the son of Ibrahim ﷺ
's sister.
True or false?
Okay, nine people got it incorrect.
This was the basic question, any skill issue.
Sorry, Hamad stays on top, Abu Nuh second,
and I cannot see who was the third
Who built Baytul Maqdis?
Prophet Yahya ﷺ red, Prophet Yaqub blue, Prophet
Ibrahim ﷺ yellow, and Prophet Isa ﷺ green.
Prophet Yaqub ﷺ is the correct answer.
Sorry, Hamad on top, Abu Nuh on second,
and Indah Haww.
I'm not sure how to pronounce that.
When are you the closest to Allah ﷻ?
When you are helping others red, when you
are giving charity blue, when you are praying
in sujood yellow, when you are fasting.
I think it's the sujood one, but Allah
Okay, correct.
Okay, third one is Indah Haww, I'm not
sure how to pronounce that.
Abu Nuh second, Allah ﷻ.
Sorry, Hamad on top.
Okay, whoever it is, kindly raise your hand
so that we can identify you, and then
we can give you the prize, inshallah.
So who is Abu Nuh?
Okay, Abu Nuh is here.
Sorry, Hamad.
Indah Haww, the third one.
Indah Haww.
Okay, okay.
Now, I will move Ibrahim back to the
stage for the second session of the event,
So alhamdulillah, we are back.
Let's continue from where we stopped last session.
And if you remember in the last session,
I told you that Allah ﷻ sent Lord
ﷺ to the city of Sadu, right?
And this is located in Palestine or somewhere
around that area.
And these people, they are very strange people,
because they twist the system that Allah ﷻ
created human being upon.
Upside down.
Adam ﷺ, when he was created by Allah
ﷻ, Allah ﷻ created for him Zawju.
Who was the Zawju?
Hawwa, a female, right?
And that's how Allah ﷻ put the system.
And changing this system is taqeeb li manar,
manar or manarat al-ard.
Where Allah ﷻ curse the one who is
doing this.
That's why in Islam, Islam has zero tolerance.
Zero tolerance to anything that distort this system.
That's why the hukum of man imitating a
woman is halal or haram?
Very straightforward.
Rasulullah ﷺ cursed the person who does that.
And the hukum of a woman imitating a
man, halal or haram?
Scholars said whatsoever is supposed to be used
by the brothers, which culturally and naturally people
know this to be for the brothers.
If a sister is to use it, she
will be cursed by Allah ﷻ.
Even if this thing belongs to the husband.
If the husband asks her, I want to
see you in this dress.
And this dress is designed for the brothers.
You get it according to the custom.
If a person wears it, automatically people will
believe that this is a man.
She cannot do, even if the husband wants
The same thing goes to the situation where
the wife asks the husband to wear, I
don't know whether this happened or not, but
she asked him to wear her clothes, also
is wrong.
Whether she likes it or she doesn't like
it, because these matters are the right of
Allah ﷻ.
This one are the right of Allah ﷻ,
not the right of human being that could
be modified by the human beings.
So do remember this.
No tolerance in Islam to this newly introduced
system to humankind.
We can see Allah ﷻ sent Lut ﷺ
to these guys to go and remind them
about the wrath of Allah ﷻ that can
possibly visit them if they are to continue
to behave in the same way.
They have some other evil behaviors, but this
is the worst one.
That's why the emphasis was on it.
They have some other evil behaviors, but this
is the worst one.
That's why the emphasis is on it.
They are Qutaw al-Turuk at the same
Qutaw al-Turuk means armed robbers.
Those people who intercept the caravan and stop
them and take their wealth.
They also do this.
They also do some part of some kind
of the corruptions, but this is the worst
That's why the emphasis was on it.
So Lut ﷺ spent his time.
Allah ﷻ, how long he spent inviting them
to Islam.
But as I said, it doesn't matter how
long a person is spending.
What matters is, are you giving the da
'wah or not?
The most dangerous decision somebody can take for
himself is to live within the midst of
a people who are in need of da
'wah, and you're not giving them the da
It's very dangerous.
That's why Rasul ﷺ said the example of
the person who is living with the people
who need da'wah, but he doesn't give
them the da'wah.
It's just like a group of people who
are sailing on the sea, and they have
only one ship to share.
So this ship has two levels, upper level
and the lower level, and all of them
cannot go to one of the levels.
They have to divide themselves.
Which level is more interesting, up or down?
Up, because up you can see the sea,
you can see the fish, you can see
so many things.
And down there, it is that you can
see the sea but through the windows, if
So what happened is that the people underneath,
whenever they need to come and get water,
they have to come up first so that
they can get it easily.
So they used to disturb those people who
are occupying the upper part of the ship.
So those guys used to get annoyed.
The people under the ship, they gave a
very simple solution, which is a deadly solution
They said, you guys get disturbed whenever we
come to the place to get water, and
we don't want to annoy you.
That's why we come up with a plan.
We're going to drill some part of the
ship from down there so we can get
water, inshallah, slowly, slowly.
Then we don't need to come up.
Are they right?
Yes, they will never come up.
So Rasulullah s.a.w. said, فَإِن تَرَكُوهُمُ
مَا أَرَدُوا هَلَكُوا جَمِيعًۭ If the people on
top are to stay away, you know, and
let them do whatever they plan to do,
who will die?
Trust me, the first one on top might
die first before them.
This is exactly the example of somebody who
lives with the people who are in need
of da'wah and he doesn't give them
the da'wah.
Get it?
In the place where you live, you guys,
wherever you are living, starting from the UAE
or your community, do you have people who
need da'wah?
Ask yourself, are you giving them the da
And when I say da'wah, it doesn't
mean that you have to come out قَالَ
اللَّهُ تَعَالَى and, you know, in the street
you are shouting and telling everyone that passed
you اتَّقِ اللَّهِ You know?
No, we're not talking about that.
Your wife at home, your husband at home,
your children at home, your friends, in the
masjid you see somebody doing something wrong.
Within your capability, if everyone is cooperating, Allah,
my dear brother and sister, we're going to
have a very amazing and interesting society.
But unfortunately, I stick to my kids and
my family.
I give them tarbiyah but I don't care
about his kids.
That was his responsibility.
Not knowing that if I neglect his children,
they are going to be corrupted and when
they get corrupted, that corruption will creep to
my kids also.
This is how it is in every place.
That's why the Prophet ﷺ said, if you
don't do, when the punishment comes, this is
the indication from that hadith, when the punishment
comes from Rabbul Alameen, it will include everyone.
Do you get it?
This is a very serious matter.
The fitn that are taking place in our
dunya, what is the cause of these fitn?
Maasi, sins of the human beings.
Are we part of it?
Yes, we are.
You might say, no, I'm not doing.
No, you're doing.
You're cooperating because you don't give the dawah.
You don't support it.
I mean, you don't support those people who
are doing and sometimes you demotivate the people
who are giving the dawah.
You remember the Ashab al-Sabt, I was
asking them, about the city that was near
the sea, you know, Allah told them not
to catch fish, right?
Did they catch the fish?
Yes, Allah told them not to catch the
fish on Friday.
True or false?
You never heard of this story?
Is it Friday or Thursday?
Thursday, right?
Oh, Saturday.
I'm very sorry for messing up things.
So Allah told them not to catch fish
on Saturday.
Did they catch fish on Saturday?
Did they get it on Saturday?
No, pay attention first.
They put the net on Friday to get
it and they took it on Sunday.
So when did they catch the fish?
From Saturday to Friday.
He doesn't want to be wrong.
Yeah, so the fish get trapped when?
On Saturday.
Because on Friday there's no fish actually.
The fish usually comes on, that's why Allah
swt says, The fish comes only on Saturday.
So the fish got trapped on Saturday.
They put the net on Friday.
They think they are so smart, not knowing
that this is one of the dumbest idea
to be done because you cannot play game
with Rabbul Alameen which our Muslims also are
doing the same thing.
I'm going to make some connections inshallah.
So they put the net on Friday and
the fish got trapped on Saturday and they
come and pick it up on Sunday.
When did they catch the fish?
On Saturday.
That's why Rabbul Alameen punished them because of
So they're playing game with who?
Rabbul Alameen.
Allah swt informed us through the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
He says, Do not engage in doing that
which was done by the Jews.
While you will be legalizing the forbidden things
by the Sharia using tricks.
Go and see our business models nowadays.
Almost everyone lost trust in that which is
given to us in the name of Sharia
and Islam.
When you go inside you see none other
than something that is not Islam but covered
by the cloth of Islam.
But inside it is still the same old
What are we doing?
Following exactly the same thing which was done
by the Jews.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Do
not do that.
These guys.
The country was divided into three.
The Duat and those who are not doing
the Dawah.
And they motivated them.
I'm sorry, demotivated the Duat.
And you have the third group who are
the criminals.
When the demotivators told the Duat, Why are
you wasting your time advising the people that
you know Allah s.w.t will destroy
Will punish them?
What was the answer given to them?
Please do remember this in your Dawah all
the time.
They say we are doing this because we
want to have our excuse to Rabbul Alameen.
And also we're not sure today they might
accept the truth.
Yesterday they rejected us.
But how are you so sure that today
they will not accept you?
Do you know Fir'aun, right?
Do you know Fir'aun?
You heard about him, right?
Was he a good person?
Maybe the worst entity you ever heard in
your life.
If I ask you, knowing Fir'aun, you
need that.
Do you think Fir'aun will accept Islam?
You might say no, right?
But possibility is always there, right?
You know, this man, when Allah sent Musa
to him, he said, He talked to him
in a very soft way.
Perhaps you might listen, you might reflect.
But Allah s.w.t knew that Fir
'aun will never accept Islam.
But the system has to be kept in
the way it is for human beings.
We have to keep being optimistic.
Having husnul dhun with people.
Today he doesn't accept me, maybe tomorrow he
will accept me.
So that's why all of those prophets of
Allah s.w.t, they maintain this good
behavior of tolerance and sticking to that which
Allah s.w.t asked them to do.
What is my job as a da'ia?
To identify the truth.
Let's remember this now, to identify the truth,
to follow it, meaning to put it into
practice and action, and to maintain that, you
know, what do you call, attitude of behaving
in the right way, and also to invite
others to what I am doing.
So to have the iman, put it into
practice and action, invite others to what I
am doing, and to be patient in my
They said this is what Allah s.w
.t wants us to do.
Success in da'wah is not based on
how many people accept you and how many
people are rejecting you.
If this is the basis of the success
in da'wah, then the da'wah of
Nuh a.s., was this a success?
If the basis of the success in da
'wah is defined by how many people accept
you, you must have so many people accepting
you for you to be a successful da
Then the da'wah of Nuh a.s.,
is it a success or a failure?
It will be a failure, but because success
in the da'wah is not based on
this, that's why one of the most successful
da'wah was the da'wah of Nuh
a.s. All of the messengers of Allah
s.w.t succeeded in their da'wah.
But you know that Lut a.s. got
two people to accept him.
There was a prophet of Allah who got
only one person to accept him.
There was a prophet of Allah s.w
.t who got nobody to listen to him.
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, try to
develop this attitude.
Da'wah is not my job or your
job alone or the job of an organization.
Da'wah is the job of every Muslim.
Surah As-Salam says, That hadith that you
So he says anyone who sees munkar, he
should fix it with the hand.
If that is not possible, he should use
a tongue and talk about it.
If that is not possible, then he hate
it and leave the place not to get
involved in that corruption.
So Lut a.s. was rejected by his
people and nobody accepted him except his two
Up to the moment Allah s.w.t
wanted to take them off.
And that's the ni'mah of Allah s.w
.t upon the prophets.
Rasulullah s.a.w. said, When Allah s
.w.t wants good for a nation, he
will take the prophet back to him.
And who will be the caretaker of that
Rabbul Alameen.
That's what happened to us.
Allah s.w.t took the prophet of
Allah s.w.t back to him.
Then the caretaker of the ummah is Rabbul
If we want, because Allah gave us a
very clear straightforward system, so that it will
be protected.
But unfortunately, we think we are so smart,
we can come up with our own version
of the religion.
That's why we don't enjoy what our predecessors
Rasulullah s.a.w. said, Rasulullah s.a
.w. said, If Allah doesn't want good for
a nation, Allah s.w.t will destroy
the nation in the presence of that prophet,
will keep that prophet until their destruction, so
that they will be destroyed in the presence
of his eyes.
That's what happened with all of them, with
the exception of the ummah of Muhammad s
.a.w. So Allah s.w.t, when
the time these people to go arrived, he
sent an angel.
They passed through Ibrahim first, because Lut and
Ibrahim s.a.w., they are both messengers
of Allah s.w.t at the same
So these angels, they went to Ibrahim s
.a.w. They visited him.
Who are these angels?
The best answer is, But according to what
we got from those books, they were Jibreel,
and Mikail, Israfil, and Rufa'in.
Also this is a very strange name mentioned
by those books, but as I said, the
best answer to this is Allah s.w
.t. Angels went to the place, most likely
Jibreel is one of these angels.
They went to Ibrahim s.a.w. And
Ibrahim welcomed them.
He welcomed them.
And immediately, as honouring the guests, because Ibrahim
is the first person who does this, to
honour the guests in this way.
He went and slaughtered a chicken through a
I just want to make sure that I'm
not talking to myself.
He slaughtered a chicken through a horse.
So what did he slaughter?
A cow.
Ejil, right?
Not sheep.
So I'm not the only one who is
Somebody said sheep.
Sheep, right?
So he did not slaughter a sheep.
He slaughtered a cow.
He slaughtered a cow and cooked it, and
presented the cow to them.
But then they refused to eat.
Because angels don't eat.
That's why they call them, They don't have
the system which is like ours.
So they don't eat.
They don't eat food.
So Ibrahim was waiting for them to eat.
None of them was willing to touch anything.
So he says, Why can't you eat?
So they told him who they are.
And then Ibrahim got scared.
He was scared at first when they refused
to eat.
And then when they told him who they
are, he realized that these are the angels.
But when he sees them in this way,
four of them come into his house, according
to those stories.
So he asked them, What happened?
Because he knows angels cannot come like that.
Doesn't come like this.
Except if there is something.
So what happened?
They told him, Allah sent us to the
people of Lut.
And when they said this, Allah sent us
to the people of Lut, Ibrahim automatically knows
that the end of these people is around
the corner.
So he quickly told them, He said, But
my brother Lut is there.
They said to him, Actually, we know better
who are exactly living in that place.
And don't worry.
We are going to save him together with
his family members, except his wife.
She is not going to be saved because
she is sharing the same faith and the
same attitude with her people.
So Ibrahim tried, tried to negotiate with them,
you know, give them more chance, more chance.
SubhanAllah, Wallahi, look at the gulub of the
anbiya of Allah.
We need to learn from these people.
They love good for the people.
That's why they succeeded in the dawah.
They don't have hatred.
Rejection that they receive from the people never
deters them from giving the dawah.
It motivates them to go more and more.
You remember that Prophet Rasulullah ﷺ told us
about him who was stoned by his people
and he was bleeding, you know, the face
was full of blood.
He was rubbing the blood from his face.
And he was saying, Ya Allah, forgive my
people because they don't know.
What kind of tolerance is this?
Also the same thing.
Also the same thing.
The people of Taib when they throw stone
on him, he also, when he was given
the opportunity to give permission to the angel
of mountain to destroy them all, did he
accept that proposal?
He said to the angel, No, I don't
want that.
He said, If they reject me, I hope
inshaAllah in the future, Allah will bring from
their descendants, not from them.
You know, look at, He said, I hope
inshaAllah in the future, Allah swt will bring
somebody from their children who will worship him
All of the messengers and the Prophet of
Allah swt, trust me, my dear brothers and
sisters are like that.
So Ibrahim tried to negotiate with them but
it doesn't work.
He told them, Keep this thing aside.
We are not here for this.
What Allah swt promised them has already arrived.
There is no way for these people to
be protected.
They left Ibrahim to Lut alayhis salaam, reached
the place where Lut is located and in
a very quick way, the community knows that
these young human beings, they came because they
came in the form of human beings.
See them, young people, these are angels.
The most powerful, you know, amongst the Christians
of Allah swt, to our knowledge, among the
three Christians of Allah swt.
So when they saw them and they were
very beautiful, they're very handsome people.
So people rushed to the house, those criminals,
they rushed into the house.
So they're trying to attack them and Lut
was begging them, please do not embarrass me
in the presence of my guests.
So he tried, he told them, he said,
these are my daughters, please, they are more
pure for you.
You cannot come and approach a man who
is having the same gender as you.
When he says banati, is he referring to
his daughters, two of them?
No, he's referring to the sisters in the
As the Mufassirun said, a prophet is considered
as the father of the people in his
So he told them, why can't you go
and do it in the right way?
Marry the opposite gender, that's better for you.
But he told them, he says, you know
that you know that we don't have interest
in your daughters.
They're referring to the sisters in the community,
we have no interest in.
And this is one of the evil consequences
of homosexuality.
It destroys the brain of a person, making
him to be desensitized.
Not having interest in the halal, and healthy,
and correct way.
Always having interest in them, in the wrong
That's why I said it hits the very
foundation of society.
Because when you have man, you know, satisfying
themselves from that, the man and the sisters
also in the same thing, what left?
We will not have production of the children,
and the community will be gone.
If you want to see the Madaar, the
Mufassid, the evil consequences of homosexuality, read the
book of Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Dawah.
That's the best book I see talking about
this evil, behavior.
So he told them, do this.
He told them, we don't need this one.
So and then, subhanAllah, the angels told Lut,
alayhis-salam, He told them, Lut, don't worry.
Actually, we are not human beings, we are
They will never reach, just don't worry.
That's why when they keep on approaching, trying
to come, the first Aqaba that happened to
those people who came to the place, Jibril,
alayhis-salam, he was, according to the Mufassidin,
some part of his wing, and he hit
their faces.
They became blind, immediately.
That was the first thing that happened to
Allah, subhanAllah, says, فَطَمَّسْنَا أَعْيُنَهُ In Surah Al
-Dhariyat, Surah Al-Qamar, Allah, subhanAllah, says, فَطَمَّسْنَا
أَعْيُنَهُ We blinded their face.
So they don't have the eye to see
That was the first punishment that reached them.
And then they started discussing the matter of
Lut, alayhis-salam.
Because the people are too evil.
They told Lut, alayhis-salam, Allah, subhanAllah, sent
us for these people, and the mi'ad,
the time for them to be punished, is
after Fajr.
They mentioned that Lut, alayhis-salam, was seen
to be a very long period of time.
These people don't deserve to live.
And I forgot something before this moment.
When they were trying to push, they're trying
to come inside, and Lut, alayhis-salam, was
trying to push them away.
He said, لَيْتَنِي بِكُمْ قُوَّةً أَوْ أَهْوِي إِلَىٰ
رُكُنٍ شَجِيدٍ He said, I wish I have
And I have authority.
I wish I have ability that I can
fight you back.
I wish there is a pillar that I
can depend on, somebody to help me, to
support me in this conflict.
To fight you back.
SubhanAllah, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, He
said, رَحِمَ اللَّهُ أَخَانَ لُوطًا He said, may
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala show mercy upon
our brother Lut, alayhis-salam.
لَقَدْ كَانَ يَأْوِي إِلَىٰ رُكُنٍ شَجِيدٍ He said,
Lut, alayhis-salam, he said, may Allah show
mercy upon him.
He was the one actually that is inclining
or dependent on the most strongest pillar.
What is that pillar?
رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ As one of our scholars said,
as a da'ia, unrighteous person, who is
persecuted by the community or some people in
the community, you shouldn't worry at all.
Because who is in your side?
رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ As long as you're doing the
correct thing, Wallahi, trust me, my dear brothers
and sisters, رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ will be in your
I know people, you know, who were rejected.
They were badly rejected by the community, wanted
by the community.
Because of them following the truth, that subhanAllah,
time has arrived, that all of them come
They became the leaders in that community.
That's what the Prophet ﷺ meant, that Lut,
alayhis-salam, was the one who is depending
on the strongest pillar.
So don't worry.
The enmity and the hatred that comes from
the community or from anyone who is hating
the truth, shouldn't distract you from sticking to
that which you believe to be correct.
Continue istiqamah.
The one who is in your side is
رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ The Prophet ﷺ said, مَنْ أَرْضَ
اللَّهَ بِسَخَطٍ النَّاسِ كَفَاهُ اللَّهُ مَعُونَةَ النَّاسِ He
said, if you please Allah ﷻ by doing
what He asked you to do, although people
don't like to see you doing it, but
since Allah wanted like that, don't care.
Just do it in the way Allah ﷻ
Allah ﷻ is going to take out the
You know my dear brothers and sisters, in
this life of ours, you need رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ
to be between you and the rest of
the human beings.
Wallah, you cannot live without the support of
رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ You know who are the human
Allah says, إِنَّهُ كَانَ ظَنُومًا جَهُولًا أَلْظُلْمُ مِنْ
شِيَةٍ مِنْ رِجَالِ فَإِنْ تَجِدْ ذَاعِفَةٍ فَلِعِلَّةٍ لَا
يَفِدِمُ The scholar said, oppression, oppressing others, committing
injustice against the interests of others is part
of the nature of human beings.
They always want to be on top of
He said if you find somebody who is
not doing this, you should know that there
is a cause for this.
Either weakness or you know, he's a Muslim,
Islam is stopping him from doing the oppression.
There has to be something.
This is the kind of life we're living
Ibn Hazm says, if you ever think that
you're living with human beings and you will
not get hurt by them, he said this
is a type of junoon, insanity.
There is no way for you to live
with human beings without getting harmed by them.
Therefore, you need Rabbul Alameen to be between
you and the creation.
That's the only protection we have in this
To have Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala standing
for you and if Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala ajarak, trust me my dear brothers and
sisters, this is exactly what Rabbul Alameen said
through the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam in
the Quran.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, Allah protects
and if he's looking for somebody, nobody can
protect that person from Allah subhanahu wa ta
So aim for this my dear brothers and
Do the right thing and stick to it
and always aim for the muhabba of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala and his closeness, to
be closer to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
because if you get this, then the full
protection will be granted to you.
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, if
Allah loves a person, he will call Jibreel
alayhi salam.
He will say, Ya Jibreel, I love so
and so person.
You should love him.
Who is Jibreel?
The greatest angel, right?
In terms of authority and ranking.
Jibreel is the greatest, not the biggest in
terms of size.
No, Allah has much bigger according to what
we're told by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has much bigger
than Jibreel.
The Hamlet al-Arsh.
One of them, if you were to travel
from his shoulder, before you reach his ears,
you spend 700 years.
That's only one.
Eight of them Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
created for the purpose of carrying the Arsh.
And they always praise Rabb al-Ahlameen.
So Jibreel will be invited by Allah and
Allah told him, I love so and so
person, you should love him.
And then Jibreel will love that person and
invite the rest of the angels, also command
them to love this person because Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala loves him.
And you know what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said?
And then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will
put and cast your love on the earth.
Ibn Rajab said, من عجيب حفظ الله لعباده
One of the amazing ways that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala used to protect the righteous
people in this dunya, sometimes Allah assigned your
enemy to be a protector.
He quoted some stories which the scholar said
that Islam has some issues with them, but
keep these stories aside.
To him, these are facts that happened in
the past, but the story of Musa alayhi
s-salam is more than enough for us.
Who was the adoo?
Of Musa alayhi s-salam.
Who's the enemy of Musa?
And Firaun has been killing babies.
Some said around 17,000 babies were killed
by Firaun.
Because of who?
Musa alayhi s-salam.
Musa alayhi s-salam.
Musa was crying.
Umm Musa, when Musa was born, because he
was born during the year where Firaun is
slaughtering there.
So the mother worried so much, but she's
a believer.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala strengthened her heart.
She worries so much about her son, and
she doesn't know.
But the fact that he is one of
the children of Israel, so she worries so
much because this is one of the people
that Firaun is looking for.
So she tried to cool him down.
Musa was crying.
I like what somebody says.
He said, look at how Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala comforted Umm Musa.
When you're with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
you'll always be comforted.
She was trying to cool him down, to
stop him from crying.
By the evening, the Ahl al-Firaun, they
were trying to cool him down, looking for
somebody to help them, to make him keep
And now she was the one who was
assigned to take care of her child under
the protection of whom?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala refused that Musa is going
to stay with his mother like this before
visiting the house of Firaun to show to
Firaun that he is useless.
He can't do anything.
That person that he's looking for, Allah wants
him to take care of him.
Allah took Musa to the house of Firaun.
What protected Musa alayhis salam?
And guess what?
It's a love from Rabbul Alameen.
Allah says, I cast on you my love.
Even the worst tyrant king couldn't do anything
to Musa alayhis salam.
The worst person on earth in those days
couldn't touch him.
And Allah says, We just cast our love
on him.
And that's it.
Firaun couldn't do anything.
That's the reason why the companions of Rasulallah
alayhis salam, when he said, I want to
give the flag, the banner to fight the
Jews in the Khaibar, to somebody who loves
Allah and Allah loves him.
Everyone went to that place.
Masjid, they're always like that.
But that Fajr was so special.
Omar said, I never think of being a
leader until that time.
You know why?
Because Rasulallah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah
loves him.
Because I can claim that I love Allah.
You also do the same thing.
But the question is, do we have the
same from Rabbul Alameen?
Does Allah want to love us or not?
But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
This person is loved by Allah.
That's why they love to have that position.
But then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
gave it to Ali bin Abi Talib.
I remember the last person I would quote
to support this fact, that if you're loved
by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, you will
be 100% be even like Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala protected.
The companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam are always aiming for this.
Ubaid bin Ka'b was with the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Rasulallah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him, Allah
commanded me to recite Surah Al-Bayyinah to
He said, Ya Rasulallah, wait a minute.
Did he ask you to read the Surah
to somebody amongst the companions and you decided
to choose me?
Or you mentioned my name?
Rasulallah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Your name.
And subhanAllah, he cried.
He cried out of the happiness that his
name has been mentioned by Rabbul Alameen.
That's the attitude and the behavior of the
companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
That's why they reach the position they were
in, where some of them were walking on
the earth and they know they're going to
paradise when they meet Rabbul Alameen.
The opportunity and the chance.
Is it still open?
The religion of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
All that you have to do to get
this is to be the Wali of Allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Is it possible to be part of the
Awliya of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?
Don't you ever listen to anyone who tells
you that Wilayah is only for specific people
you cannot join.
Wallahi, this is kathib.
This is a lie.
It is open for everyone.
How will I become a Wali of Allah?
Allah says, The Awliya of Allah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, there will be no khawf for
There will be no saad.
When they meet Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
no fear, no sadness.
In this dunya also, they will be protected
by Allah.
But then who is the Wali?
So that nobody can come and give us
wrong definition that nobody can join.
Allah says, All that you have to do
to get this qualification is to believe in
Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and put that
faith into practice and action and maintain your
It's as simple as this.
So back to the story of Lut alayhi
We digress so much.
So Lut told them, So the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said, He is the one
actually who is holding upon the strongest pillar.
And we will see how strong is this
pillar that Lut alayhi sallam was depending on.
So the angels told him, The Mawarid, the
appointed term for them to be destroyed is
Fajr time.
So he said, Fajr?
They said, Isn't it very close?
Just sabah.
Subhanallah, Allah commanded him to go out of
that city, he and his family members.
And here you have the differences of opinions
among the scholars.
Allah says, You and your family members, who
followed him?
In the house you have Lut, his two
daughters and the mother, right?
Did she join them or only Lut and
his two daughters?
Some of the Mufassirin said she went also
with them.
Some of them said, No, she did not
She refused to follow.
So wallahu alam, the Quran did not mention
Allah says except your wife.
This kind of istithnah is going back to
which part of the text of the ayah.
That's the reason why the Mufassirin have these
differences of opinion.
But the one we need among all of
these arguments of the scholars is the fact
that this woman was not among the successful
So they left.
And Allah SWT told him, Do not look
behind, just keep going.
So they said, when the time comes after
Fajr, that Fajr was the worst Fajr that
ever passed those people.
Because Jibreel took them up.
You know, subhanallah, he did not take them
from the surface of the city.
They said, wallahu alam, he put the smallest
wing he has.
Deep down there to the root of the
And he brought them up from the root.
Take them all the way to the heaven
number one.
Not the space, the space, not this one.
The heaven, the real heaven.
That's why they said the angels can hear
the screaming, the shouting, the barking of the
dogs of the city.
So he connected them to the heavens.
Subhanallah, that's how powerful are the angels of
Allah SWT.
And look at their strength and their power.
But they are the most dedicated creation of
Allah SWT to Rabbul Alameen.
And look at us, how weak are we?
He is taking this city, it's not one
person, the whole city.
And some of the scholars said there are
around five to six hundred thousand people together
with the houses, took them up.
It's like how dare you to disobey Rabbul
And he turned them upside down.
Look, the same way they turn up the
system upside down, right?
Allah SWT also turned them upside down.
So they were coming down.
Is that enough?
Because they brought something which nobody ever did
The punishment also resembles the nature of the
That's why when they are coming down, Rabbul
Alameen commanded, you know, whoever is throwing the
stones, each one of them has a stone
that is supposed to target that person.
So they're coming down, Allah SWT send those
stones from fire.
They got burned.
Allah SWT let them fall down and the
cities following them.
And they're burning from those stones and the
cities fall against them.
That's how the page of those people was
closed completely.
The scholars of Islam, looking at the Sunnah
of the Prophet SAW that says, That's why
unanimously the companions of the Prophet SAW agrees
that the government should address this matter with
death penalty.
But they only disagree how this person is
supposed to be executed.
Some of them said he should be burned
in the way Allah SWT burned the people.
Lut AS, some said no.
Rabbul Alameen, as the Prophet SAW said, Nobody
is allowed to punish anyone with fire except
Rabbul Alameen.
We are not supposed to do.
Some said you treat them like the way
you treat somebody who committed Zina and he
is already married before.
But whatever the case might be, the punishment
is very clear by the Sunnah of the
Prophet SAW.
So that's how the story of this noble
and excellent Prophet of Allah SWT was concluded.
Who survived among the people?
Nobody except Lut AS and his two daughters.
So don't worry my dear brothers and sisters.
As long as you are holding upon the
truth, you are the Ummah.
Allah SWT says, Allah described Ibrahim as the
Ummah means Qudwa.
Some scholars said Allah looked at him as
the whole nation.
In the time of Jahiliyyah, nobody except Islam,
they were worshipping idols.
But this man together with Waraka and I
guess Uthman ibn Harith, three of them, they
just realized that definitely these people are in
the wrong way.
How can you worship idols like this?
How can you just make something and worship
How can you drink wine?
How can you slaughter a sheep and call
the name of other than Allah?
How can you go to Tawaf when you're
making Tawaf?
You know and then you say, This is
the correct one, right?
In the Jahiliyyah, what did they usually say?
لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ لَبَّيْكَ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ
إِلَّا شَرِيْكَ الْهُوَ لَكَ تَبْلِكُهُ وَمَا مَلَكُ They
have to put the shirk inside.
They said, Ya Allah, you don't have partner
except that partner that you own together with
what he owns.
They mentioned that Zaid used to tell them
when he hear people saying this, when they
reach لَبَّيْكَ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ he used
to tell them, stop, don't add anything.
This is more than enough.
If he sees them slaughtering a sheep in
the name of an idol, he tells them,
no, this sheep, you know that Allah created
It doesn't make sense to you that you
mention the name of somebody else other than
his name.
You know, this man, he doesn't know what
exactly is the religion of Ibrahim, but instinctively,
naturally, he believes that these stupidities cannot be
the religion of Ibrahim.
That's why he stayed away from it.
He died before the arrival of Rasulullah ﷺ.
Rasulullah ﷺ said on the Day of Judgment,
Allah will resurrect him.
He will come alone because he lived alone
upon the righteousness.
So that's how it is, my dear brothers
and sisters.
We're living in a time where the Prophet
ﷺ said the one who is holding upon
his religion is equal to the person who
is putting his hand on a fire.
Trust me, my dear brothers and sisters.
Eight hundred years ago, scholars used to believe
that their time was a reference by the
Prophet ﷺ.
I don't know if they come to our
time, what would be the description of living
in our time?
But alhamdulillah, there is still good, khayr is
still there in the life of righteousness.
How to find it easy?
Get a class that you go.
Wallah, it is wrong decision for you to
live a life that you don't come to,
you know, places where you would enlighten yourself,
except on Friday sometimes if you come early
or lectures like this.
A Muslim shouldn't do that.
Get a class that you go at least
once a week.
Stick to that class and make a very
good selection.
Choose somebody who believes in Allah ﷻ, who
fears Allah and who has correct knowledge that
would guide you, not to misguide you.
Somebody who is having adab and always focus
on that which Rabbul A'lamin want us
to focus on.
That means follow the Qur'an and the
Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ according to the
way of our predecessors.
The tabi'un, companions of the Prophet ﷺ
and then our tabi'.
This is necessary, my dear brothers and sisters,
for you to be, in your iman to
be intact.
Living a life without having this approach is
very dangerous.
You need a place where you will refresh
your iman from time to time.
You need a place where you will refresh
your iman from time to time.
So as I said, be happy with Islam
and hold upon the religion of Allah ﷻ.
Be mustaqeem and always make sure that what
you're doing is that which Allah ﷻ asks
you to do and you can stand up
before Allah ﷻ and defend yourself when you
meet him.
If not, you better go and look for
a place where you could be guided properly
to the Sunnah of Muhammad ﷺ.
May Allah ﷻ grant us a good inability
to engage in inviting people to the right
path of Allah ﷻ.
Sheikh, we have a few questions
regarding today's topic.
The questioner says, a relative once came up
to me to come out, and this is
a term which is used when an individual,
he goes and he says that I'm not
actually heterosexual, I'm something else.
So this is a term, coming out.
That's what it's used for.
And justifies their inclinations toward the same gender
by saying that they were LGBT or sodomites
as well during the time of Prophet Lut
ﷺ and that his wife helped them, which
I realize now we clearly didn't know the
full context.
What do I say to make them see?
Since a good advice to fight their nafs
without leading them away from Islam.
He's talking about the people who are having
this, that kind of behavior, right?
He is to be with them, but then
now he realized that he couldn't get the
true picture of the story of Lut ﷺ.
Did I understand correctly?
Apparently, some of their relatives, they have these
inclinations, and then they use the argument of
Lut ﷺ's wife helping the people against
his husband as an argument to defend, and
they say that these people existed since Lut
ﷺ's time as an argument.
How should we advise these people?
Use the same method.
Because somebody who tells you this, that means
he read the Quran, right?
And the place where he is getting this
thing, which he distorted it, for sure it
tells him that this is something that is
wrong, rejected by Lut ﷺ, rejected by the
Quran, rejected by anyone who comes after that.
That what that woman was doing was wrong.
The people are wrong.
And the same way he was convinced, alhamdulillah,
that this is wrong interpretation and he did
not get the true picture, he was supposed
to also introduce the thing to the people
in that way.
And also advice, if you can get a
very good counselor, somebody who can advise them,
very good, somebody who believes in Allah ﷻ
and uses Islam properly in his advice that
he gives people, these people, they need to
visit somebody to sit with them.
General information might not be beneficial, but since
they have the courage to get from the
Quran this thing that they are mentioning, why
can't they take the whole package rather than
taking some part of it and leaving the
other part.
If they can say that, oh, she's helping
them, that means it does exist.
That means they know the Quran.
They also know how Allah ﷻ hated the
place and those people were destroyed because of
this evil behavior.
Why can't they take, you know, the story
in a totality?
Allah ﷻ is good.
But as I said, it is good if
you can drag them to somebody who has
wisdom, who advises them wisely.
And last one to the guide all of
us to the truth.
Second question, what are the ways to advise
the people around us about the dangers of
the issue of LGBT?
That is widespread in our time because they
believe it and accepted it, knowing that they
refuse to listen when we address them with
verses, hadith and stories of previous nations.
The most important thing to be focusing on
is our kids, the younger ones.
Please, mothers and parents, you know, the fathers,
we should understand this war against us.
It's more dangerous from this angle than having
the big people joining.
Those ones, inshallah, they will listen.
But when the kids take it, it's not
easy for you to convince them to come
So they have devices now with them, which
is very dangerous.
If you agree to keep your child with
the device, it should be 100% monitored.
That's your responsibility.
If your child end up having this behavior
and thinking this way, which somebody put it
on him, because Allah did not create human
beings like this.
It's very rare to find a person, you
know, in the past who is having this
type of behavior.
Very rare, very rare.
And even they don't go in the way
we have people going nowadays.
It's just a person who is inclined to
behave like a woman, but he does things
like a man.
Be with the man.
He believes he's the man, but like to
imitate sisters.
Very, very little.
In our time, which is intentionally made, and
somebody convinced some people that they are not
who they are.
So my advice is to take care of
the kids first and foremost, and then intensify
These type of stories should be shared with
the people.
But I believe iman has to be there
first for a person to be able to
read Quran and understand what we understood.
Therefore, aqidah is necessary.
We should emphasize on the aqidah a lot.
And the family structure, how to protect it.
And try to draw the attention of this
person, you know, on the life that is
taking place in those places where we got
the introduction to this evil behavior from them.
Somebody has to know, has to see the
true picture first.
Draw his attention on this.
They will listen.
Allah grant us good.
The next question is, what is the ruling
on making jokes regarding homosexuality as it's very
common among, it's very common and normal among
male friend groups nowadays?
Muslims shouldn't engage in making jokes, you know,
using those things that Allah SWT hates.
Muslims shouldn't do that.
This is part of the wala ul-bara.
What Allah hates, we shouldn't do it even
in the same of jokes.
As a Muslim, it should be part of
your faith and love for Allah SWT, not
to jokes on matters that Allah SWT hates.
Allah grant us good.
Next question.
Are we sinning if we have a friend
or if we befriend someone who is from
Not like we support their choice.
And are we sinning if we watch a
movie that happens to have LGBTQ elements?
Why do you watch things which you know
Allah SWT hates?
And also you're commanded by the sharia to
be very selective when choosing friends.
Who is supposed to be your friend?
A good believer.
Rasulullah SAW said, You know, the Jews and
the Christians, Allah SWT cursed them in the
tongue of Dawood AS and Isa AS.
What was their problem?
Allah says, The scholar said, when a person
is wronged amongst them and they try to
advise him and he doesn't want to listen
but they still sit with him, jokes with
him, laugh with him, then Allah cursed them
because of this.
It's not appropriate for a believer to choose
these type of people to be his friend.
But at the same time, don't disconnect yourself
from these type of people.
You should have a temporary visit to advise
If you know you are very strong in
terms of iman, approach them from time to
time to advise them because if nobody's advising
them, they will come and * some other
members of our community slowly slowly.
So I advise you to stay away from
having this friendship, strong friendship with anyone who
is, who happened to be a wrongdoer.
Whether this or any other kind of sins.
Allah grant us.
JazakAllah khair, Sheikh.
Next question.
If we know a Muslim who openly supports
LGBTQ community and promotes their rights, is this
person sharing the sin of the same community
he's supporting?
Whatever sins take place when you contribute, and
you share evil with others, you're also part
of it.
What do you advise to someone who has
missed many prayers but is making tawbah and
tries to not miss any of them now?
He should fear Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and not to miss any other prayer from
the time he repented and try to do
as much as he can the sunnah prayers.
And that's it.
The most important thing is to fix himself,
not to miss prayers, and do the sunnah
prayers also, the one that he can do.
No need to keep praying, praying, praying non
No, just stick to the rawat.
You know that between, before Zuhur there is
four rakats, right?
If somebody can have, I mean, ability to
do that, four rakat.
After Zuhur you have two rakat.
After Isha you have two rakat.
After Maghrib you have two rakat.
Before Fajr you have two.
Altogether 12 rakat.
Even those ones, the scholars said they can
act as something that can cover the deficiency
he has in the wajibat that he missed
on the day of judgment, inshaAllah.
You get it?
So repentance, focusing on the prayers, not to
skip any other prayer anymore, and also do
the sunnah prayers as much as he could.
InshaAllah they will fix the deficiency he has
in the wajibat.
Can we move to non-Muslim nations to
support the dawah movement there, even if we
don't perform dawah but we provide financial support
to those who do?
They don't need it because they already have
people who are making dawah there.
Seriously, live with the Muslim territory.
We need a lot of hands to give
tarbiyah to our people.
Get it?
The tarbiyah of the Muslimin.
Do you think the tarbiyah is fine?
Are you happy with the way the Muslims
are behaving in the Muslim communities?
Are you happy with that?
No, right.
I'm telling you, even if you're blind, you
know that something is wrong.
So we need more people to be in
the dawah in our community.
Why do you reduce the energy and the
Send it to a place where you might
lose your religion, rather than fixing someone here.
So I believe it's better for you to
live with the Muslimin.
Fix the behavior and attitudes of the believers
here, wherever you are.
Engage in bringing tarbiyah in the community, rather
than going to a place where you're not
sure whether you'll be able to preserve your
iman or not.
We really appreciate that you came and gave
us so much of your time.
We really benefited from the event.
Now I would like to call upon our
brother Mazen and us with the token of
So fast.
Thank you.
Ask Allah to grant you good.
And thank you very much for being with
us today.
And please try your best, whatever you have
heard today, put it into action.
That's the most important part of this gathering.
To go with something and to act upon
So please be a good Muslim and be
Inshallah, what is waiting for you is greater
than what you might be thinking of missing
in this dunya.
Life with Allah is the most interesting and
valuable life.
Life without Rabbul Alameen is the greatest loss
that you will be encountering in this dunya.
You want peaceful heart and mind?
Be with Allah.
So be good.
Be a very good representative of the Muslim
community in terms of manners and iman and
And also try to share the khair with
Don't stay away from giving and dawah.
And don't worry about who is accepting and
who is not.
Your job is to keep giving and always
pray to Allah to guide people.
And to make the Muslim community the best
community in this dunya of ours.