Ibraheem Menk – Understanding Life In Modern Society

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of finding creative ways to engage children in learning and rewind the learning process. They stress the need for acceptance and value in life and offer suggestions for creative ways to engage children in learning. The speaker emphasizes the importance of trusting Islam and rewinds the learning process, and encourages individuals to appreciate the process and reevaluate their teachings. They also discuss the importance of avoiding thinking carefully about emotions and emotions in one's life, and the need for immediate action to avoid thinking about emotions and emotions in one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Indeed, living in today's world is not easy. We go out there. Some of

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us are working, and we find ourselves surrounded by

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desires. We find ourselves surrounded by people of the

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mentality of just do it. Do as you want, behave as you please. We go

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through institutions that teach us to change our identity if we feel

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that that is suitable. They teach us to identify in whatever form we

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want to identify in. And on the other hand, you have the Muslims

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and Islam and Allah

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teaching you differently. You grow up in a conservative family, in a

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conservative community, and it becomes difficult for you to

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practice your faith, because the whole world out there is

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different, so it's very challenging.

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And one of the results of this is that we find ourselves inching

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away, moving away from the deep, from the religion, because it is

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something that we didn't choose per se, but it is something that

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it was taught to us from the time that we were born. It is the

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environment that we were raised in. So when a child is taught that

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if you don't learn your madrasa work, you will be beaten, what

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happens is you tend to develop this hatred for the reason that

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you are being beaten. I'm not saying we tend to hate the deen,

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but because we are beaten due to the deen, we develop attachment

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and association, and we associate the deep with beating. So what

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happens as you grow up and you come out into this wide world that

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is out there, and your teachers at school are telling you do what you

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want, do as you please, behave as you want. You want to do it. Do

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it. Who's stopping you?

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But your parents have told you, no. This is almost an alleviating

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feeling that you get. You feel freed from the

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jail. My parents told me, that is Zina, don't commit it. That is

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alcohol, don't drink it. That is marijuana, don't smoke it. And all

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of a sudden they were telling you commit there about faith. Who's

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saying that you don't need to? Who's stopping you? What are you

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giving away? What are you losing? There's nothing wrong with doing

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it. You don't like your identity. Change it. It's not a problem. So

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you have two conflicting mindsets, two conflicting sets of

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ideologies, and there is an internal conflict that begins.

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And oftentimes we find that such people, Alhamdulillah, we thank

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Allah and Praise be to Allah, that due to the wiring that is hidden,

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they may go well for some time. You may find a person wayward for

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some time. And that is why I've spoken to some youth, and I've

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been trying to get to the bottom of this, why is it that you find

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it so hard to open the Quran? And some of them tell tell me, I was a

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half. I was a strong afib. But do you know what happened? I was

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beaten during that fifth so I developed negative association

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with that gift. So every time I open up the book of Allah, what do

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I remember? I remember the beating that I was given. Subconsciously,

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your mind is praying to tell you, Hey, you were beaten because of

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this. You were beaten because of this that teaches us so many

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lessons. One, the Prophet salallahu ALA, never beat anyone

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due to the religion, due to the deen, the man is he comes into the

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masjid, and you relate to me. Love the story. We learn how he dealt

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with him. We know he was merciful towards him. Ever more so today,

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we shouldn't be shoveling the deen down the throats of our

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youngsters, but we should find innovative ways to interest them

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in it. You have cartoons that they love watching. Get them used to

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cartoons that are to do with the deed. Get them used to watching

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content that will benefit them as well. And what that does is the

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child is interested in learning. So you have a.

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Listen on the screen teaching them Alif and BA and TA and Sir, but in

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a beautiful way, perhaps a melodious way, then you find that

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the child is now interested in the deen. And secondly, those who have

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been beaten and those who have negative memories with regards to

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their upbringing and the deen need to understand that we need to look

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into this deen and disassociate the two. There is a clear

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separation between the two, and that is why you find that the

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Muslims will say we should believe in Allah. We should have taramah,

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subhanhu wa taala, but you find that very same person is the one

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who is questioning Allah subhanaw taala from time to time. Do you

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know how often I receive messages from sisters? And I say sisters,

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because in my case, when I receive these messages, predominantly they

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are from sisters who are saying I wanted to marry so and so, and

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I've been making dua in tahajjud for so long, and Allah hasn't

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given that to me. Why do you know that very question that you are

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asking is the reason why Allah will not respond to that dua.

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You've rubber stamped a rejection on your DUA down to a Datu

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karamust. The hadith says that a person will be responded to, so

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long as he does not say, I called up to Allah and I called out to

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Allah so I was not responded to. So the Muslims are first to claim

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we should have taught good. We should have trust in Allah but

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when the reality kicks in, you find a person questioning Allah.

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You find a person questioning the timeline of Allah. And

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interestingly, we spoke about the two different lives that a person

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needs, one at home and one at the workplace, one at home and one in

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university, one at home and one in school. And interestingly, do you

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know who provides you the answers to that the only certain thing in

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life? Let me ask you a question, what is the only certain thing in

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life? Who can answer

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what is the only thing you are guaranteed in life? 100% Yes,

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right. That is the only thing we are guaranteed in life. Yet you

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find that these people who are teaching you this libertarian

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behavior do as you want, just do it. Have no answers with regards

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to death. They have no answers as to why you die in the first place.

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They have no answers as to what will happen after you die. So

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which life is of more value? Which life is of more value? Is it the

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sectarian, sorry, I forget the word, but is it the secular

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education, modern education, libertarian education, that is

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seeking to free you from the bounds that you grew up with, or

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is it your Islam?

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Is it your belief in Allahabad

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that will take you to Jannah? So there's value on that which will

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give you value forever, forever and ever and ever and ever. You

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know when you tell a human being that forever exists, what do they

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say? They can't comprehend it. What does forever mean? Because in

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this world, we are given a times, a time line. So anything that we

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want to do, I want to drink this water. I know it will take me two

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minutes. I want to go to university. I know it will take me

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four years. I want to accomplish anything. I know that it will take

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me so much time. But will you tell a person

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they will live therein forever and ever. It is out of your

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comprehension. You can't comprehend what forever is, but

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that is where, despite your lack of comprehension, you say, Amen to

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be loved. I believe in Allah. Why? Because that certain thing that is

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going to happen to us, which is death, they didn't answer my

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question. So I believe in the one who gave me an answer, amen to be

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loved. I believe in Allah.

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And this is why we say, Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, go

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back to your teachings and re learn this process. Relearn how to

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love Allah Abu as looking to why you are a Muslim in the first

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place, looking to why you believe in Allah Abu asmaari.

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indeed, we belong to Allah. We come from Allah, and to Him we

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shall return. So that is the timeline of the believer. You know

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Allah, you came from him. He created you to him, You shall

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return. I know I came from somewhere, and I don't know where

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it was. I know I'm going somewhere, and I don't know

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exactly what it is and where it is, but because Allah told me, I

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will believe he gave me the answer, and this answer of death

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and that which lies beyond nobody, nobody will give you this answer,

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except for Allah.

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So value your faith, and this is why we say that when we look at

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the examples of the when they believed they believed, when they

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believed they believed, look at The mother of Nusa, Ali mu salatu

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wa salam.

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and We inspired the mother of Musa that feed him and when you fear

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for his life, then throw him into the river. Throw him into the

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river. Allah didn't even say, place him into the river. Allah

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says, throw him into the river,

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and don't fear and don't be sad. Indeed, we shall return him to

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you, and we will make him from amongst the messengers. This is

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Give him a promise. And Allah doesn't even pose to explain to us

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how the mother of Musa Ali threw him into the river. But he goes on

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immediately to explain

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so the family of picked him up so that they may become an enemy and

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a sad news, a point of difficulty for them. This is what Allah Jalal

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says. There is no point that he mentions of Musa Alain salatul

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Salam being taken by his mother and placed into the river. Do you

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know why? Because she responded so quickly that the family Allah

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moves on to the next chapter, she immediately responded to the

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Command of Allah, which was to to throw that child that was in her

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womb for nine months into a river, that child that you love so much,

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that child that you care for so much. What is Allah Abu child?

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Then throw him into the river? Which one of us would say? I'm

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ready to do that. I'm ready to sacrifice for Allah Abu Asmaa,

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asking you to throw your children into rivers Allah subhanahu wa

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asked you to sacrifice your sleep at Fajr. Salah. You find it

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difficult. Why do you find it difficult? It's a question you

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must ask yourself, and it's a question that we must boast to

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ourselves, because the reality of this dunya is that we are leaving

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it. The reality of this dunya is that we are leaving it so

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ultimately, every single day, when you wake up and you say,

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Alhamdulillah, Praise be

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to Allah, the one who brought us to life,

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and he gave us death, and to Him, we shall return you remember death

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at that juncture. Why is Allah reminding you of death when you

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just woke up? Because you know that ultimately, the way that I

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slept last night, is the way which one day I will close my eyes and

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they will never open again. And then real life

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will commit and then we can truly say and

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Praise be to Allah Who brought us back to life. So one of the tools

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to benefit from your deen, to endear yourself to your deen, is

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to constantly remind yourself of death, and it doesn't need to be

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gloom and do a part of death is gloomy, a part of death is.

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Slowly, a part of death is something that makes us fearful.

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But there is another part,

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and that aspect is it makes you fierce. With regards to the dunya,

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because you know what, I don't care about this dunya. I will

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leave it tomorrow. Even if I have a billion, two billion, billion

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dollars. It doesn't bother me if I lose every single penny of it,

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because ultimately, I know in Brazil we belong to Allah and to

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Him we shall Ruta. What is the value of that man that you are

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pining after you are pinning after to the extent that you are

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suicidal and want to kill yourself because you can't get him. What is

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the value of that man in relationship to the akhiya? What

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is the value of him? Let me ask yourself. Let me ask you, what is

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the value of that man that you are ready to kill yourself, to get

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when you think about it in the context of the akhira,

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when you are standing before

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and he's asking you about your good and bad deeds,

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really you are telling me you will be concerned about the man that

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you one day wanted and said that I will only marry him and nobody

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else. And while one here, I am addressing this issue Dear

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mothers, sisters and brothers, because I received many messages

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from many sisters saying, it is only him I will marry Otherwise,

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life is not worth living. Often times, this is just a phase in

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your life. It is just a point at which you are infatuated with this

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human being. And there will come a time where you will look at

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yourself, not only in the Afghan, but five years from that moment,

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you will sit back and say, Wow, did I really do that? Was that

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really me? So Have patience. Their patience Allah didn't give you

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that person because it is good for you, and that is the belief of the

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believer. What happened to your tawat now? What happened to your

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belief in Allah? Now, why is it that you are questioning Allah,

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Subhanahu, wa taala? Now, what happened to all of the belief? I

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believe in Allah. I trust Allah. So now is the time to trust Allah

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Abu Asmaa, and never, ever, ever attach yourself to one human

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being. Never ever say that it is him and it will be nobody else. It

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is her and it will be nobody else. Oftentimes, I hear this and Allah,

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what you are saying is you are limiting Allah. You have eternity

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to limit the power of Allah. SubhanaHu wa doing so when

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say that they will be nobody better than Abu salaam, nobody

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better than Abu salaam, what was his response? He says, Make this

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dua, Allah,

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give me goodness. Give me a reward in this difficulty, and give me

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better than him. Give me better than me. And whom did she marry?

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None other than Rasulullah. Did you forget about that? Is there

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any reason why you choose to insist on that person? I know

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people who have fought their families, their mothers, their

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fathers, their uncles, their aunts, their brothers, their

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aunties, whoever it is they fought them, their grandparents. They

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fight with them. Go to war and battle to marry a certain person.

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Cut them off. I won't talk to them because my Habibi matters. Yes,

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you forget your parents who gave birth to

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your and you let go of them for your hadibi. And then when the

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Habibi puts on punching drugs and he starts punching you up then you

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want to go running back to your parents. No, he doesn't even put

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on the gloves. He starts punching her, and she starts punching him

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at times. Allah, you know sometimes today we say, Hey, you

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speak in favor of the sisters, the brothers come after you. Speak in

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favor of the brothers, the sisters come after you. So sometimes it

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happens you see family violence where the sisters are beating up

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the brothers, and you're like, now I've cut my relationship with my

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family member, and I can't talk to them. I can't go to them with.

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What face will I go to my parents with? What face will I go to my

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brother? Yet I fought them to marry this person. Those people

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loved you so much that they actually told you this person is

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bad for you. They saw through the guides, but you were living with

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blinkers on you know, those love blinkers where you see everything

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is hearts and roses and sweet and nice and amazing, so you couldn't

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listen to what they were saying.

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Because your heart was telling you something else. It's time we

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divorce the emotion from our decisions. At times, it's

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important we divorce the emotion from our decisions and say, hold

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on. Emotion matters. But first comes mental clarity, and if I'm

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not thinking carefully, I need really to take into consideration

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what my parents and those who love me are saying. So we are the

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mother of Musa Ali salatu wa salam.

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She is inspired to throw Musa Ali salatu wa salam into the river,

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and she throws him into the river, and Allah Rabbul is that he wa

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Jalal tells us something profound, and we need to touch upon this,

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because it is a

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life as

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well, And the heart of the mother of Musa, became empty. It became

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empty. This is despite her following the Command of Allah Abu

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Asmaa. May ask, Why did it become empty? If she responded to the

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Command of Allah Abu Asmaa, is normal for the human being to go

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through cycles. It is normal for you to be attached to someone. It

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is normal for you to miss someone. It is normal for you to miss your

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father, your brother, your son, your daughter. It is normal so she

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felt empty the ayah literally says, the heart of the mother of

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Musa became empty. So don't look at yourself and blame yourself

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because of your feeling at that moment. At that moment, you need

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to do something, and you need to do it urgently, because if you

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don't listen

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will happen, she

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would have revealed the secret of Musa, the fact that Musa is her

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son, she would have gone to the palace and said, He is my son. He

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is my son. But Allah says,

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we not tied her heart, a heart so that she was from WHO? From the

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believers? Allah says We tied her heart so that she was from the

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believers. Had that not happened, had that time with beliefs? What

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happened? She would have revealed the secret, which you will have

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led to the detriment of Musa and her as well. They would have

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probably killed them both. But what happened? Allah tied her

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heart. And what is this attached to? It's attached to the first

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when she trusted Allah Jalal, besides her intellect, she put her

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intellect to one side and said, You know what? This doesn't make

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sense to me, but I'm going to do it regardless, because Allah told

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me to do it. She did it. Allah tied her heart with belief, and

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then he protected the world in that process. And then the result

00:23:33 --> 00:23:36

is amazing. The result is amazing.

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so we returned him to his mother so that her eyes may be cold and

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she will not be sad, and she knows that the Promise of Allah is true.

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The Promise of Allah is true, but most of them don't know. Most of

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them don't know Allah. Abu asmaari Salatu was Salam to his mother by

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safe keeping him in the very home of his enemy, returns him to his

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mother, and then says, but so that most of them know that it is the

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truth. The Promise of Allah is true. The Promise of Allah is

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true, but most of them don't know with knowledge you equip yourself

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to believe in Allah in the way that you are meant to believe in

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Allah, Subhanahu wa we may not be the mother of Musa Alain Salatu

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was Salaam.

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We may not be Musa and Harun and we may not be Muhammad,

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sallAllahu, a Salam. We are not ambiya. I agree with you, but the

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ambiya existed and the examples existed for us to relive them

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today, for us to revisit those moments today, to help us navigate

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our lives until the moment when certainty will come

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and worship Allah, until certainty comes to you. What did we say? The

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one certain thing in life is, anyone remember?

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Let's say that together

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death. Death is one certainty in life, my dear brothers and sisters

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in his life. Did you ever realize one thing? And I'll end on this

00:25:51 --> 00:25:52

point Inshallah,

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amongst this Jamal that is sitting here today,

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one of us, or some of us, are deemed to go next.

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And when you put it that way, you begin to realize how flimsy life

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is. May Allah give us the ability to deal with our anxieties, and

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may Allah, Subhanahu wa give us the ability to believe in Him,

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because ultimately we are headed to well done. A lot of.

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