Ibraheem Menk – The Passing Of A Good Young Man

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the passing of a young man at the age of 62 and how it leads to peace and comfort for believers. They also share a message from a student about a young man who has gone to Jannah and is hiding a secret between them. The speaker emphasizes the importance of resolving past problems and finding good deeds for future generations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Earlier this week, we heard of the passing of a young man,

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and none of us expected this. It came as a shock, not only to his

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family and not only to those close to him, but to the those in the

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community as well. We were shocked to see that a young man at the

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tender age of 19 years old, could just pass away

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Allahu Akbar.

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And with this,

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we remind ourselves in nalila,

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indeed, we belong to Allah, Rabbul, izzatil, Waal Jalal, or in

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Ilahi Raj, and to Him we shall return his date of birth was

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written before he came into existence, and his date of death

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was written before He came into existence. We didn't know this,

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but Allah Abu as knew it, when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam lost his son he was 62 years old, and we all know that

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away when he was 63

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years old. So literally, a year or a year and a half before he passed

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away, he lost his one and only son.

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And this son passed away in his hands and his eyes teared so the

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sahabi who was with him, the companion who was with him, said

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awlam tenha Bucha, did you not stop us and prevent us from

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crying? So he says, mana, hate. Wan mu, I did not stop you from

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doing this in nahadihi, rahma, jaala, Allahu, ibadihi ruhamah,

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indeed, this is a mercy that Allah has placed in the hearts of those

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who are merciful. So when a person is merciful and compassionate,

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then it is only natural for a person to tear and for a person to

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grieve over the passing of their loved one, especially when it is a

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loved one that you didn't expect to go. So all of a sudden that

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person is gone. It is normal for you to grieve, and it is okay for

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you to grieve. It is human for you to grieve.

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So rasulallahu alayhi wa sallam then continued by saying,

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ja ala hufi. Ina, la Ina, the ideas were in Al Qala Zen and the

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heart is sad. Wala an Abu Ilham, and we will only say that which

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pleases Allah, Abu ishati wa Jalal, and that is simply because

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we know in LA Illa we belong to Allah. We came from Allah wa ina

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ilahira Ji Arun, and to Him, we shall return this in and of

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itself. When we study this statement, it brings a lot of

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peace and comfort to those who are close to the one who has passed

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on, because we realize that ultimately we are going somewhere,

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and that is the place where, Inshallah, we will be united with

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our loved ones. We will be gathered together in a better

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plane, on a better plane, and this brings about peace and solace for

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the believer. Imagine a person who has absolutely no belief in

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Allahabad is that he will Jalal, what kind of

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a blow that will be to them, because all they knew is this

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world. All they believed in is this world. All they trusted is

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this world, not even knowing what will happen, not even thinking

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about what would happen if one of their own, close, near and dear,

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were to pass away. Now, with regards to the

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youngster who passed away, I'd like to share something with you

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two points.

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This young man had a very good character, a soft natured

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I personally have never seen him using bad words whenever you

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greeted him, Wa Alaikum with a smile on his face, with a smile on

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his face. And when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was

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asked about what would enter people into Jannah the most, he

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didn't say Hajj. He didn't say zakah, he didn't say all of this

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yet we would assume these are much greater acts of.

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Real becomes real.

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The real becomes real. So why wait for that day? Solve your problems,

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resolve, especially when it is amongst family members. This

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youngster was amazing in that regard. I've never seen him

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fighting, shouting, getting angry, and he was a student of mine, so I

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know a bit about him. I know a bit about him.

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He was a good youngster. May Allah Abu as him to the highest of ranks

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in Jannah, and may Allah subhana wa Taala purify him and grant his

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parents access and gain in Jannah due to the passing of their son,

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amen. One last thing I'd like to share before we end off.

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About 12 hours before

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he passed on, I sent him a message

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on Instagram, and you know, you can easily send a message

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and that, you know, it's just a forward from one of my clips that

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I had made, and he put a heart on this. You know, how you can double

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click. I want to share with you what that message was.

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In that message, there was a nasheed playing in the background,

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and the words were,

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do you have a secret between you and Allah,

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Allah and Allah, dahiwaba in Allah, between you and Allah,

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halaka, Sadaqah. Do you have any charity that you have hidden away

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from the people?

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La ALA, muha illallah, nobody knows about it, except for Allah

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Rabbul, izzatti ul Jalad. He placed a heart on that. And the

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next thing I heard about this youngster is he has gone to Allah

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Rabbul, izhati ojalad.

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What sadaqah Have we left behind? What have we done? What good deeds

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do we have between us and Allah Rabbul, izhad Yul Jalal that we

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never spoke to anyone about, that if we know we are gone, I know I

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have that hidden between me and Allah Rabbul. Izzat y UL Jalad,

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how hard is it to have one deed, one deed that nobody knows about?

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May Allah Rabbul Izzat ye wa Jalal give us the Iman and the taqwa to

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enter into alferdo. Sal Allah, Ameen wa Akhi, rudah, Wan Amin a.

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