Ibraheem Menk – Sustenance

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of the belly button and how it is used to connect to mothers and parents. They also mention the need for behavior training and how one can behave normally in this manner.
AI: Transcript ©
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If we are to take a look at

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our bodies in the mirror, we will see

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that there is a point at which you

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have got a hole in your belly and

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that hole is known as the belly button.

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We were once connected to our mothers through

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this hole and we receive nutrition by this

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very means and Allah Rabbul Izzati Wal Jalal

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sustained us through that cord that attached us

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to our mothers known as the umbilical cord

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And then you find fast forward 12, 20,

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30, 40 years later, 50 years later and

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the adult human being feels that he has

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the right to shout in the face of

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his parents and at times it reaches a

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point where the person is ready to be

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violent with their very own parents.

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Yet Allah Rabbul Izzati Wal Jalal sustained that

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child through those parents, Allahu Akbar.

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And in reality, we need to ask ourselves

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at this juncture that what are we doing?

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How can we behave in this manner?

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