Ibraheem Menk – Honesty Is The Way Forward

Ibraheem Menk
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AI: Summary ©

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AI: Summary ©

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			When A Person Eats All The Time, He
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			Becomes Known As Someone Who Eats.
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			And When A Person Drinks Alcohol All The
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			Time, He Becomes Known As A Drunkard.
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			But Generally In The Sunnah And In The
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			Quran, We Find That Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala
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			Does Not Identify People By Their Mistakes.
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			But When It Comes To Lying And Being
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			Honest, Allah Rabbul Izzati Wal Jalal Through Rasulullah
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			Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam, Meaning In The Sunnah, From
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			The Hadith Of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam, Tells
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			Us That A Man Lies And He Lied
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			And He Continues To Lie Until He Is
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			Known Inda Allahi Kaddaba, Until He Is Known
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			As A Liar With Allah Rabbul Izzati Wal
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			As For Those Traits Which Are Good, Then
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			Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala, He Mentions Them And
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			He Identifies People By Their Good Traits.
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			This Means That Lying Has A Very Bad
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			Place With Allah Rabbul Izzati Wal Jalal, A
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			Very Dishonorable Mention With Allah Rabbul Izzati Wal
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			In The Hadith That We Are Speaking About,
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			Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam Says, It Is Incumbent
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			And Necessary Upon You To Speak The Truth,
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			For Indeed Truthfulness Leads To Righteousness, And
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			Indeed Righteousness Leads To Jannah,
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			A Man Continues To Tell The Truth And
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			He Continues To Seek Out The Truth And
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			Speak The Truth Until He Is Known With
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			Allah As A Truthful Person, Until He Is
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			Known With Allah As A Truthful Person.
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			When We Began, We Spoke About How A
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			Person Becomes Known Amongst The People, As One
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			Who Eats, As One Who Drinks, As One
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			Who Sins, Etc.
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			But This Is Not With The People, This
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			Is With Allah Rabbul Izzati Wal Jalal, With
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			Allah Rabbul Izzati Wal Jalal.
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			So He Becomes Known With Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta
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			'Ala As One Who Speaks The Truth.
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			Hence We See That Ibrahim Alayhi Salatu Wasalam
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			Was Known As A Truthful Person.
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			He Was Known As One Who Was Truthful
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			With Allah Rabbul Izzati Wal Jalal, Truthful With
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			Himself And Truthful With His People As Well.
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			So Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala Says, وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُمْ
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			مِنْ رَحْمَتِنَا وَجَعَلْنَا لَهُمْ لِسَانَ صِدِقٍ عَلِيًّا And
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			We Granted Them From Us, We Granted Them
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			وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُمْ مِنْ رَحْمَتِنَا From Our Mercy And
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			We Made For Them A Righteous Truthful Mention,
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			A Righteous Truthful Tongue.
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			So Allah Rabbul Izzati Wal Jalal Mentioned This
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			About Ibrahim Alayhi Salatu Wasalam.
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			So When We Speak The Truth And We
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			Say That Which Is Correct And We Utter
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			It Despite The Circumstances Then We Get A
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			Badge Of Honor With Allah Rabbul Izzati Wal
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			Jalal And We Are Known As Those Who
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			Are Truthful And The Truth Is Of Utmost
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			Importance Because When We Tell The Truth Then
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			We Are Able To Build A Society That
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			Is Based On Sincerity Because A Person One
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			Is Truthful With Himself When A Person Lies
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			To Himself About Himself So He Tells Himself
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			That You Know What I Am Great And
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			I Am Better Because Of Such And Such
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			And He Convinces Himself Of This Then He
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			Will Do Anything To Gain One On The
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			Next Man To Gain A Level On The
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			Next Man Why Because He Believes He Deserves
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			It He Believes He Is Better Than Others
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			So Hence You Find A Person Goes Out
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			There And He Deceives And He Cheats And
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			He Lies So That He Can Gain A
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			Bit Of Money Gain A Bit Of Honor
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			Gain A Bit Of Wealth So He Lies
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			And He Deceives And He Cheats And He
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			Continues To Do So Until He Is Written
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			With Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala As A Liar
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			But This Lie Ultimately Will Backfire On Him.
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			It Will Backfire On Him And It Will
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			Actually Affect Him And None But Him Because
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			If You Look At The Story Of Yusuf
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			Alayhi Salatu Wasalam Allah Rabbul Izzati Wal Jalal
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			Says That They Went Out With Yusuf And
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			Then They Wanted To Lie To Their Father.
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			So They Sought False Evidence ...
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			So They Came To Yaqub Alayhi Salatu Wasalam
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			With A * Shirt, A Shirt Full Of
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			Blood And Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala Describes It
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			As False Blood.
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			So They Came With A Blood That Would
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			Seem To Be The Blood Of Yusuf Alayhi
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			Salatu Wasalam On His Shirt.
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			If We Look At The Beginning Of Their
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			Treachery Then They Came With This Shirt And
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			They Chose To Do It Because They Wanted
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			To Gain The Affection Of Their Father.
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			They Thought They Were Better Than Yusuf.
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			So They Said, You Know What?
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			Let'S Lie To Our Father And Say That
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			He Died.
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			A Wolf Ate Him.
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			So He'S Gone.
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			So They Brought That Shirt As A False
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			Evidence With Their Father.
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			But At The End Of The Story What
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			What Did They Want?
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			The Brothers Of Yusuf Alayhi Salatu Wasalam Wanted
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			To Gain Affection With Yaqub Alayhi Salatu Wasalam
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			And Ultimately It Led To The Direct Opposite
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			Which Was That This Distance Them From Yaqub
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			Alayhi Salatu Wasalam.
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			At The End Of The Story, It Is
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			Yusuf Alayhi Salatu Wasalam Who Emerges As The
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			Victim From This Situation.
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			In Fact, As Soon As They Present This
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			Shirt To Yaqub Alayhi Salatu Wasalam, He Says
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			To Them, But It Is Your Own
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			Selves That Made Up This Issue, This Matter.
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			He Knew Immediately They Are Lying.
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			So This Distance Them Immediately From Their Father.
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			It Had The Immediate Opposite Reaction To What
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			They Desired.
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			When You Lie Not Only To Yourself But
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			To Others As Well Or About Others As
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			Well, It Will Have The Opposite Effect.
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			It Will Affect None But You.
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			It Will Affect None But You.
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			Not Only Will You Become A Liar With
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			Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala.
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			Imagine Within The Heavens, This Person Is A
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			His Mention Is Made.
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			He Is Mentioned As A Liar, Allahu Akbar,
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			Until He Is Seen As A Liar With
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			Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala.
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			And Then On Earth As Well, People Begin
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			To Say That Brother Always Has Stories.
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			He'S Always Lying.
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			He'S A Liar.
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			He'S Always Telling Tales About Other People.
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			So He Becomes Known Amongst The People As
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			A Liar As Well.
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			And This Is In Complete Contrast With How
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			Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala, He Speaks About A
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			Person That He Loves.
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			When Allah Loves A Servant, He Calls Out
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			To Jibreel.
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			Indeed Allah Loves So And So, So Love
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			Him, O Jibreel.
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			So Jibreel Then Calls Out Amongst The Inhabitants
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			Of The Heavens.
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			Indeed Allah Loves So And So, So Love
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			Then Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala Places Acceptance For
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			That Person On Earth.
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			He Places Acceptance For That Person On Earth.
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			So Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala Announces This In
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			The Heavens.
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			The People, The Inhabitants, The Angels Of The
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			Heavens Begin To Love That Person And Then
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			The People Of Earth Love Him As Well
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			For The Right Reasons.
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			So This Person Becomes Beloved To Allah Subhanahu
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			Wa'Ta'Ala And Beloved To The People.
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			As For The Liar, When He'S Written With
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			Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala As A Liar, Then
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			He Becomes Known As A Liar With Allah
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			And He Becomes Known As A Liar With
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			The People And This Is A Dishonorable Mention.
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			Nobody Wants To Be Known As A Liar.
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			Nobody Wants To Be Known As A Liar.
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			You See Even In Business, When We Engage
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			In Business, It Is Of Utmost Importance That
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			We Are Honest And Transparent.
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			So The Buyer And Seller Should Be Honest
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			And Transparent With Each Other.
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			البيعان بالخيار ما لم يتفرقا The Buyer And
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			Seller Are At A Choice.
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			They Have A Choice As To Whether They
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			Want To Continue Or They Want To Exit
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			So Long As They Are Together And They
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			Have Not Parted Ways.
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			فإن صدقا If They Are Truthful وبيّنا And
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			They Are Transparent In That Transaction بُرُوكَ لَهُمَا
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			فِي بَيْعِهِمَا They Will Be Granted Barakah In
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			That Transaction Of Theirs.
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			They Will Be Granted Barakah In That Transaction
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			Of Theirs.
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			You Know, You Are Selling A Car, A
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			Simple Example.
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			You Are Selling A Car.
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			You Know Something Is Wrong Within The Car.
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			There Is A Default.
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			There Is A Fault.
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			So What Did You Do?
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			You Put Some Oil Over That Part.
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			It Was Going Clack Clack Clack Clack, Right?
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			As You Turned It, Made A Noise.
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			You Put Some Oil Over The Part.
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			It Stopped Making The Noise.
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			And You Showed It To The Person Whom
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			You Are Selling The Car To In Order
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			To Deceive Him So That He Doesn'T Know.
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			فَإِن كَذَبَا وَكَتَمَا So If They Lie And
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			They Conceal, You Have Concealed Something.
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			مُحْيَقَتْ بَرَكَةُ بَيْعِهِمَا The Barakah Is Taken Away
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			From Them.
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			Meaning It Was Present When They Began.
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			And Then It Is Removed And Snatched Away
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			From That Team.
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			Because They Lied To Each Other.
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			Today You Have Those Who Are Engaged.
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			And Sometimes I Get This From Community That
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			You Are Speaking About These Actions Because So
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			And So Does It.
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			And I Will Tell You That Yes, I
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			Am Speaking About It Not Because Of Him
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			Alone But Because It Has Become A Norm
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			In Society.
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			So If We Cannot Address These Issues From
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			The Pulpit, When Shall We Change?
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			When Will We Change?
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			How Can We Implement That Change In Our
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			So When There Was Something Wrong With Someone
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			Specific, What Did Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Do?
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			Did He Stand Up And Expose The Person
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			Or Did He Stand Up And Say مَا
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			بَارُوا أَقْوَالُ What Is Wrong With The People?
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			They Do Such And Such.
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			So He Didn'T Expose The Person But He
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			Dealt With The Matter As Well.
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			Today We Have Those Selling Property Of Others.
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			You Get A Percentage To Sell Their Property.
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			And Not Only Am I Talking About Real
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			Estate But Cars And Goods And Any Other
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			You Get A Percentage For That Property.
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			And Then What You Do Is Without Telling
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			The Person That You Are Buying From, That
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			You Are Representing.
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			Your Percentage Is 5% For Example.
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			You Don'T Tell Him That You Are Getting
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			A Percentage From The Other Side As Well.
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			And You Go And Receive A Percentage.
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			So Now You Don'T Represent The Buyer Only.
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			You Don'T Represent The Seller Only, You Represent
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			The Buyer As Well.
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			So You Have Got A Conflict Of Interest.
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			And Then There Are People Who Are Trying
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			To Deceive Allah Rabbul Izzati Wa Jalal And
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			Sell To A Friend Of Theirs For Less
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			Price And Get Him To Offer A Less
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			Price Knowing That He Has Another Person Offering
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			Much More.
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			And Then He Sells To The Friend And
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			He Says, You Know What?
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			We Will Sell It On To That Person.
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			The Barakah Of That Transaction Is Removed.
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			It Is Snatched Away From That Transaction.
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			In Another Hadith, Qudsi, Which Is From Allah
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			Rabbul Izzati Wa Jalal.
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			Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala Says I Am The
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			Third Of Two Partners So Long As The
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			One Does Not Deceive The Other.
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			When He Deceives Him, I Leave Those People.
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			Meaning The Help Of Allah Rabbul Izzati Wa
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			Jalal Is With You.
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			The Barakah Of Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala Is
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			With You.
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			Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala'S Assistance Is With You
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			So Long As You Are Honest With Each
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			When One Of You Deceives The Other, Allah
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			Leads You To Yourself.
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			Allah Leads You To Yourself.
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			And This Is What People Are Doing Today.
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			Because We Are After Wealth So Much That
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			We Have Forgotten The Real Wealth.
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			Which Is The Wealth Of The Akhirah.
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			The Real Honor, Which Is The Honor Of
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			The Akhirah.
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			We Have Forgotten That We Will Be Six
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			Feet Down One Day And Nevermind One Day.
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			And You See The Burial Of A Person
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			Every Day.
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			Every Day.
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			In Fact Today, I Believe We Received A
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00:15:44 --> 00:15:44
00:15:47 --> 00:15:49
			And You See The Burial Of That Person.
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			You Go To The Graveyard When The Skin
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			Being Placed Down And Forget Within Minutes.
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			Sometimes As We Are Leaving The Graveyard, May
00:16:00 --> 00:16:01
			Allah Forgive Us.
00:16:01 --> 00:16:02
			May Allah Forgive Us.
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			We Get On To A Phone Call And
00:16:05 --> 00:16:08
			We Are Busy Deceiving Another Person, Busy Cheating
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			Another Person, Busy Lying About Another, Destroying The
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			Reputation Of Another.
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			You Have Just Witnessed Someone Go Six Feet
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			Down Knowing That I Am Going There.
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			And Now You Are Deceiving Someone.
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00:16:25 --> 00:16:27
			How Can A Believer Do This?
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			Someone Who Knows They Are Going To Meet
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			Allah, My Dear Brothers And Sisters.
00:16:33 --> 00:16:34
			I Leave You With Hope.
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			I Leave You With Hope.
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			None Of Us Are Innocent.
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			All Of Us Have Mistakes That We Have
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00:16:40 --> 00:16:44
			Sometimes The Evil Side Of Us Gets The
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			Better Of Us.
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			But What We Need To Do Is Clear
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			Our Record With Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala.
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			It Is Never Too Late.
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			So Long As You Are Breathing And You
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			Are Not In Dhul-Ghara.
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			The Sword Hasn'T Come To Your Throat And
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			Escaping Your Body.
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			Dhul-Ghara, That'S Why It'S Called Dhul-Ghara.
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			It'S Not Leaving Your Throat.
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			So Long As That Has Not Happened, You
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			Have A Chance.
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			Indeed, Tawbah Is For Those Who Do Bad
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			Deeds With Ignorance.
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			They Are Heedless.
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			They Become Heedless Of Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala.
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			Then They Seek Forgiveness Close To Having Committed
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			That Sin.
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			Meaning As Soon As Possible.
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			The Closer You Are To Seeking Forgiveness From
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			Allah Is What Determines How Close You Are
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			To Allah.
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			You Seek Forgiveness Immediately After.
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			It Means You Are Actually Pretty Close To
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			Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala Because You Recognized I
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			'Ve Done Something Wrong.
00:18:13 --> 00:18:15
			I'Ve Done Something Wrong And With The
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			People As Well.
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			You Stole The Land Of Others.
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			You Stole The Motor Vehicles Of Others.
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			You Stole The Houses Of Others.
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			You Cheated Them.
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			You Deceived Them.
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			You Attained It By Corrupt Means.
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			And I Say This Because It Is Becoming
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			Rampant In Society.
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			I'M Not Mincing My Words.
00:18:39 --> 00:18:42
			I'M Being Honest About The Happenings Of Community
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00:18:43 --> 00:18:46
			We Need To Be Honest With Ourselves And
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			Make Reparations Before A Day Comes When The
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			Currency Will No Longer Be The Dollar And
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			The Pound.
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			It Will No Longer Be Gold And Silver.
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			It Will Be Your Good And Bad Deeds.
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			So Make Reparations Between You And The People
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			And Make Reparations Between You And Allah So
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			That When You Meet Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala,
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			Your Record Is Clean.
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			Your Record Is Clean.
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			May Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala Forgive Us And
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			May Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala Strengthen Us And
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			May Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala Make Me Sincere
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			In This Word Of Mine And May Allah
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			Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala Make Us All Sincere In
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			Our Intentions Towards Others Only By Dealing With
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			These Issues Will We Be Able To Make
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