Hussain Yee – Shaving The Head And Give Charity – 33 – Our Precious Sprouts

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The importance of shaving children and women, particularly children who are born with proper weight and hair, is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need to be aware of one's environment and make small sacrifices to achieve personal health and success. The importance of shaving children and women, particularly children who are born with proper weight and hair, is also emphasized. The importance of shaving children and women, particularly children who are born with proper weight and hair, is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning to be a productive person for one another and avoiding references to shaving head. The importance of shaving children and women, particularly children who are born with proper weight and hair, is emphasized. The importance of protecting and giving children privacy, investing in the right time, and setting good examples for one's own children is emphasized.
AI: Summary ©
To all the brothers and sisters, alhamdulillah, the
will of Allah
Firstly, al Kadhim's first
fund run been organized
and alhamdulillah, we have more than 3,000
from young, old family,
male, female, alhamdulillah.
It's a great blessing that we can do
all these activities from time to time,
and we have fun while we are running.
We have we are happy we enjoy the
We sweat for the right cause.
We get tired for the right reason.
At the same time,
we get to know one another
and try to strengthen the Muslim
among ourselves.
And we do have some who are not
yet Muslim as fellow Malaysian
or maybe foreigners
who join,
may Allah Almighty
give them Hidayah
when we Muslims set good example,
show them
that we care
and we do,
and like to share with them all the
good things.
We managed to run. We still have
If we reflect back to what happened in
Gaza, people are running for their lives
and they keep on running and running,
not for fun, for survival.
There is a difference.
When you have peace,
you can do a lot of things.
When there's no more peace,
It's a matter of survival.
May Allah Almighty
grant peace
to those who love peace
and may Allah
destroy those who love to destroy Allah's creation.
I mean,
Brothers and sisters, we always remember
the importance
of remembering
seeking His blessing,
His mercy, His forgiveness
day and night
While we are still able to ask Allah
for blessing,
we should keep on asking. Never give up.
And we always hope that Allah subhanahu wa
make us
well prepared before we return back to Allah.
It's so important
to make sure our intention is purely for
We focus on
building the right iman,
and b, is still calmer,
be consistent.
And we ask Allah for protection
because He knows
about the danger around us that may come
down from the sky
and they surface from the land.
Only Allah knows everything.
So we humble ourselves seeking Allah's
And then we keep on asking Allah
to make us people who are always
ready to serve Him, radi to bellaherubba.
anything Allah wants us to do, we are
We don't give excuses
because our Lord knows
our excuses
is just an excuse,
is not true.
for dunya for ourselves, we are ready to
do it.
Anything for Allah, we give a lot of
excuses. I'm tired. I'm not ready.
Whether you are tired,
you are not ready, you have to discipline
Make sure that
we are always
And then we keep on asking Allah,
thanking him because Allah had given us a
complete way of life. That is Islam.
Show us the way.
Whoever follows this way will never turn astray.
Whoever choose not to follow,
no one
that they can blame except themselves.
Then we say to Allah,
we are so proud,
so happy, so pleased that we were
chosen by Allah to be the followers of
Prophet Muhammad, son of ahsan, the last messenger,
where we will be appointed by Allah as
our witnesses in the day of judgement
to everyone
around us,
and we were granted
as kaira ummah,
the best nation. Alhamdulillah.
So we have to show the best.
That's why we eat the best food,
drink the best drink that do not cause
harm to ourselves,
and make sure that
our environment
is a good environment.
That we ask, O Allah, O Allah,
bless us with good knowledge.
To have good knowledge, you may have good
good environment.
Sometimes we are good,
but if you are not careful with the
the environment
slowly will come and corrupt you
and make you
feel so bad.
And sometimes if you can still do bad,
it's good.
That means you are aware and you have
to move out.
You have to make a small sacrifice.
You must make migration.
That is very important.
Without this intention
of migration,
meaning we allow ourselves.
We allow ourselves to be destroyed.
Yeah. This is called self destruction.
So we keep on asking Allah, harrabhu,alamin
for His special mercy,
His guidance,
so that Allah, harrab,ulammin,
the Creator, the all knowing, the all seeing,
will always,
you know, protect us.
Who knows who is a good friend?
No one knows except Allah.
What is in the heart of anybody,
no one knows.
Friend is friend.
when it comes to family members,
there's a lot of tests and trials and
We also remember
the importance of
to eat what is good for us.
Because our body is an amana,
it is very important to make sure that
we take care of ourselves.
The minimum
the minimum that you can take care of
yourself is your food and your drink.
If you are healthy,
you'll be more happier.
If you are not healthy,
you know that you are
not being kind to yourself.
And the prophet said, walinafsika
like a harpko.
your life,
your body have right upon you.
In the day of judgement,
our body bears witness
against us.
Our eye, our hand,
you know, our ear,
our leg all will bear witness. Even our
fingertip will bear witness.
What do you do with your finger?
Then we know
what we have been doing with our finger.
We are so addicted,
into this technology
that without fear, every day we use our
to keep on swiping,
at small gadget our handphone.
If you are using your handphone
to do something that get closer to Allah,
may Allah bless us.
Everything that Allah has given us,
there is a two side of the coin.
It can be good. It can be bad.
We are the one who have to decide.
And also we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to make us
an active believer.
Not just a believer,
a productive
person who cares for one another,
feel for one another
and who are ready to serve
one another for the sake of Allah.
To all the brothers and sisters, alhamdulillah.
Now if you go back to the book
yeah, about a family,
You will find out why
and how
beautiful this religion is to guide us from
the day we were born.
Our prophet, son of a
wussalam, reminds us.
But before that, I would like
to recall back
what we have
learned last week,
That even
our prophet, Simon, commanded
immediate family.
He had done that
and he commanded the immediate family,
his own daughter Fatima.
By saying, Yeah Fatima,
head and give charity equal to his hair
in silver.
Meaning when a newborn child
is born, it's our duty to do something
which Allah and the prophet want us to
Now about the call of azaan and the
kamah for the newborn baby, that is very
And when we look into all the hadith,
then we may have some issues
there's a hard dish that's not authentic.
That's why
there are people who do not recommend,
even it's
been done
very commonly,
been practiced by
people who are very
careful about following the hadiths of the prophet
choose not to do
Because anything when there's a gray area,
we were taught.
Just stay away from anything that is grey
to some area
is very clear that
the authentic hadith is there.
Yeah. Then
but the one that the prophet recommend highly
is to do
shaving the baby's
and after the hair is being shaved,
then you weigh the hair
and you value the value of the hair
If you
don't have any extra to give,
silver is very cheap.
But if you have something extra that you
like to give more, tzedakah is up to
Then there is where
you can
even weigh the hair with the value
of gold.
Salman bin Amir bin Tabi
reported that the Prophet Muhammad
said, Ma'alu
Aqika is prescribed for every child, male or
As long as
they are born alive, Africa
is commanded by our prophet.
So shed blood on its behalf
and remove the field of
hid. That means when they are born, the
baby is born,
we know
they just came out from the mother's womb.
They got blood and so on.
So the Prophet
reminds us, yeah.
So shed blood on its behalf and removed
the filth of it.
Commenting on these hadith from our prophet,
Muhammad Nasuni al Bani
Ibn Sirin said that remove the of
its refer
to shaving the head.
He indicated that this was his own understanding
not having an authentic report.
In this regard,
also Abu Dawood narrated
in the hadith
of Abu Dawood,
hadith number 2840
with an authentic is not, first, from Ibn
but he don't have any reference with him
so he make it clear that
it's just his opinion.
This is how
and sincere the scholars before if they don't
have hadith. They said my opinion,
But when you come across an authentic hadith,
then it is the duty of all good
to follow
the prophet's saying than to just
hold on
to opinion.
But when there is no reference at all,
it's up to us now to follow any
opinion we think that is good.
That is how we move on.
And also,
Al Hassan al Abbasi used to say that
removing the field means shaving the head.
It possibly has another meaning
as mentioned by Abu Jaffa At Tahawal.
At Tahawal, we
wish to refrain from
smearing the newborn head with blood
as was done during jahidiyah time.
Before Islam,
there is also other traditions
and that's why we see this. Among us
also we have some other traditions.
When Islam comes in, so we make some
changes but the tradition is still very strong.
We still have people using coconut
and then they didn't shave their head, they
cut their head.
They go
around everybody
carrying the baby.
If you are in the mosque, sometimes if
you do it in the mosque,
the 30 jama'ah is there so
the family member will
hold the baby
and then go around everybody
with somebody holding the coconut.
Yeah. That is being cut.
The water has been thrown out and harmed
the left
some hole and the flesh,
and they cut something
and put it into the coconut.
That is very common
being practiced until
We are not supposed to waste. Coconut is
for you to eat
the flesh and to drink the water,
but not for you to throw hair in
the coconut.
Then we do a lot of other things
that was not recommended by our prophet, but
our prophet just showed us what to do,
by shaving the hair,
then wear the hair with
a weight
and you know hair is very light,
then you see
1 gram, 2 grams, 3 grams,
the gram with the gram of a gold
or silver.
Start with silver for everybody
can afford. But people who want to give
more, you are welcome to do anything.
Charity for more is welcome.
And don't
pray more than that is being prescribed, and
that is not welcome at all. Charity is
Abdullah bin Amar reported
that the Prophet, sallallahu, sallallahu, sallallahu, commanded
us to name a new born.
Name a new born. Is there a problem
that people is coming in where they cannot
Now they are just coming in from the
side now.
They just started to open the
Okay. Alhamdulillah.
It's okay.
That the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
and command
the family of a newborn
that on the 7th day,
as well as to remove the field of
then slaughter
an animal.
That's where akika comes in.
Akika is about slaughtering
an animal.
Shaving the hair is called halak.
Now there are also people who are arguing
today. We do not know why.
Maybe they don't have
the right understanding, they are not exposed
to the hadith of the prophet.
You know,
for the boy, until when they grow up,
they can still shave their hair from time
to time,
especially when they perform umra and Hajj.
After that,
they were recommended to shave their hair,
But only
for the male.
For the female, you are not allowed to
do that.
But when it come to the newborn,
the obligation of shaving a newborn's
apply to both boys
and girls.
There is no evidence from the prophet who
restricted the shaving to the boy only. No.
Now we are in page 116.
Rather the reasoning given in Salman
hadith removing
the filthy hairs should hold by both genders.
In addition, the prophet, Son of Son, gave
a general rule as a report by the
wife of the prophet,
anisha shakot iqurija. Indeed, women are nothing but
full sister of men.
when is the day now?
So beautiful, Islam is here to guide us
from the day we are born
and keep on guiding us, remind us who
should we follow
and who we should not follow, what to
eat, what to drink,
how to dress up yourself,
how to have good friends.
Allahu Akbar.
From the beginning,
you know, sometimes we honor good,
We are born pure, innocent,
but as
we grow up,
we are exposed to a lot
of things.
Then it is up to us
which one to follow.
But so happened our number one enemy, the
will never leave us in peace.
He will work 20 fourseven. He works 20
He also participate in all the IT.
Don't think that we are the one who
come up with our IT and He don't
have His IT.
He let you do what you want to
do, He come in between.
He take everything
for a ride. Simple. You do, I wait.
After you finish come up with your product,
I come in.
Yeah. You download a lot of good thing,
I will expose expose you to the bad
So the good, the bad, the ugly, everything
is in one small handful.
And that's how Satan penetrates through every household,
and all of us now
are exposed to it,
And that's why it's very important, the prophet
Yeah. Oh, well, give us
bless us with knowledge that benefit us.
How can you get knowledge that benefit you?
It's like give us halal food.
How sure that the food that you are
consuming is halal
if you are not among the good people?
They don't care.
If you are not careful, you go out
from Malaysia, you thought that KFC,
other country is like KFC here. You think
other country is like McDonald here. No, not
necessary. Name is the same.
Brand, same.
based on that particular country.
It's up to the
people and the owner of this restaurant
and this outlet. You see at Wai Mart,
as long as beef,
they may not serve pork,
all these animals is not slaughtered
So we are not just saying about the
name of the animal,
we want to make sure that the halal
only become halal when it's slaughtered Islamically.
Now how
should we offer this
The prophet, son of a Muslim,
fixed a date.
It started from the 7 days
the birth of the child.
That means you cannot do before 7.
It's not
right to do anything before that 7th day.
After the 7th day,
if you
delayed for a reason
because the baby is not being well, you
cannot shave
yeah, hair, then you can do later on.
But everything start on the 7th
There is a significant
why when Allah says Saba Saba
and the Hadith talk about 7:7.
Saba Asama,
7 level of skies
and 7 level of the earth.
That is why in this
world, we got 7 dimensions,
7 levels.
We are living in 1
of the 7 dimension.
So it's not surprising to see
and all other animals that is living in
another dimension.
Yeah. One of the most logical
explanation that we can share,
about the Bermuda
Can you imagine
when people was,
yeah, moving around on the sea, in the
even plane
when they enter that zone,
Bermuda Triangle.
We don't know why people give that name.
There's a triangle there maybe.
Suddenly the whole thing disappeared.
You cannot say they were drowned.
If they are drowned, they are sure to
have some
People who died,
yeah, after some time they were,
they floated or
if the sheep,
having some problem,
you can see some
later on.
No trace.
Anything you go in
when you and it's not every time.
There are certain time only. There are people
who try to go in, nothing happened.
But certain time, even the airplane
with all the communication
off and disappeared.
Only Allah knows.
Are they still alive?
To us, no more
because we have to declare.
The authority have to declare after a certain
you see no sign, zero sign,
consider their dead
so that the living can move on.
If not,
there will be a lot of problem.
Yeah. About inheritance,
how to move on now.
Yeah. Our husband passed away,
That's why
in Islam,
when you are married, they have one kind
of ruling if you want to act. In
Malaysia, we do that. Other countries.
Not necessary.
They call the Tarklek.
Why have the Tarklek?
To give us the freedom.
And one of the talik that's normally been
mentioned by the men here in our country
after the nikka
is to read aloud
in front of everybody
that if I abandon
and leave my wife
for more than earlier 4 months,
later on they increased 6 months.
Yeah. I
just disappeared.
I don't have provided them
the financial help,
no news at all.
6 months or 4 months
If the wife make an official
Only if the wife make an official
If the wife don't bother, don't say 6
years, 4,
4 months or 6 months. 6 years you
disappear, I don't,
I don't worry.
I don't
But I still stay as a wife.
That means you are not a free person,
the the leg is to make sure that
the husband
no news at all.
Neither the family,
is there about? No one knows.
Then you can make an official report because
the dark leak is there,
giving you the choice.
You complain and proven,
they may want you to say maybe,
you make
an official
report and also
this to the newspaper
to give an announcement that
I'm looking for
my husband. You don't want to see your
husband this man.
No news.
The court will grant you
the divorce.
And then you are a free person.
You can move on.
Yeah. You can move on.
There is
the reason
for us,
the date
and the time is very important, yeah.
According to the prophet's teaching,
based on the teaching of our prophet,
the prophet do not want us
to practice
Hazakh means you do not shave the baby's
only partially,
and leave some part unshaved.
It's like today the new
You know you go to the barber, they
show you so many
We are Muslim.
We carry a Muslim
You want to shave your hair, cut your
hair, make sure you do it properly.
Don't go for kazakh, mean you shave here,
you make it very
short right,
short left, in the middle
you still maintain
the long head. No, don't do that.
If you want to cut, you cut the
If you want to shave, you shave everything.
When you cut number 1, now they have
number 1, number 2, number 3, number 4.
And go to the bible, they ask you.
But you must
You don't let the Bible to decide.
When you close your eyes, you call them
up to them,
suddenly you open your eyes, you got shocked.
Why do you cut my hand?
I thought that,
no, it's okay.
It's a new trend.
Latest model,
no, 20 24 style.
No no. We don't need all these kinds
of stuff. We have our own value.
If you want to cut short, either you
do 1, number 1, number 2, number 3,
number 4, or
you tell them
don't use machine. I want you to use
Normal cutting.
It's your
head, it's your head. You must decide. Don't
let them play with your head.
This is very important. You remember when you
go to the Bible, I don't know about
the sisters one,
but the brother one. After that,
they are going to give you some small
massage. You remember?
Then they ask you whether you want your
head to be cracked or not.
They are going to crack your head.
So they say,
do you have a license to do that?
Suddenly, they crack and then your head go
one way,
And then guarantee
that they are qualified to do the cracking?
Are they,
from the Cairo,
Yeah. And all these things, we don't know.
So easy.
Somebody tried, they tried.
Everybody allowed their head to be cracked by
So these are things you must be very
careful. Now, brothers and sisters,
remember that
anything to do with
and babies shaving of the hair apply for
male and female.
The idea of some people say no no,
only for the male,
it is just the idea.
Nothing to do with the command of the
prophet sallam.
Anything that we want to say that this
is only especially for male, you must have
a strong
authentic reference. If not, you go back to
the general
For every newborn,
there is an arkika.
baby boy, you slaughter 2 goats, 2 sheep.
There is a Dalil on that.
For baby girl, only 1.
So when you start
to learn about this from the beginning,
yeah, there's a difference between male and female,
That is why you have the Farah 8
also is different.
If somebody passed away among the family members,
parent passes away,
a father passes away, the mother has the
right to inherit
the property from the husband
and the boys and the girls.
The boy has
and the girl has half.
the girl has half.
To show you some differences between a male
and a female,
the difference between
half here,
full death
is because the man have full responsibility.
He do not just take care of himself
or his immediate family. If he have a
he must take care of the mother
and his other female sibling.
At the end of the day,
if the father is no more there,
when the sister is going to get married,
then the brother become the wali.
He take charge,
you know.
So when Allah grant you extra, he do
not grant you only
in number
but plus
For this history,
You get half, half is totally yours.
it's important to have this understanding.
Now I would like to bring back
all of us
to understand
the value of family.
We know
we have a family.
Now Allah
is reminding us if you go back to
Suratul Tawbah,
Suratul Tawbah
and from verse
22, you will find Allah's
is talking to us.
This is
the word of
Allah 1400
years ago.
He is
telling us
The meaning, oh you who believe,
take note
as supporters
your fathers
and your brothers.
Why it start from father
and brother?
Because they are the ones who have
more authority.
Father has more authority
than the mother.
Mother can propose,
can discuss.
At last the father got to
make the decision.
A good family is a family who like
to sit down
and discuss,
not using
a kind of dictatorship
approach. No.
A more command
when you want to decide something, sit down
and discard.
You may have your right
reason, a good reason.
The other party also may have some,
but if you sit down then
there'll be more blessing.
Maybe what you say is 100% correct,
but it's very
to humble yourself to make sure that
do the open discussion and
we make addition.
Yeah. It's very, very important.
Now, Allah is telling us,
take not.
That means do not.
Take your father and your brother
as your supporter.
We want them to support us,
but Allah said no,
they, your father or your brother,
than to believe,
meaning if they are
non believer.
You can listen
what you want to say
but you cannot
depend on them
if their decision is against Allah and the
teaching of Islam
they decide not to believe.
They want to do what they want.
Then you must be very careful.
You can obey them
as long as whatever they want you to
do is not
God, Allah the Creator,
in the teaching of Prophet Muhammad, son of
And if
you allow yourself to just
listen to them,
even whatever they want to do is an
act of
a disbeliever.
It's not
halal, it's haram.
Allah is telling you are the wrongdoer.
You cannot blame them. They of course have
to be blamed because
they are your parent,
your big brother.
But Allah said at the end of the
you are my servant
and I command you not to obey them
if they disobey
So you use your wisdom.
They can say
you have the knowledge
against Islam,
you don't have to do,
And if they ask you, why don't you
It's against Allah's command, daddy.
It's against the teaching of our prophet,
if they want an explanation.
If not, you just have to save your
own soul.
There is your freedom. You know. Everybody has
their freedom of choice.
Anything that is not against them, you can
make a judgment. No problem.
Then Allah continued
talking about family because we are talking of
father is a family,
brother is a family,
then Allah continues saying.
That means everyone must remember
when others are kul
and the prophet will command
his opinion,
his ummah companion,
and the ummah, everybody
must start to remember, kol, say to yourself.
Say it about what?
Kol Inqana
Aba Ukkum.
Wa Abana
This is his words.
Umaru Balalamin
is telling us
He, the Creator, is
reminding everyone of us who have a family.
We all have family, alhamdulillah.
you must
remind yourself,
if your father, number 1,
your sons,
number 2,
your brothers,
number 3,
Your spouses,
number 4.
Your kindred, your family, your relatives,
uncle, auntie, cousin, and so on.
Number what now?
Number 5.
The wealth that you have gained,
the wealth that you have compiled,
you have gathered, you have working, been working
for so long, you do have some saving,
So you keep on compiling your wealth.
The commerce in which
you fear a decline,
meaning the business
that you have.
You open a business. Business is growing.
And alhamdulillah
the dwelling
in which you delight
and Your home, we have our own house.
We have our own room.
We have our own condo.
Sometimes we don't like to stay with anybody.
We need to stay by ourselves.
We have the mean
and it's under your name. It's all your
Of course, when you have your own
home, you like to
decorate your home according to your liking.
That's why there are a lot of renovations
Houses just built, but when you were to
come in, you want to have your own,
yeah, color,
You you start to normally when you go
into a new house, you don't bring a
lot of things except
maybe a few luggages
in the beginning.
Then when you stay there longer,
new thing coming in.
You buy cupboards,
1 by 1 coming in.
The longer you stay
because this is your property, you will see
more things are coming in
because you need
to buy this, to buy that,
to buy a fridge, a freezer,
for your convenience. Yeah.
No problem.
So you
love all this.
Now the Allah is saying, if all the
thing that he had mentioned, your father, number
1, your son,
your brother,
your spouses,
your family, the kindred,
and your property.
Number 6,
your business, number 7,
your dwelling, your home, number 8.
If you love all these 8 things,
more than Allah.
Can you love them? Yes.
Can you make them happy? Can you please
them? Yes,
but not to the level to displease others.
Not to the level to displease
Allah and the Prophet.
Based on this ayah,
if you are pleasing them
to displease
and to go against the teaching of the
prophet sallallahu a sallam
and you are not ready
to sacrifice
your life, everything, your family is a gift
from Allah. Allah is the one who give
it to us.
Without the permission of Allah,
you cannot have children.
It's Allah's will now you have children.
It's Allah's will that you have property.
He is the provider, arrazak.
Now, he gives you everything. Now,
you thought that this thing is yours.
Maybe this property given by your parent, but
your parents
get this from Allah.
He is the provider.
So are you going to love them
to displease
to go against Allah,
that whatever they want you to do, even
against Allah, I don't care. I follow. You
can't do that.
If you do that, you are not helping
yourself, you are not helping them,
and what did Allah say?
Allah said, whoever love all the eating that
is mentioned more than Allah and his messenger
and striving heart,
then wait for tarabasool.
Allah is saying,
Wait for what?
Wait for the punishment
of Allah,
and Allah guide not the people who are
Allah consider all of us as
rebellious, as
Who is
our creator Allah?
And now
you go against him
because of the aid.
Who give it to you? Allah.
Just an example.
The same goes to
mother, the spouses.
If any of the family members call you
to be ungrateful,
to rebel against your parents,
who should you follow?
Father, mother?
I'm just going to share with you,
Allah Khadar,
they have to
end their relationship as husband and wife.
Who are the ones who are supposed to
take care of the mother, of the children?
It is the mother.
The first right is the mother
but then the mother have no right to
corrupt the children,
to ignore or to deny the father. It
is their father.
If we have an ending,
we accept it as a kada, unkada.
Don't corrupt the children
even if they are under your care.
And of course the father is the father.
He can come anytime to
see the children is your children.
Now when the mother
then all the children
will be taken care by the father.
The father has more authority
than the mother because you have men
who said, I love you.
I want to take you as my wife,
but not your children.
This is not my children.
My feeling towards the stepchildren is not the
No, I want my own privacy. I want
my freedom.
He thought that is a plus plus responsibility,
That's why a woman,
most of the woman if you look in
before until now,
woman normally
will stay alone
taking care of their children.
Yeah. Why? Because the danger is
if you decide to remarry, you're right,
but you must make sure
that the man that you choose
is a man that loves you and your
then alhamdulillah
you will stay
this is very important. If the children under
the care of the father,
the father have no right
to corrupt the children mind.
Your mother is useless.
Your mother didn't love all of you. How
can he say that? He has no right.
Or your father didn't love you. You cannot
even say that to children.
Let when the children is with the father,
the father give the best to the children.
If the children ask why papa
left mama, you know, your mama is a
good woman.
She loves all of you, but it's Allah's
that our lives end here.
But you must love your mom.
That's all. You don't talk negative bad about
your spouses
because you are corrupting the mind of the
The children sometimes very good in playing politic.
When they don't like the mom, then they
start to say, why I don't like you?
See that's why he said papa also don't
like you
and then it's very very hurting.
You cannot say that.
The sacrifice given by the mother
must be honored. The sacrifice
by the father must be honored.
Only we adult
may have our own
so we solve the issue as an adult
and then we move on. That is how
we carry on with our life.
is amana from Allah. It's our duty
to protect and give them the best.
So even you are not together, maybe Allah
ordained that you can be good friends
but not as a good spouse's
Life move on. Why must you
create hatred?
What do you gain? You have been together
for years.
Your children, do you want your children to
take side? No, it's not good.
It's the duty of the children
to respect, love, honour both party, father and
That's how we move forward. We want all
the good thing,
yeah, for the children to remember, not anything
But we children can play a very important
role in the family.
No. We can strengthen
the tie between
father and mother.
We can work together as love, you see.
We can be the peacemaker sometimes.
And sometimes you will see some children very,
very wise,
very, very wise.
They know how to play their part.
They go to this side, they go and
then they Islam.
They help both party to
have good feelings and good thoughts. Alhamdulillah and
move on.
So may Allah help
all of us
who love our family
to take care of the family.
And you can love everybody
love them
with the guidance of Allah,
not love them following your
desire. Oh, I love you, dad, papa. Why?
Because anything I want papa give me. Mama,
every time I ask, mama, don't get married,
he'll scream at me, you know.
Whom neck more at home normally?
Mama. Why? Because mama is looking is looking
at all of you day in day out.
Papa hardly know you.
Papa just come home after work.
You know?
So it's very different. Yeah.
So it's very important for all of us
to understand the family
If everyone work together as a family
and always,
try our best to bring all the family
back to Allah, to follow Allah's commandment
and the teaching of the Prophet salallahu alayhi,
you'll find peace.
You all will be happy
because happiness
and peace belong to Allah
and when you do everything
guided by the Creator,
you will never fail yourself.
So one of the important thing
you must have
in solving a problem
in your family
and you must have patience
because sometimes you see this thing is not
right, at this point of time it's not
but it's not against Islam you just follow,
support. At the end you say, maha sha'ang.
We have made the right decision.
Sometimes it's like investment,
you know. Is this the right time to
invest? No la,
time is bad.
Investors like to go in when time is
things will drop.
When time is good, everything will rise up.
You see, this is better. That is the
right time to do investment if you have
And you must be sure that this investment
is fundamental,
is strong.
Only because of the market today is different.
Yeah. I don't know why the world
financial crisis
really depend on one country
because we are stuck with that currency sometimes.
We value everything
from 1 country,
up and down,
know. Especially today, they say now before election,
down down down down.
After election,
things are going up up up.
So when is the right time to invest?
Anybody who is an investor here?
They say this is the right time to
go, go, go.
This example,
you don't want to invest a lot, invest
of what you
Example, maybe at that time you find things
are down
but suddenly after that,
what you invest
gives you a very good profit. How do
you feel?
How do you feel? Happy?
Then you can you can plan your holiday,
you know,
because you have extra to spend.
Sometimes life is not something that you
can say that I know best. I know
everything. No.
You try your best,
everything you want to do, make sure that
you humble yourself,
do it collectively,
discuss, you have to open discussion,
and then ask those who are specialized in
that area
and whatever
you think that is good is not against
guided by the Islamic principle
and the teaching of the Prophet,
then just do
and have
And once you do it collectively,
something failed,
And then all your fault,
you know.
Now you see the lawsuit because of you.
No no finger pointing anymore
because it is done collectively.
Yeah. Normally when
good times, nobody say, oh, because of you
or because of me.
Better than you, you
And that is what the problem we are
facing today.
Anything good come from children?
My child, my child, my baby. Anything bad,
there is a father one.
So bad go to the male,
good go to the female. It is not
fair. It's our
father, our mother.
So we work together as one team.
It would be more
blessing when your children grown up, you want
to do something as a family,
have an open discussion
because your children may also have some extra
We are not investor, we are carpenter,
and our mother is a chef,
example a good chef and alhamdulillah.
It's okay,
But children
have interest, different interest. They are
They're in business.
So anything to do with business,
father, mother, call upon the whole family and
seek some advice from the son or from
the daughter
who have some extra knowledge
and they are good in that,
the only thing the father and mother can
say, son,
please go and check up,
make sure
get more information, you can do that.
If the son or daughter came back, and
they are good children, they are not bad
If they are bad children, be careful.
You say this is a good investment investment,
only investment for them. They want to take
your money.
Now you must be careful.
You must make sure the children do their
and then call them to present it to
and you find that they have done a
good thing and you can trust the children,
Show me where to invest. If you don't
want to pass the money to the children,
show me where. And The children there's nothing
to hide if they are sincere,
you know, they are not doing this for
their own
self, they're doing for their family,
then collectively you do think the blessing
will be good
because Allah said so.
When you do think as a group collectively,
they are rahma.
There's a lot of blessing and mercy.
So let us always plan to do things
Yeah. Don't be too overconfident.
My way,
my way. Let us talk about our ways.
Which letter is
my or our?
I and we. Which one is better?
This is how we move on, yeah, brothers
and sisters.
So may Allah
make us understand the blessing of our family.
Yeah. And make us
good children
who are grateful and thankful to Allah
that Allah will bless them with righteous
family too. We are going to have their
own family sooner or later.
After we have done our part, we pray
for the best,
guided by Allah's guidance,
the creator
and the teaching of the best man on
earth, prophet Muhammad,
we all will not fail anybody.
Even you have some trial and challenges, just
have patience.
Then you see a good thing is going
to happen
because Allah said so.
You come back to me.
You follow my messenger.
I will
love you.
When Allah loves you,
Allah will put the love into everybody's
then you have a loving family,
you know.
How nice to have a loving family,
you know.
Then you have peace.
Then you know how to move on very
But challenges is there.
let any outsider
come and corrupt you
and destroy you and the family. Don't allow
that to happen
Because they are nobody, they are just a
They don't care.
Family is different.
We feel for one another.
Friend, friend is friend.
When they need you, my friend.
When they don't need you, that's not my
There is friend.
Friend is like that.
the minute you are not well, the whole
family feel,
What happened to him?
Where is he now? How can I help?
Can we take time to take care of
the sick one? That is family.
Friend is friend. Just remember, friend is friend,
not a family.
Family is family.
The one who loves Allah and the Prophet,
there's a best family
because they will guide you accordingly.
If there's any question, we are open for
q and a for
In the sheet and then predicted walking with
one shoe.
Is that Which one?
I'm on the screen share. Oh, well, later
on, 1 page 117?
Sorry. I don't because
he put it up. I said page 116.
you put 2 pages together.
Okay. Shall I keep this one? Yeah. For
next week.
Yeah. Remember,
when we are talking about page 116, you
just highlight 116.
And people get confused.
They ask me something that I did not
touch it.
Yeah. We keep that until next week.
Any other question?
Nah. Any question from the sisters?
Yeah. Father Dali.
Mike? Yeah.
Robbi Habli Minosolihin
to our
let's say our kids are not very good,
and one day they will be back to
on track. Again, again? Okay.
In order
every day
every day. In order
to make sure that our daughter or our
son go back to in the right track.
Correct. Is that correct?
No. Of course, the prophets Allahu Salam like
all the parents to pray for the best.
Pray that Allah will grant us with righteous
When we look at them,
the coolness of the eyes, they are so
Because they are righteous people, righteous offspring.
There is our hope and our
No parent want to y'all along. May my
children gangster, no.
Make my children a mafia.
I want them to be righteous, to be
Of course, there is our
But then
if we just pray,
we ourselves don't set good example.
It's very hard.
They may become righteous,
with Allah's blessing, yeah,
But normally that's why the prophet said,
So true and practical.
Every child is born pure innocent,
very clean.
Who is the one who start to corrupt
Not their friend. They have no friend yet.
You only have their papa and mama
and the brother and the sister at home,
if there are
brother and sister.
So the prophet said, fa abawahu.
When the prophet said fa abawahu,
started by the father,
the father
then only the mother will corrupt the baby.
The child that sometime
get born as Muslim, their behavior
is like the yahoo,
Arrogant. The yahood are very arrogant.
Yes. So proud,
arrogant, not humble
because the father show
some bad character,
become arrogant,
that he is always the right, whatever come
from him right,
everybody wrong.
And if the father is not a praying
father, he likes to gamble, he likes to
smoke, what do you think the children is
going to be?
The children is being exposed to all these
bad thing.
The children may start to pick up all
bad character.
Sometimes the father is good, now come to
the mother.
Mother keeps on screaming,
every day
without explaining to the children,
son, daughter,
talk, not screaming, shouting, school. Talk,
make them understand,
guide them,
set good example.
Then you pray, oh Allah,
protect my children, make my children righteous. It's
good, but you want children to be good,
you ourselves set bad example.
If Allah bless them, it's really an extra
Yeah. But nothing come from us because you
cannot say, I want the belt, but you
show the worst to the children.
We set good example.
That will
be best.
You want your children to be righteous, solely
We stay righteous.
Then you see it's easy for children
to be righteous.
That's how we move together. That's why Islam
always starts from who?
Then you can save others.
That's how we work together. Good the prayer
is correct,
but if you want the prayer to be
we set an example. We want to be
a righteous mother,
a righteous father,
then righteous children, righteous family.
But some people, pray, pray, pray. No response.
The children go different direction. Why?
Allah don't accept my prayer, because you are
not setting good example, you are not showing
good thing.
Children is looking at you
and they are following you, you are the
So when the children is upbringing is good,
environment at home is good,
you know,
then we hope that
when he want to mix around,
you remember when we want to send our
children to school, we choose the school.
We don't just send to any school,
we want to know this school, a good
got good results, the students are pride, very
We love to send the children.
We want them to be in a good
We give them the good food, halal food.
We must keep on guiding them,
show them that we are righteous
and then when they grow friend, we also
monitor, help them to choose the right friend.
They can bring their friend, we want to
know who is their friend and then we
talk to them.
After we value, when their friend come,
the friend pray together,
the friend know how, then when they talk,
they use all the good words, not all
the bad words, then you can see this
friend are good friends.
If the friend don't pray,
if the friend just little thing and try
so loud and using bad words, then you
know that they are no good children.
So you must safeguard your children first.
Help them.
They need guidance
so that they save themselves from further problems
because we don't know. We are still young.
Parents have exposed
to a lot of things, they have a
lot of experiences,
they may help you better.
So learn how to be
humble to your parents.
You cannot stop our children from having friends.
Only hope that they have righteous friends, good
You are clear,
dua is correct,
but you must follow-up with our good example.
Yeah. They say, actually speak louder than
Next. Any other question?
We have a sister, have asked, any other
brother like to ask anything.
This picture is a very good picture.
Yeah. We have extra, I think.
It's good for all the parents to have
Why? Because
of our children.
You know, when they go to any bubble
they have so many
you know. We thought fashion is only on
garment, not also on the head.
So they want you to, they show you
all this picture. When you went to any
bubble, I saw all this picture too.
Yeah, I keep on reminding the Bible, you
know, if you're a Muslim, you should not
yeah. You should not come up with this
kind of feature.
Only 1, you do it properly.
You're gonna cut, you cut the whole.
Yeah. The whole hit, you cut. Cut.
Number 1, number 2, don't cut kazar. This
is called kazar.
Kaza is something
trendy but it's not
right at all.
Be a full human from top to bottom.
You don't want to be a half human
on the on the head now. You look
like a zebra.
You like you look like Apache, you know.
No. No. You want to be who you
Today I'm very sad to see what is
You don't know
how to choose what is right.
Very confused,
you know.
inshallah, we hope everybody will have this next
Remind your children and sometimes the problem the
father also went and asked for this kind
of haircut.
I don't know what happened to the head
you know.
You do look do you do look look
good? Daniel was trained,
you know.
Be a proper human, you know.
Think like a woman. The the children just
follow you, cannot blame the children
if they are dull.
Yeah. And sometimes I feel so sad when
I was having my hair cut,
the father
next door talking to the barber, telling the
barber to cut
the son's hair in the way,
you know, like what I've shown you in
the Kazakh. Yeah.
Please share this in 4 months.
Think that it's good for the family.
Any last question from the sisters?
Yeah. A lot of brothers is not with
us. I think today we're supposed to have
another activities
at Mesquite Gulaya. I was supposed to be
there too but,
I chose not to be there because yesterday
we've been busy,
yeah, with the fun run, our first fun
yeah, organized by al Kadhim alhamdulillah.
So brother and sister, we have received a
message that one of our sisters in Islam,
Mohammed Hashem Hasna
Mohammed Hashem passed away this morning at 12
AM. Yeah. So it's part of a duty
for all of us to make a short
You all have any last question? No. Yeah.
we may I'm going to recite this prayer
recommended by our prophet,
Salma Musa Salaam,
and hope everybody who is here try to
follow me to recite this prayer. Yeah. When
I explain the meaning, then
you can say, I mean, but the recitation,
follow me to recite.
The more people
the better for the deceased and for us.
Insha'Allah. Yeah.
Please follow me. Yeah.
We're reciting this prayer especially
to our sister Hasna
You Allah, your rahman, your Rahim.
Oh Allah, with your mercy and your blessing,
we seek your forgiveness
upon our sister Hasna Muhammad Hashim.
Forgive all her sin,
whether it's minor or major.
Show mercy on her, Your Amen, Your Rahim.
Give her
a good
place to return to you, your Haman, your
Widen the grave that she is going in,
your Haman, your Rahim.
Cleanse her sin like how you cleanse
a white cloth
from all the filth
and the dust
and the dirtiness, your rahman, your Rahim.
Oh Allah,
by how
you have given
her a peaceful life when she was
Meet her have a happy life
after this, your rahman, your Rahim.
Replace for her a better environment,
a better family and friend
than what she have in this life.
forgive all her sin. Pardon her.
Show your mercy upon her.
And oh
Protect her from the torment of the grave
and torment of hellfire,
and enter her to your paradise
among your righteous
servant, Yarrahman,
your Rahim.
Oh Lord, forgive the sin of all of
us who are still alive and who are
present here
and forgive the sin
of all of loved one
who have passed
and returned back to you before us.
Oh Allah,
forgive the sin of the people who are
not with us today because
of their busyness.
Allah, forgive the sin of the young and
old among us.
The male and the female among us.
If you will
make our life
in this world longer,
bless our life,
guide us
so that we have
a good life here
and give us a good ending.
You rahman.
You rahim.
Oh Allah.
Don't abandon
all the good thing that Hasna,
Mohammed, Hashim,
and all our parents who died as a
all the good advice, the good thing that
they have taught us
to be forgotten by us.
Reward them for all the good thing that
they have left behind.
And don't make any of the family member
turn astray
after our loved one is no more with
You Rahman,
You Rahim.
Oh, God bless us
with happiness, success
in this life,
happiness and success in the next life,
and save all of us
from the trial of this world
and the fitna
in the day
of judgement.
The meaning,
glory be to you oh Allah.
All praises belong to you.
We bear witness, none have the worthy to
be worshipped except you alone.
And to you we seek forgiveness. Forgive us,
oh Allah. And to you we repent, accept
our repentance of Allah.
Assalamu alaikum, Warhammatullahi