Hussain Yee – If You Are Too Busy For Dhul Hijjah – At Least Do These 3 Things

Hussain Yee
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of regular charity contributions and the importance of spending quality time with children, aging parents, and parents. They emphasize the need to be mindful of one's behavior and not to be considerate. The speaker also invites viewers to attend a free workshop on the importance of honoring, respecting, and being kind to parents.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the name of Allah, the most gracious

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and the most merciful.

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Brothers and sisters, Alhamdulillah, we're in the month

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of Dhul Hijjah again. The prophet

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said, the meaning no good deeds done on

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other days are superior to those done on

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first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah. Then some

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of the prophet the companions of the prophet,

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some Muslim said, not even jihad, he

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replied, not even jihad, except that of a

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man who does it by putting himself and

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his property

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in danger for the sake of Allah and

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does not return with any of this thing,

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mean he will die in the battle. The

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last 10 nights of Ramadan are better in

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terms of the night, and the 1st 10

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days of Dhul Hijjah are better in terms

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of the days, the difference between night and

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days. My dear brothers and sisters, the 10

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best days of zur hija are upon us

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a time of immense blessing and opportunity

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in the busy working world. It's easy to

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get lost in work and miss out on

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precious opportunity

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like this. Allah Almighty, in His infinite wisdom

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and mercy, has given us this day to

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draw closer to Him and to maximize

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good deeds. Allah swam by this day

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in Surah Al Fajar,

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by the dawn

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and by the 10th night. Scholars have explained

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that these 10th night refer to the first

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10 days of Zuhija.

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Now these 10 days are a golden opportunity

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to seek Allah's pleasure

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and multiply

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our rewards.

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We all

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know the 3 main dips in this man

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known to majority of us performing Hajj,

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and fasting on the day of Arafa for

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those who are not performing Hajj. But now

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here are 3 different deeds that are often

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overlooked to make the most of this blessed

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in the year. Number 1, quality time with

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children. We have to engage with the children.

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Children is.

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Our children are our future.

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The prophet, peace

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be upon him,

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showed immense love and care for children.

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He said, be kind with your children

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and perfect their manners. Our prophet,

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also remind us,

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meaning, you are not one of us if

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the young one do not show respect to

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the elders and

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the elders do not show care and love

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to the young one.

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children do not need

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us to use the three s,

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No. They need you to engage with them,

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talk to them,

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discuss with them

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with an open mind, and embrace them.

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Show them they they are important.

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Not only by listening to us, we also

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have to listen to them on and off,

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to understand them so that we can help

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them better, so that they feel that they

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can trust us, they can share with us

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anything they want

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because we are there to listen to them.

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That is number 1. Number 2, it's also

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caring for aging parents.

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It's our duty as we grow.

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Our parent have given us so much. Nobody

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can compare what the parent have give. And

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as they age, it is our duty to

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care for them. The prophet, salam,

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remind us again

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in one of his saying,

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the pleasure of Allah lies in the pleasure

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of the parent,

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and the displeasure of Allah lies in the

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displeasure of the parent. Now, these hadith

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remind us of the importance of being dutiful

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and kind to our parent.

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Remember the early hadith I shared with all

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of you, where the prophet said, you cannot

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be one of us, one of the ummah,

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the prophet, if you don't show respect to

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your parents,

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brothers and sisters.

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We only have

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one father and one mother.

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You can have a lot of friends,

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a lot of uncles and aunties.

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And remember, the prophet did mention

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that Angel Gabriel make a dua

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said to Allah, don't allow the ummah of

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prophet Muhammad

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because we are the best ummah

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to enter paradise.

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If they have

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parents, especially

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aging parent,

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they don't care and they are not dutiful

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to them.

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How much our parent has sacrificed their life,

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their good time when they are young,

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to make sure we have the best.

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And now

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we don't even care about them.

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We don't find time to be with them.

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We don't try to ask them what they

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love most, what we can do to make

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them happier.

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You can do a lot of ritual, brother

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and sister.

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You can go to Hajj many time, Umrah

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many time.

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But if you are not dutiful

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to your parent, we don't have a good

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So grab the opportunity

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to be kind to your parent.

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Serve them.

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Please them.

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Ask them how can we make them happy

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and just do?

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You will be

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happier, insha'aam.

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You will be blessed.

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Don't underestimate

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the important

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of honoring,

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respecting, and be kind to your parent.

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If you find them not happy,

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ask them

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anything that we can do to make them

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happy. What is the thing they need from

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I know we all are busy, brother and

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Do you know how busy our parent

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when we are young?

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But they make time for us.

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They care for us,

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and now we say we have no time.

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I don't care.

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I have bad experience with them. How bad

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your experience with your parent, you cannot compare

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their kindness,

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their love, and their sacrifice

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that they have given you. So once again,

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brother and sister, please

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make sure that this 10 zuheja

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will bring changes

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in our life,

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our character,

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our feeling.

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And the third one,

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regular charity contributions,

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Ongoing contribution.

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The prophet,

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peace be upon him,

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did mention in one of the hadith.

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whoever donates charity in the way of Allah,

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it will be multiplied up

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to 700 times

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in his record.

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Can you imagine?

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times along.

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And Allah also said to us,

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Whatever you spend,

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sincerely for the sake of Allah. In the

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cause of Allah,

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will spend on you. Allahu Akbar, brothers and

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If Allah spend on us,

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what is the thing that we fear? Nothing.

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And if we do everything sincerely for Allah,

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Allah remind us again.

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Whoever have faith, have taqwa in me, believe

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in what Allah promised us.

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Whoever spend

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for the sake of Allah will spend on

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you, you believe in that.

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Allah said,

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I will show you ways to overcome whatever

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problem you encounter in life,

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and I will provide for you

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provision that you cannot imagine, brother and sister.

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So don't be calculative

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with Allah.

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Don't be stingy.

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May Allah open our heart

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and grab the opportunity

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that is in front of us today, the

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first 10 days

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of Zul Hijjah. We can earn during this

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blessed time.

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The window

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is limited.

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Our conclusion, my dear brothers

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and sister,

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on behalf of Al Kadhim, let's take these

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3 point

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to hearts.

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Spend quality time with your children,

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care for your aging parent,

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and receive

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unlimited reward from giving during

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this last 10 days.

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At Al Qadim,

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we welcome you. We have set up a

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way for you to automate your donation daily

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in this 10 days

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so you don't have to worry if you

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miss a day.

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Your generosity

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during these special days can change the ummah

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and bring immeas barakah into your own. May

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bless all of you

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with the wisdom

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to make the most of your time

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and the compassion

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to help those in need.

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