Hussain Yee – If I dont dress to attract others why does Islam still require modest dressing #161

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The importance of dressing up and decorating oneself for success is emphasized, as it is crucial for personal and professional success. It is also emphasized that proper presentation and guidance through the holy Bible and the Sun parrot is key to achieving success. It is also emphasized that dressing up in a authentic and appropriate way is crucial for personal and professional success.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful.
All praise is due to Allah.
We praise Him, we ask His help, and
we ask His forgiveness.
And we seek refuge in Allah from the
evil of our souls and the evil of
our deeds.
Whoever Allah guides, there is no one to
guide him.
And whoever Allah guides, there is no one
to guide him.
I bear witness that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah.
And I bear witness that Muhammad is His
servant and Messenger.
I seek refuge with Allah from the evil
of my souls and the evil of my
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah
be with you.
All praise is due to Allah, Almighty God,
the Creator of all things, the Sender of
all Prophets and Messengers.
And the Revealer of all Truth.
May the mercy and the blessing of Allah
be upon all of us.
The Seeker of Knowledge.
And may the knowledge transform us to be
a better Muslim.
To be a practicing and committed Muslim, not
traditional Muslim.
Just by name.
Allah Rabbul Alamin, the Creator, chose one man
to bring the mercy to the world.
A man to unite all nations and tribes.
To teach the old how to love the
young, and the young how to respect their
The man who is here to guide.
The rich to help the poor, and the
poor to work hard.
To complement one another.
And he is Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon
Rahmatul Alamin.
Mercy to the world.
And for those who have been following his
teaching, we are supposed to follow the teaching
of the Prophet, not to worship any prophets.
They are special people, as Prophet and Messenger
of the Creator, Allah.
We love them, respect them, but our duty
is to follow their teaching.
Not to glorify them to the extent they
become God.
How pious they are.
How good they are.
They are human like all of us.
From Adam to Noah to Abraham to Moses
to Jesus and Prophet Muhammad.
And because on and off people turn astray
from nation, from century to century people forget
the teaching of the Prophet, and they start
to worship humans.
They start to worship so-called pious people.
Then Allah sent Prophet Muhammad as a final
And he reminded this man, the last messenger,
Say, O Muhammad, to the people, you
are just a human, like all of them.
You eat, you drink, you have family, you
fall sick, and you die.
Like how the early prophets all have returned
back to God.
The difference between you and them, you receive
the revelation, where others, no.
They may have good dreams, but they don't
receive any revelation.
Angel Gabriel was sent only to the prophets
and the Messenger of Allah, not to any
one of us.
And remind them, the people around you, the
one who loves you, the one who follows
you, that they should worship only one God.
The God who created all of us, who
appointed him to be his last messenger, not
to worship him.
And then Allah continued by reminding us, through
his prophet, Whoever
among you, who want to return back to
God, with the hope that Allah Almighty, God,
will be pleased with you, will be happy
with you.
Normally when you want to go back, you
want to go back with a good spirit,
so that you'll be happy, and others are
happy, if among people.
Among family members, the same.
You depart from your family because of work,
studies, you travel here and there, then sooner
or later you return back to the family.
When you return back, you want to return
back to be happy and bring happiness to
So whoever has the intention, to return back
to the Creator, where the Creator is pleased
and happy with you, then you must be
ready to be active in doing all the
righteous deeds.
You must prepare yourself.
It's like how you want to go back
home, you prepare yourself.
If you know the people at home love
this, love that, you make sure you bring
something back.
You just don't bring your body, you bring
some good deeds back.
But while you are doing that, now Allah
is talking to us.
All the good things that you are doing,
all the money that you are bringing back
home, remember, وَلَا يُشْرِكْ بِعِبَادَةِ رَبِّي أَحَدَى Do
not commit any shirk.
You are doing all the good deeds, you
are worshipping Allah, you are giving a lot
of help to the poor and the needy,
you donate here and there, but Allah said,
while you are doing all these good deeds,
never commit shirk with me.
You are not worshipping idols, you are not
doing something bad, you are doing something good.
But Allah still warn us, وَلَا يُشْرِكْ بِعِبَادَةِ
رَبِّي أَحَدَى Do not commit shirk.
What do we understand about this ayah?
This ayah is to remind us, whatever you
do, brother and sister, what Allah want from
us, how good your deeds is, how big
your donation, your contribution, do not have a
hidden agenda.
Meaning, your intention is very important.
Who know about our intention?
Number one, Allah.
Number two, you.
Others, no one know.
Even sometimes among human, when you do something
good, people will praise you, thank you.
It's good for people to acknowledge the good
thing that we are doing, not to take
things for granted.
But you inside your heart must not allow
all the hidden agenda to corrupt your heart.
You can say, don't worry, brother.
Don't worry, sisters.
I do this sincerely for Allah.
You want to say that, no problem.
But be careful.
You can just say and keep on saying
But whether you are sincere in your heart
or not, who knows.
This is just a lip service.
Like sometimes the feeling we have towards one
another, as friend.
And then we become closer to one another.
Then we want to express your feeling.
I love you.
Is that okay?
Islamically it's okay.
When you love something, love someone especially for
the sake of Allah, you have the right
to say, I love you for the sake
of Allah.
There's nothing wrong.
You can do that.
Then the person who hears you saying that
also can respond, May Allah love you more.
I was loved by Allah just now because
of what you just said.
That you love me for the sake of
Allah loves me more now.
And I'm responding back, May Allah love you
more too.
It's a very positive reaction.
But normally we don't know how to express.
If a person says, I love you, and
most of us never continue for the sake
of Allah.
A boy and a girl get to know
each other.
They feel good for each other.
Women, they don't only have IQ, they have
EQ, emotional.
They want to know how you express yourself.
But you just keep on smiling, talking good
about her, but you don't know how to
use the word love.
Very shy.
You don't say love.
They are just waiting for you to use
this word, I love you.
But you, you feel that you are, no,
no, no, I'm not going to say this.
Even husband and wife.
Husband normally say, I love you before get
After getting married, the word love very hard
to come out.
It's not that they don't love their wife,
they still love, but to say, I love
For a wife, they keep on telling us,
I love you, I love you.
Because they want you to know, they love
So the word love is easy for the
woman to express than the man.
That is very common.
How many of us talk to our children
and say, child, my son, I love you,
for the sake of all.
How many times you listen from a child
and say to their parents, I love you,
I love you, mommy.
So Allah said to us, while you are
doing all the good things, make sure your
intention purely for him, uncorrupted, so that you
have peace.
You have done your best, you have give
the best, don't let that feeling be corrupted.
It's a very powerful feeling that you have
to be very, very careful.
Because if you are not careful, when people
keep on praising you, talking so highly about
you, happy with you, then the pride may
come in.
Then you start to show off.
Now when you do that, it burn all
the good deeds that you have done.
To the extent in the day of judgment,
when you meet Allah, Allah said, what have
you done with the ne'mat, the blessing I
have given you, how you make use of
this, that.
You say, I have done this, so many
good deeds.
Yes, I know.
I know.
He is the all-knowing.
I give you, you become a billionaire.
Now you spend millions to help the poor
and the needy.
I know.
But then Allah said, for whom?
For who do you do this?
Then we say, for you, O Allah.
I do this sincerely for you.
What did Allah say?
You are a liar.
You do this because of so and so,
to please these people, to please the authority,
to please the politician, to please your father
-in-law, your mother-in-law, you just
name it.
So now, go and look for them, call
them to reward you.
Nothing from me.
Because your intention now is not for him.
But if you do purely for me, Allah
will not ask you that question.
He knows.
He will just reward you.
What is his reward?
لَهُمْ جَنَّةٌ For them, it's my paradise.
اُتْخُذِي سِهَا اُتْخِذِي Enter paradise.
That's it.
You can lie to many people.
You can be a hypocrite to yourself, but
you cannot lie to almighty God, Allah Rabbul
You can't.
So when you look at this ayah, my
muqaddimah, brothers and sisters, mean, check your intention.
Our intention is in the heart.
اَنْ نِيَتْ فِي قِلْ It's not how you
look, how you dress.
Your heart.
That's why I always say, three things that
we must be focused to become a better
The first eye, three eyes, the first eye,
your intention.
اِنَّمَا الْأَعْمَلُ بِالنِّيَاتِ Everything you do, make sure
your intention is purely for Allah.
You are here every Saturday morning, purely for
To do what?
To seek knowledge.
To seek knowledge.
So when you seek knowledge, if your intention
is for Allah, then you should be ready
to act upon the knowledge.
Not knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but
there's no changes.
I just come here for class.
After class finish, I'm the same person.
When I came in, I was this and
When I leave, I become a better person.
I transform myself.
Because actions speak louder than words.
You don't have to say, oh I've been
attending this class, that class, so many classes.
People look at you, wow, mashallah, you're a
good student of knowledge.
But you look at your character, you're the
same person.
Nothing change.
You're still not careful of your words.
You still are not a very clean, tidy
You don't care.
You don't feel for the environment.
You don't feel for one another.
You just don't care.
Because you don't have the intention to act
upon the knowledge, to change.
Now what is very important for every one
of us to focus when your intention is
To strengthen your relationship with God.
We call it Iman.
Iman is a knowledge to do with believing
in the unseen.
الذين يؤمنون بالغيب We welcome our brothers from
Jakarta, Indonesia.
Why we have to focus on our Iman,
the second I, after the first I, the
intention, I want to get closer to Allah.
How do you get closer to Allah?
How do you connect yourself with Allah?
By having the right belief.
All prophets and messengers of Allah were sent
for that reason.
اَن يَعْبُدُ اللَّهُ وَيُسْتَنِي مُتَّغُودُ To be connected
to Allah.
To know who is the creator and how.
How can you learn about Allah?
You learn about Allah.
You believe in Allah in the way He
wants you to believe.
Not your way.
Not my way.
A lot of people want to believe in
God today.
But they want to believe in God in
their own way.
You can't.
You have to humble yourself.
And that's why we Muslims are guided and
was reminded by Allah again and again, every
single day.
All Muslims who perform their daily prayer recite
the same prayer.
Without fail.
Surah Al-Fatiha.
The opening chapter.
That opens the will, the curtains between you
and the creator.
So that there's no more hijab.
You can communicate with Allah directly.
Without going to the priest, to the imam.
You can do it by yourself.
Allah gives us the opportunity to talk to
Him directly and that's why in Surah Al
-Fatiha there's an ayah.
O Allah, to you we worship directly.
You don't have to call this man, that
man and to help you.
Directly you call, O Allah.
Ya Allah, direct.
If you want to ask anything from Allah,
do it directly.
Call Him directly.
A lot of people today, they want to
call God.
They go to idols, saints, people.
They felt that they are not qualified to
talk to God directly.
They have a medium and that is the
beginning of shirk.
To the extent now people go to the
graveyard, people who are dead.
He's a good man.
A very pious man.
But he's dead.
They still go to the grave and ask
them, please pray for me, help me.
I need this, I need that.
You are closer to God.
If you have a very personal friend, specialist
in heart, specialist in the IENT, whenever you
have problem, you see him, he help you
and you're okay.
Now these specialists die now.
Do you think you go and see him
if you still have an ENT problem?
You go to the grave, hey doctor, do
you remember me?
I'm your old friend.
We are good friends.
Now I'm still having my ear problem.
Please help me.
What do you think?
Do you think he's going to give you
some recommendation now?
He's going to give you some medicine?
No, he's dead.
So if you want to believe in Allah,
Iman is about the unseen.
Allah you can't see.
The Day of Judgment you can't see.
Angel you can't see.
When you're going to die, you don't know.
All these are the unseen.
So to believe in Allah, the best way
is, you believe in him the way he
want you to believe in him.
His way.
How he introduce himself in his book, just
That's how the prophet taught his first generation,
the companion.
That's why the Iman is so solid.
That's why he become the best example for
the people.
Because the intention is pure, they focus on
And the last I, is you must stay,
is the karma.
If you say you are sincere, you should
not just say you are sincere in the
At the end, you prove that you are
not sincere.
You have agenda.
You say you have been helping me sincerely,
now you are talking about it now.
Now you want me to pay back.
You see how our parent, our parent is
so sincere to us, he keep on giving,
keep on giving, he never ask you to
pay back.
Very sincere.
Never once, a parent will send a bill
to their children, my son, my daughter, now
you are somebody.
Now you are rich.
Papa have invest on you.
Mama have been helping you, and spend on
you, maybe million of ringgit now.
But we give you special discount, 50%
No parent do that to the children.
The love to the children is fantastic, purely
from the heart.
You hurt them, you disobey them, they still
love you.
That is parent.
That's why you should be very grateful and
thankful when your parent is still alive.
That you can serve them, be dutiful to
them, you will never, never regret.
Now, the question.
There's a question today.
And the question start by saying, very interesting
If I don't dress to attract others, the
question came from a revert system.
If I don't dress to attract others, why
does Islam still require modest dressing?
Islam want the woman to dress modestly.
In a good manner, cover yourself in a
good manner, modestly.
Not to be too extreme, you can be
very extreme sometimes.
But as long as you must check your
You don't look down upon the other group,
who do not dress like you, example.
You want to set good example, you're welcome.
But please don't criticize others.
If you see others are not dressing properly,
approach them, talk to them, get close to
them, help them.
They need some help, they need some motivation.
That is very important.
But those who said, I dress in the
way that I'm happy with it, not to
show to other people.
My intention is just for myself.
I want to look good.
I'm not dressing to show the public.
So why must?
Islam force me to dress in this manner,
that manner.
No, Islam never force us.
Islam always want us to be the best.
Dress modestly is what Allah want you to
Because what is in your heart, no one
I didn't dress to show you.
Did you wear a garment, a sister, who
wear beautiful dress, and then right on behind,
I don't dress to show you.
Nobody do that.
And I said, don't look at me.
Lower your gaze.
You don't know that.
But if you dress modestly, you cover yourself
respectfully, people who look at you, immediately they
know what kind of person you are.
Because action speak louder than words.
You can wear very sexy, open here, open
there, lower cut, this cut, that cut.
But you say, my intention is not to
show off.
I'm doing for myself to look good.
Yeah, you can still dress like that, nothing
If you want to dress only the underwear,
also welcome, but at home, in your own
Even you with your parent, even after certain
age, you do not expose yourself.
In front of your papa, you also have
to dress modestly.
Even the papa cannot say, you are still
my daughter, so I can just walk half
naked in front of my grown-up daughter.
No, everybody must dress modestly.
Very, very important.
I give you one simple example again.
Some sisters, Alhamdulillah, they cover themselves modestly.
And then they decorate their head with something
very attractive, flowery.
But they don't want people to look at
them, that's why they wear niqab, so that
people don't just stare at them.
But suddenly you have so big flower there,
and when people look, they want to know
who is it.
Oh, they can't see your face, but they
can see the flower.
They look at the flower.
They just look at the flower, not you.
You get upset, why do you look at
Lower your gaze.
Then what is the problem?
Why do you put this flower on your
If you are born with a flower, no
So you are contradicting yourself.
You want people to lower their gaze, you
want to attract the other party, but the
way you dress, decorate yourself, is to attract
Why do you do that?
You know one day the Prophet said to
his daughter, Fatima, the daughter that he loved
so much, and he is one of the
women that will enter paradise.
Like Khadija, Asiya, the wife of King Farrukh,
these are the people promised to go to
One day after marrying Hussain, no, Ali, Ali
gave her some necklace, a ring.
So when she came home and she opened
the wheel, and when the Prophet looked at
her, the Prophet just turned his face away
from her.
And what happened?
Fatima was shocked.
What happened to my father?
Why is he so angry towards me today?
What wrong that I have done?
Fatima was worried.
Then the Prophet asked Fatima, Do you want
in the Day of Judgement, Allah will ask
his messenger, the father of Fatima, why do
I allow my daughter to wear a necklace
from hellfire, to wear a ring from hellfire?
You must save your children from hellfire, not
to allow them to go to *.
So Fatima said, Ya Rasulullah, my father, this
is a necklace, a gift from Ali to
me, this ring given by my husband.
Yes, it's just a gold ring, very plain,
no diamond, no jade, just a plain gold
What did the Prophet say?
Have you purified that gold?
The necklace around your neck and the one
around your finger, have you paid zakat on
He said, no, because it's a gift.
Then that is the necklace from hellfire and
the ring from hellfire.
You can wear, number one, you must purify
zakat, clean that property first.
Secondly, you don't wear to show to the
For yourself, for your husband, for your mahram,
no problem.
You don't do this and later on you
go outing and then you go for dinner,
suddenly you can take the food in front
of you, you purposely want to take the
food further than you, why?
Because you want people to see.
And when people don't ask you about your
ring, you were not happy.
Sometimes you just want to move more so
that people can get the reflection.
And they ask you, wow, big diamond.
Different people have different intention.
Shaitan always work to disturb the peace of
our mind.
And then suddenly, you know, very cheap, this
How cheap?
Oh, it is about, goodbye special offer, about
50,000 ringgit.
You can wear anything, pay zakat, and you
don't have to show off.
You see?
Even you dress more, something that is allowed,
your intention is not to show off, to
attract other people's attention.
Be very careful.
And sometimes, the rich sometimes, they don't have
to wear expensive thing.
The rich, they can go and buy near
the road.
And then they just, but because they are
rich, people thought that everything they wear is
No, maybe it's 50 ringgit.
It is how people portray you.
So, even your heart, your intention is good,
but nobody knows, only you and Allah.
But if you don't present yourself properly, modestly,
humbly, people will not judge you based on
your intention.
They judge you of how you present yourself.
So, you don't blame them, because I don't
know what's in your heart.
You can say anything, but I know how
you behave, how you react.
That's all.
I'll judge you based on that.
So, please remember, when don't give excuses, and
those misinterpret your intention is good, you can
do anything now.
Maybe you are a good person, but the
way you dress, do not portray that you
are a modest person.
You know the man, why Allah said to
the man, the believer, and the woman, both
parties, lower your gaze.
The eye contact is a very powerful contact.
There's nothing wrong to look at somebody for
the sake of Allah.
Wow, he looks handsome, okay.
Think of Allah, see how beautiful the creation
of Allah.
I end by saying one of these hadiths,
then we have a Q&A.
One day, the Prophet s.a.w. said
to his people, لا تدخل الجنة من كان
في قلبه زرعة من القبر No one can
enter paradise if in their heart there is
an atom of qibir.
So, the companion was shocked because generally the
Arabs, when you say qibir, their understanding is
showing off.
The general understanding.
So, the companion asked the Prophet, I love
to dress, beautiful dress, of course, beautiful thing
I love to wear good shoes, good anything,
good quality thing is expensive.
What is the most expensive shoes?
What brand is that?
Anybody remember?
A shoe that may cost you just for
your feet.
Special offer, Boxing Day, UK.
Very cheap, 15,000 pounds.
That is after Boxing Day.
Wow, goodbye, it's true.
Can you imagine, just for your feet, 15
,000 pounds.
So, the companion, I'm just giving some clear.
Companion said, I love beautiful dress, I love
to wear good shoes.
Is that qibir?
Is that showing off?
It's like somebody will come to the center
every Saturday, driving Porsche.
The sound of the car also is different.
And suddenly the door open in this direction,
like the Batman kind of vehicle.
How do you feel?
Is that okay?
Of course, people look, who is driving this
Who is the owner?
You feel good.
Is that qibir?
Is that showing off?
You see the Prophet said, Allah is beautiful,
he loves beautiful thing, nothing wrong.
Then what is qibir?
What is qibir?
So, the Prophet said, The real qibir, you
reject the truth.
When the truth reach you, Allah said it.
The Prophet have shown you.
You just refuse to follow.
No, my way.
Okay, that is qibir.
You think you know better than Allah.
When Allah said haram, you said, no, it's
not haram.
This is just makruh.
You know better than Allah.
Number one.
Number two.
You like to look down upon other people.
You like to belittle other people.
Because you are somebody, he is nobody.
So you don't look at him.
You just ignore that person.
All these are the sign of qibir.
And the Prophet said, Whoever have an atom
of this qibir will not enter paradise.
So, brothers and sisters, Try our level best
to stay.
Be consistent with our iman.
Our intention, whatever we do for the sake
of Allah, Make sure from the beginning is
for the sake of Allah.
In the middle, still for the sake of
At the end, for the sake of Allah.
That's why one of the most important prayers
the Prophet said, That you can recite.
Most of the Nusantara people recite this.
Remind yourself, say to Allah, Oh Allah, all
my prayer, Day prayer, night prayer, Obligatory prayer,
optional prayer, All my sacrifice, my time, The
animal that I sacrifice, Everything, my life, My
work, my food, my dressing, My family, everything,
My death, lillahi rabbil alamin.
For you.
Not for other purpose, except for you.
Because we came from you, Inna lillahi wa
inna ilayhi rajun.
And to you, we will return.
So that's how we come in and conclude.
Make sure your intention is guided by the
Quran and the Sunnah.
Not just purely, as long as I have
good intention.
You ask the drug trafficking people, Who are
selling drugs, what is your intention?
I want to help the poor, like the
Robin Hood, He robbed the rich and helped
the poor.
Is that good?
For the poor, it's good, he's my hero.
For the rich, he's our enemy.
You educate the rich one to help the
You don't rob them?
You're selling drugs for what?
To support the poor family?
You cannot do that, because drugs will destroy
other family.
So everything you do, please, Make sure that
whatever intention you have, It must be guided
by the Holy Quran, And the teaching of
the Prophet, peace be upon him.
Then you can say, yeah, I have good
So brothers and sisters, I hope, I've answered
this question in the best way I can,
To make sure people don't misinterpret their intention,
And do what they like to do, And
blame other people because of what they do.
No, you want people to lower their gaze?
You must minimize any kind of thing that
attracts other people.
Make sure as simple as possible.
See how our Prophet dressed?
Very simple.
He can dress like a king, like an
emperor, but he did not.
He chose to dress like a servant of
Sayyidina Umar, when he is the Caliph, People
were waiting in Jerusalem, In Palestine, waiting for
him to come, And give him the key
to open Jerusalem.
And they expect him to come in like
an emperor, With all the bodyguards, you know.
But he came in with a garment, patches.
When he stares here, he saw it, He
never dressed like a king, like a normal
Very humble, like the servant of Allah.
But that confirms that he is the great
Because Indian scripture has shown that this man
Will come in, in that form.
Not to show off.
So please remember, Humbleness is the best.
Simple is the best.
As long as you cover your aura.
You are not dressed but transparent, Like you
are naked.
You are not dressed but too tight, Like
you are naked.
Just do it properly.
May Allah accept and bless all of us.
Now we are open for Q&A.
Before the second part comes in, If there
is any question, from the floor.
Any question?
So you mentioned that, You were talking about
the shoes, And the Porsche, And the allowance
of that.
That it wasn't a display of pride, If
the intention is good, it's not a display
of pride.
I'm reflecting on, Amr ibn al-Khattab, When
the delegation came to visit Amr, And they
were expecting somebody who was dressed in fine
Of course.
And they saw this man underneath a palm
tree, And he was just ordinary.
He looked like an ordinary person.
Of course.
And from what I see here, And it's
not just Amr ibn al-Khattab, It's Abu
Bakr and all of the Sahaba.
They knew that Allah, They knew this Ayah,
Sorry, Hadith.
Allah loves beauty.
And so, you know, The allowance of dressing
beautifully is okay.
They knew this, but they didn't, They didn't
kind of like run towards riches.
Allahu Akbar.
So, I guess I'd have to question, For
me, I'd have to question somebody buying a
Porsche, When you can buy a Proton.
I don't see how a Porsche could be
anything other than a display of pride.
For me.
When I look at the life of the
A very interesting question from Brother Mujahid.
Even the Companions are aware that Allah loves
So, you can.
But they choose not to.
Because they are not people like us.
They are the leader.
Khulafa Rashidin.
If they do that, Then they set an
And then the other will say, See the
Caliph also like this.
So, they want to show example.
He can dress in any dress that he
Omar, when the people get the garment from
King of Kisra.
They send the garment to him.
The king who wear that kind of special
With diamond and all this kind of stones.
And the sewing thread is gold.
It's very expensive.
He was crying.
Because you are the Caliph.
You deserve this kind of glory.
Not the king.
Of course, he can if he want.
But then later on.
We are worried that he can control his
His feeling.
He can be humble.
But other people.
They may not know how to control their
So, they want to set a good example.
Even I can.
But I choose not to.
I'm not saying haram.
But I choose not to.
So that later on.
The future leader.
If Caliph, Abu Bakar, Omar.
Can be so simple.
Who am I?
Do you think that if I don't dress
A king and emperor.
People will look down upon me.
People love you.
Because of who you are.
Not what you dress.
How you dress.
So, that is why.
The leader of the ummah are very careful.
But never stop other people.
But they always remind them.
Take care of your intention.
You can.
Anybody can.
If my student come.
You will appreciate.
Can I say.
What is this?
Sometimes all the biker.
Came with a big bike.
I also have a bike.
But I don't like the bike.
Have heavy sound.
The one that have heavy sound.
Is which one?
Harley Davidson.
That one.
From a distance.
They want you to know.
I'm coming.
I'm coming.
I like to have a big bike.
But I like the bike to be silent.
I arrive.
No one knows.
I prefer that.
No one knows.
I went to lecture sometime.
I use my big bike.
But I don't like the one with the
big sound.
I reach there.
I went into the washroom.
I change my people.
Where is this here?
Where is our staff?
I'm there already.
They thought that I may come with something.
With all the juba.
I dress.
The dress that I normally choose to dress.
I try.
I try to make sure that.
I'm careful.
Of how I present myself.
And sometime when I go anywhere.
And the people who never seen me before.
They know my name.
They were just waiting.
And I have my friend.
Who so happen want to drive the car.
Or sometime I will drive.
You sit beside me.
And he wear juba.
And I dress normally.
So when I arrive.
And my friend.
My student just went out.
They just wish him.
Then my student say.
The Sheikh is there.
Why I like to do that.
Because we know our people.
They do respect and honor scholar.
But we must.
Make sure that they.
Have the right intention.
You can love me.
You can respect me.
But I must take care of my intention
So all this are for the.
Goodness of our self.
They know.
But they choose not to.
They can.
But they choose not to.
Because if not.
Then they set another example.
The house so simple.
The house of our Prophet.
How big.
Our house is bigger than that.
The house of Omar.
Omar don't have door.
He have a curtain.
To show you how secure.
How safe the environment.
Nobody steal.
Dare not steal.
You want to see him.
You just go to the mosque.
Normally you will see him.
He will be in the mosque.
No guard.
No red carpet.
Allahu Akbar.
That is my answer.
They don't want.
So that they don't set.
Bad example for other people.
Assalamu alaikum.
Just just a comment.
So on the question.
Regarding dress.
Sheikh Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab.
Said in his book.
He said knowledge.
Action and speech.
So knowledge proceeds.
Action and speech.
So if someone says.
You know I dress the way I want.
It's not for people to look at me.
Well again if you think about.
Knowledge preceding action.
Then the knowledge comes from.
The Quran and Sunnah.
So is the dress in accordance.
With what the Quran and Sunnah says.
If it isn't.
All right.
Then that intention is already.
Misguided isn't it.
Even if the person's intention.
Is not to attract.
The intention is misguided.
Because it's not based on knowledge.
And the knowledge comes from.
The Quran and the Sunnah.
We can summarize in that manner.
Must be guided.
Before you do anything.
You must have knowledge.
Before you say anything.
You must have knowledge.
And knowledge is pure knowledge.
Not your knowledge.
Not my opinion.
Not the tradition.
It's what God said.
Allah said.
And what the Prophet said.
That is pure knowledge.
It stay there forever.
Last question.
Any brothers.
You did.
A story between.
The Prophet.
He's the author.
When she came home.
With all of the juries.
And all that.
And then you mentioned.
Him questioning her.
That whether she has already paid.
On those things.
That she's wearing.
My question is.
Is it that.
We need to pay the Zakat.
On the things that we possess.
Before we start wearing them.
Is it specifically.
For some expensive stuffs.
So that's my question.
There are two kind of Zakat.
One Zakat.
That you pay.
Every year.
The Zakat.
That you accumulate.
In the form of.
Or today.
Based on the value.
If it reach.
The Hong.
And the Nisab.
One year.
The amount.
Have reached.
The amount.
To pay Zakat.
So you pay.
Two and a half percent.
Of the value.
Help the poor.
And the needy.
This is.
Every year.
If you have.
Reached that amount.
For this.
Those who are wearing.
For your body.
You can.
That Zakat.
You pay only once.
That is the difference.
You can wear.
You pay it.
Only once.
By paying.
Only once.
Then you can wear it.
No problem.
That is the difference.
The Zakat.
For Qizun.
And the Zakat.
For the yearly Zakat.
May Allah help us.
Brothers and sisters.
May Allah unite.
Our heart together.
And purify.
Our intention.
So that our intention.
Is not.
Just good.
It will be good.
Until the end.
Of our life.
May Allah.
Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Make us people.
Who have the intention.
To transform.
When we have the knowledge.
Not just knowledge.
For the sake of knowledge.
We want to be a better person.
We don't care what people want to say
about us.
As long as we are guided by the
Quran and Sunnah.
But if you are not guided by the
Quran and Sunnah.
Then you must be ready.
To make some changes.
That's how we move on.
And may Allah accept.
And remember.
Class tomorrow.
Is off.
And then.
The coming.
Is off.
We'll be back.
Our team is moving.
For our youth camp.
That we organize.
Every year.
And we have.
400 participants.
Who have arrived.
And they are ready.
To move.
And may Allah.
Help all of us.
And make sure.
Pray for us.
Pray for the children.
So that.
All of us.
Work together.
We'll have a good time.
All of us.
Return back.
To the family.
May Allah accept.