Hussain Yee – Etiquette Related to Intention – Etiquette Related to Intention – 02 – Islamic Etiquette

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The importance of achieving Islam is discussed, including the need to study the Prophet's teachings and find excuses and stay true to spiritual commitments. The negative impact of procrastination and the importance of good intentions in rewarding individuals is also discussed. The use of intentions and actions during deeds and deeds is also discussed, including the confusion surrounding Facebook's actions and intentions, and the benefits of worshiping Islam and spending time on it. The importance of practicing tawakoud and understanding the natural process of deeds is emphasized. The segment also touches on the importance of learning and spending time on Islam, including a recommendation to use digital well-being and family time.
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And whenever we try to count the blessings
of Allah, we will never be able to
count them, to list them down.
These are all the blessings that we know,
some of the blessings that we don't know.
They are engulfed with our blessings.
The blessings that we can see, and those
things that we could not see or imagine.
So Alhamdulillah, the blessings of Islam, Allah
sent one of the last ayaat, and Allah
sent down in the fields of Arafah to
the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam that Allah
has completed the deed for us Allah has
completed the way of life for a human
being that if you follow, you will complete
your life this is the complete instruction manual
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah and that day, the day
of Arafah, the final Hajj of the Prophet
Allah completed the deen, the way of life
Allah has completed His pleasure upon us and
He has pleased Islam for human to follow
Alhamdulillah and there is
no other way that we can sustain this
Islam, Iman, believing in Allah, believing in the
Prophet, following the Sunnah there is no other
way to achieve this except by seeking knowledge
except by coming, learn, reading books, going to
classes, listening to reminders constant reminders, istiqamah upon
listening to the reminders and these are the
things that will raise you, raise your status
Allah won't see who amongst you have a
lot of possessions in fact, Allah SWT says
in the Quran يَرْفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْكُمْ
وَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ Allah SWT will raise
the status of those who believe among you
and those who have knowledge أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ
those who have knowledge, Allah will raise their
ranks for example, if you have knowledge of
Quran if you memorize the Quran, a lot
of Quran inshallah Allah, you are eligible to
lead the prayer يَأْمُّ النَّاسِ أَقْرَأُهُمْ بِكِتَابِ اللَّهِ
those who can lead the prayer are those
who knows the kitab of Allah who memorize
most of the book of Allah for their
boys, for the men Allah will raise the
status in fact, with knowledge
only, you can add to your belief to
Allah SWT and this is one of the
ways that Allah SWT wants us good مَا
يُرِدِ اللَّهُ بِهِ خَيْرًا وِفَقِّهُ فِي الدِّينِ whoever
Allah wants good to him so Allah give
him the understanding of the deen so the
more you understand the deen the more you
are becoming good person and the otherwise can
be understood yeah yes, sorry I don't know
I think at the back yes, yes, yes
sorry we didn't expect a lot of people
to come today because usually this class are
only like less than 10% so Alhamdulillah
today maybe they heard we were doing it
in a small place so they come Inshallah
Ahlan wa Sahlan sorry for the small place,
small class I hope everybody is comfortable sitting
down unfortunately if you are looking for Sheikh
Hussein he is doing the PMS ok, PMS
so ah, sister long time no see Inshallah
so Alhamdulillah the otherwise you can understand is
whoever Allah intends bad for them so they
are far away from reminders they are far
away from knowledge only entertaining themselves with entertainment,
movies, music no reminders everyday spend their time
playing games playing sports without any reminders of
Allah SWT this is at least one day
this is one way that you can implement
in your life which is to live one
day even a single day without reciting the
Quran at least you recite an ayah and
then you not only recite the ayah and
then you see the translation that you can
understand the meanings as well so Alhamdulillah the
most important thing that the way to increase
our knowledge is and the way to increase
our Iman is through our seeking knowledge Alhamdulillah
I think we can start with the book
Alhamdulillah some introduction for me Alhamdulillah so welcome
to the Islamic etiquette this is the second
series of the class last week we started
with Sheikh Hussein so unfortunately today he is
not around so we will continue in the
first Bab actually this book Minhajul Muslim it
covers every aspect of Islam from the intention
until all of the Ibadats you can refer
to it I think it is not translated
fully but it is in Arabic but this
book is only taking the part of Adab
only the chapter of Adab Mashallah very big
book Alhamdulillah so let us continue this is
the book if you all are looking for
it is called Islamic etiquette I think we
are selling it after the class you can
get it from the brothers also it is
available online PDF but it is recommended very
recommended to spend your money to buy some
books so that you can you know you
can hold it on your hands and read
it Alhamdulillah these are all the traditions of
the scholars that they read books no
problem we can continue so let me read
from the book and then some places that
we can explain we can expand at the
battle of Tabu this is page number 13
if you are with me am I correct?
so at the battle of Tabu Allah's Messenger
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said فَقِلَ
لَهُ كَيْفَ ذَلِكَ يَرَسُلَ اللَّهِ فَقَالَ حَسَبَهُمُ الْعُذْرُ
فَشَرَكُوا بِحُسْنِ النِّيَّحِ Subhanallah the translation there are
people concerning whom you do not travel any
distance nor you spend anything nor do you
pass any valley but they are with you
in that manner in that matter the people
said who is that?
so he said Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam they have
been restrained due to some excuse but they
are with us because of their good intention
so what does the hadith mean?
this is from Bukhari and Abu Dawud the
Prophet said there are some people who didn't
travel with the companions during the battle of
Tabu during the battle of Tabu one of
the battles that occurred during the ninth of
Hijrah one of the last battles of the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam but what happened was
the battle didn't happen but the expedition was
there what happened?
so when they went there to face the
Romans and then it didn't happen so they
camped for a few days but nothing happened
an interesting story a lot of stories happened
during the battle of Tabu one of the
famous story is the story of Ka'b
ibn Malik if you remember Ka'b ibn
Malik and the other two companions that didn't
come to the Ghazwah what?
oh maybe surah 13 the companions who didn't
join the battle so they procrastinated to join
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam until the army
already came back so they said oh no
so what they do is they try to
find excuses what should I say to the
Prophet maybe I will say I have a
lot of things to do so they are
trying to find excuses so at the end
of the day Ka'b ibn Malik said
ok lah I just say to him whatever
that I did which is I didn't go
because of my because during that time the
gardens are bearing fruits his gardens and his
animals are giving all of these results so
that's why they are procrastinating so when the
Prophet came back so he said long story
short so the Muslims boycotted them these three
people boycotted them they didn't give salam to
them they didn't even talk to them even
their wives their wives boycotted them subhanallah so
imagine and the Quran described it's like the
earth is coming towards them so the life
is so very very tight so nobody is
talking to you nobody is giving salam to
you nobody is doing muamalah with you so
they feel very very very very restricted in
the lands of Allah that is very very
vast subhanallah and then at the end the
ayah from surah Taubah from the surah Taubah
and upon the three Allah already forgave them
for whatever they have done and then Alhamdulillah
they rejoiced with the with the ayah subhanallah
so the ayah mentioned about these three persons
and a lot of things happened as well
in battle of Tabuk for example the hypocrites
they built another masjid Masjid Dhirar as I
mentioned in surah Taubah ok let us see
here so the Prophet said there are people
concerning there are some people that didn't go
to Tabuk ok they didn't go to you
know to the valley that you have passed
to this to the hot sun that you
go everywhere that you have traveled but they
get the same reward with you as you
did so what happened because they have excuses
they really want to go but they have
some excuses maybe they are sick maybe something
they don't possess because if you want to
go for war expedition you need money you
need vehicles you need camels you need to
spend money it's either somebody sponsoring you or
you have to come up with your own
money so the Prophet said they are not
with you but they get the same reward
because of the intention ok so those who
this is related to intention is still talking
about intention so good intention let us read
here ok so good intention is what makes
the non-combatant equal in reward to the
combatant it is what makes the non-Mujahid
receive a reward like that of a Mujahid
subhanallah if you have an intention to become
a fighter an army of Allah to fight
in the cause of Allah but a lot
of things that you know doesn't allow you
to go mashallah you will get the same
reward just by good intention but it's not
like I want to go but you don't
think about it at all no it's not
merely saying in the lips but you really
really if the chance will be presented to
you you will go same goes to any
other things as well other good things those
who are intending to do good deeds right?
but it is something happened that he cannot
perform that action so Allah already written down
your reward but if you did it Alhamdulillah
Allah will add another reward as well Alhamdulillah
we continue Allah's Messenger SAW has also said
إِذَا الْتَقَى الْمُسْلِمَانِ بِسَيْفَيْهِمَا فَالْقَاتِلُ وَالْمَقْتُونُ فِي
النَّارِ فَقِلَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ عَذَا الْقَاتِلُ فَبِمَا
بَالُ الْمَقْتُولِ فَقَالَ لِأَنَّهُ أَرَادَ قَتْلَ صَاحِبِهِ Subhanallah
if two Muslims meet each other with their
swords then both the killer and the killed
will be in the hellfire both not only
the killer but also sorry not only the
killer but also the killed one so someone
said oh messengers of Allah that is the
case for the killer but why should be
the case for the killed so he answered
because he wanted to kill his companion because
he intended to kill as well so because
their intention so both of them will enter
hellfire even though you are not successful in
killing them but because of your really really
you really really want him to lose his
life so that's why he also will enter
hellfire so the impious intention and evil desire
have made both fighters equal in deserving the
hellfire if the killed did not have the
evil intention he would have been from the
inhabitants of paradise have you heard of the
story of the two sons of Adam right
two sons of Adam so Allah SWT mentioned
this in surah Al Ma'idah and tell
them the story of the two sons of
Adam right the two sons of Adam and
then what he said Allah SWT he accepts
from one of the sacrifices of the sons
of Adam and the other one Allah didn't
accept the sacrifice so what he said surely
I will kill you said to the other
and then he replied if you want
to kill me no problem but I won't
I won't move any single harakat any movement
from my hands to kill you meaning he
has no intention to fight and he has
no intention to kill his brother to retaliate
to his brother so what happened so he
killed his brother and then at the end
of the day he is one of those
who are very very remorse and regret and
then he doesn't know what to do with
his brother's body so when Allah SWT sent
a crow so this crow shows him how
to bury his body so that is what
happened and then he buried his brother and
he becomes from amongst those who are very
very regretful subhanallah so that is the first
killing that happened in the history of humankind
ok let us continue in another hadith Allah's
messenger stated stated the
one who marries based on a dawah that
he has no intention to pay in fact
is a fornicator and the one who takes
a loan that he has no intention to
repay in fact he is a thief subhanallah
so some have this intention that especially loans
they want to you know relieve themselves they
need money so they take some loan but
they have no intention to pay back subhanallah
how many times this happened so the prophet
said these are same as the sariq those
who steal from your possessions ya Allah so
whenever we intend to borrow some money from
others so we need as one of the
longest ayat in the Quran in surah al
-Baqarah is the ayat of Dain the ayat
of Loan ok Loan oh you believe if
you want to take Dainan if you want
to take a Dain, a loan Allah said
write down and then you must have a
witnesses two witnesses if you don't find two
male witnesses you can find another one witness
and another two female witnesses so a lot
of procedures that go through when you want
a loan when you want to get some
money to be borrowed subhanallah one whole page
in surah al-Baqarah ayat number sorry let
me check it's good to know ayat number
sorry 282 ayat 282 surah al-Baqarah is
the second last page of surah al-Baqarah
you know surah al-Baqarah it is 3
juz plus so 30 plus 30 times 2
60 60 plus 70 almost 70 sorry 70
pages of of ayats in surah of al
-Baqarah subhanallah so one page dedicated for loans
so whenever you intend to loan so make
sure we have the intention to pay as
well so therefore an evil intention cannot transform
a permissible deed into a forbidden one an
evil intention can transform a permissible deed into
a forbidden one it can also change a
deed that is free from any harm into
a harmful deed let us reflect here an
evil intention that you have an evil intention
which means you want to loan something it
is permissible you want to borrow some money
from people it is permissible but your intention
to not pay it will become a burden
for you subhanallah and also similar to the
deed that is free from any harm can
also be harmful if you change the intention
all of the above emphasize what a Muslim
believes concerning the seriousness of intention and its
extreme importance therefore he base he bases all
of his deeds upon his pious intention he
also strives his best not to perform any
deed without an intention or with an impure
intention the intention is the soul of the
deed and its value the deed is sound
if the intention is sound and the deed
is wicked if the intention is wicked the
one who performs deed without intention is doing
so out of disdainful show and presence ok
so this is what we call niya right
intention so something that is mundane that is
very very basic very very permissible you can
change that into something that is rewardable for
example sleep right sleep is everybody does that
everybody can sleep but one thing that if
you sleep you intend oh Allah I sleep
now I sleep early so that I can
wake up tomorrow for tahajjud for example so
this is rewardable so you sleep the whole
time that you are sleeping Allah will give
you reward this is based on the hadith
of the Abu Huraira if I'm not mistaken
so when you intend something while doing this
normal thing you will get reward for example
you want to eat I say I eat
something today I eat my breakfast so that
I have energy to go to class for
example right so this intention this is what
we call the consciousness that you have doing
this thing that you say this is for
the sake of Allah I do this so
that I can carry on a good deed
so this will be rewarded as well how
many this is one of the ibara one
of the quotes how many small things that
you do becomes big because of the intention
and how many things that is very very
big in the sight of people when they
see but it becomes small because of your
intention so subhanallah things to ponder furthermore a
Muslim believes that intention is an essential component
of deeds and a condition for the validity
of the deed he also knows that the
intention is not simply the statement of the
tongue oh Allah I intend such and such
no it is simply a thought in the
mind instead it is the driving force in
the heart towards a deed that is in
accord with the sound goal of bringing about
benefit or repelling harm presently or in the
future it is also the will that directs
a person to perform a deed for the
sake of Allah and to fulfill his commands
so not merely say on the tongue I
intend good this is actually happening in the
culture of Malay what I see is the
quote is saya buat ikhlas ni he says
I'm doing this ikhlas for the sake of
Allah but he says it like that I'm
just merely saying ikhlas ikhlas ikhlas that doesn't
make it ikhlas because things ikhlas, intention all
this is the action of the heart okay
one of the definition of Iman Iman is
qaulun wa amal okay so qaulun have two
the qaulun that is you say and then
the amal some amal is apparent, some actions
that you can, it is using your your
limbs and there are some actions that are
using your heart for example being patient right,
tawakul making dua and then you know reliance
upon Allah, these are all actions of the
heart, okay hoping that, hoping giving, have good
intention all of this are the actions of
the heart, so not only merely lip service
a Muslim therefore also believes that a permissible
act can may become an act of obedience
worthy of reward and recompense, at the same
time an act of obedience it is void
of pious intention becomes an act of disobedience,
worthy of punishment and burden he also does
not believe that an act of disobedience can
change into an act of obedience simply due
to good intention okay I would like to
stop here for a while right sometimes people
especially here in Malaysia what I see, our
friends they do something that is not permissible
for example but they say but my heart
is good my intention is good I do
this because, not because I enjoy it, because
I intend good for example right can give
some example yes yes something like that right
some some of the brothers they do certain
acts of worship that they act on their
own and they come up from their own
and then they say I do this because
I love the Prophet for example, this is
my intention because of my love of the
Prophet so I do such and such, so
I do songs for him, I sing songs
for him but the action of singing songs
you know making new things new ibadat to
show your love to the Prophet, this is
not permissible in our sharia for example zikr
making new ways of worshipping Allah so this
is not permissible so thus the intention also
does not cannot change the bad deed how
many like the sahaba said, how many people
intend for good but doesn't get that good,
doesn't reach to the goodness of Allah for
example, the one who backbites a person just
to make another person feel better or has
disobeyed Allah and has committed a sin that
intention is good, he wants to you know
maybe he wants to make a joke crack
a joke to his brother so he belittles
somebody or he backbites somebody so the action
is permissible it is not permissible even though
intention is to make somebody happy so his
good intention will not benefit him at all
in consideration with Allah similarly, the one who
builds a mosque with money from prohibited sources
will not be rewarded the one who attends
singing and dancing parties or who purchases raffle
tickets to support good purposes or for the
sake of jihad it is a sinner and
will bear the burden of his sin instead
of being rewarded for what he has done
similarly, anyone who builds a dome over a
grave of a pious person, slaughters an animal
on his behalf or makes an oath on
his behalf all of this in the name
of having love for the pious people is
disobeying Allah and earning a sin for what
he has done this is done even if
in his eyes he had a pious intention
a deed is not transformed by pious intention
into an act of disobedience unless it is
something permissible in the sharia in the first
place as for forbidden acts it never becomes
an act of obedience under any circumstances whatsoever
now we can see whatever intention you have
behind a bad deed will not make the
bad deed good so he mentions here if
you love somebody for example, you love your
parents for example, you love some scholars that
you admire so when they pass away so
we want to do service to him so
we build things on their graves or maybe
we go to their graves and asking from
that grave things that you need, for example
these are all actually being done and it
is not permissible at all this is actually
the essence of shirk the essence of associating
partners with Allah because of course, we are
allowed to ask help to those who are
alive to those who can listen to you
but those who have passed away they are
in al-barzakh they cannot hear you, they
cannot listen to you even if they can
hear they cannot help you for example, they
say but the prophets and the awliya they
are still alive those who passed away so
they bring the dalil of and you do
not think that those who have been killed
in the way of Allah is dead, they
are dead no, you don't think like that
but they are still alive brother at the
side of his lord has been given rizq
ok good, so we tell them ok brother
you read the ayah at the end what
Allah said he is with this person who
has passed away he is with his lord
and he has been given rizq not he
is giving rizq, not it is so he
does not have any power, so he is
still hoping for Allah to give him rizq
so subhanallah all of this shubuhat, all of
this confusion we need to you cannot entertain
all of this kind of asking duas in
the grave, asking you know, it is not
like oh Allah because of this pious person
help me, no not that they will ask
straight away to the ones who passed away
oh sheikh fullan inside the grave help me
so this is coming back to our country
this kind of culture, this kind of acts
of worship so this is totally prohibited if
you do that, you are not any difference
with those buddhists those who worship other than
Allah, even in fact there is one video
that I see a new video a buddhist,
he explains we are not idol worshippers, they
say so these idols, we do worship them
they say we don't worship these idols these
are all it is like to reconnect it
is like when we see them all we
can worship more they are just intercessors then
we don't worship them so exactly the same
thing as the mushrikun say subhanallah exactly the
same as the muslims nowadays say, that we
say it is not them we worship we
just ask them because of their status that
Allah will provide us with whatever we want
subhanallah it is the totally copy paste so
brothers and sisters we need to strongly object
this kind of things this is contrary to
the essence of the ibadah of Islam in
Islam the essence of ibadah is to worship
Allah alone you recited this everyday, 17 times
a day without fail what does it mean
try to understand or Allah we worship and
only to you we ask for help so
a lot of this is the essence of
worship and this is the conclusion if you
know, al-fatihah is the summary of the
Quran so with the worship Allah can say
this is the normal conversation that we talk
when we say, we worship you we say
to Allah which means it is a normal
conversation and we ask for your help but
when you change and the things that you
worship and the object in front you take
it in front so it becomes more focus
on the things that you worship only to
you that we worship and only to you
or Allah we ask for help subhanallah may
Allah protect us from engaging in shirk engaging
in making dua beside Allah and may Allah
protect our tawheed and our iman towards him,
ameen so I want to proceed actually because
I prepared for the next one maybe we
can read some and we can end another
10 minutes ok ok part 2 because there's
a lot of things happening so they are,
I think they want to use some places
they need to rearrange for example I think
so inshallah we can finish before 12.20
or 12.15 ok bismillah part 2, etiquette
and behaviour towards Allah etiquette and behaviour towards
Allah a Muslim thanks about the countless blessings
that Allah has bestowed upon him he considers
the numerous bounties that Allah has given him
from the time that he was a drop
of fluid in his mother's womb the bounties
continue until he meets his lord therefore a
Muslim must thank Allah for these bounties with
his tongue by praising him and extolling him
in a proper manner and he must also
thank him with his limbs so first tongue,
second is the limbs using them in obedience
to him and this show it is how
he should behave towards Allah, obviously it is
never considered proper etiquette to be ungrateful for
bounties one has received or to reject the
bounties of the one who gives the one
who also should never deny the goodness and
the bounties that he has received, Allah s
.a.w. said in the Quran وَمَا بِكُم
مِّن نِعْمَةٍ فَمِنَ اللَّهِ and whatever blessings or
good thing that you have it is from
Allah and also the ayat وَإِن تَعُدُّ نِعْمَةَ
اللَّهِ لَا تُحْسُوهَا and he gave you actually
starting here if you count the blessings of
Allah you will never be able to count
them so the ayat before that وَآتَكُم مِّن
كُلِّ مَا سَأَلْتُمُ وَآتَكُم مِّن كُلِّ مَا سَأَلْتُمُ
and he gave you from all the things
that you ask for it is not here
what do you mean?
yeah yeah that is why it is not
here but I recited that before it
is due to Allah by His will everything
that is good is fulfilled and if bad
things happen you say الحمد لله على كل
حال الحمد لله for whatever situation الحمد لله
so that is you utter your tongue and
the third one this is what we always
forget we always neglect which is to use
whatever Allah has given to us in His
way in His pleasure so that He will
increase more increase our blessings for example Allah
has given you time Allah has given you
time, a lot of time so use it
wisely do not spend the time here right?
this one takes a lot of time actually
I always tell our brothers and sisters our
students that you can see every week I
think they will send you a report, do
you have that option?
you can set on they will send you
a report how many hours that you use
it is called digital well-being so you
can see most used apps see YouTube so
they will send you every every week if
you set it, so very very good it
is called digital well-being and parental control
something so you see how many hours you
spend on those things whereas you can spend,
see now at least one hour you can
finish one juice of the Quran, one hour
if you read slow at least one hour
and a half or two hours one juice
of the Quran I see here I don't
want to open my you know haha most
used app I don't know this is when
but one of it is okay daily average
screen time is 5 hours 5 hours is
a lot right?
I have 24 hours so minus 5 hours
so basically Alhamdulillah most of the time I
watch YouTube videos Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah learning Alhamdulillah
learning don't judge me so imagine you can
you know you can see that you can
become more efficient you can try to tweak
here and there and try to spend some
time for Quran, for learning for increasing you
know charity or for example so this is
one of the ways that you can utilize
what Allah has given you because Allah said,
no no sorry the Prophet said there are
two blessings that Allah, sorry there are two
blessings that human mankind really neglect two things
do you remember what is it?
health and free time, Subhanallah when you are
healthy or you can do everything but you
you don't do anything you just scroll your
TikToks and when you have free time you
can do a lot of projects, you can
initiate a lot of things but you instead
play games for example rather than do all
those things watching all these videos and consuming
it's called brain rot nowadays it's called brain
rotting consuming a lot of content until your
brain is rot so try to limit yourself
and then remember this hadith whenever later you
are older you have more responsibilities you are
married, you have children, you have work, you
have projects you have to, a lot of
things you have to settle, so this time
you say how good if I have my
time back during my university time, I have
a lot of time a lot of energy,
a lot of time but I don't have
money, so I can use all this to
study more to learn more, to memorize more
Subhanallah, one of the things that I myself
I regretted is I didn't memorize more during
my younger days, Subhanallah Subhanallah, so those who
are still young brothers and sisters, especially sisters
as well memorize more anything that you can
memorize, memorize especially the Quran and the hadith
of the Prophet and you can go beyond
that and you can memorize all the all
the books all the small we call matan,
text aqidah text and all, very very beneficial
later on when you are old so you
can recall all this InshaAllah, ok let's continue
a bit oh I've passed it, ok but
InshaAllah let's continue a bit more I just
end with this the feeling that you want
to feel grateful is deserving a thanks as
well to Allah the feeling that you feel
Alhamdulillah the feeling that you want to you
feel that you want to be thankful is
also requires another thanks so it is an
endless circle you will never be able to
thank Allah Subhanallah you will never be able
to thank Allah Subhanallah, so I end it
here Alhamdulillah, may Allah teaches us whatever that
is beneficial and make beneficial whatever we have
learned may Allah increase our knowledge and may
Allah increase our understanding towards our Deen may
Allah help you get it here us here
in this day one in this meeting room,
may Allah gather us in a far better
gathering in Jannatul Firdaus may Allah forgive us
forgive our sins, forgive the sins of our
parents, forgive the sins of our loved ones,
those who are still alive and those who
have passed away in Islam, may Allah forgive
them and have mercy upon them may Allah
Subhanallah rectify all of our affairs and not
leave us even for the blink of an
eye may Allah Subhanallah make the Quran as
the remedy of our heart and may Allah
Subhanallah make the Quran as our guide and
our shifa, and we ask Allah Subhanallah to
make our all of our affairs easy, to
make all of our brothers and sisters especially
in Raza to save them, to grant them
protection and Alhamdulillah now we we have the
news, good news that the ceasefire is going
on, inshallah may Allah Subhanallah grant them success,
victory and bring back the Izzah of the
Muslims so I end here, we open for
a bit of a discussion, feedback Q&As
if there is any ah
there how do you practice tawakkul?
how do you practice tawakkul?
very very good question, inshallah Subhanallah how do
you practice tawakkul?
so before you have tawakkul you need to
have yakin, right?
so yakin and tawakkul have to come hand
in hand so first you have to have
conviction that Allah provides for you Allah is
the all-knowing, all-seeing Allah is all
-able of everything that is the first thing
that you need to be sure, yakin and
then comes tawakkul and tawakkul doesn't mean that
you just leave it Allah, for Allah to
do whatever the miracles are going to happen,
no like the hadith said, tie your camel
and then leave it to Allah and also
the hadith of the bird, right?
so the bird in the morning, he is
hungry, so he will go out and look
for food and the Prophet said somebody who
you need to be tawakkul, have a tawakkul
as the bird has tawakkul so the Prophet
didn't say that he waits for the food
so the Prophet said, he went out in
the morning with an empty stomach and come
back with a full stomach and then this
is the proper tawakkul that you go, do
as much as possible that is humanly capable
that you do first and then you leave
the rest, that thing that you cannot control
to Allah that is the essence of tawakkul
is that does that answer your question?
Alhamdulillah if you have exams brothers and sisters,
if you have exams, right?
so you cannot say, ah tawakkul, these are
happening to us our friends we just, ah
tawakkul lah the Muslims say tawakkul no, that
is not proper so you have to study,
you have to go to class these are
all the process of tawakkul you have to
go to class bazilul asbab, you understand?
you have to really really take care of
the of the things that will lead you
to success and then you, ah tawakkul lah
that is the proper tawakkul, wallahu alam is
there any other additional question?
sorry, sister salam if
you go to a bad place, for example
and then you say, oh I've done everything,
I'm so good I've done everything at once
but what am I to do?
this is very moment about so what is
the best, simple advice I mean not for
normal people salamullah very very actually a lot
of angles we can go but one of
the things that you can tell them is,
this life is a test this life is
a test so you won't get anything that
you want in this life even though you
think this is good the things that you
don't like, actually good for you things that
you like sometimes is not good for you
so you can say to him or to
her that this life is this dunya is
test whatever you ask you might get, these
are all promises from Allah, the point is
you ask, that is the point Allah SWT
said say, Muhammad call upon your lord and
I will listen I will answer but and
then Allah said so those who doesn't want
to call upon Allah these are istikbar they
feel they are enough, they don't need Allah
so Allah relates dua with ibadah so Allah
wants you to do more dua, English more
dua might as well those things you will
get here, one of the hadith said Allah
will save all this dua in the day
of judgement so you will receive in the
day of judgement as a reward for you
so that is a simple way to say
have to be patient a lot of verses
about patience you can go through ask her
or him to go through the surah Yusuf
not only reciting it but pondering upon the
meanings another story of Yusuf how many things
our prophet, all the prophets they are being
tested for example from prophet Adam, he is
being tested with the fruit and he was
sent down to earth and then he taught
us tawbah our prophet Noah prophet Noah was
tested with his son his son doesn't want
to believe prophet Ibrahim as well, he was
tested with so many things, he was thrown
in the fire a lot of things happened
to him our prophet Muhammad how many tests
that he has been received but he remains
as the khairul khalqilah, the best of the
creation of Allah and then even so, he
is thankful to Allah, he is still he
is being forgiven his past sin, his present
and his future sin he is confirmed jannah,
maqamah mahmudah in the top of the jannah
but he still worship Allah as though he
is a he doesn't have anything he said
to Aisha should I not be a thankful
slave so this is the essence of dunya,
the concept of dunya, that we are you
think that is when you are receiving a
lot of money, a lot of food feeling
very very relaxed, you think this is not
a test no, right it is a test
you don't have to relax, you can become
lazy, you don't do anything so these are
all tests the
human being, when they are given a lot
of things, when Allah give them ni'mah, Allah,
good things happen to them, receive a lot
of maybe a lot of wealth a lot
of cars and all houses, very beautiful house
good family and then they will say what?
akraman Allah has make me become mulia mulia
in English Allah make me a noble person
Allah has preferred me upon others but whenever
when Allah test them Allah give them test
Allah make them a bit poverty to them,
make them a bit have some problems in
their life and then they say what?
Allah has make me become from the lowest
of the low Allah hates me now no,
do not think like that these are all
tests poverty or maybe wealth, these are all
tests all tests Allah is testing you from
whichever from amongst you who has the best
of deeds Wallahu Allah hope that answer your
question you have a question?
on page 14 is it possible you could
put up the on page 14 in the
second paragraph last line it says the one
who performs deeds without intention is doing so
out of disdain for shawl presence based on
the hadith of can you perform a deed
without intention because that hadith says every action
is but by intention hmm what I understand
from this statement is without intention that can
get reward for example something that you intend
it is like mundane like intending for example
whoever makes hijrah only for that dunya or
maybe for the girl that he wants to
marry so he will get whatever he wants
so maybe this is the intention of the
statement of course there is no action there
is no intention behind it for your patience,
for your attentive listening I am very very
happy to sharing all of these things even
though forgive me for my shortcomings there are
things that you don't understand from my words
these are all shortcomings from me may Allah
forgive me