Hussain Yee – Dont Be Sad #135

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The importance of protecting oneself and not giving up hope is emphasized in the conversation. The speakers emphasize the need for forgiveness and honoring the Prophet Muhammad's mercy. The importance of not denying one's obligations and not denying one's obligations is also emphasized. The speakers also discuss the struggles of former President Ronald Reagan's depression and the importance of not missing the journey and finding one's oneself. The segment emphasizes the need for protecting oneself and bringing them home, as well as not abandoning their job until the end.
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wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
All praises due to Allah, Rabbul Alamin, as
the creator of all things, the all-seeing,
the all-knowing, the merciful, where his mercy
always overrules his anger, even he have the
May Allah, Rabbul Alamin, open our heart, our
mind, to learn how to understand what he
want us to do is the best for
all of us.
And whatever he forbid also is for our
own good, not to make our life difficult,
not to make us suffer, worried unnecessary, fear
for no reason.
And may Allah, Rabbul Alamin, help those who
help themselves by seeking his mercy, his forgiveness,
and always never give up hope with Allah.
To all the brothers and sisters who have
been very consistent in attending our classes, whether
it is Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, we would like
to pray, may Allah make all of us
among the people who are istiqamah.
Because those who are consistent in seeking the
knowledge of Allah, there's a lot of blessing.
Allah himself is talking to us and said,
those who believe in Allah and always said,
Allah is my Lord, my creator, and stay
consistently, never change their feeling, their mindset at
all, whatever happen in their life.
Like what happened to the children, children in
Gaza, all the suffering they've gone through, they
can still say Alhamdulillah.
It's not easy.
They don't have the thing that we are
enjoying, but they still can say Alhamdulillah.
Allah then said, if you want to understand
whether what Allah said is happening by looking
at Gaza, you will understand.
Allah sent angels to whisper into their heart
and their mind.
Fear no one.
Don't worry.
Because if you are protecting your life, your
homeland, your family, and you were killed by
the enemy, Allah said, I promise you paradise.
What is more better and greater place to
return to paradise?
But for us who are not being tested
in that manner, we cannot understand.
We feel pity for them is good.
We must have that feeling.
If we don't feel anything, that is not
a good sign.
They are chosen by Allah in a way
to die for Allah's cause, to protect.
Because there is their homeland.
There is where they were born.
That's where they're going to live and they
May Allah give them victory.
Either they die as a shaheed or at
the end of the day, they will gain
their freedom and independence.
Today, it's not only you must be right.
You must fight for your right.
When the people consider themselves very civilized, very
educated, intelligent people, they are the oppressor today.
They act like this world belongs to them
only for them.
That is why there is a dua, the
prophet always remind us to say, may Allah
protect us from the dajjal.
The dajjal is coming, but before the real
dajjal appear, he will send his proxy.
The proxy is in front of all of
us now.
You can see to the media how arrogant
the proxy of dajjal is.
They don't care.
They don't honor life.
Whatever that Allah has granted them, they misuse
And Allah said, نحن أولياءكم في الحياة الدنيا
في الآخرة For the believers who stay consistent
with their iman, never run away from Allah.
They still can call azan.
They can still prostrate and make sujood to
For them, Allah said, you have been chosen
to the people of paradise, to be among
And sure Allah will help you.
By your sacrifice, the future generation will benefit.
If sometimes life is like we parents, we
sacrifice a lot for what?
For our children.
We've gone through all the suffering, the pain,
the hardship, no problem.
But we want to make sure the coming
generation will enjoy all the blessings of Allah.
Brothers and sisters, one ayah that I'd like
to share before we continue with the book.
Allah who created us reminds us, قُلْ يَا
إِبَدِ الَّذِينَ أَصْرَفُوا عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِنَ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن
رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرِ زُنُوبَ جَمِيعًۭا Allah
revealed this ayah and it start by قُلْ.
That means Allah command the Prophet to say
to all of us قُلْ, say.
And every one of us also have to
say قُلْ.
Like قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدْ.
Say Allah is only one, the true God.
This one say قُلْ يَا إِبَدِ الَّذِينَ أَصْرَفُوا
عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِنَ Say to yourself what is the
thing that you have to say and talk
to yourself.
Oh you who have wronged yourself, who have
been seeming, who have been so disobedient, so
ungrateful to Allah.
Allah is talking to us قُلْ يَا إِبَدِ
الَّذِينَ أَصْرَفُوا عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِنَ You have transgressed every
border, you don't care, you break every rule,
you are so bad.
But I believe all of us who are
here are not that bad.
We break some rule, we transgress some borderline
but not all.
Even if you are doing all the things,
all the sins, all the wrong things Allah
said قُلْ يَا إِبَدِ الَّذِينَ أَصْرَفُوا عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِنَ
لَا تَقَنَّتُ مِن رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ Never despair, never
give up hope to receive the mercy of
Allahu Akbar.
This kind of mercy is a gift, a
very unique gift.
And Allah put this in the heart of
our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and he said فَبِي
مَا رَحْمَةٍ مِنَ اللَّهِ لِن تَدَهُمْ It's part
of Allah's special blessing, He put this feeling
into the heart of our Prophet ﷺ.
People abuse him, people chase him out from
Makkah, the land that he was born and
he have to migrate to Medina.
None of us been chased out from our
homeland yet.
This is the messenger of Allah.
The chosen one, he have to go through,
he went through all this trial, tribulation, the
test from Almighty Allah.
In return, when he came back, when he
returned back to Makkah in Fath al-Makkah,
the people who have been very cruel to
him, bad to him, have some fear.
What is he going to do to us
We torture his people, we have been oppressing
them, abuse them, kill some of the followers.
What will happen to them now?
But the Prophet's mercy is different than us.
He asked them, what do you think I
will do?
Of course, the fear in their heart is
in their mind.
But they quickly humble themselves, you are a
good man, from a good family.
They start to be humble now.
Before, they don't say this kind of word
to him.
You are the troublemaker, you are crazy.
Then the Prophet said, you have your freedom.
I'm not here to take any revenge.
The past is the past.
And that's why when that chapter was revealed,
Surah al-Fath, it's a sign that the
Prophet's death is very close.
And he said, my death is very close.
Because now, Allah said, the city of Makkah
is returned.
It's returning back to the believer.
The victory, the final victory was given.
And from that day, you can see groups
of people entering Islam.
Massive reversion.
And later on, Makkah was declared the sacred
Non-believer was given the choice.
You are free to leave.
You can bring your belongings, whatever property, go.
He never oppressed them.
He never chased them, he just allowed them
to leave.
Or, you just become a believer.
Because so that there will be peace and
That's why as Muslim men, you only marry
a Muslim woman.
A Muslim woman marries a Muslim man.
So there will be peace and harmony.
Because all believe to the same God, worship
the same God, follow the same ruling.
So there will be a lot of peace.
If one this way, the other that way,
sooner or later, we have a lot of
misunderstanding, problems, arguing, depression, and so on.
Allah said, What is there for you to
What is there for you to be sad?
Even you have done all the wrong things
before this, Allah said, I am going to
forgive all your sins.
You don't go and ask for any sin
with Allah.
Allah said, I forgive you.
Everything that you have done wrong, I just
forgive you.
As long as you come back to me.
Simple as that.
That's why whoever comes to Islam, even they
have been doing a lot of bad things,
it's like a reborn again.
They are like baby.
Pure sinners.
Allah Akbar.
Because Allah is all forgiving, all loving.
But you have seen with human, if that
human still alive, then you have to see
If he don't want to see you, send
him a message.
Give him a call.
If he don't want to pick up your
call, send him a message.
You have done your part, that's it.
You don't worry.
Because being a believer, a Muslim, if somebody
who has wronged us and he now asks
for forgiveness, you must forgive him.
Because if you show mercy to anyone, the
Prophet said, the one in the heaven will
shower his mercy upon you more and more.
So at least you have the peace of
your heart, peace of your mind.
You don't have to think about these people
who cause a lot of sadness to you.
Why must you think about the people who
always make you sad?
Do you think it's worth thinking?
You have done your part.
Ask them for forgiveness.
Send a message.
They do not want to respond.
To Allah, you have done your part.
You move on.
That is between human.
Because if you are not humble, we are
Whether you like to see him or not,
one day you will see him.
Even you are so good as a person,
but you are so hard on another believer,
so mean to other people, then you will
be stopped just before entering the gate of
You are going to paradise because of your
good deeds, but Allah stops you.
Why he stops you?
Because you have been unsettled with the believer
You got to wait for that person, and
the person will meet up with you.
That is the last settlement.
Then only you can go to paradise.
If not, you just stay there.
Why must we live in a situation that
you are being stopped to enter the garden
of paradise?
Now let us go back to the book.
Today, it is about depression may lead to
Is that the one?
Quran, chapter 4, verse 29.
Allah forbids anyone to kill themselves for any
Suiciding is forbidden in Islam.
There is no call for mercy killing.
No, no.
Even if you have been bedridden in a
hospital, the doctors have tried their best, and
they don't see any result.
Normally the doctor will call the family members.
If you are aware of this kind of
killing they call, the mercy killing, that is
only done in the hospital.
You have all these sicknesses and you are
under treatment, then suddenly complications, they put you
in ICU with all the support, this machine,
that machine.
Then suddenly you got a call from the
doctor that they want to meet up with
the family members.
Normally when a doctor calls, it is not
good news to them.
And they say, we have tried everything, but
there is no response.
Maybe there is still some hope, 5%, 10%.
They are going to propose to you, this
is the Quran, this is a mercy killing,
to be kind to the one who is
Can we agree?
Sometimes we say, okay.
No, you can't.
This happened to my own brother.
He made Shahada when he was in the
We keep on reminding him what to do,
since he just became a Muslim.
From the normal ward, then he was supposed
to transfer to another, a better environment.
Because of the complication, he was then pushed
to the ICU, supported by four machines.
Alhamdulillah, at least the specialist is there to
monitor everything.
I was travelling again, visiting other siblings, and
we got a call.
We went, all the siblings were there, my
elder sister, my young sister.
Then the doctor informed us.
Then I said, my brother is a Muslim.
As a Muslim, we are not supposed to
kill ourselves.
But what we can do, whatever machine is
there, if it still functions, let it end.
Whatever medication, liquid that is supporting, let it
Don't refill anymore.
If he is going to live, he will
Not because of the machine.
He will live.
Because we should not also prolong death.
So Alhamdulillah, all my siblings agreed, because we
are Muslim, we cannot have this idea, mercy
killing, the word killing is not allowed.
There is another ayah, Allah said, وَلَا تُلْخُ
بِأَيْدِكُمْ إِلَىٰ تَحْلُقَ Do not put yourself in
a situation that you are going to cause
harm and destroy yourself.
Self-destruction is not allowed.
That's why in Chapter 2, Surah Al-Baqarah,
verse 195, Allah said, وَلَا تُلْخُ بِأَيْدِكُمْ إِلَىٰ
تَحْلُقَ And do not throw yourself into destruction.
This happened, just one example, in the time
of the second Khalifa, Umar ibn Qattab.
The Muslim empire had spread out further to
Rome and Persia.
Then there was a group of army who
was at one valley, resting, preparing themselves to
move forward, to bring peace and justice to
anywhere that they are moving, to protect the
wicked, the poor, and to free those who
have been oppressed by whatever government that exists
at that time.
Suddenly, this group of people was attacked with
a virus, and a message was sent to
invite the Khalifa, the leader of the Muslims,
Umar ibn Qattab, to pay them a visit.
And he was on his way, then, when
he was at the top of the hill
and looked down at the valley, most of
the army is affected with this virus.
So they were hoping that he would come
in, and he was going in, and then
a companion stopped him, and said, don't throw
yourself into destruction.
This is a place that has been affected
with a very deadly virus.
And then he said, if Allah wills, I
will not be affected.
But in Islam, they said, those areas that
have been infected with a viral disease, very
dangerous, whoever is there cannot leave that place.
It's their sacrifice.
They stay put there.
They cannot come out.
It's like when we went downtown to COVID
Those who are affected, they will be isolated.
And those who are outside cannot go in.
They are not supposed to throw yourself into
Even if your belief is so strong, but
in Islam, everything, there is a limit.
If this is just cold, flu, it's very
common, then it's okay.
But there is a virus, a deadly virus.
Until the virus subsides, when they are okay,
they can leave and we can enter.
Now what happened to my own brother?
I said, the last machine is the machine
that pumps the heart.
And when that stops, then he is no
more there.
That is okay.
It's not suiciding.
It's not mercy killing.
We accept the fact that that is his
Now we just try to share with all
of us who are here, reports were leaked
that former president Ronald Reagan fell victim into
a state of severe depression.
Even president, we know that if you are
the president of America, you are a very
powerful person.
His situation was attributed to his being over
70 years of age while still having to
face tremendously stressful problems and to his having
undergone periodic operation.
When you are a leader and if you
are not wise, not guided by the divine
guidance, you just have to follow what your
desire wants you to do, what the people
want you to do.
What the congress wants you to do.
What all these bad guys who are surrounding
you want you to do for your own
There is a lot of pressure.
The only way for you is to press
the button.
But now you, because you want to please
maybe 100 people, 300 people, and you cause
destruction to 100,000 of people.
Is that how you value life?
Just to please one small group of people
and you destroy 100,000 of people.
If that is your value, then you know
you have a bad ending.
Allah is telling us in chapter 4 verse
78, Where so ever you may be, death
will overtake you even if you are in
a fortress built up strong and high.
Even if you have all the specialists, heart
specialists, nerve specialists, everybody is just around you.
With all the machines ready to give you
all the support you need.
But when death comes to us, brothers and
sisters, nobody can stop.
And Allah said, وَلِكُلِّ أُمَّةٍ عَجَلٌ فَإِذَا جَاءَ
عَجَلَهُمْ لَا يَسْتَقِّرْنَا السَّاعَةَ وَلَا يَسْتَقْتِمُونَ Every one
of us, our time of departure is being
fixed by Allah.
You are ready, not ready, that is your
I created you, I have ordained from that
How long ago?
50,000 years ago.
You don't live that long, but before you
exist 50,000 years ago, your death has
been ordained.
I fixed for you.
When the time comes, not even a second
will be delayed.
That is what Allah said.
Only some people, Allah gives them signal, sign,
like our Prophet, he can sense it.
Some, the sign is there, but because we
are so busy with this world, so careless,
insensitive, we never learn from all these sciences.
It is not that Allah does not alert
us, He has sent signal.
That is why in the Quran, in Surah
Hashar, Allah said, يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا تَقَلُّوا
وَالْتَنْظُرُوا نَفْسٌ مَا قَدَّمَتْ لِغَادِيٌّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ
آمَنُوا تَقَلُّوا وَالْتَنْظُرُوا نَفْسٌ مَا قَدَّمَتْ لِغَادِيٌّ O
you who believe in Allah, stay connected to
Him, be alert about what He has been
informing us in the Quran that what is
going to happen next.
He said, Look into yourself وَالْتَنْظُرُ نَفْسٌ Look
into yourself.
Have we brothers been looking into ourselves?
Do we look into ourselves, brothers and sisters?
What do you think?
Oh, yes.
I think the sisters look more than the
Everyone doesn't seem to be satisfied if they
don't look at the mirror.
Old mirror.
Mirror is something that nobody dislikes.
They just want to look at themselves.
How do I look today?
For the sisters, they have the big one,
they have the small size one, they have
the mini mirror.
Because they have a lot of makeup and
they come with very mini kind of mirror
so that when you are anywhere you can
just look at yourself, look at your face,
look at your cheek, look at your lips
and so on.
So many men, Alhamdulillah, they just look at
the big one.
After that, they just don't have time to
look into themselves anymore.
But women, your fitrah is different.
We are not saying it's haram.
Maybe there is something good.
You appreciate how you look.
That's why there is a lot of investment
on the woman's face.
Allah is beautiful.
He loves beautiful things.
You want to make yourself beautiful for the
sake of Allah, there is nothing wrong.
Look into ourselves and ask, what I have
prepared for my tomorrow?
Do you know when you go down to
the earth, to the burial ground, what do
you bring with you?
Your handphone?
The handphone, the children will take it over.
But the latest, iPhone 16, what?
No, nothing can help you anymore.
You can even bury your handphone with you.
Incoming call, you cannot respond anymore.
You cannot message your loved one anymore.
I'm sorry, I'm busy.
Now, Angel Munkarnakiri is talking to me.
No, no more communication.
You are cut off.
No more connection with this world.
You are gone.
Do you think people will bury whatever you
Your gold ring, your diamond ring, your jade
and all, the necklace, do you think people
will just let it be together with you?
If you allow that to happen, and those
who are putting you into the ground, they
know that you are very expensive, after everybody
goes at night, they will re-dig again.
There's a fortune in this guy.
Do you think they fear ghosts?
They don't fear ghosts.
They know he's dead, he won't come after
you anymore.
So Allah is telling us, where so ever
you may be, you can be in a
palace with all the security, all the squad
team, with all your doctors, when the time
comes, Allah said, you have to come home,
you come home.
The angel of death don't have that feeling
of fear or mercy because his duty is
just to pull out our soul.
Many famous people, and in particular those in
the arts, suffer from depression.
You can see this especially is happening where?
In Korea.
Korea, a lot of young celebrities commit suicide.
We feel, why?
You were nobody, suddenly you become so popular,
so successful, so many people is crazy towards
When you appear in the streets, all the
girls just get crazy and screaming.
If they can tear you apart, they'll tear
you apart.
And suddenly sometimes this young celebrity, singers found
dead in their apartment, in their car because
of depression.
What is depression?
You have so many followers.
For us, no followers.
Alhamdulillah, you can go anywhere, nobody bother who
you are.
For them, they just cannot move.
When they go to any shopping, the girls
look at them, call us, they are crazy,
they don't have security and all this.
Alhamdulillah, do you enjoy your freedom, brothers and
Do you think we are more relaxed?
We are more relaxed.
You go anywhere, nobody bother to come to
you and stop you.
But for them, they are so suddenly from
nothing, now you become popular, you make a
lot of young people get crazy, then suddenly
they go into depression.
Because the new celebrity coming up and then
got another group of people is crazy towards
them and your popularity is getting lesser.
Just because of that you go to depression.
Oh, I'm not that attractive anymore.
Is that what you want in your life?
Don't you enjoy your privacy?
When you go and eat anywhere, nobody disturb
You know, it's difficult.
Even we as Da'i when we travel,
we also experience all these things.
When we walk in the public, when people
who are aware of who we are, immediately
they will come.
Selfie, please?
There is we, we are nobody but people
still want to take some photo.
Okay, no problem.
But can you imagine the people who take
photo, maybe there is a group of people,
six of them they are not happy to
take group photos.
They want one by one.
Can you imagine?
If you don't respond, or they say you
are too proud if you respond, why can't
you take one group photo?
Bismillah, I can move, you can move.
No, they want personal one.
There is people like us very low profile.
How about this singer, dancer, all these celebrity
because they don't have God.
They have dunya but they don't have akhirah.
They suffer from depression.
The main reason, if not the only reason
for poet Syed Jahindas was indeed depression.
There are so many Syed Jahindas poets, actors,
singers dancers.
If you look into their ending they have
all the money they have all the people
who like them get crazy of them but
most of them die because of depression.
It has also said that Napoleon Bonaparte was
still in exile, died in a state of
A lot of people sometimes, at one time
they are so popular, people respect them highly
but later on if you are not connected
with God suddenly people ignore you, people don't
bother who you are.
I give you one example now you are
authority, wherever you go people follow you, people
will admire you.
Suddenly you are powerless.
How do you feel?
Before when you walk, people saw you from
distance people are ready, waiting for you to
come but now you can be there in
front of them they don't know you anymore
you don't have the same kind of glory
How do you feel?
If you are a person who are not
connected to God depression will come now nobody
respects me anymore because you are no more
used to them last time you make them
happy now there is another group of singers
who is coming up, more aggressive more sexy
now they are looking at that then you
thought that you are so good now another
group will come and they wear only Allah
knows you think you are sexy enough, you
are sexiest one this is life that is
life you think you are so smart, there
are people smarter than you you think you
are so intelligent, there are people more intelligent
than you you think you are so handsome
there are people more handsome than you then
you feel Allah, I am not more attractive
to other people Allah said and that their
soul shall depart while they are disbelievers whether
you are a believer or disbeliever young, old
you are somebody or nobody the time comes,
you have to go that is why the
Prophet did mention in one of the hadith
seven group of people will receive the shade
of Allah in the Day of Judgment when
there is no other shade except the shade
of Allah there is a roof that Allah
prepared for seven group of people and one
of them is a person who isolate himself
or herself and
keep on crying shedding tears that
tears is very secret she is crying or
he is crying not because of people he
and she was crying because he miss God
he miss Allah last time he can do
so many things now he is not well
anymore he can be so mobile like before
last time he have a lot to give
nothing to give now he feel so sad
and if he have more he gonna give
more but now he don't have last time
he can just move to help somebody who
need now he also are not mobile anymore
and he keep on recalling now maybe his
sin that he have committed may Allah forgive
him he want to do more but he
can't do that anymore but he miss Allah
last time he can worship Allah he can
stand, he can make sujud no problem suddenly
now he cannot but he never miss his
prayer he still pray while sitting, while lying
down he still but he felt you see
he miss all the thing that he used
to do before he remember Allah shed tears
it's not a person who cry because he
look at the movie the very drama sticker
make people cry they cry they got money
we cry we spend money we pay for
the ticket to go to the cinema all
this crying in the movie they are paid
you must learn how to act it's not
something from the heart so anybody who shed
tears because he miss Allah that tears is
very sacred and they will gain the shade
of Allah and also those who meet each
other like we meet each other every Wednesday,
Saturday or Sunday for the sake of Allah
we are not here to socialize but to
learn about Islam to get closer to Allah
they will be under the shade of Allah
I only share with you two in the
future we will add more inshallah yeah not
too long so remember whether you are powerful
you have all the wealth with you when
the time for you to return back to
Allah you will have to go back so
let us prepare ourselves so we have a
good ending that's why the Prophet always said
to his Ummah don't forget to make this
prayer give us
a good ending don't give us a bad
ending good ending means we are prepared not
too long ago a German woman killed three
of her children it later became clear that
her reason for doing this horrible act stemmed
from her state of depression she loved her
children a great deal she loved them a
lot but she feared that they would have
to go through pain and hardship that she
had undergone in her life you know sometimes
we have a different kind of value we
have all the wrong feelings you have gone
through a lot of hardship because of divorce,
because of your own parents ill-treat you
don't care about you your family members they
may do a lot of bad things to
you when you were young so all this
is recalling in your life and memory now
you have all these children you don't want
them to suffer because their uncle, their auntie
don't care about them you don't like so
she thought that the best thing before I
go I want them to go first is
that correct?
is that wise?
no you don't have the right to determine
the future of anybody give your best, hope
for the best but you are not connected
to Allah so you make your conclusion and
your own decision guided by your own feeling
that has no values at all and because
of that she decided to give them comfort
to save each of the children from the
difficulty of life after murdering them she took
her own life she let them go first
she witnessed that because their children you call
the children, children will run away but there
is one unique sacrifice in the history of
mankind when Prophet Abraham when he reached the
age of 80 plus Allah grant him one
son the first born, Ismail from Hajar when
he reached the age of 90 plus Allah
grant him the second son Isaac Ishaq from
the first wife, Sarah that came after Ismail
because Sarah cannot bear children for Abraham and
he saw Abraham love children so she is
the one also recommend for her for him
to marry a second one and Allah bless
Hajar with the first born, Ismail of course
after 80 over years you get a baby
how do you feel?
oh I've seen my personal friend after marrying
for 27 years then only they got a
child he was a very good brother very
very I would say that strong practicing Muslim
we would they are not born Muslim personal
friend of mine after 27 years then he
got a baby you see the way he
treat this child it's like his life his
soul, everything dunya is there of course our
love is very great when you have a
baby at that age but when Ismail growing
up one day his father Abraham have a
dream very strange dream that Allah command him
to bring Ismail the first born to offer
him as a sacrifice to slaughter him he
woke up it cannot be how can Allah
do this to me his life again he
sleep and the dream repeat that is a
very unique case call him to offer Ismail
now the father Allahu Akbar look at what
happen the father now talk to the son
oh my son Allah command me to sacrifice
you for the sake of Allah but look
at the son Allahu Akbar oh my father
just do as how you are commanded you
will find me there with you I patiently
will be with you you talk to any
children today immediately run away they make a
report first to secure themselves my father want
to kill me you will never have a
son like that but there is a test
from Allah to see whether Abraham love Allah
more or love his son Allah will not
test all of us Alhamdulillah we were sure
to fail and He will never test our
children our children also run away from your
class only to one prophet in the history
of prophethood was tested in that manner offer
your only son at the time as a
sacrifice to show your love towards the creator
it's very hard and he really do this
he was walking with Ismail from Mecca to
Mina that's why all the sacrifice normally done
at Mina this
is just sharing so after that woman kill
her own children then she took her own
life out of depression the number issued by
the world organization indicate the severity of the
situation in 1973 it reported that 3%
of the world population was afflicted with depression
the world population is not small even 3
% for the world population is big the
figure increase dramatically and in 1978 the figure
was up to 5% what might come
as a surprise to some is that some
studies have shown that one of every four
Americans suffer from depression in a different manner
during the conference of mental disorder that was
held in Chicago in 1981 based on the
author of this book and his finding the
chairman of the conference announced that 100 million
people in the world suffer from depression what
might come to a surprise to some is
that most of them were from developed country
those who stay in the village they can
survive their life is very simple those who
stay in the so called civilized, modern, developed
cities what do you see everyday when you
wake up just buildings a lot of people
who live in a city they don't even
see chicken duck they can't, they only see
all the dead ones in the supermarket people
who live in the countryside when they are
out they can run here and there they
can see chicken, they can see the birds
singing, flying here and there Alhamdulillah very lively
a lot of green today they say we
green the earth by building all the solid
high rise buildings we are surrounded by all
this kind of building that has no soul
so what do we gain by just developing
our country and the number of people that
is facing depression is multiplied is that what
you want that's why in Islam anything when
we talk about development we focus on the
BMS I always use this term to make
it easy we are focusing on the development
of mankind the body, the mind and the
soul we are not just thinking of building
all the high rise buildings made of stone,
metal no soul, no feeling at all how
the middle east is moving towards that direction
they want to be like those who are
suffering in the present and dying because of
it they have lost their identity they thought
that civilization is dead, no that is what
destroys a lot of people can you imagine
before when you come out you know your
neighbor maybe 40 houses there, you know seem
to know each other today in the cosmopolitan
lifestyle your neighbor you don't even know them
people ask you who is next to you
I don't know we don't bother to know
even they come out from the unit we
don't even communicate now you, you, me, me
very self-centered do we experience that?
there is the life today, busy no time
and that is the sign of an hour
the hour is getting closer when the time
is so short last time to end a
day you can do so many things today
is gone another year is going to leave
2024 bye bye suddenly we are going to
2025 so fast that is the reality of
life today because of the development we all
become so feelingless, careless we thought that this
is what civilization no, no, no we are
destroying ourselves by destroying the surrounding because of
development now you see what you find around
you what do you find?
there is no more neighborhood you walk around
there is in the 70s 80s, we have
a program in this country I mean those
elders should remember only the brother are involved,
not the sister they call Rukun Tetangga Rukun
Tetangga policy was a very very good policy
introduced by the government at that time for
those men who are working there will be
you take turn you must report if this
is the area that you have to take
turn to make sure this place is safe
for everybody who is living around that area
the security of the place if they say
we need every night at least 10 volunteers
10 volunteers, only male so everybody will have
to sign in and if you are working
that night is the night that 10 people
will rotate at night to move around the
area walking with a stick in case of
thief, robbery you protect the neighbors then you
have a holiday the next day that's how
they help the people get to know each
other work together for the security the safety
of the residents I still remember I participate
in that we get to know each other
so we talk while we are walking you
can feel so safe because of course if
10 people if the area has cases you
can have 20 people and sometimes one police
guy will be with you with uniform, we
don't have uniform we walk with a cane
sometimes, a stick in case of emergency we
are there to stop all these bad guys
after sometime this policy Rukun Tetangga die off
but that was a very good one only
the men are involved and you get a
holiday the next day Alhamdulillah all the good
things are good to revive because it helps
the neighbors to get to know each other
you feel responsible for your neighborhood and it's
very Islamic it is said that the intelligent
person is not he who is able to
increase his profit but he who transform his
losses into profit there did Allah give you
one distress after another by way of requital
to teach you not to grieve for that
which has escaped you everything when Allah test
you brother and sister is not to make
our life difficult just prepare you for your
future why we fast in Ramadan Allah don't
need that just to train you in case
that you have no food in the future
10 hours, 14 hours 15 hours, no food,
no drink will not be an issue to
us because we have trained ourselves anything that
Allah want you to do is to prepare
yourself physically, mentally and spiritually ready to face
all the challenges not to torture us that's
why when Allah want you to do something
brother and sister it's for our own good
only you must have the understanding the meaning
of this verse things that are over and
finished we should not be dwell upon since
doing so leads only to anxiety, worry and
waste of time, don't recall the past lesson
learned, the good thing you continue, the bad
thing you know what is bad at least
you know, if not you don't know what
is bad you only know what is good
that's why Allah said إِنَّمَا الْأُسْرِي يُسْرَىٰۙ إِنَّمَا
الْأُسْرِي يُسْرَىٰۙ from the hardship then ease will
come if you say the tunnel is there
just keep on moving at the end of
the tunnel the light is waiting for you,
just move so we ask Allah رب العالمين
to make us people who have deep understanding
about what Allah has ordained for us is
the best but we are not supposed to
ask anything bad don't ask, you always ask
what is good when you want to ask
Allah, you only ask Oh Allah give me
Jannah provide for me halal provision you don't
say Oh Allah up to you you want
to give me Jannah ok, you want to
give me * ok don't do this with
Allah, Allah don't like you to do that
ask for the good one and seek protection
from the bad that's why when you go
to anywhere when you arrive, you say to
Allah اللهم إني أعوذ بك من now there
is another dua أعوذ بكلمة الله Oh Allah,
I seek protection from you from all the
bad things that you have created that you
know what we know is not anything bad
you don't ask, don't ask you just protect,
don't ask Oh Allah let me see Dajjal,
don't ask that our Iman is not ready
to face this challenger save me from Dajjal
protect me from Dajjal example and this camp
that we are going to organise this weekend,
most of our volunteers the team, our youth
they have been working day and night and
last night is one of the main movements
all the things that we want to do
all the games that we want to play
it's been shifted by lorries to our venue
in Perak ready to receive about 400 participants
just want to make sure that everything we
have planned may Allah make it easy, may
Allah protect all of us our volunteers, the
children that's with us and all our speakers
from abroad from Australia, from India, from Maldives
they are here now and we are getting
ready my final reminder, next Wednesday the class
is off because we are still at the
camp but we'll be back on Saturday Saturday
class will be on inshallah only from this
Saturday morning my class is still there then
after that we are moving towards our campsite
Sunday is off and the first of January
inshallah class will be on because we want
to make all our Muslim brothers and sisters
be ready to face the new year how
do you as a Muslim welcome the new
year so may Allah protect us, may Allah
make us among the people who receive Allah's
mercy and make us people who follow all
the guidance given by Allah we open for
Q&A any questions from the brothers any
questions from the brothers no questions any questions
from the sisters I
have a few questions regarding your brother's medical
case regarding your brother's medical case I
want to know what's the difference you mentioned
that in the end you and your family
chose to stop the medicine and not stop
the machine so what's the difference stopping medicine
is also because we have resources to give
medicine then why do we stop giving him
medicine I hope I have the right understanding
about your question you are still trying to
share what happened to my brother about the
machine what was the difference between stopping the
machine with stopping the medicine the machine is
supplied with certain medicine to make sure that
there is enough oxygen enough liquid into the
body they are checking everything and help the
heart to function so we don't know only
the doctor will know better so we say
that whatever medicine is in the machine in
the end you don't have to add any
more because if he will survive he will
survive without the medicine it's not that he
will only survive with the medicine at the
end only you come to the heart if
he is going to survive without the support
of the machine the heart will beat we
are worried that he is beating the heart
is beating because of the machine so that
is the end one by one and then
we say we can stop the machine if
Allah says his heart is going to function
then when we stop everything the last one
is the one that supports the beating of
the heart when it is off, then everything
is off then we can accept that, no
problem because we must try as a human
we can try if the doctor says that
you can still go on we go on
but when the doctor says the response seems
to be very minimum so okay, whatever medicine
you just don't continue whatever that the heart
beats after that thing is off then the
last you can off the machine that supports
the heart the beating of the heart you
and after we verify the heart cannot beat
anymore we stop the machine sometimes the doctor
will help the patient maybe the heart is
weak because of lack of this, lack of
that so the heart is very weak so
we try to support by putting this machine,
that machine this kind of liquid, this kind
of oxidant to make sure that you help
the heart so when all this medicine ends
because based on the advice of the specialist
we don't seem to see any response then
we say you can off, off, off then
they follow I mean they say it's fair
because we don't know we are just trying
and they based on the heartbeat only why
they still put on the machine because the
heart is still beating and why the heart
is beating is because the machine is there
to help the heart to beat only they
thought that maybe lack of nutrition or lack
of oxygen they pump some oxygen here and
there but later on, one by one then
the heart stops all this of course we
don't ask without getting the explanation from the
specialist some doctors some doctors are very easy
they try their best even you don't have
machine but the heartbeat is still there that's
why they never declare that they are dead
but they will tell the family you can
bring him home they have tried their best
they can't do further than that I think
you can bring your loved one back there
is also another sign they have tried, nothing
responds they know they can't go further than
that anymore time for you to bring them
back the traditional way you know what they
will do you can start to recite Surah
Yasin under the traditional way you can call,
gather the family member and start to make
prayer that is a signal that he is
going to leave all of you so many
signs from the non-Muslim they give you
that kind of sign from the Muslim they
give you another sign they don't like you,
he is gone they don't like to hear
this word we have tried but you can
bring him home now so that he will
die at home those who are involved in
all this kind of activity they will be
aware why this kind of doctor said this
but they have the same kind of alerting
us that they have tried their best nothing
more they can do, just bring them home
so our duty is talqin somebody must close
to him and say father, mother, don't forget
to say la ilaha illallah our duty the
one who is still living your main responsibility
to make sure you have done your part
don't abandon this talqin because the prophet said
teach the dying person la ilaha illallah they
have been reciting that when they pray but
you just have to help them again remind
them, don't forget to say la ilaha illallah
and when they say that you find a
lot of peace the talqin, I have experienced
that towards my students in the whole room
you can feel the tranquility the peace, the
wife, the children was so relaxed of course
they miss their father but the father they
said la ilaha illallah stop, but the prophet
said whoever ends his life by saying la
ilaha illallah that is the best ending jannah
is for him so blessed we don't know
our time when I look at this that
happened to my student I said how blessed
is his soul alhamdulillah his children his grandchildren
are still with us until today alhamdulillah next,
last question any question from the online is
it I don't know who is the name
but the name is no name he is
asking is it seen if I wish not
to have my family same parents, same siblings
etc in the hereafter repeat slowly, raise up
your voice louder slowly is it a sin
if I wish not to have my family
her parents siblings etc in the hereafter in
the hereafter there are people is it a
sin if I wish not to meet up
with my family in the hereafter because he
doesn't have a happy life with the family
maybe the family doesn't care about him or
her even if you have siblings they are
very self-centered everybody just thinks of themselves
that means we know that as a person
you are not happy so is that a
sin if I wish that I am not
going to see them in the next life
it is not a sin to do that
at all because Allah will bless you, reward
you accordingly if you don't like Allah has
a reason why you don't like do you
hate them because they do a lot of
things that is not pleasing Allah they do
a lot of things against Allah then you
cannot like you cannot like people who keep
on doing things against Allah and they call
themselves Muslim because you feel hurt, how can
you do this how can you become so
disobedient you try to save them, they don't
want, they don't care you have to save
your own soul fair enough, you have done
your part and Allah Almighty knows how you
feel He will reward you accordingly and maybe
we pray that at the end before the
family that you dislike before they end their
life, they start to change nothing is impossible
at this point of time you are so
tired thinking of them they are so they
are so hard core people they don't care
you remind them they don't care they just
carry on doing all the wrong things and
you know it is wrong you keep on
reminding them, you love them, they don't care
but you have done your part and pray
for the best if they change you hope
for the best if not, that is why
Allah says save your soul don't let them
make your life having all the depression they
have their life, you have your life choice
is given you want to get closer to
Allah, they don't want you can't force them,
you have to save yourself and Allah knows
best but just be open maybe there will
come a time before they really end their
life and you say to them something they
accept, thank you for reminding us I am
sorry my son, I am sorry my daughter
I know that you love us but we
also don't know why we behave like that
we also don't know why we don't listen
to you but now you realise we hope
for the best for you please pray for
us sometimes parents will remind their children no,
no, I am not going to pray for
you now, grab the opportunity papa, mama have
a good departure remember Allah remember Allah never
give up hope never give up hope Allah
will reward us I know we are in
pain because we are trying they are so
stubborn because shaitan work very hard on them
Alhamdulillah you are able to save yourself from
that kind of environment but never give up
hope praying for them it's like I never
give up hope praying for my family who
are not yet a believer I never give
up hope, I pray for them every opportunity
I have I talk to them we don't
know so always show some mercy is the
best so may Allah help all of us
and help our parents