Hussain Yee – Deterrents of Good – 40 – Our Precious Sprouts
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The importance of learning and affirming the hadith is emphasized in a series of segments, with emphasis on avoiding reciting the Prophet s.a.w.'s actions and intentions and limitinging one's time. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of learning about natural birthdays and rebuilding parents' values, as well as avoiding cultural celebrations and negative consequences of the media. The importance of being more engaged with family members' needs and grant them the benefits of their status is also emphasized.
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم إن الحمد لله نحمده
ونستعينه ونستغفره ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن
سيئات أعمالنا من يهده الله فلا مضل له
ومن يضلل فلا هادي له أشهد أن لا
إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد
أن محمدًا عبده ورسوله يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا
اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِ وَلَا تَمُوتُنَّ إِلَّا وَأَنْتُمْ
مُسْلِمُونَ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُمْ
مِّن نَفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا
رِجَالًا كَثِيرًا وَنِسَاءً وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ الَّذِي تَسَاءَلُونَ بِهِ
وَالْأَرْحَامِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ عَلَيْكُمْ مُرَقِيبًا يَا أَيُّهَا
الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَقُولُوا قَوْلًا سَدِيدًا يُصْلِحْ
لَكُمْ أَعْمَالَكُمْ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ وَمَنْ يُطِعِ اللَّهَ
وَرَسُولَهُ فَقَدْ فَازَ فَوْزًا عَظِيمًا أَمَّا بَعْدُ فَإِنَّ
أَصْدَقَ الْحَدِيثِ كِتَابُ اللَّهِ وَخَيْرُ الْهَدِّي هَدْيُ مُحَمَّدٍ
صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمْ وَشَرَّ الْأُمُورِ مُحْدَثَتُهَا فَإِنَّ
كُلَّ مُحْدَثَةٍ بِدَعَةٍ وَكُلَّ بِدَعَةٍ ضَلَالَةٍ وَكُلَّ ضَلَالَةٍ
فِي النَّارِ أَوْ كَمَا قَالَ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ
وَسَلَّمُ Brothers and sisters السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
وبركاته الحمد لله First and foremost we praise
Allah سبحانه وتعالى And all praise due to
Allah as He deserves all praise In the
phrase of الحمد لله The Al if we
study Arabic means Alif Lam Al-Istiqraqi Which
means it covers all kinds of حمد All
kinds of praise So when we say الحمد
لله Which means we say all praises Whatever
things that happen Whatever afflicts us We say
all praise is due to Allah Because Allah
سبحانه وتعالى deserves all praise He is the
Rab He creates everything He is the one
who gives life and death And He is
the one who organizes all of the things
that is around us He is Al-Khaliq
Al-Mudabbir He arranges everything in order So
that everything that we الحمد لله We are
استمتع بالنعم We are enjoying All of the
blessings that Allah سبحانه وتعالى has created for
us Allah سبحانه وتعالى created everything for us
الحمد لله This life is not merely Living
and eating and drinking Marriage, having fun And
then we pass away and become dust We
are here for a great purpose And we
are burdened with Al-Amanah We are burdened
with Al-Amanah that Allah سبحانه وتعالى says
in the Quran Verily
Allah سبحانه وتعالى has presented Al-Amanah To
the heavens and the earth and the mountains
And they refused to take this big burden
of Al-Amanah So what happened?
Because they are very very scared To take
on this very very heavy duty The duty
of whatever that Allah commands that we have
to do And whatever Allah سبحانه وتعالى forbids
We have to stay away So what happened
And mankind takes this burden Takes this Al
-Amanah This big Al-Amanah All the great
creations The
mountains, the heavens and the earth They refused
to take this obligation And the one who
took it is Al-Insan Us, humankind And
Allah سبحانه وتعالى ends the ayah with And
verily mankind is Zaluman They are oppressive and
Jahula And they are ignorant That means they
don't know what will come with the burden
What is the burden that they are carrying
on Unless those who seek knowledge of Allah
سبحانه وتعالى Those who know the purpose of
the Al-Amanah And we know this life
is Al-Amanah Whatever that you are assigned
with is Al-Amanah as well I am
sitting here in front of you This is
the Al-Amanah that is given to me
By Al-Khadim Alhamdulillah to replace the Shaykh
Unfortunately he is not around again So I
have to step in And Inshallah I will
try my best To carry on with this
syllabus So that we won't forget So that
we won't ignore whatever we have learned before
And also Al-Amanah For all of those
who know about this class For those who
have attended the class It is Al-Amanah
for you to come to the class For
this thing Especially here in Malaysia They really
really neglect this part Which is to come
to class To come to class Istiqamah Istiqamah
Which means come to class consistently I know
Sundays, weekends These are the times that You
know we allocate for our families For our
loved ones You know our free time from
work But We need to check We need
to have a Alhamdulillah A dedicated I mean
at least one or two Sessions that we
come to class Doesn't matter who is the
speaker Doesn't matter what is the topic offered
The main thing is Istiqamah The main thing
is Al-Istiqamah Those who say
My lord, our lord is Allah And they
keep in steadfast Welcome to our Sunday class
This is your first time here?
Welcome Again I repeat Unfortunately the sheikh is
not around Dato' Sheikh Husseini He is abroad
to another country as well Last week he
was in another country This week he is
in another country Alhamdulillah We ask Allah to
preserve him To give him good health So
that he can continue To share whatever his
experiences And knowledge to others as well And
we hope that he can stay here As
well to share his experience with us Especially
Because we are the most in need Of
his experience and knowledge Alhamdulillah So Alhamdulillah Brothers
and sisters Amanah Everything that you are assigned
with Is an amanah So Delivering your amanah
Delivering your obligations You need to have this
thing Which is called Al-Ihsan And the
highest level of Of Deen The highest level
of a Muslim That can achieve Is Al
-Ihsan Muhsin We know from the hadith of
Jibril We have three levels Of Deen Maratibu
Deen we call it The first one When
you enter Islam You will be called a
Muslim Right You will be called a Muslim
Which means We submitted to Allah SWT And
we have to do All the obligations That
a Muslim should do Is upon us So
this is Al-Islam The first basic one
And we cannot say That those who reverted
to Islam At the first point We say
they are a mu'min They are believer No
As The ayah of the Quran In Surah
Al-Hujurat say Those The Bedouins When they
entered Islam They say to the Prophet S
.A.W We have believed Amanah And then
Allah said To the Prophet And say to
them No you have not yet believed You
have not yet entered The full of Iman
Because this is the first step You Discover
Islam You believe first And then you practice
Islam You do all the obligations And then
And then whenever The Iman comes into your
heart And then You become a mu'min So
stages by stages So and the highest level
of somebody Who can achieve As a slave
of Allah Is Al-Muhsin Meaning Those who
Do Ibadah Those who Worship Allah As though
he sees Allah S.W.T But Of
course we cannot see Allah S.W.T
In this life And then know that Allah
S.W.T Is looking at us Looking
at every single thing that we do And
this is what we call Al-Muraqabah We
feel all the time that Allah S.W
.T Is with us So with this characteristic
That with this level of Iman That You
imagine That Allah S.W.T is always
with you Whenever you do something For example
I can relate to work For example Somebody
who is doing For example live streaming like
the brother If he does live streaming by
himself This class was live streaming There is
somebody The operator is behind The laptop or
PC So he has to operate it This
is Amanah So when he is assigned with
this Amanah He will do it As he
is told And it will be different If
the boss Is sitting beside of him It
will be totally different You will see him
You know maybe wear something better Maybe smell
better Maybe He will Be very very particular
About all the things that happening Because of
he knows that His superior is here But
for Allah Is the greater example We cannot
run from Allah S.W.T Allah is
always seeing us Allah is always watching whatever
that we do And With this belief With
this Belief With this Belief that we have
We should strive better We should do whatever
that we do In front of people When
people are watching Is the same whenever we
are alone So this is what we call
Al-Ihsan Excellence Excellence in everything Like the
Prophet S.A.W. said Allah S.W
.T Has written Al-Ihsan Excellence In every
single matter Everything that you do You have
to do it For the sake of Allah
Whenever you do it for the sake of
Allah You have to do it In the
best manner as possible Because you are You
know Impressing The one who created you Your
Lord So Where is the What is your
level of love Towards your Lord So that
is the question that you can ask yourself
You don't have to answer Only you know
Where is your position with your Lord May
Allah S.W.T make us all Those
who are sincere in their worship to Allah
And may Allah S.W.T make us
From amongst those who are Mohsineen That achieve
The greatest level of the Jannah Amin So
Alhamdulillah For those who are new here Welcome
to Al-Khadim Our Sunday class We are
discussing this book actually This is our syllabus
Our Precious Sprouts So Every Sunday We try
to focus on family matters According To the
teachings of Quran and Sunnah With the understanding
of the Sahaba And the Salaf as-Saleh
Those pious predecessors Alhamdulillah now we are in
the Bab In the chapter of A deterrence
of good Yet still here We have discussed
about pictures We have discussed about Those things
that can affect The environment in your house
Maybe sometimes You want to do Ruqya You
want to do Some you know You want
to cure somebody For example your children With
this Ayat of Quran For example With this
Ruqya But you see It is not effective
So that's why The author here Sheikh Muhammad
Al-Jibali He suggested Maybe there are things
That you are keeping That prevents All these
things to happen That prevents All of these
things To be effective For example like Dolls
that are In a Animated Animated Figures you
know Have a very Very real kind of
Figures Like you know Exactly like a human
For example like Barbies You know Example etc
etc We have discussed this before And then
now Alhamdulillah Subhanallah I always get The controversial
parts Allahumusta'an So The best person To
talk about this Is Sheikh of course But
Alhamdulillah I am just the messenger Don't shoot
the messenger Let us Let us continue to
You know Read the book What does the
author Wants to say Okay I know When
we talk about music This is a very
very I don't know in Malaysia At least
It's very controversial When we say Music is
haram Right When we say haram We say
Oh you are so You are so strict
You are not tolerant You are not open
What kind of ustaz is he Okay It's
okay But Our religion Brothers and sisters We
have to go back To the original source
We don't want to go back To The
first thing We have to go back Is
the original source And then we go to
What the scholars Say about it And then
You know So It's good to go back
To the source Yani Our source Is the
Quran And the Sunnah Right Insallah We just
read it first Insallah Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Music Alhamdulillah Some
people believe That classical And soft music Has
a soothing effect On babies Based on this
Non-Islamic concept Music Competes with images In
filling the child's world Music is played constantly
In children's amusement parks Movies And restaurants Many
of the babies' toys Play music when touched
Or pressed Or hugged Even infant toys Such
as Rattles And sweets Play musical segments as
well So we see Now he is sitting
around That everything now Is surrounded with music
You know With all these sounds Even though
the toys For the babies So When they
are growing up They are exposed to music
Music Right Unfortunately Many Muslims View music As
An innocent practice It is okay For most
of the Muslims Nowadays Thus They make it
As a way Of the children's life So
this is an error The writer said It
is an error That conflicts with Authentic text
So this is a very Very point Important
point You see Saying that music is okay
Conflicts with the Authentic text From the Quran
And the Sunnah Furthermore There is a consensus
Among the early scholars Of Islam Consensus Among
the Early scholars of Islam The Salaf There
is a consensus Including the four Imams The
four Madhahibs When Writers say Four Madhahib Which
means is Who knows Abu Hanifa Malik first
And then Shafi'i And then Al Ahmad
Ibn Hanbal So these are the Four biggest
School of thoughts That were followed From the
early Days of Islam Until now In terms
of The four In terms of Interpreting The
text of the Hadith Authentic Source of Islam
Quran and Sunnah Etc Anas Imran Abu Umama
Ali bin Abi Talib Abu Huraira Reported that
Allah's Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Said There
will be among The people of this Ummah
Earth collapse Any sinking Stoning And Metamorphosis That
will be When they drink Alcohol beverages Keep
female Singers And play on Musical Instruments This
Hadith is Recorded By Imam Ahmad And Others
Verified Authentic By Sheikh Al Albani In Sahih
And Hadith And Another Hadith Anas Reported From
Allah's Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Sautani Mal'unani
Fit Dunya Wal Akhirah Mizmarun Inda Ni'mah Warannatun
Inda Al Musibah Two sounds Occurs by Allah
In this life And the hereafter Flute And
Mizmar Means Flute Music For the good Fortune
Whenever Good fortune Befalls And Wailing Crying Out
Loud When For a Misfortune So this Hadith
is Recorded By And Others Verified Hassan By
Imam Albani Okay From This Two Hadith That
We Can Say That They Are Mentioning Of
Musical Instruments In The First Hadith It Is
Said Translates As Musical Instruments Doesn't Matter What
Is The Instrument But It Translates As Instruments
Musical Instruments And You Can See Here In
The Form Of Something That Is Forbidden Which
Means It Is Together Mentioned With Al Khumur
Drinking Of Alcohol It Is Mentioned Together With
Female Singers So It Is Indicating That It
Is Not Allowed In Our Religion In Music
And Then Also Added With The Second Hadith
There Are Two Things Two Sounds That Allah
Gives To Are Not Allowed The
Religion Of The People Who Are Not Allowed
In The Religion Of Allowed In The Religion
Of Are Not Allowed People Who In
The Religion Of The People Who Are Not
Allowed In any music as well.
So Alhamdulillah, the author doesn't mention too much
about music in this case.
So how?
So Alhamdulillah, we conclude that it is not
So all type of music.
So some people will say, brother, you bring
hadith, brother.
We want from the Quran.
We don't want hadith.
We don't want hadith.
We want Quran.
He doesn't mention anything about music in the
I mean, sarahatan, word by word, music in
the Quran.
Of course, they are correct.
In the Quran, there is no mentioning of
music per se.
But there are indications that lead to music.
For example, the famous ayah, وَإِنَّ النَّاسِ مَا
يَتَّخِذُوا لَهُوَ الْحَدِيثِ Lahu wal hadith, it interprets
as, in linguistic meaning, it is called as
idle talk.
Something that is idle.
There is no benefit of doing it.
And we have to see to the sahaba,
what did the sahaba say about this phrase,
Lahu wal hadith.
So Ibn Mas'ud
that, he swears by Allah three times.
He said, Wallahi, this is ma'azif.
Sorry, not ma'azif, this is al-ghina.
This is singing, dancing, music.
This is singing.
Al-ghina is very general, more general.
It is singing.
So that is, people can argue that, oh,
this is interpretation of the sahaba, etc.
Ok, fine, fine.
So we cannot deny the hadith.
Because hadith, we take as hukum as well.
Whatever it is, as long as it is
authentic, it is sahih or hasan, it has
become our deen.
It has become one of the hukum in
our deen.
Because the Prophet s.a.w., he won't
say anything in terms of the hukum with
his desire.
And also Allah said, Whatever that the Prophet
s.a.w. brought to you, take it.
And whenever the Prophet s.a.w. says,
don't, stay away, then you stay away from
So we imagine, brothers and sisters, those who
say, oh, we don't want to take from
the hadith, because you don't know whether it
is authentic or not.
We know it is authentic, of course, we
have sciences of hadith, etc.
But, imagine, how are you going to pray?
How are you going to perform your 5
daily prayers without referring to the sunnah?
As the Quran doesn't mention anything about how
to put your hands, how to recite, what
to recite, even al-fatiha is not stated
in the Quran.
Everything else from our zakah.
How much should we take out from our
zakah to give into charity?
All of the things, especially hajj.
Subhanallah, if you don't refer to the hadith,
to the Prophet s.a.w.'s actions and
ibadah, nobody can do hajj.
So we have to be adil, we have
to be just in this matter.
So whenever we accept from the Quran, we
also have to accept from the sunnah as
Subhanallah, it is open to your argumentation.
Some people say, what is music?
What is the definition of music, etc.
And then, the later scholars say it is
allowed as long as the music is not
vulgar, as long as the music gives you
motivation, etc.
So, those are opinions.
So, we want to be safe, we want
to pray safe, we want to go back
to the original source, as the author said,
we want to go to the original source,
we are going to see what are the
first three generations of the Muslims, what they
Because these are the golden age of Islam.
Like the Prophet said, we want to pray
safe, we don't want to risk our akhirah
for this.
So, Alhamdulillah, we take it, Inshallah.
Do some more readings on music, convince yourself.
These are some of the hadiths.
I can mention another hadith that is debatable
by the scholars, but this is authentic narration.
There will be in my ummah, some people,
group of people, they will make
So, if you make something halal, before it
is haram.
They will make halal, harir means
wearing silk.
Khamr is intoxication, alcohol, and ma'azif as
We mentioned before, musical instruments.
This is Rawahu Bukhari.
This is not any obscure from obscure books
that we don't know, we haven't heard of.
This is Bukhari.
Some of the scholars say it is the
riwayah, Bukhari brings it without any chain of
narration, but we say, it is sahih, it
is sahih.
Which means, he says it is made halal.
So, when you say, there will be, the
Prophet said, it is confirmed that one day,
at the end of time, inshallah, there will
be a group of people that will make
it halal.
I would say, brother, this is words of
the Prophet, sometimes the sequence plays an important
role as well, sometimes it is not.
Sometimes, the Prophet just mentioned, for example, the
Prophet s.a.w. mentioned about the ten
signs of the hour, but it is not
in sequence.
But the first of the major signs that
will come is Ad-Dajjal, but he said
Dukhan first.
Dukhan will come later on, meaning the smoke.
So, some of the hadith, it doesn't have
You have to see to the other evidences
to see whether it is according to the
levels, according to the sequence or not.
So, in this case, I am not sure
whether, but the question here, why is it
so hard for us to not listen to
That is the question, right?
What happened to our Ummah?
What happened to us?
Because it is already normalized, right?
It is already, what we call it, normalization,
So, let's say, we can see here from
whatever that the author said, since we are
small, we are already exposed to the music,
and then every video that we see on
YouTube, they have jingles, they have music that
accompanies the videos.
Same goes to us here in Al-Khadib.
We have not to say music, but we
try to keep it halal.
We try to keep it halal to only
voices, using voices.
Voices are not considered music.
To a certain extent, voices, you know, you
are making your sound voice nice, it is
not actually music.
Some scholars say it is content as well,
but we take the safer approach that we
don't use any musical instruments, because the Dalil
say, Al-Ma'azif are musical instruments, right?
Is it allowed for us to sing without
any musical instruments?
Are you happy when you sing?
Is it okay?
It is okay.
As long as you don't have vulgar words
in it, okay?
No vulgar words, no lyrics is okay, giving
you motivation.
So, there are a lot of anasheeds.
If you see, if you read books of
adab, for example, one of the books is
that I read, Adab Din Wa Dunya by
Imam Mawardi.
He is one of the scholars of Shafi
So, he gathers a lot of nasheed.
We say Anshadahu.
Anshadahu means somebody will perform this nasheed.
He will say it in a nice manner,
in a rhythmic manner.
So, these are all allowed, inshallah.
For example, if you memorize things.
So, scholars make Manzumah.
Manzumah means something that is like a shair.
So, when you recite, it is like having
a sound, not a music, like you are
singing it.
For example, it is easier for you to
So, we continue.
Enough, we are there.
I am aware that, yes, sometimes things are
given in sequence, but this is talking about
normalization, isn't it?
So, there is no sequence, not a sequence
It is just that some people will normalize
some things.
And I am reminded of a time when
I went on the Fatwa Council in Selangor.
And I put in a search about music.
And the Mufti of Selangor, he gave all
of these hadith, which is beautiful.
And he gave Ibn Abbas's interpretation of Laghu
and what that meant as well.
So, it was kind of like hadith says
Sorry, the Quran says haram.
The hadith says haram.
And then he talked about the early scholars,
they said it is haram.
And then he said, but Allah is beautiful
and he loves beauty and music is beautiful,
so it is halal.
And I could not believe that.
I was shocked.
It was kind of like Quran, Sunnah, you
know, the Salaf as-Saleh.
And then his own opinion.
And that is what people cling to.
People cling to that statement.
So, can I ask you, how would you
refute that statement?
You know, where people say Allah is beautiful
and music is beautiful.
So, therefore, music is halal.
Because Muftis, they give fatwas.
They are chosen to give fatwas to the
Depending on their masses, depending on their mad
'u, who they are giving fatwas to.
So, for me, that is his argument.
We say that that is far from whatever
that is intended, from whatever that he has
brought all of the evidences.
But it is, for me, yeah, we don't
We can disagree.
Fatwas are not hukum.
Fatwas are things that is decided on that
time, on that moment, to a particular people.
So, we can disagree with fatwas.
No problem.
We can disagree.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unfortunately, brother, this is what we have now.
I don't want to say that much, brother,
because, you know, they are learned.
They are scholars.
They learn in Arab countries.
They have read a lot of books and
But I don't know.
Maybe they have pressure.
Maybe they have, around them, they cannot decide
on their own.
They are depending on their council fatwa, for
example, the processes of making a fatwa.
Wallahu alam, I cannot say much about this,
but we say, Allah musta'an, we don't
That's why the masses, madhhab, is the madhhab
of the mufti.
Not, for example, us here in Malaysia, is
Of course, that is our official madhhab.
But you are, in reality, are following your
Whatever your ustaz say, you follow.
Because you don't have knowledge, you have to
be a muqallid in a certain degree.
You are a muqallid.
You are following whatever your mufti or your
ustaz said, until you yourself find it on
your own, seek knowledge, and you know, oh,
this is not allowed.
So, we just leave it, because fatwa, it
is not hukum.
Fatwa, you can leave.
It is just opinion.
Maybe he is considering the whole mass of,
you know, Malaysians, for example, they are already
used to music.
And also, you know, the hadiths also have
some problems.
Anyways, it is not regarding, no, the context
is not regarding music.
The context is regarding showing good things, beautifying
yourselves with good clothing, and et cetera, et
And, wallahualam, maybe he has his own dalil,
I mean, their own interpretation.
So, we don't follow whatever that is not
aligned to the Quran and sunnah, because our
direction, our qiblah, is not the muftis, right?
Wallahualam, maybe, oh, I don't want to talk
about him anymore.
Okay, inshallah, may Allah s.w.t. guide
us all to the real, you know, because
everybody is searching for the truth, right?
Searching for the truth, and then everybody has
their own, what do you call that, external
forces that influence you to say something.
So, wallahualam, may Allah s.w.t. give
us all ikhlas for his sake, and inshallah
achieve his pleasure, I mean.
Okay, alhamdulillah, music, I am very, you know,
I'm sweating because I'm talking about music, something,
because, you know, very controversial, when you see
music, oh, somebody, oh, police, you see haram,
Okay, so, the division of music, what kind
of music, you can, you know, research yourself,
but anyways, in conclusion, the musical industry is
not helping.
The musical industry as a whole is full
of haram, is full of distraction, is full
of, you know, taking you away from dhikrullah,
from the remembrance of Allah, and those who
are indulging in music, in musical instruments, where
are your Quran?
Are you, you know, loving more the music
than the Quran?
So, these questions that we have to ask
ourselves, rather than we argue, oh, it's okay,
it's okay, it's okay.
So, if you think it's okay, you can
be more nearer to Allah, that is your
opinion that you take, wallahu ta'ala alam.
Let's go next to the bells and ringing.
So, I have, I'm finishing, right?
No, not yet, okay, another few minutes, inshallah.
Bells and rings, where's the dog there?
Oh, okay, the page is 138.
Bells and ring, bells and ringing, sorry, ringing,
Similar to music, many of the baby's toys
have bells to produce a ringing sound.
This applies more to infants' toys, such as
Abu Huraira radiallahu anhu reported that Allah's Messenger,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, said, the angels do
not join in travel a company who have
with them dog or a bell.
This hadith is recorded by Imam Muslim, as
-Sahih, Abu Dawud and others.
There are similar reports from other sahaba including
Aisha, Umu Habiba, Annan and Ibn Omar radiallahu
So, we continue.
At the bell is one of the Satan's
This is Imam Muslim and Abu Dawud and
Jarras means bells, ringing bells, like the ice
cream guy.
Bunana reported that she was with Aisha radiallahu
anhu when a young girl was brought in
wearing an anklet with ringing bells.
Aisha asked for the girl to be taken
away unless her bells were removed.
She then explained that she heard Allah's Messenger,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, said, the angels do
not enter into a house in which there
is a bell.
One of the ways that the Christians at
that time, how they called people to come
to the church, is using the bells.
Am I correct?
So, you have a
bell in your phone.
But it's quite big, but it's outside the
house and we don't ring it.
It's for decoration, when people come to the
house, supposedly, you can ring the bell instead
of the ding-dong.
But we have both.
We have the ding-dong.
Nobody rings the bell.
What is your opinion?
Should I remove the bell?
You can keep this question to Sheikh Hussein.
Next week.
I just say whatever the author said.
I don't want to create any...
But if you ask me, just stay away
from these bells.
Because the hadith mentioned, the angels will not
come in the house.
But if it's outside the house, it is
As long as you don't use it.
But you see dogs as well, right?
So dogs, if you have dogs in your
house, the angels will not come.
And then if you take care of a
dog, your ajar will be decreased as big
as a mountain of wood, day by day.
So, even though keeping dogs is okay, it
is allowed with some acceptance.
I mean, for example, what is the use
of the dog, right?
If you use it for gaming, for hunting,
for guarding the house, it is allowed, right?
Guarding the gardens, etc.
So it is allowed.
But you cannot put it inside your house.
Based on the hadith, try to keep it
You have to prepare for them, allocate a
specific place for them, for them to eat,
for them to drink, etc.
And do not treat them like a pet.
You cannot make it like a pet.
It is somebody who guards your house.
Because nowadays, we need dogs, actually.
We need dogs to guard our houses.
Because nowadays, people just come in your house,
and then they bring, with groups of people.
We see a lot of videos, CCTV videos.
They come with the group, with all of
these weapons, and then just bombard your house,
and just take whatever they want.
So, dogs are good.
They are very, very protective of their owners.
But the condition is that you do not
put it in the house.
Same goes, because it is mentioned as well
as the bell.
So, try not to avoid putting it inside
your house.
Sometimes, you give salam, people do not hear.
Sometimes, the electronic bell, electronic, because they have
speakers, right?
So, they will put the speaker inside the
So, you will hear.
Salam is better.
Nowadays, you can call, right?
It is easy, WhatsApp call.
No more questions.
Let us continue.
Another one, television.
But alhamdulillah, nowadays, we do not have televisions
But we have.
This is worse than television, for me especially.
This is worse than television.
Because you spend more time here, doing nothing,
and then television.
Television, at least, people can see what you
are looking at.
But this one, ya Allah, Allah musta'an.
This is a disease.
Let us read, because this book was written
in the 90s, I think, around 2000.
So, television is still used in the masses.
Television encompasses all of the evils that we
covered earlier in this chapter, plus many others.
From the moment that a baby can discern
what it sees, the TV starts playing a
major role, mostly destructive, in forming the children's
personality and establishing the child's principles.
It is not surprising then that we include
it among the repellers of good, and even
consider it to be the worst.
Because, you know, those days, the TV, you
cannot control whatever there is, put it inside,
Because you just follow whatever the TV station
provides for you.
But now, alhamdulillah, we have smart TVs, right?
We have smart TVs.
You can play YouTube or any other internet
-based stations.
So you can control, at least.
So if you have taqwa in Allah, if
you fear Allah, you can only play.
All those halal series and etc, you know,
cartoons that are halal, things that are not,
dramas that don't have, you know, exposing the
aura, etc.
There are no movies that are, you know,
too much haram inside of it.
Halal movies, I don't know if there are
halal movies.
Those who know, you can share with me.
Most of the movies out there, it is,
you know, no-no, no-go.
Whether the language or maybe the sisters inside
of the movies are not covered.
So most of it is haram, but you
can control, alhamdulillah, nowadays.
But, you know, with great power comes great
So when you have the power, you know,
I want to watch this.
So better stay away, better to stay away
from these things.
Let us see what Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Abbas,
rahimahullah, said.
With regard to television, it is a dangerous
Its harmful effects are great, like those of
the cinema, or even worse.
From the research that has been written about
it, and from the words of experts in
Arab countries and elsewhere, we know, even though,
we know enough to conclude that it is
dangerous and very harmful to Islamic beliefs and
morals and society's condition.
The reason for this is that it includes
presentations of bad morals, of course, tempting sins,
immoral pictures, semi-nakedness, destructive speech, and disbelief.
It encourages imitation of the disbelievers in conduct,
way of dressing, honoring their non-Muslim leaders.
At the same time, it encourages neglect of
the Islamic conduct and way of dressing, and
belittling the Islamic scholars, ya Allah, and heroes.
It damages their image by portraying them in
a disdainful manner that makes the people despise
and disregard them.
It teaches cheating, stealing, plotting, and commit acts
of violence.
Without doubt, anything that produces so much evil
should be stopped and shunned.
This is from the fatwa of Sheikh Ibn
Bin Baz, rahimahullah ta'ala, one of the
greatest scholars in the millennial era.
So this is what he said, TV.
So TV, you know, TV is, that is
what he commented about TV.
Imagine when he knows about this, right?
So this one nobody knows except you.
Nobody can see whatever you see except you.
So it is good to limit ourselves on
this, okay?
And then you control yourself.
For example, control when you want to use
it, try to avoid using in front of
your child, in front of your child, because
they see, they do.
Monkey see, monkey do.
You say, no, no, no, don't use the
phone, but they will do it because they
see their father do or their mother do,
so they will follow suit.
So yeah, try to, you know, limit ourselves.
YouTube, and then they will, you know, nowadays
YouTube is more dangerous because they feed according
to the algorithm.
The things that you see, or they say,
oh, this guy loves cooking.
So they will put all of the cooking,
cooking, cooking, cooking, until you will spend your
whole day with this food.
And then you will neglect your portion of
your Quran, your portion of your reading of
your deen.
Some of them might, you know, skip classes.
So brothers and sisters, try to limit ourselves.
You want to watch here, try, you know,
of course it is not easy, I know.
So try to limit ourselves.
You want to enjoy yourself.
Try to set an alarm, because nowadays I
think you can set like a timer, right?
Right, like a timer.
But usually what happens, when they say your
time limit is up, and then you just
ignore the time limit, right?
So try our best not to, you know,
this is my advice to myself as well.
TV, no, no.
Anyone has TV in their house?
You have TVs?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Nowadays the HDs, right?
The HD.
I mean, I mean, yeah, this is a
This is not considered as TV, right?
This is like a screen.
Oh, you can stream from outside.
Oh, as long as you subscribe to the,
oh, okay, okay.
That's even worse.
Nowadays they have this binging, right?
Netflix binging, so they stay, they watch all
the movies, you know, the sequence, the sequel,
the prequel, etc.
Wasting time.
Wasting time, brothers and sisters.
You don't gain anything.
Maybe it's good.
One of the things I can recommend, if
you have this kind of thing, you can
watch documentaries.
Documentaries, what happened before the history.
You can see the history of the Egyptian
Very, very interesting.
And the animals as well, how they live.
Whenever I travel using the plane, so they
have this TV, right?
So, I try to look at the documentaries,
the National Geographic.
Very, very beautiful scene.
The thing that bothers me is how on
earth they took this scene, you know?
How they managed to catch this scene?
Oh, subhanallah, very, very beautiful.
And you can see the creations of Allah.
They also have their own communities, how they
live their life according to whatever Allah has
inspired to them to live.
You do not know they are tasbih.
They are all praising Allah in their own
But we humans, we don't understand their praises.
So, whenever we see all of these good
things, we say, subhanallah.
You never have created all of these things,
you know, without any purpose.
Why all of the things is very controversial.
Celebrating birthdays, okay.
Let us read.
At the end, we can end it here,
inshallah, with these birthdays.
Oh yeah, finishing the chapter 8, alhamdulillah.
Celebrating birthdays, okay.
Let us hear what the author said.
Celebrating birthdays is one of the clearest acts
in which the Muslims imitate the non-Muslims
without reason.
Let us see what is the note here.
For a detailed discussion of this subject, the
reader is referred to the author's celebrations in
So, the author, Sheikh Muhammad al-Jibali, he
has another book that he dedicated to write
all the things about the celebrations in Islam.
And then he also talks about the other
things that the Muslims celebrate which is not
You can refer to this book as well.
Mashallah, very good book.
Okay, continue.
Birthdays have reached such a high degree of
importance in Muslims' lives that to them, neglecting
them is as bad as neglecting one of
Islam's two annual Eids, ya Allah.
Experience in celebrating birthdays has become so, like
what the author said, you know, when you
forgot your friend's birthday, it is like you
have already unfriended him.
You already declared war with your friends, especially
your spouses or maybe your close friends, ya
Allah, you know, he will feel very sad
because you forget their birthdays.
What is this?
It is not that, you know, the fact
that celebrating birthdays is celebrating the day that
you are closer to the grave, right?
You're closer to the grave, so you say,
Alhamdulillah, I am closer to the grave.
If you are ready to go to Allah,
so Alhamdulillah, right?
So, wallahu alam, remembering your birthday is different
from celebrating your birthday.
Of course, we need to know.
I know when I was born.
I keep in mind so that I know
now I am already not a shabab anymore,
not a young man anymore.
I am already old, right?
My hair is turning grey as well.
So, this is a good indication.
But to celebrate is a different matter.
You know, you do all these things, the
rituals, the things that they do, the Westerners
I don't know, I have never experienced what
the Westerners did, but we copy exactly what
they do, the cakes and you know, with
the candles and all.
We try to remember but not celebrate.
Remembering because we are closer to our day
that we're going to meet Allah, and hear
me out, this is my idea.
The one that you should celebrate during your
birthday is your mother.
Your mother, right?
Because she gave birth to you.
So, every time your birthday comes, you give
a present to your mother.
So, I'm not creating any new sunnah, but
you have to remember your mother and not
because you say, Alhamdulillah, I'm old now.
No, you remember your mother.
You say, thank you, thank you, Mama.
Because of you, now I am already 40
years old.
Already, I know what is good, but you
taught me how to become a good Muslim,
So, that is more important than following the
ways of the disbelievers.
You know, they dedicate these things because they
don't have that lifestyle that appreciates people.
For example, they have Mother's Day, right?
Mother's Day because they are not always with
their mothers.
They don't have in their teachings that, you
know, our teaching, mother is number one, three
times the Prophet s.a.w. said, and
then your father.
So, parents, you know, respecting and honoring parents
in our religion does not need a day.
It is a lifetime commitment every single day
that we cherish our parents, that we respect
them, that we listen to whatever they say,
as long as it doesn't conflict with the
Quran and the Sunnah, the commands of Allah.
So, Alhamdulillah for Islam.
So, after the guidance of Islam, we wouldn't
want to go back to those guidance of
those who are not believing in Allah, not
believing in Islam.
As the ayah said, وَمَاذَىٰ بَعْدَ الْحَقِّ إِلَّا
الضُّلَالِ What comes after haqq, except that is
astray, that is disobedience.
Whatever, what is it after truth, except for
What is dulal?
Interpretation of dulal, astray.
What is the another meaning of astray?
Misguidance, ya Allah.
I was looking for that.
Misguidance, ya Allah.
So, Alhamdulillah, let's continue reading.
By introducing innovations and wrong practices, like birthdays
into our children's life, from their early childhood,
we would be imparting to them lifelong misconceptions
and deviations.
Funny thing, I just want to share.
Every time I go out with my, you
know, my, not every time, most of the
time when I go out to eat outside
with my family, with my children, and then
there will be like a celebration of birthdays,
like surprise birthdays, right?
So, every birthday, they will play all the
So, why, because we don't practice, Alhamdulillah, my
family, we don't do that, we don't celebrate
So, when they see, they say, why they
are celebrating, why we don't celebrate like them,
Like, oh, so happy.
So, we have to educate them, we say.
This is not from our ways.
Again, we educate them.
We don't want to follow exactly the Westerners.
This is how the Westerners do.
But, you know, when they go to their
cousins and say their cousins also celebrate birthdays,
et cetera.
So, you have to play your role as
You have to say why it is not
allowed, et cetera, et cetera.
But if you are celebrating birthday, I don't
judge you.
No problem.
You know, as long as you want to
learn, you discover more things in the future,
It is not a matter of, I don't
know, let us see what the Sheikh say.
Sheikh Salih al-Uthaymin, Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih
al-Uthaymin said, celebrating a child's birthday is
either an act of worship or a normal
habitual practice.
So, he said with statement, it is either
an act of worship or it is a
habit, a practice, a normal practice.
So, the first point he said, if it
is an act of worship, then it is
an innovation.
Of course, whatever that is, ibadah, that is
not commanded by Allah and Prophet, salallahu alayhi
wa sallam.
So, we consider it as an innovation.
And it is confirmed from the Prophet that
he won against bid'ah and indicated that
they are acts of misguidance.
He said, beware of
the religious matters that are innovated by the
For every innovated matter, it is an act
of misguidance and whoever initiated it will reside
in the hellfire.
And second, if it is a habitual practice,
then it carries two violations.
First, it constitutes considering Eid a day that
is not so.
I mean, you say that celebration this one,
celebrating birthday, is you are adding another Eid.
This exhibits impoliteness before Allah and His Messenger,
salallahu alayhi wa sallam, by instituting a day
of celebration without Allah's permission.
When Allah's Messenger, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, arrived
at Medina, he found that the Ansar had
two annual celebrations.
They were celebrating their days, their Ansar days,
their old days.
So he said, when I came to you
in Medina, you had two days that you
celebrated from the Jahiliyyah.
And Allah indeed has substituted for you two
better days.
Khairan min huma, better than the two.
The day of Nahar, the sacrifice day, and
Yawm al-Fitr, the day of Yawm al
-Fitr, after Ramadan, first of Shawwal.
It constitutes, number B, it constitutes imitating Allah's
enemies because this practice is not from Muslims'
practice, but came from them and from other
Whoever imitates a people is one of them.
So this is Fatwa, this hadith is from
Abu Dawud, it is Sahih, and then the
Fatwa is from from Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih
So this is what the author has shared
with us.
Alhamdulillah, very very good points, indicating that we
should not participate in this kind of celebrations.
We don't judge those who celebrate with this.
Sometimes we, based on the day, for example,
we know the date, birthday of somebody, so
we want to treat them for lunch or
maybe dinner.
So try to avoid the exact day, try
to avoid the exact day, try to maybe
take another day before or after, so that
you know.
That was also considered as remembering birthdays.
Try as much as possible to change this
culture because it is hard, you know, it
is already inside our society, especially Malays.
Malays love to celebrate birthdays, especially outside in
public, they do surprises and all that.
I saw this one video in UITM, so
they do like a surprise in the Ta
'aruf week.
You have seen that video, right?
UITM, is it?
UITM is somewhere in Johor.
So you know, in universities you have orientation
weeks, right?
So you gather all of these new freshers,
and then they create a scene, fighting each
other in front of all of the people.
And suddenly it is like a prank, and
then, oh, happy birthday, and everybody is singing
in front of people.
So you know, this culture is not good,
it doesn't befit somebody who goes to universities,
University is, you know, aspire to become an
academician, you know, chasing a degree, become somebody
as knowledgeable, have a great honour, etc.
We try to avoid all these cultures that
is alien to us, especially Asians.
Nowadays, it is very easy to learn other
cultures from this, from TikToks, from all the
social medias.
So we try to go as much as
possible to the way of Islam, to the
teachings of Islam.
So these are the purest teachings that we
can abide to.
As the Prophet s.a.w. said, I
have left you, oh people, on a very,
you know, very clear path.
The night is like the day.
There is no difference.
The light is very, very, very, very, you
know, very, very bright.
The night is as if it's like the
Nothing is hidden.
There's nobody that, you know, go astray from
that path, except that they will be destroyed.
We end here today for this session, inshallah,
and may Allah s.w.t. grant us
knowledge that is beneficial and benefit us with
the knowledge that we have learned and increase
our understanding of the religion.
I open for Q&A if there's any
comments, additions, observations.
So you pointed out that birthdays are a
Western practice, but the first written incidence of
birthdays is the birthday of Firaun, and it's
in the book of Genesis.
So birthday, that was the first celebration of
It's not a Western thing.
The Westerners copied it from the Middle East.
You mentioned that we, so after mentioning the
hadith and looking at the two statements of
Shaykh al-Jibali, you mentioned that we don't
But it's very, very clear that the Prophet
s.a.w. judged based on the hadith
He says, when I came to Al-Medina,
you had two days that you celebrated from
So in that statement there, he says there's
two days, and these are days from the
days of ignorance.
So that's a judgment.
And then he said, indeed, Allah has substituted
them for you with two better days.
So when we see things like celebration of
the king's birthday, celebration of our own birthdays,
national days, Maulid Nabi, etc., etc., is it
right for us to say we can't judge
when it's very, very clear from the Quran
and Sunnah that judgment has already been made?
Yeah, I mean, I don't see that you
are, you know, you are, for example, I
don't see that you are not able to
get the rahmat of Allah s.w.t
by celebrating birthday.
You are not less a Muslim if you
celebrate birthday.
Maybe this is your mistake, that you still
cannot, you know, things you cannot, you know,
you want to leave something, sometimes in Malay
society here in Malaysia, it's hard to, you
know, to brush it off, totally cut off
like that.
Some people can, may do.
Some people, they need time.
So that's why I say you cannot, I
don't judge you, you are lesser Muslim than
Maybe you have other deeds that are better
than me, right?
Maybe there are other deeds that make you
enter Jannah, not because of you celebrating birthdays,
you go to hellfire.
So what I mean is, may Allah s
.w.t grant you and grant you the
understanding that you can leave all of these,
you know, un-Islamic celebrations.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I judge the action,
So Allah s.w.t, maybe the way
I say is wrong.
So, I apologize.
Like, if we celebrate birthday, like for example,
sometimes you want to reunite family.
Like, for example, we don't talk with our
mother, like for so long, and then take
the opportunity, wishing birthday and celebrating her birthday
so that we can reunite family.
I think the Niyat is good.
So what about, you know, in this kind
of situation?
The first thing, first and foremost, that we
shouldn't, shouldn't disconnect with our mother.
That is the first, yeah, yeah, I mean,
that is the first thing that we should
do, that we don't disconnect ourselves to our
We need to, you know, keep, keep track
with our mothers, you know, even though we
are far apart.
So we need to keep update for their
situation, etc, etc, and try to visit as
much as possible.
We know we are busy and they are
all busy.
So we try to, nowadays we can do,
you know, VC, right?
VC, what is it called?
Video conference, video conference.
That is the first issue.
The second issue, we don't need those things
to remind us to be with our mother.
We can find other avenues, right?
Find other avenues, for example, you know, randomly,
you shouldn't wait for a specific date to,
for example, to make tawbah.
You don't need to wait for a specific
thing to happen to make tawbah.
Because the Prophet s.a.w. said, sorry,
because the concept in Islam, hasten to do
good deeds.
So I don't see any problem with that.
But let's say if that is the only
way that you can do, you know, try
to avoid the day, the dates with, with
this date stuff, okay?
So, and then when you want to go
out to, to eat together with your family
or something, don't make it as a, you
know, as a birthday gathering.
Try to avoid as much as possible, if
it's possible.
As the statement say on Sahaba, how many
people that you see that they want goodness,
but they don't achieve it.
Same goes to those who wants to get
closer to Allah with others, or other, you
know, acts of worship that is not being
taught by the Prophet, right?
So Allah Allah, try our best to maneuver
ourselves from this matter.
And the first, most important thing, the missing
ingredient in our, in our family life matters
in the Muslims is that we need to
be more engaged with our parents.
You know, I myself, before this, we did
a lot of mistakes.
We, you know, we see our parents are
still there.
But believe me, when, when you, you know,
when, when parents are gone, you, you will
feel it.
My parents is not there anymore.
So it is very, very important for us
to treasure their, their, their life now.
At least we, you know, call.
Nowadays it's very easy to connect with them.
And then try our best to make them,
to please them, to make them happy.
So that, these are the keys to Jannah.
These are the keys to Jannah.
This is one of the greatest teaching of
Islam that we honor our parents.
Does that answer the question?
Other question?
How fast is Buraq?
How fast is Buraq?
I can tell you, the Prophet said, the
speed of Buraq is like the speed of
the sight of the Buraq.
Let's say if you see, how far can
you see?
And he will be there in one step.
That is the fast, the fast, the speed
of Buraq.
So when he see, for example, if you
can see KLCC from here, there's one step,
So in one night, less than one night,
he will travel from Madinah, sorry, from Makkah
to Baitul Makdis.
That is around 5,000 kilometers.
I don't know, you can do the math
around that.
So it's very far, but very fast.
This was described by the Prophet that how
fast is the Buraq is.
But does Buraq have wings?
It doesn't mention that the Buraq has wings,
If you see the Hadith of Buraq, it
doesn't have wings.
It is something like a, like a, it's
smaller than a horse, it is bigger than
a mule.
So this is one of the animals that
Allah created just for make Prophet travel to
Very good question.
So now you know how fast it is.
Okay, so inshallah, one day if we go
to paradise, inshallah, may Allah make us all
among the people of Jannah, we can see
the Buraq.
You say, oh Allah, I want to see
the Buraq, right?
Alhamdulillah, we end here.
Enough for today, inshallah.
Jazakumullah from the online, but I don't want
to answer.
But they can keep their questions to the
Jazakumullahu khairan everybody for your patience, for your
attentive listening.
May Allah grant us knowledge that is beneficial.
May Allah make us beneficial to those who
are around us.
May Allah increase our knowledge and may Allah,
as he gathers here in this hall, may
Allah gather us in Jannatul Firdaus.
May Allah forgive us, forgive our sins, forgive
the sins of our parents, forgive the sins
of our loved ones, those who are still
alive and those who have passed away.
May Allah grant us all Jannatul Firdaus.
May Allah help our brothers and sisters who
are being oppressed in other countries, in Palestine,
in Gaza, in Lebanon, in Yemen, in all
of the countries.
May Allah, may all the brothers and sisters
who are oppressed, may Allah grant us victory
and grant them help.
May Allah, as well, rectify all our affairs
and may Allah, don't even leave us alone
to ourselves, even for the blink of an
We end with tazbik al-kaffarah.
Subhanakallahumma wa bihamdika ash-shari'a la ilaha
ila anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaih wa sallallahu
ala muhammad wa ala alihi wa sallamu alaykum
wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Jazakumullahu khairan.
What was it?
What is the question?
Is it difficult to be a Muslim in
the modern world?
Is the relationship based on social connections, events,
the law, music and celebration?
Yes, difficult.
Yes, difficult.
Because Jannah is not easy.
Jannah is not easy.
Jannah is covered with al-makarih, all the
things that you don't like.
But nar is surrounded by the things that
you desire.