Hussain Yee – Any Significance for The Month of Rejab- NMC Level 1 #162

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The importance of Islam as a divine guidance for everyone to stay strong and stay connected to their daily lives is discussed, including the success of the fall festival and avoiding waste of time and money. The success of the New Year's Eve celebration is also emphasized, along with the importance of respecting neighbor and learning about the Prophet Muhammad's teachings. The importance of learning about the natural environment and preparing oneself for life is emphasized, along with the need to be prepared for unexpected events and not to waste time learning.
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Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.
All praises due to Allah, the creator of
all things, the sender of all prophets and
messengers, and the revealer of all holy scripture.
May the blessing and the mercy of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala be upon all of
us, especially the seeker of knowledge.
And for those who are still far away
from the truth, may Allah give them the
Brothers and sisters, and may Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala help every one of us to
stay fast in protecting what is right, doing
what is right, saying what is right.
Quran al-karim as a divine guidance for
humanity, not only for Muslim.
Allah rabbul alameen said, shah ramadan al-lazee
unzila feehi al-quran huda lil-nas, wa
baynati mina al-huda wal-furqan.
Allah choose the month of Ramadan that is
coming very soon.
Now in the month of Rajab.
After Rajab, Sha'ban and Ramadan.
Allah choose that the Quran was revealed in
the month of Ramadan.
For what?
Huda lil-nas as a divine guidance.
Very clear that Allah is a divine guidance.
Meaning if you are not following the Quran,
you are not considered being guided.
No other book can guide us to get
to know Allah, to stay united except the
book of Allah.
And that's why Allah said, wazkuru ni'matullahi alaikum
iz kuntum a'daan fa'allafa bayna qulubikum fa
asbahtum bini'mati ikhwana.
Always remember the bounties, the ni'mat that Allah
have given us.
Once upon a time, everybody don't have the
divine guidance, follow what they used to follow.
Everybody have their own ways.
My way, your way, like today in a
product, in a market, you have co-way,
cause-way, end-way, so many ways.
And because of that, you are not united.
Everybody have their own agenda because man-made
way is not divine.
It's not perfect because we ourself are not
So Allah reveal the divine guidance that is
here to unite all of you to become
a family.
Kuntum a'daan.
Because of that, you become enemy among yourself,
your way, my way, and you fight against
each other just because of that.
You think that you are better than the
others, you are stronger than others, but Islam
is here to guide you.
Those who are stronger, help those who are
young, who are weaker, protect them.
Those who are rich, help the poor.
Those who have knowledge, educate.
The people who are ignorant, that's how we
move on.
And Allah say, remember the blessing of his
Brothers and sisters, today the world is so
confused, not only the not yet Muslim, even
They don't know what they are doing.
Everybody just follow the trend.
We just finished the New Year Eve, and
you can see what is happening around the
So much money spent just for that particular
day, not to save human, not to save
the poor, the needy, who need a lot
of help from us.
Something is very wrong.
Now when you talk about the days, there
are so many days that we should always
Traditionally, you have so many days, Mother's Day,
later on Papa's Day.
So far, we don't have Father's Day yet,
I don't know.
The only thing that is popular is Mother's
And then you have pay day, sunny day,
rainy day, sad day, happy day, birthday, so
many days.
In Islam, there are only two days that
is considered religious day, religious festival.
Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha.
After the ending of fasting, then we celebrate
Eid al-Fitr.
That is our day.
And there is a way to celebrate, not
with firecrackers, not with all this burning here,
pollution, no, but by glorifying Allah.
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar.
La ilaha illallah wa Allahu akbar.
Allahu akbar wa lillahi'l hamd.
This is our day.
It's called religious festival.
Follow up with prayer.
Not with singing, and we don't know what
we are singing about, but just trying to
get closer to Almighty, the Creator, be grateful,
be thankful to Him that we are still
And the second one is Eid al-Adha.
It's when the people are performing Hajj.
That is the biggest one.
Because that day, you celebrate almost four days,
from the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th.
Takbir, the same thing.
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar.
No crackers, no fireworks.
No burning, no smoke, no.
Purely praising the Creator, Allah.
Other than these two days, it's not religious
day anymore.
It can be a traditional way.
Malaysia is a country rich with holidays.
While you are working, working, suddenly a holiday.
Another day, another day, another day.
So productivity is not that good.
China also have holiday, Chinese New Year.
When Chinese New Year, they have long holidays,
long holiday.
Everything just stop.
But there is no religious festival.
It is just a Chinese calculation that they
This is their new year according to their
To them, this is a day, the best
day for them to get together.
Family reunion.
They get together.
The Christian have their days.
The Hindu have their days.
The Buddhist have their days.
There are so many days.
We as Muslim, Allah have make it very
clear that He have perfected the religion for
You just have to follow.
And if you decide to follow other days,
other way, then Allah warn us, وَمَا يَبْتَغِي
غَيْرَ الْإِسْلَامَ دِينًا فَلَنْ يُقْبَلَ مِنْ وَهُوَ فِي
الْآخِرَةِ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِ You can choose, it's your
Whatever you spend, whatever you do for that
particular day, you don't follow the day that
Allah have decide for you, will not be
accepted, will be rejected.
It's a waste of time, waste of energy.
Everything is a waste.
And wasting time, money is part of the
work of the Satan who love us to
do this.
You don't spend your money in the right
way, help the poor, the needy.
You just burn your money for nothing.
And Allah said, Satan is your number one
But we don't know who is our enemy
The real family who need your help, you
are not there to help them.
Neighbour country and neighbour is suffering, million of
people suffering in Palestine.
And we don't even feel.
At least feel for them.
Very sad what is happening to us.
All these days that people are celebrating, other
than the religious day, is a commercial matter.
Everything is money.
I just want to share a bit.
If you look back to New Year Eve,
that just passed us few days ago.
When the Puritan Parliament of England banned Christmas
from 1647, 1647.
Based on the history, year 1647, Christmas was
banned by the Parliament of England.
Not us.
It became impossible for the worshippers of this
cult who create this so-called Christmas.
Have nothing to do with Jesus.
It's a business.
It's a cult.
So, for the worshippers of this cult to
bring out their ceremony, they still want to
do something.
Because it's money making.
Many of their tradition was switched to New
Year's Eve.
They start to change.
There's nothing to do with Christianity.
New Year Eve was known as Hock May
Originally the New Year for the Romans was
March the 1st.
So, when you count to seven, you will
find that September, meaning seven, then October, November,
December are the Latin word for eight months,
nine and ten.
New Year Day was changed from March the
1st to January 1st for the pagan so
-called God.
This is according to what is written in
the history.
But a lot of people today celebrating a
lot of things without knowing what is this
day about.
It become like a very traditional day now.
The day that all Muslims should always remember.
There are many days.
They're very important for us to remember.
Not our birthday, but you can, just to
remember when you were born.
No problem.
But it's not a festival.
It's just a day for you to recall
how old you are.
That's good to remember.
Oh, I'm one year, two years, three years.
Allah in the Holy Quran mention a lot
of days that we are not alert about
The Prophet, he always love his ummah to
remember that particular day.
That's why when he start his mission in
Mecca, he start by remembering all his ummah.
Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day,
let him say good or let him be
Number one.
Number two.
Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day,
let him honor his neighbor.
Number three.
Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day,
let him honor his neighbor.
Or his guest.
In Sahih Muslim, the Prophet said, whoever believe
in Allah, whoever believe in Allah, he must
believe in that day called the Last Day.
When you believe Allah is there, you must
believe there is a Last Day for every
one of us.
That day is a very important day for
the believers.
But the believers keep on forgetting that particular
If you say you believe in Akhira, the
sign, Allah said, when you want to say
anything, make sure you say what is good.
Anytime you want to say something, you want
to speak about anything, make sure is good,
is right, or silent is better.
There is a sign of the people who
believe in that day.
And whoever believe in Allah and the Last
Day, there will be a Last Day for
all of us.
You must always honor your guest.
Honor your neighbor.
These are the sign of those who say
he believe.
Or she believe.
But today, a lot of people are not
aware about that particular day.
There is so many day, Yawmul Khuruj.
There is another day called Yawmul Khuruj, the
Exiting Day.
Meaning there will come a day, everyone who
have passed away millions of years ago, then
when the day will appear, the Last Day,
everyone will exit from their grave, from Aram
There is the day of resurrection.
There is a day, Yawmul Hashr, another day
that Allah use.
The day of assembly, everybody will stand up.
That's why that day also is known, Yawmul
Qiyamah, the day of standing.
Qiyamah means standing.
No one sit.
No one have a chair for them.
Everybody, king, emperor, young, old, male, female, rich,
poor, everybody will stand.
How long you stand?
You have to stand there for 50,000
How many hours you have stand on earth
None of us have even stand for 10
You have to stand for 50,000 years.
It's a long day.
That day also is known as Yawmul Hashr,
the day of regret.
A lot of people will regret.
I should have done this.
I should have done that too late.
Reminder and reminder have been given.
You keep on forgetting.
You are very, very careless.
You don't care less.
You don't care.
How many time our parents remind us to
be good?
We don't care.
How many time Imam always remind the makmum
to follow the Imam properly?
We don't care.
How many time we are reminded when you
pray Jum'ah, you must stand straight, stand
close to each other, shoulder to shoulder, feet
to feet.
We don't care.
We just don't care.
That day is also named as Yawmul Hishab,
the day of reckoning.
The day of reckoning.
That is the day also is known as
Yawmul Tublasarair.
Yawmul Tublasarair.
That is the day when all secret, where
all secret will be laid in front of
Nobody can hide from Allah that particularly.
That day also is known as Yawmul Qulud,
the day of eternity.
After that day, we will be surviving either
in paradise or in *.
That's all.
You go to paradise, you'll be there eternity,
You go to * also, forever.
Quludina fiha.
So brothers and sisters, why I started about
this day today?
Why I talk about days today?
Because today also we are in the month
of Rajab.
When come in the month of Rajab, we
all, normally the traditional Muslim, will be exposed
to a lot of ritual.
And they always use some hadith to say,
example one hadith.
This hadith according to them is from Anas
bin Malik.
He said that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
mentioned, Indeed
in paradise there is a river which was
named as the river of Rajab, the name
of this month, Rajab.
We are in Rajab now.
Where the water that flow in this river
of Rajab is so white, pure white.
Whiter than the snow or the milk.
And the taste is so sweet, sweeter than
There's so many.
And whoever fast one day in this month
of Rajab, Allah is sure to give you
the right to taste from this river.
To drink the water from this river.
This saying is created by some people to
misguide the Muslim.
This hadith was in the level of, to
the level of maudhu, false hadith.
People start to create.
Try to innovate.
Encourage you to do thing that that is
not been taught by Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
But if they said, I recommend you, no
one will follow.
So they use the name of the Prophet.
But one thing that we have been blessed,
brothers and sisters, our religion that has been
perfected by Allah and was delivered by Prophet
Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in the best manner.
And Allah protect.
The Quran cannot be altered, cannot be changed.
Until today, you go to any country, the
Quran is the same book.
The origin of the Quran stay strong until
Nobody can, they can try.
Allah say, We are the one who reveal
the final revelation as a reminder to all
of us, the Quran, and we will protect
the authenticity of this book.
The original text cannot be changed.
People can play with the translation.
But any Muslim, good Muslim scholar can detect.
By minute they detect.
This is not the right translation.
Because nobody understand the book of Allah more
than one man.
The messenger of Allah who received directly from
him through Angel Gabriel.
So nobody can say that this is what
Quran said without referring back to one man,
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
He is the way.
And the saying of the Prophet also, Alhamdulillah,
with the will of Allah.
It is been recorded in all the authentic
books of references.
But the difference with the Quran, the saying
of the Prophet can be manipulated.
Because it is the word of human.
But the Prophet was guided.
The authentic saying of the Prophet cannot go
against the Quran.
But when it is not from the Prophet,
then you can see.
Suddenly it contradict.
Then you know automatically this is not from
the Prophet.
Because the Prophet was reminded by Allah.
And he also remind the people.
He would never utter, say something under the
name of Allah, under the name of Islam,
based on his desire, his feeling, his emotion,
except what Allah revealed to him.
That is the Prophet.
Not like you and me.
We are different.
We can put so many feeling in our
Because we love feeling.
We are the EQ people.
People of emotional.
Now there is also another saying, very popular.
And if you check this Hadith properly, if
you are a man who are very careful
about saying the Prophet, then you will find
that all these Hadith that people are quoting
when Rajab come in, when this month is
concerned, you can get it in the collection
of Al-Hadith Al-Mawduat.
The collection of false Hadith.
They also say, that a companion said, the
true companion will never say something that is
not from Allah.
But they use this name.
People who want to create fitna, they just
choose any name.
Who say this?
He say this.
Who say that?
I didn't say that.
And the people who are innocent, oh, he
say that.
I know him.
If he say that, I believe.
But they didn't double check with me.
Did you say that?
We should.
We should.
Today the world is so easy for you
to communicate, you should.
They say, that our Prophet did mention the
month of Rajab is the month of Allah.
And the month of Sha'ban that is
coming is Shahri.
My month.
And the Ramadan Shahru'ummati is the month
for my ummah.
The wording seems to be very very attractive.
The month of Allah.
The month of Prophet Muhammad.
The month of his ummah.
It sound, sound good, you know.
It make us feel good.
And whoever fast one day in this month
with the right iman and the right intention,
then he qualified to get the blessing of
Allah and enter Jannatul Firdaus.
Who say that?
Somebody could.
And they said, sunnah, sunnah, sunnah.
It's from the Prophet.
For you, a normal person, if I don't
learn about this, I will be like all
of you.
So special.
Let us do what we were taught to
This month is the same month.
Like other month.
But if you are a person who have
been fasting the sunnah fast Monday, Thursday, every
month, 13, 14, 15, the white days, the
middle of every month, then you can continue,
no problem.
This sunnah is recommended by the Prophet.
But to choose a particular day and fix
it in this month, just one day, you
get this reward.
It's not from the Prophet.
But it's very popular.
When you come to Rajab, you can see
a lot of people will tell you to
do this, do this, do that.
But if you are a person who have
been fasting the sunnah fast, then you can
There's nothing wrong.
Nothing to do with this month.
It's about Ismin, Monday, Thursday, and the day,
the middle, the day in the middle of
every month, 13, 14, 15.
There is the general hadith from the Prophet,
Sallallahu alayhi wa alihi wa sallam.
This is just to remind all of us
that we should be very careful in following
the teaching of Islam.
We cannot just blindly listen to what people
say without, but what can we do?
The lay person, they don't know.
They don't have the tools to check whether
this is copper, gold.
They don't know.
Anything yellow, gold.
Not necessary.
Every color who look alike is the same
So, brothers and sisters, please remember the day
that is very important for us to believe
in Yawm al-Akhirah, our last day.
As we die, there is our own last
On earth, we will die.
We pray, may Allah forgive the soul of
some of our young brother who just passed
away these few days back.
A lot of young people is leaving us.
They are younger than their parents.
Their parents are still surviving, Alhamdulillah.
But, they have returned back to Allah.
Allah maqfilahum warhamuhum wa afihim wa afu'anhum.
May Allah forgive their soul.
May Allah pardon them.
And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala replace
for them a better environment than the environment
they have in this life.
This life is full of fitna, challenges.
But you cannot escape.
You just have to prepare yourself.
And one of the ways that we show
the seriousness about that fitna we are preparing
is we are here to learn.
Saturday, Sunday, we spend our time wisely to
get closer to Almighty God to know what
He wants us to do and try to
What is it don't do?
He loves you more than yourself.
He keeps on reminding you because He wants
you to be safe.
He wants to save you from a lot
of destruction.
We don't know.
We humans just follow our feelings.
So, that's why attending religious classes is essential.
But what kind of class?
A class who talks nonsense?
Just say sunnah, sunnah, sunnah without any evidence?
We don't want to waste our time learning
things that is not authentic.
So, we must be selective like how we
select our food, how we select our garment,
how we select the place that we want
to live in.
You select your friend.
You select in stitching the right knowledge.
What we can assure all of you, brothers
and sisters, the difference between we and other
areas, we try our best to make sure
that whatever we are sharing with all of
you is based on the saying of Allah,
the Quran, unchanged, unaltered, uncorrupted, and the authentic
saying of the Prophet.
That's all.
Because we know a lot of people are
using sunnah, this word, too freely.
Sunnah, sunnah, sunnah.
In a few verses in Arabic, and there
are people who are like normal people.
It's a Prophet's saying.
Prophet's saying.
That's why the Prophet warned us.
He said, He said, whoever
says something and uses my name, but I
didn't say.
He just used my name.
He put himself in hellfire.
Whoever dare to lie with the name of
the Prophet, he will put himself in hellfire.
The companion cannot say that.
Only the Prophet can say that.
Because his word is an authority.
So don't misuse the authority.
It's like when you say, Allah said.
If Allah said, I'm going to follow.
Which ayah are you going to know?
Which ayah?
Show me.
If they cannot show you the ayah, you
are the reference from the book of Allah
in the Quran, then you say, I'm sorry.
I will not follow because it's not from
It's not, show me the reference.
So it's okay.
It's your saying.
But the scholar or the saying of the
scholar is not the saying of Allah.
Saying of the scholar is not the saying
of the Prophet.
It's not the same.
That's why Allah said, Why did Allah say
to the Prophet?
So the Prophet will say to his people
because among his followers you have the people
from the people of the book.
The Yahud and the Nasara who became Muslim.
So the Prophet conveyed this message to remind
them that the Jew and the Christian they
are the people of the book.
Ahlul Kitab.
They have Moses and Torah.
They have Jesus and have Injil considered as
the Bible today.
The New Testament.
They have the right man, Jesus.
The right man, Moses.
They have the right book.
Torah, the Old Testament, Injil they have it.
Like we have Prophet Muhammad and Quran.
What went wrong?
Because whatever they do now they don't check
their reference.
The original Torah is non-existent.
Only in the museum.
And you cannot find in their book today
that they have formed a new book.
From Torah they changed the Talmud.
And then they said that this is the
new one, new version.
All the wording there is from their Rabbi.
Their monk, their priest.
There is no reference Old Testament versus this.
Chapter this, no more.
And when you go back to the book
of Injil, the New Testament, worse than the
Old Testament.
Everything changed.
Who wrote that?
You go back to the history you will
None of the disciples of Jesus who wrote
How can you, if you are not a
disciple and you say Jesus say that.
But you see the way our book, our
reference very different.
If Allah's word is Quran.
Completely different out from the saying of the
If the Prophet said the Prophet is having
another reference.
They have another set of book written only
the saying of Prophet.
When Allah no, the word of the Prophet
is never trying to get mixed with the
word of Allah.
Quran is just Quran, call Allah, call Allah.
But when Hadith you have the companion heard
that the Prophet say this.
The companion is doing this because he saw
the Prophet does it.
That is how the saying of the Prophet.
You don't have any reference in the people
of the book today.
The Yahud and Nasara have that kind of
What is the saying of Moses?
What is the saying of Jesus?
They put everything in one.
Last Testament.
As a divine guidance to
show you what is right and what is
So just follow.
But today we feel sad.
We have the best guidance, very clear guidance.
Furqan is here to differentiate the right and
the wrong haqq and falsehood.