Hussain Yee – 36 – Our Precious Sprouts
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All praises due to allahrubalalamin,
and we keep on asking allah to make
us among the people who are grateful and
so that allah's blessing will keep on
to all of us, In sha Allah.
Allah remind us whoever
are grateful and thankful,
will add His blessing,
that everything that we have is not just
food, provision, help, but plus blessing.
So there's a lot of difference when you
have something without the blessing
and you have something
with the blessing.
May the mercy
and the blessing of the Lord be upon
His beloved prophet Muhammad,
the family of the prophet,
the companions of the prophet
and those who follow the teaching
of the prophet till the day
of judgment.
Brother and sister Israeli,
another namah,
another extra blessing when we become student of
Why the blessing is that every step that
we make,
one sin is being erased,
one status is being lifted,
and there's a lot of rewards
just by seeking knowledge.
But then
after having the knowledge,
when we act upon the knowledge,
it becomes fruitful.
Knowledge without action is just like a tree.
It gives some shade,
yeah, but
there's no fruit.
Sometimes you may plant
a fruit tree.
The tree is growing but no fruits.
You gain some benefit from the tree because
of the shade.
It gives some kind of shade to you
but no fruit. So knowledge without action is
just like a tree
that bears
no fruits.
So when
you act upon the knowledge,
then you see the
The blessing is added now.
So when
the fruit is there,
it do not just benefit you, it benefit
other people.
Then it's time for you to share.
When you act upon the knowledge,
then only you have the right
to share the knowledge with others.
If you yourself don't have knowledge, there's nothing
to give.
Yeah. There's a saying, poor people can't give.
See. So but when you are rich with
then at least you can
share with others. But how can you share
the knowledge
when we ourselves are not practicing
what we learn?
You can't because you don't have the values.
Anything that you do when you
don't have knowledge,
the quality is not there. It's just like
food. You want to open a restaurant,
You see a good business,
but you are not a good cook.
People may come and taste and after that
nobody is coming
because the food tastes lousy,
you know, even in a prime area, but
people don't come to you because your food
don't taste
good. But if you're good
then even you are so far away,
people will go because
you know what you are doing.
So knowledge is very important
but then knowledge
must follow-up with action.
So when you have the fruit now,
knowledge is not just for you.
If you think as long I seek knowledge,
call us. No.
It's a nyamah.
Knowledge is a gift,
is a blessing,
yeah. Not just food and dream but knowledge
also is a blessing.
when it comes to nyakmah,
Allah always reminds us
in Surat Al Duha,
at the end of the Surat Uduha.
All the nirma that Allah has given us,
don't just keep it to yourself.
Islam is a very productive
Islam is here to help one another,
not to destroy
one another,
not to
humiliate one another, gossip,
yeah, towards one another. No.
That's why if you look in the Quran
as a guidance,
Quran always remind us how to be a
better person,
to be beneficial,
to be fruitful.
So Quran said example,
meaning a true believer is always ready
to help one another.
Ready to give,
not just to receive.
Always be ready to help one
To do what? Help one another to do
something righteous
that will end with taqwa.
If anything you do are not righteous, righteous
mean what you do is purely for Allah,
and the way you do it, you follow
the way of the messenger
of Allah connected.
Not my way,
I think I'm better, I know better. Don't
do that.
No one knows better than Allah.
He knows
about the future,
about what that you can see and what
you can see. It's in the knowledge of
That is number 1,
and nobody can say I know about Allah,
I know about Islam more than Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. No one can say
So anybody try to say no, you should
follow this, follow that,
They are very confused.
They don't know what they are talking about.
If you are talking about dunya, fair enough.
You follow those who are expert in that
you know.
You don't know where to go,
how to go to your destination.
Now you have what? You have Google map,
you have Waze. You can follow. No problem.
That one you don't have to open the
and then look for hadith,
where is jalan jumbaka?
You can find that in the Quran,
but there's one ayat in the Quran
gives you all the answer, Allahu Akbar.
Allah Almighty,
sometimes He just give 1 ayah
enough for people
of knowledge.
What is that ayah?
Ask the people who know.
You don't know how to go to this
Just be humble.
Just ask.
You don't know how to please your parents?
Ask them,
papa, what do you like me to do?
Mama, what do you like me to do?
Just ask.
You want to be very helpful,
a very good student, ask the teacher,
how can I be a good student?
A good student, when the teacher is talking,
he listen.
When people when the the teacher is doing
some action, he observe
like how the companion.
They see,
they hear,
and they follow
because knowledge do not just come from hearing,
knowledge has come from your sight too.
That's why you see the companions sometimes they
I saw the prophet. He now say I
heard, no I saw.
This is how the prophet does, that's how
I'm doing. They are good
follower, good
From generation to generation that thing just
yeah move on
to all of us. See how blessed the
teaching of Islam.
So to be a student of knowledge, it
a nyahma.
But always remember
when the Prophet talked about knowledge,
when Allah talked about knowledge,
he is not talking about opinion,
what the public is doing, he's not talking
about tradition, he's talking about pure knowledge.
come from Allah.
Pure knowledge is what Allah said,
at all time, logical,
practical, rational.
That is pure knowledge.
How many of us who read the Quran?
Many. Alhamdulillah.
How many who understand?
A few. How many who really
act upon it?
you go filter after filter.
only Allah knows the number.
Yeah. The number of Muslims,
Those who memorize Quran,
Those who understand the Quran,
we don't know,
and that is why the prophet keep on
reminding his
Ummah. The prophet said whoever dared to say
about Quran based on his feeling,
I feel, I think. You don't have to
think. Quran, Allah have
made everything very clear through one man, Muhammad
to explain to us in detail
about what aqidah,
about what ibadah,
how to clean yourself to Horus,
everything is been explained
so detailed.
You just follow.
to dunya affairs,
Allahu Akbar.
Dunya affair, the prophet gives you the green
About your world, you know better.
You see how beautiful this region.
Anything to do with dunya,
you know better.
My time, I ride on horses, on camel,
on donkey.
Alhamdulillah, the Prophet now said to all of
us, nobody can do Hajj without camel.
If you say that, Allahu Akbar.
The first thing that everybody who want to
go to Hajj must do, learn how to
ride a camel.
I don't know how many people will reach
Mecca at that time.
We don't know how many.
Just example,
but you can come with any transportation.
Alhamdulillah, look at how rationally Islam is.
Brothers and sisters,
the Prophet want
his ummah to be a very
active productive
Of course you must learn,
and the beauty of this center
here we only share with you what Allah
said and what the prophet want us to
do. That's all.
We don't like to entertain opinion,
what the majority is doing,
what the Arabs is doing, no no, that
is not our Qibla. Our Qibla
our direction is always there. The prophet even
said to us in hadith Muslim and term
easy before we move to the book,
Look at the beauty of this
saying about Prophet, about values.
How to be a better Muslim, a good
Muslim not just a Muslim.
Not only Muslim by name, Muslim by tradition,
but a practicing Muslim. He said whoever
fulfill the need of his brother or sister,
Allah will fulfill his need on the day
of kliama.
Whoever eases his brother's
difficulty, somebody is having some and you are
there to try to see how you can
Allah, what is his difficulty
in this life
and on the day of resurrection. You just
do 1, Allah gives you
You help me in his new doing. Allah
help you in dunya and akhirah.
Allahu akbar.
And whoever cover up the hidden fault, the
of another Muslim
purely not to humiliate him,
not to expose his bad thing,
then Allah also will cover your fault
from the will of other people here and
the hereafter.
Nobody is perfect. All of us have our
but when you
the witnesses of somebody,
your duty
if you know you are sure,
him. Try to approach them in the best
Don't humiliate them.
Don't scream at them and crack them openly.
Don't do that.
Everybody has certain pride.
So you must know how to approach. Even
your children,
you don't scream at them in front of
their uncle, auntie. Next time they see their
uncle, they disappear.
Yeah. Because their uncle and auntie know how
bad the boy
is. So he also feels shame. No.
You do behind,
yeah, the public.
Talk to them nicely.
That's how you approach.
You try to cover the mistake of somebody.
We have our own mistake and what we
it us to cover.
Yeah. That will be the best way.
to others.
That's how Islam want us,
yeah, to be.
Not just think of yourself. Now you're learning,
you understand,
you act upon the knowledge,
you see the fruit, then you can feel
the sweetness of
iman because iman come with action.
Iman never stay there. I believe I believe
you must do something.
Every time in the Quran talk about iman,
follow our reaction
and not just any action
but righteous deed.
Now what should we do?
The minimum that we must do.
When you talk about
Sunday class, we talk about family.
When we talk about family,
we talk about
start with we,
then our immediate family.
Who is the immediate family?
Your spouses.
Earlier you are stranger to one another.
You only have your papa, mother, your sibling
that is your family.
Now you have your own family started by
your spouses, your partner
who is so close to you.
Then Allah used the term.
You and your partner is like a garment.
You see how close the garment to our
We cannot just walk outside without wearing anything.
It's not right. It's not,
The fitra,
yeah, is not right, you know.
Even you are right if you walk out
When people look at you, they know you
are not right.
But you are wrong. I'm a scientist, you
know. I'm a PhD holder.
When people look at your colors, you don't
talk to them.
They'll run away from you. You think you're
so attractive?
Even you are a celebrity but suddenly you
go walk naked.
What do people think?
So handsome.
No, people run away
a sound
mind that this person will not do that
because you have
You have to cover your body.
So Allah is
us husband and wife
is like a garment
to one another.
Very important to have this kind of understanding.
very very important.
Now and then Allah
said to us and talk about family
Oh, you who believe, if we are believers,
we know that Allah is talking to us.
You cannot help your partner if you yourself
are ignorant,
and you don't learn,
and you don't act upon
what you believe.
We say actions speak louder than words.
Always remember this for all of us who
are here.
You don't just keep on talking talking and
you do nothing.
You think people appreciate? No.
You know Islam is so beautiful. Islam is
so clean but you are dirty.
How can people appreciate? People can't.
So we set
an example. That's why the prophet,
you know, Allah said,
Indeed, in the prophet,
whatever he does, whatever he said,
he set the best
He don't only
but he talk and he walk upon it.
There is a beauty of our prophet
to the extent
that when people ask Aisha,
who know better about
a man
than the wife?
How good is this man.
I just say, kana kalukuhul Quran.
You want to know
how beautiful the Quran is,
how practical the Quran is,
Why the Quran is called hudah,
Look at this man.
He's a living Quran.
When he talk, he only talk what is
What is good
or silent is better.
He never lie, he never cheat.
You entrust him with anything,
you have peace.
He will never betray you.
He respects the elders. He loves the young
Everything you want,
He is there.
How blessed are we? That's why
divine guidance, brother and sisters.
known to all of us.
Hidayah is a very, very
important gift from Allah.
than dollar and cent.
He was given the hidayah, the Quran
given to us.
Only now how do you understand the Quran.
When Allah said save yourself
and save your family.
If you yourself, you don't care about your
own health,
you are what you eat, how can you
Even you want to eat, we love to
eat. Do we love to eat brother and
Children, do you like food?
What do you think?
The boys, do you like to eat?
Yeah. Every morning you eat before you come.
Make sure you have breakfast.
After that, you are thinking of lunch now.
After lunch, thinking of dinner. Automatic,
you know, you'll come.
It's good there's nothing wrong because Allah says
eat and drink.
But how can you make sure that your
food and your drink
give you energy,
make you healthier,
make you stronger?
So you must
a balanced nutrition.
Not Cabo, Cabo, Cabo
all the way. Then you become like a
Not only protein, protein, protein. All the way.
Not only your food, food, food. You need
water. Drink. Drink. Drink. Not the.
Not the what?
Not all this
drink that you have,
that is not healthy.
Full of sugar.
You know our body has enough sugar.
Everything there sugar. Rice got sugar, bread got
veggie got sugar, fruit got sugar.
Especially mango,
high sugar.
So if you like sweet tea, you have
Use honey, a better sweetness.
Don't use the white white white white is
a killer.
All the white, they're polish, polish, polish,
and they're going to polish your body too.
Cut down.
It's not easy, but you have to do
to save yourself,
to be alert about how important to keep
yourself healthy
and then
make sure that you give your spouses the
You don't take all the good stuff
and all the poison thing you give it
to your partner. How can you do that?
You can't do that.
And one thing I like to alert,
please treat
your helper with respect.
Show your care and love.
If you have a helper at home,
Show them especially if they
are doing cooking for you.
Respect, honor them. If not, you know what
is going to happen only alone.
They go they will add extra flavor,
you know.
While cooking, cooking, cooking, cooking, they're not happy
with you. They just spit inside.
You have CCTV,
you don't know what to do now.
You go to sack them up and then
you go to school then you beat them
out sometime.
You make people very unhappy.
So the same goes to your wife. Don't
make your wife unhappy but your wife will
not do that to you, Insha'Allah.
Umm. We have our good wife.
How bad the husband and the wife never
do that so far.
How can we think of that? Yeah. Everything
can happen.
I'm just sharing. Yeah. Please
be careful.
Now if we look at
the book again,
today we should be talking about protecting the
Is that protecting the baby?
What is the topic today? Based on the
book there in front of me.
The last one is about okay, but it's
not written here. That's why
normally I put a note.
So I got to
make sure all these things
is because on and off I'm not around
so there's some my system will take over.
Last Saturday, last Sunday is what day? Last
Sunday. Last Sunday.
What is the date of last Sunday?
25th. Yeah.
Today is
1, 3, 1.
Deterrence of good. Okay.
Now it's first. Yeah.
Now if you revisit a bit on
how to take care of your children before
then you know.
A lot of the creator are aware about
many, many things that we are not aware
How cute, how handsome,
how nice looking your children, masha'allah,
is a gift.
We always ask Allah when you want to
have children, we
ask Allah to bless us
children who is the coolness of our eye.
When we look at them,
it brings happiness,
you know. That is the children
that we want.
Of course, children when they are very young,
you know,
they are very very active, and they don't
know what is right and what is wrong.
They don't know what is dangerous
and what is not. Everything
is a toy.
Always remember,
you give them money, they will tear.
It's your fault. Who can call you to
give them money?
You give them coin, they swallow sometimes. They
thought they said chocolate.
Everything that you want to expose the children
to when they are toddlers,
Please remember
they are so innocent.
They don't know anything. Everything
is alive to them
because Allah said, you see how,
you know, guided are we but how
ignorant we are. We thought that we are
so smart.
Even treating how to take care of the
Islam have taught us.
What did the prophet say about
newborn child?
Anybody remember
what the prophet said about a newborn
And you can
say something like that.
prophet says, every newborn
are born
Who corrupt them first?
Don't blame friend. There's no friend yet.
Don't blame
No, they don't know who is the neighbor,
they only know, they don't even know who
is their papa and mama.
There's some video when mama was feeding the
the the the children and then brother called
mama, mama,
and then he said papa, papa.
He said mama, mama, papa, papa.
Very strange, very unique,
yeah. Very unique that how can the one
who is taking care of the child is
the mama, but the child seem to respond
baba baba baba baba papa.
Cute or not? Is that very cute? How
do the father feel when you are not
there always, but you hear your your children
call you papa papa papa?
If you look at the hadith man, sha
When the prophet used
then it means father
then mother. When he said
meaning mama come first.
There's a beauty in the way the prophet,
conveyed the message
for the
people who have deep understanding, they know.
Even the mother is the bearer who's taking
but the one who is so no crop
the baby first is the father.
The father have no time,
so they buy a lot of gift and
corrupt the child.
So each time the father come back, oh
you have some toy, new toy.
Mama no toy to give. Mama carry
so mama have no time to play with
There's nothing wrong,
but if you want to give toys, you
must give
creative toys, you
then teach them.
Through the toy, you can teach them.
You have
zebra, example,
or lion,
and that's good. This
is eye
eye eye eye. You teach them.
This is nose nose
nose. Try to teach
them. Don't teach them.
and then they they will pick up that
when they see you.
Then we are so happy. Wow, you are
like a tiger.
You see?
So we are one who start to corrupt
them, so they become like a tiger.
No. No. No. Teach them about what is
hair, what is head, what is eye, and
now children
is innocent.
I know we are proud to see beautiful
and we like to show off sometimes.
We take a lot of photos today
and we share it with the public.
That also can cause evil eye.
We expose them
for the wrong reason.
If people want to come,
they are so
attracted to discharge good but keep in your
heart anytime,
any places come, hamdulillah
all the places
billah back to Allah.
Then every time don't forget to recite. The
children cannot recite any you
To seek Allah's protection.
Pray. We have to do the prayer. Children,
We love our children but protect them.
In the Quran
protect yourself and your immediate family from hellfire.
When your children exposed to evil eye, it
is really painful
painful for them.
They are so innocent, so small now they're
They keep on crying, they don't know why
they cry, and we also don't know why
you cry. Normally baby will cry because they
are hungry.
It's a sign they cannot communicate with you.
When they cry, you know,
put put time
and they don't eat a lot.
Allah is so blessed,
not I mean all knowing.
He prepared
the food, the provision for the baby
from the mother. Suddenly
you have milk.
It's Allah's way of telling us, I am
the one who give them risk.
You don't have to worry. Run here and
run by. Allah give it to you.
It's just you.
How to make sure that
the milk that Allah have grant to our
the mother,
is quality meal.
Meal is always there.
Quality meal
come from quality food,
and the stem husband have to be very
Take good care of
the wife
because the wife is there to take care
of the baby.
Anything the wife need, the best food, keep
so that they produce
quality meal.
It benefit the child,
immunity of the child comes stronger,
and then it save us a lot in
the future.
I always say make one heart happy,
the heart of the mother,
The heart of the woman.
Once she's happy, she produce all the good
chi, good energy,
and the good chi will go to the
because she's a very happy mother,
healthy mother.
Don't burden the wife is extracting
that we can do
on her behalf. Example.
Is that easy?
Is that easy for the brothers?
It's not difficult.
Just be a good guy.
Be a bad guy is difficult. You have
to plan how to be bad.
You have to plan how to lie, difficult.
To be good is very simple,
just follow the guidance of Allah.
Allah has shown you the guidance, the Quran
is there, read, don't understand, try to understand,
and then act upon it.
That is how
we protect our children,
not to expose to them,
to the public.
You attract a lot of
attention and you don't know what is in
people's mind
and what do they say.
Showing off,
They may say something good but even good,
the evil eye is coming in.
So very important to all our brothers and
to work together as a team to protect
the children.
Yeah. As they grow, when the mother is
busy, the father is now observe
the action, the activity of the baby.
Yeah. Don't let
the baby
exposed with anything that is danger.
Sharp things,
water. Remember water
gives life and water can be a killer.
Children love water. Do you remember children anything
to water?
Lord, what about?
My experience with my grandchildren
and also my nephew my grand nephew,
While we are just
taking a boat ride
on the lake,
suddenly he just dropped down
because he want to cross,
yeah, the jetty
to the boat.
A slight
from the adult.
Children is children.
They thought it's okay, they just try
to step on, they went into the lake.
What do you think we should do?
When it happened, I just jumped into the
pulled the baby out.
Of course, when you go in like that,
everything is wet.
You have your, you know,
your wallet is there. You have all the
paper inside your board. You have your hand
phone in them. Gone.
Because they have patience and hope, our protect,
and then alhamdulillah.
There is one. When I was
holding my grandson,
going into the house of the family,
there was
not so deep actually,
where they have a small
area where they put some small fishes there.
While he was walking, he was looking. He
fall in.
Immediately you have to do some.
Even it's not deep but got panic and
then they'll keep on.
They can get drowned very easily. Water is
not I've seen,
not toddlers.
Children age of 4 5
drowned in front of me.
The mother just left because in the swimming
pool hotel,
I was there looking at my grandchildren,
and this boy was and the mother was
there, then the mother just went to the
Safeguard was there.
Safeguard is looking in the deep
water, the deep side.
This one is very,
you know,
shallow, so
they don't pay attention.
It didn't,
you know,
I'm not aware about what happened. Suddenly,
I saw the babies the the boy is
Now all the food that is inside is
coming up.
Immediately I jumped up, it's too late.
Can you imagine?
They are there for a holiday,
maybe the husband is busy
doing some mating,
and the mother is just
trying to make their baby happy, the boy,
and he just went into the temple come
out, gone.
How do you feel?
So when it comes to children,
be very alert.
Make sure the environment
is safe for them.
Children who do not know how to crawl
is limited,
yeah, their movement.
When they start to crawl,
you must learn
now, you know, because they don't know what
is wrong. Everything
is a toy.
Always remember that. You don't blame them. You
don't even shout and scream.
Why do you take care? Everybody
has to take care, not only the mother
have to take care.
Everyone who is there, the sibling, the brother,
that's all you must remind each other.
So that everybody is always there to help
one another.
This is the value that is important.
Now come back to chapter 8. Yeah now
we're in chapter 8
page 131
for those who have the book.
For those who don't have the book, slowly
you can follow
and I think this book is still with
us that you can purchase if you want
and maybe you can go through
what we have learned earlier
and try to benefit from
the author of this book.
Why does it
or why it does not work?
We often hear an outcry from concerned parent
that they did all that is possible
to protect their child from harm and evil.
They said all the authentic supplication
du'a had applied,
all the authentic
to protect the child
is been done but nothing
Still the child
is exposed to something that is
not helping the child, helping us.
The child keep falling sick.
It appeared to be under a magical spell
or possessed
by a jinn.
Where is the place that the jinn like
to be in always?
Don't forget the jinn also have his
squatters room.
You have the room
for the parent
master bedroom.
You have room
for your
children children's room.
When there is certain age, boy and girl
must be separated.
This is the rule, Islamic
We have guest room,
reading room,
so many rooms.
So for this for this,
but the gene also have his own room
and the genes
yeah, stay in the toilet.
You see because he is not
the good gene don't do that, the bad
because he's bad. So
his place also,
fit him.
Like bad guy like to go to bad
Or the negative guy like to go to
night club.
Or the good guy, no. No. They don't
want to go because you know night club,
but you have music,
you know, so loud
and then drinking.
But people who are very family, they don't
like to go to this kind of area.
So you must know the jinn, where he
likes to be.
And the jinn got children. Don't forget they
also have their own baby.
You can see them, you see them, maybe
you cannot sleep.
So he Allah, khadar, they don't appear in
front of you but you must be alert.
That's why each time when you go to
the toilet, you step in with which food?
Which food?
And what
you say? What do you say?
Now if parent don't memorize, what do we
think how the children can memorize?
So we set good example. We have been
so we teach our children.
They may not understand. Never mind. Just get
them used to it.
Say this,
we like our children to
talk. When they know how to talk, we
are so happy.
Before they learn how to talk, we are
so worried.
When my children is going to start to
Suddenly when they start to talk,
we got so tired.
They keep on talking, talking without stop
because now they start to learn how to
So they'll be very
active in talking.
Now we are tired in hearing, listening.
So what the minute they learn how to
talk, that is the time
you must teach them all these
things. Say this,
recite this.
When do you apply? Go to the toilet,
add up, add up all start from young.
Tarabia to Aulat,
teaching children must
start from
the beginning.
Don't let them go. It's okay. He's too
young. It's okay. He's still young. That is
the time.
Reinforce all the positive, the good thing in
them. If not all the other thing is
going to come in,
no, they are just
empty can.
You don't put in the positive negative going.
You don't blame them,
and if you learn music, music you see
suddenly the body start to move and make
us so proud. Wow,
my baby is so young and you see
how he move.
He can be a good dancer, so you
want them to be a dancer.
You can be a good ballet. You want
them to do all these things.
You will be proud when they can
some du'a.
They can say alhamdulillah,
you're on Bil'ana mean,
but you always
know, alhamdulillah.
Example is you.
Start from us.
You don't create the environment.
You want the best, but you don't create
the best environment.
When we inquire from those parents about the
that they have established for the children,
we often find that it contains a number
of wrong and constitute
deterrent for the acceptance of root year.
When you want to make prayer, you want
the prayer to be answered, correct?
all. Why? Why
the prayer is not being answered? You see,
I recite this, I do this, but why
my children is not being protected?
Who will hear Allah all hearing
and all knowing?
But who will bring
this dua to Allah?
It's the angels.
You know all the angels,
anything you do good, they will bring up.
Allah knows if they don't bring up, but
Allah also know about it. He is part
of the
The angel will bring
present it to Allah.
We want good angels to be around us,
but now the good angel is not there.
When the good forces is not there, what
is there?
You know what is there.
The Chinese also believe
even they don't believe in God but they
believe in yin and yang.
The good force
and the bad forces,
they believe.
They believe good and bad.
Nobody can escape to believe in Kadar and
Only the way they believe is different.
Can you imagine?
We talk about yin and gang.
We have.
We have been talking about the good and
and bhartil, halal and haram,
shirk and tawhid, iman and kufur. Everything
is in the book,
but we fail to understand.
aiding harm and evil in attacking the child
because the environment
is not
a blessed environment.
Among those that run are images,
bells, television,
and any other act of disobedience
that is committed
or maintained
in the child proximity
Look in the room where you want to
have the children to sleep in.
If we want to put some good name
that they remember, good the name of Allah,
the name of Prophet Muhammad. Prophet Muhammad have
many names.
We don't know. Do we remember his name
other than Muhammad,
other than Ahmad?
He has many names.
It's good
so that our children know, oh, our prophet
also is called this. He also named himself
this. He associates this.
Do our children remember the name of the
4 Khalifa?
Do the children remember our girl's
daughter remember the name of the wife or
the prophet?
It's good to expose.
You ask them to celebrate, they know
because that's what they are exposed to.
Amal Maroof and Nahi
is very, very important to start from young.
The deterrence of good because
Maruf is not there, so become
very, very active.
When you want something negative
to be weak,
you must be very active
with something positive.
Then you don't give
way for the negative thing to come in.
It can come to everybody.
We adults are exposed to more negative than
The media
are negative.
Even you have some positive,
we do not visit the positive side.
Negative side very interesting,
very attractive,
very colorful,
Even it's bad, we know it's bad, but
what can we do?
we just entertain,
entertain, entertain.
Do this happen to all of us
with all the internet today?
All the chit chat that we go through?
Sometimes we don't want but it come.
The good one also come, but we hardly
If a parent is boring, what do you
think about children?
And you know what is coming in very
forceful today
that corrupts more people's
actual children
the idea of LGBTQ.
To keep on
in the mind of the children.
No problem.
Anything that is so bad,
we know the punishment is very severe.
Both can be punished.
You have the right to protect your honor.
Anybody try to * you. You protect yourself.
Fight, scream,
you die. You die shahid.
You don't say what can I do? What
can you do?
So many things I knew. There's people around.
Ask for help. Scream.
When you want to protect yourself, you do
not know to protect yourself. You know. Teach
the children.
You have one weapon,
your voice.
Make use of your voice.
But the culture again.
Here today even the ministry of
woman affairs
the mother that
when anybody
you hear their neighbor, somebody screaming, the woman,
you have the right to report.
You don't know what is happening, but they
are screaming. So
quickly make a call and report
to the security so that somebody will pay
them a visit.
They're too noisy,
screaming, you know.
So we don't have the authority,
we contact the authority
and then let the authority do something.
We hope the authority are very sensitive with
and they can if you ill treat your
then the welfare department will come in
to give some extra protection.
It's our duty to protect
one another.
We are good neighbor, good neighbor feel for
each other.
Yeah, in other countries they have this value,
value of neighborhood.
Anything have
pooped, so you see they become very close,
the city lifestyle is very different. People don't
want to get involved at all.
You can scream.
They play dead.
Very sad.
There's no more family values, and Islam
emphasizes the importance of this value.
We hope that this will help all of
What is the thing that can cause our
not being
Look at
the ongoing
and other images.
It has become universally
or even recommended to have images of all
color and sizes on children clothes, bed,
wall, and so on.
At last part the children toy are personified
after animal
and features as creatures. We see
Mickey Mouse,
Gopee, Donald Duck, Bugs Bunny,
and the newer Little Mermaid, Lion King.
Do we,
yeah, like this kind of t shirt?
so children are innocent. They don't know.
Well, we wow.
Yeah. You go to the Disneyland, you see
all the kind of t shirt and images,
you know, everything.
So you expose the children with all these
and all these images, you know, the prophet
one day when Aisha was,
he did his not a drawer,
an artist,
but he was doing some,
what you call
that meeting,
and then
an animal.
Gabriel was supposed to come and visit the
prophet. Gabriel
do not enter.
Cause the prophet
something is wrong, something he realized,
and he put it down, tore it down
not to display anything
where the image is clear.
If the image is unclear,
you still can do that but not a
clear images.
Our baby's room
in the shed
beds are filled with dolls and stuff animals.
If you want to have all this toys,
it. Time for them to play and then
you keep it back
because children
like to play with. Yes, nothing wrong, but
you don't display.
Today some car, you see,
full of toys,
Very dangerous.
Oh, I want to decorate my car
and harm the nobody come out with a
car look like lion.
Come out with a car look like a,
you know, you know, what is it?
Not yet. Not yet.
We don't know one day how innovative human
You have a Apple car coming, you
your Dragon car coming.
Human is very innovative,
create a lot of things that
do not benefit us
is marketing strategy,
commercial, everything has been commercialized.
Religion also become commercialized today.
Everything is about money,
wearing this, wearing that.
Now the chapar also become,
and then the new business.
May Allah protect all of us. Amen.
So what is happening to all of us,
We should try our level best to make
Our children spend long hours
tending, and talking to human
like dogs and stuffed
So may Allah protect
all of us
as parent to be alert of our environment
and how to protect yourself,
protect the children,
and make sure our household
is clean from all this.
We know that sometimes
children like this like that, no one.
If you want you put in an album,
they can see, they can
read, and
then closely.
Nothing to display to be proud of.
Just be proud of our heroes
who is Omar Khattar, who is Khali in
the wall and all yeah. This is our
and you see Allah's
All the good people
from the time of the prophet
who Allah had blessed,
who the prophet said these are the 10
people people of Jannah,
you don't see any of their images anywhere.
You see how blessed are they?
If their images
was being presented,
I don't know whether somebody will come up
with some crazy idea.
I dreamt I
dreamt Omar, and this is how Omar look
like. So you
know, now they will come up with the
image of Omar.
That when you hang the image of Omar,
when you make du'a, call Omar.
You know what is going to happen? Sheikh
is going to come back.
And that's why you see a lot of
people before who are involved in all these
kind of group.
All their followers have images.
But Islam has forbidden.
People don't bother.
No Mufti
addressed this matter.
No good scholar who called those who are
remind the public,
don't do this.
Nobody say anything. Quiet, silent.
People of knowledge say nothing.
There is a cause of destruction.
Good people say nothing.
Bad guys keep on promoting.
No Amal Ma'aruf
and no Nahim Unkar.
Where is our function?
What is the duty of learned people, scholars,
to just let everything happen
and every Jumad will say, Ittaqila, Ittaqila,
fear Allah, fear Allah. Why is there? Nobody
feel anything.
They should have come up with the statement
very fast anything go wrong, haram.
Let people know it's haram.
If people still want to do, that is
their problem.
Our duty is to convey the message. Even
death we fail.
Can you imagine?
So how can you depend on them?
You can't rotate
they are failing.
Politicians fail us.
The leader of religious
authority fail us.
We don't want to fail ourselves. That's why.
We want to at least in the day
of judgment when Allah asked me. Me,
what have you done?
We have done our best. That is more
May Allah guide and bless us, brothers and
If there's any question now we
can move to the second part, q and
Assalamu alaikum.
The image of taswir is
I think is a big issue these days.
And I remember when I first became a
the the students of Sheikh Al Bani, Siliman,
etcetera, they they would come to they would
come to Brixton,
and they allowed the filming
of their,
because it was live, but they wouldn't allow
pictures in Tasweer.
But now there seems to be a shift
away from that. I listened to a fatwa
from Sheikh Fazan,
recently. So
there are some scholars speaking about,
and he he spoke about sheikh Uthaimin,
who people use to,
they use a statement from Sheikh Uthaimin where
he talked about, taswir, you know, being permitted
for for dawah purposes.
he he spoke about that, and then he
he mentioned that, you know, oftentimes in Durus,
when there will be live cameras,
Sheikha Temin would go from camera to camera
placing it down.
You know? This is something that he did.
So there is a from from what I
from what I'm reading,
there seems to be a movement now that
not a movement, but a move towards, you
know, a a more,
I don't know how to say Young man.
Like, dependent on what the the different scholars
say and more kinda, like, fixed on what
the Hadith says, you know, regarding Tasveer.
Because, you know, the the scholars kind of
looked looked at the word Tasveer, and then
they said it has to be
three-dimensional. It has to cast a shadow, etcetera,
etcetera. But there are other hadith as well
that speak about, you know, 2 dimensional images,
which would be akin to photographs, etcetera, etcetera
as well.
In this dunya,
it's a very difficult thing to,
control. I mean, you're you're not in control
of everything.
What advice would you give families,
you know, in in in term
the, you know, the things that come into
the house, the things that their children practice
to take part in in schools, you know,
like take taking part in
No. No.
We know that what we are facing today
is very unique
in a way.
Almost anything that you do, of course, caller
have different opinion because of that. Number 1,
anything you do,
check your intention.
Why do you do that?
If you see it for Dawa educational
purpose, that is good, but you must also
remind people
this photo is to show you what is
If not, then the umam will be blurred.
They don't know, they don't see.
You have to expose them,
tell them the good thing is this,
bad thing is also there,
so they know the difference. They're seeing is
It's very important in education if you can,
but remind them this is not for you
Come up with big
photos, and then hang it here and there.
it's for you to know that these good
activities is going on.
If the bad one is always there
to promote the bad thing,
we should also promote what is good,
but we alert this is not for you
to display,
to hang, this is for your knowledge
like when we are having classes,
online classes,
and people will
revisit again if they miss.
All these are very good
technology that help one another.
It's good.
I always believe number 1 the intention
that you go for a wedding people want
to have photo session. Why?
As a remembrance,
yeah. We are together,
okay, but you don't go and
print it out and pick and hang it
in your room. No need.
Put it in Alberts, or now you can
save in your phone,
and then you can revisit. You want to
say, oh you remember?
Oh so and so, no, you remember we're
in the house before together, you see.
For remembrance
to help you to remember,
and to recall who and who that you
have been together is a good thing.
But not to go and
hang it up,
and start to have other kind of belief.
this is the sheikh man, anytime I want
to make dua,
I call his name.
Don't do that,
don't allow that but you see a lot
of people the cow have failed,
they allow and then they're hanging in front
of the restaurant.
Anybody come in big images,
they shake that.
What are you portraying?
If you
believe in a good scholar,
the scholar reminds you to act upon the
not to put His image, and then you
don't do what you have to do. You
create another fitna. He never taught you to
do this nonsense, but you are doing it,
and that's why the prophet forbid people
to draw his image.
Okay, in the time of the prophet you
don't have this technology,
only you have those artists.
And artists sometimes,
the way they draw it,
they can put
extra attraction,
your look,
But you don't look like that actually.
Your eye
like some kind of
glittering thing coming out.
When you look at the picture, like you
feel that he's looking at you,
you know, sometimes
so they are very good artists are very
It made you feel that this picture is
alive, you know.
So that's why the prophet forbid that but
even you are allowed
for certain reason,
but you must remind people not to display
hang it up.
Yeah, this is for education,
yeah, this is for you to remember
but you keep it,
when your photos now.
You see what happened?
That's why we keep all men count to
photo, you see remember
our value,
our signature.
That is more valuable,
there's a dark one going on, then you
go this way, you go this way, you
go this way, what is this?
Why must we follow the other ways when
we have the Shahada?
Why not we use that?
Yeah. Before hardly people want to use. Well
we emphasize emphasize,
yeah. People dare not use because why
the western media is so
Anything come from us,
this is the
terrorist group.
Anything that Islamic, they always say terrorist.
Everything un Islamic,
These are peacemaker.
Are they peacemaker?
Those who use this are they promoting peace?
They are the warmongers,
they promote war
because war is big business.
To make it simple, the question is very
anything that we do with images,
drawing we don't.
If you want to draw, teach your children
to draw the nature,
the heaven, the sea, the ocean, the mountains.
Yeah, just an example.
Yeah. When it comes to pictures,
family pictures,
you keep it in the airbag.
It's good sometimes when you're age, sometimes you
want to recall,
to remember.
Yeah. Normally
I have an exercise before.
People who are getting older, sometimes they become
Yeah. They know their memory become weaker and
How to help them?
How to
strengthen their memory?
If you have all these good album,
you open up, start to talk. Papa,
grandma, you remember
when grandma was young, look.
Because old memories
stay longer.
The new one, they may not remember. We
want to help them to strengthen their memory.
The good thing,
look at this the children,
look at the grandchildren,
where we went when we travel.
It's an exercise
if you ask me through my humble
it is an exercise of the brain.
So it's good but if you don't have
anything to say, you can talk but the
mind is weak now,
but they can still see when they look,
it helped them very fast.
that's why a lot of people say seeing
is believing,
but we have another level.
Believing without seeing
is unique.
That's why we believe in a lot of
thing that you can't see.
But for the normal people they say how
can I believe I can't see?
Of course seeing is believing. You only believe
this is bad, you've seen the bad thing.
This is the good guy, I've seen him
doing all the good things fair now.
Now people who are walking, they are very
careful now in Mesi India.
Why people are more careful now?
The sinkhole.
If you don't see him,
I don't care man.
Don't walk on the earth,
ego. Be humble.
Always look down. Don't just look, it's good
to look down.
If not,
one alarm open.
In the earth. The earth is going to
swallow you in.
Allah talk about these people who are saved
from the sea.
They are land. They thought they are free,
they are safe. No, if Allah want to
punish you, anything can happen.
Imagine, right? So it happened
and that thing
caused another disbeliever to believe,
you know.
You see something happened,
but it gave Hidayah to another person.
Allahu Akbar.
Everything happened for a reason.
So if you don't see this, we don't
bother, man.
It's hearsay,
but you have pictures to show you this
is happening. I've seen there's more than 15
years ago.
It's a heavy raining day.
School just ended
from here behind there's a school, secondary school.
Student just on the way home,
but rain have stopped,
but it was flooded in certain,
you know, walkway.
And there is
a hole there, but it was covered by
And there is
iron there
that closed that hole,
but that gave way.
Now these 2 girls,
their friend just coming out from school was
I was just driving the other side
in the car, saw that.
Suddenly one disappeared,
dropped, gone.
Just like that.
People are not alert. There is a hole
there before, but they have some iron there
to close, but it keeps free because of
the water.
How do you feel those
his her friend that was with her?
She would have her trauma and the memory.
Can you imagine?
I was with her.
The next
second con.
That's why everyone of us
must be alert when you walk especially
in a rainy day
when there are water. Don't underestimate
what is there before.
Be alert.
How can you what can you say?
Just split of second, gone.
Life and death,
it is so
So whatever
we can do now, do the level best.
So our images, Surah, all try to make
sure that if you will have to do
you need it for a purpose
to show people because seeing is building you,
say I've done that.
Where's your proof? People want proof today.
If you go to the court in the
future, they want proof.
It's like people who revert, if you don't
have this kind of thing, then in the
future they say who said I am a
Or the parent may say no no no
no no my child is not a Muslim.
He always come home, he eat like us,
he they can't say anything,
but the person is dead.
But at least now we know we have
we have all the pictures to show you.
So we believe that if you bring it
to the court, the court will favor us
because we have proof.
It's here, here, here, see. We will lose.
We have lost some cases because of my
People would become Muslim.
I was a witness,
but there's no picture.
It's just some document.
Even that document people challenge,
and I was called to the court
to bear witness
because of the reward,
the families fight.
What went wrong?
a very,
I would say, childish statement
because they don't change their IC.
Their IC carried their own name,
and when he was
very sick,
hospital they go according to their IC,
and then
he passed away.
No identity to show that he's a Muslim.
And then the parent came
and the wife
who are not Muslim came the children.
Our people
stuck with a lot, have no wisdom at
Share with them with something
that is so
important for them.
You're harmful, Lord.
Important for us too, but you don't have
to share that
because it can be solved very easy.
They send the wrong message across.
About what?
About Farah 8.
About Farahid.
Oh, call
us. If none of you
because later on they knew, because we came
to know, we informed them.
But they had informed their family earlier,
and the
the mayak was detained
for nearly 1 week.
We can have handle this easy, and then
whatever wanna give, you give.
We have the authority to give but
we use another approach
because they feel wow, no further eat to
We are not going to let this thing
go, right? We will fight
because I'm the legal wife, I'm the children
is here.
And they bring this to the civil court.
Even we are dead,
no picture.
We lost the case.
So a lot of things happen in life
today, we need that,
yeah, to safeguard, to make it clear
so that anything in the future,
we don't have to argue
and fight unnecessary.
So anything that we do, please remember,
it's not for glamour,
it's not for us to show off, no,
For us to share, let people know what
we do
to prove to people that these are people
who are our brothers, our new brother, our
new sisters is good.
May Allah bless us, brother and sisters. That's
what I like to share.
Whatever opinion when different scholars have, we honor
their opinion,
yeah, for
anything that we know that it can bring
to that, we always remind people. Don't forget
to be careful.
If you're allowed to do this, please make
sure you do it properly,
and do not
display, hang it here and there. Yeah.
So may Allah bless us.
I have some,
another activity. Last question from the sister, if
there is. Any question from the sister?
I have just 2 questions. 1 is,
in our endeavors to
prepare for
the afterlife, the next life. We don't want
to leave any waste behind and all that.
So my question is, when we are clearing
our stuff and we have a lot of
books, all these printed,
every time,
you know, good intention people have printed all
these books,
Even books like the one that's
displayed by you,
over there, the half of it has got
romanized alphabet. The other half has got Arabic.
What do you suggest we can do with
all these books? Because
they just pile up the house and gather
dust, know the users.
That's my first question, miss Glass. The second
one is, as you say, to remain alert.
Ever so often, we are so busy with
our daily lives, doing everything from cleaning the
house to cooking to everything, and we
in our endeavors that we want to do
everything for the sake of Allah.
Because sometimes
the task,
whatever is cooking,
mighty. As
when we are when we are praying. Thank
you, sir. K. Now about the books, anything
that we have extra that we are not
even using it now?
Maybe we have read it if you have
If you don't remember, it's good to revisit
So handy so that it's handy you can
go back again.
That's why Allah love you to read. You
But if your person feel that I don't
need any,
so then that is where you can distribute,
share it with other people, friends that you
know they have some interest. Anything you need
to share with people, first you have to
know whether they have the interest or not.
If no no point you pass it to
them, they keep it.
You talk about something good about the book
first and say, wow,
what is there a book like that? Yes,
I have.
I'll pass it to you.
There is one thing. Yeah.
If not, you can send it to us
and then we will see who among our
people who don't have it, then we can
pass it to them. This is how we
share the knowledge,
share whatever we have with others.
That is about
the books.
Now about
our intention, our intention will be
challenged from time to time, but our duty
is to always remind ourselves I'm doing for
the sake of Allah.
Then suddenly it come again.
Quickly you overrule.
When it come to change your feeling, quickly
you remind yourself.
Now don't entertain.
It's like your prayer time. You're so busy
cooking, cleaning. It's good part of what Allah
want you to do. You do. This is
an Ibadah. Ibadah is not praying.
You're preparing food for the children, families in
the act of Ibadah.
I'll give the best.
Even I'm tired, I'll tell them
I just can't do today because I'm not
So if somebody can take over good somebody,
you know, then you have la la move
now, you have crap now, example.
So we prepare,
but then the intention.
You see the prophet also very active in
doing dawah, engaging with the public and the
people, the mushrikin and everything, but when it
comes to prayer time
you can see he knows how to cut
off all these things.
Dunya cut off nam,
me and Allah. That's why you take wudu
to make sure that you're cleaning
every part of the body exposed to the
and then
when you have to pray, what do you
say? Allahu
Akbar. Nobody can come into the prayer with
a takbiratul
What do takbirat eram remind us?
Now you are
facing Allah, worshiping Allah. Nothing is more important,
nothing is greater than Him,
Give you that feeling.
It's a gift. Allah gives you the opportunity
to talk to him directly.
It's a blessing. How do you feel the
king say come and see me? Do you
think when you're in front of king you
will entertain other thing?
You feel
special. You just wait for the king to
say, come, power,
anything you want from me? A long walk.
I share with you this
last thing because I'm work watching
the time.
There is
a video going on
a Christians,
not by Muslim,
Talking about
King, what can King do.
So you have
this very known
And he visit
the kingdom of Saudi,
and the king
love to meet up with this very very
known golfer
and then welcome him, treat him well,
and ask him
what he like
from the king. What can the king do
for him?
He said, I'm a golfer,
of course I just want,
to have a golf.
To him he thought that King may give
the stick,
or very special, made of gold maybe.
So he thought that the king may forget
what he said.
After some time, no news.
Suddenly a letter came to him,
and he from the King, of course, you
know how
the letter would be. He opened, the King
this is the gift that I want to
give it to you.
I have identified,
50 acres of land
for you to start a golf club.
This government,
I thought he give me a stick,
He is offering him to run this 50,000
acre of land.
The story is
that if the king of the dunya can
give you thing that
you cannot imagine,
because he's a king.
How about the King of all kings?
Yeah. Hosanna Marath Nama.
There's a signal that I'm late now.
just to share with all of us
the important to have
faith in Allah.
At the end of the day, if you
do everything for Allah,
you may be challenged,
sometimes the feeling change.
Never mind, but quickly
Yeah, just try to control that feeling
from moving towards other causes,
feeling this feeling that I'm doing for the
sake of Allah. Help me, oh Allah.
Help me, oh Allah.
I know everybody gets that I fought Allah
after some time.
The test is there for everybody.
That's why the prophet always remind us be
careful of your intention. Anything you do, start
your intention, check your intention,
go back to your intention.
All this is about
our niyat.
And only we know,
other people don't know.
You know. So may Allah bless us. I
know there are a lot of questions. We
see all of you again. Remember we have
Wednesday class, Saturday class, everybody can participate
for the benefit of
ourselves, family and the ummah.