Hussain Kamani – Stories of the Companions – Wahshi bin Harb

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Today in our Darz,
we turn to the story of
the companion of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
He was the
slave of Jubaib al Mutaim bin Adi.
His kunya was Abu Desmond.
He is the one
Sayidina Hamza radiallahu an in the battle of
He remained
outside of the falls of Islam
and then accepted Islam after the
Makkah Mukarama.
And even then he didn't accept Islam immediately
he was overwhelmed
that if the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam were
to get a hold of me,
I will be punished for my crime.
he retreated to Taif.
And after
he then came with a delegation
to meet rasulullah
and accepted Islam.
Washi rasulullah
is one that
must be understood in
the light of
a few factors.
Number 1,
he spent the majority of his life
as a slave.
As a person who didn't have access to
slavery became his reality.
And like the others
who are in that class in Makkah Mukarama,
they dreamed of their freedom.
personally had nothing
to do with Hamza
He had no interest of hurting Islam or
to cross paths with Rasulullah
His dream and his desire was to earn
his freedom.
The other reality,
the person that he was pitted against
was the most beloved to Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi
The prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam's love for
hamza radhiallahu an was
also unprecedented.
From the uncles of the Prophet salallahu alaihi
wasalam, Hamza was the first to accept Islam.
And he accepted Islam at a time where
were weak.
Muslims couldn't publicize
their deen.
They practice privately, secretly.
They hadn't prayed salah publicly in the Kaaba
The persecution against the Muslims was really picking
up in this 6th year after prophethood.
himself says that his Islam was more
as defiance to Abu Jahl, than it was
his allegiance to the religion of Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam. He heard that Abu Jahl was
abusive with the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Very aggressive, that he raised his hand against
the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam. Hamza had
just returned from a hunting trip, and was
so angry
at Abu Jahl that he struck him.
Abu Jahl
asked him that, are you on the faith
of Muhammad? Why do you defend him like
So in defiance of Abu Jahal, he said,
so what if I am on his faith?
And then he went back and thought about
it that night that, am I really a
Muslim? Did I do this for Islam?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allowed Islam to enter
into his heart.
And he becomes Muslim.
And he stands by the side of Rasulullah
He was one of the earliest of the
family members. Abbas radiallahu an accept Islam later.
When did Abbas radiallahu an accept Islam? There's
a difference of opinion. Some say it was
right before migration, and then he kept his
Islam a secret. Others claim that, no. It
was later on,
maybe during
the treaty of Hudaybiyyah around that time. Some
say, no. It was after that around Fath
Hammakkah when he accepted Islam. So there is
this different there are these different opinions on
Abbas accepted
Islam, but Hamzah radiallahu an clearly
and very openly,
out loud accepted Islam in front of the
entire Makkah, and stood by the side of
He was a pillar of the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam would lean on. Someone who would
loved and admired
very much.
In age, Hamza radiallahu an and the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam weren't too far off.
They were actually both quite similar in age.
Many historians write that they had nursed from
the same lady,
Why she became known among the Arabs as
Fatih al Hamza?
The one that killed Hamza the Allah one.
All the Muslims knew about it. Their family
members knew about it.
There were 2 people.
Their names are
Jafar bin
Umayyah Avamari
and Ubaidullah bin Adi Bin Fiyaar.
These 2 individuals, 2 young guys.
Ja'far bin Amr bin Umayyah Avamiri and
bin Adi bin Khiyar.
They narrate a story
as narrated by
Sahih. We arrived at the city of Hims,
which is which was in Shan.
We hear that Washi lives in this city.
Let's go and meet him and ask him
Hamzal radiAllahu an and him killing Hamzal radiAllahu
an. What was the full story?
I said, yeah. Let's go. They
asked around here and there, where is he?
Where is
Someone said he's sitting over there in the
the 2 of them, they came
and they stood at a distance.
Was sitting in the shade of his home,
his residence, and these 2 young men were
standing at a distance. Some
they say actually I'll explain that, what I'm
going to say in a moment.
So he's standing at a distance.
one of those two people.
He started off by giving salam.
So Waashi responded
They had just come from a a long
journey, and it was a practice of the
Arabs, and they would travel, and it felt
very dry,
and the and the sand would,
be kicked up by their horses traveling in
order to avoid inhaling it and bringing damage
and hurt to themselves,
they would cover their mouths with the corner
of their turbans.
This is what they call
They would take the corner of their turban
and wrap it across their face to avoid
any inhaling of the particles.
So all could see was these was these
these 2 young people and 1 young man
particular with his face covered, and only his
eyes were visible, and his feet were visible.
He couldn't see any other part of his
Said, do you know who I am?
RadiAllahu, and again, is looking at this guy's
entire body is covered.
He said, no I don't know who you
Except for
I don't know who you are, but many
years ago when I lived in Mecca, a
time ago,
some historians, they say
this was 50 years earlier in his life.
Many years ago that I was in Makkamukarama,
and I I used to serve Adib Nukhiyar
who married a lady by the name of
Ummu Khitaal. She gave birth to a child
and I was the one that would take
the child for nursing.
And I remember one day I took that
baby for nursing,
and the feet of that baby in your
feet are exactly the same.
You're that same person.
So he
so then
opened his face and then he continued with
the narration and saying, yes That is exactly
Washi radhiallahu an had phenomenal memory.
This story
narrated by Imam Bukhari
is cited by the scholars of hadith.
Among the many examples of the phenomenal
memory that companions had when they discussed the
preservation of the Quran and the sunnah.
For Washi
there may be another element to the whole
When he had done
the killing of Hamza
was something that was very heavy on him
for the rest of his life.
People would look at him and say,
A moment like this, something that's so traumatic
and overwhelming,
might be
something a person would want to forget,
but his memory was sharp.
Not a single detail of that moment could
slip him,
and it stuck with him.
It was very hard on him.
This is one of the reasons why some
scholars have
said that
he actually left Madinah
and then relocated and never returned back to
Mecca or Medina again because he just wanted
to be away from what happened.
Now, obviously, the more apparent reason for him
leaving Medina Munawwara and leaving Mecca Mukarama
was jihad.
Sayedir Abu Bakr radiallahu an encouraged him that
I want you to go and fight for
the Muslim army
and and and deal with the people that
have apostated. And from there he went on
and and and was was a part of
the armies that that, that conquered
shan, and therefore he settled there. But
aside from that apparent outer reason, they say
another reason may have been
that he tried to distance himself from what
happened earlier in his life.
And it may also be a reason Allah
knows best.
was punished by
Sayidina Umar ibn Khattab for
consuming hamar.
That he was one of the people that
was they say in the works of history
in the history works that,
The first person to be given the punishment
of Shurbul Khamr. In Shan was
Some memories and some thoughts are so heavy
on a person,
and everyone he meets asks him the same
question again. So tell us about the killing
of Hamzah radiallahu an. Tell us about the
killing of Hamzah radiallahu an.
It was hard for him.
Later on when he becomes Muslim,
the prophet
himself says,
tell me about what happened with my uncle
And he went into the details of describing
everything that happened.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam began to
profusely cry
and he said,
that hide your face from me.
It's hard.
This wasn't against ham against Warshid radiallahu an
as much as it was about the prophet
salallahu alaihi wa sallam's
deep love for his uncle and the memories
that he carried with him, and the joy
that he received from the companionship of Hamzah
radiallahu an.
And now his uncle was gone and the
person behind it was
Now, this raises a question, What about the
That Islam wipes away everything before it. This
hadith is true. The prophet did
not punish him in any way. There was
no retribution
sought for
the martyrdom
of Sayyidina Hamza
But the prophet's
feelings and emotions
still remained.
That when he saw Washiya
he would remember the face
of his uncle.
So he said to him,
that keep yourself hidden in gatherings. So he
himself says, then I would sit in the
gathering of Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wasallam in a
way that I would be behind another person's
And you look at the story from one
from the life of Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa
sallam, and you see
the love and compassion of the prophet alaihi
salallahu alaihi salallam, which never faded a single
Yet the Prophet
human elements still remained.
Those emotions, those thoughts, those memories.
And it's also possible the Prophet
saying this to him,
was knowing that warshir radiallahu one would
want to please Rasulullah
And he wouldn't want the Prophet of Allah
to even have a thought of him. So
the Prophet
in a moment of comfort, in a moment
of trust said to him that maybe it's
better that you don't present yourself with your
face in front of me in the gathering.
And this is, you know, the prophet
in another narration. He said to the companions
that, do not speak ill of your brothers
in front of me,
because I don't want to come to the
gathering thinking ill of another person.
I don't wanna come out to the people
and have bad thoughts of this person, have
bad thoughts of that person, have bad thoughts
of this person. Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam was
salim al sadr. He was pure in his
heart. He did not have ill feelings against
was not about having ill thoughts
of as much as it was
the thoughts of Hamzah radhiallahu an,
which was very hard in some narrations. When
was marked, the prophet of Allah said, we
will take revenge from them.
We will kill so many of theirs because
they killed our hamza.
It was how much the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam loved Sayyidina Hamza radiallahu 1.
So Waqshid radiAllahu an,
he then told the story to these young
Ja'far and Ubaidullah.
That Hamzal radiAllahuwan in the battle of Badr
killed Tuaima bin Adi.
Tuaima bin Adi was the uncle of
the individual
who Rasheed radiAllahu once served as a slave
So he
said, So my master said to me,
If you kill
Hamza radiAllahu an
as retribution for my uncle,
then you are set free.
So as
I entered into the battle field with the
Muslims in Uhud, and I was hiding behind
a rock so no one could see me.
I remained hidden there.
And the battle was going on.
Hamza radhiallahu an was
passing by.
And as he was passing by, I took
my spear
and I
thrusted it at hamza radiallahu an.
It entered
from the
upper part of his body from the front
and it exited from his behind.
He came back to Mecca.
He was set free. His master
did right by him, set him free.
He gained his freedom
by killing Hamza radiallahu an, But as he
was celebrating his freedom on this side,
at the same moment in Madinah Munawwara as
the battle ended in the peace
was crying.
He was mourning the passing of his uncle.
And hamza
was so special to the prophet salallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
Every week the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
would go to the shuhada of Uhud,
and he would give salam to them.
Even when it came time for burial,
Hamza radiAllahuan's
body was placed in front of Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Ten martyrs were presented. The Prophet of Allah
did janazah on 10
plus hamza.
The 10 were buried. The next 10 were
brought. The Prophet
said, leave hamza's body. And he did janazah
on those 10 with hamza
still being there. He sent these 10 off
for burial. The next 10 were brought. He
said keep Hamzah body here. And he did
janazah on him multiple times on Hamzah
He would come every week
to visit Sayyidina Hamzah
and the shuhada Ohad.
Even if you think about the last,
sermon Rasulullah
gave. Last public sermon he gave of his
life in Madinah Munawwara, the Prophet
he remembered publicly out loud
the sacrifice of the shuhada
wuhad. That memory did not deem even for
did not even dim for a single minute.
That memory was sharp in the mind of
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
Years passed by. The battle of Uhud occurs
in the 2nd year after migration.
Fatimaqa happens in the 8th year after migration.
He says that
when the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
Maqamu karama,
went to Taif.
I worried that if the prophet of Allah
was to get a hold of me, he
would seek revenge.
And when I was in Taif,
someone said to me that when you meet
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, go with
a group, he will be kind and generous
to you. So we came as a group
and we all accepted Islam.
And in that moment, I accepted Islam too.
Imam Tabran narrates
on the authority of Sayedina Abdullah bin Abbas
radiAllahu an.
Such a beautiful,
Yusuf includes
this story in his Hayat al Sahaba.
ibn al Mundur also narrates it in his,
work on history.
Ibn Abbas
says that the Prophet
he sent someone to call me. The group
was there.
The prophet
said someone to call me.
So, Washer radiAllahu an sat in front of
the prophet
and then he said, O Messenger of Allah,
you called me to Islam.
However, you also claim
has killed
and whoever has done shirk and whoever has
His punishment will be multiplied on the day
of judgment, and he will remain in the
fire of * eternally in a disgraced manner.
And I've done all of the above. I've
I've made partners with Allah, and I've also
committed zina.
O Messenger Allah,
is there any rufsa?
Any concession
for a servant like me?
You can see right here, Washi radiAllahu an's
conscious is very heavy on him.
He's aware of what he's done.
He hasn't washed it. He hasn't forgotten his
He knows what he's done, and he wants
purity for his actions.
So Allah revealed the verse of the Quran
verse number 17.
But for the one that has repented
and has believed
and engaged in good deeds,
for they are people.
Allah will change their evil deeds into
good. Indeed Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is forgiving
and merciful.
This is a very tough condition.
All of that that you repent,
you believe and then you continue good deeds
to the end of your life. I've done
too much. What if I can't meet this
That indeed Allah forgives.
Indeed Allah does not forgive that he has
made partners with. And other than that Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala forgives everything.
This ayah
says that Allah forgives whoever He wills.
This ayah says that Allah will forgive as
he wills. But what about someone like me?
What if Allah doesn't will that for me?
What if Allah doesn't will to forgive me
for the wrong that I have done?
So Allah revealed
the verse.
Say, oh Muhammad,
my servants who have wronged themselves
do not become despondent of the mercy of
And the merciful
After hearing this verse he said, yes, Now
I see the mercy of Allah. And he
became Muslim.
O Messenger of Allah, we have lived lives
similar to
The Prophet
These verses are not specific to Rather
they apply to everyone.
Washi radhiallahu an had a few precious years
with the prophet
a Muslim,
and he cherished them.
Like other companions,
he narrates from the Prophet
His narrations
are presented to us through various chains.
One of the most common chains
that you find in the narration of
chain is a very common chain.
For someone who doesn't know, it could be
a little confusing.
and who narrates from his father, who narrates
from his grandfather.
The grandfather was also
And he is the Sahabi
who met Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and became
He named his son Harb.
And Harb had a son who he named
So the chain actually is
who narrates from Harun, who narrates from
There's a lot of discussion among the on
the of this,
specific chain.
A lot of they say
the chain is questionable.
They consider it to be
There's no issue with Washi radiAllahu and the
and even his son Harb was a Tabiri.
So he is accepted by these scholars of
hadith as well.
The question is regarding the who
was the grandson of the Sahabi of Rasulullah
He is someone whose story was concealed from
the Muhaddithun, and they weren't able to identify
him properly.
Therefore, they,
categorized these narrations as daith.
But however, that isn't the only chain that
we see from him, even though it is
one of the more common chains
through which we receive his narrations.
Some of the narrations,
The Prophet said,
Surah Alaihi Wasallam narrates. Surah Alaihi
Wasallam said, that after me you will conquer
many great cities,
and great markets will be established.
Gatherings will occur.
So if you find yourself in those places,
Give salaam to one another in those markets,
in those cities.
And lower your gaze when you are in
those gatherings.
If there's a blind person, hold his hand
and guide him.
And assist
the oppressed one.
Waqi narrates
in another hadith of Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi
In In one of our previous lessons I
told you, there's an entire book dedicated to
compiling the names of the companions
who shared animal with Rasulullah
Who rode with the Prophet of Allah on
the same animal.
And this hadith can also be found in
that very same collection.
The Prophet
riding with Muhabi
So the prophet
asked Mu'awiyah
radiallahu an,
What is touching you from your body?
He was the Prophet of Allah was in
the front. He was behind. Was
looking at the story.
He said, Mawawi
my stomach.
To that the Prophet
May Allah
fill it with knowledge
and forbearance.
with the same sentence.
It is narrated from him, that Abu Bakr
Sadiq appointed Khaled bin Walid
as the commander
over the
armies that were sent off towards the apostates.
Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddiq
he said to Khaled al Walid,
That I heard the Prophet of Allah say
regarding you, O Khaled.
How great of a servant and brother is
Khaled bin Walid.
He is a sword from the swords of
That Allah has
against the disbelievers
and the hypocrites.
With the same salat,
it is narrated from
He said,
The companions said, O Messenger of Allah,
For those of you that have studied Mishka
and Musabi, this is there.
This is the Rewa of Mishka.
They said, O Messenger of Allah, the companions
of the Messenger of Allah,
we eat but we don't find ourselves satisfied.
We're still hungry at the end of the
day. We eat, we're still hungry. We're not
satisfied. There's something missing.
When you sit to eat, eat, do you
eat individually in your own rooms, in your
own bedrooms, in your own, you know, corners?
Or do you sit together and eat at
the same time?
They said that we eat individually.
when you sit to eat, sit together.
Say the name of Allah before you
enjoy the blessing of Allah, Allah
will give you barakah.
Note here in Rabi
how he
attaches barakah to being satiated,
to being satisfied.
Let's think about that for a moment.
You can eat,
and when you eat
there's a biological
reality of consuming food, and digestion, and your
stomach capacity and all that stuff.
But a person after eating still feels hungry.
Think about this yourself.
Sometimes you go to a dinner or go
to a dawaf, go to a wedding even,
and you have a meal there. And then
you leave, you get home an hour later,
and you're thinking, man, I'm still kind of
hungry. I could do it something.
Or you have a nice meal even at
your home, and then at the end of
it, you don't feel satisfied.
Like I don't feel like my meal is
done yet.
What's lacking is barakah.
Barakah is the gap that actually gives a
hardest words to define in the English language.
Even though commonly
we translate barakah as blessings.
It's what satisfies a person, it's what fills
a person, it's what gives a person all
of the One of them while defining the
word he said, it is the combination
of all
the repelling of all
When all good comes together,
and all evil disappears and leaves, in that
moment you have them blessed with barakah.
Now you take that word barakah and
apply it to nikah.
That how after Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam
would conduct a marriage, his
dua will be,
How Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam is making
that du'a barakah. May you be satisfied in
this relationship.
May you be satiated.
May this relationship bring
completion to you. May it bring that to
Regarding marriage again, the barakah the nikah with
the most barakah is the one with the
least expense.
And the one that you spend less, more
barakah comes.
With the same chain
narrates from a Surah alaihi
wasalam. That one day I was sitting with
Nabi salallahu alaihi wasalam and a person said
the prophet of Allah, I love so and
So to that Nabi salallahu alaihi wasalam said,
go and inform him.
Don't keep your love a secret.
How much of our love how much of
our life passes by
without us having the chance to tell the
people who surround us that we love them.
We leave so much unsaid.
And when we leave these things unsaid,
life is short. Shaytan steps in,
he messes with his relationships.
It's so hard in this world to find
meaningful relationships.
I can't stress this.
If you think about your journey in life,
rarely will you find there are people who
care about you.
Genuinely, who follow-up with you, who take care
of you, who make dua for you, who
keep asking about you. Sometimes
them asking about you so much
might even make you feel uncomfortable. Like why
does this person keep asking about me? Mind
your own business.
Right? Boundaries of course,
but that's another discussion.
Today, we're here talking about this duayah where
the prophet of Allah is teaching us that,
when someone shows you love, when you have
access to those relationships,
just say to that person, I love you.
And add to it if possible, I love
you for the sake of Allah.
That shaitani waswasa that could come in and
rob you
of this relationship,
rob you of a meaningful
companionship. Shaitan could rob you of that. We'll
be preserved
because you've informed that person.
we as human beings function
so well
when we experience gratitude.
When someone says, I appreciate you, you'll see
the person in front of you do so
much more.
And when you see them give you that
silence treatment, you might think that you're doing
their Tarbiyyah. Unfortunately,
in most cases,
shaitan is taking that as an opportunity,
and building and growing the gap between the
He's pushing them away.
We ask that Allah
protects us,
from losing our loved ones.
Waqi radiallahu an narrates with the same chain
from Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam who said,
very soon knowledge will be lifted from people.
Means to pluck, to lift something immediately.
To take something right away.
They won't have access to knowledge anymore.
In today's world that's unimaginable because we have
so much knowledge.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala really opened up the
doors of knowledge for us. We're
information. There's just so much of it everywhere.
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is telling us, one
day this information will disappear, this knowledge will
disappear. Asked, how will knowledge be lifted?
While we have read the Quran, and we
have taught the Quran to our children.
The Prophet
said, O Labid,
may your mother
Do you not see the Jews and the
They have their books in their hands,
but it hasn't done anything for them.
No changes occurred in their lives. So you
will have these books,
but it won't bring any change in you.
There was a time where a person would
know just a few hadith,
but they lived by those ahadith.
Their lives were based around those narrations that
when I was young, someone told me after
every salah, I should say
So that person lived by that.
That someone told me, the Prophet
said that when you eat, you eat with
the right hand. So whether that person knew
anything about Islam or not, they always ensured
they ate with their right hand. Even if
the man was intoxicated,
he knew
if with whatever little consciousness remained, I eat
with my right hand.
This was a teaching of Rasulullah
those moments with the Prophet of Allah. The
very few limited moments he had.
After the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam passed
a group of the Arabs
left the folds of Islam.
Abu Bakr Siddiq
sent armies
to wage war against them,
and he told Washi radiallahu an, you should
join their ranks. Go by their side.
Washi radhiallahuan joined the army of Khalid and
Walid radiallahuan, and they fought against the apostates.
finally, they had gathered the enemy had gathered
gathered in the battle of Yamama.
It was their last stand.
This was the This is where all of
these people had put their hands together, and
they said, We will fight against
this Khalifa. We will fight against this Abu
Abu Bakr
told the Muslim armies, get together and head
in that direction.
wanted his retribution.
He wanted to make up for the wrong
that he had done.
He had a dream, he had a desire
that he killed the person that was most
beloved to the Prophet
Now he wanted to make up for this,
by killing one of the most detested people
to the Prophet
The leader of the apostates was a man
by the name of Musaylum,
who the Prophet
very appropriately called Al Khazab.
Musailema claimed prophethood,
his he was a false prophet. He made
his claim while the Prophet of Allah was
still alive actually.
received a letter from him, and he said
that, you are a Prophet, I'm a Prophet.
So we split the land 5050.
sent a letter back
to him.
From Muhammad the messenger of Allah to Musaillama
the liar.
This is not a 5050 scenario that I
just put it up with you. This earth
belongs to Allah and Allah gives it to
his servants.
Musalama was obviously
deeply offended by this letter of the prophet
salallahu alaihi wa sallam. He went on
to execute the messenger, the prophet salallahu alaihi
wa sallam sent the letter with. And he
didn't just execute him, he severed each limb
of his 1 by 1.
And every time before he would sever a
limb a limb of his, he would ask
who is Muhammad? He would say Rasulullah. He
said, who am I? He would say, and
he would sever a limb.
He got offended when he would call him.
But Habib bin Zayd
didn't care about how offended he was. He
would ask him again. And Habib
would say,
And many historians have actually listed that Habib
bin Zayd
who was killed at the hands of Musayla
was the son of? Anyone
He was the son of Umma Amara radiallahu
The female companion that defended the Prophet salallahu
alaihi wa sallam in the battle of Uhud.
So she also took an oath
to kill Musayla Makaddam.
This guy was hot commodity.
A lot of people wanted him dead.
Musayla Makaddam, on one side you have Wasih
radiallahu an,
who wants to clear his conscious
and celebrate the killing of the enemy of
Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam. On the other
hand you have
Uma Ammar
and there were others as well.
battle of Yamama was a very intense battle.
Banu Hanifa locked themselves
in their fort, and they had gardens in
there. So they were planning to
prolong the war.
The Muslims
took a bold step,
and they launched
one of their companions over their wall
who rushed to the gate and opened it.
This incident itself raises a lot of questions
that going on, and I use air quotes
here, a mission that a person may not
return from. Can a commander
allow such a thing?
Right. One thing is can he command it?
But the others, some scholars they say that
he didn't command it. That person volunteer that
I wanna do this, but can he give
permission? Again, that's a lengthy fiqi discussion that's
based around this is one of the precedence
that's established here.
He opened the fort, the Muslim came in,
they attacked.
Rashid radiallahu anhu,
he rushed towards,
Al Kaddab,
And he thrusted his spear into him.
And then he would say,
That with this spirit of mine, I killed
the best of people,
Hamza radiAllahuwan,
and I also killed the worst of them,
Musailem Al Khaddah.
In some narrations, he took the,
spear and he thrusted it at Musailemah,
And then another Sahabi came and struck Musailema.
And in one way why Umayyama Amar
also joined the party.
put down Musayla Al Kadda.
Yamama is a forgotten region
and a forgotten part of our history.
It's a very important one. It didn't occur
to me. I'll be honest with
you. It didn't occur to me the significance
of this place for many years. When we
would visit the hijaz,
we would generally go to Mecca in Madinah.
There was a desire that Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala take us to Taif one day. We
can see that window of Sira as well.
Peek through there and see what happened there.
And there are few places like this, Abuwa,
Maqam, Abuwa. And then if you go up
north, and then obviously, Khaybar. And these are
some places that people desire.
But for some reason, it never crossed me
the significance of Yamama.
Until one day I was just reading,
going through the list of the shuhada of
And it wasn't just 1 or 2 companions
that were martyred in that battle. Anyone that
has studied history will know that a large
number of hafab among the sahaba were martyred
in the battle of Yamama,
which resulted in the compilation of the Quran.
So it wasn't just a few companions, it
was a lot of them, and these were
all a listers.
These were all Asabiqun,
early people to accept Islam including the brother
of Umar ibn Khattab
So then I thought to myself, I wonder
where this Yamama is.
And I wonder where this battle actually took
place, and where Musaylama Al Kaddab lived, and
where he gathered all these apostates.
That if Allah gives us a chance, we
can go and visit the Maqam
of the Sahaba and give salaam to them.
We don't travel to graves.
That's not a part of our deen. However,
if you find yourself there, you should at
least know where the Sahaba are, and then
he gives salaam to them.
So very quickly I found out, Yamama is
located where? Anyone know?
Where did Musa Al Khaddab run his whole
project from?
Modern day real.
You just can't make this up.
If you go to Google Maps and
search for the graveyard of Yamama,
it's in Rial. If I'm correct, it's a
little towards the southern part of it. The
outskirts, it's the old city.
And, that graveyard is still preserved till today.
I saw pictures of it on Google Maps.
And the names of the Sahaba are also
inscribed there. Those who are martyred
in the battle of Yamama.
with Khalid Mullid
and made his way to Sham.
And he lived the last days of his
life in Sham.
People would come to visit him when they
would arrive in
And they would sit by him and ask
him about the,
killing of Hamzal
something that was very heavy on him until
the end of his life.
he passed away there, and he is buried
also in Shan. There's a grave marked,
And he is buried very close
to the grave of the khadim of Rasulullah
salallahu alayhi wasalam.
Possibly there could be some
symbolism there too.
That even though he was distant from the
prophet of Allah because of his killing
of Hamzal radiallahu an,
All said and done through and through without
a single doubt he was a khadim of
the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
But because the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
loved hamza radiAllahu an so much,
he missed out on some opportunities in this
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala elevate
Waqiub Rahab radiallahu an
for the narrations that he leaves behind for
us as a gift to the Ummah till
the end of times.
And for
showing us what it means to not give
Anyone else would have given up.
Most people at that point would say, I'm
not doing this anymore.
The Prophet of Allah saying to me that
hide your face from me.
But he was committed.
His journey to Islam took him a little
longer to make it there, but when now
that he was there, he wasn't willing to
walk away.
He remained committed.
And going in jihad and fighting there was
him putting his life on the line day
in day out
to earn the honor of Shahada.
And then ultimately
he was able to find peace with himself
taking the life of the greatest enemy of
Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam. May Allah fill
his grave with mood and allow us to
learn from the amazing powerful inspirational lessons of
Sayyidina Washi.
accept this gathering.