Hussain Kamani – Stories of the Companions- Umm Habibah

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The Prophet Muhammad's marriage was a beautiful marriage, with a romantic relationship, a successful marriage, and a daughter. The couple had a romantic relationship, had a successful marriage, and had a beautiful baby. The importance of good character for people to win in the world is emphasized, and staying in a church for prayer is emphasized. The couple had a romantic relationship, had a successful marriage, and had a beautiful baby. The couple had a romantic relationship, had a successful marriage, and had a beautiful baby.
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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most
All praise is due to Allah.
All praise is due to Allah and peace
be upon His chosen servants.
Especially upon the Master of the Messengers and
Seal of the Prophets.
And upon his noble family and his pious
And after that.
In today's gathering, Insha'Allah, we will spend
the evening reflecting on the life of the
dear and great companion of Rasulullah ﷺ.
The mother of the believers.
Ummul Mu'mineen.
Ummul Habibah bint Abu Sufyan.
Commonly referred to as Ummul Habibah r.a.
There was one person, more than one person
at the time of Rasulullah ﷺ by the
name of Ummul Habibah.
And likewise, her name was her name, Ramla,
was also shared.
So you'll notice in hadith literature, when they
make reference to Ummul Habibah r.a. they
will add Zawjin Nabi ﷺ.
Ummul Habibah, the wife of Rasulullah ﷺ.
Regarding her name, there is a slight difference
of opinion.
Some scholars have said that her name was
However, the other position is that her name
was Ramla.
And this is the more common opinion.
And documented as such in the works of
Tarajun and the biographical pieces written by the
earlier scholars.
They either have her entry under her name,
Ramla bint Abu Sufyan or they have it
under Ummul Habibah bint Abu Sufyan.
She was born 17 years prior to prophethood.
She married Ubaidullah bin Jahsh, the brother of
Sayyidina Abdullah bin Jahsh r.a, who was
a great Sahabi of Rasulullah ﷺ.
And a supporter of the Prophet ﷺ.
He participated in the Battle of Uhud and
was martyred there.
Ummul Habibah's first husband, Ubaidullah bin Jahsh, accepts
Islam in the earlier days as she does.
Her father is Abu Sufyan, the Abu Sufyan,
the leader of Mecca.
After the old guard passed in the Battle
of Badr, he now becomes the head of
Mecca Mukarramah.
He is the one that marches the soldiers
to Medina Munawwara in the Battle of Uhud.
It is under his flag that all of
the Arabs gathered for the Battle of the
Trenches and came towards Medina Munawwara.
With such an army, the likes of which
had never been seen by the Arabs before,
10,000 soldiers marching together in lines, this
is a very big deal.
Abu Sufyan was the leader of Mecca Mukarramah.
Even when it came to the Treaty of
Hudaybiyyah, he had a very strong say in
What would be acceptable, what wouldn't be acceptable.
Behind the scenes, he was the person that
more or less prevented the companions from performing
Umrah that year in that Umrah of Hudaybiyyah.
He was a staunch enemy of Rasulullah ﷺ.
So we're still in the early days of
Islam, in the first 5-6 years of
Umm Habibah accepts Islam, her husband Ubaidullah bin
Jahash also accepts Islam.
The persecution becomes too much.
The Prophet ﷺ granted a group of companions
permission to migrate from Mecca Mukarramah to a
safe land, to Habisha.
She was one of the people who made
this migration, along with her husband.
Her husband when he arrived in Abyssinia, he
assimilated into the culture, which in itself isn't
a bad thing.
The challenge that he faced was he wasn't
able to hold on firmly to his Muslim
Some narrations tell us that he started engaging
with the Nasara of Abyssinia and also would
frequently consume alcohol.
In some riwayat we are seen that Umm
Habibah saw a dream.
I saw in a dream that my husband
he looked something was off about him.
There was something about him that was frightening.
When I saw him he didn't have the
same beauty and calmness to him in my
She continues with this narration and later on
she interprets this dream of hers.
In some riwayat we see that she's describing
her dream as her husband is drowning.
So, she informs her husband that there's something
off here.
Something's going on with you that I'm really
worried about.
It isn't too long after that that he
leaves the folds of Islam and accepts the
Christian faith.
This is one of the earliest examples we
have of someone leaving the folds of Islam.
She narrates in her riwayat that my husband
remained outside of the folds of Islam right
until he passed away there.
He died as a kafir.
It was through this marriage that she had
her child Habibah and it was from this
Habibah that she received her kunya her honorary
title Umm Habibah There's a difference of opinion
among the historians on where this Habibah was
Some say the birth of Habibah took place
in Abyssinia itself while the more common position
is that Habibah was born in Makkah Mukarramah.
She was in a tough place.
She's in a far land away from her
Accepting Islam must have been such a difficult
task for her to begin with.
Her father was one of the leaders of
Makkah Mukarramah.
Her father stood against the Prophet ﷺ and
she accepts Islam.
Sometimes the greatest enemies give birth to the
greatest leaders.
Never give up hope on people.
Never look down upon people.
Trust Allah ﷻ's plan and be sincere in
your call to the deen.
Because the person that you expect at least
from, the family that you expect at least
from can go on to be the most
beloved to Allah ﷻ can change the face
of the future.
Umm Habibah ﷺ makes such a great sacrifice
by becoming Muslim and then on top of
that she migrates leaving her family and wealth
behind and now she's in Abyssinia and her
husband leaves her.
He accepts Christianity.
She refuses to join him.
She remains firm on her deen so he
divorces her and he goes on to die
in Abyssinia.
Her struggles were many.
The Prophet ﷺ one day sent a messenger
from Madina Munawwara.
He sent Amr bin Umayyah ﷺ from Madina
Munawwara to Abyssinia to Najashi and he said
to Najashi the Prophet ﷺ requests that you
make the proposal of marriage from himself from
the Prophet of Allah ﷺ to Umm Habibah
This in itself must have been quite a
profound experience for Najashi because he sees that
the Prophet ﷺ doesn't marry who he wishes.
He follows the same system of making the
proposal seeking that other person's will gaining their
pleasure getting them to also show interest in
the marriage.
So this whole process is not only witnessed
by Najashi but he is the central piece
in making it happen.
He approaches Umm Habibah ﷺ on behalf of
Rasulullah ﷺ.
When Umm Habibah ﷺ hears this proposal she
is overwhelmed with joy that the Prophet of
Allah ﷺ proposes marriage and this is what
Allah ﷻ references in the Quran that sometimes
between two people who have animosity Allah ﷻ
creates a bond of love.
On one side you have Abu Sufyan, on
the other side you have Rasulullah ﷺ.
Nabi ﷺ's marriage to Umm Habibah ﷺ على
حسب الاختلاف depending on which opinion we follow
was either in the 6th year or the
7th year after migration.
So by now Uhud is done by now
Khandaq is completed.
Possibly at this point the Treaty of Hudaibiyah
has already been signed.
Imagine how much rage the average human being
would have towards someone like Abu Sufyan.
The idea of joining that person's family with
yours, the idea of marrying into that person's
family but the Prophet ﷺ wanted to join
He wanted to join ties.
He wanted to show the world that there
was always a bridge that connected people no
matter how far we go in turning against
one another.
The Prophet ﷺ he feels for Umm Habibah
ﷺ and understands her challenge and what she's
gone through while she's in Abyssinia.
She's far away.
She's all the way in another continent.
The Prophet ﷺ has so many concerns to
worry about in Madina Munawwara.
There are attacks and raids that are happening
So many intricate political decisions need to be
But with all of this the crisis that
are local those that are regional the Prophet
of Allah has concern for a lady, Umm
Habibah ﷺ.
She's gone through a divorce what must her
situation be?
So he sends the messenger and Najashi was
so overwhelmed that he made the proposal.
So excited.
He made the proposal.
Umm Habibah ﷺ was filled with joy.
She accepted.
And Najashi then made the commitment of paying
the mahr to her on behalf of Rasulullah
Therefore the Ulama when talking about Umm Habibah
ﷺ they say regarding her There
was no one who the Prophet ﷺ married
who was further from him geographically than Umm
Habibah ﷺ.
Very far away.
And neither was there anyone who received a
mahr the marriage gift equivalent to Umm Habibah
Some riwayat mentioned to us that Najashi he
gave her 4000 dirham.
4000 dirham.
In another riwayat he gave her 400 dirham.
And when it came time to send her
off to Madina Munawwara Najashi gave her everything
she needed.
That these are all home gifts for you.
These are all furniture items for you.
These are all tools that you're going to
need in your home that you share with
Rasulullah ﷺ.
I wish to have the honor of providing
for that house of Rasulullah ﷺ.
In some narrations he also sends some garments
for the Prophet of Allah ﷺ.
He sent some leather socks that Rasulullah ﷺ
wore and also did masah on.
Now there are some narrations that say that
the Prophet ﷺ married Umm Habibah ﷺ after
her arrival to Madina Munawwara.
Even though the first position is more commonly
accepted and more commonly reported among the Ahlus
Seer and the historians it's possible that the
second narration can also be accommodated if we
view it as a second gathering that happened
after she arrived in Madina Munawwara.
A second time where there was maybe a
little get together and the marriage was announced
for the people of Madina Munawwara that Umm
Habibah ﷺ has officially entered into the marriage
of Rasulullah ﷺ.
She was a great scholar.
She was very courageous.
She was a pious person.
One day she's sitting with Rasulullah ﷺ and
she's reflecting on her own situation.
She had one husband and now she has
a second husband, the Prophet ﷺ.
So she asked the Prophet of Allah, There's
a woman who has two husbands in the
Which of the two husbands will she be
with in the hereafter?
Rasulullah ﷺ said, The one that had the
best character with her.
The one whose character was the best will
be the one that's the person that brought
her joy in the world.
And that will be her companion in the
That, Oh Umm Habibah, good character takes the
win in the dunya and also in the
It's people with good character that humans search
That they wish to surround themselves with.
It's people with good character that you associate
People you turn to in your moments of
difficulty, when you feel frustrated, when you feel
lonely, when you feel abandoned, when you feel
just lost.
You turn to people with good character.
In your mind you know that if I
go to that person, if I sit with
that person, if I listen to that person,
it's gonna bring me joy.
It'll remind me of why I live.
It'll remind me and take me back to
my happiest days.
So, that in the dunya and in the
akhira, good akhlaq always wins.
Her love for Rasulullah ﷺ was very deep.
And her Islam guided her moral compass.
She married Nabi ﷺ either.
She arrives in Medina Munawwara around the 7th
year after migration.
And it's also around this time, 7th last
8th year after the treaty was signed almost
2 years earlier, that the Quraish betrayed their
So because they betrayed their treaty, the Muslims
now had the right to attack the Quraish
on behalf of their allies.
The Quraish knew that they would be attacked.
They knew that justice would be sought.
So they sent Abu Sufyan to negotiate with
Rasulullah ﷺ that let's renew the old treaty.
We agreed on a treaty.
The treaty was broken by us.
How about we renew it again?
Why don't we sign the document again?
Abu Sufyan arrives to Medina Munawwara.
He says, you know, my daughter lives here,
Umm Habiba, let me go visit her.
So he visits his daughter.
When he prepares to sit down in her
home, she rushes and removes the rug that
he's about to sit on.
Abu Sufyan, he asks her, why did you
remove this rug?
Was there something wrong with the rug or
was there something wrong with me?
She says that this is where Rasulullah ﷺ
sits and you are not pure enough to
sit on this place.
For Abu Sufyan, this must have been what?
What did you think?
But he's seeing it that his daughter is
Her Iman wasn't just a fling of a
It's not something that she just did 10
-15 years ago.
When she accepted Islam, when she said La
ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasulullah, she meant it.
And if it was her father that was
trying to betray the Prophet of Allah ﷺ,
her loyalties were with the Prophet ﷺ.
Not with her father, even though he was
closer to her in blood.
But he was the enemy of Allah and
his Rasul ﷺ.
She made it very clear where she stood
on this relationship.
Aisha narrates a hadith that's narrated by Imam
Bukhari ﷺ in his Sahih.
She narrates it from two companions, Umm Habiba
and Umm Salma, who were both wives of
Rasulullah ﷺ.
They say that when we were in Habasha,
Umm Salma and Umm Habiba, we used to
see these churches.
And in these churches, what was different from
their churches, from the masajid that were in
Madina Munawwara, was that the churches had pictures
They had these pictures of righteous people, their
When we were in Abyssinia, in their churches,
they had these big pictures everywhere.
Explain that to us.
What was this all about?
So Rasulullah ﷺ said, ...
Their practice was that when a righteous person
from them would die, they would draw out
their pictures and they would build masajid on
their graves.
They were the worst of Allah's creation and
they will be seen as such on the
Day of Judgment.
She was someone that was noble and righteous,
who used her words very carefully, who spent
her time in the remembrance of Allah ﷻ.
She narrates as narrated by Imam Tirmidhi ﷺ,
Imam Ibn Majah ﷺ, Imam Tabrani ﷺ, Imam
Hakim and many others.
A narration from the Prophet of Allah ﷺ
where Rasulullah ﷺ said, The speech of Adam,
the speech of the son of Adam, will
be against the human being, will be against
the son of Adam.
Not in favor.
By default, everything you say is a testimony
against you on the Day of Judgment.
Every word of yours, when you say something,
will be against you.
Except for, there are some things by default,
they will be in your favor.
What are they?
Dhikr of Allah ﷻ.
Calling someone towards good.
Preventing someone from evil.
And engaging in the remembrance of Allah ﷻ.
You remember, you call someone towards good, infrequently,
once a day, every other day, every few
days, you raise your voice.
You prevent someone from evil, again, it's not
every moment you're doing it, every day, every
few hours, maybe every other day.
Dhikr of Allah ﷻ all the time.
كل كلام ابن آدم عليه لا له إلا
أمر بمعروف أو نهي عن منكر أو ذكر
لله تعالى وفي رواية أو ذكر الله or
the remembrance of Allah ﷻ.
The Prophet ﷺ lived a very simple life.
Ummi Habibah ﷺ shares with us that inner
dimension of the Prophet's life as a member
of the household.
Her brother Muawiyah ﷺ narrates.
He says that, I asked my sister, Ummi
Habibah ﷺ that when the Prophet ﷺ would
sleep with you and when you guys would
rest in the morning when it would be
Salah time, would he change out of his
night clothes into newer clothes for praying Salah?
أَكَانَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ يُصَلِّ فِي الثَّوْبِ الَّذِي
يَنَامُ مَعَكِ فِيهِ قَالَتْ نَعَم لَمْ يَرَ فِيهِ
أَذَى That no, the Prophet ﷺ wouldn't change
out, he would wear the same garments.
He didn't see any harm in that.
As long as the garment is clean and
appropriate for prayer, it's not that there's a
separate garment for eating and then there's a
separate garment for this and a separate garment
for that.
That's not the type of person Rasulullah ﷺ
generally was.
Sayyida Ummi Habibah ﷺ also describing her interaction
with the Prophet of Allah, those special moments.
She says that Nabi ﷺ would kiss us
even while he was fasting.
There's nothing haram in that.
What's haram is if that goes any further
and it leads to an act which ultimately
breaks the fast.
Ummi Habibah ﷺ says that, I can describe
to you what the Prophet ﷺ would do
when the Adhan was being called.
As the Mu'adhin would be saying the
words of the Adhan, إِذَا سَمِعَ الْمُؤَذِّنَ يُؤَذِّنُ
قَالَكَ كَمَا يَقُولُ The Prophet of Allah would
say as the Mu'adhin was saying.
As he would say, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
the Prophet of Allah would then say, Allahu
Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
And he would repeat everything the Mu'adhin
is saying.
This is a lesson for us.
When we hear the Adhan, we need to
hit pause.
We need to stop.
Even if we're gaming, or coloring, or writing,
or reading a book, or in a meeting,
And repeat as the Mu'adhin says.
This is the Sunnah of Rasulullah ﷺ.
And it's this pausing of life that will
actually lead you to Jama'ah.
If you bulldoze through the Adhan and don't
pay attention, it may not lead you to
That Adhan will fall on deaf ears.
She says the Prophet of Allah would respond
to the Adhan until the Mu'adhin would
Now she talks about the Salah of Rasulullah
That the Prophet ﷺ says, I heard with
my own ears Ummi Habibah ﷺ.
The Prophet of Allah ﷺ saying, there's not
a Muslim who performs twelve Raka'at of
Nafl every day, but in return Allah will
build for him a home in Jannah.
Twelve Raka'at of Nafl, Sunnah, every day.
Allah will give that person a home in
What are those twelve Raka'at?
Two Raka'at before?
And then four Raka'at before?
Two Raka'at after?
How many is that?
Right, eight.
Very good.
Two Raka'at after Maghrib?
Two Raka'at after Isha, that makes it
Ummi Habibah ﷺ she says, after I heard
the Prophet of Allah ﷺ say this, I
never miss these Sunnahs for the rest of
my life.
Amr bin Awsu narrates from her, he says,
مَا بَرِحْتُ أُصَلِّيهُنَّ بَعْضُ And I never miss
those twelve Raka'at for the rest of
my life.
And from him narrates Nu'man ibn Salim who
says, مثل ذلك that I never miss those
twelve Raka'at in my life.
May Allah ﷻ allow us to follow that
Sunnah of Ummi Habibah ﷺ.
May we join this fasalsul and this chain
of being people that never miss those twelve
Raka'at in our lives.
Say Ameen.
In one narayah, Ummi Habibah ﷺ said to
the Prophet ﷺ, O Messenger of Allah, I
have a sister Would you be interested in
marrying my sister?
The Prophet ﷺ, he says to her that
this is not permissible in Islam.
Allah ﷻ does not allow for two women
who are sisters to be married into the
same marriage at the same time.
I want to share one incident regarding her
courage and then we'll prepare for Salat, Inshallah.
It was during the Khilafah of Sayyidina Uthman
ibn Affan ﷺ.
The first part of the Khilafah was very
stable, a lot of growth.
The second part, unfortunately, there was a significant
amount of fitnah.
A group of these rebels arrived in Madinah
Munawwara and unfortunately placed Sayyidina Uthman ibn Affan
ﷺ under house arrest.
And it was at this point that Uthman
ibn Affan ﷺ came to the balcony of
his home and gave a lecture.
They said, we will not allow any food
to reach you.
We won't allow you to go to the
masjid and neither will we give you anything
to drink.
Uthman ibn Affan ﷺ, he spoke to them
hoping that maybe it'll soften their hearts, maybe
they'll understand who he was.
He said, you know the masjid that you're
preventing me from praying in, I was the
one that donated to that masjid when the
Prophet of Allah called us for donation.
I raised my hand.
I was one of the people that supported
Rasulullah ﷺ.
And when there was no water for the
people of Madinah Munawwara and Nabi ﷺ raised
funds for Bi'r Rumah, I was the
one that raised my hands and donated for
that cause.
And I heard with my own ears because
they were plotting to kill Uthman ibn Affan
He said, I heard of my own ears
of Rasulullah ﷺ saying the blood of another
Muslim is not halal.
You cannot kill another person except for three
One who kills a person in retribution of
a murder that was committed.
Or a married person who engaged in adultery.
Or number three, someone who left his faith.
I have not killed anyone.
Neither have I done an immoral act like
zina while being married.
And Alhamdulillah, I am a Muslim.
These people did not listen to Uthman ibn
Affan ﷺ and the trials of Uthman ﷺ
Ali ibn Abi Talib ﷺ made an attempt
to deliver some water and food to Uthman
ibn Affan ﷺ and he was faced with
a lot of opposition.
People in Madinah Munawwara were in shock.
What do we do?
What do we do?
Uthman ibn Affan ﷺ doesn't have water in
his home?
So it was at this time Umm Habibah
ﷺ came forward.
And she came on her donkey with water
making her way and she didn't come alone.
She told all of her servants, surround me.
Walk with me.
We will go to the house of Uthman
ibn Affan ﷺ and deliver water there.
Let me see who stops the wife of
Rasulullah ﷺ.
She knew who she was.
She knew very well what her maqam was.
And she marched.
It was on the way there that these
people unfortunately did not allow her to move
forward and they cut the rope that was
around her donkey which caused the donkey to
jump and almost caused a massive injury to
Umm Habibah ﷺ.
Somebody would say had the people not come
and tamed that donkey, it could have even
resulted in her losing her life.
In a time like this where they were
being so oppressive.
You know when Ali r.a was rejected
from giving water to Uthman r.a that
day, he said, by Allah والله إن فارس
والروم لا يفعلون كفعليكم هذا برجل والله إنهم
لا يأسرون فيتعمون ويسقون The Romans and Persians
don't deal with their prisoners of war the
way you're dealing with Uthman ibn Affan r
.a. They get their captives, take them into
imprisonment and then feed them.
They give them something to drink.
How are you dealing with the Khalifa of
Rasulullah ﷺ?
Umm Habibah r.a she was very bold
and very strong in these moments.
Didn't step away from her truth.
Umm Habibah r.a as she reaches the
final days and moments of her life Aisha
r.a narrates a hadith that as Umm
Habibah r.a was on her deathbed she
called me she called me Umm Habibah when
she died I came to visit her and
she said to me you know how we
were against one another in the marriage of
Rasulullah ﷺ we were rivals.
We competed with one another in trying to
attract the attention of our beloved like co
-wives generally do I ask you to forgive
me for anything wrong that I did during
that time.
So Umm Al-Mumineen Aisha r.a said
that I forgive you for anything you did
and nothing to worry about Umm Habibah r
.a said today you have made me happy
May Allah ﷻ always keep you happy and
then similarly Umm Habibah r.a sent another
messenger to Umm Salama r.a with a
similar message what's on their mind as they're
leaving this dunya the people whose rights we
violated someone that we've done wrong to have
I settled my affairs in this dunya or
will I have to stand in front of
Allah ﷻ and be held accountable for what
we said, for what we did Umm Habibah
r.a passed away in the year 44
after hijrah as is the position of Imam
Al-Waqidi r.a another common position is
that she passed away in the year 42
after hijrah and they say that she passed
away in the year 42 after hijrah in
Damascus actually the ulama write this is not
a correct position.
She did go to Damascus to visit her
brother but however she returned back to Medina
and she passed away there Imam Ibn Abdul
Barrah r.a to support this further he
narrates a narration from Ali Ibn Hussain r
.a he says that when I came home
in Medina Munawwara to my grandfather's home Sayyiduna
Ali Ibn Abi Talib r.a in Medina
I was there and one day we started
digging one of the corners of the home
just renovating and checking things up فحفرنا في
ناهية منه فأخرجنا منه حجرا فإذا فيه مبتوب
هذا قبر رملة بنت صخر we were digging
in the corner and we saw a stone
there and it said this is the grave
of Umm Habibah r.a so what did
we do so we turned everything back to
its place Umm Habibah r.a is an
example of piety and righteousness and sacrifice of
steadfastness she is a reminder for us of
courage and knowledge and she transmits hadith to
us so we are able to benefit from
that legacy of Rasulullah s.a.w so
we make dua to Allah s.w.t
that he fills the grave of Umm Habibah
r.a with noor and that he allows
us to follow the footsteps of the great
companions وصلى الله تعالى على سيدنا محمد السلام
عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته