On the authority of Abu Dharr al-Ghifari (r) from the Prophet (s) from his Lord, that He said:
O My servants! I have forbidden dhulm (oppression) for Myself, and I have made it forbidden amongst you, so do not oppress one another. O My servants, all of you are astray except those whom I have guided, so seek guidance from Me and I shall guide you. O My servants, all of you are hungry except those whom I have fed, so seek food from Me and I shall feed you. O My servants, all of you are naked except those whom I have clothed, so seek clothing from Me and I shall clothe you. O My servants, you commit sins by day and by night, and I forgive all sins, so seek forgiveness from Me and I shall forgive you. O My servants, you will not attain harming Me so as to harm Me, and you will not attain benefiting Me so as to benefit Me. O My servants, if the first of you and the last of you, and the humans of you and the jinn of you, were all as pious as the most pious heart of any individual amongst you, then this would not increase My Kingdom an iota. O My servants, if the first of you and the last of you, and the humans of you and the jinn of you, were all as wicked as the most wicked heart of any individual amongst you, then this would not decrease My Kingdom an iota. O My servants, if the first of you and the last of you, and the humans of you and the jinn of you, were all to stand together in one place and ask of Me, and I were to give everyone what he requested, then that would not decrease what I Possess, except what is decreased of the ocean when a needle is dipped into it. O My servants, it is but your deeds that I account for you, and then recompense you for. So he who finds good, let him praise Allah, and he who finds other than that, let him blame no one but himself
Hussain Kamani – 40 Ahadith of Imam An-Nawawi 24 – Call From Allah
![Hussain Kamani](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/hussain-kamani-150x150.jpg)
AI: Summary ©
The Hadith represents the most experienced members of the Islamist movement, with "has" being defined as anyone who denies one verse of the Quran. The importance of reading the Quran and finding success in society is emphasized, along with the need for everyone to act with their lives. The speaker also touches on the history of Islam, including the cycle of history, the importance of justice, and the need for everyone to act with their lives. The negative impact of actions taken by individuals, including violence and racism, on society is emphasized, along with the need for guidance and awareness regarding negative consequences of actions.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah Rahim al hamdu Lillah Hungary la vaca file Salaam Alaikum. Latino stafa Susana
Milan via Bala O'Neill Ischia was harbor hill at the ameba.
inshallah, today we start from Heidi 24 of you must know we're gonna have to lock the alleys 40 Huggies collection
on a visa in as a 30 of your loved one and in the recent Allahu alayhi wasallam female ratio Ravi Tabata, Kota Allah, Allah who call? Yeah anybody in the Hebron to Villa Allah NFC, which Allah who may not have Roman fell out of volume. Yeah, Eva da everybody, colloquium vol 11 had a to first dooney decom Yeah, buddy. Cool. Oh, come on, man, Tom to who first thought of emoni income. Yeah, Eva de colo Kumar in a lemon kasota. Who first at SUNY sukoon Yeah, everybody in the owner will lay anyone
out funeral guru by Jamia festival. Fulani have fella come. Yeah, everybody in nakulan who re photo Rooney Wallen sub Luna fairy photographer oni Yeah, everybody, and welcome ophira como in Sakuma Jena con con la Colby Rajim wahida minquan Masada dareka femal Keyshia Yeah, Eva de Hello and welcome Afro como como agenda comm gannawarra Jheri curl v Rajkumar hidden minquan ma la casa de la cama makishi yeah Eva the low water Kumasi Docomo in Sakuma Jinnah Kumar movie sorry denwa hidden Looney for our play prey to coolabah hidden Miss eletter who Manasa daddy coming in the Illa C'mon Posada mithya to either Federica yeah everybody in Emma here of si halochem some Wolfie kamiah from
a modular haven folia magilla hormones modular hi Radhika Farah lumen Ilana raha Muslim.
This Hadith is narrated by a Buddha of the value of your loved one. he narrates it from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam narrates this hadith from Allah subhanho wa Taala that he azzawajal said, All my servants, I have forbidden oppression for myself, and I have made it forbidden amongst you. So do not oppress one another. All my servants all of you are a stray except those who I have guided. So seeks guidance, seek guidance from me, and I shall guide you, all my servants, all of you are hungry, except those who might have fed, so seafood for me, and I should feed you, all my servants, all of you are unclothed, except for those who I am
who I have closed, so see coding for me and I shall close you owe my servants, you commit sins by day and night, and I forgive all sins. So seek forgiveness from me and I shall forgive you, oh my servants, you will not attain harming me, so as to harm me, and you will not attain benefiting me so as to benefit me, all my servants. If the first view and the last view that humans have you in the agenda view, we're all as pious as the most pious heart of any individual amongst you, then this rule will not increase my kingdom, even a little, oh my servants. If the first of you in the last of you, the humans of you and agenda view, we're all as wicked as the most wicked heart of any
individual amongst you, then this will not decrease my kingdom, even a little, all my servants, if the first of you and last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you, we're all together.
together in one large land and asked for me, if I were to give everyone what he requested, then that would not decrease from what I possess, except what is decreased from the ocean when a needle is dipped into it, oh my servants it is but your deeds that I account for you, and then recompense you for it. So he who finds good, let him praise Allah, and he will find other than that, let him blame no one but himself. The Hadith is narrated by Mr. Muhammad Ali.
This is one of the longer Javi 30 mamas. No, we don't have the LA era narrates in his 40 Hadith collection. Maybe the only Hadeeth longer than longer than this was it the duty, which was the second Hadeeth we studied after that, I think this is the longest heavy in the 1400s collection. This is a very powerful one.
The language used in this divine narration is very powerful and it conveyed conveys a very direct point. It says if Allah subhanho wa Taala is cutting out the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam in this message and speaking directly to his servant by repeatedly saying Yeah, buddy Yeah, buddy. Yeah, buddy. Oh my servant. Oh, my servants, oh, my servants. So he'd been opted as he says that one of these Oh, hold on. He would narrate this hadith. Either had that. Have you had that? Hadith? Jetta, Allah Raka. But he, when he would narrate this Hadith, he would fall onto his knees. And he would cry and say yeah, are you buddy Oh, my Lord is saying to me, oh my servant, oh my servant. So
he would fall on his knees as if he was saying to Allah, Allah, I'm here for you.
I'm assuming Motorola here it says that if there was one heartbeat that I would tell every Muslim to memorize, it would be this Howdy. Because the message is so powerful. It's so relevant. This message is speaking directly to the heart of every person that's in need. Every person who is searching for meaning every person that searching for purpose in life, this one Hadith conveys that to them. Now, before we get into the Hadith itself, and what the Hadith is talking about, there's one quick technical discussion we need to have. And that technical discussion is regarding the nature of this body.
You may have noticed that when I was reading the Arabic of this hadith I started off by saying female we are Robbie. That this is one of those narrations in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is narrating from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So generally, we call this sort of heavy handed the footsie there are other names also given to this type of Hadeeth, which I'll share with you shortly. But let me introduce to you the idea of a howdy the footsie or in English, we commonly translated as a divine narration.
So in order to understand this concept, you must first understand that when we read any Hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam conveys to us or that our tradition conveys to us that the Mojave flew narrate from our rich Islamic tradition, you will find that at times the origin can be a different place. So for example, sometimes the origin of the statement that's being narrated starts with us a hobby. We will call it an E while we will call it a hobby, but there's a specific type of hypothesis. Because a statement originates with a hobby and does not originate with the profits of the logline, Eva said, to avoid a lot of mumble jumble going on. We're not sure who said what, what
the Mojave theme that is that they categorize the different types of Hadith, and gave each Hadith based on where it fits a unique terminology. So if the Hadith originates with Allah subhanahu wa Tada, then that Hadith is called hadith of Pudsey. If the Horace the Hadith originates with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning the statement is being attributed directly as a statement of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. Then, in Hades terminology, we call this Hadeeth metaphor, meaning it's a lifted narration, it's a raised narration, because it's been raised to the prophets that allow on even
if the statement belongs to a Sahabi, for example, as a hobby says to the companions, to his companions, that those of you who are looking for role models, search for your role models and those people who have left this world because they have left this road in a state that they were pleased with Allah, and Allah was pleased with them. As for those of us that are living, we don't know what our tomorrow will look like. Such a beautiful, powerful advice of hypnosis really, to be a law one. This sort of advice because it's attributed to evidence early. And this this advice is not attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we call this Hadeeth motif.
And then if the statement is being made by authority, the theory is someone who follows the generation after this hobby. So you have the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the Sahaba who are the Prophet students, and then the people who are the Sahaba students are called the top your own the successors.
If the statement originates with a Dabiri, we call this Hades, poor Hadid motto. So this is where we have to find
First of all understand the discussion is about where does this heat originate from? So this particular type of howdy howdy the good See, originates from a statement sent by Allah subhanho wa Taala to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam
allama Moana, we don't move to LA Holly in his physical body has a very lengthy discussion on how to put C. And I'll share some discussions that he raises there with you today in class.
The first thing, what is high difficulty? What's the definition of high difficulty? So alhama de la Holly writes and is
that ahaadeeth output See? How easy to put see is that Mahabharata Allahu nebia who, that which Allah subhanho wa Taala has informed his prophet, Bill Harmon Amen, amen. Through an inspiration or through a dream for us brother um, Daddy can mana be about it he Southern the partners that Allahu Allahu wa sallam conveyed that inspiration, using his own words. The message is coming from where Allah subhanho wa Taala either through a dream or an inspiration, but the words being used to convey that message are the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fellow called Adam will father to Allah He bizarrely left he saw the Quran has a greater rank over Habiba klutzy, because in the
Quran we have the word and meaning both coming directly from Allah. While in howdy foot See, the meaning is coming from a law but the words used to convey that meaning are coming from the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
The scholars have used different terms to refer to such a hadith.
The most common name for this type of Hadith is Javi footsy. This is the terminology used by most fathers of honey and we also see him I'm overweight I'm with Allahu Allah and others when making reference to these sort of a hottie they call them hajipur portsea.
The second name that's given to these these narrations is Hadid, ilahi
Hadeeth ilahi. This terminology has been used by 100 of us balani, alaba, Tierra de la Holly and Malala party they have all used this term hydrophila e. And the third term used to refer to these narrations is Hadid or abahani.
This term has been used by gelada de Mohali, and others while referring to this sort of hobby. Now when you study howdy the code sees the divine narrations you will find them falling into one of two categories, either the Heidi The Pudsey is conveyed through very clear words meaning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself is saying that he narrates this tradition from Allah subhana wa tada like we saw him this narration at the beginning, female er we hear our rugby the Prophet is using those words or the hobbyist conveying the Hadith using those words, meaning this is one Hadith that the Prophet is conveying directly from Allah. So he's using a Ceylon he's using language that
is sorry, that is clear of the origin of this Howdy. So the example of that would be thought Allahu Allah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that Allah subhanho wa Taala said, so you see this part of the statement a lot, a lot of adequate Allah subhanho wa Taala said, by the prophet, saying this, this makes this sort of difficult see what we call study. Meaning This is a very clear divine narration. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shared the rest of the Hadith, that to the University of Sati. Here I have prepared for my pious servants, that which know I have seen which no ear has heard, and no heart has even even thought of. And if you wish to read the eye
of the Quran, Fatah talamona some of whom in karate argue the second type of high difficulty is that how do you that will see in which the Prophet doesn't say that this message is from Allah. Rather, the purpose of the message itself implies that it's from Allah subhana wa Tada. So the example of this is the Hadith that we commonly hear whenever Milan comes regarding fasting, COO, coo Rama, Rama, who Illa song, every act of the son of Adam is for him except for fasting, for in the holy For indeed that is for me. Now the Hadith didn't say anywhere that Allah subhanho wa Taala said this, but while we're reading the Hadith, the verbiage and the language use tells us that this is from
Allah because the Prophet said for in the who Lee that this is from me, this video is for me. Well I GB and I will reward for it directly.
Someone can ask a question. What's the difference between the Quran and Hadith?
Is there any difference between the two or are they both the same? Because it seems as they're both messages coming directly from Allah subhanahu wa Tada. So it's important to know one thing I'll make I'll mention one principle point one point in principle that I'll go through some differences between how to put it in the Quran. as Muslims we don't know
Use the Quran as the only form of Revelation. For some of you this may be a shocker for but for scholarly circles within the Muslim community, this is a very common concept. The Quran is not the only form of Revelation. It's actually one of the two forms of Revelation. The other form of this sort of revelation that the Quran is categorized in is called what he mutlu, meaning the recited revelation. There's a whole different category of revelation which is called what he is itema to do, meaning the unrecycled revelation. The reason why this discussion is so important is because our young average Muslim, what do they think? I need to follow what Allah subhanahu wa tada has told me
to do, and Allah has told me what to do what's in the Quran. And the Hadith is not the Quran, so I don't need to follow the Hadith. You guys understand that logic? Unfortunately, it's a very common thought process, which is what a lot I have to do it allows told me to do a lot reveal the Quran. The Quran isn't telling me to wear the hijab. The Quran isn't telling me to avoid X, Y, and Z. So if the Koran isn't telling me that then I don't need to do it. When the truth is that as Muslims we never claimed that the Quran was the only form of Revelation. We believe that along with the put on the second form of revelation was the Hadith. The Hadith is in its entire body, and inspiration from
Allah subhana wa Tada. And if you're wondering, where did I come up with such a crazy idea from its from the Quran itself? Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in Surah najem 1,000,002 final However, in Hua Illa Yun, you have that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam does not speak from his own desires. Whatever he says, is actually a revelation. Whatever he does, is actually a revelation. His consents are actually revelation. That's why as Muslims, why do we study the Quran we always study the Hadith as well. Studying the Hadith is equally important for us, so that we understand the whole picture of what Allah subhana wa tada is saying, now that we understand that there are different
forms of Revelation, a type of Hadith, the unrequited revelation is high difficulty. What are the differences between Hadith bootsy and the Quran? The scholars have lips have listed a few.
The first difference which I've already highlighted for you in the definition, is that the Quran is revealed by Allah
with its word and its meaning. So when I say 100, Allah, Allah Allah mean these words are the words that belong to who?
Allah subhanho wa Taala when I say hello to Vilma and FC, first of all, the words of this hobby, these words do they belong to Allah. The words are not their words are not from Allah, The meaning is from Allah conveyed accurately by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But the verbiage use the language use is coming from the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
The second thing is, regarding the Koran we can say confidently that it is narrated through what we call a Muto walk through the chain of narration. I use this terminology here and without watching, I'll explain that to you in a moment. What is what the watch would mean? What the Latin means such a chain, that its
its, its authenticity, can never be challenged. Meaning in any generation and the entire history of that hobby. There were always so many people who narrated it so many people who narrated it, that denying it would be insane. For example,
the existence of Niagara Falls. For the person who never been to Niagara Falls, Canadian Niagara Falls, its existence Why can't think because the existence of it happened with the falls themselves have been witnessed by how many people
not one or two people but 1000s and 1000s. Maybe millions of people have seen it for generations and generations. Even though you may live in some far corner of the world you have not seen it with your own eyes, but you can't deny its existence, because its existence has been established through what we call a Muto water chain, and undeniable chain. its authenticity is established and proven. They'll put on hold such a rank and if authenticity. Can anyone ever deny the authenticity of the Quran, that the words are fabricated, it's made up someone just came up with the whole idea you can't do it. Even if you want it to you can't you know why you can't do it. It's because no matter
where in the world your goal there are 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of Muslims who have memorized the Quran and when we read the Quran, we read it identically. Our Imam Allah already warned him he leaves a throwaway prayer and move on every year he memorized the Quran in Somalia. The second pile of leaves, gonna be throwing in our own measure. He memorized the Quran in Dallas, you know, another email, memorize the Quran in New York, someone else memorize the Quran and another part
The road actually doesn't matter where you memorize the Quran. But when we come here and we read the Koran we all read it
with the exact same words because the words and the meanings are both conveyed through what we call a mythological chain of narration. As for the hadith of bootsy,
that same claim cannot be made. Some have you the policies are authentic, some have you put car, they're weak, all sorts of chains are there, what have you, you have authentic chains and you have weak chains as well. This is a major difference between how the footsie and the Koran.
Similarly, when a person reads the Quran, there is a specific reward allotted for every letter of that recitation
that you read. So when I read the Quran, the prophets of Allah while he was sent him tells us that mancora Harmon Kitab Allah fella who be he has an atone, while hustler to be actually unfairly her. That when a person reads a single letter of the Quran they are given 101 has Allah is multiplied by 10 of its kind meaning for one letter you read how much reward do you actually get? 10 and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said what are called Alif laam Meem heartful I am not saying that I live in LA meme together are 100 what I can only find her phone while I'm on her phone one meme on her phone. Alif is one letter lamb is one letter meme is one letter. So by reading just
these three letters, by the way, the meaning of which we have no idea for the people who say we have to understand everything we read, that's not true. There is a virtue in reading the Quran, even if you don't understand it. I mean, when I say that I'm rewarded, how many rewards
30 rewards right off the bat. Now this claim cannot be made for Howdy.
When I read a letter of Hades Am I rewarded per letter of Hadith? No, inshallah, Allah will reward us because we are learning the statements of the Prophet of Allah, we're dedicating time for our love for the Prophet, Allah, his love for the Prophet so in sha Allah, there's virtue, but I can't definitively say that this is the allotted virtue for receipt for reading every letter of the Hadith.
Similarly, the Koran can be recited in Salah as a part of your prayer, but have you the footsy cannot be recited in Salah as a part of your prayer. If a person instead of sort of Fatiha starts reading it the glitzy that prayer won't count. You have to read the Quran. insula. Similarly, the scholars they say the Koran cannot be touched by someone who is not in a state of purity according to the opinion of the Jim hood according to majority of the scholars. So if a person is not in the state of purity, can they touch the actual copy of the Quran? Yes or no? by a majority of the scholars their opinion is no. However, if a person is in the state of impurity major or minor, can
they touch a heavy book? Yes, they can touch it. Maybe it's not good etiquette. If a person can do will do. That's better etiquette better other. But let's say for example, someone is going to be in the state of impurity for an extended period, they can still touch the book of Heidi without any harm caused at all. Similarly regarding the Quran, Allah subhanahu wa taala tells us that the Koran in its nature and its language is miraculous. So for example, we find Allah subhanho wa Taala challenges
mankind that bring one sutra equivalent to the Quran. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala himself says, Hola, inish Tamati in su Elgin, Allah to be Muslim, or en la tuna be mitzvah he can above only Baba hero. If all of mankind gathered together to compete with the Koran, they would never succeed. Okay. However, that cannot be said regarding the heavy because the Hadeeth does not have that miraculous divine nature that the words of the Quran have. Similarly, anyone who denies one verse of the Quran immediately steps outside the folds of Islam. But if a person denies it, how do you see that may be weak for example, or it may be not as authentic as other narrations are, then that person does not
fall outside the folds of Islam.
When a person reads the Koran, or when a person is sharing the Quran, the direct attribution of the words that we're reading is made to Allah subhana wa tada without any link in the middle. But when we shared a hypothesis, let's see, we make attribution to a lot via the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This Hadith is narrated by the prophet as he hears it through from Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And lastly, and this is an opinion according to the membership for anyone, they do not give permission to solve local non governmental law II was not in favor of actually selling copies of the Quran. But if you take that opinion that it's not permissible to sell the Koran, then selling high
difficulty is permissible. So that would be another differentiating point, according to the opinion, but according to majority of scholars, it is permissible to sell a copy of the Quran because there's a cost that goes into producing it, and therefore in order to maintain a sustainable model where people can read
Put on there, there is permission to actually sell the phone onto
the last point I want to make regarding Hi David. Let's see before we jump into the narration itself is that
someone can ask what's the difference between Howdy, howdy to nabawi, General narrations from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and had you could see Are there any major differences? So there are, there's actually a long list of them all I'll share with three things with you. The first thing is that
how do you see in comparison to Hadith and
the Hadith The kotze are very few in number, very few in number. The Divine narrations are very few in number in comparison to a higher than Abuja they are hundreds, if not 1000s of them. The second thing is, how do you the good see is only a holy Hadith.
As for Hadith another way, it's only fairly and clearly. This is a little bit more technical, but I'll briefly try to explain it to you.
When we talk about hiding from the Prophet, it usually consists of three main things, the statements of the prophets, the actions of the Prophet and the consensus of the Prophet. Okay. Have you ever could see is only a statement from Allah subhanho wa Taala the other two actions and consents are not included. And lastly, when we read have you put See, generally speaking, I didn't let's see are kind of like spiritual motivators, that is able that he it's all about encouraging people spiritually uplifting people. That's why I when I teach the HUD youth intensive, one of my periods I've dedicated to the intensive while the students are there for 10 days, seven days, however long
they come, as I teach them, a 40 Hadith collection of a hadith
that consists only of divine narrations because they spiritually uplift you, they're so powerful. If you focus on just the translation of this Hadith, it's enough to change your life. Just the language used in this Have you such a powerful message. As for Hadith and Abuja, not only do they consist of the VB, but they also consist of
legal rulings, they also consist of Allied they also teach us the feed and this subjects continue on how do you The neverwet is a very broad study and it brings a lot into it.
Now let's start off with the Hadith.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that Allah subhanahu wa tada says, Yeah, everybody Oh my service. Oh my servants, yeah, anybody? Now this term, yeah, a body. The scholars have discussed, who is being referenced in this statement. What Allah says, Yeah, the body does this refer to the believing servants? Does it really does it refer to the believing and non believing servants? I mean, what does it refer to? So by studying the Quran and the Hadith at large, what we see is Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the term Yeah, a body sometimes to make reference only to the believers, and many times to make reference to both the believers and non believers. So in this term right here,
the message that's being that's following this call of Allah is open both to believers and non believers. So we keep its meaning open. Why does Allah subhanho wa Taala use the word Why is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam conveying this message of Allah? My saying, Yeah, by the way, is a law saying Yeah, the body repeatedly in this message. It's a very powerful statement, to remind us of our reality.
That even though the world may view us as kings, even though people may give us a lot of respect, and will lift us onto a pedestal, in the sight of a law we will always be the servants of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The only relationship any creation can ever have with a law is that you and I are slaves of Allah subhana wa Tada. Don't think of slavery, in terms of American history in the context of slavery across the world, but when we talk about slavery with Allah subhanahu wa tada we are servants of the law, the slaves of Allah. This is Allah subhanahu wa Tada. The only relationship any servant can have with the law. So what I mean by this statement, don't think of it in terms of
American historical context. Because when we think of slavery, in that context, we think of oppression. Right? We think of someone leaning forward and another person holding a whip and just relentlessly beating them. That's what you think of when we think of that concept of slavery.
But Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us right off the bat that any harm to women and so when I call you, my slave, don't think of your concept of slavery. I have made volume haram upon myself, I will never ever, ever oppress any of you. So Allah subhanho wa Taala wrote a process that means the opposite of oppression is what will exist, and the opposite of oppression is
other which means just and if justice is there, that means Allah subhanho wa Taala is only guiding us to the best for the best of our own interest. What's good for us. This is a very
truckin when Allah subhanho wa Taala is calling us yeah, anybody it's as if a father is calling onto his child after the child has been disobedient so many times. The father embraces his child wraps his arm around his son, ancestor of some, my dear beloved son. Why don't you listen to me? I know that you think I'm nagging eat I know you think that, you know, I'm kind of just twisting your ear and forcing you to do stuff. But I'm telling you this Why?
Why am I telling you?
Because I love you.
Now Allah subhanahu wa Tada. So how about this honey, this hadith is so powerful.
After all the messages are going to come in and all the messages that are about to come. Allah starts off with the most important message, which is what in the Haram to wmal NFC, I have prohibited them upon myself, I won't ever oppress my relationship with you is purely based on love. If you can understand that, then everything that will follow you'll agree with. But if you continue to think that I am an oppressor, then this relationship is meaningless. How can you have a relationship with someone that you think is oppressing you? How can a child ever appreciate their parent, if in their mind, they've accepted a notion that my parents are after me, and they're
oppressing me? How can a student ever benefit from their teacher? If that student has ingrained this in their mind that my teacher hates me? How can one friend benefit another friend, if their friend has already put it in their mind that this person is running after my blood and all they want to do is suck it out of me? The only way you can benefit from someone is if you establish the first ground rule and what what does that ground rule in your head run to full Madonnas I want to press this relationship is purely based off love. And if you can accept that premise, then the rest of it will be beneficial to you. But if we can't love one another, then whatever we say after that will be
meaningless. This is exactly why mama has argued with me. And also this attribute inter alia the long one. When guiding on the framework of parenting, how to be good parents. What do they say? 8777. The first seven years what are you supposed to do?
play with them, build love for them. Let them love you. You love them in return for seven years, let them enjoy their life, hug them, kiss them, play with them, have a blast, enjoy a good time with them. Then the next seven years, remember was Alice's after the first seven years of playing the next the middle seven years? What are you supposed to do?
Teach them. Now you start teaching them. At seven. Some people start teaching their kids when they're three years old. It's not a bad thing. But don't send them to college when they can hardly say I live but there's a time and place for everything. When you you know they say in
that there's a saying there's a principal anatomy that month agita shame kubla awanee, he wrote it but we had money, that when a person does something too early before it's actual time, you'll end up losing out on the fruits of it. Everything has to be done in its right time. Okay, so the first seven years, what is he saying? Love this middle seven years? What are you saying? educate them, educate them, educate them, and the last seven years after the trend 14. Now, this is where your responsibility is just to be a good companion. After 17, they've reached the age of maturity, they're learning to grow. They're learning about themselves. They're building an identity, possibly
becoming free thinkers, if you decide to start teaching them at that point, or start telling them that you love them at that point, when you should have told them you love them one,
when they were much younger, when you should have been educating them when, when they're much younger parents, these parents realize at the age of 14, their kids are getting out of control. And that's when they start panicking. And they say how do I tell my child I love them?
Well, the answer is you might be
a little late. How do I teach my child? The answer is unfortunately, you might be
a little late. It doesn't mean it's impossible. But now you have to understand when you work on something, once the problem is already in effect, it's a lot harder. One thing is that you build something. Let's say for example, you build a cupboard. You have multiple planks of wood, you have some nails, you nail it together, you have a cupboard ready. It's easy job. Maybe in an hour, half an hour, someone who's skilled, maybe 20 minutes will have a cupboard up and up and ready. Another thing is that there's a cupboard in front of me, I take a sledgehammer and I bashed it to pieces and then I give it to us a build a cupboard now, is it easier or harder to make the cover? Much harder?
Why? Because the problem is in effect, now I have to solve the problem, which is much more difficult. Right? And that's totally fine. Both types of Sahaba. There were some Sahaba who had damaged the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam repaired them and they brought them into Islam. And then there were those Sahaba who had a clean slate right from the beginning. They were just clean. And all the prophets that allamani was saddam did was he he assembled them. He built them all the pieces were in place he just bought
Put pieces together and assemble it and everything was good to go. So everything has its place in time. You have to first and foremost establish love. Once you establish love that everything that follows after that is meaningful, until you don't establish love every lecture you give every piece of vow you do. It falls on deaf ears that probably aren't interested in even hearing your voice in the first place. Right? You have to first make that voice appealing. show someone that you have concern.
Now another thing, telling someone you love them is easy.
It's not just about telling someone you love them. What's the second thing
proving to them? That I love you. And the next part of the Hadeeth will actually show that Allah subhana wa tada says, you could never be clothed, how to not give you the clothing.
You would never have food had I not given it to you. Allah subhana wa tada is proving one. Not at my only saying that I love you. But I've proven it to you time and again that I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. From my side, there was only one from your side there was only jefa Jeff I'm used to turn away to show harshness, right. I was just being kind to you You kept turning away from me. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, In the humdrum to full mala I've made haram upon myself, fall out of all the moves, so do not oppress one another. Because if we oppress one another, we'll never we'll never be able to benefit from each other societies will never be built properly. If there
isn't justice. That's why I might have adopted Aziz, but I have a whole lot of your loved one. He commanded all of his leaders, who are under all of the governors who ruled under them under him that in the July footbaww, you should recite this particular verse, there was one verse of the Quran and amadablam disease was the one who told everyone start reciting this in your Juma whatever. The reason is because he wanted this verse to reach the ears of every Muslim, so they understand the importance of justice. Because once justice is in place, allows help will come. But no matter how pious you are, no matter how much says that you do, no matter if you believe in Allah, Allah
Muhammad Rasul Allah or not. But if you say you're a believer, you claim to be pious, but you're not just amongst helpers, not with you.
A lot of help is not with you. Well, Malik vile, Amina mean, unsought. No one is there to help the volume and neither is a last paragraph is not interested in the volume. You know, people they say, why is it that historically, people have always made these claims that why aren't the Muslims in charge, because the Muslims are unfortunately, drowning. And they've done Verne left, right and center. It's as if the Muslim community until today after being beaten with the same stick again, after falling in the same hole again, and again, we still haven't learned our lesson. What's the history? What's the cycle of history in our Islamic tradition, you want to know what the cycle is?
Even Hulu, talks about the sin as Mahatma. He says, study Islamic history Africa hollowfibre rushdoony, you'll find in one simple theme, every siddartha. He's every governing body that came consisted of three phases, there was the first phase of building, second phase of maintaining third phase of downfall. And he says most philosophers, if you look at them, they lasted no more than 150 years. Now, someone may claim that buses lasted for much longer than that. But it was only 150 years that they actually mattered. Then, after 150 years, what happened?
They were just the heads of the institution of cut off, they didn't have any weight. There was no meaning really to them. So he says 150 years, what does this mean? He says what happens is, and if you think about this, in our context, as immigrants who have not who are now in America, and we work day and hard and thinking about the future of our children, this framework that he builds is very, very deep. What does he say? He says, the first generation comes, they see a problem. So they worked very hard to fix that problem. They give it everything they have, and Allah subhanho wa Taala gives them success because of their sincerity. Allah opens up doors for them. And they are the builders of
that Empire. You guys understand? And then what happens is the second generation comes, the second generation didn't live through the problem itself. Rather, they saw the sacrifice that their forefathers went to went through to fix the problem. So they maintain it, they have the decency to
maintain what their forefathers built. The third generation comes, they didn't see the problem. They didn't see the sacrifice in building the solution. All they saw was what
the richest, they saw six figure salaries. That's all they saw. So what are these people end up doing?
They're the ones who take the omantel look to the Muslim world, look to Islamic history, and you'll find one story. One group of people came they worked very hard. They they bought some sort of leadership into a region. Then what happened their children came they had a lot of money, and they started wasting it. Buying silica
The world laughs at them. Look at these people, their gold plating their cars, look how foolish and dumb you have to be to waste that much money. But that's what happens. And when it comes that, that common that just 1% of the top is sharing the 99% the wealth that should be distributed amongst 99% allows help leaves those people. You want Allah subhanho wa Taala as assistance. You have to have justice Omar bin Abdulaziz he's fixing he's facing a problem that Romanians had. There was a racist problem. There was a racism issue. They gave a special tax to non Arabs, Omar Abdullah as he sees the Muslims are giving zakat. But all that's like odd is going into a black hole just goes missing
like that. If all that is like God was utilized properly, do you think there would be a problem in the Muslim world? How are the Muslims poor? By the way? Are we as a Muslim nation poor?
Yes or no? Absolutely not. And hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. We have monarchs in this role if they were to give us a God would probably solve the issue of poverty overnight. So much wealth. But the problem is that there's a victim involved. And because of the volume that's involved, that money goes away, the weak remains weak, the stronger keep eating strong. Allah subhanaw taala has helped us out with such people all might have an opt in as he's wanting to fix this problem. So he commanded all of his governors in the gym Ah, what about you what recite this ayah to remind the oma the importance of justice, because every JustPerson build society, every unjust person is a part of
the problem and they are destroying society. What was it that he instructed people to add into the drama football? Anyone know?
In the law, horrible, ugly, while sad, what is imperva via an alpha shy wild moon curry? Well, buzzy yaizu, La La Quinta karoon is also referred to as asthma is the most concise verse in the entire Quran.
So let's discuss this idea of volume. What is volume? What does oppression actually mean?
imamura Ross, he writes in his move for that Alma for that
of Volvo in the umbrella work a theorem in Alola watershape fee of 80 mahali, he ofii mo theory. Generally, when scholars define the word volume, the standard definition given is whether a shape fee is at mahali. To place something in its unrightfully place. Everything has a right. Everything has a place where it should be. When you violate that, right and you remove that thing from one place and put it somewhere else. What is that called?
That's called Blue? Are you guys following that? So for example,
you have
what's a good example of this? Okay, let's use this.
The animal was created for a purpose for writing for carrying the load. But there's a limit to how much it can carry. What when you put on one camel, what should generally be put on two camels, you are now removing that right? you're violating the right of that camel. And when you violate that, right, this isn't itself is called weather or shade field at Mohali, to play something in a place where it shouldn't be violating someone's right. Mr. Razi himself. When explaining volume, he also writes of one or more who are in here off on a larger volume is to turn away from justice. So this is a very interesting way of defining volume oppression. Because now in order to understand what the
ultimate oppression actually means, we need to define what justice is what does it mean to be just, once we define what justice is, then we'll understand what volume is. But we'll leave this approach of definition for another day. We'll talk about it later on and then explain it in shot Levin Aziz. Among judges, he explains volume and he says, who want to add an arkadelphia Jamie or more, he said, boom, is to step out of balance in anything. Everything has a balance. Everything has a balance, when you overspend on your kid, or under spend on your kid that in both scenarios is considered to be
spending on your child properly is considered acted on. When your turn away from your IQ dial, what's the median what's balanced, then you fall into either overdoing it or under doing both?
The mesh is right. That volume is of three types. There are three types of blue
and blue telethon There are three types of the first one and
that's that volume. Ma baina insaan ouabain Allah, that volume, which is between people and between Allah subhanahu wa Tada. That's the greatest of women. Are you oppressing a lot are you violating
Right of Allah subhanahu wa tada that allow you to do something in Did you violate that because if you violate anyone's right immediately that becomes
void right off the bat.
The greatest form of volume between the human being and a law is Kufa shift and nifa. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah lokmanya man I am number 13. In Shaka Zulu, Navin, that indeed making partners with Allah is the grand, one of the greatest forms of oppression. And then Allah subhanahu wa tada says, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Ameen. May Allah curse be upon those who are oppressors, the second form of
Medina who have a numbness, that which is between the servant and another human being.
For example,
you owe someone something but you don't fulfill that you do vote them on them. As a leader, your responsibility is to serve people in what's in their best interest. But rather than giving them what's in their best interest, what do you start doing, you start pocketing that money and start doing what's in your best interest. This is called boom, you promised someone something you don't fulfill that promise. This is called loom, you raise your hand on someone without being able to justify it. This in itself is called voting, any sort of vote any form of voting?
I'll tell you guys one thing about voting. If you ever want to find one, there's one easy way to find it.
Look for the weakest people, and see how those in position of authority deal with them.
Any person in the world that you see that's weak, any person in the world that you see that's weak? See how those in authority deal with them? One person in authority, another person in authority, the volume between these two won't be as clear, because they're both afraid. What are they both afraid of? This person has power, this person has power. Okay? It's like one police officer pulls over another police officer. He's not going to go harsh on him. He won't even probably pull them over. Why is that? Because they're both in a place of authority. You get me today, tomorrow, what am I going to do?
I'm going to get you back. We're both on the board of a business, right of some company. We're both on the board. Today, you slap me tomorrow, I'm going to slap you. Where you'll find voting is where one person is in a position of authority above another person. When someone is at the bottom, and other person is at top. Okay? This is where you'll see a lot. You asked children that why do you feel that you're the Why do you feel so distant from your parents? They'll say because growing up, I experienced a lot of blue. I experienced a lot of oppression. What do you mean you experienced oppression from your parents? Did your parents hate you? It comes in different forms. Sometimes
voting from a parent means that they were they showed favoritism to one sibling over the other. That mom and dad always cared for my brother more than they did for me. They always cared for my sister more than me. Now, you asked that parent? Did you give more attention to one child over the other? What are the parents always gonna say?
I never, I never did that.
But that may not be true. You may not realize it. Boom, unfortunately, sometimes becomes a personality. It becomes a part of you, you can't even see it anymore. That's why you need someone to stand up and do I'm gonna ruin my roof and tell you to your face. That's what the believer is a mirror for a believer that you come and tell that person that you are. You're oppressing someone, you're oppressing your child. If you find yourself always congratulating one child and not congratulating the other. The chances are there is favoritism taking place. If you find yourself always getting, giving a gift to one child and not the other, the chances are there is favoritism
taking place. If you find yourself constantly being frustrated with one child, and letting the others get off with it easily, the chances are there is favoritism taking place. This volume, when we think of volume, unfortunately, we immediate our mind immediately jumps to the global consequences of boom. We think of the global manifestation of volume, everyone's thinking of bombs dropping hundreds and 1000s of people dying. That's what we're thinking of when we think of oil. But the truth is,
volume starts at home. That's where you have to ask yourself, Am I a volume or not. And if I am a volume, Allah subhanho wa Taala has a very harsh message for me, something that will share up ahead that we need to be careful of, do I do gloom in my life, with my friends, with my co workers with those who work underneath me with my family members have items even to my parents. Because if I have, I have to be very careful. This form of voting when it become when that occurs between number two, that which occurs between people and the inside and other people. This form of voting unfortunately, a loss of hanahan without a one
Forgive until that person forgives you first.
You guys understand that if you don't want them on your child, you cannot go to Agenda until what happens first.
The child forgets you. You're probably wondering what a child has to forgive their parents, I've never heard of such an absurd thing. It is a thing. When you do volm on someone, then you're accountable by Allah subhanho wa Taala, be it your own child.
The third level of bloom
is FEMA Vina who will be an NFC, that boom which a person does upon themselves.
For example, you skip solo, that's volume that you've done on yourself, you're eating something you shouldn't be eating, you're doing volume upon yourself, you're sleeping less than you should be sleeping, you're doing volume upon yourself. That's what the prophet said along while he was set him said, Indeed, your body has a hat on you. Your eyes have a hump on you, your spouse has a hump on you. If you sleep less, you're hurting yourself. That's
okay. So there's a loom that occurs with in oneself familiar home volume will enough see as the process of sort of after 32 that there are some people who do upon themselves.
I keep talking about rights, the violation of rights, and connecting that to volume. Have you guys noticed that? While talking about volume, there's a connection between volume and violating the rights of people. So if you really want to understand how volume takes place, we have to study what are the different rights that we have. And once we understand them and see how we can violate those rights, that's where we'll be able to
point out and turn the spotlight towards the volume. So as we all know, the first form of Huck, there are different types of food every servant has. The first is what we call Coppola, the rights of Allah. And the right that Allah subhanho wa Taala has upon us when we violate it, we have actively engaged in voting. What's an example of violating the law,
not fasting, having the ability not performing hajj, this is all considered violating the rights of a law making ship with a law making partners with Allah subhanho wa Taala, attributing something to Allah which Allah subhanho wa Taala never claimed, this is all a form of boom. The second is hopefully, but anytime you have a right towards another human being, if you don't fulfill that, right, you are doing boom on that person, you have certain rights to your neighbors, when you don't fulfill that right you are doing volume upon your neighbors, and so on, you can build from there. The third is surgeon you have upon the home at large. There are certain things that oma has a right
over you, for example, the oma the rights of oma that you are kind and considerate for them, that you are sincere to the oma that if you're put in a position of leadership, you don't put yourself above the amount rather you put the oma the nation of the prophets that allamani will set them above yourself. And lastly
hokulani which means general general rights that you have. And this relates to a right that you have over all of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala which means a right that you have to the road. There's a right that we have over the road, by the way, right? There is a right of way of sitting in a public area. Some of those all covered in today's class. Everything has a right. Keeping the land clean, taking care of animals, taking care of the trees, the profits of a lot of some Tatas all these things. You know, it's unfortunate that today, people who are not Muslims, they're more passionate than Muslims are. There's nothing wrong with them being passionate. It's a very good
thing. Every human being should be passionate about good things. But Muslims were divinely commanded by a lot to be passionate, have no longer been passionate, where our Muslim voices balm for animal rights and advocacy, where our Muslim voices gone for a Green Planet where our Muslim voices gone for global warming. Where are these voices gone? That's not a concern to us. Until we don't make the world's concerns our concern the world whenever viewers seriously.
The people in the world whenever you will seriously until we don't make their concern, our concern. And this is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reached a high position of leadership in Madina munawwara so quickly, they were already tribes in Medina, they were tribes, they have leaders in Medina. But when the Prophet arrives in Madina, munawwara, who they unanimously appoint as their leader.
Isn't this an interesting point? How do they How did everyone unanimously agree that this was the person because the Prophet said allamani was sort of made it very clear that their concerns were his concerns. Anyone that was in trouble Muslim or not, that was going to be the trouble of the Prophet said a lot he was said.
So looking after, it's interesting because I go to Muslim countries, and the way the land there has been abused by Muslims. It's ridiculous. I was one
In a cab in a Muslim country,
and I had a drink, I just finished off my drink and I put it on the ground. And I said to the cab driver, you know what, when I get off, I'll take it with me.
He got angry at me said no, give it to me. I gave it to him. I given them to Ken you know what he did?
You know him?
Yeah, that's exactly what he did. He took the academy throw it out the window.
I was thinking SubhanAllah.
I mean, maybe it's people, they look at Western civilization. And they always talk smack about they always say, the Western world, the United States of America, right? I always speak negative. But the truth is, can we accept that there are so many beautiful things, so many amazing, beautiful things that Western culture offers us the concept of a line.
But there's a line, you know, people anyway, I don't want to bash and forget it's okay. But it's it bothers it really does bother. You're in a Muslim country. Everyone's Muslim. They just finished off highs and what's happening
to try to get in try to get their plane ticket to go back home after finishing off highs, you know what's happening. They're fighting, pushing, shoving. Last year, I wasn't it I was I did. I was waiting in line to get my ticket at the counter. And two Muslim brothers in front of me got into an argument over whose luggage was supposed to go first. And these two items is such a bad argument. Such a bad argument that I literally, the guy already lifted his fist within a punch, the guy had to hook his arm and pull them off.
And like I literally picked one guy up and moved him out of the way. And I said to the other brother, you go ahead, right because he was older. That's why I said I said to the younger person, even if you are first isn't the old didn't have to teach you this much. What was your belief about what was your say about what was autopot even about to you, if you didn't learn to be a human being. That's why monotonic. Li Li
Li Li one person came to him. He's a chef, I want to be an alum. I want to be a big scholar. So the chef said to him, is that what he thought and inside we have to make you insane first.
That is a sci fi it's a characteristic of the inside. So what's the first thing we need to do?
We have to make you an inside first. After we make you into a human being then we can talk about later on a limb in scholarship and proceed I will talk about all that later on. First, let's figure out how to make you a good human being. Right, the basic concern, fulfilling the rights of humanity.
Allah subhanho wa Taala does not oppress any of his creation in Neha ROM to Vilma Alana See, I have made ludum haram upon myself, not in one place, but in many places in the Quran, Allah subhana wa tada states very clearly, that your Lord is not an oppressor. Well, mauto book a million avete Allah subhanho wa Taala says, or mala who you need to learn Mandela. Allah azza wa jal says, Well, my hon Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Lucha Libre Manasa Shia, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the law highlight over the moon with Paula Barbara and we can continue on I can continue to quote versus and versus where Allah says very clearly I do not oppress, I do not oppress. If you
understand this concept. Like I said earlier, your relationship with Allah will change drastically. You have to stop viewing the relationship between yourself in a law as Allah forcing you and you having to obey.
You have to obey that's what it is. Don't look at it like that. view it as Allah subhanaw taala for you. Allah subhanho wa Taala will never do a little money. Allah subhana wa tada will only show his father to you. He will only show his favorite view, inshallah and Aziz
now when a person oppresses, there are some immediate repercussions of that oppression that you will face immediately. So if a person was an oppressor, there are some punishments if you wish to look at that that person will face. For example, the first thing when a person becomes an oppressor, Allah subhanho wa Taala as hedaya divine guidance leaves that person will know who will come upon me because Allah subhana wa does not guide the people who are violent. And because they aren't guided about Allah shaytaan begins to guide them and their oppression what happens to it
becomes like a compound issue and increases and increases. And that's why you'll see the nature of oppression is that it only increases the oppressor will start one place, and then they'll do the next thing. And then the next thing there's this concept of
what do they call it? Like you graduate from one level of oppression to the next level, there's a term for this and slipping my mind where you move from one level of oppression to the next Cadillac was sealed with serial killers. To start off with one way then they'll graduate then they'll graduate undergraduate, because that's just the way the blue means that you always grow more and more and more in it. The second thing is that a volume will lose peace in their life. They want to have any more peace. Why is that? Because they've oppressed so many people. They're always in fear that someone is coming to take revenge.
I'm only allowed one during his cut off. He never had any guards. He didn't have any guards at all. One time. One of the foreign ambassadors from one of these Persian, Persian Roman Empires came to see on one of the last one, he said to the people, where is your this guy who you call I mean, they took him to the machine. And he was lying on the ground on the soil sleeping. They automatically alone woke up, he saw this guy, that person said, this is your meter meaning like our leader, when he walks, how many circles of security Do we have
so much security, so much security, no one can get anywhere near our leader, hundreds of feet within our leader you can get, but he has no security. So they asked why some of your last line says that.
What does that famous statement
he said, How come into our delta
that you gave vertix you're just and then at the end it closes off with what the meaning of fun into and you slept in peace. So you you when you gave verdict, you're just and because you were just you give security to people. And when you give security to people protecting you became their number one concern. As long as you are alive, what did that mean?
They were going to be they were going to be treated properly. So it was in their best interest that they kept you alive. He didn't need any protocol.
Rather you're alone with on. Similarly, when a person engages in volume, their soul becomes very dark. They begin to experience depression, even though the world may not see it that way. But the truth is that Allah subhanahu wa tada will take away what a southern Madame attallah Mara will adopt in the hereafter there will be no Dhamma and also in this world of Blue Mountain yom Okayama, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, oppression will give birth to darkness on the Day of Judgment. And not only on the Day of Judgment, but in this world, there will be darkness upon darkness that you will experience. Similarly, when a person becomes a violent, you will lose the
people around you who actually love you.
Because no one will be interested in loving you anymore. They'll see what you've done to people, and they'll know that they're next to mine. They may obey you. But that sort of fear, the whole fun, not out of love. Your children will listen to you. But it's not because they love you anymore. Why are this? Why are they listening to you now? Because they are terrified. Right? And when a person reaches this place, of no longer having friends and beloved ones, then you will be abandoned and left alone? neither will you receive help from Allah, neither will you receive help from people. As Allah says madhvani mean, I mean hamidah Shakira in Utah, you will have a friend or anyone to come
in and intercede on your behalf on the Day of Judgment. This is the position of a volunteer.
When you see a boom taking place, let's say for example, you see it, let's say you see a parent oppressing their child, and it's outright oppression. Are you see one person bullying another person on social media and it's outright oppression? There's no other way to view it. You're in the store parking lot. And you see a black person being abused a Hispanic person being abused. You see someone being abused, what are you supposed to do?
Are you supposed to walk away and say it's not my concern?
Are you supposed to stand up?
You're supposed to stand up immediately. You're supposed to stand the prophets that Allahu Allah who was sort of taught us that in sort of a haka, volumen Omo, the lumen that help your brother, if he is oppressed, that we understand someone that's oppressed, you stop the oppressor, and help your brother even if he's the oppressor. So the Sahaba this sort of messenger of Allah, helping the oppressed one makes a lot of sense, someone's oppressed, you go and give them assistance. What does it mean to help the oppressor? So the Prophet said a lot, he said, What did he say? stop him from oppression. That's how you help him. You tell him enough is enough. When you see oppression, and you
are not the subject of oppression, you have a responsibility to speak. Because apparently, the oppressed one has tried and it's not working. And unless you don't help them get out of that horrible marriage, where they are being abused and beaten the daylights out of no one's going to come and help them most likely. And many times and a lot, protect a lot protect, but this is the truth. Many of those sisters, Allah protect them end up leaving that house in a coffin. because no one's ever come to help them. Many of those children come out of there without any man because they were oppressed repeatedly. And no one came to help them. Remember I told you think of all the weak
segments of society and no, that's where what happens. That's what it actually is. That's where the volume is. Go to the part of city where people are not as fortunate and as wealthy as you are. That's revenue will be taking place, anywhere where people are less fortunate. That's where looting will happen. So stand up for people when you see
the second thing. The Prophet said a lot more.
It was sort of this heavy this narrative that Robin hay says that the Sahaba, the unsought, they said O Messenger of Allah. We like to chill in the public area. Think about this in Madina munawwara people, generally when they wanted to sit somewhere, they would go sit in a public area like it like you know, if you think 20 years back, when friends wanted to hang out, they would go to the park or go to the mall. Do you guys remember that? Back in the day?
Nowadays and people want to chill, what do they do? Open up a WhatsApp chat group. That's what they do. Back in the day, what people would do is
go meet up in the park or go meet up in the mall somewhere. So there's a harbor there saying a messenger of Allaah sometimes we just want to chill, have fun. So what we do is we just sit in the pathway, you know, the main roads where we'd go find a little bench there sit down there. The problem is that a lot while he was sitting didn't like this idea. The reason why he didn't like the idea is because it can cause harm. If people are sitting on the road, the road gets crowded, it's hard to pass by. People are sitting in the road, the chances of you oppressing someone are very high. You're backed by people. You know, you'll make fun of people. You'll joke about people you'll
waste time, you might engage in the zebra backbiting, you know, all the things that happened in malls when people used to go and chill in the malls, all those things a prophet was worried about them. So he originally told us to avoid overly socializing too much overly socializing too much of it, stay away from it. So but Robin Azzam says that we sent a messenger of Allah, we need some place that we can get together and have a good time. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said well in kuntum labuda. Eileen, if you must do it, then let me give you some guidelines
for the Salah. What's the first thing the Prophet said?
reply to anyone that says Salaam to you. The second thing, what are enormous, enormous room. If you see someone being oppressed and you're sitting in a public area, don't turn a blind eye, don't turn a blind shoulder, don't turn away, go and help that person will have the Sabine and if you're sitting in a public area, and someone is passing by and they're lost what you do,
give them proper directions.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to kabane originality alone, as narrated by Mama Mama, say mama Timothy, and other scholars as well as Manzanita narrated instead of him but that he, the prophets of Allah wa T was set on such a common origin out of the law one man lost the other con la moto to sufa Allah subhanho wa Taala protect you from being led by foolish people. Dumb leadership, Allah protect you from such leadership where your leaders are the worst of you. Bada alma mater, disavow messenger Allah, what do you mean by foolish leaders? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Omar on your kulula body lions to do wanna be happy? What is the new Navy sumati
leaders that will come? Who will not take my guidance as their guidance? And who will abandon my son
and whoever
stands by their side and gives them support and is an accomplice of theirs in their full meaning they praise them and they support them and they honor whom Allah voume him and help them in doing their little for when I can lay swimmingly well, so minimum, then the people who do the loom and their supporters, they are not for me, and I am not from them. The purpose of allowing Bollywood cinema is not only distancing himself from the volume, but he's also distancing himself from the,
from the accomplice, someone who even silently consents to it, they perhaps have some says, I have nothing to do with that person. And they will not be allowed to come to my house on the day of judgment to come to the fountain under the ignition
and whoever does not support these oppressors
and does not help them on their phone. Now you come in new and I'm in homes and they are from me and I am from them. So you do not have a hold and they will come to my home on the Day of Judgment. Oh god been fasting as a shield. Charity will extinguish your sins, and Salah is a guide. Oh, Goblin Arjuna indeed, tomorrow you will wake up either selling yourself or freeing yourself. The rest of the narration is similar to the narration. We read last week. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also tells us the death of the Muslim. If you are the oppressor, let me tell you this, anyone in the world you're oppressing. If that person makes it law against you, you're done.
You're in trouble? How do we know this? Because of the Hadith of the Prophet of Allah. So sometimes that law will hold you accountable in this world alone will destroy you in this rope. And sometimes Allah will let you get away with your luminous role, but in the Hereafter, you are in a lot. You are in big, big, big trouble. You won't get away with it. Allah subhanaw taala won't let you go. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said as narrated by my mother, the other amatola Holly and other scholars. It feed our mudroom for in the hallway Sabina have been in like a job
Be careful of the prayer of the one that is oppressed. Because there is no veil between that prayer in Allah subhanho wa Taala, meaning that prayer will be accepted. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that is without Mr. Jabba there are three doors that will be accepted about Allah. What are the three laws? The first one that was in the mudroom, the law of the oppressed one with our cinema soffit and the law of the traveler without a valid Allah one of the key and the law of apparent against their child. May Allah protect us from having our parents make law against the school I mean,
the third from over and over the long run. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there are three people whose laws are never rejected. The first one is the fasting person that makes do out right before it's done. The second one is a just ruler, and the third person is the oppressed one. His laws are lifted into the heavens above the clouds into the skies. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says to the oppressed one, what is the tea and I take an oath by honor the unseren nikolova hain I will surely help you, even if it may be after a short period, but the help from Allah subhanho wa Taala will surely come and we will seek revenge on behalf of you and the oppressor will be held
accountable. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to actually make one beautiful law when he would leave the house in a hotter German beta. He was a professor of law while he was sitting would leave the house Have you this narrated it and we said to him I'm dealing with he also narrated the movie narrated from him with cinema. She says that when the Prophet would leave the house, he would make the de la Bismillah historical to Allah. Exit In the name of Allah relying on the last panel with Ana Allahumma India with a beaker Minh and zillah o novella. Another limb Muslim. Oh, Nigel, Alina, he would say Oh Allah protect us from slipping. Oh Allah protect us from being misguided. Oh
a lot protect us from oppressing and protect us from being oppressed upon. Oh Allah save me from being ignorant on someone with someone and protect other people from being ignorant with me, protect me from their ignorance. The province of Abu Bakr Siddiq, Guardiola Juan says this hadith is narrated by Muhammad at any moment of luxottica your loved one said I sent a messenger of Allah teach me a law that I can read in my soul. I live near la at Ruby Happy seletti Teach me that I can read in my prayer. The Prophet said along a lot he was taught on this beautiful glob. Allahumma inni veillon Fc doleman kathira
roba This is why we teach our children to read at the end of the prayer of Albuquerque because their loved ones Allahumma inni love them to Nazi vermin. cathedra Oh Allah I've gravely and greatly impressed myself what I have for unova illa and there is no one that forgives sins except for you. fulfill the mafia thermionic Oh Allah pardon me with a forgiveness from you. What humbly shower your mercy upon me in a photo Rahim Allah you are the forgiving one your law you are the merciful one. In closing, what does a person do if they have oppressed someone in the past? That's a question. A lot of studying is not to oppress. If we have oppressed someone. How do we deal with it? The first thing
make Toba to Allah subhanaw taala. ask Allah for forgiveness. Even if you don't think you've oppressed someone. There are very great chances that you have oppressed someone unknowingly. Not even knowing that you may have oppressed someone, so constantly keep yourself busy and Toba. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said will lie in need of a stuffy the lava tube in a cooler Yeoman said the enamel by Allah the prophet of things. I repent to Allah and make us default 70 times every day to the Prophet need to make a lot of doba Yes or no? No, he was forgiven. And one narration that says ofoma Amir Mara 100 times. Why was he doing this to teach us tally melanoma so
that we can learn to make a stiff fight until about 100 times every day and stuff that allow us to really stand for a lot make this a part of your daily would when you're driving your car instead of listening to NPR take a few minutes and listen to stuff that allow us to really read it and repent excessively. Second thing, if there are people who you have oppressed, ask for their forgiveness, because your forgiveness is contingent upon their forgiveness. You have to go to them to your own children. My mother himolla The last time I met her at the airport before she left when she was going to Ramadan. It was on the way to him but after she passed away, the last time I met her at the
airport, she embraced me right before she cut through security. she embraced me and she hugged me. She hugged me. And she said to me,
she said her saying if I failed you and your upbringing, please forgive me.
I got that'd be ethical coming to America.
When I heard this, my heart began to shake. But y'all law Mom, what are you saying? You gave me everything. without you. I was nothing. And here Look at her state that she's in tears. You
credit on my shoulders and she's saying to me, if I failed you, my son, forgive me. I don't want to be held accountable by you on the Day of Judgment. Ask people for forgiveness that you've done.
The third thing is help the oppressed ones. If you see someone that's oppressed, don't walk away, go and help someone. Right? Don't walk away from oppression stand there and be by the side of the oppressed one. That's where Allah's mercy is descending.
The next thing is reflect a little think about the harms of reflection. On monograms Rosie says that when you think of oppressing someone, when your ability to oppress encourages you,
that patoka voluminous when your ability to oppress encourages you to go ahead and do it, who cares? Nobody's watching. Fourth quarter odorata lolich 10 remember, allows ability over you. Today you have ability over someone, ultimately, who has ability over you, Allah subhanho wa Taala and then whatever he says, and reflect over how one day your oppression will come to an end upon this person. Because your time in this world is temporary. But think of how long a loss punishment will be on the day of judgment because the Hereafter is eternal.
A very beautiful reflection that he uses.
I'll close off with one line of poetry. Baba Baba Shah some poets they say lovely men.
Do not a purse do not oppress anyone even if you even if you have the ability to carry out that oppression. For whom Ahuja tea cabinet me because ultimately every form of oppression will lead you to a sad state. It will make you sad internally nominee or unica after you're done with your oppressions you'll go to sleep. One Muslim woman tambien but the oppressor will be lying in his cage making the law against
yeah the Arica well you know law he Lenten me, he will be calling a law while you're sleeping. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is not asleep What that means is Allah subhana wa tada is listening to that law. And you know, I told you earlier on what is it t unseren aka one obod Allah says to the mudroom via my otter I take an oath I will help you even if it's after a window after a period for my help will come and the volume will be held accountable. In today's this to summarize in today's class, we did not cover the full Hadith. We only cover the first statement of this Howdy. Yeah, anybody in the room to Vilma, Allah Nazif Allah to modern inshallah, in our next class will continue on with the
remaining of the Hadith. Pray that Allah subhanahu wa tada accepts what sort of La Juanes you know hum that said I want to light Allah over a cat