Hussain Kamani – 40 Ahadith of Imam An-Nawawi 01 – Actions And Intentions

Hussain Kamani

It is narrated on the authority of Amirul Mu’minin, Abu Hafs ‘Umar bin al-Khattab (ra) who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah  say: “Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah), so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated.” [Bukhari & Muslim]


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AI: Summary ©

The conversation discusses the history and importance of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam, with emphasis on its significance in shaping human appearances and marriage. It also touches on the importance of practicing and continuously developing one's knowledge and skills, as well as the significance of intentions in marriage and marriage. The speakers provide examples of how intentions can be reflected in words, such as "has been," and discuss the concept of "has been" and its significance in various ways.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:01 --> 00:00:10
			From the lightworker file salmonella regarding Latino stuffer, Susana SitterCity watermelon via
Allah Allah Hill Ischia was Javi Hinata Mr.
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			Amir mean Abby house, Omar Abu Dhabi, Claudia la Han policy miracle Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam your food
00:00:24 --> 00:00:48
			in Albania were in America lemare in Manoa fermentum carrot hegira to who era la he was fully for
his euro to who eat a lot he was truly woman character hero to who dunia you see who have a women
rotten junky who have 400 or two who a llama Hydra LA.
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			So we start with the first Hadeeth narrated by Kim, I'm never going to LA Holly and his collection
of 40.
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			This Hadith is narrated by a mutant meaning I will have a lot of no thought.
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			Before we go into each Hadees we'll spend a few moments just quickly covering the narrative.
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			So that way, it creates a little depth to the narration and record an understanding and it also an
appreciation for who his person is.
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			The last one, I'm never gonna have to lie here it introduces him here as a mirror meaning of the
house on top. Now, his birth name was ama
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			and he was a son of a thought.
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			his lineage joins with the province of Allahu alayhi wasallam
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			at God below a so you'll notice that with the whole of our Raj in Abu Bakr Omar Othman Ali did want
to lie on image that if not immediately, then a few for a few forefathers up their lineage all joins
up with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
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			He was known as Huff's. Abu Huff's and has an Arabic language means acid, Elian, because he was a
very ferocious person, a very strong person. In the battlefield he was described as being a lion.
Prior to his accepting of Islam, he was also known as being a very rough person. When the Muslims
accepted Islam in the earlier days. Amongst them, most of the people were poor and they were weak,
they didn't have clans supporting them. And in the earlier days, there was a lot of oppression that
occurred upon the Muslims. The promise of a long holiday was set on one day he made throughout Oh
Allah bless Islam to one of the two months.
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			And I'm loving this earlier the last one. One day he had an interaction with photography in LA one
in which I'm going to photography a lot one showed kindness to him. And at this point on mobile
setup is not a Muslim, and I love him his food is a monster. So when he had this very good
interaction with him I'm delivering was really the loved one said that you are the better of the two
of us. So I'm not going to do one who at the time wasn't a Muslim, he said what are you talking
about one of the two better almost. So he said to him, that not too long back The Prophet said a lot
while he was still a maid to Otto Allah, Oh Allah bless one of the two are Omar's with Islam, and I
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			have a feeling you're going to be the one and not too long. later on. We're going to talk about the
last one except Islam. We'll come to that in a moment.
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			He was called a mutant meaning this title was not given to him by the prophets of Allah while he was
still him, rather than companions during his lifetime, when he was appointed as halifa. They
addressed him as immutable meaning, and the reason why they called him a meter and what we mean is
because the successor of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prior to photography, a long one
was a Lakota so definitely a long one. And they used to call him halifa Rasulullah Khalifa to Rasul
Allah, the successor of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So logically, all none of the
Illa Juan should have been called Khalifa to Khalifa rasulillah. And they said, This is too long now
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			we're gonna keep adding Khalifa. Khalifa Khalifa. So one of the companions they call them Amina
meaning, originally when he was called me, meaning I'm going to be a loved one became upset. He
said, Who are you calling me? And they said, you and they said, you're worthy of this title, title.
And I'm going to be your loved one said, I have no desire for this title. And that's when the Sahaba
said to him, had you had a desire for this title, we wouldn't have given it to you. But we gave you
the desire this title because you have no desire for it. And this actually leads connects to another
Hadith of the Prophet of Allah Han he was set on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, a
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			person who demands to be appointed as a leader, a person who demands that don't give it to them,
because that's when you'll lose the autocrat and your leadership. However, you have to know in some
circumstances, there is permission to be to request to be appointed as a leader, as we see in the
example of
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			used to find a sudden, he said, Well, chlorella, Malik, no,
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			it's only other faza in earth. He said to the to the Aziz that make me appoint me, upon the
treasures of the earth make me a treasure. And the reason why he survived a Salah made that request
is because he knew he was the most deserving person of that position. And if he didn't step forward,
even though he was qualified for it, someone else will take the position and they'd make a mess out
of it. So stepping up when you're needed is also an important thing. I mean, meaning I will have a
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			he is called alpha root. And through history, he's always been known as alpha arrow. And the reason
why they call them alpha, is because he was the person who always made a point to differentiate
between the top and the bottom, he never cited by the vote button. And not only that, but Allah
subhanho wa Taala used his tongues many times, before revelation would come to say the truth. He
would say something and not to the inner revelation of Covenant support. He would say something and
not to later revelation or to come in and support. He wants to get the purpose of a long run, he was
a messenger of Allah. Wouldn't it be better if the wives if your wives covered themselves when they
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			came into the public arena, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam didn't give the order. Until
then, one day, Allah subhanahu wa tada revealed the verses of the Quran that tell your wives to
cover themselves. So there are many examples like this that one of your loved one would say
something. And not too long after that, what he had said, well, later on, manifests itself in the
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			His mother's name was held,
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			his mother's name was hunted. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, also referred to him as you
have in the hunt Emma, or the son of Hanuman.
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			He was born 13 years after the incident of the elephants. So an age he's 13 years younger than the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he
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			he accepted Islam in the sixth year after Prophethood and some scholars say he accepted Islam in the
fifth year after Prophethood. Prior to him 40 men in 2011 women had accepted Islam. He was appointed
as Khalifa by Abu Bakar to defy the law, one as his life was wrapping up a whole bucket of study for
the last one appointed IV as Khalifa and it's an interesting story because I look at first took
advice from many of the companions on who was the next Khalifa who shouldn't be the next Khalifa.
And then he particularly asked him, What are your thoughts regarding Ahmad? What are your thoughts
regarding Ahmad? Because what kind of had his eyes on Omar that he wanted him to be the next
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			Khalifa. And the companions all described him as being a very good person, but yet being a harsh
person. They were all fearful that if he became halifa, you know, the days the Muslims would face
would be a little bit more harder. So abubaker says he got the law one after taking advice from
everyone publicly announced that the halifa after me will be oma. Now, the last one came to me a
bucket and set up a bucket. How did you put me as halifa when you didn't even ask me? So I'm going
to be able to decode your loved one said, the reason why I appointed you is because I knew that had
I asked you first before I appointed in you for appointing you, you would have said no. And I'm one
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			of your loved ones says you're right. No.
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			What to do with your loved one says the same thing to them again, this is what makes you worthy of
being the Khalifa. You have no desire to be the halifa. And then I would welcome to stick with your
loved ones that don't want to come close to me and let me give you advice. And he gave them he gave
him this very beautiful advice and advice that's maybe one day sitting down worthy and just studying
the advice of up to date with your loved one gave to him over photography a lot one when preparing
him to be the next halifa. And a part of that advice he said to him was that everyone complains that
you're a harsh person. Use that harshness against the oppressor. Never use it against the oppressed,
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			to the oma be soft, be kind, but
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			in the face of the aggressor, that's when you need to stand firm, other workers to deal with your
loved one appointed honorable photogra Viola one as halifa. During his khilafah many lands were
conquered. During this khilafah the registering system started. What that meant was that before Abu
Bakr Siddiq of the law when things weren't registered, so who was getting how much money where the
money was coming from where it was going to? Who was the appointed person? What was their history?
What were the letters that were sent to and from the governor's between Obama photography, a long
one, all of these things were kept and preserved by memory. But
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			photography alone one was one of the first people to actually start documenting them. He put, he
appointed a group of people who were who are responsible of just documenting. He is also the one who
established the history calendar. Prior to photography a lot one there was no such thing as the
Islamic Hijri calendar. You will never find the province of a long while he was seldom in any of us.
Have you ever seen the 30 or half
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			The third year after all this happened, or the sixth year after his you know, this happened. Right
now we're in which year
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			1438. This hit our calendar was established by October, not the last one. And the story behind this
was that he had his armies fire fighting in the farmlands, and one of the generals, they said,
meaning when we have to negotiate between ourselves and our enemies, or the people who we are a
combat with, we, we have to date the letters and when we date the letters, we use their dating
system. And we don't like that we have to borrow their dating system we should have on our own
original dating system. And I'm going to talk about your loved one gathered a group of companions
and sought their opinion and they all agreed that this was a good idea. Each of them proposed where
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			the Islamic calendar should start. Someone said the birth of the Prophet someone said the first
revelation, and the last one went with his urine. And the reason why he went with him today is
because his at all was a new birth for the Muslims. Prior to hit it all the Muslims couldn't even
practice their Islam. And his law was a sign of when Muslims were given strength. Prior to his it
all prior to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam arriving in Medina munawwara The Prophet said a
lot while he was sort of himself never prayed one Jew masala
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			you guys understand that? prior to the Prophet arriving in Medina, he never prayed. Not even one Jew
masala, the first gemasolar the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ever led in his life was on his
way to Madina munawwara after he first he arrived in Oba spent a few days there, on his way from Oba
to Medina, the prophets of Allah who it was sent me to little pitstop in the middle. They were a
group of people who came in they said, Our messenger of Allah, you give so much time to the people
who live in the club. Why don't you give us some time to and the Prophet said a long line instead
and said, Oh, it's almost Juma time we'll do the Juma here. And I've had a lot of a lot he was sent
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			on to deliver the first demo there and until today, there is a message live in that location. It's
called Masjid Juma and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam delivered the fate of the first
famous football, the football which is the first football vizhinjam a very famous one. It's called
the football of taqwa.
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			So a lot of them saatavilla one is the one who establishes the history. He is also the one who moved
the maqam Ibrahim back, you know the current position and location of Makati Brahim. When you look
at the Kaaba, it's a few yards behind away from the Kaaba. Originally it was attached to the Kaaba
that will come, you know, he was right next to the Kaaba. And it was all over photography during his
khilafah because there were so many Muslims coming from a coma, coma for hogenom era, he noticed
that the macom Ebrahim became a hindrance for the earth off. So that's when he command that he
commanded that the Muhammad Ibrahim be relocated, that it'd be pushed back so that it's off or I can
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			open up and people can easily perform that the laughter because since the mocambique, Rahim was so
close to the Kaaba, everyone after that the wife wanted to pray to the Father, and it created a big
burden and it created a barrier for those that wanted to do their, they wanted to do their full off.
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			There are many things that can be said regarding your loved one in his virtue. However, I'll close
by saying that we have close to 500 a hadith narrated by Imam Ahmed photography a lot one. Overall
there are 500 and some a hobby that are narrated about photography alone one out of which 26 have
been narrated by a man Bahati any man Mr. Remember, hydrometallurgy Ali himself has been narrated
34, a Heidi from Ahmedabad, cassava, Mohan. And Motorola Holly has narrated 21, a Heidi, only
himself by American photography amongst independently they narrate these hobbies and then
collectively, they narrate 26 Heidi from America that you'll find in Bahati and you'll also find an
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			email Mr. Muhammad Ali's, and it's a it's almost 1000 of your loved one remained halifa for 10
years, and prior to him.
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			I would love to speak with your loved one service halifa for two to two and a half years.
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			Anyone remember how many years after the year of elephants
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			to be alone one was born
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			13 years. So how many years after the Prophet is he passing away now? That same 13 years, he also
passed away like other workers to decode your loved one. And like the practice of law while he was
seven at the age of 63.
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			Just as the prophets of Allah Hollywood seven passed away at the age of 63 of loggers to decode your
loved one passed away in 263. I'm not going to satara The other one was murdered at the age of 63.
He was leaving fighter salah and while he was leading there was a person by the name of Abu fayrouz
he came to Omaha public your loved one in the fighter salah and he stabbed him he was not a Muslim.
And the reason why he stabbed him is because he was very upset that all of your loved one was the
one who destroyed the Persian Empire, who basically broke it down into pieces of an empire that
existed had existed for over a millennium. So he was very soured by this and he came to one of your
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			loved one and he stabbed him. And on his way out. There were other Sahaba that tried to stop him. He
killed them too, until at the end he committed suicide on one of their loved one was taken to the
side in his room. And the doctor came to examine him and he
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			I'm gonna be a long one some milk to drink, and I'm going to be a long one drink the milk and the
milk began to gush out of the wound. And that's when the doctor realized that I'm going to be a long
one wasn't going to make it because that was a sort of a puncture that they didn't have a cure for.
They didn't have a surgery for that time. So then on one of your loved one, he gathered the people
that were important to gather, he quickly gathered themselves some Sahaba together and said that you
will be the appointed committee from who the next Khalifa will be appointed. Then he called his son
of the love and the last one, and he gave him a lot of advice. And while he was lying there, by the
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			way, one interesting thing happened while I'm going to be a lot one is, you know, in the final
moments of his life, he's soon to pass away, there was a person walking past, and his pants were
beneath his ankles. And what was the other one called him up from his deathbed? He said, What are
you doing? Have you guys thought about
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			that already? Don't you know, the prophet said along while he was sitting, sitting, I was to keep
his pants above his ankle. And by the way, this is an authentic narration, he called a guy out from
his deathbed for not acting upon the son of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, which really shows you
how insane and how much these people loved the tsunami, how much they insanely love the son of the
Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, before your loved one passed away,
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			he sent his son to I shall have your long run. And he said to him, can you please give my salon to I
shall have your lohana and then tell her that oma and don't say I'm eternal beanie. He told his son,
don't when you go to her, don't say ameerul momineen. Just say I'm not the son of a thought. He has
a request from you. I shall have your love. wanna ask what is the request?
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			So the sunset, my father asked me to ask you that he request to be buried next to his two friends.
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			I shall be alohar has said that I always wanted to be buried next to my father and my husband. But
today I will give preference to Barbara Viola over myself. I give him permission to be buried next
to the prophecy of allamani was set up in Abu Bakar when his son came back and told, told my mother
that she gave the permission. You can imagine how happy your loved one must have been spending the
rest of eternity. As long as this road remains by the side of the pocket. That's what you call,
literally a companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So I wonder the last one look at
its justice. You know how we called him. Someone who was just look at his justice. He said to his
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			son, maybe she gave the permission because she was intimidated by me because I'm immutable meaning
because I'm the ruler. So after I die, go to her a second time and ask her again. If she gives me
permission after I've died, then bury me there. Otherwise bury me with a Muslim. And they went to
her again after he passed away.
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			And she can she then gave the permission that Amato the loved one should be buried next to the
Prophet that along on a lesson next Sunday for the alarm on this particular Hadith is narrated by
the mumble hottie and Mr. Muslim de la la. Eman Bukhari and Muslim Rahmatullah era are the two
collections of Hadid whose collections have known as being the most authentic collections of Heidi
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			Ali and Lisa Puri, he says Mata de missoma, assawoman kitabi. Muslim, there is not a book more
authentic than the book of him than the book of Muslim and Hajaj, say a Muslim under the sky. There
isn't a book more authentic than many scholars have challenged his statement and they say, more
authentic than say a Muslim is Satyagraha.
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			And that's a known statement where many scholars they say that the most authentic book under the sky
is hottie because this man, really above and beyond mom, Mohammed bin Abdullah, he went above
Muhammad was by Buhari, he went above and beyond to make sure the narrations of the prophets of
Allah while he was sort of were properly preserved, and not only was his journey one that he ensured
the narrations were preserved. He also as someone who gave a lot of attention to the spirituality
behind everybody, you know, some traditions tell us that.
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			Remember hunting a hunter law era before every before every Hadith, he would enter into his book, he
would do listen and pray to his heart and then write the book. Write that honey into his book. I
mean, imagine how much salon how much devotion how much sincerity, remember hotting up with the line
that he had, that he's passed away. many books have come after him that have been authentic, but no
authentic book has ever matched the acceptance of the work of mumble hardened ontologically. There
were some scholars Imam Shafi Rahmatullahi, Allah used to have this position he would say that the
most authentic book under the sky is the Mothma Malik capital IRA. And there are some scholars who
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			do hold this position. They say magmatic Rahmatullah yachties Mata is more authentic than SR Buhari.
But as I mentioned, overall, the oma has one understanding, which is that
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			his collection is a very authentic collection.
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			There is an interesting story regarding Mohammed Abdullah, he had a childhood that many people are
not aware of, and I thought I would just share this story before we get into the Hadith itself. It's
narrated by
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			above a rock he narrates in his stuff. That remember hard enough Mottola era when he was a child. He
was blind. He couldn't see.
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			And his mother would sit by his bedside and she would make to offer him. Yeah, Allah returned the
eyesight of my son yellow returned the eyesight of my son. I have dreams from him that I wish for
him to accomplish and without his eyesight, it's not gonna happen, returned his eyesight. And one
night, remember hiding, I've gotten lucky IE he saw a dream. And in his dream he saw Ebrahim
Hollywood, la, la Sara, and he brought him on he took his saliva and put it on him while he was in
law era and made it law for him.
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			And then after that, when you remember how he got his law, yadi woke up father, his eyesight
returned back, and this was a miracle mm hydrometer lyerly experience when he was young, this
narration has also been narrated by Abu Yala and humbly similarly narrative it in his studies, and
also narrated by mizzi, and is that he will come out to LA he also narrated in Vietnam and Nibbana.
And there are many other scholars who narrate this incident as a part of the biography of the
mumble, how to lie on it.
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			Now, what's the backdrop behind this heading? before we actually let's translate the heading first,
so we know what we're reading and what we're talking about. And then I'll get into the commentary of
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			the translation of the Hadeeth is Amato the last one he says, I heard the Messenger of Allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying actions are by intentions. So each man will have what he
intended. Thus, he whose migration was to Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his
migration is to align His messengers, Ahmadiyya Muslim, but he whose migration was for some worldly
thing he might gain or for a wife he might marry. His migration is to that which he might read it.
So this how do you this teaching us the importance of intentions? Now you might be wondering, okay,
the first part of the Hadith is very clear. Your actions or your intentions, you will receive what
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			you intended. But what this whole migration business and what's this all What's all this marriage
business going on? Why does the narration mentioned migration? Why does mention marriage?
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			So, amount of Rahmatullah Holly mentioned in his module on the authority of employment or that your
loved one that this hadith was actually stated in regarding in relation to a man and a lady, there
was this lady and there was this man and Macumba karma who loved each other abundantly. They loved
each other a lot. The lady, the man must have proposed to the lady saying, I want to marry you. She
said, Well, we can't have a long term longest relationship. He said, What do you mean? She said,
Well, the purpose of the law it was something has commanded us to migrate to Medina, and I'm going,
so he wasn't too sure if he wanted to migrate. Maybe he wanted to migrate later on. Maybe there was
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			some issue at that time, he wasn't sure if he wanted to migrate. And everyone kind of knew that
these two loved each other a lot. But everyone also knew in Medina know what, I'm not gonna look at
him, that the man wasn't willing to migrate, and she was and she actually migrated. Now, not too
long later, guess who shows up? He shows up. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then said
this, the lady's name is mo case. The man his name explicitly isn't mentioned at any hudy possibly
the Sahaba were trying to cover up for him. So he is most commonly known by the mohabbatein as
Mahajan. omocha, is the one who migrated for Omakase.
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			And this is interesting, because, you know, the purpose of the law while he was still is, is
instructing this man that fix your intentions, clarify protect your intentions, because if you do
something with the wrong intention, you won't get the reward for it. And that's something we always
tell people. You know, in particular, if I know someone that's accepting Islam, I always ask them,
why are you doing it? If you're doing it because there's a guy you want to marry, then marry that
guy later on first fix the reason why you're accepting Islam. If you're getting married, why are you
getting married? And the interesting thing is, when I asked a couple, why are you getting married?
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			Like I have this class that I do. It's called introduction on key advice for the newlywed. So if
there if there's anyone that wishes to get married, and they tell me shift, I would like for you to
do my nikka I always tell them, I'll do your nica under the condition that the bride and groom come
and come and take a one hour class with me. And when they take that class, one of the first
questions I always ask them is, what's your intention behind marriage? And you got the look on their
face is it's like, you know, priceless, because they're probably 10 days away. Some of them are 24
hours away from nica, and sometimes because of just preparation for the niqab. This class has
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			happened in one one week after the nicca. And they're all thinking nikka Nia, what Nia like
intention for marriage who does intention for marriage? And that's what I didn't tell them that now
you speak to yourself what the value of your marriages. Don't let me judge it. Why don't you judge
yourself? What are you going into your marriage? What do you want to accomplish?
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			So, remember to always correct and purify your intentions in Multnomah de la Holly brings us at the
beginning of his book, why does he bring this Hadid at the beginning of this book, to remind himself
and the reader to always be sincere, because you can take on this great task of writing honey, but
if you're not sincere, you're not going to get the reward for it. And you can take on this great
task of sitting here and coming to these classes, or listening to these classes and being a part of
this environment of studying or whatever class it is you're taking. But if you're not sincere,
you're not going to get the reward. The only reason the only absolutely correct reason for you to
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			study the deen is for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. That's the awesome, you're doing it for the
sake of Allah Subhana, WA, Tada. And then second, and third and fourth, you can then create all the
other intentions. But if your first intention is anything other than what I just said, right now,
there's something wrong intention.
00:25:59 --> 00:26:33
			There's something wrong. This has to always be the first that I'm doing it only and only for the
sake of Allah. And I'll talk about that up ahead and more in more detail. So the first thing is to
remind the reader in the mallamma vignette. And it's also to remind the author and the teacher and
everyone that makes contact with this collection of the 40. How do you throw a collection of honey
in them, and I'm out of India, and this practice of is to bring in the Madame Albania first isn't
he's not the first person to do this. There are many scholars of Hadith who actually follow this
practice, including a mobile photograph with Elijah in his mobile home mahadi. And to see the first
00:26:33 --> 00:26:34
			Hadeeth he brings is
00:26:36 --> 00:26:44
			in the middle of Albania, and it's there's like an interesting little point here, in the middle
amount of it and yet this hadith that's narrated from I'm going to give you a long one.
00:26:45 --> 00:27:19
			There's only one chain of this Hadith, which is authentic. And that's the chain that a member
hydrographical IRA brings in to say, this particular idea has been narrated to multiple narrated
through multiple chains, but all the other chains that narrate this hadith are all weak. The only
one chain that we have of this hadith that's authentic is the one that Mr. McCarty Rahmatullahi it
brings, and it all boils down to one Narrator And that's the only narrator who and when narrating
this particular How do you narrates it with with authenticity. That's why this highly technical and
technical mazola is called Have you heard him?
00:27:20 --> 00:27:34
			What is it called? Hurry, hurry means a narration where any time in history, only one person can
narrate it authentically. That becomes very only one narrator remains and this is one of those
00:27:35 --> 00:27:47
			remember how to handle it. He starts his head he he starts with heavy collection with how do you the
buddy just because they're one there's one narrator does that make it weak? No, because that one
narrator can be robust solid, like you know, absolutely.
00:27:49 --> 00:27:52
			At the top of integrity, so that person's narration will be accepted.
00:27:53 --> 00:28:36
			I'm gonna commandment Maddie Rahim Allah tala says my son Nikita and today we have a hadith. whoever
wishes to publish any book. Let him always start with this. How do you think the amount of India
Allah Mahabharata law he says that we have learned from our teachers and from the senior scholars,
that any action you take any action or any task you start any task you take on? Always first read
this Have you threw yourself yourself in them? allama Lavinia Imam Shafi Allahu Allah on the virtue
of this hadith he says this hadith is half of knowledge misfiring. Why is that? Because knowledge is
broken down into two types, the outer and the inner. And in the manabadi, beneath the discussion of
00:28:36 --> 00:28:37
			intentions isn't.
00:28:38 --> 00:29:12
			It's an inner intention. It's an inner discussion, therefore, it's half of knowledge. Imam Abu
hanifa hokulani it says that this hadith in Albania is rolling. It's one fourth of knowledge and he
gives us reason. He says because one part of the deen is to stay away from the doubtful things. One
part of the deen is to stay away from worldly pleasures. One part of the deen is to stay away from
things that do not concern you. And one part one part of the deen is to have sincere intentions and
this is sincere intention. So you've gained one fourth of your of your deen
00:29:13 --> 00:29:19
			coming up with a law Holly has referred to this howdy as sort of as one third of
00:29:22 --> 00:29:25
			intentions are very, very important.
00:29:28 --> 00:30:00
			It will tell you more in line with data says that the scholars of previous times never did anything
until they asked themselves this question. Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this? Why am I doing
what I'm doing when I'm going to the masjid asking myself why am I doing this? So if your authority
says that believers should check his intention 40 times a day to make sure it's correct 40 times a
day remind yourself Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this then?
00:30:00 --> 00:30:33
			There was one person who came to in particular when it comes to seeking knowledge. Because if there
is no sincerity and seeking knowledge, then this same knowledge will end up kicking you into the
fire of *. And the hide even say Muslim is a common one, the first three people to enter into the
fire of *, a scholar, the martyr and the charitable one. And the three people will protest when
they will be sent to the firewall they will say Allah why us and Allah subhanaw taala will say, You
did great things in the world for you were lacking in intentions. We asked Allah subhana wa tada for
saving us from being those three people are in this category.
00:30:34 --> 00:31:14
			The etiquette of a student is to be sincere. Because instance your students have caused much more
damage than benefit. Someone who's studying with insincerity will cause confusion amongst people.
They will cause fitna amongst people, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has referred to them
in the Hadith as Allah. So corrupted scholars, and 100 departments have a lot of our data set and
tells the companions that our time will come, or the amount will whom chatroom into the summer, that
the scholars of the time will be the scum of the earth, they will be the worst people, they will be
misguided and they will misguided the people sincerity, something that's very important. Always
00:31:14 --> 00:31:16
			keeping yourself in check. Someone asked one scholar
00:31:20 --> 00:31:20
			What's his name?
00:31:22 --> 00:31:33
			Dr. I'm forgetting his name. He has moved to New York on his shift with your doctor his mind his
teacher, he wrote a book called A spider sudocrem. I forgetting his name. Anyway, someone asked him
00:31:35 --> 00:32:12
			from this book of his is about soon as other professional audio, some different centers that you can
adopt. So someone asked him, How did you bring Summa into your life properly? until the point that
you were content? How did you bring the small and big actions of the purpose of allowing him to come
into your life like this? And he gave a very beautiful answer. He said that it took me many years,
bringing the actions into my life was easy. That was the outer part of the symbol. But bringing the
inner part of the sunlight into my life is very hard. And what's that? To do it only for the sake of
Allah subhana wa Tada. And it required me years because every time before I started doing something,
00:32:12 --> 00:32:51
			I had to train myself to ask myself a question why, you know, when you're putting your phone in the
morning, you have to learn to pause for a second and ask yourself, why, you know, we're so used to
just wrapping our head jobs on are so used to just, you know, throwing our socks on or, you know,
brushing our teeth in the morning, the moment in your life where you start asking yourself why, why,
why, why and every step. That's when you can start answering that question with for Allah, for Allah
for Allah for a low and he said to his students, it took me a long time before I was able to give
the answer for most of the day in my life that I was doing it for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada.
00:32:52 --> 00:33:14
			Someone came to my teacher, my teachers teacher shifts that video, he asked him, explained to me
that skia spirituality what is spirituality, because, you know, in our in the oma when people think
of spirituality, they think of, you know, Hocus Pocus, a lot of like, funky stuff going on. So he
asked the chef, he said, Chef, what's the schema? What's this?
00:33:15 --> 00:33:25
			What's the spirituality business? So the chef said to him something so beautiful. He said, The empty
that the beginning of spirituality is in Albania,
00:33:26 --> 00:33:39
			where you start asking yourself why. That's the beginning. Until you don't ask yourself why you're
not even. You're not even on the pathway of spirituality, you're on another road altogether. You
joined the pathway of spirituality when you have the courage to ask yourself
00:33:41 --> 00:34:16
			why? And he said, the end of the journey is an taboo, the LA haka, and Nakata who fell into contura,
who finally are on the end of the journey is where, when every time you ask yourself, Why, what's
your answer? For a lot? There's no other reason. I'm doing it solely, and only from luck. And see,
how about how many times are the Sahaba promised paradise? Like under the law, one case, exact case
study, right? He must have been promised paradise doesn't have times. Like I couldn't think of like
five times right now where he was promised paradise. The Prophet told him that the Prophet told him
agenda the Prophet told him agenda, but that he stopped worshiping Allah.
00:34:17 --> 00:34:50
			Yes or no. Or did he cut downs as a Baba? Have you ever heard traditions that say that if one of
your loved one cut down the zebra, if anything, he increased it? He started reading so much going on
for the end of his life, that some scholars they say every night some narrations tell us that every
night he would read the Quran? Every night he would read the whole thing, like he, at the end of his
life, he started doing more about the Maury Baba, because these people, they weren't doing a Baba so
they can get glad tidings of Paradise they were doing it for Allah subhana wa tada and a byproduct
of pleasing allies that Allah subhanho wa Taala will gift you in that gift will be gender, or if you
00:34:50 --> 00:34:51
			make a lot angry.
00:34:53 --> 00:34:59
			Now, the Hadith itself in the mallamma, Albania, let's break down the Hadith as much as we can and
00:35:00 --> 00:35:40
			To understand the language use in the MA in the Arabic language is used for hustle, which means for
exclusively. So for example, if I were to say in zaidan caught him, which means only z the standard,
not just if I say the volume that means a the standard, if I say in the mouth What does that mean?
exclusively only that person. So in the amount of India who says creates exclusivity in this in this
Have you through here? Now, the Hadith uses the word karma. The word Amal is the plural of karma,
which is actions, actions. Now, there's another word in the automate language for actions of
00:35:42 --> 00:35:56
			a file and Ahmad are similar words. Why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not use the word
file? And why did he choose the word, man? Because there's a nuance there's a difference between the
two of them? What is the difference? What's the difference? First thing,
00:35:57 --> 00:35:58
			two points, first thing
00:36:00 --> 00:36:22
			connotates that the action you're doing is out of your own will it's the ad or file could be actions
that are strt Oh, hightest, Yeti, they could be out of your own bill. Or they could be done out of
course, you're being forced to do so Ahmad refers to actions that are done out of your own will in
the mallamma. Binya The second thing
00:36:23 --> 00:37:04
			is that Amal connotates. Continually estimator, Ah, well file it doesn't kind of take continuing. So
what we learned from this is when we do any action, anything we do in our life as Muslims, what's
important, the continuty, or the abundance of the action being done once or twice. We all know the
continuing, I would rather know that someone is saying Subhanallah 10 times a day, rather than
saying it 10,000 times a day, knowing that by saying that 10 times a day, they're going to be able
to do it every day. I would rather feel happy knowing that someone gives a quarter a day in South
Africa, rather than giving $100 a day one week and then not giving it for the rest of the year.
00:37:04 --> 00:37:07
			Because it's a continuous thing in Albania.
00:37:09 --> 00:37:19
			Now, neat yard is the plural of the word Nia to me, attune. linguistically means a past altoist
means to intend something.
00:37:24 --> 00:38:11
			In a technical sense, it means the electrical to turn the heart now and Phil towards a action, if
devalue what you learn, while searching for the pleasure of Allah subhana wa Tada. So attaching your
heart to an action and the foundation of this is for the pleasure of Allah subhana wa Tada. All the
actions that we do with our limbs are supposed to filter through our heart. Every action we do with
our limbs, you know, it's filtered through our heart. And we should do it only and only for the sake
of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. Now, Allah subhana wa tada wants us to be sincere. And that'll be word
for sincerity is if Laos Islam comes from the root word of Hala salt, which means to be pure.
00:38:12 --> 00:38:44
			So they would say I call this a Sufi. The hottest the one that's pure is a software which is clean
because you know, you would say hello. So you would use it for purifying honey. Because after a
honey is purified, then it's pure. Otherwise before you purified, it's full of, you know, all sorts
of different additives, but here, all sorts of different mixtures, all these different things are in
there, but once you purify it, once it's hot is that after that it's only honey and all the other
things are removed from all the other impurities, Gianni says
00:38:46 --> 00:39:20
			that it allows is to not seek for your action, any other witness other than Allah subhanho wa Taala
What a beautiful explanation. To not seek for your action. Any other witness other than Allah
subhanho wa Taala only Allah subhanaw taala that's the only one I want to see me doing what I'm
doing. You know, there's nothing worse the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says seven people
will be granted a place in the shade of a lost throne on the Day of Judgment. And one of those seven
people is a person who gives Southern law with his right hand while his left hand
00:39:22 --> 00:39:27
			doesn't even know. What does that mean? That you give stuff up with one hand on the other hand,
doesn't know what does that mean?
00:39:28 --> 00:40:00
			mean look like you know your hand would have seen it. But you're just doing it so harsh. Just doing
it for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. Now, one thing I'll advise is that try to have one deed a
day that you do, that nobody knows other than us a lot and no one will ever know except for you in a
lost Battle of data. Let there be one deed every day. That's your secret for last bottle. Nobody in
the world needs to know. Maybe before you go to sleep, make a habit of doing a vicar Don't tell
anyone about it. Maybe one day when you have kids and one day when you need to go in and
00:40:00 --> 00:40:41
			by someone, you can mention it to them. So maybe they can take on your practice and continue it and
continue your legacy. But let there be a few years of your life that nobody else needs to know why
you're doing it what you're doing when you're doing it. This might be a secret between you and Allah
subhanho wa Taala. Now sincerity should be found on four levels, it allows fill up one last fill of
iron in philosophy ml last for a while. And for those that last for a while means to be sincere in
your statements. What's an example of that? A person comes to you and says, I intend to marry
someone who is your friend, can you please give me advice whether I should marry this person or not.
00:40:41 --> 00:40:45
			But you can either betray the person and say, My friend is awesome, go and marry him.
00:40:46 --> 00:40:52
			Or you can say, he's a good guy, and then you say, a big bot.
00:40:53 --> 00:41:27
			And then go to town on that guy. I mean, not going to count on them. But then you can share the
facts that this person is this this person is that this person is this. That's your loss, and the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told the companions that when someone comes to you for
advice, be sincere with your, your words, be sincere with your words to other people. When you're
telling someone something, don't do it for your own benefit, do it for them. Someone is dressed in a
way that their body is exposed. Don't talk to them, looking down upon them. speak to them sincerely
advising them so that they can be a better person. And similarly,
00:41:28 --> 00:42:06
			when you are looking when you're when you're when you're engaged in matters between you and Allah,
you're declutter. You're Subhan Allah, you're 100 law, your recitation of the Quran, do it only for
Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because doing that for other people is overrated. That's just the d'etre.
You go out of your way for them you do so much and then guess what? Those people won't even give you
props. So you lost that on your deed with Allah subhanahu wa tada and you lost on your deed with
people as well. So your you lose out in both places. If last but not your deeds are only for Allah
subhana wa Tada. You're doing someone a favor, don't do them a favor because they're gonna do you a
00:42:06 --> 00:42:19
			favor. Do me a favor because you want Allah subhana wa tada to be happy with you. Because the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told you that whatever helps a believer, Allah Subhana Weber
helps his brother, Allah subhanho wa Taala will help that person.
00:42:20 --> 00:42:27
			There wasn't a brother from the community. He said to me, Chef, can I tell you something
interesting? I said, Sure. He said, You know, when I got married.
00:42:28 --> 00:42:46
			That night, I went to my mother for advice before I actually before my wife and I, you know, we
spent time in seclusion. I went to my mother for advice, general advice. And my mother said to me,
after she gave me a lot of advice, one of the things she instructed me, she says, Son, don't open up
the gifts that you receive on your marriage, not until I'm there.
00:42:48 --> 00:43:05
			So he said, Mom, that's a really awkward thing to say. And my wife and I have planned that we're
going to open the gifts together tomorrow morning. So that's that. So his mom said, Okay, if you're
going to open the gifts together, then you have to promise me, you will write down the name of every
person who gifted you and write down what they gave you.
00:43:06 --> 00:43:25
			So he said to me, I was just like, shocked. But why does my mom telling me this other one of the
most important days of my life, the day I'm getting married, so I asked her, I said, Mom, are you
telling me this? So she said takahama Pathak, nketiah de Mancha, Ghana. So we know what to give them
when their marriages happen. If they give 101 What are we giving?
00:43:27 --> 00:43:28
			Okay, number one.
00:43:29 --> 00:44:03
			This is what you call having no Islam in Europe. This is what you call barter. Not called. It's not
called gifting. You give. It's not for the sake of a loss of Hakata. When you give something to
someone, you shouldn't be mad anything in return, you shouldn't expect anything in return. And this
is where our relationships fail. I give that person this in their marriage, but they didn't give me
give anything back to me. I gave that person a gift on their birthday or on their graduation day or
whatever. It is important to them in their life, but they didn't give me anything back. Well, you
need to go give yourself a sincerity check. Did you give it for barter if you did, you had other
00:44:03 --> 00:44:22
			options. But if you gave it as a gift, don't leave it there. Don't expect anything back in return.
And that's exactly what all the prophets said to their nations. Por la leukomalacia de la Cala,
Luca, Molly Angela. I don't want any compensation. I don't want any compensation. I don't want any
compensation from you. I'm doing it for a loss model.
00:44:23 --> 00:44:24
			The third is
00:44:25 --> 00:44:59
			in your armor. Now the difference the reason why we use two different words ephod and Ahmad, even
though they're similar as I just previously said, when I use the word of art, I was I was
commentating human human interactions. And when I say Ahmad, I'm talking about rituals. Deeds have
sincerity and you're a Baba when you're praying solo don't do it because someone else is watching
you do it because you need to do it. When you're going for hikes don't do it because everyone else
in your crew has done for highs and you're the last are cheap now. And now it's time for you to go
to do it because you need to go for hikes.
00:45:00 --> 00:45:34
			Don't give us a God because the Imam is give a horrific speech on all the punishments that will
occur to those who don't give, there's a God. And now you're you can't sleep at night until you give
your succop give yours a god for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa Tada, let the fairhaven therapy be
there. But don't do it because of the fear. Don't do it. Do it for the sake of Allah subhanho wa
Taala in a hospital, shall we be sincere? When it comes to your internal affairs, your heart, you
know, be sincere in in things that don't manifest themselves into words, meaning be sincere in your
thoughts, too.
00:45:35 --> 00:45:42
			You know, that may not manifest in an action that may not manifest them in a bottle that may not
manifest in a statement, but even internally remains sincere.
00:45:43 --> 00:46:01
			There's this big discussion that how do I gain sincerity? That's the biggest question. How do I
develop sincerity in myself. So the first thing the scholars say, since sincerity is not inherent,
it's something you have to earn its customer, you have to go out of your way, and you have to work
and you have to earn it.
00:46:02 --> 00:46:21
			So his argument that people make that, you know, I don't know if I want to wear the hijab, because I
don't feel it. Or I don't know if I want to praise the Lord, because I don't feel it. You can feel
it until you do it. And not only that, the first thing, the first point that the scholars mentioned,
in order to help you develop your class is
00:46:22 --> 00:46:31
			not just to at once, but you have to do it continuously, continuously continuously. The best example
of this, that I found my life was
00:46:32 --> 00:46:51
			when, as a part of my spinal therapy, my therapist said to me that you need to start swimming. And I
said to him, I'm not really a good swimmer. You know, my older brother in law passed away in a pool.
So my parents didn't give us opportunity to learn to swim. So I said to him, I'm not too good at
swimming. And he said something very interesting to me. He said to me, it's therapeutic.
00:46:53 --> 00:47:05
			I was like, okay, it's therapeutic, I need some, I need some therapeutic things in my life. I have a
stressful life. So I got to the pool, and I always I think I was drawn to three times that day. And
the next time I met him, I said, it's not therapeutic. It's horrific.
00:47:06 --> 00:47:14
			And you know what he said to me, he said, just keep doing this keep doing. And I kid you not a few
months later, by the way, I learned how to swim through YouTube.
00:47:15 --> 00:47:41
			My ego wouldn't allow me to go and take swimming classes really messed up thing I know. And we're
gonna read about ego up ahead, and I'm gonna have to talk to myself if I speak to you guys. So I
learned through YouTube, I went and I saw, they're like, Okay, I'm gonna go to this, and I'm gonna
do this. And I'm gonna go do that. And the reason my ego kicked in was because my kids were taking
swimming classes at the same time. And it was just really hard for me to take classes on something
my kids were learning to do, even though I was like, 20 years ahead of him in my life, but I
couldn't do it.
00:47:42 --> 00:47:45
			It wasn't therapeutic. Until one day,
00:47:46 --> 00:47:55
			one day, I understood the most important part of swimming wasn't necessarily the stroke or the
ability to float. It was the breathing.
00:47:56 --> 00:48:28
			And I was like, gosh, Why didn't anyone tell me that? And but they I learned to breathe while I was
swimming, guess what happened? it become therapeutic. Similarly, with your son off similarly, with
three bother for anyone to think that on day one, I'm going to get into the ring, and I'm going to
box like Ali and my boxing is going to be therapeutic for me, ha ha ha, all in caps, by the way,
because it's not going to happen. In order for your evaluator to be therapeutic, you'd have to first
have the seminar, you have to continuously do it continuously do it continuously do it. And then
that's when at a period, it'll come in. The second thing.
00:48:30 --> 00:49:03
			Do your a bother completely, don't do a half a bother. So if you're a bothered if that's prescribing
about that is for you to do some how to law 33 times, How many times should you do it, do the full
33 do the full cycle to the full cycle because when you complete the cycle, that's when the next
time around, you get to focus a little more and focus a little more. The third thing you need to
have knowledge because you need to know what you're doing. You need to know the proper method of
what you're doing. And also, you know, you need to know which things prevent you from having
sincerity, showing off.
00:49:04 --> 00:49:08
			Internal diseases of the heart. These are all things that prevent you from having sincerity.
00:49:10 --> 00:49:27
			The third thing that scholars they say is learn to do a bother in solitude. Don't always go above
and create a habit of doing that alone. That's why the Sahaba they say the prophets of Allah
Hollywood cinema generally pray his father of Salah in the masjid. But what pray is no often in
Sudan were
00:49:29 --> 00:49:36
			at home. That was his habit. playing some slot alone. Playing every slot in front of people not
always doing you're a bother.
00:49:39 --> 00:49:59
			And then there are many other things that the scholars recommend. One of the things they mentioned
for sincerity is to be careful on what you eat. Try not to eat doubtful things because doubtful
things leave a mark on your heart. Another thing that scholars they mentioned if you wish to develop
sincerity is to stay in the company of the pious and righteous because when you see them, you'll see
sincerity and you'll have a desire to
00:50:00 --> 00:50:08
			To grow in your sincerity, one of the advices, my teacher, she left us with he gave to us when we
graduated, he said to us that when you grow up now that you've graduated from the madrasa.
00:50:10 --> 00:50:30
			It's important that at every day at any given day in your life, you are reading the biography of
some great scholar from the cynical side of him. Because every day if you're reading a biography of
a great scholar that came before you, you're only going to get motivated to do more with your life.
But if you start reading the biographies and if you become the leader of your community, guess who's
going to become the benchmark for practice and it's not
00:50:32 --> 00:50:34
			you and that's obviously not good news.
00:50:36 --> 00:50:42
			Okay, now let's some quick 50 related issues to the NEA what happens our allotted
00:50:44 --> 00:50:50
			45. Okay, we have some time, some 50 related issues to Nia, the first thing
00:50:53 --> 00:51:14
			some scholars say that the NEA is necessary for every action. If the NEA the intention isn't there,
that action will not count. Majority of the scholars hold that position, including Imam Shafi. Not
only are they in America to La, la, la, la, la, and other hot and heavy thing. They say
00:51:16 --> 00:51:48
			that actions are basically intention what actual actions are by intentions, what does that mean?
That means that the correctness of your action is dependent on your intention. So if you just start
going up and down in, in the same postures that a person would go up and down in for Salah, if you
just start randomly going up and down, that's not going to kind of salon, you have to have an
intention before you do it. If you're just walking around the Kaaba looking for your slippers and
you find out Hey, I just finished seven times, that's not a wall, you have to have an intention.
Okay? When the intention is to be made, I'll come to that in a moment. First thing, so the
00:51:48 --> 00:52:03
			intention. The second thing is this. The second position is the Hanafi school of thought what we say
the amount of money for scholars what they say is the intention is mandatory for Eva that that our
Massoud with that
00:52:04 --> 00:52:47
			Maqsood with that means they are desired acts of worship. So they divide the actions in the the good
deeds into two categories, those actions that are desired, like Salah, and those deeds that are only
there as a sub as a means to fulfill the desired actions. So Salah is a desired act will do is a sub
to perform solo, you guys understand that? So they consider to only be an active deed, a good deed,
if it's being done for put on if it's being done for the law if it's being done for salon, but if a
person randomly wakes up in the morning, and it's like 100 rules straight, it has no virtue at all.
Actually, you'll be in trouble for wasting water. You guys understand that? So the Hanafi scholars
00:52:47 --> 00:53:11
			they say any deed that is a sub, like taking a bath like doing whoo doesn't require an intention.
But any deed that is Maqsood itself, it requires an intention. So So law would require attention. As
for who if you are walking and someone puts you into a pool and you got up according to the Hanafi
school of thought you will it would be done. You just have to go change and go Priscilla change
dryer hair and go single crystal.
00:53:12 --> 00:53:33
			Now what is the knee I need to occur? The Nia should happen before the action. You need to make an
intention before you do the deed. If a person gets some money, and then an hour later it rings Tim
Oh man, I didn't get my zakaat this year, that was a nicer car. Can he do that? He can't because if
you want that money to be yours, you have to make the intention for that to be years ago.
00:53:34 --> 00:53:52
			Before before the actual some scholars I've even allowed for it to happen during the action. You
understand so you're studying knowledge at the beginning you were insincere but somewhere in the
middle you fixed intention, your inshallah Allah subhanaw taala. Forgive the insincerity and reward
you for your for your for your sincerity moving forward.
00:53:54 --> 00:54:36
			Now one important thing to know is that there is no such thing in the deen as verbally stating your
Nia Let me say that again. There is no command in the deen from the Quran or from the Sunnah or from
the Sahaba where you need to verbally state your nia. So before Salah you don't need to stand there
and say I'm about to pray to God for Allah subhana wa tada who has a human medical producer Salaam,
facing the Qibla in the State of Israel as an unbeliever 565 foot six inches waiting at this machine
like all the details that people add, you don't need to add all of that in. And Nia is in your
heart. You know why you're doing what you're doing? And that's enough. If a person however, wishes
00:54:36 --> 00:54:54
			to verbally say it before there's a lot to reconfirm what's in their heart. Scholars have differing
opinion. Some scholars say it shouldn't be done because it's a bizarre, there's no precedents for
that. And other scholars say it's an okay thing to do because you're just renewing what's in your
heart, while La La
00:54:55 --> 00:55:00
			da da da he says actions are not valid without intentions because intentions
00:55:00 --> 00:55:25
			Without actions are still rewardable while actions without intentions are futile. So he creates this
little inverted equation. What's that? That if you have an intention, but no action, you're going to
get a reward for it? Yes or no. The Prophet tells us right you have an intention of a good deed. You
don't do it, you get reward for it. But if you have an action with no intention, the action is
futile. There's no reward for it at all. So he's showing us the importance of it.
00:55:33 --> 00:55:47
			The moment goes on and on with the law Holly in his IANA Medina says something very beautiful. He
quotes a scholar who said that whoever can preserve one moment of their life of absolute sincerity
for the sake of Allah
00:55:48 --> 00:55:49
			will be saved from the fire of *.
00:55:50 --> 00:55:52
			He says, Man settimana who
00:55:54 --> 00:55:58
			mean Normally he landed on Harley Sutton leverage Hila Naja.
00:56:00 --> 00:56:25
			And he says, because the honor of his class is such that if a person achieves it even for one moment
in their life while they have him alone, and there are so many examples of this, the lady who
committed Zina her entire life and gave herself off for prostitution, she had lost for one moment.
For the sake of a law. She gave water to an animal and she gave it not in the best bowl or in a
goblet or something, some fancy schmancy utensil, what did she give it in?
00:56:27 --> 00:56:33
			her shoe, her sock, she filled it up in there and she gave it that's the best you could offer it
with. And Allah subhanho wa Taala gave her gentlemen
00:56:34 --> 00:56:41
			what a person does with sincerity, Allah subhana wa tada it gives them gender. There are two
narrations in this regard I wanted to share.
00:56:42 --> 00:56:45
			The first is a narration of moneda Viola one who says,
00:56:46 --> 00:56:55
			I asked a messenger of Allah misogynous Who is the most righteous and the most happy person who's
the most lucky person.
00:56:57 --> 00:57:05
			The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Oh, hooray, I thought no one would ask me this
question I was waiting for someone asked me this question.
00:57:08 --> 00:57:51
			So then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the person who was most righteous or the
person who was most lucky, who will be receiving my intercession on the Day of Judgment, is the one
who said mancala La Ilaha Illa Holly Solomon Calvi, the one who said La Ilaha Illa la with absolute
sincerity from his heart. And similarly, there's another narration from a loving Nosov the loved
one, in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that on the Day of Judgment, Allah
Subhana, WA, tada will call one person in front of all of the creation, and we'll say to him, put
his deeds out in front of him, and he will have 99 volumes of bad deeds 95 volumes of sin, and they
00:57:51 --> 00:58:29
			will be put in one pot one scale. And then on the other scale, only one piece of paper will be
bought, and it'll be put in there. And that one piece of paper will have La Ilaha Illa written in
there. And that one scale, one piece of paper will outweigh all of his deeds. And the scholars of
Hadith after they share this, they say because that not Allah in law came from a sincere place. You
know, perhaps most of them said one of the seven people should be granted a place in the shade of
Allah thrown on the Day of Judgment is the one who cries while they're alone. No one else sees them.
It's just them in a law and they're crying away. That's what sincerity does. What's the function of
00:58:29 --> 00:58:32
			an intention? The function of an intention
00:58:33 --> 00:58:43
			is in three things. The first thing them usually about a minute other to differentiate between
worship and habits. Someone has a habit of just, I don't know.
00:58:46 --> 00:59:26
			wearing clothes, okay. But now you want that wearing clothes to become a bother, what do you do?
Make an intention. Now it becomes a Nevada. So the difference between a habit and an a bother the
difference between the other and the other is a solid intention, then easily the other minella
dummies means to differentiate. The second is the means we're going to add them in and a bother to
differentiate two acts of worship that may be identical. So for example, you're praying for record,
and you're praying them silently. Now either this can be a lot of acid in terms of their actions are
identical, they're the same. Now how do you differentiate between vote and awesome? It's the mean.
00:59:26 --> 00:59:29
			That's the only way otherwise as far as action goes, it's exactly the same.
00:59:31 --> 00:59:49
			And the third thing is differentiating between a mahmudul Huck and alma butalbital. To differentiate
between who is the rightful one to be worship Allah subhana wa tada and to identify the wrongful
Lords in the, in the idols that people worship. This is the third reason.
00:59:51 --> 00:59:57
			Now in this how do you three continue on and we find the purpose of a lot of money was that I'm
talking about digital as well. We'll have a quick discussion here. Then we'll close off
00:59:59 --> 01:00:00
			there are three types
01:00:00 --> 01:00:25
			Digital digital means to migrate 100 Digital means to leave Actually, that's why I'm one How do you
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said 100 I fell who fall fell off Informatica da not.
Whoever stops speaking to his brother for three days, and dies in that state will go to the fire of
*. So the word used for stop speaking his title. And his comes from there too, which means to
leave something. What is hidden I mean here, hey, July is a three times
01:00:26 --> 01:01:07
			I think depaolo mindat gouffre illa Donna, there's a place of disbelief where persecution is
occurring to the believers and you move to a place of safety. It's not necessarily a Muslim ladder,
but it's a safe land. The example of this from the companions time is the migration from Makkah to
Habesha in Makkah, makara they were being persecuted, and Habesha which is today the greeter
Ethiopia, of a Sydney area was where there was safety, so they migrated from one place to another.
The second is on men that will go for a ladder, a man moving from a ladder, disbelief where there is
persecution and you don't have the right to worship Allah, the way Allah has commanded you to a
01:01:07 --> 01:01:15
			place of faith, a place of a man, a city, a state of mind. This is when the Muslims migrated from
mcomber karma to Madina munawwara because Madina munawwara was a state of mind.
01:01:17 --> 01:01:51
			And the third is the spiritual digital, which is an intercom through me darel, fuchu era taqwa to
leave a city leave a place of sin and go to a place of piety. You know, moving from a city moving
from the college town that you went to when you were younger, we're all your friends were there and
all the goofy things in your life haunting you, you move from there, and you go to a city, which is
bigger, where there's a nice machines where you can start your life over again, or even beyond that,
let alone moving from one city to another, just moving from sin period, making Hades and that's what
I want. How do you talk to them said, Al muhajir. Roman hedgerow kataya was
01:01:53 --> 01:02:00
			the true immigrant is the one who leaves sin, who leaves a who leaves major in minors. And
01:02:02 --> 01:02:42
			then in the Hadith, the prophet of the Lord Islam says also says Amen, Carthage Allah to whom he
dunia right, and whoever makes the migrate for the world. What does that mean for for worldly
possessions? dunya comes from that word, what does it mean anatomy there are two positions. The
first is that dunya means to be close. And the other it means to me to be something low, then, then
it means to be to be low, to mean to be low as well. So the reason why it's called Doom er for the
first position is because it's closer to us in comparison to the author. And the reason why it's
called dunia in the second position. Second translation is because its value was very low in
01:02:42 --> 01:02:53
			comparison to the US era where the value is much higher. So don't do something for your worldly
benefit. Let that be your second intention if you need to, maybe you're going to study your deen so
that you can
01:02:54 --> 01:03:14
			feel the pleasure of a law so you can benefit yourself so you can benefit your family. So you can
follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and also maybe so you can make a lot
in common. So you can take your family out, that'd be like a 100th intention on your bucket list.
Don't Don't let that be the first and primary reason why you're doing why you're doing it while
you're doing some deep
01:03:16 --> 01:03:27
			mckuen who was a famous professor, he says, There isn't a person who exercised absolute sincerity
for 40 days. But Allah subhanho wa Taala
01:03:29 --> 01:04:06
			brought fountains of wisdom from his heart and tongue. Wisdom begins to flow from that person, the
one who does everything McLuhan mentions for 40 days and without adjust style again, there's a
famous narration quoted from Felipe Vinayak and I'll close with this. Philemon is when he read the
ayah Olivia calaca moto and hayata Leah Blue asama Surah Al mulk. When he read the ayah they asked
him the students asked him Yeah, Ali Oh, Father Valley for the vinaya By the way, for those of you
who don't know who fully had been a others, he was known as obviously, domain.
01:04:08 --> 01:04:42
			Domain means the worshipper of the two holy cities. And the reason why they call them this is
because they say there wasn't a place in Mocambo karma and Madina munawwara but his tears had fallen
on that ground and soaked that ground. He cried everywhere. There's a famous letter exchanged
between between him and a lot even robotic. He wrote a letter to lighten the bottom of life with
melodic Easter divided his year into doing multiple things. He must been a part of his year for a
Baba a part of his year for seeking knowledge a part of his year in the battlefield like he mix
things up. So they the night out what a letter to him saying, you know, what are you doing, man? Why
01:04:42 --> 01:05:00
			don't you just stick to one thing? Why are you doing everything? So a lot even what a quarter letter
to him. He said to him, yeah, Abdel Khomeini la Sultana. Oh, worshipper of the two holy cities only
if you were to see us, now. *, Eva da boo. You will learn that all the
01:05:00 --> 01:05:21
			bother that you're doing it's all play in comparison to what we're doing. Men gather you people hug
bahuvida more, because you're sitting there making your cheeks wet with your tears for who you are
gonna be the man in the huddle while our horses are soaked in our blood. So stay in your lane.
Right? You're in your place, but this is a whole different realm. This
01:05:22 --> 01:05:32
			was just a he wasn't Oh gee, Mashallah. He wasn't original. So someone asked him the ISS youcam
accelerometer, what does that mean?
01:05:34 --> 01:05:37
			So he said, I said Rama means a philosopher who
01:05:39 --> 01:06:09
			means the most sincere and us wobbu means the most. Correct. So his students said, ma, ma, ma,
suave, what does that mean? The most sincere and the most correct. So He then said, when a person
does a deed, that kind of holly sun, well, I'm Nicole Sullivan, let me know. When a person does a
deed, and he is absolutely sincere for that in that deed, but he isn't doing it properly. It's not
according to the Quran and Sunnah. That's not according to Islamic law. He's just doing it like for
fudger he wants to pray for us.
01:06:11 --> 01:06:22
			Right? He's sincere, but he's doing the action wrong. So what is he saying here? Let me talk about
that action will not be accepted by Allah subhana wa Tada. And he says, and if it isn't sincere,
01:06:23 --> 01:07:01
			but it is right. He then says, again, this won't be accepted about loss of autonomy that kind of
slavery Well, I'm you can Hardison it won't be accepted for Allah subhanho wa Taala. Again, he's a
hottie. akuna hardest son was a lover. The only time it will be accepted by Allah is when it is
sincere. And it is no it is in accordance with the Shetty the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, and then he said something beautiful. He said, alcohol is an akuna Allah was so up
an akuna sooner for him to do it sincerely proves that he did it for Allah. And for him to do it
properly proves that he did it for the purpose of the law it was set him on T according to the
01:07:01 --> 01:07:36
			teaching of the purpose of the law it was to them so having it salaat correctly done and hardest
sincerely done is a it's a gesture of this person's ultimate devotion to a lot in the distance of
mamani awesome. So in today's class we learned about the importance of sincerity and how our
sincerity should be in all of our actions. When we see our so he when we make our intentions when we
worship Allah subhana wa tada when we repent to Allah when remember Allah subhana wa Tada. Every
time we utter a statement we are sincere for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. When we rely on
Allah we are sincere for lust, and sincere to Allah subhana wa Tada. When we do our deeds, when we
01:07:36 --> 01:07:55
			interact with other people, we are sincere to Allah subhana wa Tada. And as we study and as we
teach, and as we engage in this beautiful action of dalim in tandem, let it be also for the sake of
Allah subhanho wa Taala we pray that Allah subhanaw taala blesses us all with sincerity, what sort
of law that said Mohammed saramonic light Allah