Hosam Helal – LeftOver Olive Oil Ramadan Series Omar Ibn AlKhattab Ep. 4

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A woman describes how her father, who is the head of the Church of the Baywatch, is distributing olive oil to poor people and sending it to their faces. She describes how her father uses the containers he opened to create a mess and shave off his hair. She also mentions that her father had a lesson to take in the future to avoid losing his hair.
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Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu
salam ala Ashura, Fillmore saline. Omar Abdullah kebab, the Emir of
the Khalifa, the leader of the Muslims, was always doing his best
to serve and to meet the needs of his people. So one day, olive oil
containers are brought to him. Now he looks at all these olive oil
containers that have come again from a sham and they're to be
distributed to specific poor people. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna
have Bob the Khalifa. He's distributing them one by one to
the poor. And interestingly, whatever he is able to get, he
squeezes out of the containers, because he really wants to ensure
that everybody gets their share. Now, whatever he's finished with a
container squeezing out of it as much as he can, he casts it to the
side throws it to the side. Now, interestingly, his son, Abdullah
had normal are one of his children in other narrations, he takes all
these olive oil containers, and he opens them. Remember, they're
done. They're thrown in the garbage, he opens them, and he
takes whatever little drops I love. And he puts them on his
eyebrows on his hair. And then he walks towards, oh, my God, no
hubbub with his hair all, you know, very, very shiny, very well
groomed, normally. Bob looks at him, and he tells him, Where did
you come up with this? He tells him Well, Dad, do you know the
containers that you threw out? Right? I took them I open them up.
And I just took, you know, whatever. I couldn't just put them
on my hair. And on my eyebrows. He told him you did that with the
containers that don't belong to us. Why did you do this? Why do
you feel you have the privilege to take that which doesn't belong to
you? And he felt that our son was doing it again because he was the
Khalifa son and he thought you could get away with it. So to
teach him a lesson in honesty and irresponsibility. He sent him to
the barber shop and requested that the barber shop completely shave
all his hair off so that he would learn not again to take that which
does not belong to Him, even if it's remnants of what was thrown
or what was left over. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to revive
the sense of honesty and allow us to be from those who always
maintain honesty in all and throughout our lives. Just like
Kamala hair was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato to take
advantage of Ramadan, because sooner than later, it's going to
be too late.