Hosai Mojaddidi – The Pious Beautician in Pharaohs Palace

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
A woman describes how her father threatened her and killed her children, causing her to become upset and become upset. She describes the
AI: Transcript ©
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frowns, daughter's beautician, right? So it's his daughter from a

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previous marriage had this beautician and one day she was

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combing from daughter's hair, and the comb fell to the ground. And

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she had, you know, become accustomed to calling on the name

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of Bob law. So as you know, sometimes it's reflexive, you

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know, just Smilla Hamdulillah we say these things, she said,

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So his daughter, and now we have to see the other side, right? So

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his daughter who's, of course,

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suspicious of this, she inquires, do you mean my father? Because

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what would fit on? Do he claimed to be God? So she's, this is how

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he had the power that he had, he would force people to accept that

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he was all the blood, a God or not, oh, God, the God stuff Allah.

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So she's just trying to push you know a little bit more to find out

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who she means. And she asks her directly.

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Do you mean my father? And then the hairdresser boldly says, No,

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my lord, and you're in the Lord of your father are the same Allah.

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So imagine the strength of this hairdresser. I mean, just think

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you know, anybody. I mean, just think about the faith and the

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conviction, and the courage it takes to the daughter of the Most

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tyrannical human being on the planet, that you're going to tell

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her that I don't believe that your father's anything, you know, I

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believe in another gods. So she was clearly someone. And so the

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daughter, his daughter, infuriated, she goes, and she

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tells her father that this is what this woman said, now he's a

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monster, we have to just accept he's a monster, he's not going to

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accept this. This is a slight, it's an insult to him. He has to

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make an example out of her. So he basically threatened her and he

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orders again, his henchmen to go and to fill a pit with boiling

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copper. Okay, so it's like a flame of copper, just imagine the scene.

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And she threatens that he is going to not only torture her and kill

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her. But before that, just to add some more torture to it. He's

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going to torture or kill her children. And one by one, make her

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And you have to see the story from all these sides. She just boldly

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confronted this tyrant. And she's still she has this the common

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she's still standing straight. She's not bowing down.

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So she all she says is one request.

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Can I just can't even fathom this type of courage. One request, just

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please collect my bones and my children's bones saw I want.

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Miraculously, he agreed to her one condition.

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So one by one, they were thrown in front of her.

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The last one was her nursing infant. So she actually had a

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nursing infant.

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And she just imagine she, she wavered for a moment. Like I can't

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do this. You know, just that whisper. So whisper. This is an

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And subhanAllah I there's four babies who spoke, he was one of

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them. He says to her, right, he says mother throw me and it's okay

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because the other the punishment of the next world is far worse

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than anything in this life. The baby spoke, Allah inspire this

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baby to give his mother that courage and Subhanallah both of

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them perished.

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Their bodies, their physical bodies, of course, we know the

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reality. Now this story was I mean, people watched it. This was,

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you know, something that they gathered to watch. And icea or the

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Aloha nurse, she also saw this deeply affected her,

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really affected her to see this. I mean, it would affect anyone,

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anyone with decency and humanity. While others were cheering and

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applauding here. She was moved by the reality that she's done,

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pretending she's done, masking her true beliefs. She realized up

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until that point that he asked his wife, what would he do to her he

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raped women he torture children. He killed people without with

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impunity with no thought. What would he do to her but in that

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moment, seeing the faith of this hairdresser and her children

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perish in front of her, she realized she's done. So she goes

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up to him. And she says to him, right.

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further to become right I do not believe in you. Right? Well that

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will barely and I don't care what you do to me.

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You I don't I don't believe in you anymore. You're nothing I don't

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believe in you and I don't care what you do to me. Mental rugby

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moves our beheren Rabbil Alameen I believe in the Lord of Musa and

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the Lord of Haroon the Lord of All the Worlds when the prophesy

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Saddam was experiencing the Islamic Mirage, okay, he's on the

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greatest ascent right? I mean, he's literally this is the

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highlight the peak of his his experience, right? I mean, in in

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that moment, he said a smell came to me.

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He didn't know the smell and he asked it is ended up like, what

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does that smell? Where did that come from? And he said, that is

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the fragrance of the hairdresser.

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Of this story of ESEA hearse her fragrance is in Jana, it's

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throughout Jenna, he smelled it, she is significant. So a lot of

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times shaytaan makes us feel small and invisible. But we have to

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remember it doesn't matter if people know you. And I am sure I

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can speak on behalf of everyone here just because you know you

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have a public name or a public persona. It this is insignificant.

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It is does it Allah subhanaw taala Am I prioritizing him, that's all

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that matters. That's it. And if you do that you are very you are

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known to him He loves you. It's a and he'll confirm that for you but

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don't look at things from these this this lens that this dunya

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teaches you to see that your value is only placed in your external

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your beauty how much wealth you have, how much money you have,

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whether you're married, whether you have children, insignificant,

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right insignificant significance all about Allah subhanaw taala and

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as I said, you know there may be many of us who, who, you know, in

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the future, no one will know us but in sha Allah, Allah subhana wa

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Tada. He of course knows us, He made us so inshallah as I can walk

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in and I'll pass the mic back.

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