Hosai Mojaddidi – Seven Groups of People Beloved to God (Interfaith Gems)

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of good deeds in one's faith and how it is used to prevent sinful behavior. They also mention a tradition of the Prophet Muhammad's peace be upon, where people are instructed to wash their linens face up to four or five times a day, depending on their prayer practices. The speaker also mentions a series of traditions that the Prophet Muhammad shares, including washing one's linens face up to four or five times a day, and sharing the mercy of God.
AI: Transcript ©
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We also have in the Quran defined groups that God has outlined of

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people that he loves. So I'll read these in there in no particular

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order. The first group are called the Alessi Nene. And these are the

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doers of good. So people who are engaged in just good benevolent

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acts and deeds, the second our ultimate pain, and these are those

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people who are mindful of God who are really self aware and watchful

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over themselves, and they have the understanding that God is also

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ever watchful, local city and these are the equitable and just

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so people who really push for justice and fairness, and mobile

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and Mata, I'm sorry, eloquent are the headings of tongue twister.

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Those who purify themselves, we have a tradition of the Prophet

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Muhammad peace be upon him that cleanliness is part of or half of

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faith. So that's why you may find when you visit a mosque, for

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example, we will have spaces pretty large, considerable spaces

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for the what we call the illustration or ablution that we

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is required of us before prayer. So Muslims will sometimes be

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washing our linens face up to four or five, maybe more times a day,

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depending on how many prayers we're doing. And so cleanliness in

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general is a very big part of of our faith, to wellbeing, those who

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returned to him. So this is repentant people who have

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rebelled, who are in a state of repentance, they are, you know,

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they have sinned, they have perhaps lapsed, and they returned

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to God knowing that his mercy is vast, and they do not let their

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sinfulness impede that process of, of returning to him no matter how

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many times they make mistakes, and there's quite a few different

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traditions of the Prophet Muhammad where he shares that even if your

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sins are as much as the foam of the ocean

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