Hosai Mojaddidi – Romeo’s Shahadah (Declaration of Faith)
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All right. Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu
salam ala Shiva lambier even more serene se than our Miranda Why
have you been a Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, while
he was certainly a son of this demon Kathira salam Wa alaykum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh welcome everyone and Hamdulillah we are so
honored and excited tonight to be able to host yet another shahada
here at MCC I've lost count to be honest of how many we've had
Michelle mathematical on May Allah keep continuing to increase them
and we have one or more than one every single day in sha Allah. But
we're very honored to have our dear brother, our young congregant
Brother Yes, seen here who I was just informed. This is his second,
facilitating his second shahada this month. So our young
congregant yes seen has mashallah is doing the hard work. He's out
there and he's doing his hard work and he's mashallah reaching the
hearts. He's brought his dear, I think best friend or close friend,
Romeo today, and I'm going to pass the mic on because apparently,
they have an incredible story that I'm really eager to hear. So I'm
going to ask brother your scene to go ahead, he's also going to
facilitate the shahada, which I love, it's beautiful their
friends, this is going to be a memory for a lifetime that they
will have. Inshallah, so you're seeing please welcome us to or
share with us your story. This will last and I want to
So basically, the story began yesterday,
last night, and like around five o'clock, me and I got decided to
call up Romeo, I wanted to go ask him about something right. And
then the conversation just eventually evolved into, like life
in general. And how like, today's society, there's so many issues,
you know, issues of masculinity, men are not really men nowadays,
how the world is influenced by like, corrupt people. And then
slowly over time, I just started to like, I told her on me about
Islam, and how it fixed every single one of these issues. 1400
years ago, these issues of like, masculinity, I told Romeo about
how, right yeah, how like, it's not Jesus had to be, like, just
blew my mind. Yeah, yeah. So I told Romeo about all that, right.
I told Romeo about how you should stop playing video games. Stop.
Stop watching all these movies is wasting of time, right? I told
them how to slim. It makes you constantly improve every single
day, every single day, you just want to be a better person every
single day. You want to get closer to gender, right? So I just told
them about that. I told them I'll like and Islam, the whole like,
concept of is like consistency. You're always consistent. You're
consistent with your prayers, you're consistent with your like
your thicket, you know, and consistency always like leads to
success if you know what you're doing. And subhanAllah I told
Romeo that he wants to seek the truth. And Romeo's he really did
and I was like, All right, I want you to look at the Quran. And
subhanAllah I show him a video and they explained about the
mathematical he will explain how you felt about that. Yeah, yeah,
he told me the watch this like 13 Mini minute video that basically
explained that so I watched it and it was part of the video. It
mentioned how basically like everybody that's read the Quran,
Quran sorry about that.
They shed tears. And I was like, that's, that's wild. So I
I listened to the first 15 verses of it. And
it was so crazy. Like I actually started shedding tears from it. I
was like, Wait, I don't always use a mind blown. I was like,
I'm still like really shocked on my bad about that. But it's, it's
wild is finalized, show them the first 15 verses of Surah Baqarah.
And it basically talks about how like, this is the book for those
who want guidance, right. And Romeo's, you know, he wanted the
truth. He wanted to speak the truth. Unlike the majority of
people today, Romeo like he honestly like wanted to seek
guidance, it did not want to reject it. He did not want to like
waste time. You know, and because of that spawn Allah Allah made
meet the means of him to be guided. He will explain to you
what happened like last couple weeks school, you know, yeah, you
want to Okay, so basically, I'll
catch you
hungry and
so, like, what happened was a lie. You know, I just I felt really bad
that I knew about Islam. I felt really bad about like my non
Muslim friends, how they don't understand it. They don't get it.
And it like it will lie. It broke my heart right. So like, I
remember sometimes at night I prayed to pray and I would always
ask Allah to do it, you know, sasco Allah, you know, guide my
friends, guide them to the truth guide them, make them see that
She was and then Subhan Allah no Romeo at this. Yeah, like, like, I
don't know where like, I just started thinking about like the
truth more and
I don't I don't even know how to explain it like it was just it was
just weird. Like
I was just living my normal life in like one like the middle of the
day randomly always I just started thinking really deep. And I was
like, I don't I want to start like working I want to start like
making my days more productive. I don't want to just like kind of do
nothing most of the time. Like I was starting to get tired or doing
Yeah, I was I was just like, I was like roaming, I felt bored of
life. You know, I've always felt like there was something even more
out there and more and more greater than me. And then supine
on Lionel, like me and Romeo just connected, by the way we had at
that time, like when school ended, right, like in like, what May June
1, we had to speak. I haven't spoke to Romeo since like
yesterday, and like a month time.
And then immediately me and him clicked. Right away, right? Out of
nowhere. Yeah, out of nowhere. We like a deep discussion for like
three hours. Right? Just talking back and forth. Well, I can't
remember everything, but like, it was just so mind blowing. You
know, Subhan Allah.
Like, and even Aikido? Yeah, it was that conversation, it was also
really nice to connect with him for all the things we're talking
about. Because there's only like one other person that I'm actually
friends with, that I'm actually able to speak about, you know,
like society and like, just a lot of deep things. And
it was it was just like a really nice conversation. Like, really
nice, mind blowing conversation. Yeah, and, you know, because,
like, again, majority of our age group, you know, they're just
like, they know, they're not men, you know, they're not true men,
you know, they don't think they don't want to use their brains.
They're just, they just want to play on their PlayStation all day.
They don't care about knowledge and Supplemental Life, just like
let them go outside you can see like, the beautiful world, instead
of that, you know, they rather like stay home, waste their time
on like Netflix movies, nothing that benefits them. And when I
realized this, like it really like it just killed my, it killed my
hopes for like, you know, I just I hated it. I was wasting time. It
was just it was killing me. And I hated it so much. And I wanted to
see truth on acknowledge. And then like, will lie. And like after
that I just started learning more and more about Islam. I started
learning about the masculinity and manhood over civil law, some are
based on them, and how he's like the perfect role model. Right?
Yeah. I was telling him about him and spa, you know? Yeah. And you
want to explain how the miracle of the Quran how Muhammad cannot read
or write.
So, normally, I was talking on the dinner table, like outside you
were at a homeless shelter. So no, he could not read or write. But he
came up with something like the Quran. Yeah.
When he was when, when he was telling me this yesterday, about
that, I
I'm, like, still kind of speechless on it. But yeah, that
was literally my reaction. I was just, I was speechless. Like, I
didn't know what to.
I didn't know what to say. Like, at all. I was just speechless.
Like, I still am a little speechless right now. Like, kind
of like my back for that. But, um, it was just, yeah, like I said, it
was really nice conversation. And it made me want to, you know,
learn more about this and I want to
every night actually, I was gonna listen to I'm gonna listen to the
15 verses of the Quran every night, then I already did one
yesterday. So
you know, Hamdulillah you know, like, well, I like the only one
message I just want to give to people out there is like, you
know, what, Brother Munir said that Muslims are like, the biggest
criminals out there. Because like, we have the truth, we have the
knowledge, but like a bunch of us, especially the youth, they're like
ashamed of it. They're ashamed to go pray. They're ashamed to say
I'm a Muslim, they're ashamed to grow the beard or change, like do
anything. And then like, you know, will lie and said, you know, like
the JVC refused already. The Muslim men they refuse to pray
they refuse to like to do anything because they're embarrassed. They
have this inferiority complex. They think like, you know, that
we're lesser than like, these non muslims so it's just completely
wrong. Like because we have the truth, you know, like we're being
criminals here are so Allah talk to someone like, you know, a non
Ottawa, he placed a trust amongst us, right that every single one of
us become dahlias. Every single one of us spread the message of
style. Because we all have that capability. You know, like, a lie.
You know, if it was if it wasn't me, like if it was any other
muscles Romea would have came to the same conclusion. That's the
beauty of Islam. But like most of us, like we just refuse
If you're just embarrassed, and like, it's, it's sad, because you
know, a lie, we have the truth, you know? Like, why do we not want
to spread the truth? Why are we embarrassed by it? Why are we
like, you know, lying to ourselves? You know, it's messed
up, you know?
like that anything? Um, I'd like to talk about this morning. Okay,
go ahead. So, last night, I couldn't really sleep for a minute
of everything that he told me I should hours to like, just really
just mind blown. Like, I literally just couldn't go to sleep. Like I
have so much energy for no reason. And I was so sick, like, I
couldn't go to sleep. So I think I ended up going to sleep at like,
one o'clock. And I woke up at six. So I didn't I didn't get like, too
much. I didn't get like, too good. Like, usually I'd get like, around
like eight or nine hours asleep.
You know, because I try to get good hours asleep. But this
morning, I woke up like,
like, I've never had that good of sleep and like weeks and No, no,
not weeks, months. Like, like it was actually mind blowing. And
then. And then he called me. And then he was like, How do you feel?
I was like, Dude, I haven't had this good sleep in a while. Like,
what? And then he was like, Yeah, that was like the same thing for
me. Like, I had like two hours of sleep. And I still felt like, I
just I just slept really good now, dude, that's like,
it's Homsar.
Like, he really we really experienced the same thing. Like
it's so
it's wild. It really is, you know?
Yeah, another nerfing my, but another thing I'd like to add on
with that is,
even when I did wake up, like I didn't, I didn't want to, like do
what I normally did. Like, I didn't want to, like, just hang
out or do nothing on my house. Like I actually wanted to be
productive with my day. So that's what I was doing. I was being
productive. And
like, I was enjoying it. Like it was
good. I've never enjoyed.
like not to come up with.
Doing work like that hasn't been too enjoyable like that. But like
this was the first time like, I actually really enjoyed working,
which was
the thing for me, because like with the whole prayer thing, I was
like I'm loud admit this, I was not really the most practicing
Muslim until like recently, December, right? I figured it out.
Like when I started praying my five prayers, when I started being
more consistent with Islam, and I started proving myself a lie. Like
I love working though, you know, it's very easy for me, I'm gonna
just like just to be productive. And now I just for some reason,
hate this. I have this hatred, of just wasting time. I have this
hatred of just sitting there doing nothing, right? Yeah, it's just so
boring. Like, I can't stand it, like, you know, always got to
improve. I always gotta gain knowledge. I always got to do
something, you know? And it's,
Like, today, my friends asked if they could hang out with me. So I
was like, Sure. So I invited them to my house. And we're hanging out
for like, a good two hours. And I was like, I literally just looked
at all my friends. I was like, dude, like, we're not doing
anything. Y'all can just like, go right now. I'm not gonna lie, cuz
like, I started getting a headache. Because they're just, I
mean, they're having a good time. And I was sitting there like,
Dude, we're doing nothing. Like, I don't want to do nothing. Like
y'all can just go right now. So
this event is
too late to say anything else. Are You Ready?
Ready? You're ready. I don't know what I'm ready for.
So, let me explain to you what the shahada is. So the shahada is
basically a declaration of faith. You're telling all these people
now that I'm a Muslim? And once you say these words like that,
Omar Muhammad, was this the greatest? I'll slow down for you
don't worry. It's the greatest. It's the greatest one of the
greatest statements of all time. Because, you know, like, like, the
word laying on a wall. There's no god worthy of worship, except the
love that is so powerful. You know, like that could honestly
like save you from like, *. Yeah, like, legit. There'll be a
man on Yom Okayama on the Day of Judgment, right? They'll have all
these sins, and he'll be like, Man, he's thinking to himself, I'm
gonna go to *. Right? And then there'll be one card that says
Latina have a wall, and it'll be put on this good seeds, right? You
know what happened? All his bad deeds, his mountains of bad deeds
dropped immediately because of that one statement alone. And
because of that, you're going to agenda to heaven. Like yeah,
that's how powerful that statement is. And it's so powerful and the
fact that after once you say it, you're like a new Muslim. You're
like brand new. You're like it
newborn baby, every single thing that you did I don't care how bad
it was no sense any syndrome. It's forgiven immediately. Yeah. So
prepare yourself
it's a simple statement. No pressure, you know? Yeah, okay.
I shall do shadow.
Repeat after me a shadow. I said that La ilaha illa. Nola none,
then Allah Allah wa shadow y Shalu a Na Na Mohammed, Mohammed
Abdullah who
are up the hill up to World War world. War Zulu Rosaleen in
my bad has all this going on? It's fine. It's fine. Okay. I'm gonna
say in English. Now you're going to repeat after me. I bear
witness. I bear witness that there is no dadey that there is no God,
that, no way would you say that they do it. There is no there is
no deity
worthy of worship, worthy of worship, except ALLAH, except
Allah. And I bear witness and I bear witness that Muhammad that
Mohammed is the servant is the servant, a messenger of Allah and
messenger of Allah last year and with some Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar, you know, now you're a Muslim, every single thing you
just did is forgiving, you know?
That's why
shallow. And so, Inshallah, I'll teach you how to teach the Fatiha
the first chapter on on, and then I'll teach you how to pray today,
inshallah. Yeah, and I got you said, or money or has like the
box, right? Yeah. Someone who has like the Muslim box, and it will
teach you, it will help you out. We have Muslim programs out there.
So don't worry about it. Don't feel overwhelmed. Just take it one
step at a time. All right. All right.
You want to?
Oh, no, no, it's fine. It's fine. It's in that suddenly it's in your
office. It's in my bed.
So when he's bringing
you want to tell us how you feel like,
that conversation last night was actually so mind blowing. Like
not and especially coming in here. Like I felt so welcomed into this.
I appreciate that dinner, and I'm finally
got to anytime.
Yeah, go ahead.
On the you know, I know you don't have to cancel like when new
Muslims convert to some some of them. They choose Muslim name. But
you don't have to choose a nuisance. You know? Okay. Yeah,
it's fine. You can keep roaming if you like, but you know.
Yeah. All right. So
shall we? So let's start you off. This is your prayer memoir. Shala.
You know, so when we pray five times a day, we face Mecca, right?
You know, black cube capital, right? Yeah, we face that
direction. And then we pray. Right? And show love. Oh, we got
you a bunch of books right by Hamza unification.
Right. So like, it's my Hamza Yusuf. He's a famous Muslim
preacher. You know, everyone knows him. He sometimes comes here,
right? So, I'll leave that book right here.
You know, then we have this book, the book of assistance for new
Muslims, this is going to help you out a lot. Until you're right now
for a long time you're gonna be you might feel lonely, but just
trust me, these books are going to be like your best friend's robe.
All right. The next book is this being a Muslim, a practical guide,
it's gonna help you out trust me, like, okay, like it's gonna be
alright. And this is the greatest book of all time. Got it? Yes,
sir. Yes. This is the Quran. And it's our Masha Allah is even with
the last sermon. So like it's the English translation. You can take
that Be careful with it's the word of Allah directly, right? Yeah.
It's like the one of the it's the greatest book of all time, there's
going to be nothing like this book until the Day of Judgment,
there'll be nothing. So just take care of it. You know, read it, and
trust me any any questions you have any stressful situation that
you're gonna have. You're gonna find it in this book. Eventually,
you just got to read it, you know? You got to think over. Yeah. So
this is this is your new Muslim guy, and I appreciate it and I got
you anytime.
So again, don't feel overwhelmed. We're going to take this baby
steps, you know? Yeah. So