Hosai Mojaddidi – . Rania Awaad’s Weekly Friday Evening Halaqa (01.13.23)
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AI: Transcript ©
Welcome everyone.
Smith, Haman hamdulillah salat wa salam ala Ashraf, an MBA will not
sit here and say then our Modena Why have you been on Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while he was on the stream and cathedra
shall we're going to begin with the recitation of Surah Mulk and
then we have Vicki, and then inshallah we will begin the Talk
for tonight to Dr. H Hall will be here next week. So if you want to
quickly grab almost half you can do that from the masjid or if you
have your phone app, or if you haven't memorized even better
mashallah, but there's still great reward even if you have it
memorized to read because you'll get double the reward or triple
reading and listening.
And reciting alright
all the bIllahi min a ship on ergy Bismillah hair wash man or washi
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Ila in Illa Illa. Anta Subhanak in equal to middle volume in the
ilaha illa and Subhanak. In the consuming of body Nene. ilaha illa
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illa and the Subhanak in equal Tumino body mean?
Salah mukha hula Mirova Rahim. Salam o Allah Mirova Rahim. Salam
Kovalam Mirova Rahim, salam, Murat Beerwah he said Mukalla Middlewood
Bill Rahim. Salah
Rahim Sena.
Murad Bill working laser Aloha Dooney law he can Shiva laser
humming Dooney la HCA Sheikha laser la Hamming Dooney la he can
Shiva laser humming Dawn Illa he goes Shiva Lee Salah Hermione
Allah He goes Shiva Lee Salah humming Dawn Allah Hagar Shiva
Lisa La Herman door
Nilda hicare Shiva Lisa Hamming Dooney Allah He can Shiva
Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala se then our Mola now Mohamed
Allahumma Salli wa Sallim wa Barik Al Asad and our Maulana Muhammad
Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala se then our Mola and I'm
Mohamed Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala se then our Maulana
Muhammad Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Sayidina Muhammad
Allahumma salli wa salam ala Ricard. Let's say that I want to
learn how Muhammad Allahumma Salli wa Sallim wa Barik I'll say that I
want to learn how Mohammed Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik
ala se then our Mola now Muhammad
Mashallah, Charlotte, so I want to go
so, for those who
remember the last two times I came, I said we'd be reading from
the Content of Character. Does anyone have the book with them?
Right, that's okay. Mashallah. So the Content of Character is a
collection of Hadith from the prophesy setup.
That was actually put together by a chef, el Amin Elmas Rui, and she
comes a use of translated these Hadith into English for US English
speaking community, but hamdulillah he's also provided the
Arabic so if you wanted to learn or memorize the Hadith, they have
both the Arabic and English and I think it's a really great
collection. It's about character development. So a lot of teachers
use this just for, you know, their own students, but also, it's a
good gift for, you know, Congressi that there's a lot of non Muslims
who, who've used this as a collection just to defer to or to
talk, you know, to teach from so.
Sorry, just give me a moment so I can pull up my slides here
are my own notes here. Okay, so, the Hadith that we covered, I said
that inshallah anytime I'm asked to substitute for Dr. Rania, may
Allah bless her and continue to give her Sofia mict offer, she
returned safely from her trip, that I would try to do a text with
you guys just so that we feel you know, like, we're doing something
that has continuity. So Inshallah, if you don't have this book, I do
recommend getting it, but they haven't out of print, so you might
want to check, they're supposed to be reprinting it soon. So
inshallah it will be available soon. But that word by the end of
you know, however many substitutions I do, will have,
hopefully finish this text inshallah. But we left off on
Hadith number two, so there's quite a few of them. So we have a
long way to go before that, but 100 left. So the Hadith that I
wanted to start off with today is
I'll read it for you here honest with Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam or at any minute Allah with Abdullah ministry upon and this is
reported reported, excuse me in obey happy the collection of obey
happy. Anybody know what this hadith is? Raise your hand if
you're familiar with this hadith.
Good Marsh, if you speak Arabic, you might have put it together
because it's a short Hadith. But this is a very, very important
Hadith somehow, I mean, all the Hadith are important. But the
message here is so essential for us in this modern world, but its
consideration is from God, and haste is from the devil. Right?
So, again, it's such a short, concise Hadith, that you have to
really think about the wisdom in this.
In the words here, because when we talk about what is consideration,
right, what is consideration, and what is haste, and how they're so
far apart from each other, when you are considering doing
something, what are you doing? What is the activity?
Is it a? Is it a thing that you're doing with your physical body, or
another part of you, when you're considering something?
Your mind, right, you're using
your intellect, you're using reasoning. So, when you are
weighing a decision before you spring into action, you are using
the faculty. That is what differentiates us between every
other of Allah's creation is the highest part of our form, right?
The the part of our creation, our intellect, so you are actually
pausing and you're weighing and you're thinking about the
consequences of your actions. Like you're thinking about whether or
not you're seeking immediate gratification, or is there wisdom
is there, maybe wisdom and waiting to act, you're you're doing all of
that in that activity of considering right? Whereas the
opposite of that is when we go into rush decisions, right? We're
impulsive. So if you think of
Again, that we are, when we are
processing and we're actually thinking about our choices, what
kind of mindfulness and presence a person has to have to get there,
you can see why it's considered from a gift from Allah subhanaw
taala. Right, to be able to use wisdom, right to be able to be
judicious in your decisions before you go into action is a gift from
Allah subhanaw taala. And if you think about the world, currently,
and some of the ways that maybe we have witnessed, you know, people
behaving around us whether in our own personal lives, or around us,
you can see that there's not a lot of reasoning happening, right? A
lot of people are not using their intellect, what are they using
instead of their intellect? What is it? What is? What are the other
parts of our creation that compel us? If it's not our mind,
informing us about something? What other drives do we have?
Emotions, very good. Emotions, passions, desires, right? So I may
have shared this with you last time, but it's just something you
should know, especially if you're a parent or a teacher, just for
your own knowledge. To refer to that, you know, it's something
that we get from Imam Al Ghazali, and others even before him, but he
really brought it to our, in our tradition, was the idea that we
have three parts to us, right, we have a doctrine, that helps us to
reason, then we have the heart where our emotions are centered.
And this is what, you know, many of us, when we are acting, yes, we
act on our emotions, right? We're not always thinking, rash
decisions, or just emotional decisions. Or if we're not doing
that, then the other part of us is the appetites, desires that fuel
us, right. So he helped us to understand that in order for you
to really have control, you have to see yourself or your intellect
as the driver of these other two forces, right. And he gave us
analogies to understand the other two forces. So the emotions, he
gave the analogy of the hunting dog, right, which is trained, so
your emotions have to be trained, you can't just feel everything all
the time, you have to know what to feel in its appropriate time and
context. And if you don't learn that, right, you you become a
dysregulated person, you're not a person that's feeling according to
an intellectual or even, you know, not quote, unquote, normal
process, there's something else affecting your emotions, right? If
you don't learn to do that. So the hunting dog is a really good
analogy, because, again, it puts you back in charge that you have
to learn how to control yourself. And this is what we see in this
society. A lot of people have very little control of themselves. You
know, they get angry over the smallest thing. You know, I'm sure
you've seen these videos that are just coming out almost daily, of
someone who's, who didn't get their order, right at a
restaurant, right? And what happens here, like what, you know,
they they'll throw the food back in the server's face. That is not
that person has no, you know, rational. I mean, they're not in a
rational state. They're a highly emotional state, they do not have
control their emotions or road rage, right? How many of you have
experienced road rage being run off the road? Like, I can't even
count how many times in my own life, I've experienced people that
I'm like, law held on up within me that like, what did I do to you?
Right? That they are ready to basically kill me and my children
in the car. Like I remember one. Man out of the villa here, it was
huge monster trucks, you know, like those massive trucks with the
wheels that are like higher than most cars. And I don't know what
he was doing with that truck on a regular city road. But anyway, he
just came from behind so fast toward my car. And I got so scared
because you know, I'm looking in the rearview mirror and seeing
this car just accelerating very high at a light. So I'm, like, so
scared, and I veered to the side of the road, because I don't know
what he's gonna do. He's gonna ram his car into me. And I think no, I
think I went into the other. I don't know what I did. I swerved
somehow. And then he came. Yeah, he came to my right to the right
side of me. And he was just so angry and yelling, and he started,
you know, cursing and a lot of Islamophobic, let's say, terms,
and I was like, where did you even see me? Nothing, too. I didn't. I
didn't. I didn't see him before. I don't know what happened. But
anyway, he was so enraged. And I was just like, it was like a
shaytaan. Like, just driving that car was not a human being the way
that he was looking at me. And I was like, I have kids in the car.
My kids were very small. So I was so scared that he was going to try
to crash into my car with his monster truck. So there are people
like that who just do not have any regulation of their emotion and we
may interact with them every day, which is why I mean, this is just
a side note.
But, you know, the world is a place where imminent danger is all
around us. So if you're not doing your prayers, you're not doing
you're Elrod. And seeking Allah's protection, you are in a way
putting yourself in harm's way. We have a dean that is always, you
know, it's a protective Dean, everything that we do is, you
know, to is pre empting some form of danger, right? We're taught
that so our will do our prayers, all of our ADA is to put us in a
state of, you know, protection with Allah subhanaw taala. So, if
you're leaving the house, especially in this weather, like
the rain, we're here in California, the rain is so bad.
You want to be very careful. Be very careful, please, do your
prayers. Do your Elrod, make your DUA of getting into the car know
these things. And if you don't know them, memorize them, learn
them, write them down, put it on your phone, so that you remind
yourself but don't take these things for granted. Or, or forget
that they were given to us as a means for us to protect ourselves,
right? So emotions, right if we don't learn to control them are
like a dog that's gone. Rabid rabid dogs are very dangerous.
Rabies, by the way is one of the most dangerous things God protect
all of us from rabies. You can't survive rabies, if you don't get
treatment within a certain window, although it's not curable. Anyway,
that's just something that I always think about because, you
know, there's animals that are, you never know. But anyway, a
rabid dog is what you have you're working with when you don't work
on regulating your emotions. And so then there's that analogy he
gives us your moment of Azadi Rahim Allah. And then he tells us
that the other part of us is our appetite. So our stomach and our
private parts right, are governed by you know, this is where lust
and desire have to be contained. And the analogy he gives us
anybody remember? So no, I feel like I shared this with you last
time. Let's see who's who's paying attention. Does anybody remember?
What animal he associated with the appetites? Think about? What
animal do you think of that has no control of their appetites? Very
good. A Pic. Right? Pigs, we know pigs will eat anything. They'll
eat everything and anything. They're pretty unhinged animal. So
algebra from ever having being being enslaved by your desire to
the point that you behave the way a pig would. But this is what we
are taught. It's a very simple system that even children can
understand if you teach them that you don't want to be. And you can
use this language, you don't want to be a dog person. You don't want
to be a pig person. You want to be a human being, right? Dog people
and pig people get themselves in trouble a lot. They're highly
reactive people. There are people that are triggered easily. They're
people who have no control of themselves. Our Deen teaches us to
not be that way. And the way that we do it is encapsulated in this
beautiful, concise Hadith. Consideration is from Allah think,
before you speak. Think before you act,
think before you make major decisions in your life.
Because the consequences of those decisions, of course, are only
known to Allah. But if you're not carefully thinking about your
decisions and choices, in words, you may suffer the consequences.
But if you do that, you know. And I mean, a good analogy, for
example, you know, again, in this day and age,
how a good example of how emotions or lust can overcome people is
with marriage. Many people get into a marital car situation, not
really thinking through whether or not the person is going to make a
good partner for life. Right? They're acting on fear sometimes,
right? If you are a certain age, or maybe there's pressure mounting
from different directions, you might feel like oh my god, if I
don't get married soon, I'm gonna blow it. This is my last shot. I
gotta take this opportunity. So there may be a fear that compels
you, or it could be desire, right? Some people are so overwhelmed
with the desire for marriage, a desire for the status of being
married a desire for the wedding. Right? We want that big wedding
and the celebrations are getting bigger and bigger all the time.
Right? I just saw a video the other day of it was like a
lot of people you know, you can do as they wish with their wealth,
but I was like, wow, she the bride came in and like this massive,
built like chariot. Like it was just a really big, big thing and
she's just sitting there by herself and
it's really wedding day. But I feel like the pressure to go big
is just so it's just increasing. I feel like everybody's trying to
one up the wedding of the year than the year before. I got we got
to do this. We got to do that. So anyway, the wedding becomes
preoccupation. So that desire for that, well, maybe it's just lust,
or, you know, that's a human impulse. Some people just expedite
or rush the process because they want to get to that part of it, or
children, some people don't even really care for the marriage very
much, they just can't wait to have a baby, right and have that
status. So those were all beautiful in and of themselves,
desires and virtues. were allowed to want relationships and
companionship, but if you are, I say, this is a word of caution to
anybody who's single and looking. If you see clear red flags, right,
in the courtship phase, like undeniable red flags, or your
family is pointing out to you very serious concerns, or your friends,
please weigh those things heavily. Don't let the fear of not being
married, or the desire to be married or have something from
that marriage overwhelm your rational mind. Because I'll tell
you, as someone who works with couples,
and has for a long time on the other side, when they come because
they're on the verge of divorce. You know, some some of them, you
know, a few years into the marriage, some of them 1015 20
years into the marriage, right. And they need help. They have been
fighting the entire marriage, a lot of things have come up.
Almost every single time I will ask them, one or both of them.
Were there any red flags? Like before? Right? Did you notice
anything? With any of these concerns brought up to you? Almost
every single time? Yeah, I had, I had a gut feeling or I had some
people, you know, I had people warning me, like directly don't
marry this person. I had my parents really against it,
whatever the case was, there was always warnings. But the
individual, again, maybe compelled by different force went with it.
And if you did your istikhara, by the way, because this is a point
of confusion for a lot of people, they think well, okay, so I'm
confused. I want this. I'm not sure. I'm going back and forth.
But then I do is the harder, right?
A lot of people I mean, I've had this question. If I do this, the
harder and then I am in a relationship with someone it
doesn't work out. And what does that mean? I did the Sahara,
right. So this can cause a lot of like confusion for people. But if
you pay attention, what are we asking in the esta hora? What is
the DW are explicitly asking?
Exactly if it is good, if it is hired for me, right? Make it
happen. The words of istikhara are not If this marriage is going to
be a honeymoon like a fairytale marriage and everything is
perfect, right? Make it happen, if it's good for me. And goodness for
us, by the way can come through tribulation, you can be tested.
Right in a marriage. But it is actually good for you. Because you
become closer to your Lord, your
expectations of this dunya start to to wane, you don't have the
same attachments. And what that does is it makes you look to the
asset. So you start to increase in your desire for the other world
because your current circumstances are very difficult. And I know
there are many people maybe even in this room right now who are not
in very good relationships. But they're maintaining that
relationship maybe for the sake of their children, maybe for the sake
of their elderly parents, maybe for the sake of their family. You
know, you're when you're married, between families, you don't want
to you know, break that down. So whatever the sacrifices, they're
making the sacrifice. But if you were to really ask them, you know,
if there was a door out?
You know, there always is, obviously we all have choices that
we can leave anytime we want. Why do they stay, because they have
found some peace, even though that situation may be difficult,
sometimes there's something that keeps them staying, you know, and
I'm not talking about abusive relationships, I'm talking about
where there's just a disconnect, or is incompatibility, whatever
the case is, but they're making the choice because they've come to
peace with it. So that's just to answer that question. Because if
you've ever thought that well shouldn't use the Hata V like full
or depends on what your definition is, you know, if you've come out
of a really difficult situation, having made us to Hana prior to
that, but your resolve is stronger, your faith is stronger
inshallah than it was fair for you, wasn't it? So it's not always
so black and white basically. But
again, going back to this simplicity, and also the
complexity of this hadith, right consideration is from God and
haces from the devil.
The shaytaan knows that when he can put us into an emotional or
desire state. We're not going to use ration rationale right?
so he can push us into dangerous things. And that's why he will,
you know, Rush people into decisions all the time. So this is
something that we really have to work on ourselves whether it's,
you know, and by the way, if you do the research, impulsivity, as a
trait is actually connected with a lot of mental health issues, it is
not a good trait to have. So when you look at virtue, from our
faith, defined through this one, this as well as many other
qualities, prophetic qualities, a lot of them do kind of start to
paint the picture of a person who is very stable, right? To Be
patient, to have forbearance, right is a person who's stable,
that means that they've trained their dog, and they're not at the
command of their pig, right? They are in control, they are the
of their vehicle themselves. And so they have that stability that
is very, again, you can you know, anybody who is practicing, these
prophetic qualities are working on themselves, they will start to
look very similar to other people who are doing the same. But so
again, the opposite is true that when you see people who do not
have God in their life, or don't really think about consequences,
they're just compelled by other forces, they're actually under the
spell of shaitan. And that's really what he can do. All he can
do is compel us through WESA right, he's the uswest. He's the
one who comes and suggests constantly suggests. So
this is where again, you have to, you know, ask yourself, How does
this differ? Where am I on the spectrum of this hadith? Am I
someone that really chooses my words carefully? Right? Am I a
person who lets my body like become, you know, a force that is
dangerous, because if, for example, you're around young
children, and you don't have control over yourself, and you,
you know, all the other people in our community, we have to just
accept that this is their style of parenting, they lash out, they may
even strike their children,
because they don't have control of their own emotions. And this would
be a good opportunity for you to think about that behavior in this
context, that I am allowing shaytaan to influence me in my
home. And the home is supposed to be a place of, you know, Sakina,
tranquillity safety, it's supposed to be a place of safety. So if you
now have let your emotions become so and I want to be clear, this
isn't to find fault, because a lot of women, we are not in very
healthy circumstances, when it comes to parenting. We don't have
support, a lot of women don't have support, and especially as a new
new mothers, I think it's one of the tragedies of our of our era
that we're so disconnected from family and from the village model,
that everybody's struggling in their own homes. And it's like a
24 hour just never ending loop of giving and giving and giving with
very little support sometimes because, you know, again, we're in
I'm sure in other parts, it's the same, but the pressure of trying
to make it and survive when you need double incomes. And you know,
husband is out wife is home, or maybe it's swamped. Whatever it
is, without adequate support, we tend to, you know, fall apart in a
way, but it's it should be
a call or should raise an alarm within you that if you start to
see these patterns, or I mean, I've been presented with, you
know, parents who don't know what to do, because now they're there,
their lack of control is now affecting their children. So now
they have their children striking each other and, you know, becoming
now it's a it's something that they model, right, they're
learning so they're doing it now and now. It's like everybody,
there's a lot of tension and anger and everybody's dysregulated and
what do I do? We have to go back to our deen and, you know, seek
advice. seek advice, seek support. If you feel like you can't manage
your emotions, please, please for the sake of your faith for the
sake of your own soul for the sake of your children and their safety
and protection. Please don't let shutdown continue to wear you down
because the result of that is something that's so tragic, but
we've seen it even in our own communities. Unfortunately, where
people have been so worn down that they eventually fall into things
like the crimes of passion, right crimes of passion are very real.
Right where a person in a single moment they had no control of
themselves, and then they did something that is irreversible.
It's irreparable damage. It's harm that can never be
Taken aback. And this is the result of not seeking support or
really realizing that this isn't something that I should allow to,
to just, you know, continue as soon as you see behavior that is
against our faith, right striking of a child, for example is haram.
You don't, you cannot strike children. They're vulnerable,
they're innocent. And no matter what you are exposed to as a
child, or what culture you come from, or what parenting style
you've seen, if you've received the message that it's okay to
physically harm a child, you have been misguided 100%. And you are
on a very dangerous track. So make Toba ask Allah to forgive you, and
seek help go into anger management, but do not just suck
it up to on stress. And they're annoying children. Children are
children, they're innocent. They're in a beautiful time of
their life that they're so they're in fitrah, they're in a time where
they they're not aware of all the insanity of the dunya. And
sometimes they may do things without any ill intention. But our
reaction to that is so
you know, intense, and we forget that they are not, you know,
they're not held accountable by a law for anything. They're
innocent. But we can sometimes lash out. So you want to really
think about this hadith in all the different contexts that it can
play out. But if you're generally a person who's even keeled, who's
tempered, who thinks before they act Alhamdulillah, that's a huge
blessing. And this is where temperament theory can also be
very helpful, because highly reactive temperaments have have
an, you know, have a struggle in this area, we're very fiery
people, right? If you're a fiery person, you just, you know,
someone says something to you, and you're just like, well, you know,
I'm sure we've all maybe made that mistake with certain people,
right? Because you can that that can come in certain relationships.
So if you're married, and you just like, have a tongue that just
snaps back really quickly, as soon as your husband says something to
you. Right? You don't let it go. And some of us, you know, we get
sharper and sharper as the years go by. Right? But you want to be
very careful, because sometimes, you know,
again, depending on the situation, depending on what the context is,
it might be teasing. It might be just, you know, banter. But other
times, if there's ego, there's a desire to just, you know, cut, cut
them down, right? We want to think about the consequences of these
things, right? Because the tongue is one of the main reasons why
people are punished in the hellfire. Our tongues get us in a
lot of trouble. And we don't think it we don't think of a moment of
just snappy, you know, ness, or, you know, some rude remark as
being heavy, but in the scales of almost positive, they're very
heavy. They're very heavy. So that's why if you have this
problem of just fiery reactivity, no consideration of what comes off
your tongue make Toba and ask why Allah make me of those people who
think before I speak, even if I'm being incited, even if I'm being
provoked, right? Because sometimes people know how to push your
buttons. But I'll tell you and I say this to my husband all the
time. Like Subhanallah nobody on the planet, nobody on the planet
can push my buttons like you nobody. Like I've said that to
him. It's true. Or Hola, he it's true. And he knows it because he
knows exactly how to say something in the in the tone because he's a
very, he's a man of few words. So he's not like he's saying things
all the time. But he knows how to say something that just cuts so
deep. And I'm like, subhanAllah what a test because most people
can't get under my skin like he does. Like I can. I've heard a lot
of things in my life. And I'm like, you know, I can handle that
handle it. But no, if he says it's just a different degree. So
sometimes a lot puts people in your life to test your patience,
right? So over the over the years, you just have to start realizing
like that's why you're you know, I have this relationship with you
because I meant to evolve I meant to better myself, I meant to start
putting faith into practice right? And being more mindful and
catching myself in those enough states. You know, when I know I
have a really good comeback, but I say no, I'm gonna hold my tongue.
For the sake of Allah I have the best comeback. Oh, I could reduce
you into like, a little tiny ant. But for the sake of Allah gonna
hold my tongue to Allah He when you do that, like more and more.
The sense of joy you start getting it because then they think they've
won the argument. You know, they're walking around off Route,
and you're just like, eternally Oh, if you only knew kill
They knew the rewards that I'm going to be collecting on the day
of judgment for this moment, I will let I will have my day,
Well, like it feels so good. Because what you're doing is
you're realizing like, this is why, you know, Allah has put me
with this person, right? Because I don't want to be the same version
of myself that I was last year or the year before. I want to see
progress and change, right? That's why marriage is half of our deen
is because you're supposed to be getting better, right as a couple
as an individual. But if you're not, then you got to work on
yourself, right? You can't do that if you're in this constant
reactive reactive state.
So learning to slow down in a world that is pushing you to speed
up is not easy. Right? Everything in this life is fast, right? Fast
food, fast cars. Instant instant, I mean, people and I know it's
happening to me, and I really don't like it. If I'm like, you
know, I don't really
peruse social media very much. But sometimes, you know, I'm posting
on Instagram, and I'll go see what someone sent me. I'm on reels. And
within two seconds, if it's not, I'm like scrolling and I'm like,
oh my god, I remember the patience to like, let the person get to
their point, I want I want the nugget within like 10 seconds. And
if it's not nugget worthy.
And I don't like that, because you know, you want to, I mean, we
should be more patient. But it's just the effect of these devices,
right? That I've just hacked our brain. Now we have very low
tolerance, people don't read anymore. We're just looking for
instant, instant instant, you know, immediate gratification. And
that goes a lot, you know, back to brain chemistry, because it's
those serotonin or dopamine hits that we're seeking. So anyway, but
you know, again, this hadith.
You it also simple, and this is why the prophesy sounds, words are
so impactful. Because if you just hear it or read it, and then move
on from it without deliberating doing what we're supposed to be
doing, considering, then you may miss all of these realizations.
But it's very important when you read either eyes of the Quran or
Hadith of the process, and to sit and think about it. And why these
types of you know, conversations can be beneficial to have with
other people too, because you can get, you can generate a lot of
conversation. So any questions on this video? And I think I just
want to check the time because a share should be always stops in
time. Okay. Yes.
That's a very good question. So the sister is asking how do you
draw a line? Or know how to differentiate between tolerating
something and letting it go? Or, you know, standing up for
yourself? Right? It's a very good question. I think, you know, each
situation again, is is going to it's very subjective thing. But if
you feel in the moment that your acting, or your reaction is about
setting the record straight, right, then it's like you're,
you're pursuing truth. Right? So if let's say, you know, there's an
accusation made? And you're like, wait, no, that's not true. And you
want to defend the position because it's hot, right? That's
one thing. But if it's your ego driving you, that's where you have
to be able to really pay attention to your thoughts. If you're
getting a satisfaction of it, where it's very petty, there's no
real point even to argue any further. Sometimes we'll just keep
going and going because we want the last word, right. So if you're
doing that, it's just now it's just your ego driving you. It's
not about defending yourself or really standing up for yourself.
It's because you want to win, right? It's about having the
satisfaction of saying I beat you and that for the spiritual heart
is not good because we get more reward even when you are in the
right. And you let go of something you actually get more reward.
Right? Because you're trying to you're you're acting in, in your,
you're thinking of the mutual benefit to everybody, right?
Because if it's about you, then you just do what serves you. But
if you're like, you know what, I'm going to let it go because I don't
want to cause tension. I don't want there to be fitna I don't
want this to drag on. You're you're seeking something outside
of yourself. So that's there's much more virtue in that right to
do things for a greater good, but it's a very good question. Thank
you. Hum did Allah so 100 Because we have a few more minutes I'm
going to read the next Hadith because and we can after a show
when we come back I can stay in Charlotte for a bit to answer your
questions, if you have any. But let's go to the next Hadith here.
And this is
other sort of lies of Allahu Allahu wa Salama, it tabula.
Haytham la quinta wat to be CEO to Al Hassan atta, who here will
Harlequin Nancy Behala can Hassan and this is in reverse
activity. So it's related in activity. And this is the
messenger of God. So the Lohani, who said have said, Keep God in
mind, wherever you are, follow a wrong with a right that offsets
it, and treat people courteously. Again, just another encompassing
Hadith with so much power in it.
Sorry, here, I have some notes here.
So this first part let's look at, because there's three sections
here, right? The first advice here, the process is telling us is
to keep us private, in mind, wherever you are. Now, practically
speaking, that might seem difficult to do, right, unless you
are learning to play a form of like, connect the dots. And this
is kind of just something that I have found successful, and maybe
it'll help you too. But if I'm doing anything that is not a
direct act of a bad or like, you know, reading a Quran, or Hadith
or just something that's direct, right, versus an indirect, just
human action, like I'm looking out the window, right? I don't like to
mindlessly look out the window. So what I do is I think about
everything I'm looking at, and I try to reflect on the bigger
picture, right? So I'm looking out the window, and I think
Subhanallah I cannot believe that every grain of sand, but I can't
even there's no way to numerically even fathom what that would be
right? every grain of sand that's in Allah's creation that Allah
its existence or what it is, wherever he leaf. So I'll just
start letting my mind wander in that direction, where I'm in awe
of what I'm looking at. So it could be something like that. Or
even if I'm watching a movie, I don't care I first of all, just my
personal opinion, but I think a lot of movies made maybe in the
past 10 or 15 years and onward are just a waste of utter waste of
time. I don't I feel like the quality of film, The storylines,
the acting, the unnecessary, just salacious, inappropriate filth
that they're peddling to us to keep us completely, like, you
know, under their spell is not worth your time. So please be very
mindful of what you put into your heart. Because those things have
an effect, you know, if you're gonna watch Netflix, Netflix is
like, shutdowns playground, like, there's everything and anything on
there that is like, it loses like he is getting more subscribers,
you know, and you have all these people who just spend their hours
watching series and shows and wasting their life away.
entranced, by like the pied piper, you know, the pied piper, that's
what he would do, he would just put out a tune, and then
everybody's like, ah, and now that's what we've done to
ourselves. We just can't wait for the next series. No, think about
it. Is it helping you in your Eman? Is it going to put you in a
depressive state? Because guess what, a lot of these films, that's
what they do even Bollywood, I'm sorry, I used to watch. You know,
when I was younger, there was some good storylines, but Bollywood,
man, tanked. It's just followed the same, you know, line that we
see from Western media. So you end up watching that stuff. And a lot
of people call more depressed. Right? Because it's like, Oh, I
wish I had done I wish I had this. Anyway, that's my little rant
about Netflix film. But I think you have to be very careful.
Because, you know, the quality of what you're watching should at
make you think of God. And if it's not, that's a problem. Right? If
it's making you think of everything else, but you don't
want to think of Allah, Samantha, that's a problem, to try to look
for good content, but also look for the meanings of things. You
know, I mean, I will I've done this many times where I'm watching
a movie, and instead of focusing on even the storyline, sometimes
I'll just space out, I'm thinking about the technology and how Allah
subhanaw taala gave human beings the brains and the ability, right
to like, do all this because you know, some of the CGI stuff is
just like crazy are just like, how did he read these conceive this?
How did we even put this together? I don't understand. I don't
understand the text. I don't understand how these things work.
So I'll just sit there and be like, in awe of that.
Or you know, something else, but I will make it a point that I have
to, if I'm going to be doing something an activity like that,
that I have to do my own form of zakat. You could do this, you
know, going to a play. I went to a play last year, same thing. I'm
watching these actors on the stage. And I'm just like, you
know, subhanAllah storytelling.
It's such a powerful tool. And how these people you know, do this and
you just start going into a place of really because it is that's the
thicket if you're remembering Allah, anywhere you are, you're
doing because you can be shopping. And if you're going through the
mall, instead of just being like, ah you know,
Over time, like yesterday, I saw something about, you know, this
huge I've ever been to Harrods in London, and how it's like the
place to go to London, you know, because it has all the, you know,
high end brand name. And the tag of the video is like billionaires
go to shop for their groceries at Harrods, and it's like, this kind
of stuff is just to make you so like, ah, we shouldn't be
impressed by any of that the marketplace, by the way is
considered I mean, according to the head, he's one of the worst
places to be because it will take you out of the remembrance of
Allah. It's a place that drives your temptation and desires. So
you don't you shouldn't want to be there and you should be the type
of person and make that Nia that y'all are don't let me be a person
who's just like being pulled in every direction by the dunya.
Like, give me intentionality and purpose. So I only go to the store
when I literally have something to buy. And I'm not going to just
waste my day, perusing for no reason. And if you do, like let's
say, Okay, I remember when my kids were young target was my place.
I'm like, I need to go to Target. Not because I love Target, because
I just liked the ability to be in a place where I could look at nice
things without mommy, mommy, I just needed my own time to just
look like to be in that space. Right and it was safe and whatever
it was close by. So you can do that. But then I had the NIA 100
If you ever followed me on Facebook, it happened where I
would be doing dollar if Allah provided me the opportunity.
You know, I don't care. I'll smile at anybody. Hi, how are you? I'm
well thank you. How are you? We all talk to people, I made the
media I'm gonna go and be in a place that's, you know,
marketplace, I want to be actively Muslim. I want people to know I'm
Muslim, I have no problem talking to people. So make the NIA like if
you're going to put yourself in those situations that you're going
to be doing what you were
created to do, which is represent the deen of Allah subhanaw taala.
So those are the ways that when we say remember ALLAH, wherever you
are, this is
what we're talking about. You have intention to make the most of
every moment and to try to bring conversations that bring you into
the numbers of a lot or even the company that you're in. You go to
a dinner party, you go to a wedding, if you go to a wedding,
and there's dancing, and there's like belly dancers and all this,
you know, Bhangra, everything's happening, and you have to go
home, sometimes you gotta go family, you know, you don't want
to cause problems. I've seen it, people will literally own the
dancers come out, they turn their chairs, backs. And it's okay, it's
a round table, who's going to take offense to that? Sit, put your
chair on the other side. Gather people who are like minded and
just start talking about Hola. I've done it, you can do that. Why
do you have to sit there and go, Oh, my God, this is so hard on I
can't believe they're dancing. And you're just sitting there judging
everybody. You're there because you want to prevent family
infighting, and fitna beautiful intention. Now double your reward.
Because you know what's beautiful about circles of wicked, that
circles of wicked, the angels descend. So in an environment
where it's like clear haram, you could inshallah be creating the
song, your own little bubble of light that the angels are
descending upon. And then you also can invite people who may be like,
listening here and there, they get the reward, even if they don't
want to, they're not there with the same intention. It's just
these are according to the Hadith, right? That when people come
together for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala, even a passerby
can get the reward of that thicket.
Because there was so generous, so just reprogram your mind to be a
person of mindfulness, not just doing what the status quo tells
you to do be your own individual person, you have autonomy, you
have choices. So when you're put in environments like I've had,
people ask me, okay, what do you do if you go to family and they
all they want to do is gossip. Okay, so if you know that you go
to certain family members, and they just love to gossip, and
you're asking, What do I do in that environment? What's your
preparation for the next time? Are you just gonna go there and be
like, you know, like, Stan, like, on like a passerby or just
watching like, you're watching this unfold again for the 10th or
15th time? Or maybe you go there with some topics prepared, you
know, maybe you can drive the conversation, maybe you can go in
with some stories or something like some news to share, so that
you're not subject to the gossiper. Right, or the if that if
there's one relative who's always taking control, and she's always
or he's always saying things, maybe you can come and go, Hey,
guys, I have an idea. Let's, you know, play this trivia game or
like, I don't know, it could be anything but my point is, is you
have to have the intention and the creativity, to not let yourself
just be in certain situations and then complain about it. Be a
person who's using your mind your intellect, and in charge of
yourself and try to be as intentional as possible to keep
was Potter in your mind wherever you are. And it really is possible
people have wicked. I mean, there's that famous story of I
don't know who the great scholar was, but there was
a great scholar, I think he was in Iraq, maybe I'm sorry, I don't
have the details. But he was a great scholar and another student
of his of Dean wanted to find him. So he went to the massage and he
looked everywhere, he was nowhere to be found. And then someone
said, Oh, you can find them in the marketplace. So he's like, what
this great saintly scholar is in the marketplace. Like that's not
where I'm expecting to meet him, right? So he goes, and he finds
him. And he's like, selling fruit. And he's, you know.
So he's selling fruit. And then the man goes up to him, and he
says, I've been looking all over for you.
Oh, man.
Okay, so. So he's like, I've been looking all over for you, and
you're selling fruits. I was expecting like a man of God, and
then took him according to destroy
in lung.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
I'm sorry for those who are streaming. We're just continuing
the discussion from the before prayer where we were talking about
the Hadith. Keep God in mind, wherever you are, follow a wrong
with a right that offsets it, and treat people courteously. And
we're focusing right now the second part of that hadith, which
is to follow a wrong with the right action. So I just read
another Hadith that's a complement to this one. That should give us
all hope, where the problem lies in a promise that when we sin or
do something wrong, that Allah subhanaw taala directs the angels
that are on our left are scribes, right? We all have scribes that
are writing our good deeds and bad deeds, that they lift the pen for
a period of six hours,
to give us time to redress the wrong.
And if we do so then it's erased completely. If we don't, then it's
counted as one sin. So this is again, a hope for anyone who's
felt really bad. If you have if you sit with remorse over or guilt
over something you said or did, then you have time to redress it.
And sometimes, you know, there's things that we do that are against
our own souls, right, that harm our souls. And for that, Toba,
obviously, is the recourse. But if you've harmed someone else, right,
you've done something that you hurt someone else, you also should
really take heed of this advice, or this hadith, and fix it. Don't
let your pride get in the way. Because sometimes it's hard to
admit, admit you made a mistake. We fear, sometimes showing that
level of accountability and vulnerability because we think
it's going to be used against us. But you shouldn't think of it that
way. Just say, you know, what, if I made a mistake, and I wronged
someone, I shouldn't care about protecting my ego, that's the
least of my concerns, I should care about pleasing Allah subhanaw
taala. And that means sometimes, you know, losing your face a
little bit, you know, it's if that's what it takes for you to
show some humility and say, Okay, I made a mistake. I'm wrong. I'm
sorry, I'm sorry, I said that I'm sorry, did that I should have
known better, you will be elevated for you know, even though you
think you're coming down, because you're having to show humility in
the sight of Allah subhana you being elevated. And this is
especially true for parents and their children. Because I see
there's this cultural, you know,
idea that that some of our cultures have where, you know,
respect has to be one directional, like children should always be
showing deference and respect to parents and apologizing to
parents. But some cultures, parents don't really apologize to
their children when they make mistakes. And this is wholly
wrong. Like this is not Islam. If you as a parent did something that
was harmful to your child, you hurt their feelings, you slighted
them, you ignored them, you dismiss them. If your child I
mean, I've had to do this before, where you know, my son, my
youngest one he likes, he likes to tell stories, and he's a very much
all active imagination. He actually likes to draw and write
stories. So he has notebooks filled with like, these stories
are shallow. So in the end, he's the type that will tell a story
where it's like, Oh, Mommy, I have a story to tell. And it's like,
and then and then and then and then and then and then just
doesn't. This is like, it's just a lot of events. So you're like,
okay, like, where's the climax, where's the end of the story, but
it keeps going, right? So there's times where I have tried to
sustain you know, my attention, but I'm like, I was in the middle
of something because you've so excitable, and I have like a
deadline or something urgent. So then I'm like, Okay, I'm sorry, I
have to do this. And you can see your child's spirit just gets
crushed when they don't get you know, the another from the mother,
especially because we have that potent AI that they so seek. So I
have sometimes done that. And then because I just, you know, let my
my own goals get ahead of me and then when
I thought about it later. I'm like, Oh, I totally destroyed his
poor spirit. So I've gone up to him and I'm like, I am so sorry.
I, I know what I did. i You were so excited. Tell me your story.
And I didn't, you know, I didn't I didn't listen all the way I was
distracted and I'm sorry. And, you know, I have to do that. And he's
they're so much more forgiving than we adults are right? Because
they don't even they feel bad that we're apologizing. So I know it's
okay, mommy, it's okay, if you get all this beautiful, sweet
reaction. But we should do that we should be willing to acknowledge
our mistakes. And whenever we mess up or slip up, if we, again are
raise our voice to them or we are reactive, just say I'm sorry. It's
okay. And you'll see that your relationship will will be
strengthened from that. But again, the point here is you have a
window of opportunity to fix mistakes, right? And then another
Hadith the Prophet SAW, I sort of said,
or I believe in Massoud reported that a man kissed a woman and he
came to the prophesized Saddam and he mentioned it to him. So he did
the sin. It was a simple act. And then the verse was revealed,
perform prayer at the two ends of the day and in the first hours of
the night. Verily, good deeds remove evil deeds. This is in
chapter 11, verse 114. So the man said, O Messenger of Allah, is it
only for me? Or is it for me only, and the prophesy centum said it is
for all who act upon it for my nation. So this is another
beautiful Naseeha if you do something wrong, you can make to
have a cat right at the start of your day, the end of the day, or
in the hedged period and ask Allah for Toba. Just be a person who
acknowledges your mistakes, but follows a wrong with a right
action. Don't just sit with sin and just be like, Oh, well, you
know, next time fix it, no, fix it right away. So that's the second
part of the Hadith. And then the third part is treat people
Oh, I'm sorry, one more Hadith that helps us to understand the
importance of all the bad that we do, right? The process that I'm
taught, or in another Hadith, he said, I'm sorry, the previous one
was recorded in Behati, and Muslim and so is this one, the
proposition said?
He said, If there was a river at your door, and he, sorry, if there
was a river at your door, and you took a bath in it five times a
day, would you notice any dirt? Right? If a person took a bath in
their in a river that was by their house, would you notice any dirt
on that person? No, five times a day, right? They're bathing, not a
trace of dirt would be left, the Sahaba replied. He said that is
the parable or the comparison of the five prayers, which Allah
spider uses to remove sin. So every time we pray, it's like
we're dipping ourselves in a river, cleansing ourselves from
dirt and filth. So the sins that we've done during the day are
being cleansed, even with will do right we know that that's what
happens, you know, the trickling of water is the representing the
sins that are coming as we make will do so. You know, we are
everybody has a purpose to it. And it's so important for us to know
that whether we,
you know, whatever the action is that we can we can erase it in
these ways. You know, we can erase our sins through Toba through
prayer through dua through or through asking for forgiveness.
And then
the last part of the Hadith and treat people courteously, right,
this is, goes back to again, like your own ability to regulate
yourself. There are times where people are going to annoy you are
going to bother you, but you have to maintain a high level of a dub
write up is a hallmark quality of the believer. And if you don't
have a dub, or you are selective with your other, there's a problem
like if you only show your good, true nature to people that you
feel like, you know, deference to based on their status, you know,
maybe there's people that you just see them as being, you know,
worthy of that. And that's all you do is you just show really good
idea, but then with your family or with other people, you have no
adab that's a problem. Right? We're supposed to be consistent.
So you want to say like, why is it that I'm, you know, I switch I act
this way with this group and this way with this group, I have to be
consistent and as far as like, for us as parents and educators you
know, Imam Malik he was quoted as saying that my mother would dress
me up and and say to me go to shareholder via and learn from his
manners before his knowledge. So some of us have a backwards we're
very keen on teaching our children like their ABCs and how to read
and write and numbers and all this, you know, we give them
gadgets and we're just constantly trying to educate them with
knowledge, right? But then we don't teach them basic Adam, and
this is really detrimental to their spiritual growth. Adult
should always come before they should
Know how to greet people, how to socialize with people how to serve
guests. Right and you and there are so many different schools of
parenting that it's like, you know, you gotta really just pick
your like, be clear about what your standards are our standards
are in line with what we are taught by our beloved prophesy
Saddam and in our deen, right he is the, the epitome of beautiful
character. So if you're going to look to books printed today by
parenting experts, and not look at the example of the politician,
again, that's a problem, because they're not always gonna have the
same message in some of these books. It sounds nice, like, Oh,
if your child doesn't want to greet people don't force them.
Okay, nobody's saying to force them, but you also can't be like,
it's okay. They don't ever have to speak to people, you know, because
I'm trying to teach them I don't know, Stranger danger and all the
stuff I I've read it all, Stranger danger. Yes, you know, if it's a
complete, perfect stranger, and you know, they don't even know who
they are, and there's no parent around them. Obviously, you teach
your child, right. But if you're present, you can't use the
stranger danger card, especially if it might be a stranger to you
to your child, but they're not a stranger to you, right. But some
people will use these types of ideas to absolve themselves or
their children of learning basic adult and basic tarbiyah. Like You
should greet your elders, right, you should learn or teach your
children to when an elder comes in the room to greet them or to give
up their space for them. To ask them, Do you need water? Can I get
you anything? How many of us have gone to family events where the
children and the elders are completely divided? And there's
very little contact? That's horrible. Like, no, you should
have your child go directly before you go to your cousin's upstairs
and into the playroom and start playing. You need to go make your
rounds to every single adult and say salam. Because this is the
Hadith of the prophesy seven, right? So we kind of just have to
reorient ourselves sometimes, because, again, based on a
person's individual comfort levels, they may adopt these very
western attitudes, but our standard has to be our deen. And
if we, you know, put culture or our own comfort level before even
in our parenting that we're going to make it difficult for our
children, right to navigate this world. And I've seen it as a
teacher, I've seen a lot of children. I mean, nowadays, you
can read it yourself. Social Anxiety is one of the most common
problems with youth. You think that just happened out of nowhere.
It's because we're separating our children, only socializing them
with their own peer groups, they have very little contact with
elders or people outside of their peer group. They don't know how to
socialize. So they do they end up freezing around anybody who's not
their age, that is not healthy.
And that's why we have to, again go back to our dean and say,
there's so much interaction the prophesy centum and his you know,
out with his own companions, children were in spurts
intermingling with adults, it was just a lot of community. Right.
And they felt safe, they felt taken care of they felt looked
So that's where again, you know, this concept of that it should
come before other things is so important. And then many other
Hadith again, to support this, this particular Hadith the Prophet
lesson said, rarely, whoever has been given the quality of kindness
has been given his share of good in this life and in the Hereafter,
maintaining family ties, good character, and good treatment of
neighbors will build their heavenly abode and increase their
lifespans. So this is our standard, you know, we want good
family ties, we want good character we want the good
treatment of, you know, neighbors, strangers, whoever, just good
adapt, treat people courteously. Right?
And this is another Hadith where once a man sought permission to
enter the home of the prophesy centum. And the prophesy sort of
said, admit him Let him in. And then he said about he just said a
general statement. He said, Richard is the son of a hostile
clan, and wretched is the man of a hostile clan. When the man
entered, the boss's son spoke to him gently. I showed her the law
and then responded to him after he laughed at you. She said, You had
us with a lot. You said what you said about him. And then you spoke
to him gently, like he was just trying to understand it. And the
prophesy son said, Oh, Aisha, the worst of people in position to
Allah on the Day of Resurrection, are those whom people abandon or
leave alone for fear of their vulgarity? So, you know, in other
words, there might be people who, you know, are difficult people,
they're not, you know, very cultured people, they, they're
rude, but you should still speak to them gently, you should still
speak to them with Adam, as he, as he did, right? Because this is the
beauty of Islam and many examples come to us where the problems of
certain people came to Islam simply because he treated them
With honor, right like the man who urinated in the masjid, it's a
classic Hadith, we should all know it and teach our children, he
allowed him to finish. He told the Sahaba to veil him. And then when
he was done, he called him over. And he taught him and he said, you
know, gently to him, this is not the place where we do that, right.
And he instructed the men to pour water and cleanse that area. And
the man was so moved by the kindness of the province, for him
to not admonish him, and to not strike him, that he ended up you
know, making a dua that almost thought that forgives him, and
only him and the process, not the Sahaba because they were all ready
to jump in.
But you know, he became Muslim because of that, and many other
Hadees. So it can go a very long way. And there are people who've
come to Islam because of really beautiful, the beautiful Edom of
other people. So
hamdullah, we have about 15 minutes, I think this would be a
good point in Charlotte to stop if there any questions or comments or
anything that anybody wants to share? Yeah, so Monica, right, the
changes implement the changes so much, I'll just for those who are
online, this sister was asking, how can we incorporate some of
these lessons that we've learned today, you know, in our homes with
our children without, you know, causing maybe some shock or, you
know, like, leave it gently? And I think the answer is embedded in
the question. It should be a gentle introduction, or maybe you
could even say, you know, let's read something together. You know,
I, again, this I'm not, I'm just sharing this because it might help
you. But for young children, depending on the age from like,
three to six, I wrote a children's book that was entirely for that,
you know, that age range to teach edit, right? So if you wanted to
teach, there's like children's books that you could use, you
know, my book has like sections where it's about, like, basic
advice that you could infuse, but it could be like, a lesson like
that, where let's read this together. And oh, what do you
think of that? Like, oh, the prophets, I saw them did this,
like, you know, if you could find children's books, and there's so
many great selections in our community Alhamdulillah that they
have these lessons in the story, then it could be like a discovery
that you're both making together, you know, which is like, wow, this
is so beautiful. Do you want to do that in our home? Yeah, Mommy.
Yeah, you know, so then it's like, Alright, let's do that. And with
Ramadan coming around the corner and Shaolin Shaolin Mela, along
with a little bit on my been me, he allow us to, to welcome it, and
I'm sure it did, and, and successfully, you know, live
through it. I mean, you could even do it as preparation for Ramadan.
Like, you know, what Ramadan is coming around soon, and I want to
start working on, you know, getting the home ready, yes, but
also getting ourselves ready. So let's make some new changes. How
about we do this differently, you know, so there's a few different
ways that you could introduce these things. But I would say,
find something that you can really do long term, like, if anything
that was presented today, resonated with you, right, like I
should do this every single day, then stick to that until it
solidifies as just your normal, and then keep going to the next to
the next. That's small habits done continuously are better than when
we become over ambitious. And we all do it, we become super Muslim,
right? Certain times, we want to do it all, but then we can't
sustain it. So find consistent acts that you can do that really
resonate, and that you think are going to make all the difference,
especially when it comes to that bond that you want to build with
your with your child. So 100 I hope that answered your question.
To Zach, go ahead and have the law. Anyone else?
Okay, oh, yes, absolutely. No, just like off at an excellent
point. Again, for those online, this sister was just reflecting
that sometimes we're too worried about undermining our authority
when it comes to apologizing to our children or even admitting
that we did certain things the wrong way. And we want to change
course, when in fact, the opposite is true. Because yes, children are
modeling after us all the time. So when they see us having the
humility, the ability to make, you know, amends or or I mean, correct
ourselves and hold ourselves accountable, then it will
inshallah teach them and I would I agree, 100%. And if you do that,
when your children are younger than as they grow into young
adults and adolescents, you will see them and Sharla modeling what
you showed them all along, but a lot of times what people do is
they don't model it. And then the child starts to model exactly what
they did, which is they refuse to admit they're wrong. They start
shutting down or stonewalling like, no, because that's what they
saw. So then they worry like, Well, how do I get my child to,
you know, how can I fix my child? Well, it's like, well, if you were
modeling all of that all their life, then who else? Can you
blame? Right? So it really can backfire later on when you expect
that they respect you and they listen to your authority, because
they've never been taught how to you know, again, be
Be humble and admit their mistakes. So, excellent point,
just like a fan and thank you. And then I'm sorry. I think I heard
someone Yes.
Yes. So the book that I've been reading from is called the Content
of Character and this is ethical sayings of the Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu Sallam translated by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, but it is a
collection from a scholar by the name of Schiff, I mean, Elmas Rui.
Oh, I'm sorry, if any members like I'm so sorry, my children's book,
yes, it's called Clear the path. I think they may even have a copy
here. I actually forget all the time that I wrote a children's
book that I'm shocked that I've remembered it here. But it's
called Clear to bat path and it's a rhyme book on manners for little
Muslims. I wrote it when my kids were younger, because I used to
teach in a Muslim Co Op, preschool Co Op. And I found that this was
always a concern for parents. They wanted their children have really
good idea, but they weren't sure how to teach it. So I said, Ryan,
okay, children like rhymes. And we can use some illustrations and
rhymes. And maybe we can, we can show it, teach it to them. So I
shall I hope you enjoy that. Kind of Thank you. Yes, again.
Oh, it's available on Amazon. And I think Barnes and Noble. I don't
know. I have a publisher, pro Lance, whose martial art produced
a lot of the Muslim literature, I mean for children. So she does all
of that back end. But I believe it's on Amazon. And zaytuna
college bookstore has it roomie bookstore in Fremont. Should have
some I think MCC might have some, but I have some too. So if you
want me to bring that next time, I can bring some copies for you
guys. Michelle.
Thank you.
Yes. Like I said,
the market Savonarola that is so beautiful, just like a law firm
for sharing. And yes, the more we can really do prep or like prepare
our hearts before we go shopping in that way, whether you're doing
a beautiful draw like that, or some form of deep care or just
Toba or asking a lot to just give you, like, expedite, you know,
your your experience, because I know sometimes it's so easy to
want to just be there. But if you really think about the wait time
that's wasted when we like enter those places, and sometimes even
the diseases of the heart can increase you know, when we're
looking at the material world and we have envy and just we want
things and it's like it can cause problems because I've you know,
you see people especially if they're struggling you know, and
then they put themselves in those situations if you're financially
struggling and then you're going into the stores where you can't
afford you know most of the material in there. There's really
no hikma and being there because all it will do will create
resentment in your heart jealousy for those who are able to shop
freely resentment in your heart so they might come home and just feel
like nothing you have is good enough because you spent three
hours in this you know ritzy high end shop and now you're looking at
your spouse sideways like oh * if I'm married that doctor that
came from me I would have had all that you know, it's like sort of a
lot What did you just do? And it's all started from you know, you're
not doing that like being more intentional because I agree the
marketplace I think is one of the worst places and nowadays it would
be even online because it's not just a physical place anymore the
marketplace online a lot of people are just spending so much time
consumed with consumption you know looking at this person's Instagram
or this person's you know, store online shopper website and they
just like want want want want but it's like there's no Heckman
exposing your heart to that kind of stuff live very minimally
without so many attachments and you'll find much more success but
medical op calm thank you everyone Mashallah. Inshallah done Dr.
Ronny, we'll be back next week. Hopefully because that will fit in
for being such a wonderful audience and may Allah forgive us
all and guide us all inshallah and keep us all safe you know, these
are difficult times may Allah protect our families in sha Allah
forgive all of those from our loved ones who have passed on in
transition may Allah grant them all Jonathan for those anyone who
is ill who is struggling in their relationships who has any
difficulty right now financial or otherwise male is whether lift
your burdens May Allah make it easy for you male is finally give
you she fat and Sharla for any again physical problems mental
health issues, any struggles you're having me all those
problems bring you ease and and give you a reward for your
beautiful patients. I mean, yeah, but Alameen Bismillah R Rahman
Rahim Allah azza wa jal in Santa Fe hacer el Alladhina amanu.
Alberto. slightly heavier to Isobel happy with the rest of the
Southern Subhanak Oklahoma we handed the Chateau a la isla
heyland and a software Kona to booty Lake Allahumma salli wa
Salam wa barik ala se then our Maulana Where have you been a
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while he was still in the
* Katie
Euro Subhanallah because I realized that the IUC phone was
salam ala l Mursaleen. Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Al
Hamdulillah Zack morphin. Please again make dua for everybody at
MCC and Dr. Rania inshallah for her to return safely and that I
have a foundation support them. support all of the teachers and
all of the organizers behind the scene. Just like