Hosai Mojaddidi – How the Prophet Spoke To a MentallyIll Woman

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker describes a woman who faced a disrespectful treatment for her mental health during a gathering. She faced negative social media comments and was interrupted by a male judge. The woman faced negative comments about her behavior and was treated with a harsher treatment.
AI: Transcript ©
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When a woman came to him once, when he was sitting with his

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companions, imagine this, you're with your friends, you're just you

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know, you're having your own social interactions in a beautiful

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setting. Everything is lovely. And then someone comes in disrupting

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the gathering in a agitated state. I need to talk to you, I need to

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talk to you.

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Many of us would be like, whoa, whoa, whoa, we may even out of the

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blessed shame the person what's what's going on and not really

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know how to deal with that. We may not react properly, because it's

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we feel like it's an intrusion. On our gathering, right? I'm speaking

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to someone you don't know people react in different ways, the

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prophesy Saddam SubhanAllah. This woman, she had a mental health,

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she was known to have mental health problems. So she came in

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this agitated state saying I need to talk to you about something.

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And he received her so beautifully. First he honored her

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and he listened to her he let her say what she has to say. Then he

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said to her,

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pick any street in Medina, and I will come and I will sit with you

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and I will listen to whatever grievances you want. You pick the

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street, I'll come to you. That's our Prophet SAW Selim. Right and

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he did. He went to her and he was able to pour her heart out. And he

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listened to her. So many examples with children with animals, even

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animals. As I mentioned, many of our cultures are very heartless

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when it comes to the care of animals. We don't you see people

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all the biller kicking cats and dogs and just oh, they're

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disgusting, they're dirty. All of it is not from the province

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license example he did not do that. He did not treat the

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creation of a law that way. Subhanallah he hugged the palm the

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day palm tree trunk when it wept when he changed his mimbar he

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literally hugged a tree that was wailing and this is what a wetter

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witnessed by many of the Sahaba

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