Hosai Mojaddidi – Homes of Light Cultivating an Abode of Mercy and Love (Part 2)

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
The Islamic calendar is full of events and events throughout the month of the operation, where Muslims are encouraged to renew their faith and exercise their spiritual health. However, believers are reminded to practice self harm and not just their appetite, which impacts their mental health. The spiritual health struggles among their youth are also impacting their mental health, and some believe the mother of the family is the first to teach them to be safe and strong in the nightly community events. The importance of serving women in their own ways is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Barakatuh Alhamdulillah. The blessed month of Ramadan is just a

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few weeks away. Cities and Communities worldwide are filled

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with anticipation and excitement. For many families preparations are

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already underway. travel plans have been made items on shopping

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lists are being crossed out. Homes are being cleaned and decorations

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are being carefully strung up to beautifully usher in the blessings

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months. Allahumma Bellinzona Ramadan may all who seek the month

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with sincerity witness its arrival and its completion with success

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and well being me.

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Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and as

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distinguished as both the month of the Quran and the month of

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fasting. It is a time when Muslims of all backgrounds and spiritual

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levels are encouraged to renew their faith, repent for past

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misdeeds and exert more effort in their ritual devotion. It is also

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one of the busiest and most active times of the year for Muslims

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throughout the world. Many people take time off from work for the

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entire month, so they can focus on their worship. Others traveled to

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the sacred cities of Mecca and Medina and stay the full month or

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travel far and wide to spend the month with their loved ones.

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Mosque attendance thus spikes exponentially as families and

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communities come together to break their fast and pray in

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congregation throughout the day and night. And because needs are

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weighed more heavily in Ramadan, believers are reminded often

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several months in advance to prepare for its arrival by

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rectifying the soul. One of the time being or matter even place,

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Rahim Allah who would close his business and Shaban so he could

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study the Quran said Glad Tidings upon the one who rectifies himself

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before the coming of Ramadan. Despite the intensity of the

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month, believers are reminded to practice self restraint of not

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just their appetites, but also their emotions. Many people use

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the month to work on purifying their souls, guarding their

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tongues against foul speech, and developing better habits by

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studying and implementing the beautiful virtues and character of

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the beloved sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who exemplified the perfect

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balance of spiritual rigor and gentleness every month of the

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year. According to my Mohamed's Musnad, the prophesy sudden

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reportedly said, If Allah Almighty intends good for a household, he

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lets gentleness enter it. Many traditions of the prophesy said

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I'm remind us of the necessity and virtue of establishing peaceful

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homes with devoted spouses and dutiful children, especially

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toward the latter days, which he warned would be rife with

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spiritual struggles for individuals and families. In one

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narration, the prophesies of him said four things are part of

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happiness, a righteous spouse, a spacious dwelling, a righteous

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neighbor, and a comfortable mount. And four things are part of

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misery, a bad neighbor, a bad spouse, a restrictive dwelling and

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a bad mount. Today, when much of our world is hurting due to

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widespread discord and disunity, oppression and tyranny, political

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strife, war and conflict, economic instability, and great

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uncertainty, and country cities, communities and homes are being

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torn apart. Through divisive political games, deceptive

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rhetoric, rampant ideological propaganda, sweeping secularism,

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and religious ignorance. More than ever, we need homes that are

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spiritually vibrant, and households that are full of love,

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light and kindness.

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in Sahih, Muslim and Islam and Malik radiola and reported, I have

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never seen anyone more merciful to his dependents than the messenger

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of allah sallallahu it was set up in another tradition from Sahih

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Muslim the prophesy said I'm taught us Verily Allah is gentle,

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and he loves gentleness. He rewards for gentleness what is not

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granted for harshness, and he does not reward anything else like it.

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And in another tradition from Tama Ronnie the prophesy said I'm said,

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Verily gentleness is not found in anything, but that it beautifies

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it and it is not removed from anything, but that it disgraces

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it. The latest research confirms that more than any other group the

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youth are the most negatively impacted today in terms of mental

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and spiritual health, according to Mental Health America

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15% of teens in the US alone are struggling with their mental

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health, and report high rates of depression and anxiety.

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Surprisingly, 60% of youth with major depression do not receive

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any treatment. Without a doubt there is a growing and deeply

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concerning mental health crisis among our youth. In my experience

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serving the Muslim community as an educator, and advisor for over 20

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years, I have seen firsthand how widespread the mental and

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spiritual health struggles are among our youth. And in the past

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decade or so, with the rapid cultural and social changes and

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the rise in social media usage. I have seen the problems growing

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considerably. And beginning even earlier, our children and teens

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desperately need sound guidance from parents, educators and those

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entrusted with their care. Above all, our youth need to find refuge

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in their faith, which is best provided compassionately through

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safe loving and gentle home environments where virtue is

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taught and modeled regularly. Our faith teaches us that the mother

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is the heart and soul of a family. She is the nurturing force that

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binds the family together with her love, care and compassion. Her

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role is crucial in ensuring the well being and happiness of her

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children and the entire family. She is also the first school and

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the first teacher through which virtue is often taught. Chef

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amitha Najmi Rahim Allah said, the mother is the first school. If she

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is righteous, the progeny becomes righteous. Sadly, due to a

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concerted effort by dark and nefarious forces who oppose

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religion and religious values, the traditional and virtual roles of

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homemaking and motherhood have been greatly devalued and

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undermined today. As such, even within the Muslim community, many

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have forgotten what a tremendous and lofty station these roles have

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in our faith. Every year as Ramadan draws close, a common

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issue brought to my attention by many women who are at home with

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their children is that they feel spiritually disadvantaged because

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of not being able to participate in the nightly community events

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such as attending if stars or prayers at the masjid. The

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reality, of course, is very different from what they perceive.

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Take, for example, the four perfect women mentioned by the

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prophesy Saddam Mary, the mother of Isa alayhi salam Asya, the

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mother of Musa alayhis salam, our mothers say the Khadija radiAllahu

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anha, the wife of the prophesy Saddam and Fatima by the Allahu

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anha, the daughter of our beloved sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. All

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of them were mothers who not only made great sacrifices for their

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children and families, but are highly regarded for their

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beautiful devotion, strong conviction and private worship,

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most of which was hidden from the public. Like scores of virtuous

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women from the past. Many women today have found a healthy balance

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by serving their Creator, through serving their family and their

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community, and their own personal acts of devotion to Him without

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losing themselves or their way. These are women who readily make

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sacred what is often deemed monotonous. They do this by being

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mindful of their intention, Nia, making the intention for whatever

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they may be doing to please their Creator, and reap the spiritual

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benefits for themselves and their families. They find joy and

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purpose through beautifying and decorating their living spaces,

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reciting Quran while doing simple chores such as organizing and

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tidying up the home, making dua and seeing Salawat while preparing

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meals for added blessings, creating screen spaces for private

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ritual worship, learning sacred knowledge and teaching it to their

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children, and establishing memorable traditions for the whole

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family to cherish for generations to come. Women who are married and

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have children must know the immense honor of serving their

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families and the great reward awaiting them for their selfless

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giving. Ramadan is a time for such women to not only prioritize their

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worship and care for themselves, spiritually, but also to

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appreciate the great privilege and honor of being able to create,

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maintain and sustain a beautiful home where everyone can find

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spiritual refuge. Though intuitively, we may think our

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rewards are greater whenever we can focus solely on our own acts

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of individual worship. We should never underestimate the weight of

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personal sacrifice for the benefit of others. In fact, many would

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argue that acts done preferring others over oneself are in fact

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superior. Thus, the rewards of teaching leading feeding and

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nurturing one's family through consistent love and devotion at

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the expense of one's

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own comfort are immeasurable and undoubtedly great, especially

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during the blessed month of Ramadan when rewards are

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multiplied beyond our comprehension.

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Additionally, homes where love is expressed freely and plentiful ly

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and where guidance is proved lovingly, our homes of true

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success in this world and the next. As for women who are

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unmarried or without children, of course Ramadan is a great

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opportunity for them to really harness their innate spiritual

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strengths, and create beautiful spaces where God's remembrance is

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made and heard often, women must know their spiritual value to God

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is uncontested. Allah subhanaw taala says, and their Lord

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responded to them. I certainly do not overlook the work of any

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worker among you, male or female, you come from one another, and

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whosoever does a righteous deed, be it male or female, believing we

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shall assuredly give him to live a godly life, and we shall

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recompense them their wage according to the best of what they

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Imam Imola Josie Rahim Allah said, a woman is an accountable

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individual just as a man is, she is obliged to seek knowledge of

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her duties so that she may perform them properly. Given okay and

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Rahim Allah said women are the cause of the happiness of the

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heart. That's why they're also called the reason for the

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happiness of the soul. Furthermore, women are relieved of

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some of the communal responsibilities of men, such as

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being required to pray specific prayers in congregation, when

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taking into account the demands already placed upon women who are

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serving their families to be absolved of such specific and time

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sensitive AX is actually a great blessing from Allah subhanaw

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taala. Furthermore, as the prophesy said, I'm taught, women

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are greatly rewarded for praying at home in the comfort and privacy

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of their own spaces. The same way a man is rewarded for praying at

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the masjid. In other words, there is no loss whatsoever to a woman

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who worships at home. Some would even say there is a much greater

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reward for women who are at home, day in and day out, even in the

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month of Ramadan, praying at home while also looking after their

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children and or serving their families. Omar bin al Khattab Radi

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Allahu Allah and also reminded us of the different levels of worship

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among men and women, and the true value of selfless devotion to

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one's family. He said, There are three types of men and three types

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of women. As for the women, one is the chaste Muslim, gentle, loving,

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and childbearing woman. She helps her family in difficult situations

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and does not enable difficult circumstances to overcome her

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family. Rarely will you find such women. Another is a vessel, she

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does nothing more than bear children. The third type is a

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shackle. Allah puts her around the neck of whomever he wills and none

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could remove it, save God. Men are also three kinds. The first is a

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chaste, easy, gentle man who possesses insight and is worthy of

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being consulted. And when a matter befalls him, he follows his

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insight and approaches matters as they should be. The second is a

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man who has no opinions of his own. And when a matter befalls me

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goes to the one who does have insight and should be consulted,

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and he adopts his opinion on the matter. And the third is a man who

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is confused, lost and aimless. He neither follows guidance nor obeys

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any guide. Allah's powder further reminds us of the importance of

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supporting one another. And the believers the men and the women

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are friends of one another. They bid to honor and forbid dishonor.

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They perform the prayer and pay the arms and they obey God in His

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messenger. Those upon them God will have mercy. God is almighty,

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all wives. Indeed, every Muslim whether male or female, can

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transform his or her life and home environment during Ramadan through

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inward and outward Beautification and mutual cooperation and care

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for women specifically, whether they are single, married or living

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with family or roommates, when they spend the month in devotion

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to Allah Subhana Allah first and foremost, through fasting,

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increased prayers, recitation of the Quran and other ritual

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devotion, and then devote the rest of their time to their families,

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loved ones and communities through acts of service, generous, loving,

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and teaching virtue. They are by the grace of God in sha Allah,

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distinguishing themselves as women with great wisdom and on a path of

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success with their Lord. May Allah subhanaw taala guide and bless all

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of us and our brothers and sisters in faith across the world to

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maximize the great rewards awaiting us now, in this blessed

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month of Shaban, and inshallah this Ramadan to Zakah below Hydra.

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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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