Hosai Mojaddidi – Do Not Call a Person By a Name They Have Not Chosen For Themself

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
A speaker describes a person who wanted to meet with theprov lucky man, but instead was sent to the province by a brother. The speaker warns against calling him by his name and suggests not doing so. The speaker also advises against speaking in a different language when it is offense.
AI: Transcript ©
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Once a chroma who is the son of Abuja, who wanted to meet with the

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province was set up after the Battle of a hood. And when he came

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here, the province was sort of, you know, he commanded all of the,

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I'm sorry, battling brother, when he came the provinces and

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commanded the sub Sahaba. To not call it karma, right? Even a B

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Jahad. Don't call him the son of the father of ignorance, because

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that was his father's name. And he did not want to break further

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economics heart, you just lost his dad and battle. So he instructed

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his Sahaba Don't call him that. Just call him by his name. That's

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empathy. Right? You told us when there's two of you and a third

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person, don't speak in secret, don't talk in a different

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language. It's rude. It makes the other person feel left out. You

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are hurting another person unnecessarily. So don't do that.

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This is an empathy.

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