Hasan Ali – Fall in Love with the Quran
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The title of the day is the day of judgment, and the book of the day provides guidance on how to get out of trouble and improve one's life. The book emphasizes the importance of practicing the Quran in personal and political development, including sharing a church's secret, creating a sense of connection with it to develop one's love for the Bible, and learning in a slow and steady way to improve one's language and memory. It is crucial to practice the Quran in order to improve one's language and memory.
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We're here to talk about how to fall
in love with the Quran.
And I do understand most of us, we
have our recitations of the Quran.
We have Qurans at home. We respect them.
We keep them in high shelves. We do
our utmost best to respect the Quran in
every single way we can.
But there's a thing that I want you
to remember.
There's one way which is my attitude towards
the Quran
and there's another one
which is how the Quran actually looks at
me and how the Quran will actually see
me in the end. See what's happening right
now, brothers and sisters, please take a grasp
of everything I'm saying. A lot of us
have made especially especially us who don't understand
the Arabic of the Quran.
made the mission of our lives just to
recite the Quran. So, yes, recitation of the
Quran in Arabic is a there's a lot
of reward in it and it's really needed,
and it's necessary, and it's something which Rasool
Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam did. And he
told his Sahaba to do as well. And
the Quran said,
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam himself recited
to the Sahaba and Sahaba recited back to
him. And there's a whole process of having
the what what they call the halaq in
the masjid. These are small circles in the
masjid mentioned in Sahih Muslim. They used to
sit together and they used to recite the
Quran, learn the Tajweed of the Quran, learn
how to recite the Quran. This is now,
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam starting the first
The first madrasa in Madina Munawara. Before that
in Makar Mukarama. He had a madrasa in
Makar then now in Madina Munawara were now
freely in Masjid al Nabawi. He's got people
who are now sitting in circles. And he's
made certain Sahaba teachers of other Sahaba, subhanAllah.
He's got a whole system running of teachers
and students of the Quran, and they're reciting
to one another. But that's only just the
Most of us have stopped there. Most of
us think that, okay, our attachment to the
Quran just needs to be about recitation.
It's not just about recitation.
It's also another whole part of the of
our our
our our attitude towards the Quran, which is
what? Which is
what about the message of the Quran?
What about understanding the Quran? What about even
understanding it in the English
in the Urdu language, in the Bongol language,
in any language that you can find a
translation of? What about understanding? And then there's
another part of it, which is even greater.
Greater than recitation
and now knowing the meaning, you know, some
meanings of the Quran, which is what? What
about my action of the Quran? The Quran
told me certain things are halal. Have I
actually regarded them as halal? The Quran said
don't do this. Did I stop? The Quran
told me make sure in your family life
do this. Make sure in your transactions do
this. Make sure you you you you behave
like this. Make sure in your family life
you do this. Make sure in your household
you like this. Make sure you you like
this with your parents, with your children, with
people, with your with your, you know, dealings,
with your with your wealth, with politics on
a on a greater level. The Quran has
taught us so much. But where am I
with all of this? Because what's happening right
now is when I am reciting the Quran
so all of these things are taken in
consideration When I recite the Quran,
when I practice the Quran, when I get
to know the Quran, when I spend time
with the Quran, when I
practice the halal of the Quran as halal,
like it's told me to do something and
I do it. And the Quran told me
don't do it and I stay away from
it when I'm doing all of that throughout
my life. You know what I'm doing?
I am
making my own figure of the Quran
which will come to me in the next
world. SubhanAllah.
And you're doing exactly that. See, we don't
understand it right now. We don't understand it.
But every single attitude of mine, how what
what my approach my approach
and how I approach the Quran and all
of that that I had towards the Quran
throughout my life is creating
this figure and that figure will be as
a person on the day of judgment. And
there's a hadith of Ahmed that says, and
this is the this is the thing that
I want you to wake up and and
realize. It's not just me towards the Quran,
it's the Quran towards me. I come up
on the day of judgment, hadith of Ahmed
with a sound chain.
A person comes up on the day of
The the grave is split and you come
up on the day of judgment, and you're
on the day of judgment. What is this
day? This day is the final day. And
you see this the the prophet talks about
He says a young
fellow, a young man,
is his beautiful face.
And you look at him and and he
says to you he said he says to
do you recognize
And he said, no. I don't I don't
I don't recognize you. He says the second
you you recognize me?
And we say, no. I I I don't
recognize you. This is from the Hadith.
And he says, Anna, Anna
Quran. Anna Quran.
He says, I am your Quran.
Meaning what? This is not the Quran on
your shelves my brothers and sisters. This is
not the Quran that we had in this
This is not even the actual Quran. The
actual actual Quran which is Allah's words and
so on. This is not that. This is
my whole attitude to towards the Quran, my
recitation the Quran, my hasanat, my good rewards
that I got from the Quran, my whole
life of spending in halal towards the halal
of the Quran, my whole life in in
spending staying away from the haram of the
Quran. This is it. This is the figure.
And guess what he says to me After
he introduces himself to me.
He says to me
and he says to you, if you've got
it right, he says to me and he
says to you, he says,
that every tradesman,
every tradeswoman
will finally get what they invested.
Wow. This is from the prophet salallahu alaihi
wa sallam. Okay? In hadith. What does that
mean? My brothers, my sisters, when we are
reciting the Quran, when we're engaging with the
Quran, when we are practicing the Quran, the
Quran says
Those people who are reciting the Quran and
they are standing in prayers.
They are waiting and hoping for a commerce
and a trade and an investment with Allah
subhanahu wa jal where they will never fail.
This this commerce and trade will never fail.
My brothers, my sisters, everything you'd we are
doing in this world, we're not just doing
it because we have to just do it.
Just just read something. No. We wanna engage
in this on the day of judgement. We
become the best best people who will reap
the benefits and of everything they sold in
this world. Every single reward we did, this
Quran is now standing in front of us
and he's telling us he says, you know
He says, It says, you're going to be
your own investments meaning that you're gonna reap
the benefits of the investment towards me, the
Quran. You're gonna find it today.
Now we're on the day of judgment. Now
this is this is a big day. Wow.
This is a big day. What does the
Quran say?
When we see on the day of judgement
will come up, we see this this shadow,
the the the shades just in front of
us. Everyone sees this. It's like a pole,
mussel, like a pillar because the Arshamalah
is in the center and the Arshamalah is
giving this one shade. The sun is above
it. And the sun has no mercy on
this day. It's going to boil
brains. It's going to make people sweat like
never before. And people see this one shade.
There's no other shade on that day except
for the shade of Allah's throne on that
day. And everyone runs.
Your own Allah says that everyone's gonna run
towards that shade, try to get under that
And Allah
says in the holy Quran.
He tells us,
Allah says, right and left, they're they're coming
towards your prophet because the prophet salallahu alayhi
wa samai is under that shade. He's with
the other prophets.
They have got the best of their ummah
coming towards them. Allah's only going to give
permission to the best of the best to
get all the best people who have done
well, who are believers, who have done well
and strived in this world. Allah's going to
give them a space next to the prophets
on the day of judgment and we're all
trying to get inside there. And Allah says
not everyone's gonna get inside there. So inshallah,
we'll be lucky enough to try and get
there but who knows? Maybe we might not
be able to get there but this is
a desperate day. Very desperate. So desperate. Your
mom has deserted you on this day. Your
your dad,
The Quran tells us that your own brother
deserts you on this day. Your mother and
father deserts you on this day. Your wife
deserts you on this day. Your children desert
you on this day. Fathers desert their children
on this day. And this is the day
when nobody wants to know about anyone else
because it's nafsi nafsi. I only care about
myself until I don't know that I'm going
to make it toward to Jannah. I won't
care about anyone else. So now once we
have our account
and after that we know we're okay, then
maybe I might go and look for my
mother, my father or brother, sister, wife, children,
whatever. But not before that. No way. None
of us will do that.
Now our turn comes and Allah Azzawajal says
in the holy Quran,
Allah talks about
What's this? This is a station in front
of Allah on the day of judgement. A
station where Allah is going to tell every
one of us to stand 1 by 1.
We stand there naked in front of Allah,
in front of all the people we've known
in this world, in front of the people
in our time, before our time, after our
time, the whole of of of ex the
existence of humanity and jinns and so on.
Everyone in front of all of them. My
hisaab and my judgment is going to be
done and Allah is going to call me.
The hadith of Muslims says
There's not even an interpreter between me and
Allah on that day. And Allah
talks to me direct and says, You Fulan,
ibn Fulan.
Oh, so and so, the son of so
and so, the daughter of so and so.
You did this. You did that.
Why did you do this? Why did and
these are the questions that we have in
the day of judgment. And subhanallah, you know
what the prophet
said? Hadith of ibn
ibn Khiban says hadith. The prophet
says, he says,
These words are words to be weighed with
What is that? The prophet
said, you know that Quran that you just
saw? The one that saw you with a
beautiful face? The one just that that told
you that I'm your Quran. You know that
your whole attitude, that one?
It comes to Allah on the day of
And he says, oh Allah, because there's no
one between you and Allah. No one's gonna
come to your rescue. No one. No money.
Nothing. Because Allah said, what
the Allah says,
all your links have been cut off.
Allah says, you've got no trade here on
the day. You can't bring money and gold
on this day. Allah says you got no
friends on this day. You've got no one
who will come to your rescue on this
day. And only one that comes out of
the whole of humanity and jinns, nobody comes.
But the Quran says to Allah, oh Allah,
I am asking you
to make me
intercede on behalf of this individual.
The Quran says that. And Rasulullah
uses 2 words. First, the Quran says, oh
Allah, I want to represent this person on
the day of judgement.
Second thing,
Allah Allah's Messenger says,
Allah says, okay. I give you permission to
represent this person on the day of judgment.
And the third word the prophet uses is
The Quran comes now to argue on your
He's your lawyer on this day. The best
of lawyers you could ever ever imagine having.
I mean, in this world, you win a
case with the best of lawyers.
You can get away with a lot of
stuff if you got the best lawyer on
your side. I don't know if you guys
followed the whole case of OJ Simpson.
You guys know about OJ Simpson?
Some of you put your hands up if
you've heard of OJ Simpson. Wow. That's a
lot of people.
1995 or 96. I don't know. The guy
I mean, he's allegedly
committed murder. You know what I'm saying? Like,
a man had this lawyer. Wow. He had
his whole team behind him, but his lawyer
flipped the whole thing.
The thing is supposed to put him on
trial for murder and get the guy, you
know, behind bars and probably give him the
death penalty,
and he walks away free. Now I'm not
saying, you know, I'm just giving you the
example. Why? Because you get the best of
lawyers in this world. Man, you got a
good chance. Who's your lawyer on this day?
It's your Quran, my friend. Your attitude to
Quran. You think about how many times did
I recite it? How many times did I
engage with it? How many times did I
read it nicely, how many times did I
know what it said, how many times did
I what the Quran said.
I gave you this Quran for people who
understand what it is.
For people who use their intellect about the
For people who reflect on the Quran.
For people who draw lessons from the Quran.
Allah says why don't people ponder over the
Quran? Do they have locks on it? So
this was your attitude to get to know
the Quran. You try to practice the Quran.
You try to do your best and here's
the Quran on the day of judgement.
The third word used is
which is it's it's gonna become a representative
of you. They say the word which
means it's gonna argue your case on the
day of judgment. Sahih hadith in Muslim. The
prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam tells us,
the Quran will either become an argument for
you on the day of judgment or it's
gonna become an argument against you on the
day of judgment. This is it. And the
4th thing Allah says,
if Allah messenger says,
your Quran argues,
will not have an argument against it.
Allahu Akbar.
Meaning that whatever this Quran says about you,
it's gonna be truthful.
There's gonna be nothing that can be argued
against. Wow. I mean, you think about it.
Your Quran comes, says let me intercede. Allah
says okay I'll give you. Then he says
I'm gonna argue. And then it then the
prophet says
it's gonna be believed. Believed by who? Believed
by Allah himself. So here's Allah questioning you.
And your Quran says, my lord,
I object.
My lord,
this person,
Oh my lord, you said about certain believers
who will stand in the night, and they
will pray in front of you. They will
go into such damn prostration in front of
you. And
They will they will fear the fear the
and they will have hope in their Lord
which is you. Ano Allah, I am an
I am a witness that this person did
Everything Allah says, everything Allah questioned me now.
This part of what I'm saying to you
right now, what actually the Quran says is
not in the hadith. But the Quran, your
Quran, my Quran will bring examples
of the things that we did. Allah will
say, oh, so and so, why did you
do this? And the Quran says, my lord,
I want to remind remind,
you know, the the the the the whole
thing here that that this is my this
is my client obviously and he's there to
represent you. And what does he say? He'll
say things like,
Oh you who believe, fulfill your contracts
and your promises that you made.
The promises you made, don't break them. My
lord, this person never used to break promises.
Allahu Akbar. How could how can Allah argue
with a representation
of your Quran
which is his word?
And the Quran says, oh Allah, this person
did this and this person did this.
Of Allah, you said that
be with your wives and live with them
in a way that is conventionally known to
be good.
A good way, live with them.
And this man did that.
Oh Allah, this man look, you know, when
his parents were there, you said in the
holy Quran,
don't just
just be harsh towards your parents. Don't even
say oof.
And I'm telling you Allah, this person was
gentle towards him. Oh Allah, you said,
be with those and remain amongst those people
who are truthful. And I'm telling you, oh,
Allah, this this person tried their best to
remain with the truthful people. You said, oh,
Allah in the holy
Quran. Believers, they call towards good deeds and
they tell people to stay away from bad
deeds. And I'm telling you all that this
person did this. Now the Quran argues
and argues and argues until Musaddah until Allah
says you are right.
Then what happens?
Now the Quran's he it's he's won your
argument for you.
You didn't have to speak much.
And in
the Quran, turns to Allah and says, Because
you're standing naked in front of everyone,
And the whole day of judgment is naked.
And the Quran says,
My Lord,
clothe him, clothe her.
And Allah
then gives a crown,
tajul karama.
A crown of honor that fits on your
The Nuquran says,
The Quran says, more. And Allah then gives
you a whole cloak around you, gives you
These are clothing of honor.
And the Quran said,
oh Allah give more.
And then Allah says, okay. To to you,
ikhara, recite and everything you shall recite. You
will start to go above
in the ranks in Jannah.
of with a good chain. The Quran, what
happens then is the Quran takes you. My
friend, the Quran will not leave you. It
will take you all the way.
The hadith in ibn Hurban says,
if you kept the Quran in front of
you in this world and you said, okay.
The Quran tells me not to do it.
I'll stay away from it. The Quran tells
me to do it. I'll do it. If
you may if you kept it in front
of you, it will lead you only to
Jannah. It will take you literally and and
will never leave you until you get to
Jannah. Once you get to Jannah, you start
reciting the Quran
as you used to recite it. This is
not just for the hafal.
I know people who memorize the Quran, they've
got a separate thing on the day of
judgement. This is for any believer, any believer.
You recite the Quran in this world, your
attitude is very good towards trying to uphold
what the Quran has told you to do.
On the day of judgement, when when you're
in Jannah, Allah says, okay now recite and
you recite. Every every time you recite, it
takes you another manzila, another another rank in
jannah. And you go higher and higher and
higher and higher. And each place in jannah
that is higher is more beautiful
than the last place below it, Allahu Akbar.
This is the Quran coming to you. In
fact, the prophet said, look, you came on
the day of judgment. Right? The sun is
above people's heads
on this day,
and it's gonna be merciless.
And hadith and Sahih Muslim says,
Recite the Quran, engage with the Quran. Now,
iqru' doesn't mean just recite. It means trying,
you know, engaging. I'm gonna get to that
in a bit. But engage in the best
ways you can with the with the Quran,
like knowing what he's saying and so on
and so forth. Anyway,
said it will come as an intersession
the on the day of judgment. And then
he said what? He said,
recite Surah Baqarah and Surah Alimran. And he
said both these Surahs are gonna come out.
Imagine this. We come on the day of
Surah Baqarah Surah Al il Imran, they see
us in danger.
They see me and you in danger. If
you can't get in that shade on the
day of judgment, you're done.
You're done. The sun's right above people's heads.
So what does Surah Baqarah
do? They come out and they become clouds.
2 clouds for the for for the individual
in the day of judgement.
Before that, you were in the grave.
And everyone knows
how lonely,
dark, and scary the grave is gonna be.
And the prophet told us while he was
alive on this earth, I wish my ummah,
every person of my of my ummah will
have 30 aya's in the heart.
Surah mulk, surah number 67 has 30 aya's,
30 verses in it.
And he said he told us again and
again, recite that every night. Recite Surah Mulk
every night. Because what will happen is when
you get in your grave, Surah Mulk of
the Quran will protect you from any punishment
of the grave. Allahu Akbar. Now let's get
a hold of this.
You die. As soon as you die, you're
in the grave. Surah Mu'l protects you until
you wake up on the day of judgement.
You wake up
and then this person meets you. Young man
says to you, you know, you
do you don't recognize me? And then suddenly,
Baqarah and Al Imran come out and they
give you shade. And then you summon in
front of Allah and then you've got a
lawyer. The same Quran comes to you as
a lawyer to represent you. And then it
tells you, it takes you all the way
to Jannah. And in Jannah,
you have the best of your future, never
to die again, never ever to have another
day of misery ever again. This is what
we want but for this to happen my
friends, we have to earn the love of
the Quran as well. It's not just us
towards the Quran, it's the Quran towards us
as well. How is the Quran seeing me
right now? When I'm deep down, 6 foot
down there in the grave. When I'm lowered
down into the grave, when you're lowered down
to the grave, and they put soil on
top of me, on top of you 6
foot up there, there's your boys, my friend.
They're in the shisha lounges. You know what
I'm saying?
They got the girls around them. They're piping.
Taste this one.
Taste that one.
They're on those apps swiping left, right, left,
Yeah. That's what they're doing. You're 6 foot
down, they're 6 foot up.
They're they're driving the cars down these roads
and ripping the tires
because the cars don't belong to them. You
know, they hide
them. Man doesn't rip his own tires. You
know what I'm saying? Man doesn't rip all
his own tires. He he rips the tires
off another guy's tires. You get me? Because
he hires he just wants to show how
bad he is. You know what I'm saying?
He rips the tires.
What you what you showing, man? You know,
half these I see half these big cars
on the road. Half of them. And I've
you know,
If Allah has blessed you with a good
calm, good calm, may Allah bless you, say
amen. Those of you who never said amen,
you're jealous.
up. These cars I see outside,
I kind of think half of them are
problem credit. What kind of life is that?
You have to buy a big car, spend
so much money, which is not yours, you
don't even own it. But anyway, my point
is this. People above, they are doing all
sorts of things.
What are they doing? What are what where
are we right now? We have time on
our hands to spend on so many things.
Our minds are wandering around the whole of
this internet and the these apps that we
have and the smartphone has kept us busy
and we we locked in. Certain people here
sitting here right now. You're sucked into an
addiction. An addiction you can't get away with.
Maybe it's a game you can't get away
with. Subhanallah, I mean, just the other day,
I think it was about a year ago,
I think it was. I
I I came across so let me tell
you one incident first, then tell you second
one. Literally, the other day, alright, I'm I'm
I'm going to some
The first question that comes out of his
mouth. First question took me by surprise.
He said, chef,
how many followers do you have?
How many followers do you have?
And this is the young generation.
This is young mine. And the father's there.
You know what I said? I said, son.
I said, listen to me.
I said, you can collect as many likes
as you want on this in this world.
You can have as many followers as you
want in this world.
But remember this, on this earth right now,
there are people who have many, many followers,
And they have so many 1,000 and 100
and thou maybe the 1,000,000 of likes.
They are so famous on this earth
yet they are unknown in the heavens.
They are unknown in the heavens. And there
are certain people on this earth.
They are not known.
They don't have any followers. Barely anyone likes
them, follows them. But I said, son,
you only need one like and that's all
you need. You need the like of Allah.
That's all you need. My friends, tell me
this here. I, you know, I I've made
it a habit not to scroll through this
Instagram videos for you page, whatever, and TikTok.
And I've got them on my phone, but
I've consciously
try not to go on them. You know
why? They show you such videos. You say,
I've gotta watch that.
I wonder what happens next.
And they worked you out. They worked you
out. These algorithms, AI, you are now against
that's been made
humans in Silicon Valley.
That is,
hundreds of computers and thousands of computers together.
In a split second, it's gonna know which
type of videos you're gonna like next, and
it's gonna show you that. Because all it's
doing is it shows you video and it
watches how many seconds you watch it and
you flick to the next one. It it
knows. If you stay split second more, 3,
4 seconds you said on this one, that
one you stayed, like, 4, 5 seconds. It
knows you like that one better than this
one, and it's working you out. It knows
within seconds, it knows if you're a female
or a male straight away. It knows your
age range between 2040. It knows that this
person likes football so he's gotta be more
more highly likely he's gonna be a boy.
It knows this person just just watch the
handbag a little bit more. So he knows
it's a woman.
Right? It knows that you stopped and you
you know, there was this this this pay
to get you off an MMA fight and
you just stayed there for a few more
seconds. You gotta be a male right now.
It knows that there's some jewelry and so
on, and you stay there a few more
seconds and that's gotta be you. Right? On
this side, the females. Right? It knows this
and it's working out, then it works out
right down to
the millions of people like you on the
in the whole of the world who flip
the exact same videos to the exact same
seconds and the thousands of videos they showed
after that, he knows which thousands of videos
you're gonna like. And I'm telling you right
now, after you spend just a couple of
hours on these on the on Instagram, on
TikTok, on Facebook, and on on all these,
you send that you know what? It's worked
out, especially TikTok. It's It's worked out.
videos that you just can't scroll away from.
What's gonna happen there? What's gonna happen there?
What's gonna be there? Oh, I'm gonna see
this. I'm gonna see that. You know what
happens? You've spent, my friend,
if you dare,
go into your phone and go into the
section where you see how long you spend
on each of the apps that you've got.
And if you actually go in there, you'll
see you spend, like, maybe 55 minutes on
It shows you this. You spend 15 minutes
on YouTube YouTube videos. You spend, like, 20
minutes on TikTok. You spend, like, 45 minutes
on Instagram videos. You spend on Facebook flicking
at least 20 minutes and so on. And
in the in the whole of the day,
you've been busy with your phone, maybe 3
hours, 4 hours,
4 hours,
Sometimes 5 hours. In a week, you spend
30, 40 hours, 50 hours. You don't even
realize it. And then if I ask you
the question at the same time, where's your
Quran? How much Quran did you read? You
know what you're saying? No one most people
I haven't got time for it.
That's it. That's that's it. Now let that
be a wake up call. Because some of
us, Alhamdulill, the Quran has told us. In
Surah Fatih, you know what Quran says? It
talks about revelation, then it says this.
There are 3 categories of people Allah says
that have their attitude towards the Quran. There's
the first category that are
themselves with regards to the Quran. You have
no time for the Quran. Okay.
Okay. That's you. That's category number 1. Number
There are people who are in between. They
engage with the Quran sometimes. Sometimes they don't
engage you the Quran. Sometimes they're with it.
Sometimes they're not with it. Muftas, they're in
between. And the third one.
And there are people who are racing racing
with one another. How better can I make
myself with my attitude towards the Quran? And
those are the people that will thrive the
most on the day of judgment. I wanna
come back to that that story with that
child and I said to that child, you
only need one like.
Please remember that. And I wanna tell all
of you as an audience, what does it
mean you have so many followers and so
many likes? When we are in the grave
on our owns, what does likes mean there?
Where are your followers? Up there.
They stop following you. Your account is probably
being closed or taken over by somebody else.
What did it mean? Nothing. But my attitude
in my life and what Quran said, haram,
haram are living with me right now.
There are people.
Nikah apps that have been created.
They've been created for us to find a
potential spouse.
And people are using these apps.
Right now, I've got so many stories. People
have phoned me up and told me, Sheikh,
this is what's happening. This is what's happening.
And we know
and I'm gonna, you know, please forgive me,
brothers. Yeah? Please forgive me, Pierre. Just 1
minute here. His turn is coming. You know
what I'm saying? Brothers
are guilty
because they're the ones to take advantage
more than sisters.
But I'm getting reports of multiple
sisters that are taking advantage.
Brothers are telling me, I went on to
the app. You swipe right. Ding ding. She
swipes right. Ding ding. Match. Ding ding.
Right. Then you start talking.
Alinda, you know what? One of the best
questions that comes up
the question that comes up, you wanna go
out for a coffee?
But sister, you're in a hijab.
Yeah. Just a little coffee in
it. Brother's invite his invitation is to the
hotel. Sister's invitation to the coffee shop. You
know, they're doing this because they're not serious
for marriage.
And you're using this. Do you understand that
the Quran can also do the opposite on
the day of judgment? Because the prophet
said The Quran can be an argument against
you on the day of judgment. Imagine I
stand there on the day of judgment. And
I'm saying, I'm trying to answer my questions,
the questions Allah gives me. And the Quran
And the Quran says, oh Allah,
to speak on the day that if you
give me permission. And Allah says, okay, I
give you permission. And the Quran says, this
he's not a person
who I believe should go to Jannah. Imagine
the Quran says that because
it can be an argument against you. And
if the Quran stands
there and says,
you said
was a
You said, oh Allah, don't come near zina,
near fornication.
Don't come near adultery.
But this person was going near there. Oh
Allah, you gave him signs.
You gave her signs but they never stopped.
Oh Allah, you gave them many signs and
you said in the holy Quran.
Repent to Allah.
Such a repentance that you say, I'm gonna
do my best not to do it again.
And either the Quran will say, I'm a
witness that the person did it, which is
in your favor, or the Quran will say,
this person never did it, which is against
My friends, a wake up call which is
what's my attitude been towards the Quran. Most
people have made the Quran just recitation and
I'm asking you right now, don't fool yourselves,
especially our Asian communities.
All they talk about is just recitation, recitation
now. Recitation is important.
The first thing we should do is we
should learn the Tajweed of the Quran. Some
of you might have learned the Quran when
you were young. Some of you forgot it.
But are you gonna tell me right now,
you don't have time to learn it? No
way. No way. You've got time to learn
it. You have got time to learn it.
And you've got every single app that is
ready out there and everywhere every other website
that is ready of the Quran, I'm saying
to teach you how to learn to read
as an adult. Go to the Masjid imam
and ask him to make you learn. There
are halaqas in masjid to learn. If there's
no one in the masjid, no one in
your area, there are plenty of people online
ready to teach you at a small fee
across the world. There are people in Egypt
that are that are sitting there. All they're
waiting for is for online. They'll teach you
through Zoom online. There There are people in
Pakistan that are that are waiting. There are
people in Bangladesh all over the world. There
are people teachers and you can pay the
minimum amount and they will teach you how
to read the Quran correctly. All you need
to do is make sure that they read
properly. Know what I'm saying like?
Because if you if they mess you up,
then you're big time messed up.
And there are people who even in your
local locality, even, you know, there's some aunties
here. They've got nothing,
better to do. They say better, better
You know, come over here. They call the
And they learn, like, in the 19 fifties
or something.
Some in in the middle of Pakistan somewhere
from another auntie that never knew what she
was doing. You know what I'm trying to
say? Like yeah. So the thing is I
don't blame them. They just didn't know any
better. They probably don't know how to read
Quran properly. Now you need to ask yourself,
do they know Tel Aviv properly? How will
you find out? Well, go to someone who
knows and tell them to verify the person
who wants to teach you online. Let them
listen to them. And if they say it's
a good person, learn from them. You can
only do this through people who've gone through
the system. You can't do it on your
own. Don't end up with someone who reassesses,
There's no Alhamdul. It's du.
Du. That's how you pronounce it. And it's
which means
has the opposite meaning.
Means all praise be to
Means may Allah burn out, like, let him
die out. Let the flame burn out like
that. Right? That's what you're saying about Allah.
Learn to do it properly.
Certain people, they haven't got the pronunciation done
properly. But you gotta read and try and
read like the Arabs read.
With the Quran because the Quran was
was revealed
to the Arabs,
and it's their language. And you must go
to the experts amongst them to learn.
Sometimes people are a bit messed up. I'm
gonna let me give you this this story.
When I go to when I go to
Bangladesh, and I've been going for many, many
I go to Bangladesh, and some of the
people over there, they argue with me about
my English
as if my English is not correct.
You know, is my English okay, guys? Yes
or no?
Only few people said yes whatsoever.
You want me to speak like Birmingham? Like,
you know what I'm saying?
Is my English not understandable to you guys?
It's okay. Yeah. Let me let me let
if I if you if you allow me
to crack a Birmingham joke, will you allow
me to crack a Birmingham joke? Yes or
no? Shake it down. Will you forgive me
for a yes or no? Yes. There won't
be a fire after this. Yeah. Some guy
said he said he said there's a miracle
of the Quran.
He said the miracle of the Quran is
even when the Birmingham people are reciting the
Quran, their accent goes away.
like, wow. That is true. That is true.
Right? So anyway, let me get back to
this other one I was gonna say. I
go to Bangladesh,
and they say to me they say they
say to me, some of my, you know,
pronunciations are not right. The guy says apple.
Apple. I go, no. It's not apple. It's
They go, apple. I got apple.
He's telling me I'm wrong. Then he gives
me a dalil. He gives me an evidence.
He says he goes, alphabet is a,
b, c,
a is beginning of apple.
Unlike Wama, this this guy is not on
another level.
Like, he needs to learn
English from how the English people pronounce it.
You need to learn your Quran from how
the Arabs pronounce it. And that's when you
will recite properly. So number 1 is get
your tajweed right and learn how to recite
properly. Number 2 is this,
we all need to do something
which most of us have neglected.
And honestly, I don't know why we do
this. Every time I do this,
I just sit down. I'm in amazement. I
was just doing it today. Just today. Today,
I was doing something new which I didn't
do before. I'm gonna give you an example,
and I'm gonna give you many more of
these examples today.
Abdullah ibn Masood radiAllahu, he says. Abdullah ibn
Mas'rud who's a Sahabi. He says, when you
recite the Quran, don't make the end of
the Surah
your target.
If you make the end of the Surah
your target, you're gonna be reading fast and
trying to, like, just get to the end,
and that's it. He says, you will pass
by many meadows in the Quran.
Enjoy the meadows as you're passing by them
in the Quran.
What are these meadows? What is he talking
about? He's talking about
tens and tens and maybe hundreds of stories
in the Quran
and examples in the Quran
and many many things Allah said and words
he selected. And for us to just stop
there and wonder why did Allah say that?
A beautiful story, but how does it reflect
on me?
Right? And I was just thinking today, subhanahu
wa'ala, like, you you sit there, you think
you think, wow. Like,
I mean, you could just sit there as
an adult. You know what? And get even
more beautiful the longer you the longer you
live and the more experiences you have on
this life and you come across the stories
and you
say, there's something deep in here. Let me
give you let me give you what I
was thinking about today. Surah Ta Haram, surah
number 66.
It talks about the prophet's wives,
and there was a dispute that happened. I'm
not gonna get into that. But at the
end of the surah, it gives two examples.
It gives examples
of 2 types of women.
Now get a hold of this.
2 types of women.
Type number 1,
They were women married to 2 prophets.
Lut alaihi salaam and Nuh alaihi salaam.
Nuh alaihi salaam's wife
a kafira.
She was a disbeliever.
Ruth alaihi salaam's wife was a disbeliever.
And he talks about both of them having
lived with the prophet,
their lives,
in the end,
Allah says,
get into hellfire. He sends both these women
into hellfire.
That's type number 1. Type number 2,
a woman
who was living
with an oppressor, the greatest oppressor on this
A woman who was living with a dictator,
a tyrant,
a man who had enslaved an entire nation,
a man who a man who killed
at a at a at an instance without
a blink of an eye, he would kill.
Her name was Asiya.
She's married to Firaun. The Quran mentions
it. And this woman who's married to Firaun,
she's got nowhere to go.
She if she escapes, she's gonna be dead.
She's married to the worst tyrant.
And this woman,
she doesn't know what else to do.
And then she turns to Allah, look at
her words. She says,
Oh Allah. All I want in the end
is, I just want a house next to
you in Jannah in the next world.
Allahu Akbar. She knows she's got nothing else
in this world. But look at these 2
types of women. 1 is living. The first
type of women, they're living with the best
of people on this earth, the prophets. Yet,
they just don't believe, and they end up
in the 5 because of the their attitude
towards those prophets and the message they bought.
And the second one, a woman who's living
with the worst tyrant, a kafib, someone who's
ended up in hellfire. Her husband is in
hellfire, but she's a good woman. And she
is in Jannah. She'll get that house in
Jannah where Allah will keep it somewhere very
close to his aashram, very close to his
throne throne in in the next world. Now
there are meadows of the Quran and we
are traveling through the meadows of the Quran.
What does it mean? It means you are
coming to stories and these stories are reflection
of your life telling you what to do.
There are there
are examples in the Quran. Let me give
you one
example of Quran. Wow. The Quran says
The example of those people in this world
who are making other alliances
with one another. They are disbelievers. They're making
alliances across the world. They're like, this government
will will be with that government, and we
are allies together, and this alliance and that
alliance, and together, let's make a strong force.
Allah says their example is is what?
It's like a spider.
It's created a web.
And the most weakest of houses that anyone
makes is the is the house of that
The spider's web is the weakest one. Now
this this example, let's just go into because
the Quran wants us to do this. You
stop there. You read this in Surah An
Kabud, Surah of the Spider. You read this
verse. It's it's from the amsal, the examples.
What is Allah telling you? Well, let me
tell you what Allah tells us. Allah is
saying, look, you see them out there? They're
making all these alliances,
and they've got you in the grip. I'm
like, you you can't do it, like, when
the wind blows very strong. Think about this.
A wind strong and blows, that web stays
exactly where it is. Yes or no?
Can I say yes or no? Come on.
Unless you guys don't have any spiders in
Look at the spider. And what does the
spider do? The spider spins the whole web.
And his thing is it depends on the
wind to bring certain flies and other creatures,
whatever it is. Right? Insects onto the web,
and then the spider is gonna come down
and make a meal out of it and
then go back in the middle, and it's
gonna wait. It's gonna wait wait for anything
to come down.
Wind doesn't when when the wind blows, it
doesn't break.
But we know
a twig of a tree,
of a branch
just falls
onto that web. What's gonna happen to that
It's gonna be broken. Soon as it breaks,
it breaks on one corner, the whole of
the web is useless.
And what does the spider do? What does
it do?
It now gathers
all its web. Yes or no?
You still don't have spiders in them. What's
wrong with you guys, man?
It covers everything because it's finished. The whole
plot is finished. It was broke by something
tangible that touched it. What Allah is telling
us is these alliances,
I can break them like the spider's web.
And they're nothing. You might see it strong,
but they're weak. Why? You go to Surah
Muja Surah,
Surah number Surah Hashub, Surah 59.
Allah says,
You think they're all united? No. Their hearts
are differing with one another.
See, the weakness is there.
Their plans and the whole alliance will break
with one part of the alliance breaking, the
entire alliance will break. Just like one part
of the web breaks, it's it's pointless of
that spider keeping the entire web. It's gonna
gather everything together and start to build a
new web.
And this this example is you sit then
you think, wow.
What is going on in the world? What
is Allah telling you? SubhanAllah. And I've got
more examples to share with you. I've got
many more parts of his meadows to take
you through. And I'm gonna tell you about
this story and that story and this lesson
and that lesson in just a very short
while. Just before I do that, my brother
Hassan's gonna come to the front, and my
brother Faraz is gonna speak to you for
a few minutes. I want everyone to sit
where you are. I'm gonna sit also there,
throughout the throughout this whole short, short session.
It's very short session. Stay where you are.
I've got a lot more to add to
how to develop our love with the Quran
because we've got to go through some of
these medals to understand what are we losing
we need to learn
how to
have the proper attitude towards the Quran. The
Quran gives us a lot of reward. Yes.
It's a source of a lot of reward.
In fact, the Quran has got
letters in the Quran. There are that many
letters in the Quran. You recite any any
letter, you get 10 rewards according to a
hadith of Thindidhi.
The prophet told
us, I'm not saying to you that alif,
lam, mim, you know, alif, lam, mim, he
just said no. He said, alif will give
you 10 rewards, lam, 10 rewards, mim, 10
rewards, and so on and so forth.
If you read the entire Quran, just recite
it from begin to end,
You will
get 3,200,000
If you recite the Quran in Ramadan,
you will get
because it's because in Ramadan things are times
You will get reward
of approximately
Right? Now these are rewards that recite in
the Quran. People are fixed on that. Okay.
I get this for a few words. I'm
just gonna recite recite. No. Let me stop
you there.
If me and you
understand the Quran even in translation,
even in English translation,
Urdu translation, any language translation, if you understand
the Quran,
you get reward too. How much reward you
get? Only Allah knows.
If me and you
understand the Quran
and practice the Quran and try and change
my life, you try and change your life
towards the Quran,
humongous reward for this.
More than the 230,000,000
that I've just resent, we don't know how
much. Look. We just don't know how much.
Don't get fixed on just the letters of
the Quran
and reciting it because
the Sahaba, what they did is they tried
make their actions match their actions of the
Quran. That's the main thing. That's why the
Quran was revealed for me and you to
change our lives.
How will you
feel if you come to Allah on the
day of judgment? And Allah says, look,
you spent
this many
thousands of hours of your life
on Instagram.
This many thousands
on Snapchat.
This many thousands on TikTok, YouTube, and so
on. This many thousands are reading these articles
of websites and news, you know, articles on
on your phone.
Yet in your life of 50, 60 years
I gave you, You never once attempted to
read the book that I revealed for you.
You never once. And how are we gonna
feel about that? How will you answer that
on the day of judgment?
In fact, the Quran says
the Quran tells you,
The Quran says, on the day of judgement,
Allah will say, did you not get enough
time in your life
to take heed from the warning that you
got? Of course, you did have enough time.
Now, guys, what should we do? I'm asking
you simple, and I want everyone to do
for your own good, do this.
Buy this one book. You need to look.
You need to get the translation of the
Quran. I understand that. There are many translation
out there. But you also need some tafsir.
What's tafsir? Tafsir is an explanation of some
of the verses. If you don't have that
you don't know the context of why Allah
said what, and you won't be able to
understand it properly. You need some light tafsir.
That's really good that's a really good book
I found that gives you just enough tafsir
that you need.
One book about this sick, and I'm not
asking you to read it in 1, you
know, one moment or a year. I'm I'm
asking you to read this over a few
years. I'll tell you how to do it.
Very easy. I'm just gonna take
5 minutes of your time a day to
do this.
The book's name is Quran Made Easy.
Right. Quran Made Easy.
And the person who who put his comments
is Mufti,
Afzal Hussain
Elias. Elias starts with e l I a
s. You will find the book
through Amazon, on the Internet, Islamic bookstores have
it as well. It will cost you about
Some of you looked at me just then
It's supposed to be
to be
Everything everyone wants everything free. Look look, 20
quid. Let me let me just break it
down for you. £20
is a pizza
or 2 pizzas.
When you order 2 pizzas
or 1 pizza
and a kebab roll and a few, what
about curry and a naan, whatever. Alright?
That pizza,
kebab roll and naan
is in the sewage tomorrow.
It's turned color. It's turned its color, different
color. Not the same minimalism, the same, you
know. I don't wanna go to too much
detail. Alright? But it's been flushed. It's going
through the sewage system. It's gone.
When you spend £20
for a book,
that book inshallah is gonna change your life.
It's gonna give you something on the day
of judgment which you will only be proud
that you've done this. Just £20.
Now, get the book. Once you get the
book, what you do is you leave the
book on your bedside.
Before you go to sleep,
just open the book to where it is.
Read just one page of the translation of
tafsir, it will take you 5 minutes,
close it, go to sleep. That's all. I
don't want you to do more than that.
Because what you will do is you will
learn what Allah actually told us to do,
what Allah told us not to do. You
will fill your heart and your mind with
stories of the Quran. You will fill it
with what Allah told us in the Quran
about our family lives, about our domestic lives,
about our lives of commerce and trade. You
will fill it with the the political things
that we have around us. You fill it
with spirituality
and what Allah has told us to do,
how to get close to him. And you
know what?
Once you recite, once you read the translation
so on, you will see your lives change.
You will see change. I've known people
who can't put it down after 5, 10
minutes. They wanna read a little bit more,
read a little bit more. This is what
you're supposed to do. Understand the Quran. Next
thing you'll see is that the Quran will
be in your lives. Now what you do
is this,
you now have recited the Quran, you recite
with tajweed.
You've got a book that tells you the
meaning of the Quran, fine.
Now you're trying to, you know, work towards
implementing the Quran and bringing it in your
life. Good. Now here's what you do, the
medals of the Quran, subhanallah.
You go through the Quran, you stop, you
You know what? Every part of the Quran
somewhere in Allah is telling you something. It's
gonna tell you how to get out of
It's gonna tell you it's gonna guide you.
How? I'm telling you just do this. I've
I've used it throughout my life. It's amazing.
You you you read an ayah and you
say, wow. Wow.
Like, there's gonna be a point in your
life you could become
someone who's distressed.
You've got sorrow. You've got grief. You come
across the story of Yaqub alaihis salam. He
lost one son then he loses his second
son. Then they tell him your son stole
and the rest of them are still in
Egypt and he cries. But what does he
He says,
I am putting all my sorrow and grief
to Allah.
Like, we've gotta learn
from the prophets of the Quran
what to do in these moments. What do
you do? How do you turn to Allah?
Well, he gave the examples of the prophets.
Yunus alaihis salam,
belly of the whale. Alright? What does Allah
Allah says, remember this prophet in this book.
And he and he carries on and tells
us, if ever
when he ran away and he went onto
a ship that was already overloaded and they
were sailing. And he left his people. He
said, you know what? The the the the
punishment of Allah is gonna reach his people.
I'm going. But he left early before Allah
gave him permission.
And when the storm came and it was
nighttime and the wind disappear and the and
the sea is surging and the boat is
about to capsize,
They say someone's done something wrong here. We
better we better find out that Rura Lot,
and his name keeps coming up.
And he himself jumped out in the sea.
And then a large fish, a whale comes
and takes him inside. Now he's in the
darkness of the whale, in the darkness of
the sea, in the darkness of the night,
in the darkness of the storm.
And now he cries out to me from
within the all of these darknesses and he
says, oh Allah, you're the only one I
have. You're the only God that is a
real God. Subhanak,
and you are the one who has made
no mistake.
I'm the one who made mistake.
I'm the one who made the mistake. And
he kept on saying that kept on saying
that until Allah says,
And I, as Allah, I listened to his
call, and I accepted his dua, and I
gave him and I removed from him his
And just like I removed it for Yunus,
I will remove it for all the believers.
Allahu Akbar. You know what you do in
that moment? You have to turn to Allah.
The Quran says, that if
run to Allah. The Quran says,
Whoever leads a life of being conscious of
Allah and trying to stay away from sins
to their best of their abilities and trying
to say, well, Allah is watching me. Whoever
leads that life of fearing the akhirah, fearing
Allah, fearing jahannam, and fearing the afterlife. Allah
You fear me? When you come to a
dead end, I'm gonna be there to find
you a way which you can't even plan
or comprehend.
In a way that they don't even know
how it happened. Allah
says, If you depend on Allah and your
full reliance is on Allah, Allah says I
am enough for you. And he gives story
after story.
And remember Ibrahim in this book.
He was the utmost truthful person and a
prophet. Now Now the question is, you stop
there and you wonder, why did Abbas say
truthful, utmost truthful? Why did he say that?
Because he's telling me and you. One of
the qualities of finding Allah is always speak
the truth.
Speak the truth. Be a person of the
truth. And what happened to Ibrahim alaihis salam?
He gave Dawah. Whenever he gave Dawah and
called people, what happened? He became an enemy.
All prophets became enemies when they spoke the
truth. My friend, the Quran is telling you,
you speak the truth, there are gonna be
some people who not gonna like you. It's
And then what happens is you stick to
the truth,
they're not gonna like it. They're gonna be
against you. Eventually, what did they do with
They said, you know what? Avenge our gods.
Let's burn this man. They gathered together all
the firewood they could. They stuck him to
a pole. They tied him there. They put
all the wood around him. He's on top
there. They lit the biggest bonfire ever in
the history of mankind to try and burn
this one man. And what did Ibrahim do
according to according to the hadith of Bukhari?
What did he say?
It's also in the Quran in Surah Al
Imran. He said, Allah suffices us and is
the best that I can depend upon. And
what did Allah say?
Oh fire. You listen to me because I'm
your god. I want you to become cool
and something that is safe for my Ibrahim.
And the fire came all around him. It
burned the wood. It was all around him
but you know what? It was the best
temperature he could ever be in.
It was like just being in room temperature
of the best kind.
And the miracle was formed. Now you're gonna
say to me, well, I'm not a prophet.
Yes. Yes. Let let me let me let
me get to that. Right? You're gonna say,
look, I'm not a prophet. These were prophets.
How can I match
what they did and how can I become
like them and, you know, get like a
miracle? Let me tell you this. The Quran
teaches us you do not have to be
a prophet for Allah to help you.
The people of the cave.
The the young boys in Surah Kahf that
run away from the king and they slept
for 300 something years. Were they prophets? No.
They weren't.
Allah rescued them. He found a way to
rescue them. Now let me give you another
story. Of a woman as well. Because some
of the women might say, well, all the
men take everything away and the and the
men are mentioned. Look, every time Allah mentions
men, it's because in Arabic,
the the men, you know, when Allah, when
Allah mentions the men, he's not just stopping
at men.
The Quran is also amazing that the word
of whom whom they in Arabic includes men
and women.
The Quran, if it ever says believers,
and it's got the plural of the men.
It doesn't mean just
It means sisters as well. Please don't ever
make the mistake that the Quran is only
addressing men. No. Because the women in the
prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam's time, they actually
came to the prophet prophet with this complaint.
They said, look, the Quran mentions men. I
know what Allah did? Allah revealed 1 ayah
to set the score right.
And this
aya tell told us that every aya in
the Quran, wherever Allah mentions, unless it's specific
to men. If Allah makes it specific to
men, it's specific to men. Otherwise, anytime he
makes it general about believers, it's men and
women. What did the Quran say?
And again and again one after the you
know, believing men, believing women, Muslim men, Muslim
women, men women that have that are foreburdened
for Allah, men that are foreburdened for Allah,
women that have the fear of Allah, men
that know the fear of Allah. Allah reveal
one eye like that. You know why he
did it? He gave us an example. You
know what? If I wanted to, I could
have made the whole Quran like that. But
the Quran would have been even longer.
For no point when Allah can just use
1 and it covers both. So now let
me give you the example of a woman.
Okay? A woman who
is not a prophet, she's not a prophetess,
and she's in real danger.
She's given birth to a child,
and she knows that child is going to
be murdered.
K. Child is gonna be murdered.
She's fearing for that child, a newborn, and
these the mothers, you can only know what
this mother is going through. Me and the
men here will not be able to know
what what your level of fear is.
And she was fearing that this is my
only this is my child. She's got a
9 year old daughter, but this is a
son that she has. And Firaoun has sent
an order. Every boy that is born in
this year is to be killed is to
be killed. Just take him and kill him
because Firaoun saw this dream that one of
the boys
in the future from the Banu Isra'i is
gonna be born, and he's gonna grow up,
and then eventually, he's gonna destroy the kingdom
of Iran, destroy the entire kingdom.
He saw a dream,
and that dream
interpretation was like takidai. And he had to
get rid of the boys. So they got
rid of so many boys, and then they
came up to this and said, listen, listen,
king. We can't kill every single boy because
then we won't have any slaves left.
Who's gonna be the next generation of the
slave men? We need to we need to
do something different. So they said, okay. This
year, kill them. Next year, let them stay
alive. This year, all the boys are dead,
murder them. Next year, keep them alive. Like
that. And the year is sent an order
for the baby boys to be murdered. That's
the year he's Musa'ala says mother, she gives
birth to the child and she's fearful. She
doesn't know what to do. Guess what?
Allah says,
Oh, Moses. Let me tell you your story.
inspired to your mother's heart.
I gave her a strong feeling. She's not
a prophet. I gave her a strong feeling
that if this is the only plan that
will work.
I said, oh, Moses' mother, I told her
this. I put it in her heart,
Him. When you have fear of they're about
to now knock on my door.
Allah said put him into the basket
and then take that basket.
She said, take the basket and float into
the river.
And then eventually, that basket will find its
way to the riverside.
And the enemy, who will pick it up?
The enemy
of that baby.
My enemy and the baby's enemy is gonna
pick it up. Who's that? Firam was taking
a stroll. He's taking a stroll with his
wife. The same woman I just mentioned,
Asiya. They're walking on the riverside.
Suddenly, they see
a bait they see a basket by by
a tree that is just above the riverbank.
And they look.
And when they look at it, guess what?
She says this.
She says, oh my husband,
please. She's such a beautiful child. Look. We
don't have children.
Nobody knows.
Nobody knows that this is not our baby.
We could just claim that, you know, it's
our baby.
And Philon thought,
not a bad idea.
Not a bad idea.
And Allah says
so that Musa Musa will become the
actual, you know,
grief for Firaun. He didn't know that but
he accepted it. Wow.
And because of that, now the baby goes
into the palace. But still, the mother of
Moses doesn't doesn't get her baby.
She fears, she tells she doesn't know what
to do, and she tells the 9 year
old daughter says, quickie, quickie, look. Just just
go along the riverbank and just see where
the where the basket is. She does that.
Eventually, she reports back. It's gone into the
the the palace of Firaoun.
Now there's even more danger. But subhanallah, look
how Allah works.
This baby now,
you know, Assia's got no milk to feed
the baby.
She can't feed it. She's not a mother.
She hasn't given birth. There's no, you know,
breast milk to give it to to the
baby. So they hire women. They say, okay,
come on. Feed the baby.
one woman come, another one comes at Musa
Alaihi Salam baby. Allah makes the baby cry
like no other. Have you heard a baby
cry when a baby is is hungry?
Have you heard it?
Guys are laughing. You must have heard it.
That was me when I was young.
That was every single one of us. When
you cried, you were and guess what? They're
giving him milk. What is not taking it?
No. No. No. No. Firon's thinking what kind
of baby I have picked up or my
wife picked up rather. You know what I'm
saying? The whole world's men couldn't make Firam
listen to anything, but one woman did the
You get it, lads?
Power of a woman.
Now the daughter's there. The the sister of
she comes inside. She sees one woman after
another woman after. And these babies crying and
crying and crying and crying and crying and
taking no milk. And the sister comes up,
She says, Excuse me, it's all in the
Quran. All in Surah Kasas.
She says,
she says, Can can I tell you something?
Should I tell you about someone that could
actually breastfeed this baby? And I know of
a woman who's
who whose milk no baby refuses.
They're so fed up. They said, go and
bring that woman right now.
She goes all the way back to her
mother. She said, mom, mom, mom, come come
come on come on. Your turn. The mother
comes all the way into the palace of
Piraha. This is her enemy's palace.
The tyrant, she comes inside there. Soon as
she gives milk to Musa al-'Israel, Musa al-'Azim
takes it, and it's calm. And the whole
palace is calm. And they look and say,
okay, strange woman. But they don't know it's
the mother of Musa. Wow.
Now you you sit there. How many lessons
have we got there?
Why would a baby not take milk? Why
would this woman have such a strong feeling
of just my only plan in my head
is I if I just get rid of
it, no, she was thinking,
I just got rid of it, right, in
in a basket, in in a river. At
least there's a chance of survival.
At least someone will find it. Someone will
raise it. Maybe one day he'll grow up,
but I'll reunite with my child. Maybe that
will happen. You're like, there's a strong feeling,
she just did it out of impulse. But
where did it come from? It came from
Allah. In front of Allah
says, forget you humans. I do this to
the being.
Here's the queen bee in the beehive. She's
never left the beehive. There are swarm of
bees around her, none of them know where
to find the pollen. This is scientific study,
go and go and research yourself. They don't
know where to find the pollest pollen. They're
clueless. They look at it. All of a
sudden Allah says,
I as Allah, I insight the bee. Is
the bee a prophet? Yes or no, guys?
At least you know the answer to that
one. Can I hear it again, please?
No louder,
please. No. It's not a prophet but Allah
says I inspire to the bee. And Allah
tells you where to find the pollen. Suddenly
the queen bee, she does a kind of
a a little kind of a dance and
the bees watch it. And it gives them
a navigation system. DeRio, I'm not making this
up, Gives them a navigation system without GPS.
They go out of the beehive. They go
go go go, and they know exactly where
to find
the the the pollen. And they then bring
you back to make honey. And Allah is
teaching us, look, you can be who you
want. If I want to rescue you, I
will rescue you. The man who tried to
kill Musa
and the baby, I now am making that
raise the child that is gonna destroy his
kingdom, Allahu Akbar.
That is the power of Allah. Things that
will happen which are you know, you think,
why did this happen? Why why why am
I displaced? Like, you you go to the
story of Yusuf alaihi salaam.
Like any story, but let's just go to
Yusuf alaihi salaam. See, one of the things
that spoils it is, don't bring the future
of the stories
yet in your mind,
but study where you are. So where are
you? You're at the well of when they
dumped you, in the well. His brothers dumped
him in a well.
Left him for dead.
And he was in there. And Allah says
Allah says,
I inspire to my Yusuf.
One day you you tell them about Zuhua.
He had a he had this feeling inside
him. He wasn't a prophet yet. He had
a strong feeling inside him. One day, I'll
grow up to tell my brothers about what
they did. Anyway,
if you're in that well, what's looking like
your future? Your future is looking very grim.
Don't go any further. Now, he goes from
there to being to go to go to
the minister's home. When he gets to the
minister's home, he's now a slave. When he's
in the minister's home, the woman tries to
seduce him. What did he do wrong? What
wrong did he do? Nothing.
What was his crime?
His crime was his beauty.
What does the Quran teach you? Sometimes you
can become the victim of your own success.
You guys understand?
Sometimes it's not your fault. If you still
don't understand, let me tell you, sisters, how
it works.
You'll understand now.
This wasn't your fault. You're a young woman.
You're 25 years old, 26, 27 years old.
Allah blessed you with beauty. You're young. You
just got married to your husband. You came
into the family. When you just walked into
the family,
there was already your sister-in-law from before.
She's been married to this family for 17
but she is plus size. You know what
I'm trying to say like?
She's plus size.
You are perfect figure.
You just walked in. You're the young bride.
She's the old one.
She gets jealous of you because you just
walked in. Oh my days.
All *'s gonna break loose right now. You're
gonna be more beautiful than me and take
all everyone's attention away from me. I'm gonna
show you, sister.
It's gonna be death. You know what I'm
saying? Like, it happens. It was your fault.
Nothing. You civilised and just walked in the
palace, and now he's got this woman trying
to seduce him for his beauty and he's
got other women that are jealous that listen,
oh, we don't like a piece of him.
And what does he what does he do?
He says, our Allah send me to the
prison. I'd rather they they say, if you
don't do what we're trying to tell you,
the woman says, I'm gonna send you to
prison. He says, yeah. He says,
My lord, I'd rather be in prison than
to be in his palace. Allah Allah makes
a way for him to get into prison.
Now an innocent man in prison for no
crime, you know, a victim of his own
success, of his own beauty, he's in prison.
What does he do in prison? He gives
dawah. He pays good in prison. Because of
the goodness he had in prison look, his
akhlaq never changed in the prison. His character
never changed. He's always been a good peep
good person. He's always tried to help people.
He helped 2 people with 2 dreams. That's
all he did. One of those you know
what? One day, he's next to the king.
The king has a dream. The king doesn't
know what what to do with the dream.
Suddenly, the same
prisoner who was with him in prison a
few years ago comes running to him and
says, please please come tell the king what
his dream means. Now he goes out of
the prison, Allah makes Yusuf alaihis salam the
right hand man of the king Allahu Akbar.
Why? Because he just helped another man when
he was in prison, innocent. What is the
Quran teaching me and you?
Don't let go of your goodness. No matter
how low people throw you in life, For
the innocence that you've got, Allah is with
you. You say, what do I do? Allah
says what? Allah says in Quran again and
again. You want Allah?
Allah is with those people who are patient.
Are you gonna be patient in the problems
that you've got or are you going to
complain? Because Allah doesn't like people who just
want to moan and complain. He likes those
who Okay, If you want to sort your
problem out, you can tell people about your
problem. No problem. But don't just kind of
moaning and moaning and moaning and telling you,
Allah doesn't like that. Just have your patience.
If you have your patience, Allah says, I
am with you.
Now story after story, meadow after meadow, you
go through the Quran, and you see so
many reflections.
Let me give you another story.
I shall be Allahu Anha.
This story you'll find it in Surah,
in in in Surah
a Surah move. Right? Surah number 24.
And in that, there's about 10 ayaats that
will reveal for
An episode broke. What happened is that there
was a whole allegation about her in Madinah.
She didn't do anything wrong.
But there's the wild,
you know, rumor was so much it engulfed
the sahaba. And Rasulullah salallahu alayhi was even
asking Aisha radiAllahu anha, he was asking have
you done anything wrong? Do you wanna say
anything else to me? She became ill by
it. Read the story from the tafsir in
the Quran.
What was her crime?
Nothing. It was a rumor
that almost broke her. Then Allah,
Allah exonerated
her from the heavens.
From this from the heavens, Allah exonerated her
till qiyama, till the day of judgment. We're
gonna read this. What does it teach me
and you? You know what it teaches me
and you?
Even if you think the whole world is
against you, and you know you never did
the wrong thing. Just wait.
Either Allah will show you that you're innocent
in this world or even better, on the
day of judgement, Allah will clear you in
front of the whole of mankind.
And you call from story after story. Look,
you've come to a certain story, Allahu Akbar.
You come to a story of what? There's
2 sons of Adam.
Tell them, relate to them the story of
the 2 sons of Adam.
When both of them gave, they gave a
sadaqa and they gave a charity for Allah's
One of them, the sadaqa was accepted. Allah
said, okay, I'll accept your charity.
But the other one, his sadaqah wasn't accepted.
The brother whose sadaqah wasn't accepted, he said
to his brother Haqqani said, you know what?
I'm gonna absolutely I'm I'm just gonna murder
you. I'm gonna kill you.
Now, the story encapsulates the moment when Habil,
his brother turned around to him and says,
If you draw your hand towards me with
a knife to try and kill me, I'm
not going to draw my hand towards you
to kill you.
I have fear of Allah, the lord of
all creation, the lord of the worlds. You
know that what this what this teaches us?
Jealousy. Jealousy
is something that can create
between brothers. It can even make them kill
one another.
But what did he do? The brother whose
sadaqah was accepted.
He's the victim here. He says, you know
what? I'm not gonna pick up a knife
to try and kill you. My young guy,
my brothers, okay, young young blood that is
here. Okay. Young blood. Because there's something that's
happened, I don't know, in the last 10,
15 years. This is this whole thing about
about knife crime that is going up and
up, you know, in London, now Birmingham,
in Bristol, in the other place. I don't
know. It just it just, you know, just
Why? Because young boys think that if I
carry a knife for my defense,
it's the best thing I can do out
there on the streets. Well, you're wrong.
Because look, let me play it through. You
need to understand this. You have a knife
in your in your, you know, on yourself.
A guy pulls out a knife.
For defense, you pull out a knife.
His intention is to harm you. Your intention
is not to harm him, but you've got
a knife in your hand.
He draws towards you.
You try and wave it in your defense.
Now in a split second, somewhere when a
struggle happens, suddenly, it wasn't your intention,
the knife that you had in your hand
goes in his body,
he drops to
the ground, blood is pouring out,
you've just done something really horrible, you don't
know what to do. In panic, you run,
well the guy's dead on the floor, paramedics
come, they can't rescue him, you're done. Now
you've got murder on your hands. Did you
intend to murder? No. What was your crime?
Carrying the knife. That was your crime. If
you never had the knife in the first
place, you can't kill the other person. That's
exactly what Havel said to Havel. I'm not
gonna become a man to kill you. I
just warned you, he said.
He said, listen. If I've done something wrong,
just just tell me what I've done wrong.
But also tell me what you're doing wrong.
He tried to reason with him. In the
end, Kabul killed him. It's the first murder
that happened on the earth. And Rasulullah Sallallahu
Hazbar said, on the day of judgment, Qabil
being the first murderer
will have a flag
sticking out from his rear end
This flag sticks out
and all the murderers will be behind him
on the day of judgment.
your crime is what? To have that knife
on you is the crime. Understand that. The
Quran is teaching you, look, if someone's coming
for you to kill okay, out of self
defense, you can do whatever you want. But
don't try and slip into a position
criminal tomorrow where you had no intention.
Every other place in the Quran you go,
you find story after story. Let me give
you another one that relates to our our
time right now because look, we we all
know what's going on in the Middle East.
We all know what's going on in Palestine.
We know what's going on.
And I'm telling you, you read the Quran
in certain passages and wow. Wow. You just
look at it and say, wow. This is
I want you to go home. If you
wanna if you wanna know
what's gonna happen, what's going on, I want
you to read certain passages of the Quran
I'm gonna tell you to read. Get that
book I told you, Quran made easy,
and, you know, with Mufti Abdullah Hussain, he
asked, go and start reading the passages that
I tell you to read. In fact, I'm
gonna tell you tell you nothing. You know
the stories of the prophets in the Quran?
The reason why Allah revealed them was, Allah
The reason why I'm relating to you, oh
reader, all these stories from the prophets is
to console your heart,
to affirm your heart. When you're in trouble,
you're gonna find something that relates to the
stories of these prophets and many other things
in the Quran.
I want you to go to YouTube,
And on YouTube, if you type in
the lives of the prophets, put my name
there and put analyzing the lives of the
prophets, There are 74
hour videos. Okay? 74 videos, 1 hour each,
I put free on the internet for you.
Right? Goes from Adam alayhis salam all the
way to Isa alayhis salaam. It's free.
But the problem with free is when you
give it out for free, no one appreciates
And when you charge for it, people say,
Look, the guy's making money.
Soon as you charge for something, people say,
he's making money. You give it out for
free, no one values it. That's a problem.
Go and watch those videos and every single
story I relate there on those videos, I'll
tell you how it relates to our lives
and the current situations, whether it's yourself personal
or a domestic or political life. I will
I will talk through that. Now, come back
to what I was gonna say to you.
I want you to read the passages to
understand what's going on in the Quran. Open
Surah Hashir, Surah number 59.
Open the beginning passage where Allah says,
Allah is the one who took them out.
Allah is the one who up? What did
he do? Allah says, these guys, these are
not Allah's talking about some of them who
were living in the prophet salallahu alayhi wasm's
time in Madinah.
They made a fortress around them. And Allah
says, they never thought that they would ever
be exiled from their fortresses.
These fortresses were made very well built. They
had stock inside there for food and for
other things they needed. And Rasulullah
came and he besieged them because they had
broken the treaty that they made with the
And Allah tells us how he took them
out. Now that's 1. Second one, I want
to read.
Surah Isra.
Surah number 17 or Surah Surah
number 17. The first two pages, just read
that and you will go through the journey
of Masjid Al Aqsa.
You will go through the journey of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam making his Mi'raj
and going to much Allah took him from
Makkah to Jerusalem and Jerusalem to the heavens,
from the heavens back to Jerusalem, Jerusalem back
to Makkah in 1 night. Now,
right after that, Allah talks about the people
of Palestine
and he says in the Torah
Allah says, I've revealed already. And you can
find passages of that today even. Simply, I'm
gonna say this in a nutshell. I wanna
tell you this.
any person,
when they're in when they're in control of
If they make it, this is in the
this is also something alluded in the Quran
as well.
If you make it something
specific for yourself, like, that it's exclusive for
yourself. You don't wanna share it. Anytime in
history go and study history.
Anytime in history, anyone's made this place exclusive
for themselves,
Allah's taken them out.
And Allah said that in in Torah. Allah
said that in the Quran. And Allah
what did he do?
You people.
You, I told you in your Torah beforehand,
you're gonna cause corruption on the earth,
a great amount of corruption.
And you will get to certain heights
of it. And Allah talks about the first
time you will deal with it. Allah talks
about the second time he's he's gonna deal
with it. And Allah
If you are good, no problem. You share
this place. Now there are there are certain
things Allah said. How to deal with the
place of philosophy. If you share it, good.
It's good for yourself.
But if you do the same thing you
did in the past, the same thing will
happen again. In fact the Quran,
sorry, in in in the hadith of Timothy,
Sayyidina Ali
says, he says the Quran has got what?
The Quran gives you stories of what happened
in the past.
But by studying those stories of the past,
you now get what's gonna happen in the
The future prediction you can make by studying
the Quran. What does that mean? Anytime Allah
has given us these stories, there are similarities
that history will repeat itself. And what I'm
trying to say by that is, Allah
has given us these stories in the Quran
and told us,
look, there's a future that is coming. And
what is that future?
The future is this. You look at the
time the crusades came.
The crusades. Right? These are 100 of years
back. They came. They took over Palestine. They
made it exclusive for the for themselves. They
kicked out everyone else out. Out.
Allah took them out.
are the only nation
who shared this place with all other religions.
Look in the history. Muslims shared it with
Jewish people. Muslims shared it with Christians.
Muslims bought
He bought the Jews back into Jerusalem
so that they can worship their God. He
shared it. He kept Christian churches in Jerusalem
after he conquered Jerusalem. If you look at
Umar ibn Khattab radiAllahu anhu, he wouldn't even
pray in a church because he didn't want
the Muslims to make that a masjid.
He had respect for that because he knew
from the revelation that you're supposed to share
this place. Now you work out the future.
If anyone's gonna try and make it exclusive
for themselves, Allah's gonna deal with them according
to what he revealed in the Torah or
according to what he revealed in the Quran.
And my friends,
come to the Quran. Read the stories of
the Quran. Go through the examples of the
Quran. And then not only that, when you
come look, the Quran is a mirror. How
is the Quran a mirror? When the Quran,
you open it and the Quran says
something about believers. Ask yourself, am I this?
I'm have I got these qualities in me?
Have these believers, they do this, they do
that. Allah says, you know, whether it's their
prayers or whatever it is. Have I got
this inside me? Am I this kind of
believer? Then suddenly, the Quran brings you a
a verse about a a
hypocrite. Ask yourself a question. Am I this?
Am I this hypocrite?
Have I got these qualities inside me? These
they are saying one thing here, saying another
thing there. Am I that person? That's what
the Quran wants me and you to reflect
on. That's what he wants to do. Now,
let me you know, as you go through
the Quran, you will see stories of this
person, that person, about the Christians, about the
Jewish people, about Firaun, about Musa. And each
time stop there and say, what is Allah
teaching me here? Your lives will change through
that. One final thing I wanna tell you
is this.
The Quran,
it will change you and you will develop
your love for the Quran
by making the art
of recitation of the Quran something that you
want to achieve.
Alright? People out there, they do a lot
of things. People out there, they start, you
know, even if they can't,
get to the highest levels, they try they
try they try to sing. They try to
go through music. They try to go other
things. They can't try to get a life
in this hobby, that hobby, and so on.
in this religion has given us a beautiful
way of us having a hobby
of reciting the Quran. What you do is
learn the Quran, how to read it with
and read it audibly to yourselves. You will
engage your tongue with the Quran, You'll engage
your ears with the Quran. The Quran will
then go from your mouth into your ear.
You'll hear it. It will then penetrate into
your heart. There's a whole process of this.
The Quran says
because of the sins of people, Allah has
clogged up certain ears from the truth, Clogged
up certain hearts from receiving the truth. The
only way you can unplug all of this
is to actually
read the Quran and do zikr of Allah
and remember Allah. Now read it loudly to
yourself. Let that process take place. The Quran
is barakah. The Quran, he gives you blessings.
Hadith of Sahih Muslim. Allah
his messengers tells us read Surah Baqarah. He
something around to the to the extent that
because Surah Baqarah will give you blessings.
He says if you leave Surah Baqarah, it
will be a
And those who do black magic
and those who cast
they cannot
challenge or they can't take Surah Baqarah. What
does that mean? The Quran is a protection
for me and you from all of this.
I know in our Asian sort of families,
anything goes wrong, they say
maybe there's black magic, maybe there's a jinn,
or maybe someone giving him evil eye.
1 of the 3 things.
You have any of that, my friend? Quran
is the thing that is against or no.
We will protect you from all of that.
3 times.
3 times. 3 times. 3 times first. Then
3 times. The 3 times. Blow in your
hands. Pass it on with your body. Like
the prophet
used to do. Before you go to bed,
you you will save yourself from nightmares. Recite
Ayatul Kursi. It's a it's a protection from
you. An angel will be appointed for for
you throughout the night as you sleep, Allahu
Akbar. There are blessings in the Quran that
you will never ever imagine of what's going
on unless we were able to see it.
In fact, when you read the Quran, do
you know that the angels are coming to
your side? Let me give you a hadith
of Buhari.
He's in his barn, in his horse barn.
Early in the morning, it's dark. He's probably
got a lantern or something. Right? And from
that, he's reading his Quran.
And as he reads his Quran, his horses
become unsettled.
And they, you know, move their forelegs up
and down. They're very unsettled and he stops
Then they become settled. Then he starts reading
again, and they become unsettled. Then he stops
Then when he when he starts again, he
sees this canopy of lights.
This canopy of lights come from above
into his barn. He sees his lights that
are in his barn. He gets freaked out,
he stops reciting the Quran, and he says,
okay, that's enough. Right? And he goes for
fajr. He comes to the prophet
and he tells him what happened. And the
prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam tells him, oh,
he says, oh, Usayid,
these were angels that came to listen to
the recitation of your Quran, Allahu Akbar. And
had you continued, the people of Madinah would
have seen how angels actually look. How how
they actually look.
They would have seen that. You know the
Quran says,
If you recite the Quran in fajr,
you have angels that are all around you
witnessing. They come to listen to you.
You think about it. Angels are sent for
you for them to listen to you recite
the Quran. Now you might say, well I
don't have a good voice.
Allah's not there to mock you according to
your voice.
In fact, voice is a bonus if you
have it. The main thing is Tajweed. The
main thing is pronouncing the letters correctly. As
long as you do that, you're making Allah
happy. A lot of people don't understand the
difference between this. You know, sometimes you get
these parties,
and everyone's going,
and the guy's tajweed is basically
Somebody could come with a broken voice. Sometimes
I hear these imams with a broken voice
and they're reciting but the tajweed is spot
on. Those who know the Quran know that
to mark someone against their recitation of the
Quran is not to do with your voice.
Your beautiful tune is not to do with
that. Allah, alhamdulillah, is blessed to have a
beautiful tune. It's marked against the
correctness of your pronunciation
of the Quran.
So learn that, learn how to recite and
then sit down,
recite it loudly,
Recite it slowly.
And the Quran tells you what happens when
you do that.
a beautiful thing that our prophet salallahu alayhi
wa sallam used to look forward to. Now
get a hold of this. Right? Our prophet
salallahu alaihi wa sallam had a few way
different ways of reciting the Quran.
Sometimes he reciting the Quran quietly. If you
look at him, his lips are moving. If
you go,
some sahaba did this. They went right up
to him to listen to what he's saying,
then they heard him reciting a certain surah.
So you can recite Quran quietly. Fine. Our
prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam had another way of
reciting Quran which was to recite it audibly
to himself. Okay. Outside of salah. Our prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasalam had another way of reciting
Quran, which was to recite it inside salah,
like the 5 daily prayers, fine. But our
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam had the best
one. He used to look forward to every
in the every single 24 hours was his
Quran recitation in the depths of the night.
This was the ultimate one and we should
try and get there, which is what?
You try and memorize a portion of the
just so that you can stand in front
of Allah in the night,
recite it to him audibly. Alright? Little bit
loudly so you can hear it and enjoy
the recitation by doing it steadily in tahajjud
in qiamulayl.
Allah says in
Quran. Oh, one who's wrapped up.
Come get up in the night.
Maybe a little bit less time but get
up in the night. How much?
Maybe half the night, maybe a little bit
less. A time when you're tired.
And sometimes
more than half the night get up for
myself, stand there in front of me, and
just recite
my Quran,
my words back to me in salah, in
the depths of the night. And the prophet
would recite. They said they could count the
letters he was reciting. That's how slowly he
used to recite Allahu Akbar. Not like reciting.
You know, we had this, we had to
share, Umr Furu shared from Bangladesh.
He said he said a joke, but he
he gives some seriousness in the joke. He
he said, you know what's gonna happen on
the day of judgement?
The angels
who used to sit on our sides here
to write, they will present a case on
the day of judgment
against the huffal, some huffal who memorized the
Quran, who used to lead the tawais,
those angels who put a case against them.
People said, what do you mean Sheikh?
He said, those angels will say, we sat
here to write down what this Hafiz is
reciting fast in his in Talaw al salah.
He read so fast we couldn't even capture
It was so fast we didn't know what
to write down.
You know, it's a joke but the seriousness
to it is why you recite in the
Quran just like
like some kind of Ferrari f one, you
know, you're in a race to get to
the end. What is this? Allah
Those who I gave the book to, I
gave them the Quran to, they recite the
Quran as it ought to be recited, which
is slow, steady with tajweed.
Before I go a little fast, that's fine,
but not too too fast. K? And what
what you do is you use the Quran,
Allah says. When the prophet stood up in
in his salah in the night, what did
Allah say? Allah said, right there in Surah
Muzamin. He said,
When you stand like that and you decide
for Allah's sake and you just you just
basically got up against your against your will,
your nafs, against your ego. You got up
in the night. You stood up in front
of Allah. You recite it to him the
Quran in tahj you know what? In tahajjud.
You know what Allah says? Allah
says, this will be the biggest way you
will stomp your ego,
suppress your desires,
get rid of those temptations. This will help
you to do that, allah wakbar. Your lies,
my life will change through this. Now I'm
going to quickly quickly give you a summary
of the most important parts of this talk.
We want to find a Quran as soon
as I die, as soon as you die,
on the day of judgment, when we get
up. A young beautiful man that tells me
this is my this has been my approach
to the Quran, my recitation, my practice of
the Quran, my understanding of the Quran, everything
I did towards the Quran. We want him
to first meet us, Then when I stand
in front of Allah, we want him to
represent us. Then we want him to take
us to Jannah. Then we want the Quran
to become the major source of our good
deeds on the day of judgement. In this
world, we want the Quran to be our
protection. We want to get it for his
for his to give us barakah. In fact,
I'm just just gonna tell you the way
we see the stars in the sky. Do
you know that the angels look down on
this earth and the houses the Quran are
recited in are lit up for them, Allahu
Akbar. They see those houses lit up if
you recite the Quran in your house. So
there's barakah, there's blessings. We want to then
get that book, Quran made easy. Wanna understand
what the Quran is saying. I'm not asking
you to learn the Arabic language. I'm asking
you to understand just in English, plain English
what is the Quran telling me. Then I
want to stop at the meadows of the
Quran. I want to reflect in the Quran.
I want the Quran to show me what's
going on inside me. I want to build
this relationship with the Quran. And then what
happens is, I wanna recite the Quran, enjoy
the Quran, engage with the meaning of the
Quran, change my life through the Quran. And
one day inshallah, we become a better person
in this world. And in the akhirah, we
look forward
to meeting our Quran,
hugging our Quran.
And that's that that Quran will become our
companion in the next world.